Chapter 2 - Pieces On The Board


The Southeast Military Base


"...You would think that such a wasteland cannot hold too many secrets behind its silence, yet our own history proves otherwise. Such a cruel one, almost with the desire of teaching the future to never repeat the past's mistakes. One secret among them is so well known, yet even to this day, nobody managed to find the real truth behind it. So well known, yet the most obvious question asked throughout history still has no clear answer: What happened to the lands we now live in? The lands that used to be home to a peaceful civilisation? Because war is the complete opposite of what we have known about our land. A war so devastating that it was believed the souls of the fallen people still wander the faded battleground in hope they will achieve their goal, trapped in the land of blood and fighting in a war that ended after they died with the desire of bringing the peace we deserve back home. Lost souls whose screams are still believed to be heard even after hundreds of years since their passing. And this is only one secret among many others.

Long time ago, before those lands lost their peace promised by the gods, two of the main races were given the fate of fighting each other until the last drop of blood. On one side were the Creators, the C borns, those blessed with the gift of making even the hardest ideas become real. Such powers that were once praised, even seen as gods themselves, and with such importance in our history that, without their existence, we would had nothing to begin with. Not even a place to call home. On the other side were the Immortals, the M borns, those blessed with the gift of an eternal life. The people whose existence guarantee our survival as a species no matter what the gods decide to throw at us in the future. But are these truly gifts? Some people doubt it. We all have our own thoughts on those "blessings" given by the gods. Such is the question behind the existence of a third race with no blessing that used to have no name. Normal beings whose fate is to live among those gifted by the heavens, and only the First Man knows why. But they weren't obligated to fight in the war.

Nobody exactly knows why the conflict between the Creators and the Immortals even started. It is said that it came so sudden to the point of the aftermaths being even worse than they were initially thought. But there was no doubt that these lands of peace have faded away once the battle of Life and Death began, and a red, cold ocean was created as a result. Millions of people lost their lives due to their lack of knowledge in combat from that time, and even that didn't stop them from fighting for the peace they missed. Others lost their places due to the merciless fate created by the conflict, remaining only with the fear of tomorrow. And others lost their glory, unable to recognise the people they once were ever again. As for the one who started the whole conflict and brought war into our lands? He was only known as "General 4RTHUR", ruler of the Immortals on the battlefield. His intentions of starting the conflict were unclear, as well as his actions took later. But something was known for certain: people died by his own bare hands. Years after years of constant torture for both sides, like a pain that constantly awakes to ruin your day. And the Creators were the ones suffering the most from this pain, close to simply giving up on their hopes when the times were against them and end up in surrendering to the General. But when they were ready to wave the white flag, a new hope appeared. Standing right in the middle of the red ocean.

Even today, His identity, looks or mindset on the whole war are unknown, yet He fought to protect His kind from the bloodshed no matter the pain He had to suffer. A Creator, so powerful that it is said His own blade killed more than half of the whole army of the Immortals. A man so quick in battle that not even the speed of light could compete, and the last thing His victims were to see was only His weapon with a thirst of blood. But nobody remembers anything regarding this person from legends, not even His real name. The only name we remember about Him is the title He achieved from the love and loyalty of His people: the God of War. For years, He has fought for His kind and gave the Creators the chance of rising victorious in the war. Yet even that didn't stop fate from taking action, as people woke up in the morning with Him being nowhere to be found ever again, resulting in the loss of the war. What happened to Him? It is a mystery we still have no answer to. But legends say that the God of War watched the sky in a night so bright and beautiful, all alone while others were resting, looking at the stars that refused to look back at Him. He regretted what He has become, wishing to put an end to His own misery, and only disappearing the next morning with no trace left behind for anyone to find Him. He has lost His own glory during the war.

After His vanish into the stars, the Creators lost the war against the Immortals, resulting in the M General ruling over the lands and establishing new rules against his war enemies. But this time, luck was on the Creators' side, as they have been promised a seconds chance by the gods above. She wasn't a Creator nor an Immortal. She belonged to the third race, having no blessings or even the strength necessary to lead those in need. Yet even so, She decided to fight for justice and freedom, the peace that was once a part of their lands. She was called M1NERV4, a goddess sent from the heavens to show a blind world that even those without a blessing can fight at the same level as the true gods. She gave birth to the group "The Renaissance" which promised the innocents freedom and peace, starting the revolution alongside those who worshiped Her belief and disobeyed the General's words. She was the one who gave a new name to the third race, the R borns, and was also the same person who founded "The Underground City", promising a home for those who suffered from the whole conflict. In the end, She succeeded in Her plan of revolution, killing the M General for once and for all. But as a price, She has given her own life in the process, hoping that the change will come into their lands in the future once She departs from this world.

It didn't take long from both M1NERV4's death and the General's assassination before the Immortals started taking desperate decisions regarding the Creators, considering Her action as a threat sent from their war enemy. As a result, they began to eliminate anybody considered an ally of the "sinners", the Creators, whether it was just a small gesture of pure generosity towards them or even the smallest sign of friendships being involved. All Creators were convicted to either death or a slave life, while any person proven or even suspected of an alliance with them will simply join the Creators in Hell. Be it even Immortals themselves. As for what happened to the Renaissance group? It is told that a new ruler took Her role anonymously, a potential descendant of the faded goddess. But nobody exactly knows who He is, even a nickname is impossible to get. Yet He continued Her dreams, fighting for the peace they dream of having back. For it is time for a new bloodline of warriors to appear and protect their home, remaining only the eyes of the eternal darkness from the night sky. From Her death shall rise the future of these lands, the true peace of this world, and the glory lost in the war. After all, "the dawn is waiting for us all". These were Her last words to Her people."

Then, the book's story is interrupted by the opening of a door. A woman enters the room in which she looks towards a person standing on a couch, present in the same part of the room as the door itself, and who also holds the same book from which the story came.

[TH3A]-Master RY4N?

The moment his name was spoken, the man shifts his attention from the book towards the woman and moves the book a bit further away from his view, only staring at her. He looks young, around his mid 20s. He isn't a C born, rather belonging either to the M borns or R borns. He wears a casual grey shirt, and on His right hand is visible a strange sign with three lines. The line above the other two shines, the line from down right shines the same but in a weak way, almost even looking as if it is ready to give up, while the line from down left has no light at all. His short hair's colour is light brown and has such amber eyes that you would think they were made from the suns themselves.

[TH3A]-Apologies if I'm interrupting you, but Officer KYR4 asked me to remind you about the Council meeting of today at 18:00. The other Leaders have contacted her again to make sure you two will present yourselves as they wished.

He doesn't really say anything, just nods affirmatively and cracks a very small smile back at her, simply to make the woman understand that he is aware of his responsibilities. She then leaves with the confirmation given, letting the man go back to his own peace in loneliness. Or at least... he seemed to be alone at first. Because the moment he moves his eyes back towards the book, a voice starts talking from the opposite side of the room.

[CHE5TER]-...I cannot understand you, RY4N. You've read that book so many times and you still insist in doing so every time we are together. Don't you get sick of it?

[RY4N]-Well, I could ask you the same about your choice of always staying with me every time I read it, CHE5TER. Besides, it was written by your own kind. The people that have looked into the history behind the whole war and the same people that have fought into it before we ever came into existence. If there is any information regarding our chance of victory in achieving peace and freedom, it should be into their own creations left behind for the future generations.

