Chapter Thirty-One

The sun had barely breached the horizon. Nearly everyone in the apartment was dozing off with the exception of one person. Arang was enjoying her sleep like everyone else when she was so rudely interrupted. Saeyoung had barged into her room, unannounced. She was practically bouncing off of the walls as she shook her sister. "Unnie! Wake up!" She screamed, her excitement gushing out copiously.

"Go away, Sae." Arang groaned as she yanked the blanket over the head.

The younger girl did not listen. Instead, she frowned and ripped the covers off of Arang. "No! We're going to miss the first recording if you don't hurry!" She cried.

"What recording?" Arang mumbled groggily, forcing herself to sit up. It was too early for this nonsense. All she wanted to do was snuggle into her sheets and get trapped within dreamland. Why was her sister making it so difficult for her?

"What do you mean what recording?" Saeyoung gawped in disbelief. "You promised me you were going to take me to watch BTS perform." She reminded.

A yawn slipped out. "I am." Arang assured.

"Well, wait are you waiting for? Get up! The first recording is starting in thirty minutes!" Saeyoung exclaimed. She jumped onto the bed and grabbed the other girl by the arm. With a lot of effort she was able to drag Arang over to the bathroom.

"What time is it anyways?" Arang questioned, turning on the faucet.

"5:30," Saeyoung chimed nonchalantly. "I'm going to put some more perfume on. It's going to be so hot and crowded in there. I don't want to smell like sweat and desperation. Don't take too long." She ordered before she skipped out.

"Five what?" Arang balked after she had splashed some cold water onto her face. "Who the hell performs at six in the morning?" She shook her head and sighed. Maybe she should have asked what time the performance was. How could she forget such an important detail? If she knew she'd be waking up this early, she would have rejected the invitation without a second thought. Upon returning to her room, Arang checked her phone and saw ten new notifications sent within minutes from each other.

They were all from the same person, Kim Taehyung. The first seven were all text messages while the last three were calls. The first message inquired whether or not she was awake. The second one assumed that she was still passed out since she hadn't responded to his last text; and the rest of the messages were him demanding her to wake up or else she'd miss a show of a lifetime. He had even gone as far as to leave a voicemail for her in her inbox.

Not sure what to expect, Arang pressed the play button and held the phone to her ear. She could hear indistinct chattering which was then followed by Taehyung speaking. "So Arang, how much longer are you going to sleep? You're going to miss our first recording if you don't wake up right now. You have to show up. You already made a promise to everyone. You'd be a terribly terrible person if you didn't keep your word."

He yawned midway and Arang couldn't help but chuckle at the pre-recorded segment. It was obvious that he was tired yet he still somehow mustered the strength to lecture her about keeping promises? Shouldn't he have used what little time he had to take a quick nap? "You better be here before we go on or else I won't forgive you. I really mean it, So Arang. Don't think I'm joking around."

A loud scoff echoed through Arang's room as she rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips curled upwards without her consent. As if she'd be scared of him. What could he do to her? Annoy her to death? If they were playing poker, she'd call his bluff right off the bat. That's how conspicuous he was. Usually Arang would delete the messages she had already listened to from her inbox just to open up more space on her device but strangely enough she left Taehyung's voice message alone. There was no harm in saving one message.

Too lazy to exert too much energy, she picked out the first articles of clothing to come into contact with her fingers. She didn't really care what she looked like at this point. It was way too early for her to be coordinating the outfit she'd be trapped in for the rest of the day. It's not like her attire was something interesting anyways. Dressed in a pair of laced white shorts accompanied by a silky, lavender blouse that exposed her shoulders, Arang stumbled out of her room in the midst of tying her hair up into a ponytail.

Saeyoung was waiting out in the living room. When she heard footsteps, she snapped her head to the left. "Is that how you're going to wear your hair?" She asked skeptically. The outfit Arang had on was totally cute but that plain hairstyle didn't match well with it.

"What's wrong with it?" Arang replied. "Didn't you say it was going to be hot?"

