Truth or dare
Allura then looked directly at Keith then at the rest of the Paladins"we all are going to do team bonding exercises and the exercises are playing either 20 questions or truth ,truth or dare or would you rather"after a couple of minutes the team decided on truth or dare and allura explained how they were going to play"who ever you ask has to answer the question,do the dare or take a shot and the person you ask will ask another person also you can only pick the same thing three time in a row and you can't repeat dares or truths
"everyone just gave a silent nod and then the game started allura asked the first question"Keith truth or dare "Keith replied with dare "kiss pidge"Keith then gave a smirk "where" allura was taken aback by the question"on her hand"Keith then just rolled Pidge's sleeves down over her hand and kissed it then said with a cocky grin"I'm not getting drunk tonight and umm shiro truth or dare"
shiro was surprised by the sudden spot light"umm truth"Keith than gave an evil laugh"out of everyone here who would you like to kiss"shiro than turned red and used one of his chickens it was Shiro's turn to give someone a dare"
hunk truth or dare"hunk replied with a sweet "truth"pidge than said in a serious tone"hunk you giving us all cavities!!"shiro than spat out an interrupting cough "have you ever had a crush on anyone"hunk than replied with a nervous "yes........"now it was hunks turn "Lance truth or dare"Lance then gave a cocky grin"dare"hunk then said"
I dare you and Keith to switch shirts"Keith than without even thinking took of his shirt(they wear shirts inside the ship for comfort and they are made out of different material so they don't get wet and pull them down they are just to warm merfolk up and be comfortable"Keith tha without thinking took of his shirt and his chest was showing to everyone showing everyone that he had a six pack(he does a lot of training ok)and then Lance did the same thing Keith out on lances shirt and it was bigger than him collar wise but it hugged his muscles and back showing everyone and Lance fit into Keith's shirt and all they said while this was going on is Lance saying"with is your shirt so stretchy and comfortable"Keith just shrugged "that's how my shirt Is sorry I guess.....
"Lance truth or dare he asked "he than just answered "dare " I dare you to sing and dance the hole Macarena "after Keith dared lanced to do that he didn't expect last to sing EVERY part and do the ENTIRE song without stoping and even dancing and moving around a lot he sang the song perfectly it was kinda scary
"Allura truth or dare"she answered truth "can you turn people into animals" allura then smirked and nodded and Lance got an evil look in his eyes
"Keith truth or dare"he than said dare again she just told him to sing his favorite Christmas song Keith looked terrified"I don't really like singing I front of people"shiro looked exited"common Keith I've heard you sing you sound so beautiful I've only heard it once and only for a couple seconds"Keith looked even more freaked out"WHEN DID YOU HEAR!!"once when you I got home early you weren't home so I decided to go find you and you were on the cheery tree hill singing what was the song again I've never heard it"Keith then mumbled"you wouldn't of heard it I wrote it"even thought Keith mumbled everyone heard and then yelled all in unison"YOU WRITE SONGS"he then looked very out of place"sometimes"allura was getting annoyed she wanted to hear him sing"so Keith are you going to take a shot or sing for your loving supportive awesome and compassionate friends?"ummmmmm.... "Keith didn't know what to do alluras question and more of a guilt trip made him more nervous"but-but *sigh*fine"everyone was very exited to hear Keith sing Keith than started to sing I want a hippopotamus for Christmas in the most angelic voice any of them have heard he had his eyes close and looked like he was singing to almost drown out something Keith kept singing and his voice was like a comfy blanket all around them they instantly felt safe like when he was singing nothing could touch them they were all in a happy place when Keith was singing and just enjoying the song every note he was hitting was perfectly pitched and paced everything about the song was perfect even the ending was satisfying a song that they have heard before a millions of times just became a thousand times better for them everyone was shocked when it was done not a bad shocked but a shocked like if your parents told you that you were gonna get a new little sibling when your an only child it's of anticipation and plain overwhelming joy everyone looked at Keith and Keith was just sitting there like he was ready to get teased for tripping in class or spilling food on himself but everyone just screamed"THAT WAS AWSOME"
Truth or dare hunk"dare" I dare you to bake us something and have Coran help you" about ten minutes later they came back with some cookies but they were amazing everyone just raved in the texture and taste they all made a sound of pleasure when they ate the wonderfully baked cookies and hunk just smiled enjoying everyone else's happiness (hunk in my eyes is a precious cinnamon bun)
"Keith truth or dare"dare" hunk didn't know what to pick so he just told Lance to do it"I dare you to answer three questions on your next turn instead of one"Keith than just nodded and turned to pidge
"Pidge truth or dare"pidge looked at Keith as thought saying give me your best shot"dare"Keith than looked at them as if they were pray"so is your race"pidge than just answered Italian "Keith than told them to speak in Italian for the next three turns and everyone laughed including pidge after she said mama Mia
Pidge than looked at Lance telling him to say it because she tried but instantly started laughing so Lance asked Keith"truth or dare" Keith had to answer truth so he did"okay my three questions are
1.what is your race
2.why don't you like singing
3.are you shiro's brother
Keith than answered"half Korean and yes I can speak Korean and I don't know what my mom was since I couldn't ask my dad and I don't like singing because some of my foster homes were hell and very cruel so I started not singing because I was traumatized by them and got bullied at school for it and for your last question shiro had found me in a foster home about four years ago and adopted me but he told me to call him my brother instead of dad or just shiro and nit associate me as his family at all and shiro is kind of a brother/dad figure to me now so I call him my brother shiro just nodded
"Shiro truth or dare"dare shiro responded "okay I dare you to grab a blanket and cuddle with allura for ten minutes"shiro then took a shot and said"no offence allura but I am way tired to do that I might fall asleep"
Keith than dared allura because shiro didn't take the dare"allura truth or dare"dare"I dare you to turn shiro into a mercat"allura replied with"what's a mercat"everyone gasped except Coran he just looked more confused than allura Keith typed something on a rectangle that looked sorta like a phone then showed allura a picture of a cat "okay I can do that"Keith just screamed"YES"then five minutes later she was back with a position
"Shiro truth or dare"shiro answered"dare?"while allura asked him the question Lance smirked at him Evily like he was going to make him regret picking truth at all costs allura dared shiro to drink the position then go to the bathroom but to not look the door and to just leave leave it open about two minutes later a mercat with black fur except for a little white spot on his forehead everyone just skweeled and Keith grabbed shiro and started to rub and scratch his head and shiro cat was purring they continued the game but because shiro couldn't answer Lance did the question
"Keith truth or dare"Keith than shrugged and said"truth"Lance looked pleased like he was going to have fun with this"I noticed that you had a deep scar under your arm can you tell us what happened"Lance looked at him like he was going to get a funny clumsy story like the time Keith told him about how he got a scar on his forehead from falling down the Stairs but Keith looked scared and shiro just jumped off of Keith's lap and swam away the water around Keith grew VERY cold and in a blink Keith was gone.......
Word count:1592
I feel tired so if I don't post tomorrow I'm sorry that's why this is so late to I feel bad but there has been intense freezing rain and flooding near where I live and I'm drained from school because we're peeping for a test hope I ace it life in Canada is stressful I live in Ontario and it's snowing and it's cold enough for the rain to not only snow but also freeze like why and it's April flipping APRIL kill me now
See you tomorrow hopefully
This chapter brought to you by shiro the mercat NYA
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