[CHE5TER]-You only waste your time. Do yourself a favour and stop believing everything you read. The "God of War" is and always has been just a legend. There is no such power able to kill thousands of people in the blink of an eye that a simple man can have. It's just a fabricated story so that the books can be sold, just like any other legend in our culture. And even if it was real, He wouldn't be able to help us win the war. He disappeared, forever! I don't even think He is alive at this point, no matter what happened to Him. And if He was alive, I would be the one to kill Him with my own bare hands for bringing this merciless fate into our lands. If it wasn't for Him, we wouldn't have lost millions of innocent people from the executions of the above.

On the other side of the room, from where a cold voice comes, there is a desk standing right in front of a huge window with the view of the Underground City. On the desk itself stand papers, some arranged and some scattered around. But more interesting are three coins that look to be out of place, lost among the papers. The silver coins belong to one of their currencies, "Verha", standing next to each other. One coin in particular seems damaged though, being closer to one of the normal ones and with the other being a bit separated from the two. But between the window with the view and the desk stands a chair, which is now with the back towards the man. The chair from which the cold voice comes.

When the chair turns around for it to be towards the person with the book, the source of the cold voice is revealed. It is another man, the same age as the other. The hair is as short but a very bit messier and a very bit longer towards the back compared to the other one, and with the colour being dark brown. On His face stands a scar that covers almost the whole left cheek and His expression looks as cold as the voice itself. So cold that it gives you the feeling as if you are looking at an actual dead man. Even the eyes don't help on this matter, as they seem as empty as the void, screaming the story of a lost life. Dead eyes, if you wish. His right arm is strangely covered by a torn cloth, making the right side of His body impossible to be revealed and for us to even know whether He actually has His right arm or not. As for His clothes, it stands out the black, elegant shirt He wears which has a few thin red lines around the neck and arms. In a strange way, almost similar, but at the same time, almost the opposite to what the man with the book wears. But He is a C born, with His colour being the same story as KYR4's. While our human vision sees a scarlet red in both His eyes and the end of His hair, their vision sees a cold colour called Voothrav.

[RY4N]-Then what's your plan? You want to keep doing what you hate for the rest of your life? Or you want to change the present for once and for all?

[CHE5TER]-Does it seem as we have something better to do? We don't have help from the gods, we are on our own to finish this war. We have to stick to the current plans until we find a solution and finally put an end to this whole conflict without any more blood to be the price.

[RY4N]-Weren't you the one who believed that M1NERV4's little descendant is our only chance of getting a true answer to the war?

[CHE5TER]-And you think that reading some old books will help you find who He was? That descendant remained anonymous as He pleased. None of our ancestors knew where did He come from or in what way was He related to M1NERV4 if He managed to get Her title so easily. Don't you remember that even our father didn't know anything about Him? I don't think He left any kind of information regarding Him in a simple history book for any random person to find His identity at any moment, RY4N.

[RY4N]-But there has to be an answer somewhere, we can't just fight all day until we--

[CHE5TER]- --I've told you already. The only way we can stop this war is by doing it our way. Be it with the help of the previous generations or not. We need to keep moving or else we will lose the last drop of freedom we have left.

The man on the couch doesn't say anything back, he only looks in the eyes of the dead man with such a worry, but with no real explanation given. Still, the dead man ignores his staring and stands up from His chair, going towards the door next to the couch.

[CHE5TER]-Go prepare yourself for the meeting. I will see what the others are doing in the meantime. Oh, and remember: I want all the details that are revealed, no matter how insignificant they are. I don't like the fact that they didn't let the Great Leader join this time after all. Seems like they're trying to hide something from me...

[RY4N]-...Yeah, I will remember.

[CHE5TER]-Good. Then I will see you in a few hours.

Once the cold man left the room and closed the door after Him, the other one went back to his book just for a few more minutes, standing all alone in the room. But even if the door closed, the eyes of The Watcher have opened.

[RY4N]-*sigh*...You have to give up on this person you wish to be, Brother. I'm trying to find a solution for the war just like you.


Once the dead man arrives at His destination, He opens the door in front of Him with the wish of entering it. It looks to be a training room, so huge that you would think it can fit a few buildings in it. But as He enters the door, He gets pushed by a woman that was thrown in His direction by a certain weapon.

[N04H]-I-I'm so sorry, Miss KYR4! I-I didn't know it can do this! Did I hurt you??

The man looks at KYR4 for a few seconds, then at the new recruit that was coming towards them while behind him was LUK3. He doesn't say anything, only watches what was going on in front of Him. KYR4 looks a bit at the man for a split second as well, but she avoids to make eye contact after bumping into Him. Yet as she looks back at the recruit, she does a very short and small smirk while shacking her head as she begins to look at a different direction. That action made N04H look puzzled at her.

[N04H]-W-Why are you laughing?

But as the boy turns around, he only freezes on spot. LUK3 is standing right behind him, looking at N04H as if he wants to kill the teen himself. He stares right into his eyes, making the boy unable to move.

[KYR4]-You can stop now, LUK3! You scared the shit out of his soul!

[LUK3]-But HE hurt YOU!

[KYR4]-Why do you enjoy making a scene every time something happens? I swear, you are such a child!

[LUK3]-But. He. Hurt. YOU!

[KYR4]-Oh, gods, have mercy...

Once the show ends, the cold man looks back at KYR4 with a serious expression. She does look back at Him for a few seconds once she hears her name coming from His mouth, even though she doesn't seem to want to look back. LUK3 in the meantime moves his attention towards these two, only ruffling N04H's hair as he passes by.

[CHE5TER]-Officer KYR4, mind explaining what is happening here?

But the moment KYR4 looks back at LUK3, he already starts giving her signs by doing a "cut it out" hand gesture. Still, despite every effort, she decides to tell the truth anyway.

[KYR4]-LUK3 decided to give N04H some weapons to test out in order to know faster his decision later, Master.


[CHE5TER]-And why would you take such a decision without my approval? Again?

From the other side of the room, C0NNER's voice appears as he seems to have listened to the conversation. 

[C0NNER]-You know how LUK3 acts, Master. Childish as ever. No matter how hard you try, he will always do as he pleases.

[LUK3]-That is NOT true!

[CHE5TER]-Then it shouldn't bother you explaining your own actions yourself rather than letting others speak for you. Right, LUCAS?

[LUK3]-You guys are no fun... Alright, alright! I will explain! Sooo, you know, little N04H here has to decide on his role soon and I thought that, maybe if he picks the weapon first, it could be easier for him to take the Striker role!

[KYR4]-And who said he will be a Striker like you, genius?

[LUK3]-AnD wHO sAid thAt... Ninini... Shut the fuck up!


[LUK3]-OF COURSE he will be a Striker! Didn't you see what happened two months ago? He will be my little buddy during the quests!

[CHE5TER]-He will get to choose his weapon when he decides that he is ready. Do not forget that it took some time for you to choose yours as well.

[LUK3]-B-BUT, BUT... Yeah, okay. You are right. Sorry, Boss.


The man then looks at N04H, who surprisingly seems even more terrified looking at Him in the eyes than being a victim of LUK3's bad jokes.

[CHE5TER]-Now, N04H, I hope you can make a decision about your role here, if it is possible. I do not try to rush you, but it will be better if you manage to choose it soon. Think about it carefully, or you will end up like him.




Then, He looks back at KYR4 again once He notices the fear in N04H's eyes.

[CHE5TER]-KYR4, I've understood there will be Council meeting at 18:00?

[KYR4]-Yes, Master. They told us not to bring the Great Leader as they wish to make some decisions regarding a specific event.

[CHE5TER]-So that's what's all about? *sigh* All those problems and they still wish to celebrate His day every year...

[KYR4]-I don't think you should bother yourself with this. They just want a day free. That's all.

