Chapter Two

"I guess their songs aren't so bad," Arang muttered as the next BTS song on the playlist filled her ears. She had to admit their music was superb and definitely catchy. It was nothing she expected. She enjoyed the beats used and the vocals and rapping? They were outstanding as well. Sitting at the kitchen table with her eyes fluttered shut, her head was bobbing up and down with the rhythmic tunes she was basking herself in.

It looked like she had been too quick to judge.

Saeyoung was right. These guys did have talent and Arang wouldn't argue with that. Her mind started to waver from her first impression of the group as she found herself delving deeper into the tempting sound waves. The lyrics were well thought out and truly inspiring. If only there were more songs like these today, Arang wouldn't mind. Nowadays, however, all she ever heard on the radio were mushy gushy love songs and to be honest, she was getting sick of it all.

"Perhaps I can write a post about them," she declared as the song reached its conclusion. Next, Arang removed the headphones and pulled her laptop in front of her. She opened up the internet browser and took in a deep breath. She went to YouTube and quickly typed in: bts no more dream official mv.

As the page loaded, hundreds of videos appeared on her screen. Arang selected the first one at the top and plugged the headphones in so that she wouldn't disturb her sleeping sisters, Aesook and Eunmi, who were taking their naps. Her fingers interlaced while she propped her elbows onto the table as the video finally began. She noticed the date the music video was released and saw it was only less than two weeks ago. "Wow, they just debuted and they have so many fans already? Impressive."

After, some guys popped onto the screen with background music playing. Arang recognized the song to be one of theirs and exhaled, waiting to see more. She saw that they were in a bus and was surprised they had chosen that kind of vehicle to cruise around in. Most guys would have preferred driving fast sports cars and the fact that these guys were riding around in a yellow block of cheese had Arang amused.

The driver then crashed into a stack of boxes and she rolled her eyes playfully. "Someone needs to get their license taken away." Suddenly, music began playing and the boys started to evacuate the bus. The frame abruptly froze in black and white as the first member was introduced. Watching carefully, trying to match faces with names, Arang couldn't help but wonder who decided to name half the guys.

In her head, she listed the members again. There were seven of them in total and then the beat to No More Dream, one of her favorites, began to play. Her full attention was returned to the video as she noted each member's appearance before they were together as a whole again. The room they were currently in was quite spacious. There were chairs flipped over, a skating pipe behind them and several graffiti tagged on the walls.

The scenes often switched to the guys in different environments and as Rap Monster showed up again for his part after Suga had finished, Arang cocked her head to the side. "Why does he have so many sunglasses? It's so dim in there. He doesn't need to wear them," she pointed out curtly as she relaxed back into her chair and folded her arms against her chest. Next, the person she believed to be Jungkook appeared and said something along the lines of: 'Okay mom, I'm going to school now.'

Arang chuckled since she found it cute before another member with sandy brown hair sang his part. His name was the easiest to recall because it was just one letter and Arang nodded, showing her approval for the video so far. "V, huh? Gosh, out of all the letters in the English alphabet, why did they have to pick that one? Rather random if you asked me." There were so many questions running in and out of her head as the video carried her back outside where people were riding bikes and breakdancing.

Throughout the video, Arang just sat quietly as she observed the boys. The part where Suga then pretended to shoot V caused her to quirk a brow. Soon the la la la scene arrived and she was encapsulated with it until one of them lifted his shirt to expose his abs. Arang's eyes widened and her nose wrinkled in judgement. She knew the director only put that in there to attract the girls' attention and such a cheap move sickened her.

She knew showing some skin in the k-pop industry was normal. A lot of idols did it but that didn't mean everyone liked it and she was included in that group of people. To Arang, it was just a sleazy trick used in order to gain more viewers and evoke the hormones of teenaged girls. "I would have preferred if he had kept his shirt down." She wanted to close the laptop to stop herself from having to watch any more of this nonsense when Saeyoung randomly jumped out of nowhere.

"Unnie! Did you see Jimin oppa lifting his shirt yet? Wasn't it hot? Let's watch it again." She reached out to rewind the video but Arang narrowed her eyes at the girl and moved her laptop away.

"I think I've seen enough." She closed the page and returned the earplugs and iPod to her sister. "I thought they would be different but after that guy flashed me, he proved to me that they're all the same. There was no need for him to do that," Arang remarked as she got up and grabbed herself a cup of cranberry juice.

"What's wrong with showing some skin? All the popular bands do it," Saeyoung argued as she pouted and plopped down into Arang's chair.

"That's exactly what I mean. They're rookies and they're already following the trends and standards set by the other groups. They should depend on their own skills and not their bodies or looks to get by. If they had left that part out, they would have won me over. Too bad they didn't."

"Unnie, you're being too harsh. It's not even a big deal. You're not going to like them just because of that? You must be crazy," Saeyoung grumbled.

