T H I R T Y - S I X ; SUN
____Nobody said it's easy, we knew it'd be rough...
A marvellous figure gets deformed by an excessive frown, disdain being the unique response offered to the ungrateful and versatile crowd.
Her feet are firmly planted on the ground, standing tall, calm and collected in the center of her favourite home : the ring.
Although her outside lets the World asssure that its absence of recognition sickens her to her guts, the opposite effect actually occurs within Sasha's entity.
She inhales vivid hatred and exhales undying determination, ready to blow their unoriginal minds and silent absurd criticisms regarding her abilities.
The fans she inherited out of her formidable rise in NXT eventually vanished in the blue, replaced by endless doubters and smarks claiming they could outdo her "pathetic" reign without even trying, foolishly mistaking the awful booking's victim and authors.
If anyone were to blame for running the company to the ground, admiring it crashing and burning without even realizing the upcoming threat, it would be the useless writing's teams alongside the chaotic management.
While Shane is battling through thick and thin in order to assure the WWE would regain its past glory, his father can't help but discrediting each of his achievement.
Helpless Superstars are since stuck in between the way they'd adore to see the business being ruled and the orders spit out by an unyielding, out of touch, maniacal boss.
Few attempted to go against the grain no matter the consequences, sparking a freil flame inside of their fellow wrestlers' eyes, but ultimately suppressed of the conversation by carreers' buryings.
Most of the locker room ended up forced to let go of their unrealistic dreams, trading their childhood aspirations to live a lie put up by the Devil itself.
Therefore Banks finds herself executing the orders, reluctantly following the officials' ridiculous plan since they only kept the belt on her to make her look weaker than ever, void claims seemingfully taking over her former bossy attitude.
She's explaining to the whole Universe the reasons why she wouldn't grant Becky of yet another opportunity, belittling her unlimited talent while in the inside, she's craving so badly to go toe-to-toe with the driving force of the Women's division.
Despite clearly voicing it up to the key player, Sasha does indeed has the utter respect for the Irish's abilities, innovative's style and incredible show of heart.
With apprehension she delivers the last part of her pre-written speech, well aware that it would sound like nothing but a mess, the sole idea she'd run away from a fight drastically contrasting with her cherished and prideful persona.
Lynch's theme blares out through the arena, receiving a surprising but much appreciated pop that even puts a smile to the side of the Boston native's lips.
Though she may never get offered another opportunity at the title, considerated as a waste of space by the officials since the very beginning, her character would at least never get damaged the way Sasha's had been.
The fiery wrestler runs down the ramp, almost happily throwing her body into the crowd's arms, before focusing her undivided attention to the squared circle. Her eyes are soft yet confident while a playful spark ignites inside of them.
She calmly walks towards her old acolyte, contemplating for a moment the miles they've traveled together all in hopes to meet again on the Main Roster.
Sadly their expectations had quickly disappeared, stomped on by uneducated people who yet hold their carreers in the palm of their hands.
As Becky's readying herself to break the silence filling space in between the two, another familiar theme echoes throughout the building, astonishing the entire place.
Ambrose, Austin and Carmella make their way to the ring, menacing stares enough to read their bad intentions. Sasha's gaze rapidly diverts toward Lynch who appears as shocked as she is herself, letting her know that she most likely was kept out of their plan's settings.
It is indeed the perfect time to strike and make an example out of a lonely champion, Banks' entire stable being spread too far away from her reach.
Rollins' injury keeps him on the shelf for another couple of weeks, Kevin has been viciously assaulted earlier in the night by Miz and Ziggler as he was making his way to a backstage interview and Emma has been sent out by Sasha herself.
Vince summoned the Aussie one to announce she'd have to take the night off, implying that her match against Paige had once again been cancelled.
To cheer her up the redheaded kindly ordered her to reunite with her best friend, knowing too well that she hasn't spent some quality time with Ryder in forever.