[CHE5TER]-Free day or not, there is still a lot work to do. Some lazy counselors won't help me with anything regarding this city's protection.

[KYR4]-You should have a free day too, Master. At least with this occasion you have a reason to rest, since you always say you got no reasons for it.

[CHE5TER]-...Just show N04H each role so he can have time to make his choice later. I have to go meet up with Miss MY4 now.

[KYR4]-*sigh* Yes, Master...

After that, the cold man exists the room without any other word given, while the others remain to discuss.

[N04H]-...The Great Leader always manages to give me a bad feeling whenever I see Him. His condition doesn't help either...

[KYR4]-Well, He is the type of guy to never explain what He has in His mind and would prefer living in His own world. I guess we are lucky that His brother is the complete opposite, or else we would've gotten two of Him. He is powerful, don't underestimate Him. But His soul is just a bit too... weak, to put it gently.

[LUK3]-You don't have to fear Him, little buddy! Keep in mind that I managed to convince Him to bring you here despite being against my decision! He acts big and tough, but He forgets most of us knew Him in the past!

[N04H]-...Why is He like this then?

[KYR4]-That's... a long story. And we don't have the permission to speak about it.

[C0NNER]-And yet you still speak behind His back the moment He leaves the room, Officer.

[KYR4]-...Let's change the subject. Come on, Green Head. We still have to introduce you to the roles, no?



After a few minutes of KYR4 and LUK3 standing in front of a control panel, they come back to N04H who was waiting alone for them to finish.

[KYR4]-Okay, we set up a small simulation area for you so we can begin. It isn't much but it should be enough for now. Do you think you are ready?

[N04H]-I guess...? But what exactly do I have to do?

[KYR4]-We will explain your task to you once we choose and begin the simulation script. There will be an imitation world based on our daily work with a different situation for each role, so don't forget that everything is not real if you fail in completing the task. That's all you have to remember for now. You will see in a few moments.

[LUK3]-Oh, oh! Let me be first!!


[LUK3]-Pleasee! Let me introduce him to my role first! Pretty pleaseee!!!

[KYR4]-*sigh* Alright! Fine! Just tell him the basics and then we will set the simulation for the role! Maybe you will shut your mouth for once if I let you do your thing!

[LUK3]-Okay, okay!

LUK3 does a small sign to N04H to make the teen follow him, then completely runs off excited back to the control panel to which he makes a few commands. It takes just a few seconds, before he finally looks back at the boy to explain everything. And as he does so, an area of the training ground changes, moving a few platforms and showing some holograms to simulate an actual building.



[LUK3]-Alright, kid! It isn't complicated, you saw me in action! All you have to do is to infiltrate yourself inside the building created by the simulation program! Usually the missions involve some rescue operations here and there, or provide protection for those present in the whole chaos, so that's what are you going to do! Pretty simple, right? There are, of course, other quests sometimes like fighting the M soldiers in case of emergencies, protecting other roles that are in action, blah blah blah... Basically, you are a living weapon with this role! Exciting, isn't it??

[KYR4]-In this case, it will be something similar to what LUK3 did some time ago, but on an easier level.

[LUK3]-Yep! And technically, there is someone who guides the ones that have my role inside the buildings, like C0NNER did with me when we went to save your buddies! ...C0NNER, get your ass here!

C0NNER doesn't really seem to want to be involved since all he did the whole time was to train for himself and smoke. But even so, he takes a deep breath, stops his training and comes towards the three people inside the room, a bit irritated, truth to be told.

[KYR4]-We will give you a training device that works the same way as the one used in an actual mission. Well... not as efficient as the real ones, but you get what I mean. You will have to take only two people out. Simple.

[N04H]-Which people? Are you going to bring some members here?

[LUK3]-No, no! There will be some holograms programmed to act like real people! You will see what I mean!

[KYR4]-C0NNER will guide you this time. Listen to everything he says, alright?

[N04H]-Alright... But what if I fail?

[KYR4]-Don't panic if so. Remember, it's just a simulation. If you fail, we will just go through the other roles, and if you want, we will try this one once again later.

[LUK3]-AAAND you won't fail! So shut up!

[C0NNER]-Oh, gods... Can't we just get LUK3 out and do it without him?

[KYR4]-Just go in there and we will see what happens after, Green Head.

The boy enters the simulated building guided by C0NNER, even a bit hesitant at first. With the help of the equipment given by KYR4, he is now invisible and able to pass over the hologram guards present in the building. He manages to get to the simulated execution room and take the "people" out of it, even if his timing was a bit poor. Because the imitation of the gas, typically used in the execution rooms to create an explosion and kill everyone inside it, has already started spreading by the time he arrived to save them. No, it isn't the real gas, so he cannot get hurt. But it is an alarm that those "people" can. Once he takes out everyone from the room, the alarms of the building are activated and the "guards" start chasing him and the holograms saved. What he didn't understand is the fact that not only he is suppose to lead everyone out of the chaos, but also protect them in this type of emergencies by the projectiles coming their way. The holograms which were supposed to be saved are shot and the simulation concludes. Which results in him being puzzled as to why the program has ended.

[N04H]-What? What happened? Why did it stop?


[KYR4]-Stop it, LUK3! It's just a simulation! We will try again later if he wishes.

[LUK3]-I hate you all...

[KYR4]-Just shut your mouth for once! Next one on the list is the Defender. Try and calibrate the program so we get this thing done already.

LUK3 does go to the panel again, but this time he is lip-syncing mockingly what KYR4 just said. He doesn't really say any word, he just mocks the words spoken to him, irritated, without anyone noticing. Or at least, without anyone caring enough to say anything back. KYR4, in the meantime, goes next to C0NNER and puts her hand on his shoulder, which results in him getting puzzled.



[KYR4]-You take it from here, C0NNER. Explain the kid what he has to do.

[C0NNER]-Can't you bring someone else to teach him what to do? What makes you think I'm up for the task? I never taught anyone anything before.

[KYR4]-Well, neither did we. Besides, we are the ones who brought him here, so we should be the ones to show him how everything goes. And do remember that you also got involved in the whole thing. If it were up to me, LUK3 wasn't here to help in the whole choice at all. But I didn't make the rules.

C0NNER then looks into N04H's eyes, annoyed by what he just heard. But he takes another deep breath, pushes KYR4's hand away and begins to speak to the teen.

[C0NNER]-*sigh* I think you already know my role's side of the job from months ago, right? Each Defender has to work with one of the people that comes from the offensive team. You cannot work with more than one person at the same time since you need a lot of focus to do so, especially when you are a beginner. You basically just lead the supposed person you have tasked to help get to their destination safely. I think that's all.

[KYR4]-That's not really the explanation I wanted to hear, but I guess it is fine for now.

[C0NNER]-If you can explain it better, then why don't you do it yourself, Officer?

[KYR4]-I swear, I'm working with idiots... 

In the meantime, LUK3 managed to set up the program again and also get some equipment himself. When he was done, he went towards the simulation area and started waiting for it to begin.

[KYR4]-Anyway, this time you will have to guide LUK3 through a puzzle. Simply get him to the other exit of the simulation without being caught by the guards that wander around at all. We won't use devices to keep him invisible to make the whole thing more accurate in danger, so be careful what decisions you make. Okay, Green Head?

[N04H]-So I have to solve the puzzle first?

[C0NNER]-No. In a real mission, you won't have enough time to think and act at the same time. Everything needs to be done in real-time, so you will have to solve this type of matters during the action itself. You won't have the time to get familiar with the surroundings of each building, you need to adapt to what you see inside them.