"It is but you're going to have to look your best. You don't know who you'll run into. What if some fans realize who you are and try to snap some photos of you? You're practically a mini-celebrity now, unnie." Saeyoung reasoned.

"You're overthinking it. I'm sure no one will be able to recognize me. It's not like I look horrible. I'll be fine. Now let's get going. I want to come back as soon as possible so I can be reunited with my beautiful bed." Arang casted one last longing look at her closed bedroom door before Saeyoung ushered her out of the apartment.

"Here," Arang handed Saeyoung one of the passes she had been given yesterday while she kept hers in her nude shoulder bag.

"I can't believe this is really happening." Saeyoung stared at the special visitor's pass and clutched it into her chest. In less than fifteen minutes she'd be in the same building as some of her favorite performers! This was practically a dream come true for her! How could she get so lucky?

"Why are they performing so early anyways?" Arang stared out the window of the barren bus and sighed. She'd never heard of such a thing. Then again the life of an idol was always full of surprises.

"It's because they're still rookies," Saeyoung stated. "There are various time slots that get assigned to each group performing. Usually the singers who have been in the industry for a longer period of time get the better slots in order to accommodate to their schedules. Newbies don't have a say so that's probably why BTS has to perform so early. They'll probably have to record a few times too so that the producers have enough film to cut and edit for the episode."

"Sounds exhausting." Arang commented. How could people tolerate living like that? She understood it was temporary but still. She wouldn't want to be overlooked just because she was a novice and all, especially if it was her dream to be standing up on that stage. Plus those boys worked hard. She was a witness. It actually kind of made her mad knowing that they weren't being treated as they should be. She understood that there was a hierarchy for everything in the entertainment industry. Seniority was vital in their society but would being a little more generous toward those new to the entertainment world be that difficult?

As they were walking to the KBS building Music Bank was being recorded at, they strolled by a shop that specialized in fresh energy juices and smoothies. An idea suddenly came to mind.

Arang and Saeyoung entered the building, each of them carrying a tray of beverages. They had flashed their passes to the guards who directed them to the east wing on the first floor where the waiting rooms and studio were located. On the trip there they found small plasma screens mounted to the walls, showing the current performance being recorded. It was BTS! "Oh no, they've already started." Saeyoung pouted.

Arang watched and quirked a brow when Taehyung's part came up. Was his voice always that deep? And why was he wearing so much eyeliner? What was the makeup stylist thinking? It looked like he was a panda! "It's okay. Didn't you say they'll be performing again anyways?" She reminded.

"That's right! This is We Are Bulletproof Part Two which means they haven't started recording for No More Dream yet! Too bad we missed the part where they all flashed their abs."

"Go lookup them up later on Google then. I'm sure you'll find something." After the performance ended, they continued moving. Although they didn't know where they were really going, the two sisters managed to find their way to the boys' waiting room. The sign on the door told them so. "Oh my god! We're here!" Saeyoung shrieked as they arrived to the room farthest away from the stage. Another disadvantage for most, if not all, rookies. Arang knocked and was permitted entrance.

"Who is it?" She heard Jungkook wonder. When she poked her head inside, her jaw dropped to the floor while her eyes widened. They were all in the middle of changing! Meaning they were all half naked!

"I'm sorry!" Arang shouted as she slammed the door shut. How could they allow her to enter when they weren't even properly clothed yet? What were they thinking?

"What's wrong, unnie? Did we get the wrong room?" Saeyoung blinked.

"N-no." Arang coughed. "Let's just wait a minute."

Next the door opened, this time all the way. Everyone inside all had shirts on and Arang exhaled in relief. Why was she like this? There wasn't anything special about them. "You're late. Is that for us?" Taehyung eyed the drinks and she nodded. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come in. Oh, hey Sae. I'm glad you could make it." He smiled and the giddiness the younger girl had been experiencing was instantly magnified.

"Whoa! You bought drinks for us?" Jimin gawked as he and the rest of the guys rushed over.

"Yeah and this is my little sister, Saeyoung." Arang introduced, gesturing to the girl trailing behind Taehyung.