Lynch buys some precious time to Banks, allowing her to reassess the situation and come up with a decent way out of the nightmare, as she's pushing Dean aside, totally oblivious about his shady motives.
"The gold should already be yours." His hoarse voice explains, catching glimpses of Sasha's every moves to prevent his team from being taken by surprise.
"I'll do my best to get it back, but not like this." Becky nervously responds, slowly comprehending the reason behind their intervention.
"Guys, that's not us. That's not what we do, right ?" Her stare wanders towards her friend Carmella who mumbles a shy "sorry" before diverting her attention to the ground.
Even magnetic deep blue eyes aren't enough for Lynch to abandon the principles she built her whole existence on - if she was to let them go, she truly would become a "nothing".
Taking a stand for a former sister would appear extremely risky for most people but in her eyes, it's the sole option she actually has.
Within her heart she's absolutely sure that this is the right decision and, even if her own teammates were to turn her back on her, it wouldn't nearly hurt as much as if she'd simply observe Sasha being infairly assaulted.
"Over my dead body." Becky explodes, positioning herself between two opposite sides in a heartbeat, not about to let the opportunity to rekindle their old Team B.A.E's chemistry pass her by.
And just like that, the Irish lady signs her name in crimson color on one already too long list - this war's victims endlessly pilling up.
Heavy atmosphere takes over the room as no soul would dare voice anything out. The sight offered before the wrestlers' very eyes is both heartbreaking and infuriating.
"First the blackmail bullshit and now this ?" Seth eventually exclaims, breaking the holy silence while angrily tapping his fingers to the side of the medics' table.
He rushed toward Sasha as soon as she came out from the curtains, her body aching and struggling to stay up, cautiously helped back by Lynch after the beatdown both females have received.
The second the Doc explained that she may be suffering from a dangerous shoulder injury, the kind that casts doubt upon a title reign let along a lasting carreer in such a brutal business, he had that terrible deja-vu impression.
He then started blaming her fall on himself since if he had been cleared earlier, he could have protected her.
"Zayn always messes things up but he wouldn't go to such an extent. He's a good guy at heart." Becky mutters, assuring that such thing had most likely eluded from both her and the Canadian's knowledge while Rollins argues that she shouldn't even be present near any of them since she's part of the enemy.
"Guess we're on the same boat now." Cesaro whispers while offering a quick look of consolation to Sasha as he's getting his shoulder's tape changed by an official.
Easily sensing that Rollins may go berserk at any given moment the Swiss motions towards him, signaling him to approach.
While Sasha's brain is still painfully blank after the crushing news, she overhears Seth getting lectured about his possible reckless behavior regarding his injury, recalling that he couldn't offer to get back in the ring before three long weeks.
"They seemed to know you'd end up all alone way before you even entered the ring." A thick british accent makes its path through Banks' ear as she snaps out from her phase, laying her tired eyes on Emma's close friend : Paige.
Her suspicious are quick to be shared by a muttering Seth, returning at their side and expressing his skepticism regarding the diagnostic his friend just been the object of.
After all, it wouldn't be the first time that so called doctors mess up with fellow wrestlers' health, putting their lives in danger.
If the company was ready to go to such lenghts in order to keep their big names around, what would the officials do to erase a problematic name of History ?
"I have a guy on the inside that could clarify the situation. If Sami wasn't the snitch back then, he may spit the real one's name." Rollins coldly voices while crossing his arms over his chest, already aware that their journey's far from over.
"And you're saying it just now ?" Banks exclaims, shocked that he'd keep such an important piece of information to himself even after all the times they've went to war together.
"Our relationship isn't exactly friendly to say the least." The Iowa native whispers, his stare nervously wandering as far as possible from her.
"He's still holding a grudge because they chose you over him, back in that ROH's tournament ?" Jokingly escapes from the British woman, reminding memories to Seth as Sasha doesn't even bother figuring their conversation out.