"Hey." Arang began as she pushed the back of her sister's head forward. "I'm being truthful. What's so harsh about what I said?"

"Seriously. You're so mean sometimes. You can't judge them like that. You didn't even get to know each of the member's personally yet," she said and, without permission, she opened the browser as she pleased and surfed the web.

Arang exhaled and placed her cup on the table. "What are you doing, Sae? I said I'm no longer interested in them. Stop pestering me and go gossip with your friends about them."

"Just promise me you'll learn more about BTS. You'll see there's more to them than pretty faces and rock hard bodies," Saeyoung begged as she jutted her bottom lip outward and rounded her eyes. Yes, it was her puppy dog face but Arang was never a fan of aegyo.

"Get lost, Saeyoung. I have to go to work soon." She put a hand on the girl's face and shoved her away gently before she gathered her things and left to her room.

"Unnie!" Saeyoung whined childishly as she shook her shoulders.

"You had me but then you lost me, Bangtan Sonyon Dan. It was nice while it lasted." Arang sighed as she slid her laptop under her pillow. She waltzed over to her closet and hitched her lips to the side before she lazily yanked out the periwinkle blue dress hanging up.

The sleeves reached her elbows while the dress stopped just above her knees. She had received it as a birthday present from her uncle but she barely wore it. Arang wouldn't normally dress this frilly but because she had to look nice in front of the customers, she had no choice. She would have preferred wearing a boring old uniform like she had worn at her old job. It made things much easier but the manager at this shop thought it was better if the employees wore their own clothes so that they could seem more relatable and ordinary to the consumers who came into their shop.

"I can't wait to find another job," Arang said as she fixed her hair. She had slept with it in a braid and as she undid it, she was left with little beach curls. She didn't mind how it looked and didn't bother to comb it out. Throwing her small knapsack over her shoulder, Arang swiped up her phone and egressed from the room yet again.

"Are you already leaving?" Mrs So gasped as she placed the vegetable oil back into the cabinet. Arang nodded and grabbed herself a cool bottle of water. "But I didn't prepare your lunch yet."

"It's all right, mom. I can buy something to eat. I'll be home by dinner," she assured as she walked to the door.

"Fine, but make sure you don't exhaust yourself. Kids, come say bye to your sister!" Mrs So hollered as she smooched Arang's cheek. A hoard of stomping feet could be heard and then entered the rest of the So children.

"Bye unnie. Bring me home lotsa candies, okay?" Aesook beamed as she went and hugged her sister's legs.

Arang smiled and ruffled her hair. "I'll see what I can do."

"Make sure to check out BTS when you're on break," Saeyoung reminded as she hugged her sister as well. Finally it was the last two siblings' turns to bid their farewell.

"Be safe and don't miss your stop, noona," Younghae advised.

"It was one time," Arang snorted before she leaned in and pinched Eunmi's chubby cheeks. "You be good, little Eunmi. Don't cry so much or Younghae's going to have a hard time watching you. Okay, I'll see you guys later."

* * *

Scanning her card against the machine, Arang greeted the driver with a small smile before she weaved through the crowded bus. There was one available seat and she decided to take it. She was seated next to a guy wearing a hood and a mask. She found him to be sketchy but if he tried anything, she had pepper spray in her possession.

The ride to the mall she worked at was about fifteen minutes long with plenty of stops along the way. Not wanting to listen to other people talk, Arang got out her earplugs and phone. She was skimming through her music and suddenly noticed the new playlist titled: BTS. Her right eye twitched as she gritted her teeth. "You're so going to get it for going into my room, So Saeyoung."

Arang was trying to delete the playlist but it wouldn't go anywhere. She was getting frustrated with it which led her to release an exasperated groan. People were getting on and off of the bus and she decided to give up. Shoving her phone into the pocket of her dress, she glanced up and noticed an elderly couple boarding the bus. She looked around but no one was offering their seats to them.

She thought everyone had a conscience but it seemed like the passengers on this bus had none. How rude. Arang wanted to slap all of these imbeciles but figured she would end up in jail for assault. So instead she stood up and decided to be the bigger person. She might not have been the kindest of souls but she knew how to be considerate and respectful. "Excuse me, she called out, attracting their attention. "I have two seats over here."

"What?" the boy behind the mask questioned, making his voice known.

Arang peered down at him as the elders made their way over. "Please give up your seat. You're young. It wouldn't kill you to stand."

He scoffed at her before he shook his head in refusal. "I don't want to. I've had a long day of practice and my legs are sore."

"Is there a problem?" the old woman asked softly.

Arang bit her tongue as she glared at the stranger. She then turned to the elders and shook her head. "Just give us a moment." Next, the bus came to a halt and, forcibly, she yanked onto the sleeve of his sweater. "Don't be rude. I'm asking you nicely," she hissed.

