__________There's a rythm in your heart...

Sky as blue as her friend's eyes, both of them rekindling their undying banter over the most insignificant pieces of information. Blue like the ice cream hold by Kevin, a joy after the two merciless wrestlers graced of a fake gratitude the kids waiting for them at the panel, reclaiming awkward hugs and laying their greasy fingers on the Superstars.

Bright sun warms up Banks' freil and bare shoulders, as its yellow collides with the blue of the childish object inside of Owens' tense grip, merging to offer a beautiful vegetal landscape to walk through.

"Did you even congratulate him on the win afterwards ?" A husky voice mocks Sasha's pitiful attitude as she's still unable to face Zayn, let along to address the smallest of word to him.

"There were cameras everywhere, I couldn't offer to break keyfabe after that speech Vince gave to you." Lies escape through her lethal crimson lips, constantly attempting to lure Mankind to the most twisted places.

A sarcastic Kevin mimics her overly theatrical gesture, still ashtonished about the idea such a vicious entity could experience the slightest of fear while encountering such a harmless human being.

Sami could prove to be extremely annoying to the Canadian, especially since the ginger's outrageously blissful personality would always clash with his cynical methods, but outside of the ring there were nothing menacing about him, ever.

A buzzing prevents Sasha from continuing her pointless debate and, as her dark eyes lay on the screen of her cellphone, she can almost feel the shadow of Owens peeking through before he lets go of an excessive sigh.

"Your tastes in men couldn't be lower." He makes sure to point out, observing with disgust the pictures sent by one third of their impactful alliance : Emma.

The sole sight of his face awakes Mercedes' pureness in a second. He's sleeping, probably oblivious about the war that's about to rage, his features so harmonious you'd swear God took an extra time to model him.

It appears out of question to Banks to fall for such a triviality whilst Mercedes' eyes are glued to the heavenly portrait.

A text is sent to her right on time to save her from drowning in the trap of her hypnotic feelings.

emma ; "need you. behind our hotel. now."

An interrogative look rapidly draws itself all over Kevin's face whilst Sasha slowly raises her brow, intrigued by the mystery her acolyte is carrying.

Both the exhausted monsters eventually part ways, one's looking for catering whilst the second is looking for answers to the questions raised by the hazy situation.

She cautiously takes place on the unexpected bench positioned in front of her. It seems old yet resistant, damaged but not breaking and whilst she notices its details, she can't help but pull parallels between the current state of her glory's quest.

Suddenly a grip clumsily falls on her shoulder, causing a slight jolt in her fragile body, then resigning in brushing her arm tenderly. The silhouette sits close to her but keeps its distances at the same time, anxiously apprehending her reaction.

A shy smile lights up his tired expression, as if he suffered from an excruciating existence - barely surviving, almost suffocating. Their gazes connect in an emotion merging shame, regrets and unease.

Both their mouths stay locked for a while before he courageously attempts to disperse the incomprehension's fog surrending the atmosphere.

"Each time I came up to you, you just ran away." Zayn lowly voices, battling to keep his eyes deep in hers, proof of his well-known honesty.

He seems like about to add something else before quickly reconsidering his remarks. Instead he simply passes his hand in his messy hair, desperate to find the right words to say.

"I don't hold it against you though, I should have looked quite frightening."Sami finally admits whilst scratching his right arm, chagrined about the wrong impression he probably gave her on his intentions.

Sasha's attention gravitates from the little holes in the bench, as if the bullets of her mind were already destroying yet another graceful entity, to Zayn's apologetic stare.

She senses an uncomfortable veil taking over her will to fight out of her transe but it swallows her entirely and disconnects her from reality.

It projects her back to her past's pleasant glimpses, confirming her soul wasn't always so glacial.

The usual lethal beauty loses herself in a sea of pink and reassuring emotions, the illusion extending itself as minutes pass by.

"Do you want me ?" She'd swear hearing coming out from Sami's mouth, tense up by the irksome situation and the uncertainty regarding where it'll lead them.

"Excuse me ?" Escapes from a flustered girl, locks of her mane covering it slightly, troubled by the mirage unfolding still.

"Do you want me to go ?" Two syllables clarify the disturbing mist and allow Banks to regain a semblance of composure, nodding negatively in response.

Fixing her gaze on Sami, Sasha eventually notices the bruises on his forearm and to the side of his trembling neck. Without thinking too hard through it, contrasting with her usual overly analysing mind, she carefully brushes his wounds.

Whilst intense looks are exchanged between each other, three meaningful words come crashing upon Mercedes' heart, thoroughly breaking the masquerade for a short laps of time.

" Y o u ;

f o r g i v e ;

m e ? "

Yet another evidence assures to her that the Canadian sitting next to her is too pure to be human. No matter how hard it's for him to let go of his grudge, to erase the memory of her dreadful actions, he's still the one begging for forgiveness, offering him wholly vulnerable at her.

Since this ridiculous favor surely appears unworthy of Banks' pardon to Sami's eyes, he mindfully proceeds to lift the hoodie envelopping him, smiling while granting her of a gift she'd treasure forever.

Curiously he managed to anticipate the few drops of rain, colliding with the tip of her nose every now and then until the agreeable fabric covers her head a little too much - the cloth as huge as his original owner's heart.

In appearance, it's yet another useless attempt to hit Banks' heart and not her brain, to bring Mercedes' golden soul back to life.

In reality, it's the ultimate attempt to reach through happiness for probably the very last time.


E L E N A ;

The video up there is one of mine and it's inspired by how I view Sami/Sasha's bond. ;) This chapter is sorta filler / build-up for upcoming chapters because I adore twists and turns, but you already know that ha!

+ My own heart melt while writing that moment so I really hope yours will apreciate this sweet one since it's not about to happen in a while.

+ Owens is such a troll but I adore him to bits.

Please let me know what you thought about it, lots of love ♥

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