[N04H]-But how am I suppose to guide him without seeing anything from the area?

[KYR4]-I guess I can give you a small helping device connected to the cameras... You will only need to put it on your eyes and it should be enough for you to see and guide that idiot out. I don't think we should start with the actual techniques used by Defenders, so we will rely more on our equipment this time. They aren't hard to learn, but you need a bit of training even so. It's better if we don't risk the simulation being messy because of them.

[C0NNER]-Even I managed to learn them, Officer. The connection between the C borns and the equipment made specifically for them shouldn't be hard to learn, especially to a graduate that showed in the exams their level of knowledge in their powers. As low as the scores could be. If he passed, it means he can learn them quickly. Should we really complicate ourselves with more equipment than we normally need?

[KYR4]-It took you months to learn them yourself, C0NNER. You really want to ruin the simulation just for the sake of simplicity?

[C0NNER]-I am a special case and you know that very well, KYR4! If it wasn't for--

[LUK3]- --Can you both just stop the argument and let the kid begin?? I'm starting to get bored here!!

While both of them seem to have a small disagreement, LUK3 shouts from his position all the way to theirs in order for them to shut up. Just like that, KYR4 gives the teen all the equipment he needs, including a device that allows him to switch which camera he looks through with the other device mentioned, and instructs him how everything works. Once the simulation begins, N04H starts guiding LUK3 through the puzzle created by the program. He has more difficulties with this role than the previous one though, as he cannot decide which direction LUK3 should take. Even LUK3 himself gets annoyed by the irresolution and constantly repeating the same road. At some point, he even gets caught by one of the hologram guards which results in the simulation to conclude again. Once he gets back to the three, LUK3's expression seems even more annoyed than it ever was, making even N04H to feel a little guilty.

[LUK3]-I swear to the gods, I have to be double paid for this whole thing...

[N04H]-S-Sorry, Mr. LUK3. I guess this one is simply not made for me. What's the next one?

[KYR4]-We can skip this one though. I don't think you want to even try this role.

[N04H]-Why not?

[KYR4]-Simply because it's not taught in schools and you can learn only in particular class or by yourself, unlike the other roles which can be easier for you from the experience gained from the surviving classes.

[N04H]-I can at least give it a try, right?

[KYR4]-Then, if you are so sure of yourself, do you know at least the basics of how any equipment is created, what are the logics used when creating it, how it functions and how you can use your knowledge in order to manipulate it however you want?

[N04H]-Oh... Yeah, now I understand why...

[KYR4]-I have to leave now anyway, so we didn't have time for it no matter your choice. LUK3, make sure to bring some people for the next two roles to show him what is left, alright?

[LUK3]-Yeah, yeah. I'm not stupid. I know what to do.

[KYR4]-If you say so, big guy...




[LUK3]-Alright! I'm back, little guy!

LUK3 enters the training ground after leaving to get someone for the next role. C0NNER isn't present anymore, nor does KYR4 seem to be around. The simulations looks to be already set even from before LUK3 went out, so the only thing left was for him to the person who he needed present.

[LUK3]-N04H, this is Mr. ELL1OT! One of the members from the defensive group as a Guardian!

[ELL1OT]-It's a pleasure to meet you, Recruit N04H!

[N04H]-Nice to meet you too. But... what's the "defensive group"? Is Mr. C0NNER included in it as he is a "Defender"? And what's the difference between this group and the other one you guys mentioned earlier? The "offensive group"?

[LUK3]-No, no! C0NNER is from the offensive group just like me!

[ELL1OT]-You see, the "Guardian" title, which I have, is included in the defensive group just like the "Healer" title. The rest are from the offensive group, which are responsible of the inside part of the missions: the Defenders and Strikers. The defensive group is responsible of the outside part, which is to protect the people from the other team by giving them information about the enemies' position outside the building and eventual emergencies happening, so that they are aware of anything about the events of the outside. It is thought in a way of making sure the situation is by our side, while we also try to make the enemies avoid the offensive group's location. In simpler terms, we are the shield, while people like Mr. LUK3 are the weapon. The only role who is part of both groups is the "Hacker", which includes Officer KYR4. She has the duty to gain us control of anything regarding the devices, doors, cameras and any other possible things we might need. While she gains information which is later distributed to us, she is also a part of the quest itself.

[N04H]-And why isn't the "Defender" role a part of the defensive group?

[ELL1OT]-Because, technically, they take part in the quest as well. Even if they only provide others of information. They are working in real-time action with the cameras so that Strikers complete their duties. In most of the cases, they are very close to the control station too, so they can avoid interferences which we don't want to appear during the missions. We don't really do the same. We only supervise the areas and provide information about what might change the initial plans. Them, on the other hand, have to give every little detail out so that Strikers work without any issue.

[LUK3]-Alright, alright! Enough with the chit-chat! N04H, Mr. ELL1OT will teach you about the role this time!

[ELL1OT]-Indeed. Let me explain what you have to do in this simulation. Here will be ten enemies with unexpected behaviour. Each of them will do something unique, so each of them will make different moves. You are going to stay on some platforms above them and watch everything they do, while inside the building in front of you are supposedly your offensive group colleagues. Your mission is to inform them about anything that might seem important to the plan. Remember! Even the smallest details can cause a lot of problems for us! And do not show yourself, or you blow the whole plan up!

[N04H]-...It is pretty much the same thing as the "Defender" role. Can we try the next one?

[ELL1OT]-It's worth a try. Come on!

[N04H]-*sigh* Alright, alright...

LUK3 gives N04H the equipment needed and begins the simulation. But while N04H was preparing for it, LUK3 simply gives Mr. ELL1OT a hand gesture for him to understand that he needs to observe the situation, while he sits down on the floor and slowly falls asleep. N04H, on the other hand, started his thing. He observes every enemy's action, but the number seems overwhelming to him. He notices a hologram entering the building and informs the "team" about this action with the equipment given. Then, he misses a hologram who went to activate the alarm, but somehow manages to inform the "team" in time anyway. But then, out of nowhere, another hologram appears on the platform he was standing on, seeing him and resulting in the simulation to conclude. It appears that he initially thought the hologram left the area, yet instead it climbed up right where he was.

[N04H]-...You got to be kidding me!

[ELL1OT]-It's not a good idea to stay in the same spot for a very long time.

[N04H]-But I thought the man left the area!

[ELL1OT]-Don't worry! You did well! You can try again later if you want!

[N04H]-No, no. Thank you, but I think the role doesn't fit me...

[ELL1OT]-It's alright! Go wake LUK3 up to see what's waiting for you next, I will take my leave for now! Good luck on your choice!

N04H nods at the man and goes to see what LUK3 is doing on the floor. He actually did fall asleep in the meantime, not caring much about what really happens in the whole simulation.

[N04H]-Mr. LUK3?


[N04H]-Mr. LUK3! Wake up!

[LUK3]-What is it...? I'm trying to sleep...

[N04H]-I've finished with the role, Mr. LUK3! What's next on the list?

[LUK3]-I will... bring MY4 for the next one... Just let me sleep... a little... more...

[N04H]-Are you tired?

[LUK3]-A bit... I barely slept last night... Go take a small break... *yawn* for now...

The boy leaves the room, letting LUK3 enjoy his peaceful sleep alone. After walking a bit around the hallway though, he notices the Great Leader again, and the same lifeless eyes that scare him. He looks busy, as always, holding in His left hand some papers while the right arm is still not visible from the torn cloth. So, the boy rushes towards Him to have a small chat.

[N04H]-...Master CHE5TER?


