T H I R T Y - F I V E ; MOON

_______How can anyone ask for more ?

fifth month of reign ;

Looking at him was like looking at a plain and bland canvas awaiting to become the most touching work of art the World has ever seen.

Deep down everyone knew he had the potential buried deep within himself, behind his tired and apathetic eyes, to spark the smallest light of hope guiding him out of the darkness.

Except just like a paint he couldn't reach his true pinnacle without a little help, without the two hands forcing two irregular rocks together in order to ignite the path to the exit.

He has unconsciously been cursed and trapped deep into the shadows, swallowing any sign of possible salvation for his devious soul.

Rollins' life has constantly been sucked out of his damaged entity since the instant he offered himself wholly to the Devil, signing a deceptive and shady contract merging a part of his heart to the company he'd have to work for.

Vince lured him inside of his cave, seducing him with big promises and overwhelming charisma, using his own dreams against him.

And like so many before him he gave in to the temptation, wrongly convinced that every step he'd take forward would ultimately offer him what he's always craved : recognition and respect.

Ironically enough Seth didn't hesitate an instant to stab countless knives in the back of his lost companions, inflicting them an eternal pain that no pills nor illusion would be able to erase, to reach to something only these persons may give him.

Therefore he now finds himself wandering in the corridors of the Devil's playground, each employee eventually turned into pawn and emprisoned inside of a cage without perceivable bars.

The Iowa native tries his best to stay alert, searching for the sole light he can still barely distinguish behind the red fog. Although the latter is far from being anything close to lay her hypnotic stare on his depraved self, he can't help but chase her radiance.

He was wrong when he said that she'd bring out the good in him - truth is any ounce of kindness and pureness got suppressed a while ago.

Instead, Sasha manages to make the impossible : she transforms in an artist who paints, who creates the good within his plain and dull anatomy.

Any opportunity he'd encounter to spot her ravishing silhouette it's like fire was running through his veins, slowly but surely reviving the remains of his heart and putting colors to the side of his wan face.

As he stumbles slightly, getting his balance back thanks to the nearest crate catching him up in his fall, the brutal reeducation's sessions remind him of what lenghts he's ready to go only to protect her.

While Rollins lifts his chin up, anxiously looking right and left to assure nobody had the right timing to admire one of his major weaknesses, he accidentally makes eye contact with her.

Suddenly everything vanishes because of the heavenly view before him, her flawless hair curled up and that perfume that would drive insane the most methodical human being on Earth.

The excruciating pain spreading through his bad knee, the uncertainty crashing upon his troubled mind every too often, the misery he's been put to since the day he stepped foot on the Main Roster, it all disappears in a blink of an eye as he can't keep his gaze off Sasha.

He anxiously swallows the lump in his throat, still unsure of how he's supposed to approach her since she's been avoiding him ever since her break down following the blackmailing's affair.

Dark and intense eyes don't ever bother scrutinize his figure, barely resting upon him for a second, seemingfully looking right through him as if the mirror's effect turned into an invisible one.

She ultimately attempts to force her way in but is rapidly blocked by Rollins' larger stature, slightly brushing her hand before she aggressively shoves his away.

"Stop playing me." Sasha menacingly spits out, still locking her stare on far away behind him, making clear the fact she doesn't want to waste her time on him, not again.

"That's the thing I never wanted to do : play you." Seth gathers the inner strength to retords lowly, his usual arrogance leaving him high and dry at the worst moment imaginable.

"For the first time in a very long time, I've found someone deserving of my attention." He pauses for a moment, noticing that his statement may come out as a bit too self-centered, giving out the polar opposite's impression of what he's struggling to explain.

Rollins has always been very skilled with words when it came down to promos, leading speeches and basically anything entailling that he'd have to capture the attention of large crowd.

But surprisingly enough finding the right way to express his true feelings, letting down his guard in doing so, always seemed like such a burden to him.

More times that he could remember, people took the things he'd say the wrong way, holding grudges against him when he actually tried to let someone in. That's the reason why he decided to lock up the door leading to his heart, his cherished ones as limited as it could get.

Apparently Sasha magically makes all of his walls crumble, burning down any oath he'd have made to himself.

"Someone worthy of my efforts, someone passionate enough to push me to my limits and beyond.

And maybe I haven't been the nicest guy in the past and I sure as hell won't be but at least, I want to try." He restarts his monologue, pronouncing each word with the greatest care while leaning with difficulty on the crate, grimacing out of pain every so often.

"I need you Sasha.

But if you need me out of your life for good just tell me and I'll go." The former champion mumbles, explaining the exact opposite of what his heart's actually requesting : her endless and undivided attention.

Although lies are clearly escaping from his dry lips, he means it all because if her happiness needs to come at his expense, then he'd rather admire her magnificient smile from a distance.

"You broke me." Three little words are enough to wreck his small glimpse of hope and actually hurt him more than the fact she's just shove him out of the way, marching ahead no matter the obstacles present on the road.

"Then break me too." Seth wanted to scream out loud at first but resigned to solely exclaim, noticing that she abruptly stopped behind him.

The silence that follows is louder than the millions of people he'd encounter anytime his feet would grace the stage, each yelling at him to the point that a buzzing would usually invade his brain.

But only the sound of her footsteps becoming more hazy each step she's staking is enough to suppress the typical backstage's blare.


Perfection is one deceiving promise. It allows Mankind to conclude you may reach it some holy day while what you're truly doing is trapping yourself in a self-destructive cycle.

