~Episode 3: Bell of Salvation~

After Rollo offered to show the Bell of Salvation, a magical tool to Noble Bell College the same way the Dark Mirror was to Night Raven College, the student council president began leading the group up the tower to where it was, which unfortunately involved a lot of stairs... With Azul and Idia both panting heavily as they neared the top.

"What is it, Shroud and Ashengrotto? You both seem to be having trouble breathing." Malleus notices and inquires.

"How many floors... is this bell tower...?" Azul asks in between breathes.

"And no elevator? I miss technology..." Idia says next, actually bemoans.

"A-are you two alright? You're drenched in sweat." Epel asks in concern.

"I know, how about you fly here on brooms? I'm sure this school has them too. If we ask..." Deuce starts to suggest.

"Kukuku, what a terrible idea. Flying would take more unnecessary time and effort." Jamil states with a mocking laugh. "What a mess, Azul. Pretty pathetic." He then snarks, clearly annoying Azul and Idia.

"Yes, your training is lacking! Follow Malleus-sama's lead!" Sebek says in agreement.

"Apologies. It is an old building, so there is no way up besides manually." Rollo apologizes and informs, though flinches when he hears a thump and turns to see Ezera collapsed on the floor, also panting. "Oh my, are you alright, Hearn!?" The student council president asks in concern, immediately by the Romani's side.

"Ezera's stamina isn't the best. It's gotten better, but if he overexerts himself..." Grim explains, also worried for his companion.

"Would you like a hand, Ezera?" Jamil asks walking over to the tired Roma.

"You can allow me to support you, Nymph." Sebek then offers with pride.

"Hypocrites." Azul grumbles at the two's change of attitude.

"You know why..." Idia states and the bespectacled boy does.

"Please, allow me." Malleus says as he walks over and proceeds to pick up Ezera into his arms.

"Oh! Uh, Tsunotaro, you don't have to." The ravenette says.

"I don't mind. I assure you, you aren't too heavy. In fact, I can carry you the rest of the way up." The fae prince states and walks with the boy in his arms, Grim at his heels while Azul and Jamil were glowering at the sight.

"Before that, it's not just the Bell of Salvation that our school is proud of, but the bell tower itself. I'd like you to look around. It's spacious and complex, possible enough to even live within. And rest assured, we are nearly at the top." Rollo suddenly says as he gestures to the surrounding room, trying to hold back his own grimace at the sight of Malleus carrying the Romani.

After a look around the tower room, the group moved up to the top where they found a large golden bell, surrounded by a bunch of smaller bells all attached to the roof rafters.

"Made it—!" Idia sighs in relief.

"This is... the top, huh..." Azul says, just as out of breath.

"Thanks again, Tsunotaro." Ezera says grateful to Malleus as he sets him down.

"You're most welcome, Oberon." The dragon-fae says in reply with a smile, Jamil giving him the stink eye, causing Sebek to smack him for it.

"Is this bell in front of us what we came to see?" Grim asks while pointing to said bell directly before the group.

"Yes. This here, is the 'Bell of Salvation'." Rollo replies and confirms.

"It's a, pretty big bell." Ezera says in awe, having never seen the bell in person before. Though he has heard its melodious chime for years now.

"Indeed, it is magnificent. We have clock bells in the Valley of Thorns, but I've never seen one this large." Malleus says, also impressed. "I feel that the ringing of this bell would even wake Silver from his sleep, don't you?" He adds teasingly.

"Well, that would be good." Silver ends up agreeing.

"The gold absolutely sparkles in the sunlight." Rook awes.

"Maybe it really is solid gold after all?" Ruggie wonders.

"Fufufu. If it is, then you certainly wouldn't be able to make off with it." Riddle laughs in a taunting manner.

"It is quite beautiful... I am glad to have been able to see it in person. When the day comes that I see my wife again, I will have a lovely souvenir." Trein says next.

"Hey Ezera! Check it out! The inside is even cooler!" Grim says, having ducked under the bell.

"Grim... Actually this is amazing. Hello!" Ezera says as he ducks under himself to retrieve his feline companion, calling out inside the bell, making his voice echo, before grabbing the fiery-cat and walking back out.

"Nfufu. It is good that you all can feel the splendor of the Bell of Salvation as well." Rollo says, clearly pleased. "But its charms extend beyond its beauty." He adds, confusing the group. Perhaps you'd forgotten. The Bell of Salvation is our school's valuable 'magic tool'.

"This bell is enchanted. And the sound of the bell carries that enchantment. The ringing of this bell enchants the whole town, and the people of the City of Flowers are protected by it. Long ago, when disastrous 'calamity' came to the city, they say that this bell's toll saved it. Hence 'Bell of Salvation'." He explains.

"Saved the whole city? The ring of the bell?" Malleus says in disbelief and awe.

"Nfufu... it's not less than Night Raven College's Dark Mirror, after all... The ring of the Bell of Salvation still carries powerful magic." Rollo says in response. "In fact, Notre houses many rare magic plants. That is thanks to the sound of the Bell of Salvation. Fed by the magic of the Bell of Salvation that fills the city, magic plants grow quickly.