[N04H]-What are you doing with these papers?

[CHE5TER]-They're just a few work papers. Nothing you should bother yourself about. I was planning the next mission.

[N04H]-Are we going to save other people?

[CHE5TER]-No. We will need to extract some documents from one area. That's all. It's not big of a deal, really.


[CHE5TER]-Yes. So? How is the role selection going? Did you manage to make an idea of a possible choice?

[N04H]-N-Not really... None of these seem to be to my liking... The closest one that I could think of would be LUK3's role.

[CHE5TER]-Did you try them all?

[N04H]-I think there is one left... Mr. LUK3 said that he will bring someone named MY4 for the next one.

[CHE5TER]-MY4, you say... *sigh* Yeah, I have an idea of what's next on your list. But I don't think it suits you that much.

[N04H]-Why do you say that?

[CHE5TER]-...Just a thought. Did LUK3 go after her already?

[N04H]-No... He said he wants to rest a bit since he is tired, so he told me to take a break for now.

[CHE5TER]-Then let him have his rest. It isn't the first time he falls asleep during the day, yet I told him to stop sneaking off during the sleep schedule.

[N04H]-Why does he do that, though?

[CHE5TER]-I don't know. But I let him be at this point. It's not my business to supervise him all the time. As long as he doesn't go in the City of Above without my approval like last time, I don't really care what he is doing in his free time.


[CHE5TER]-And that should include you as well, little N04H. Hope I do not find you in that city without telling anybody again.

[N04H]-E-Eheheh... I guess I got a bit carried away during our celebration and didn't think it straight...

[CHE5TER]-Yeah. I guessed that from LUK3's explanation.

[N04H]-Oh, by the way! I'm a bit curious of something!


[N04H]-How did you even manage to find out anyway? You weren't present with them when we all went to solve the problem.

[CHE5TER]-Little one, I'm the ruler of this city, the Great Leader Himself. You know this already, you signed that contract when you chose to stay in this base and promised on your life on not telling anybody about this information. You think I don't find out everything that's happening in my city, no matter how insignificant the details are?

[N04H]-Yeah, but how did you--

[CHE5TER]- --That doesn't matter. I have my own ways. I'd say you go back to your break for now. We will discuss later if you wish, but right now I'm a little busy. I wish you good luck on your choice, N04H.

The Great Leader then leaves the boy alone, making N04H look at Him while He vanishes on the hallways, wondering what this person even has in mind.

[N04H]-I knew the ruler works in the shadows and all, but why are you so secretive?


After the break, N04H comes back to the training ground and waits for LUK3 to bring the person he needs. After a few minutes, he enters the room with a gentle girl which N04H assumed it is MY4. She is actually so gentle to the point you can mistake her with a flower. She has long, blonde hair and such a light in her eyes that could make even the darkest eyes show a spark. She is a C born too, with her colour being pink. Her clothes are casual, but what stands out is a bag she carries on her right side which looks to be full of items. LUK3 seems a bit sleepy on the other hand, walking by her side as they have a conversation. Then, N04H comes towards them and interrupts their talking.

[N04H]-This is MY4, right?

[LUK3]-Yep! She is my best friend! Aaand, also, kind of the best person qualified for this role that I know about... This is why I chose to take her!

[MY4]-Right... By the way, LUK3. Do you know if KYR4 is back from the meeting?

[LUK3]-Nope! I tried to leave her a message a while ago and her whole response was simply "Shut up". I guess they aren't done with that shit yet.

[MY4]-*sigh* CHE5TER isn't so happy about the whole event idea, though.

[LUK3]-He discussed it with you when He came for the treatment?

[MY4]-Yeah... But He cancelled His schedule again and I didn't have the time to even look at His condition for today. He just... left after we've discussed and rescheduled the medicine.

[LUK3]-I swear, this man has a death wish! What's up with Him anyway?? And He tells ME not to mess around with the schedule...

[MY4]-I don't know... But I'm beginning to worry even more...

N04H notices the uncomfortable conversation they both have, even if for him the subject is not fully known, so he tries to change it.

[N04H]-What's up with this event you just mentioned, Mr. LUK3? 

[LUK3]-Oh, yeah! Sorry little buddy! Well, we are suppose to celebrate Great Leader's on the 17th day of the second month, so we, as soldiers, are taking a day off! Similar to those graduation events you had, but on a bigger level!

[N04H]-Is Master CHE5TER's day this close?

[MY4]-No. The celebration is about the former Great Leader, not the current one. But anyway... let's change the subject for now. We are here for your role selection, right?


[MY4]-Alright then. Should I explain it before we begin or you already got an idea of what you are suppose to do? Since the title "Healer" is pretty obvious anyway...

[N04H]-Well, Master CHE5TER didn't really give too many details... An explanation won't hurt, I guess.

[MY4]-...You bumped into Master CHE5TER?

[N04H]-I just happened to see Him on the hallways. When I mentioned your name, He already knew the next role and said it doesn't really fit me. But I didn't know what He was talking about.

[MY4]-I see... We should take His advice into consideration then.

[N04H]-Wait, WHAT?

[MY4]-Master CHE5TER can see easily small details we might not notice about ourselves and understand what might fit us. I'm not sure how He manages it myself, but He helped some newcomers back when LUK3 and I joined the base when we were your age, myself included. He noticed something about my character and I ended up listening to His suggestion. To help people. This is how I became a Healer.

[LUK3]-Oh, yeah! I remember it! I thought at first that you got in trouble for the fact that we've disturbed both Him and RY4N when we just entered the base since we were asking too many questions! I had my worries when you told me you came out of His office! In my mind, the same idea of Him scolding you for my behaviour kept repeating! And when it happened the second time, right when we were suppose to think of our possibilities, it made me fear the fact that we might be thrown out of the base! Him helping you with your role was the last thing crossing my mind!

[MY4]-*giggles* Right. But if you still want to give it a try, N04H, then I have nothing against it.

[N04H]-If you say He knows what He's talking about, then I guess I will pass this one as well... But I don't think there is anything left for me to try, and none of those roles seem to be right choice.

[LUK3]-I guess we can try them all again! Boss said that you don't have to rush anyway, so you still have some time!

[N04H]-Do you have the papers with each role?

[LUK3]-Oh, yeah! Sorry! Here!

LUK3 takes out a paper on which are written all the titles and some descriptions about them, and gives it to N04H. He reads each of them, but notices right at the end of the paper a crossed out role which he didn't hear about earlier: "Investigator".

[N04H]-Hey, what's up with the last role, Mr. LUK3? Why is it crossed out?

But the moment LUK3 hears that, his eyes get wide open and stares at the paper. MY4 doesn't really know what this is all about, but N04H sure gets more puzzled than before. At least now, LUK3 manages to wake up for good.

[N04H]-What? Why are you staring like that?

[LUK3]-...I could've sworn I will do this!

[N04H]-Do what? What's happening?

The weird man then stares at the teen, not knowing what to do. MY4, on the other hand, simply went next to N04H to read what is on the papers and realise what exactly is happening.

[LUK3]-...Fuck! CHE5TER's going to kill me!

[N04H]-What? Why?

[LUK3]-I wasn't suppose to show you this! How could've I forgotten about it??

[N04H]-Why? It's just a title, it can't be that ba--

[LUK3]- --He specifically crossed it out Himself when I went to get the papers, N04H! I shouldn't have shown you this role at all! Fuuuck...

[MY4]-Okay, LUK3, calm down...

[N04H]-But why such a big deal for a simple title?

[MY4]-Well, I guess Master CHE5TER didn't want you to try it out, knowing the past with it.