"It's nice to see you again." Seokjin beamed. "Can I take this one?"

Stupefied, Saeyoung could only nod her head. This was the best day of her life! She was in BTS's waiting room with the members themselves! This was a thousand—no, a million times better than that fan-meeting she had forced Arang to attend with her. Was she an angel in her past life? She couldn't wait to brag to her friends! They were going to be sooooo jealous of her!

"You two look alike." Yoongi announced, slightly amazed at their uncanny resemblance.

"They're sisters. What do you expect?" Hoseok chortled.

"We'd introduce ourselves but you most likely already know who we are so there's no need." Namjoon stated. Again Saeyoung just nodded. "If you don't mind, I'll take this one." He plucked the mango-pineapple smoothie, thanked her and walked off to take a seat.

"You didn't have to buy anything for us." Taehyung muttered as he took the tray from Arang and set it down on the coffee table.

"What are you talking about?" She replied, clearing her throat. "It wasn't my doing. Saeyoung wanted to get them for you guys. She assumed you would all probably be tired since it's so early in the morning. Besides, it's not like we went out of our way to get them or anything. The shop was nearby."

"It's the thought that counts." He declared. Then Taehyung reached down to take the Triple Berry Blast flavor but was stopped from doing so.

"Not that one." She ordered as she slapped his hand away. "Drink this one. It has natural caffeine and a lot of vegetables." She gave him the Lean and Green Machine and he hesitantly accepted.

"I don't know. It looks like chewed up grass." He answered candidly.

"Drink it." Arang pushed the straw to his lips and without having any other choice Taehyung listened to her. "How is it?"

His furrowed brows relaxed. "It's not that bad actually."

"See, I told you." She stated. "What does it taste like?

"Here, try it for yourself." He held the smoothie out to her and Arang thought about it before taking a sip.

"Wow, it really is good." She agreed, taking another sip.

"Gross, you guys are too cute. Get out of our sight!" Yoongi gagged which caused everyone to laugh.

Arang and Taehyung glanced at each other and immediately jumped away.

"Don't you want one too?" Saeyoung finally spoke as she glanced over to Jungkook who seemed peeved. He ignored her. "Whatever." She shrugged. He wasn't her bias, at least not anymore.

"So what song do you like the most, Saeyoung?" Seokjin queried, interested in hearing her opinion. The manner in which he said her name made her heart swell with joy. Kim Seokjin was calling her by her first name!

"A-ah, I like all of them. It's hard to pick one." She admitted.

Their conversation was cut short when another knock sounded. "BTS, you're on standby. Please follow me to the stage." A stubby man mandated. He mumbled something into his headset and the boys, along with Arang and Saeyoung, followed him.

Hoseok started talking to Arang because she was wondering if it was alright for her and Saeyoung to go with them. She didn't want to get scolded for being on set. He assured her that it was fine as long as the girls didn't cause a disturbance.

Taehyung was lagging behind so that Saeyoung wouldn't feel alone. His friends were normally nice and chatty but now they had to gather their thoughts and focus on the performance. They didn't want to make a mistake. "Thanks for thinking of us, Sae." Taehyung gratified as he kept his eyes fixated straight ahead.

Saeyoung looked up at him, her brows knitted. "What are you talking about, oppa?"

He pursed his lips out and peered down at her. "The drinks. Wasn't it your idea to buy them for us?"

She immediately shook her head. "No. Unnie wanted to get them for everyone. I don't have enough money to buy all of that." She pointed out.

The newfound information caused Taehyung to search for Arang. Once he spotted her up front a bright smile plastered on her face, he felt his heart thump out of rhythm.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

author's note

» more progresssss! SPAZZ WITH ME PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEE :D Eeeeeeeep! This chapter was cute for me! From Taehyung's messages, to Arang buying drinks for the boys, to them sharing a smoothie and just fnkjajlfjlkanfklndjkanf. Oh and let's not forget Arang seeing them shirtless! By the way, I probably won't be accurate with when the boys actually performed on the various music shows and how all of that stuff really works so I hope you all don't mind.  

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