"About that so called carreer's threatening injury ? There is someone that could actually help with this." Paige focuses her attention upon the defeated redheaded - still unsure that she could actually help her or if she's just trying to cheer her up.
"You mean a surgeon ?" Sasha mumbles, rubbing her shoulder with her trembling bare hand, concerned that an entire life of hard work's reward may get stolen from her.
"Even better, you'll see." The young former champion smirks at a confused Banks while Rollins sighs beside her, apparently already aware of her mysterious intentions.
Isn't it funny how contrasting soul and body can get ? Although one seemingfully is within the other, once they're confronted to massive roadblacks and merciless punishment, one remains and the other breaks.
Athletes' will would wreck any obstacle standing in their way, forcing them to become distant memories. But when their body is harshly damaged, it doesn't respond to their will anymore.
As Sasha reflects on the possibility it may apply to her case too, she smiles out of relief. Her head softly rests on the car's window while the surgeon's words repeat inside of her brain.
Nothing extremely frightening was perceivable on her x-ray and, even though she should definitely go easy on the shoulder for a little while, it is only hurt and not dislocated like the previous diagnosis assured.
She then found reassurance inside of a tiny brunette's arms, kindly rubbing her back and whispering sweet compliments near her ear, as well as inside of a stoic man's eyes, the tenderness inside overshadowing the coldness of his presentation.
Paige was absent of the room, claiming she had a phone call to make and stayed on the inside of the car before making sure that Sasha would feel at ease in between the raven haired's adoptive parents.
It turned out she fit in perfectly as all three bonded in a packed waiting room, exchanging about a shared passion, personal sacrifices and broken dreams.
Inside of the vehicle, both the nerds eventually find themselves gushing over a shared admiration for Kota Ibushi's wicked kicks, AJ swearing that she'd most likely adore dying at his hits if that entailed she could actually approach the guy.
On the passenger's seat Paige sparks an endless debate, arguing over whose The Walking Dead's character truly is the worst, her and Punk's opinions obviously differing and resonating in the car.
"Softie Seth wanted to know how his protegee's doing. I said that you got ran over or something." The British informs, mocking her long time friend's habit to overeact at the smallest things, let along the terrible news.
Only a matter of minutes is necessary for Paige's phone to vibrate repeatedly, as she sadistically picks up after missing two of his calls.
A distraught and hoarse voice invades the place while everyone tries its best not to ruin the joke. His concern warms Sasha's heart and she rapidly decides to put an end to his torture, motioning toward a cracked up British who reluctantly gives her the phone, disappointed that the game already ended.
"Seth, thank you." Banks lets out three meaningful words, apparently shuting Rollins' ramblings immediately before dead silence echoes on the other end.
She barely hears him breathing heavily, unsure if it is out of relief or rage and waiting for a sign allowing her to speak.
"He finally managed to find a girl he wouldn't scare away or drive insane, huh ?" The Chicago's pride exclaims, very amused to notice the overly confident guy he met years back suddenly struggles to find the right words.
"That's a debatable point to be fairly honest." Paige retords while laying her dark eyes upon Sasha, implying that their History damaged both of Banks and Rollins' esteem and health.
"Well, I don't think neither of you could hang with me when it comes to psychos." AJ happily voices, granting the redheaded with one of her famous darken stare, unstability exuding out of her so suddenly it even surprises her.
"I think we all lose a piece of sanity in there." Punk ultimately concludes, purposely avoiding the taboo name of WWE in order to not rub it in.
After these heartfelt words are pronounced everyone fall silent, each envisioning a defining moment during their carreer in which they completely lost their head, all thanks to the Devil's playground : Vince McMahon's own creation.
E L E N A ;
Thankfully Sasha won't have to vacate her title to anyone - here, The Authority would have adored giving it back to Charlotte.
Quick apparition of some of my fav. WWE's alumnis + little roller-coaster here, don't you think ?
Please let me know what you thought about it all, it's always a pleasure to know,
love ya all! xxx
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