[LUK3]-And I was suppose to follow orders, yet here we are!

[N04H]-But what could possibly make Him take that decision? The other roles seem fine!

[MY4]-Maybe because... of the losses we had with it... But even so, it used to be a title which anyone could choose back when we joined. It was a normal role, that's why it is on the papers to begin with.

[N04H]-But why cross it out then?

[MY4]-I-I don't know... We used to have a lot of them until a few years ago. Now, because of the past issues of the base, almost all of them either left or... *sign* But anyway, I'm not sure why He chose to erase it from the choices all of a sudden, knowing well He has this title too.

[N04H]-...Wait, you mean He is the only Investigator left??

[MY4]-Yes, something like that... After we've lost some of the Investigators, He decided to take this role on His own in order to take part in the missions as well. He wasn't the only one though, there were still Investigators that were working with us back when He changed His role. It's just that... He is the only one that remained in the present. And because of all the censorship regarding our base, we weren't able to get more recruits to join us. As a consequence, there weren't any new Investigators to come. It was... a strange fate to happen for this title.

N04H looks again to the crossed out role on the paper and stands a bit to think about it. He now understands what the Great Leader was talking about during their conversation about the next mission. Because the whole next mission focuses on His role and on Him specifically. But even N04H knows this situation must be horrible even for the ruler Himself. To be the person who watches over a whole city and the only one left with a title which used to have tens of people.

[N04H]-...Can I give it a try?

[MY4]-I don't think it's a good idea...

[LUK3]-Yeah! Besides, I'm the one who gets his ass beaten if He finds out! You really want to do this to me, man??

[N04H]-I just want to try it only once! If I fail, we won't speak about it ever again! I promise!

[LUK3]-B-But, but...

LUK3 stands and thinks the whole situation again, while N04H already made a decision, waiting for his approval.

[LUK3]-Oh, alright... But don't tell Him, please!

[N04H]-I won't! It won't!

[MY4]-You never were the type of guy to follow rules anyway, LUK3. Why are you so scared this time?


[MY4]-I was just saying...

[LUK3]-*sigh* I know I'm going to regret it later, but... come on. Let's see what we can do about the simulation.




Yet again, the simulation is set and N04H waits for the weird man to finish his duty. But even he looks to be waiting for something. He walks around in circles, staring down, until the door of the room opens. When he hears the sound of the door, he looks quickly towards it and rushes to the man who is entering. N04H, on the other hand, remains to analyse the simulation given with the time he has while MY4 stands by his side.

[LUK3]-...Thanks for coming, man. I really appreciate it.

[N4THAN]-Don't worry about it, LUK3.

[LUK3]-Now, you know what we've talked about, right? No word has to arrive at Boss, or else we both get in trouble! You understand, yes?

Out of nowhere, LUK3 takes out a few golden coins out of his pockets and hands them to the man, taking his arm by force and putting the coins into his palm. The golden coins are somewhat smaller than the silver coins, being a different currency called "Novha". When the man looks at the items given in his palm, his expression is not mad nor annoyed. Rather more similar to disappointment.

[N4THAN]-...Who do you take me of? Some central bastard?

[LUK3]-I-I just want to make sure Boss doesn't hear any of this! Don't take it personal, N4THAN! I have nothing against you! I-I just fear that guy's will of punishment!

[N4THAN]-Just because I work for Him, doesn't mean I will tell Him everything I know about each soldier. Got my own secrets to hide from others, why should I reveal yours? Besides, those aren't even enough to buy you the casual drinks we order during the special events. At least if you try these methods, do it when you have money for yourself to begin with. *sigh* If IZA4K teaches you more of any of those craps, I will have to talk with someone to supervise you two when you are together...

The man simply gives back the coins to LUK3, after which he begins to walk towards the recruit, be it with the weird guy or not. LUK3 does notice that, so he hurries to arrive next to him and once they are closer to N04H, he begins to talk again.

[LUK3]-Alright, little man! Make acquaintance with Mr. N4THAN! He is the Great Leader's personal Defender and the same person who will be guiding you through the simulation!

[N4THAN]-Hello, N04H! It's nice to meet you! But I'll be honest, it's been a while since I've worked with someone else. Hope you can get in touch easily with my playstyle in this small game of ours.

[N04H]-Nice to meet you too, Mr. N4THAN!

[LUK3]-Oookay! The role is something similar to the Striker's! You just have to go inside the building created by the program and not get yourself revealed!

[N04H]-So I have to save people again?

[LUK3]-Nope! This time, you will search for a specific document similar to this one!

LUK3 then takes out a fake document created specifically for this simulation and shows it to N04H in order for him analyses it.

[LUK3]-Usually, I don't think you have any idea of how the document would look like, so you have to search everywhere like a demon. But... the simulation is put on an easier level, so you are only put to search for what we require you to get and from where we tell you to get it. N4THAN will be the one to guide you towards those specific spots.

[N4THAN]-Right. But just a few notes. In a real mission, the Defenders and Investigators are taught to communicate with short codes, which we won't be able to use. They are taught in the two years of practice for your role, and most of them are just the basics. You can also create your own codes with your personal Defender to make your work easier. An example could be "W6" which will be translated as "the 6th room of the west". Or even beep codes, like two beeps meaning "Tell me the way I need to take". So if I happen to say random codes, please tell me to stop. I got used working like this after years of missions.

[N04H]-Wait! I need to practice TWO YEARS for this role??

[N4THAN]-Yes. Unlike the other roles which can be put in practice after just some months or at worst one year, the Investigator needs to learn more than the basics. A whole year is dedicated to the codes themselves to make yourself a cryptic language with your personal Defender, and usually the first year is dedicated to techniques of martial arts because of the high chances of you getting into a fight. Strikers do get into fights too, but most of them are just defending, not actually fighting. And besides, in these two years, you will also learn how to depend on yourself in case of emergencies, like knowing an escaping route even in the most unfamiliar buildings or making your own plans during emergencies. Strikers work in groups most of the time, so they mostly depend on teamwork, while Investigators work alone and depend only on their knowledge and skills, getting help only in drastic situations.

[LUK3]-Like when we went to save your buddies! The whole plan belonged to KYR4 and the one who helped her execute it was C0NNER! I didn't do everything by my own idea! While an Investigator is always going after his own plan! The only thing he needs is the building construction details, position of every possible enemy and... other things as well.

[N4THAN]-Now, enough with the talk. Let's see what you are capable of and then we can draw some conclusions.

[N04H]-Dear M1NERV4, have mercy on me...

In just a few minutes, the simulation starts and N04H gets inside the building, completely invisible. He is guided by N4THAN, who speaks to him through the equipment he was given, telling him the plan and how to execute it. There are only three rooms he has to search in to get the document. He arrives at the first room, begins searching but doesn't find what he needs. He then goes towards the second room, in which he has a bit of trouble since there are "guards" who keep looking around the entrance. Even so, he follows N4THAN's advice and manages to create a small distraction in order to get in. He is a beginner, so you can't expect him to do the plans just yet. But even when he gets inside, he doesn't find what he needs. He goes towards the third room, the same story happens. He distracts the "guards" and then gets in. And this time, he manages to find the document.

Meanwhile, two figures enter the training room and notice the simulation being on. The first one seems to be Officer KYR4, who greets both LUK3 and MY4, but looks rather puzzled when noticing Mr. N4THAN being present too. But the moment the second figure enters, LUK3 freezes and hides behind KYR4. It is the Great Leader, who is also confused on why is His personal Defender here. When KYR4 asks LUK3 what simulation is now going, he prefers to whisper it in her ear so that the ruler won't hear it too. The very next second she hears the answer though, she exclaims the sentence "What!?" with such anger that it made it impossible for CHE5TER to not notice. But He also notices the fact that LUK3 doesn't want to tell Him, so instead, He decides to watch how the simulation goes to fully understand what is going on. And it doesn't take long before He understands either. But even so, He remains silent and continues to observe the show.

