_______There's a reason I collided into you...

m o n t h s  l a t e r

Weakness often times is an inner pure force, the kind that no one could ever steal from you. Which is exactly why most will attempt to create doubt within yourself, to the point you'll yourself be the one smothering it with your bare hands.

Along the road you'll find suffering, both from the wounds you've inflicted to others and others inflicted to you. Usually you'll encounter a land solely resided by darkness because you lost your true self, the one previously looking upon the world with hope, principles and loyalty.

If luck is carved in your path and only if it is, then you may be graced by forgiveness and adoration from a person capable of saving you from yourself. From someone able to revive the individual you attempted to push away one too many times.

Although that process is indeed possible, it first requires a very crucial sentiment a deep and honest reflection could only provoke : acceptance.

Acceptance of your true nature, blood and domination printed in the genes of your species.

Acceptance of your original self, emotions leading your way far from the destruction you're irremediably drawn to.

Only after that painful step a precious and cherished light will spark up within your heart, switching on all the rooms of your inner house, finally turning it into a safe and warm home.

Fortunately when a moon and a sun collide, an eclipse rises and blinds the menacing shadows surrounding the powerful stars.

P E A C E F U L  M O O N ;

The comfort of soft white sheets slowly puts an end to one well-rested wrestler's dreams, realizing as soon as he opens his eyes that the reality he is living in proves to be even sweeter.

His deep brown eyes tenderly lay upon every centimetre of her magnificent face, make up products useless for such an already perfectly crafted work.

Her soft and delicate skin may be scattered by ridiculously small flaws that he constantly gazes at. It recalls him that despite what he believes she isn't an angel from above, she's real and she chose to be by his side.

The fire within her resilient soul should have fueled the flames of the Hell he was crawling through with the few strength he still hold, but it did not.

On the contrary it pacified his own demons, themselves too frightened by such an unexpected forceful personality, before extending her freil hand and helping him to pass the exit's doors.

Sasha saved him from the misery he himself decided to get trapped in, his prison ultimately burnt down by her determination.

She then introduced Seth to what he likes to refer as a "paradise" because in his entire life, never had he ever evolved in such a calming and reassuring atmosphere.

Thanks to her undivided attention and help he managed to free himself from The Authority's chains once and for all, and even though war still rages on inside of the company, it could never poison their cherished nest.

Because of her endless encouragements and the trust she put in him when no one else would have done the same, he succeeded in reaching through to his former best friend : Corey.

Although their bond is still far from regaining its unique and magical beauty, the sole fact that Graves accepts to speak the smallest scraps of words to him is enough for Seth to feel whole again.

With both their hands clasped so tight she fueled his will and gave him the courage to face one of his biggest mistakes : Leighla.

The opportunity to get off everything the former lovers retained in their tired selves scared him but ultimately allowed him to make a fresh start, to close the final chapter of their meaningful yet destructive story.

He waved her goodbye and started a new book, erasing the former and bitter letters - Glory and Gore - as he remembers that those two things cost him not only everyone he once cherished but also his mental health, sanity and knowledge of his true character.

He then went on to write new letters, full of optimism and agreeable emotions : Love and Trust.

Him who used to lure the entire world with convincing and malicious words now finds himself speechless in front of such a pure human being.

Him who used to consider himself as a king without ever comprehending that the fight against her was never equal in the first place : she's always been an eternal goddess and he just was another face in the landscape.

Now the illumination brought to him by her gentle heart lets him know that a king is nothing without his queen, ruling by his side, protected by his loving arms, his sharp yet tender stare and reassuring touch.

He thought she was the one needing him but in the end, she's the one who revived his dead heart, lighting up the blown up candles showing him the path out of the darkness.

She perpetually was chasing another's light without ever realizing that her beaming smile would be able to blind anyone's pain in a minute.

In her opinion she's dust, in others' she's an unsteady star and in his eyes she's shining even brighter than an entire galaxy and he'd live an eternity just to feel her light gracing his undeserving and damaged heart.

L O V E L Y  S U N ;

Scraps of brilliant colors collide with the blank surface her half opened eyes can barely distinguish, groaning because of such an early waking but soon relieved to admire the features of his peaceful face.

She's utterly glad that he still graces her with his much needed presence, turning every commom day into a vivid adventure.

Although he indeed wrecked to pieces the stable they all once referred as "The Shield", he now became her true shield, preventing her from crumbling under a pressure she often times built up herself, protecting her from the outsiders' attacks with his own body, heart and soul.

The fact that he'd practically endlessly repeat how she'd deserve way better than such a "broken down man", yet utterly grateful that she'd even consider share a bit of her time with him brings the most cheesy and silly smile to her face.

