Mermen mermen swimming in the ocean causing a commotion

Keith swam away from the castle at a good speed in his eyes but for the sea creatures around him he looked like a torpedo swimming faster than a shark or dolphins at top speed Keith kept swimming farther and farther into the ocean passing numerous upon numerous of different schools of sea life

cat fish to clown fish and puffer fish the corals and the little sea beds of nests on the sea floor nursery school for the young of different species all beautiful and Keith got to see all of it even if he was moving extremely fast to him it felt slow and he passed the mesmerizing wonders of the world in front of him Keith couldn't help it because it was only him the ocean and his continuos swimming to the other side of the world

Keith's trip would be the longest of all the different merfolk on the team which was lucky for all of them because Keith was the fastest being able to make the hole trip in only a week that's how fastidious can go at his speed his body was perfectly made for speed in the water his tail was long and lean his body muscular but fit just the right size for fast water movements and strokes he would put his arms to his sides not making him faster but it was a more comfortable position he kept swimming and being bombarded with different splashes and outbursts of colour and species each with different quirks and he loved it being on his own just swimming and relaxing the cold water turning hit the cold again as he kept swimming for days he loved the settle changes in the sea as he swam the different  accommodations of the sea life he zoomed past some Sharks trying to have him for diner but him being to fast just laughing as he left them in the dust Keith was at peace nothing could ruin it nothing could ruin when he swam at his own speed on his own time at his own enjoyment he completely forgot about the mission but still stayed on target he was going to get this gem without even knowing until he was close just enjoying his own free time to swim sometimes doing spins or twirls with his long black tail   But to everything else he looked like a black missal ready to bomb  their young so the different animals hissed and snapped and bite at Keith but Keith couldn't tell he was enjoying feeling the water all around him move swiftly across his body the sun making it passed the water warming his smile every second he couldn't forget the feeling of being this free he loved in this feeling and he craved it more every second he got of it

the blues reds and purples of the now setting  sun beaconed Keith to sleep but Keith didn't sleep he kept moving being propelled by the glowing of his tail illuminating the ache in his body to the back of his mind farthest thought and instead resided to go to other thoughts he kept in storage for the moments of relaxation he got he started thinking about the rest of them how they met how he got royaly beaten up by a rock how Lance had saved him how pidge and hunk were always teasing Lance how shiro had grown close to the new teammates so easily when keith was struggling to even talk to pidge with her very sassy and in his opinion scary personality but he would never call her scary for two reasons she might be offended which is scary or flattered which is even scarier so Keith decided just to never tell her next hunk he was very kind and bubbly trying to brighten everyone's day even if he was also glum my he got scared easily and is just a simple sweet heart Keith kinda smiled at this everyone he met at the garrison were dicks so he was happy to meet a nice person next Lance Keith could tell everything with Lance his sometimes fake smile his cover up jokes to hide his sadness from the real jokes he told to get everyone to laugh Lance always likes to be the centre of attention which means he might also have some confidence prom lens and that's just his way to deal with it getting constant attention to be reminded he mattered in his own eyes but Keith also noticed the differences between the different smile and other sip lean actions Lance made that told you how he was feeling his eyebrows would lift a little higher when he was scared or sad he would tap his foot when anxious and bite his lip he looked to be in a big family about six or seven people living in the same house all of different ages and Keith knew Lance had a little sister that was about four and a little brother who seemed like about six because of the way he always looked at Keith's hair like he wanted to braid it and never got annoyed when pidge would play children's show intros just to annoy  everyone instead he knew every line of each song Lance was very energetic loud and competitive Keith couldn't really keep up with the volume but Keith was very competitive because he would always fight with kids in his class in elementary getting into fights and being outdone by his bigger classmates which made Keith angry to no end so he hated losing more than anything the feeling of trying your best to do something and failing but of course Keith didn't dwell on that thought and instead dropped the subject of his team and just looked around at the changes in the water around him

Keith was an observer boy a talker the person at a party who would spend their time guessing who was going to break the pool table or pass out first he always noticed the small stuff like when pidge was watching stuff she probably shouldn't on her computer Keith got suspicious of what she was watching So he snuck a peek and saw that she photo shooed her friends into stupid portraits in her free time but every time she did it she looked like she was hacking into someone's bank account ready to steal thousands of well earned money Keith just silently scoffed at that he also noticed how hunk couldn't keep a secret he would become erratic and nervous so sweaty to Keith wanted to just tell him to calm down soon no one told hunk secrets nit because they didn't trust him it was because they couldn't see their friend in so much pain over a simple secret like he borrowed Corans tooth brush but didn't even use it he just took it and put it back but he still felt bad about it poor guy Keith is very observant so he definitely noticed the fast figure following him covered in black head to fin

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