N04H manages to get his hand on the document, which also seems to have activated an alarm the moment he took it. Before he could even activate his device, the enemy enters the room and notices his presence. In order to get out of the room, he simply throws something he finds near him and pushes the guards away, even if they start shooting after him. Again, he cannot be harmed. So one worry is already not taken into consideration. He then starts running around the hallways of the simulated building while trying to escape the guards. At some point, out of pure instinct, he ignores what N4THAN commands him to do and goes to wherever he believes it is best to go. He ends up in a room with no escape, to which he locks the door and starts thinking of a different idea. But it doesn't take long before the enemy starts breaking the door, putting N04H in a stressful situation.

Yet when the enemy manages to destroy the whole door and get in, they don't find N04H no matter how much they search. He managed to activate his device before being spotted, getting out of the room unnoticed and running away right on the path N4THAN told him to follow, getting out of the building safely. Then, the simulation concludes while everyone rushes towards him to cheer for his success. Only the ruler remains behind and looks at the teen from the distance. Once He begins to come closer as well, everyone else starts to talk to Him. Even LUK3 gained a bit more confidence after N04H's performance.

[LUK3]-Look, Boss! Little N04H succeeded in his task! Maybe we shouldn't have hidden it after all!

[MY4]-Aren't you happy, CHE5TER? He passed the simulation!

[N4THAN]-We can finally have another Investigator, Master! We can talk to all the other Defenders and decide who will work wi--

[CHE5TER]- --And who exactly told you that I will let him choose this role?

Once He says His sentence, everyone's cheering stops and begin looking puzzled at the ruler.

[KYR4]-...But he managed to do the whole simulation correctly. He has the right to be admitted as Investigator.

[CHE5TER]-And doesn't he need my approval to begin with? I am sure he managed to get through this role, but my answer is no.

[N4THAN]-Master, with all due respect, you cannot just tell him such nonsense after all the hard work he has given to achieve this! You have to give him a chance!

[CHE5TER]-And you cannot tell me what I should and should not do, Mr. N4THAN. If you really think that I will stay two years to teach him everything regarding his position, you are terribly wrong. We barely have time for the problems we fight now, what makes you think that we will have a better chance of winning the war if I dedicate my time for this small duty instead of focusing on my actual work?

[LUK3]-But it doesn't have to be this way!

[KYR4]-Master, we worked with you for years now. Surely we can handle to teach a kid everything he needs to know about his position ourselves.

[CHE5TER]-Then if you are so sure of yourself, Officer KYR4, he will be your responsibility from now on. Whatever happens to him, you will be the one blamed for his actions. Understood?


[LUK3]-Then... is that a yes?

[CHE5TER]-My answer is still yet to be decided. For now, you all should go back to your duties. Especially you, LUCAS. I know this was all your doing from the very beginning.

After that, the Great Leader leaves while everyone looks down. N04H was the only one watching the situation going down the hill, while everyone else was feeling it.

[N04H]-Did I really... cause you troubles?

[KYR4]-*sigh* No. It's not your fault, kid. Look, let's not think about this now. Do you want to celebrate your success with a drink? My treat.

[LUK3]-Your treat? Oh, then I'm coming too!

[KYR4]-You better behave if you come! 'Cause I saved your ass out of trouble again! Seriously now, LUK3! Can't you think for ONCE before you put your plans into action??

But while they were arguing, MY4 remained to watch the closed door through which the ruler left in silence, with such a sad expression on her gentle face that could break your heart the moment you see it.


Hours later, in the office of the Great Leader, the ruler is watching the Underground City from the same chair we got to see Him on for the first time. Above the city's beauty, in the silence of its darkness where nobody can find Him. What is interesting though is the fact that if you look at the specific location from which He watches, outside the building, from the city itself, this window is actually not visible at all. A hologram is standing right between the window and the city, making a simple citizen unable to spot the building, and enough for the ruler to watch everything without being known. To watch the city be alive.

Yet at this hour, the mission He has come up with earlier is also about to begin. So it is rather strange to see the ruler Himself just standing and watching the city while He is suppose to go do His duty. He then closes His eyes and puts His left hand on the back of His neck, for whatever reason. But if you look closely, there is actually something present exactly where He put His hand. Yet now, it is almost impossible to see what that truly is.

You know you can't keep them alive forever. One day, your weaknesses will kill them all. After all, you are a disgrace to the title "Great Leader". Even now you don't want to admit it, you still hide from your fears like someone is suppose to save you. Admit it, Little Ruler!

And we also don't even have the time to learn what that is, as the door of the office opens and someone disturbs the silence in which the ruler was standing.

[RY4N]-...I assume you are ready for your mission already?

It is the same man He was standing with. But this time, the ruler does not respond as quick as before.

[RY4N]-I've heard that the recruit managed to go through the Investigator role some hours ago and you didn't want to give him permission to continue with it. May I ask you why?

[CHE5TER]-I have my own reasons behind every word I say. Doesn't mean I have to explain them.

[RY4N]-I know my title means nothing to you as I'm your inferior, CHE5TER. And I know you don't want to even listen to the words I say. But don't you think I have the right to know what's happening with you as your own brother? Why are you making this difficult instead of simply saying what is bothering you?

[CHE5TER]-I have no problem to report, RY4N. The kid is simply not prepared for this role. My decision alone shouldn't even be in your mind. You are making your own Hell by continuing to find out exactly what I think behind every action I make.

[RY4N]-Oh, yeah? Then explain why did MY4 tell me you've cancelled your schedule again? Should this not bother me as well?

[CHE5TER]-I just didn't have enough time to be present at it because of the work I had to do. Nothing special. And you know this story already.

[RY4N]-We are talking about your own life here, Brother! You've been cancelling it almost every day lately! You refuse to rest or to take your medicine! You know damn well that not even a god can overwork as much as you do, especially when being in a critical state!

[CHE5TER]-And I told you that I have work to do. I cannot lose time with these little things just because you tell me so.

[RY4N]-I'm serious, CHE5TER!

[CHE5TER]-So am I. What's your point of telling me this?

[RY4N]-My point is that I'm worrying about you every day because of these decisions you take! Are you really that blind, or did you choose to ignore this fact?

[CHE5TER]-If you are so worried I'm not taking my rest, then let me inform you that I will be visiting an old friend after the mission is completed. That counts as "rest" as well, since I will not work on anything in the meantime. And I will try my best on not cancelling it again tomorrow. That is the best I can offer you at the moment. But for now, we have a mission to do, so let's stop talking about this subject and get moving.

Then, the Great Leader gets up from His chair and goes towards the door in which the man is standing. When He is just about to leave the room, the man speaks to Him for one last time for today about what is in his mind. They do not face each other. While one is facing the entrance of the room, the other one is facing the exit. And none of them dares to look at the other.

[RY4N]-...I've promised Him that I will protect you until the very end, but I can't even recognise the boy you were back then from the man that stands right besides me now. You even promised to me that we will remain the same as we were before, no matter what we'll see once we get involved in the war. What happened to our promises, Brother?

The ruler only stands besides Him. He does not look at the man, nor does the man look at Him. In fact, both of them stare at the ground for a while, until the Great Leader decides to respond.

