T W E N T Y - O N E ; MOON
______You know I try to compromise, but we're walking in this lie...
One word and twelve letters constantly invade the mind of the helpless wrestlers, forced to execute orders, to swallow their pride and to reject their old dreams' aspirations.
They all wanted to submit their legacy, whether it came from betrayals and selfishness or honesty and pureness. They all desired to change the place for the better, whether it was for their own sake or they're preoccupied by the company's disorder the future would have to survive in, struggling more and more as the generations go by.
In the end they all smothered any ounce of will they used to hold, carrying their sorry hearts and broken bodies from a sleepless city to another dying place - the spectators always awaken by blood's hunger yet filled with emptiness.
Everyone inside of the company's chaos are trapped inside of a never ending nightmare, in which their demons salivate at their upcoming fall, misery and insanity.
Some attempt to fight against the flow, persuaded that without their soul they'd be nothing else than haunting ghosts, while others comprehend that this is an actual chance to accept these demons' gift, aware they could slaughter them all thanks to it.
These are married to the darkness, devoids of morals but ironically loyal to the Devil's land no matter what. But even the most degenerates beings are vulnerable and need to obey to their enemy's laws from time to time, assuring in doing so they'd be able to carry on their devious plans.
Therefore as Seth Rollins is still suspended, impatience burning bright inside of his extinguished heart, he convinces himself not to give in to the temptation, to the freedom he's been craving to taste for so long.
Instead he makes justice to his infamous reputation, analysing in silence the problematic situation unfolding around him, each bit of it eventually understood by the Mastermind.
Whilst Vince is still placing his pawns in the chess game his employees' lives represent to him, the Reaper makes sure to entirely grasp his malicious plan in hope to foresee his next devastating move and obviously, counter it.
The CEO of the WWE never took much liking in Rollins and neither one or the other took the trouble to hide their exchanged resentment and disdain, their dark minds more alike than they'd think and their mutual playground turned into a battlefield to crown the new king of Hell.
As the former face of the company rests his aching back on the catering's wall - his suspension certainly not a valuable obstacle to his gruelling Crossfit's sessions - an unrequested presence worms its way into his agitated brain.
At first the person decides not to let go the smallest of word, surely figuring out how to approach such a despical individual. Once Seth reluctantly lays his apathetic eyes on the disrespectful silhouette, the idea of her being somewhat afraid of addressing such demon quickly vanishes from his mind.
If he'd at some point rule the land of Hell, she'll always be a tremendous opponent to dispute the top of the mountain with since her heart is possibly as spiteful as his.
Rollins made an habit of his own to see through and predict people's behaviour towards him. Most battle to cover the obvious fact they're trembling out of fear whilst other fools throw insanities at his face, too clueless to perceive how grandly amused he's of their ridiculous opinions.
Nobody ever tried to figure out what exactly was going on in such a dark mind and he came to the conclusion it'd never happen, his entity too vil for Mankind.
Until a feminine voice creeps onto the path leading straight to his heart's remains, curious about the monster's motives and background. After all he shouldn't be so surprised, she indeed belongs to the same kind as his : the unforgivable ones.
"Remember when you said that it's hard to pretend being someone else, all the time ?" Escapes from Sasha's crimson lips, as if all her victims' blood would eternally remained on her face as a proof of her merciless actions.
Both silhouettes stand still, neither willing to lock eyes and way much at ease in staring into space - if they were to fix their gazes upon the other's miserable existence, they'd be looking in a hurtful reflection.
Rollins notices that the redheaded left her usual crew behind - the guys probably bickering at the most useless things - and seems like drawn to him for a reason that eludes him.
Intrigued to penetrate the mystery, he slowly nods back at her, awaiting to discover her presence's purpose.
"Why don't you go back to the one you used to be then ?" Her voice shakes slightly, as if she's frightened about the answer he may offer to her.
Banks manages to numb his usual explosive's brain down, the only thing still functioning in his system being the area allowing him to feel pain.
The more words come out from her lethal mouth, the easier it is for him to feel the bullets piercing his skin in an unmatchable agony.
His shaking hand comes crashing upon his head in an attempt to reactivate its features, all in vain. It's like God himself punishes him from all the malevolent things he's done, giving him no choice but to appear as fragile as it gets.
"I don't remember who I used to be." Rollins responds in a resigned tone, shame and hatred merging whilst his dark brown eyes collide into Sasha's shocked stare.
They hold the pose for a little while, the children of the wild surprisingly awaking a side of them they both buried ages ago. But obviously, the ghosts of their past couldn't be killed.
A familiar theme song puts an end to the strange atmosphere only to bring an even darker one.
After countless loses and bitter disqualifications' victory caused by The Authority's endless interferences, Becky Lynch finally picks up a win and her triumph ignites the pride of her acolyte still at commentary.
While she makes the most of an overdue celebration, Ambrose rapidly grabs two microphones before throwing one at the other half of their underdogs' stable. The Cincinnati native ceremoniously clears his throat in a pathetic way to announce that the following speech needs to be taken seriously.
"As we were saying a couple of weeks ago before we were rudely interrupted, we're not going to revolutionize this goddamn place by ourselves." Dean's husky voice crashes upon both Banks and Rollins' confused brains, quiet and motionless as they're trying to clarify his intentions.
The haunting smirk plastered all over his features surely doesn't reassure them and sparks a growing and annoying interest from the two Hell's habitants.
Lynch, who is still catching her breath at that point, immediately turns towards the ramp and, as yet another familiar theme song hits the arena, claps for the new addition's arrival.
"That's not good." Rollins emphasizes the extend of the bad news regarding Banks' team, an odd smile curving the side of his mouth.
He finds himself torn between the joy of observing yet another former ROH's acquaintance and NXT's own debuting and the worry that the "Greatest man that ever lived" may be a game changer in the upcoming war.
As Aries is marching towards the ring, his gaze showing nothing else than pure determination, an upbeat song can be heard and the sight of the woman contrasts with the vibe given by her theme.
Carmella dances her way down and, though looks are often deceiving, she proved to be as gorgeous as dangerous when no other choice's left to her.
"He finally figured it out." Seth lets out in a whisper for himself, concerned that his former Shield's brother came to the same conclusions as him and Cesaro regarding Vince's motives but also misunderstood the actual enemies.
Rumours are spreading around concerning NXT's possible end, the territory becoming a really strategic one for Shane and his father's undying and damageful conflict.
Therefore Ambrose certainly feared the product's near disparition and brought up a couple of promising talents to reverse Vince's plan and use them as a barrage against him.
Banks can't seem to snap out of her transe as Sami is tugging on her sleeve, his childish reaction making clear they seriously need to discuss the shifting situation.
As soon as Rollins and Zayn's gazes connect, unease and fear are almost palpable in the air. Sami strangely nods to his former friend, uncapable of totally ignoring his presence and slightly confused by the events of the night.
The Reaper's eyes can't get off the ashtonished wrestlers while they quickly take away in the arena's maze - probably mimicking their current state of mind.
Suddenly his features get disformed when the idea Vince may win this war strikes his brain, aware that both Banks and Ambrose's stables are preparing to unleash their wrath on another, blinded by the Devil's curse.
Maybe it is time that the self-crowned king of the abyss' immorality descends upon the clueless wrestlers, manipulating the spotlight from the shadows and controlling the company from under ?
E L E N A ;
Finally an interaction between Seth / Sasha + war is slowly preparing to rage on and I hope you're all ready for it haha. Please let me know if / what you enjoyed in this chapter and thanks a lot for every read, vote and comment that this story gets, it truly warms my heart.
love you guys xxx
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