It warms her entity when everything around turns black and white and everything inside becomes blue, to know that he's not even aware Seth is all she could ever dream of.

His clumsiness and unease with physical touch, craving to feel her in his arms yet also afraid she may reject him forces her to let go of those cute laughs he secretly loves - he'd always fluster.

His apologetic stare anytime he'd conclude he's been slightly too harsh on her would slowly kill her, only to bring her back to life and fall even deeper for him.

His stupid habit of yelling for hours when he'd play video games often times brought her to roll her eyes at him, ultimately taking place beside him and rejoining in the party.

Every little thing he'd be sorry about she'd simply adore because it reminds her that she does soften him up, that the same way he darken up her heart all these years ago she now possesses an even larger influence on him.

Even when he'd withdraw into himself, refusing to let her in just because he's convinced it'd do more harm than good to her, chosing to keep his sorrows to himself, she'd block out his complaints only to sit next to him, hopefully taking a fraction of his pain away.

Because falling for the light hold within a person is easy, it's almost hypocritical.

Witnessing one's other half bend to their knees, darkness surrounding their silhouettes and keep on adoring every piece of them, that is what true love is all about.

And what true and honest bonds are all about value a million times more to her than any title reigns, the fact that those are useless without relying people sharing them with finally dawning on her.

Sasha's now convinced that the most insignificant moments spent with special persons are the ones pattering a long and peaceful existence, like the ones she'd share with two-third of her undestructible sisterhood : Bayley and Becky.

As she reluctantly leaves the bed of their charming apartment, right in the middle of Seth's native town of Moline, she briefly thinks about one of her loyal soldiers : Emma.

Although both eventually cut ties with one another, reunited in the first place for carreer's purposes only, she'd eternally be thankful for all the battles they've been through together, all in hopes to reach glory.

But maybe glory was always hers all along. Maybe she already achieved it from the pride reflecting in her mother's eyes and from the beautiful human being that her brother grew into only because she managed to protect him from the villainy of this world.

Maybe she already hold it in her freil fingers thanks to the indefectible support both Graves and even Owens put in her no matter the circonstances.

The universe may not see it but perhaps glory is something you find within your heart and not something that need to be reckoned by the world - her world (Seth, Bayley, Becky) already reckoned it anyway.

Maybe a golden heart is the pinnacle of glory and not a heart of stone paired up with countless title reigns.

While Sasha marches towards the house's entrance in order to get their mails, she suddenly thinks about her former ally and friend : Kevin.

After all she first hand experimented and witnessed what kind of damages an unhealthy obsession for glory can be inflicted to you, was inflicted to him.

A strange envelope apparently slipped in between the usual taxes and other advertisings, rapidly drawning the young woman's attention as she hurries herself to open it.

Once she realizes who the sender of it is, her heart skipt a heartbeat and she's frozen still for a couple of minutes, unsure if rekindling such hurtful memories would be a decent idea.

At the same time she concludes that if he was to send her a letter, it'd be for a crucial reason. Since himself and Sami deserted the company, both agreeing on the fact the WWE brought nothing but pain to them, and went back to their first home the independent scene, she had zero contact with them.

From what she could overhear here and there, Owens and Zayn comprehended than they weren't the shadow of the other but that they're in reality two parts of one entity, being some kind of wrestling soulmates for years now without ever grasping it.

❝I know you hate declarations as much as I do so I'll keep it short.

Well actually, I'm still not sure to know why I'm writing to you so I can't actually promise it won't be long. (Please forgive me if there are any stains on the paper, that'd mean I teared up a bit - just a little alright, I'm not as soft as you.)

I guess I wanted to apologize for, well, everything really. You already had one version of the events months back but if you'd like to have my version, keep reading. (If you torn apart the letter I'll totally understand, even though that means you won't read what I'm currently writing so I don't know why I'm still doing it.)

Anyways, I won't go too much in the details. Just know one part of me was convinced that I was still protecting you. When Rollins crumbled under the pressure the company was putting him under, I was there. You have no idea about it I'm sure but I tried helping him, I really did. He was so broken and hollow, it was frightening.

I would have done everything I could to never see you in such a state. I didn't care about all the terrible things you've done because I always knew that deep down, the kind and caring Mercedes was still somewhere under the facade.

I just didn't expect that I would be the one destroying your armor.

I never said it to you but I love you, I always did. You're part of my family and I valued you as such - I still do. Actually you are our family.

Since me and the other idiotic, "underdog from the underground" that's what they call him ? Whatever, since me and "you know who" left the country, we kind of patched things up so don't worry, I won't murder him - not yet.