[CHE5TER]-...Time changes everything, RY4N. Even people like us. Nothing can escape it. Deal with it, or you will find yourself living in constant despair.

With that, the ruler takes His leave while the man remains behind, right in the door. He continues to stare to the ground for a few seconds, before he says one last sentence.

[RY4N]-...So you would rather choose to lose your own glory, CHE5TER?

And then, he leaves too, closing the door of the office and bringing the silence back into the room. But once he left, we can notice a small photo being present right next to the door, standing in darkness where it can almost be forgotten completely. A photo of a man with white hair and blue eyes and two kids standing right next to him.

The Underground City


But even later, on the streets of the city, there is a weird figure wandering around. The clothes are strange and seem out of place. Long to the point they touch the ground, with a hood that makes the face of the person unable to be seen and not even the body can be noticed that well because of them. But somehow, nobody really seems to care at all. Even if those clothes would make you think of something similar to a cult member. Those are the crevaators' clothes, but now it isn't the time to talk about them in more details.

Once the figure arrives at its destination, it enters a specific bar and makes sure the door is closed. The barman wasn't really surprised to see the weird person. In some odd ways, he was rather happy. Once the figure comes right in front of him and sits down, he begins to have a conversation.

[AD4M]-...So you finally decided to pay me a visit in the end? I wouldn't imagine the Great Leader CHE5TER taking His time to visit an old barman like me, you know?

[CHE5TER]-Cut the whole "surprise visit". I'm taking my rest for now.

[AD4M]-Oh, so your brother was the one who came up with the idea. How strange of you to listen to him. I didn't know that the LENKOV C born obeyed to anybody's words, especially since He was younger.

[CHE5TER]-You want me to stay or not? I can always just leave if I'm not feeling welcomed here anymore.

[AD4M]-Hahahh... Oh, don't be so cold, young CHE5TER. I'm just joking around.

[CHE5TER]-Yeah... I imagined...

[AD4M]-One as always, is it? On the house, of course.

The barman then begins to make the ruler a special drink. It doesn't seem to be something extraordinary, but the Great Leader looks to enjoy it for sure. It is a simple heavy drink, yet the effect of it doesn't look to really bother Him that much.

[AD4M]-So? What is it this time? I know you don't come here just to get a drink.

[CHE5TER]-...Do you remember some time ago when I told you about how LUK3 brought me a new recruit?

[AD4M]-Oh, not that boy again... You always complain about him and his actions. I'm starting to get sick of just hearing these stories myself. I wouldn't even want to be present when they are made... What happened now?

[CHE5TER]-The recruit managed to find out about what I've instructed that guy not to do and managed to get the simulation result. LUK3 being LUK3, he thought it is best to try and go against my wishes, which resulted in the recruit to successfully pass the program. Which is what I knew would happen from the very beginning...

[AD4M]-And what's the big deal here? You should be happy for him, shouldn't you?

[CHE5TER]-I'm talking about the Investigator role, Mr. AD4M. You know very well how many losses we had just from that one title alone. How can I be happy when I know what could happen to the little man just because of one stupid decision?

[AD4M]-Oh, dear CHE5TER... You were just like him when you were little. Don't pretend that all of this is a new problem.

[CHE5TER]-Hmph. You say so?

Once the barman pours himself a drink as well, he looks with such a smile towards the Great Leader, before staring at the ceiling for a few seconds. Looking towards a past that is now far away from them.

[AD4M]-...Do you remember when you all came here for a break? Your father was talking to me about how the work was progressing around the base ever since I retired, and all of a sudden you came to us with your brother to tell Him how you wanted to join the Southeast Base in which I've worked and in which was your Master. His answer was the same as yours. He refused to let you get yourself in danger. But even so, little you never gave up, and look where you are now.

[CHE5TER]-Maybe because I didn't know what I was involving myself in. I was young and naive to even believe I was ready to face everything that was waiting for me by choosing this path.

[AD4M]-And he doesn't know the consequences either, CHE5TER. And even so, back then, you enjoyed to work in our base as you stood more with the people you knew the best. Your master used to tell me a lot about how you were progressing in your training. All he wants is to help, just like you wished. Don't be so harsh with him just because of this wish.


[AD4M]-You don't need to overthink it, this is why you've changed all these years. You tell me the reason of your behaviour is because the sudden change of Great Leaders when your father died, but the true reason is because you do not trust your own powers. You've led them for years now, and you've progressed more than you could think of. Why do you still doubt your own abilities?

[CHE5TER]-..."Be the best, or die in nothingness". My master used to tell me this quote every time I failed to do something. Guess it applies now as well, as I failed to protect the little man...

They both stay silent for a while after the ruler's response. While He was taking a few sips of His drink, the barman only waited for Him to calm down.

[CHE5TER]-...I've heard that they still want to celebrate my father's day this year as well.

[AD4M]-They still don't know that He died? Oh, you sure hid it for a long time now...

[CHE5TER]-I cannot just go to the Council and announce His death after all these years, AD4M. They still think He is the one in charge of the whole city and that I'm the one who died that day. If they find out that I'm working as the Great Leader and the Leader of my base, they will start bringing more and more questions which will damage our progression towards the end of the conflict. I just have to wait until I can make my brother the Leader of the base. Until then, I will work as I did all this time.

[AD4M]-You know they already have questions regarding the next Great Leader, Ches. They think that your father has to retire soon after all. He has quite some time in this whole thing, even if He was suppose to only have the title for 25 years. And RY4N is seen to take His role in their perspective, remember? What would you do if the Council finally decides to ask you about this problem?

[CHE5TER]-I will just tell them the same thing I have told them for the last decade over and over again. "Until I find a capable Leader for my son's group in order for him to focus on his title, I will remain in my position of Great Leader of the Underground City". Don't you think that's enough?

[AD4M]-Heh, isn't it strange for both of you when you say these words? After all, your brother knows you are behind the whole disguise.

[CHE5TER]-I guess it is a little. But we can't do anything about it. We have to live with it until we find a way to fix everything.


After the conversation, the barman raises his glass towards the heavens and looks at the young ruler that was standing in front of him. The Great Leader, on the other hand, was puzzled by his action, but continued to play along.

[CHE5TER]-...What are the prayers for this time?

[AD4M]-You said your father's day is coming soon, didn't you? There's not much I can do, but He was my friend as well. So? What are you waiting for? Let us honour His soul for another year, for the rest He deserves after a life of protecting our city of freedom.

The ruler then smirks and shakes His head gently. But even if He mocked the barman with this gesture, the man still smiles at Him back and waits for His own glass. It's a pity though. For how much he can see the past memories of this young ruler every time he looks at His face, he still cannot do anything about changing this unfortunate soul's fate. But even if the memories will always be kept inside in a safe space where they can be abandoned in darkness, they cannot and will not be forgotten by those who choose to remember them. This is why He continues to fight, no matter how many years of suffering He will have to endure. And probably the same reason why He accepted this title.

[AD4M]-...Son of the first LENKOV, descendant of M1NERV4, may your soul be at rest even after the wars you had to fight your entire life. Even after the worries and fears you had to endure in your own solitude. Your children shall continue the work you've started, your dreams you've wished to see come true in the future. From your death, there is reborn, and the bloodline will continue existing once more. As you are our protector, and your memory shall live forever in our lands. Long rest the former ruler of our city and long live the Great Leader of the present!

It is surely not the first nor the last time these words will be spoken by someone. And they both seem to have done this for years now. As for the truth behind the past? Only time will reveal it. But even so, let it be for the gods to decide their fate from now on.

"...Long live the Renaissance." 

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