"Get your hands off of me." He shrugged her off aggressively and stood up. "This is my stop anyways." He pushed by Arang and rammed his shoulder into hers during the process. She stumbled back but swiftly regained her balance. She scowled as she watched the boy hop off. The doors then closed and she realized this was also her stop.

"Wait! I'm getting off as well!" she shouted and luckily for her, the driver opened the backdoor. She thanked him and smiled at the elderly couple who were now sitting as she left. The warm summer sun greeted her as soon as she stepped off and Arang lifted her hand to shield her eyes. She peeked left and then right, where she spotted that stupid black sweatshirt. "Great, I have to walk in the same direction as him."

Dragging her feet along the cemented pavement, Arang inwardly grunted at the guys who were ignorant and cocky enough to whistle as she trudged by. She hated that they only saw her appearance. She would place a hundred dollar bet that none of them would be able to hold an intellectual conversation with her dealing with worldly issues for more than a minute. Rolling her eyes, she ignored them and finally arrived at the mall.

The department store she was employed under was located on the second floor. The escalator carried Arang up and as she was minding her own business, she heard a stampede of girls screaming. She looked back and immediately moved to the side before they ran her over. "What in the world was that?" The army of girls sprinted around the entire floor as though they were searching for someone. "Whatever." Arang shrugged nonchalantly before she entered the store.

"Arang!" another worker hollered as she rushed over to her. "Did you hear? Apparently someone spotted an idol here!"

"It's a mall, Minah. Idols have to go shopping sometimes," she replied as she clocked in and headed for the locker room made for the staff. Minah followed her, still excited.

"I know that but apparently he's from a rookie group! Do you know Bangtan Sonyon Dan?" Minah pressed eagerly.

"Yes and I don't care," Arang said as she shut her locker. Next, she turned to her coworker and blinked once with a stiff expression. "Minah, you don't even like me. Why are you talking to me like I'm your friend?"

"E-eh?" the girl stammered, baffled. "Aha, what are you talking about, Arang? Of course I like you, everyone likes you," she laughed dryly.

"You don't like me because the first day I came for work, I stole one of your customers. You don't have to lie. I'm pretty sure eighty-five percent of the people who work here feel the same way as well, so you're not alone. You don't have to pretend like you like me. If that's all, I'm going to work."

As Arang was rearranging the large stuffed animals and dolls organized on one of the tables, a group of girls rushed by her. They nearly knocked her over and she frowned. "Why are kids these days so rude?" Going back and fixing the merchandise, Arang noticed the cute sea turtle located in the corner moving. Her brows kissed and she looked under the table. She found a pair of sneakers shuffling away and her jaw fell open. No one was going to steal anything on her watch.

Immediately, she stomped around the table and stopped in front of the suspect. "You're going to have to pay for that," she growled. The stranger slowly lifted his head up and Arang's eyes rounded. It was the guy from the bus. She registered the mask and hood instantly. "I knew there was something fishy about you. You're a thief, aren't you? I'm calling security."

"No wait!" he exclaimed, clasping his hand around her wrist. "It's not what it looks like."

"I found him!" a shrill voice shrieked. Both of their heads snapped to the left where a girl was pointing at them.

"Not good. This is your fault! If I get caught, I'm going to sue you," he sputtered threateningly before he released Arang and made a break for it. It was only when the school of girls darted by her did Arang remember the stuffed animal the culprit had taken with him. She had just gotten robbed!

"Hey! Get back here!" she screamed, chasing after the group of girls who were also following the plunderer. Arang was getting tired and cursed the store for being so big. She had lost track of the girls some time ago as she paused to catch her breath. She couldn't believe she had allowed him escape so easily. Now the money lost from the turtle was definitely going to come out of her pay.

Burying her face in her palms, Arang panted heavily. Then a hand cupped her mouth and someone pulled her into the fitting room. The door to one of the stalls was closed and Arang was liberated. She raised her fist up to defend herself and before she could land a punch at her kidnapper, he caught her hand. "It's you again!" she shouted angrily at the masked boy. Her other arm rose, ready to attack, but unfortunately he had seized control over it as well. "What do you think you're doing!?" she snarled as she twisted in his hold.

"Can you be quiet before we both get caught? And stay still too," he sniggered quietly but Arang retaliated by squirming and writhing.

Just outside, they could hear girls conversing. "Where did oppa go? I'm positive I saw him coming this way."

"I don't know but we can't let him get away!" another whined.

"Yeah, I can't believe we actually had the luck of running into him!" a third gushed.

When Arang realized they were searching for the guy in front of her, she knew what she could do to save herself. She didn't know why they were looking for him but if it got her out of this sticky situation, then she didn't care. The boy noticed the glint in her eyes and he figured out what was going on in that pretty head of hers. As Arang parted her lips to scream out at the top of her lungs, giving away their hiding place, he leaned in and pressed his covered mouth over hers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

author's note

» cliche scene, sorry; I promise it will get better! but ya know.. I can make him anyone really.. I'm so happy you guys are liking this story.

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