T W E N T Y - E I G H T ; SUN
______Let me freeze time before we turn cold...
Almost her entire life Sasha has been reduced to be a shadow on the background of the picture, the kind you barely even notice that simply appears to congratulate others' success.
Quiet, confidence lacking, too fragile both physically and mentally are the caracteristics that would constantly come back haunting her, thrown at her face each time she scratched and begged for a tiny opportunity.
If only they would have given it to her, offering Mercedes the chance to reach glory whilst holding on to her gentle heart. If only the people in charge back then could have seen through her ordinary facade, noticing an unlimited potential, maybe she would have never followed such a dark path.
She'd have never trade her values, smothered any ounce of good within herself and rejected the only persons who ever cared about her, all in hopes to fulfill a lifetime dream.
She craved for a change and, although she first expected it to come with her unstoppable team, she soon realized that none can share the spotlight in the WWE. It's always nothing more than a death struggle, blood eternally staining the winners' hands, lungs and souls, reminding them of their unforgivable sins.
Sasha suppressed the usual top faces from the posters spread into every town they'd step foot in, satisfying the audience's brutality hunger, in order to replace theirs by hers. She changed the entire perception of what women's wrestling is all about, her determination eventually exploding in front of larger and larger crowd, following her inspirational journey with the greatest of attention.
She exceeded everyone's expectations, proved wrong countless doubters, earned her place on the main roster and yet none of her accomplishments matter up here.
Vince makes a point to recall it to not only her but each and every single employee working for his company, rapidly turned into toys following his merciless directives. He pushes her buttons, promising her the world solely to offer her the leftovers, the three minutes of hole in the program, the interrogation mark on the kick-offs' dark match.
He keeps belittling what she represents and what she actively fought to make a reality of, laughing of it all. The story could have end just like that, the Devil himself burning down Mercedes' cherished pages from the History books, her name forgotten in a blink of an eye.
Except this is not about Mercedes here, it hasn't been for a while now and the fact the self-proclamed leader of the McMahon's clan can't seem to figure it out yet is a precious window of opportunity.
Sasha managed to hold her own through the whole tournament but if they're to put a special stipulation on such a thing, that simply means they're ready to use interferences in order to put a crown over their blonde princess once again.
Those fools apparently can't seem to comprehend they're not the only ones playing dirty anymore. Lucky for them, they are about to wrap their minds around that fact lighting fast.
Chaos reigns supreme on the finals opposing Banks and Charlotte, each team willing to mark their enemy's memory forever.
Emma is battling Miz over the ramp area, both of them completely exhausted but nontheless throwing elbows and fists at one another. A slight balance's mistake from the veteran allows the Australian wrestler to send his body colliding full speed with the LED board.
On the other side of the ring near the commentators' table, Rollins rekindles his explosive rivalry with Ziggler, the two technical wrestlers putting each other to the very limits of their capacities, horrible noises echoing from both their frightening landings and agony's cries.
While her acolytes risk their own health to protect the opportunity she's ripped away from Vince's fingers, the Boston native battles through the crushing fatigue, hurting muscles and overwhelming atmosphere as she can't help but worry about Seth and Emma's states too.
Her concern for them almost costs her big when Charlotte catches her with a devastating "Natural Selection", knocking her cold. A couple of seconds of rest are absolutely needed for her body to continue functioning, let alone win the match of her life, but those could very well sign the end of her heartbreaking journey.
An irksome buzzing becomes the sole thing she can hear while her eyes refuse to obey and open themselves. At least if she's able to see what's coming her way she may hold a tiny chance at survival.
She starts feeling helpless and powerless, doubt rapidly invading her mind like each time she's losing control over the situation.
A male voice eventually breaks the unbearable sound but whatever words coming from his mouth are simply intelligible, her brain still trying its hardest to put her body back into motion. Firm grip falls harshly upon her fragile figure and practically throws her to the other side in such a hurry she can't quite process if it is one of her allies or enemies' actions.
Blurred images and ashtonishing turns of event answer the questions she's still hasn't even had the time to ask herself as she barely distinguishes Seth taking an uncalculating risk in order to protect her.
Although both Flair's daughter and Ziggler attempted to gang up on him, he manages to floor one with a Springboard Diving Knee whilst the second is momentarily thrown off her game, being the perfect moment for Banks to capitalize.
She discreetly creeps her way behind Charlotte and probably executes the most perfectly done "Bank Statement" she's ever pulled out. Time flies rather quickly after the instant she taps out, the bell announcing Sasha's victory - a sound she almost forgot.