I sent you a picture to prove it because I'm sure you don't believe me and, even if it pains me to say, I took the trouble to smile so I hope it'll make you happy. (If you actually kept the letter of course, but again you couldn't be able to read it if so... oh well.)

Graves told me that you and The Architect of Destruction were together, look out for his bad habits, he may decide to wreck your house if he's having one of his days. (You got it, because he built and destroyed The Shield, remember ? You better at least chuckle to that one, it's a great one.)

Okay now the other stupi-, the "heart and soul of NXT" is telling me to be nicer. First of he doesn't have any say in that, it's not his letter. Why doesn't he write his own and then say whatever he wants in it ?

(That's besides the point, again. I'm sorry. Was that nice enough ? I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore, please let me re-read the previous sentence.)

Oh so you and Rollins yeah, he better not go berserk again and bring you down in his fall. If it happens I swear I'll take the first plane back to America and beat him down repeatedly. Would you like that though, since you're "in love" now I guess.

That's extremely disturbing for me to imagine without throwing up - in my mouth, like you told me, remember ? - but if you're happy, I'm happy and the ginger beside me is too. (See, I didn't insult that moron this time, that's progress.)

I truly wish you read it all and if you did, thank you, I'm sorry for the hundredth time and also, I've wrote my beautiful wife's number below. If you ever want to talk, please call her first, I don't want to answer to you after a match.

We both know I'm in a terrible mood after my matches, but apparently my current roommate whom I've known for longer than a decade still isn't aware of that fact.

Do you think I should hit him endlessly until he understands ? (Tell me if you want / can / didn't threw the letter again.)

It was longer than I expected and I'm still not sure I got my point accross but I'll stop here.

Just know we're both alright - if you ever wondered, which I highly doubt since we're both pieces of shit ( especially him ) and Sami's alive. Don't ask me until when though, that's a mystery.

I don't know how to end a letter like this so I'll just draw an adorable sun - like Owen drew not so long ago - and we'll all say that it's my new signature.

ps ; the Kevin Steen's Show is always looking for new members and everybody's allowed - by "everybody" I obviously meant nobody except you and certainly not that annoying thing called Sami. ❞ K.S (+ S.Z, sadly)

Boom, boom. The sound her heart first made out of fear, anger, disgust.

Boom, boom. It then resonated because of confusion, hesitation, anxiety.

Boom, boom. It eventually echoed, filled with joy, gratitude, forgiveness.

Boom, boom. It ultimately did when Seth's hands suprised her from behind, caressing her waist and resting his half asleep head above hers, her features so lively that it unconsciously attracted him to her.

B L I N D I N G  E C L I P S E ;

"What makes you so happy ? It's unusual of you since you've just rolled out of bed." He remarks, his sleepy voice sending goosebumps all over her body.

"I've finally realized that being surrounded by goodhearted people

is way more important than an ephemeral glory." She informs on a light tone, surprising him as well but ultimately sharing a piece of her mind he could have only hoped for months before.

And exactly like months prior, their lips eventually collide in a soft, gentle and loving way, contrasting with their first rough, rushed and honest emotions lacking's first kiss.

By opening themselves to one another, they became each other's focal point, distinguishable in the middle of any uncontrollable storm, thunder, hurricane or tsunami - the ones that used to overwhelm them so easily.

And even if one may some day get shaken off, slightly damaged by life's obstacles or entirely ruined by these roadblocks, they're both lucky to find a subtle light hold within their friends' hearts.

They prepare themselves to head out, supposedly meeting Bayley and Graves in a couple of minutes, rekindle their baby steps in the WWE to the place their dreams, nightmares, Hell and Paradise all begun : the Performance Center.

Although she once wished she'd never lay eyes upon the building and he caught himself thinking that stepping foot in there was part of his lifelong mistakes, they now both are extremely thankful.

As they turn the radio on they comprehend the real reason why they are just that : thankful.

Not because it was the first step allowing them to later embrace glory, championships and money. Just because it allowed them to meet one another, clashing for so long but ultimately realizing that they were great fighters but greater as lovers.

"The world is brighter than the sun now that you're here. Though your eyes will need some time to adjust to the overwhelming light surrounding us,

I'll soften every edge and with every heartbeat I have left, I'll protect your every breath,

Cause your heart is far too young to realize the unimaginable light you hold inside."

Light + Sleeping at Last.


E L E N A ;

I know I said I'd do a "thank you note" on this chapter but guys, I figured it's long enough like that haha.

I'll however write a ful lenght thank you + clarifications note in another chapter, don't you worry.

For now all I can say is a) I love you all so, so, so much my beauts and b) in my mind, this book doesn't get any sequel so hopefully you'll be happy with the ending. xxx

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