________Would you bleed for me...

Sasha's usual disappointment when confronted to the crowd wakes up suddenly as soon as disrespectful chants fill up her head, fueling her desire to shut down each and every spectator present in the arena.

T h i s

i s

b o r i n g ;

Fingers are nervously tapping on the white canvas whilst Banks is shouting encouragements at her newly found acolyte and Emma's standing toe-to-toe in the ring with Paige. An old rivalry ignites a fire in the womens' division as flammes come out of each competitor.

Emotion is clear to see and both wrestlers seemingfully battle the ghosts of their past, perfectly aware only one of the two will still be standing when the war would come to a final end. They wrote History together but the other's presence only recalls career's failures and promises broken.

Paige has been knocked off of her pedestal when she came to the conclusion she's now only ashes and dust from the Anti-Diva persona she adored so much - a part of her slowly dying every time creatives would misunderstand and toy with it.

Emma's case is surely different but certainly as heartbreaking. Her dreams got burnt down when they were the closest from her reach, ribbing being the only words addressed to her for months when her sorrow has been paired up with a tiny mistake in a shop that was immensely broadcasted.

Both hearts and souls are only beginning to function right again but when they encounter each other, it's almost like a mirror reflecting on their darkest moments, the demons haunting them and attempting to kill the smallest light of hope inside them.

Banks' lively trait shines through as she's jumping on the apron, successfully distracting the referee to help Emma who's been trapped in the PTO for a little too long already. Thankfully he never ceases the moment the venomous blonde taps out, finally released from the hold since Paige is convinced victory is hers.

A rage possesses the British and responds to the absence of the bell's sound, rushing towards the man in stripes, shouting insanities at his face as her impulsivity takes the upper hand.

Emma is quick to think and attacks her from behind, her vicious elbow connecting with the back of Paige's head who unexpectedly bounces back on Banks. The latter suffers a brutal landing on the side of her shoulder, wringing in pain as she's laying on the cold floor.

Doubt is distinguishable through Emma's gaze, clearly hesitating between checking on Sasha's condition or ceasing the opportunity to capitalize on Paige.

Those questions suddenly vanish when an even more ashtonishing occurance throws her out of her game completely.

Agitated eyes fix the rolling clip with a stare whilst the titantron shows two persons, their features hidden by hoodies, attacking Owens backstage. Last thing Banks knows the scene seems to duplicate itself in front of her troubled self, her acolyte's body being dragged down the ramp exactly like in the previously recorded film.

Both Emma and Sasha stay put, unable to understand how the situation turned upside-down so quickly. Banks' heart races faster, following the noise the assaillants make whilst pulling Kevin towards her.

The ringing bell helps her snapping out of her phase and, after blinking hard to assure herself she wasn't living one of too many nightmares, Banks pounces on the mysterious figures but is immediately pushed backwards before she can get her hands on them.

Paige, who apparently won the match and erased Emma from the occasion - the lady not even moving a muscle - throws the redheaded's fragile body straight on the side of the ring.

She falls down in a frightened noise, absolutely not inclined to give up so easily, heart of a fighter animated by the licentious crowd which finally explodes in a rain of excitement.

Uncertain of Kevin's fate she makes an oath to herself, promising he'll be the last thing she sees if needed to.

Unfortunately for her, stars aren't exactly in the right position this night around to grant her any wishes. In place of admiring the face of the one who acted like a living and breathing shelter for her all this time, her blurry vision allows her to perceive one very familiar figure hopping the barricade to enter the madness.

Still stunned after the two horryfic landings she took in a row, Sasha's left crawling towards the object of her interrogations. These are quick to vanish the second her tired eyes lay on a threatening Graves, the McMahons exceptionally permeting him to announce RAW with the aim of moving him up soon, shouting at The Reaper's face with zero fear distinguishable in his menacing tone.

Both men are stopped right in the middle of the argument by one of the assailants who roughly attacks Rollins with a kendo stick, ingeniously aiming at the injured leg. Frightening noises echo in rythm throughout the entire arena.

Ones from the repeated hits to Seth's weakness paired-up with a couple of misses connecting directly with the steel steps.

And others deafening sounds from the collision between a helpless man's body and the unforgiving announcers' table, shades of Rollins' despicable actions.

As of this moment, the whole situation appears like crystal clear to both the kids of the wild, still ashtonished on the cold floor. Hoods finally leave the wrestlers' head, revealing what Sasha and Rollins expected: no crimes stay unpunished.

The underdogs of the WWE exchange a victorious fistbump, sealing their impactful alliance. If Ambrose lost his pack throughout the years due to carreers' choices and countless betrayals, he received in Becky Lynch a merceless shewolf.

Banks eventually snaps out of her phase, her body automatically pushing itself towards the fresh stable, ready to stain her hands with their blood once again. The chair's shot barely connects with Dean's back when Lynch interfeers, sending the redheaded crashing onto the barricade.

Thanks to the distraction Rollins managed to drag himself inside of the squared circle and draws on his reserves the strenght to get back up, hatred proving to be a very powerful tool in desperate moments.

A suicidal move luckily connects with the Irish victim whilst Banks' reknowed resilliency shines through, the lethal steel weapon never leaving her tight grip. As Ambrose dodges yet one more hit he is able to steal it from her, surprising the Mastermind and turning the situation upside-down again.

An almost dead body still mumbles "don't you dare touching her" and extends his arm in a protective way, proud of the last words escaping from his mouth as he's taking the last breath of the night.

Rollins ultimately neutralizes Becky and, without exactly understanding the motive of his actions, rushes at Kevin's side, his fingers quickly clasping around his old ROH's rival hand. Banks's yellings phase him once he succeeds in moving the Canadian's dead weight, the petite wrestler daring the Lunatic Fringe to smash the steel object on her body - after all, it'd be the only way anyone could hurt her friend again,

"O v e r  m y  d e a d  b o d y." 

Aware that an opening isn't about to come their way a second time, Banks reluctantly retreats alongside Rollins, both the loners carrying one precious soul over their stained of blood shoulders.

"What are you doing ? You ruined my Wrestlemania moment and-" "And you knocked out two of my teeth, I think we're even now." The most unexpectated events usually unfold in the most critical situations - because when people are running out of time to let their brains speak up, their hearts take the difficult decisions.

Gore may be signed on their stable's calling card but no one said they wouldn't be forced to merge their blood with their enemies' crimson liquid.

They're made for survival.


E L E N A ;

+ Banks' actual thoughts / feelings express & finally Rollins did the right choice, yay to that! Well even if he initially just wanted to get his hands on Ambrose.

+ Do you think this "alliance" will last more than just one night ?

+ How bad the assault on Owens truly was and how come Bex + Dean working together ?

Hope you enjoyed guys, please let me know what you thought about it, love yaaa xxx

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