Aching still and her body uncapable to lift iself up from the ground, she couldn't feel prouder of herself and her team. Her glance immediately diverts toward a limping Rollins who surprisingly sacrified himself for the greater good.
"We run this place, we're the ones in charge here now." He tirelessly repeats, shouting into the fans' faces and most importantly, to the unqualified management's ears.
They hold them back for ages and now, it is the no-good kids' deserved right to reverse the curse.
Furtive triumphs can easily get erased by lasting losses as Sasha experiences yet another emotional roller-coaster. Time froze the second an unacceptable turn of event shocked the entire world but most importantly jeopardised her entire crew's future.
A fraction of second was enough to crush her hope entirely, her breathing more hatching each time a heartfelt word comes out from his sorrowful entity.
He's standing in the middle of the ring, surrounded by weapons that could never be as lethal as his change of heart and his fellow money in the bank's opponents.
A hand's extended by a returning rising star, his charisma blinding anyone's judgement right away yet he'd never lose sight of the eternal respect he has for the man standing in front of him.
An analysing wrestler reasseses the situation he's now in, Cesaro implying he's next in line for his covoited jewl, whilst emotion gradually takes the best of him. His own teary-eyed statement seemingfully infuriates him as much as it hurts Sasha.
If anyone could hear her heart breaking in million of pieces, it'd be the loudest noise of them all.
"See this is why I go wrong every single time. Why I can't seem to be taken seriously by anybody neither can I count on the support of my closest friends." Sami snaps, his voice breaking half way through his sentence while pointing towards the Swiss' palm.
Banks slowly wraps her mind around his motives and, the more she comprehends the way he's felt for so long, the easiest it becomes to blame his fall on herself.
It is true that, since he won the IC title from Owens, the crowd hasn't been supportive of him in any way. They kept sending him hate messages on social medias, wrecking his spirits beyond repair as he would pretend that none of it got to him.
So called fans threw at him that he wasn't a deserving champion neither that his reign mattered anyways because he's nothing else than a place holder, put under the spotlight in wait to find someone fitting for the job.
They cast doubt upon his wrestling abilities and experience, indignating themselves at the fact such a "nice and harmless" guy would even be a consideration for a main-event's spot.
Then once he was done and out, his big heart suffering from an indescribable pain, his best friend went on and kept repeating to him that eventually, he'd get back the prize that always been his in the first place. That he sure as hell never been deserving of it and only obtained it because a shift was needed for the storyline's development.
And yet even the crowd itself expressed its desinterest regarding an underdog's cheap success story.
"Don't you get it ? I'm done playing nice.
I'm done letting my reign be considerated as a joke and more importantly, I'm done putting my trust into the hands of the same ones that won't hesitate to betray me the first chance they get." Zayn fixes his intense and fuming gaze deep inside Kevin's moved eyes, only connecting with his not to break character once more.
Everyone told him that his honesty would kill him but it never did. Sami never crumbled under their assumptions' pressure because he knew deep down in one corner of his gentle heart that what he hold within it could never be taken away from him.
While painfully witnessing the entire scene, Sasha can't help but cover her face with her trembling fingers - if she had to see her sole and most cherished light fade away, it'd be too much for her heart to handle.
"It was my faith to become champion, the rightful champion and whether you like it or not, I'm not gonna let any bit of what you're saying nor thinking change the person I've always been.
Because I will never trade lifelong principles for an ephemeral glory." Sami finally explodes, his voice almost unrecognizable since it's animated by rage, grudge and resentment when it's only been filled by softness and kindness for so many years.
He paces around the ring for a moment, scratching his hair in a tormented way as if battling against the demons taking over in his head.
Sami eventually exits the ring, its tense atmosphere practically palpable as no one can manage to say anything back at him, schockingly followed by another manly silhouette.
Ambrose joins the Canadian wrestler, murmuring an intelligible sentence which seems to calm Zayn's temper slightly. Dean then friendly pats his newly found acolyte on the back, a satisfied grin plastered on his face while Owens finally snaps out from his phase, letting go a meaningful and tragic roar.
The final sound of the sombre scene is enough to break Sasha's facade, effortlessly reading the grief inside of Kevin's eyes and falling apart entirely.
E L E N A ;
Rollins ultimately saving the day for Banks here, huh ? Now that she's officialy the number one contender, will she finally rise to the occasion of fail miserably ?
I know guys, it broke my heart to write Sami's part as well but trust me, it is a necessery but very sad phase. Please don't hate me, I love you lots! xxx
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