The closer you think you get to your goal, the further it appears and the worse the damages you're willing to inflict to youself become.

Still perfection is a concept spread by medias and celebrities, foolishly participating at the death of fellow human beings' souls. They turn empty because they use their inner strengths to slaughter self-created demons and dilemmas.

And then there are the ones building golden empires at the expanse of lost kids, toying with their emotions and mental health.

The kind that hold your biggest achievements in the palm of their hands only to crush it in pieces.

The type that stand in front of greatness and unique talent but are too blind by their outdated view to make a right use of it.

Vince McMahon falls effortlessly in that category as he's proving day in and day out how awfully terrible one can actually get at their job.

Rumour has it that he had the audacity to not only repeatedly confront Banks regarding the low ratings and possible end of her run sooner than scheduled, but he also dared suppressing her name of tonight's card.

He exclaimed on a haughty tone that "the WWE Universe's most likely already tired of a cheap champion and her constant excessive crying", his coldhearted take on a young woman's fulfilled dream lighting a burning hatred within Seth.

But even those absurd statements were nothing in comparaison of the madness unleashed inside of his head the second Owens implied Sasha stormed out of the arena, willing to walk to the nearest gym regardless of the frightening weather.

Imagining the merciless wind playing with her tiny figure and hail colliding on her fragile skin, leaving red marks all over it revived the caring guy he's smothered ages ago.

He, who always double checked and overthought everything, suddenly shuts down any further interrogation, making his mission to locate and save her from herself.

By the time he spots a running feminine silhouette on the street, he makes sure to follow in order to assure he wasn't mistaking before eventually pulling out the vehicle.

She's coughing again and again as it seems like her guts are about to escape through her mouth. Her clothes are wet and she slightly trembles yet far from being frozen nor afraid by the thunder.

Rollins roughly slams the door behind him, well aware that he has no time to waste while he's tracking her down, astonished that he'd actually have a little bit of difficulty catching up her pace.

Though he truly shouldn't be by any bit of her behavior, she made it clear through the years that she's an obsessive one. Sasha would constantly review her performances, realizing that something was always keeping her away from perfection.

Doubts would take over her heart and she'd whisper to herself "am I really good enough for this ?" each and every single time. And each and every single one of these times, Dusty would sit beside her, offering her the most valuable advices and reassuring her as if she's his own daughter.

He recalls that him and The American Dream were the two people able to perceive the unlimited potential resting within her undying will while even herself never quite grasped it.

Sasha never could and never would as long as she lets uncertainty makes its home inside of her.

"Are you fucking insane, do you want to die ?" He's shaking her with all his force as if it may put together the missing pieces of her brain, allowing her to understand what actual threat she's putting herself under.

"If that means I'll finally get rid of you then yes, I'll gladly be dead." The lethal beauty retords, shouting at his face whilst getting out of his grip, surprisingly still showing some life.

"You're not going anywhere." He claims on an authoritive tone, aggressively grabbing her little wrist before she takes off once more.

"I thought you'll leave me alone from now on." Sasha mutters as she's apparently exhausted from such frequent fights that never seem to come to an end.

"Not if you're ready to go outside and get struck by the freaking lighting ." Seth yells out, his muscles tense and his gesture expressing the extent of his concern.

"I said I needed you and I meant every bit of it.

So if I have to tie our wrists together to assure you're safe, I'll do it." He continues while attempting to calm down, the hurtful contact between the hail and his hand far from enough for him to let go of her.

He let every single person he once cared about out of his life, pretending as if he's handling both the pressure and the heartache perfectly while truth was, he's just drowning in his own swallowed tears.

"What, you're in love with me now ?" The sentence echoes through his brain, unleashing another storm but this time within himself, matching the chaos of the outside.

"That's why you're stalking me everywhere I go." Sasha mocks, cockiness becoming the sole expression written all over her features, giving Seth a taste of his own medecine.

"Don't even go there." He cuts her off, growing annoyed of such childish accusations, still convinced that more important is going on.

While rearranging his wet and wild hair, Rollins can't help but to shoot daggers toward the redheaded.

"All along you're just desesperately craving for my attent-" Before she gets the chance to wrap up her conclusion, her breath is literally taken away from her when Seth ultimately shuts her up, physically forcing the silence to take over for a split second.

And as as the thunder strikes even louder, the uproar inside of their brains reaches the fever pitch.

Although their lips connect for a little while, anything close to tenderness is absent. Resentment and anger are the sole feelings exchanged as their will to prove each other's point push them to stay put.

"See ? No racing heart. No physiological reaction. No nothing." Rollins explains in a monotone voice, placing her freil fingers to the side of his chest and staring deep inside of her confident eyes.

"I don't need to be in love with you to protect your stubborn ass." Seth answers to her previous random affirmation, him having feelings for Sasha being nothing but a foreign concept that he can't even envision.

"And if I want to get your attention, I know exactly how to capture it." He finishes, winking back at her before dragging her reluctant body to the inside of his spacious car, a smirk drawing itself to the side of his satisfied face.

Her complaints suddenly become the sweetest symphony ever created to his ears, her silent treatments way harder to deal with - loneliness may be his most loyal compagnion but is also the one he fears the most.


E L E N A ;

Guys, it took me literally four attempts to write this chapter and I'm not even happy with it yet. But I figured that if I had it my way, I'd spend a lifetime working on those two scenes because they're obviously very special and important for both Sasha + Seth's development.

Aye, please tell me what you thought about it, pretty please ?

love ya all xxx

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