"In other places they would wither, but here beautiful magic plants color... it's a sight you can't see anywhere else. The sound of the bell brings beautiful flowers, something that the residents of this city can rely on. Hence the name, the City of Flowers." He adds with clear pride.

"My, how wonderful! I am very much looking forward to being able to see the city filled with flowers myself." Azul then says.

"It has been tradition since long ago that the bell toll three times a day – morning, afternoon, and night. That the afternoon chime earlier. This glorious sound wakes the city, lifts their hearts, and welcomes them home." Rollo continues.

"I see. Those who reside in this city live their lives following the just rule of this important bell... Truly beautiful work!" Rook compliments. "Everyone, if I can direct your attention to the scene beyond the bell." He then says.

"Beyond the bell?" Epel asks as he and the others follow the third-year's lead. "...uwah, so high!" The first-year Pomefiore member exclaims when he sees the view from the tower balcony.

"We're so high it's making me shiver~!" Grim remarks, standing on the railing.

"We did climb a lot. The people at the bottom of the tower are small as beans." Deuce then comments.

"You can see the whole city from here. The scenery is truly beauté! Is that a river glimmering on this side of the city?" Rook says and points out said river.

"Yes. Noble Bell College was built on an island in the middle of a large river. The 'Soleil River'. It's part of an extremely massive river. The school is connected to the town by four bridges that cross the Soleil River. Their beauty is the pride of the city." Rollo explains to them.

"I see. So the Soleil River runs through the middle of Notre... And on the island in the middle of the river is Noble Bell College." Jamil says in observation.

"Sirs. If you look beyond the river you will see Notre's liveliest district..." Rollo then directs and the group starts excitedly talking about the view. Meanwhile, Ezera was looking over the railing down at the city below.

"It's so beautiful..." He thought in awe, before the realization of just how high up he was hit him, and he yelped.

"Hearn, are you okay?" Rollo asks in concern.

"Uh yeah, just, nervous around extreme heights..." The Roma replies and explains with a nervous expression. He yelps again as he feels something wrap around his waist and pull him back. He looks up to see a certain lime green haired half-fae. "Oh, uh, thank you Sebek." The ravenette says with a smile.

"N-no problem, Nymph." The Diasomnia first year says with a slight blush on his cheeks. Both Jamil and Azul couldn't help but scowl at the scene, with Rollo himself looking annoyed.

"...I see, this really is a high place." Silver then says as he steps forward to the railing. "If you lean out over the banister it feels like you're flying through the sky... ah!" He remarks then gasps in what seems to be surprise.

"What's wrong, Silver, you make yourself jump. Getting sleepy, are we?" Sebek asks in a teasing tone.

"Sebek, how long are you going to hold on to Ezera?" Deuce then asks the said boy, who just now notices his arm was still around said Roma.

"Oh, sorry!" He apologizes with a profound blush as he lets go of the ravenette.

"No, I didn't. Look to the side, Sebek...!" Silver then says as he points over the ledge at something, Sebek looking as he said and was surprised.

"Ah, t-that's..." The lime green haired boy says as he sees it.

"Gargoyle!" The two Diasomnia members say together, Ezera looking down to see the statue attached to the side of the tower.

"What is with you two Diasomnia boys? You saw that gargoyle and these smiles came over your faces." Azul questions, confused.

"It is a joyous occasion. Malleus-sama is the head of the Gargoyle Research Club!" Sebek replies excitedly.

"If he sees this gargoyle, I am sure he will be pleased." Silver adds.

"You said he's head of it, but I was pretty sure he was the only member..." Idia then recalls.

"Don't we have gargoyles back at Ramshackle?" Grim asks.

"Yeah, there are also some at the cathedral on the other side of the island." Ezera replies then says, pointing in the direction of said cathedral.

"I must let him know. Malleus-sama—!!" Sebek exclaims excitedly as he rushes over to the dragon fae. "Look here, it is one of the gargoyles you love so, my liege!!! Please take a nice long look!" He says as he brings over the older boy, who looks at the gargoyle, only to frown. "H-huh? That's not much of a reaction... Is there an issue!?" The first year asks, looking nervous.

"This thing does not function as a waterspout. It's just a decoration above the banister, isn't it?" Malleus says with a critical eye. "Which means this is not a gargoyle, it's just a statue. A grotesque. Do not lump it in with gargoyles." He points out and states.

"Eh, that detail?" Azul says in surprise.

"Malleus-shi is the type to pay attention to stuff like that... so deeply relatable..." Idia remarks while smirking. "I really can't deal when the 'barrier' from 'Star Rogue' gets misspelled as 'barriar'..." He adds with an annoyed expression.

"People who are so picky are difficult to deal with..." Azul sighs. "But it is quite dirty. This gang... no, grotesque, has dead plants in its mouth." He then remarks.

"What? In its mouth?" Malleus says and takes a closer look. "...you're right, there are some plants there. Is this a bird's nest?" He observes.

"So it seems. Sorry, birds. Can we see inside?" Silver says as he and Malleus both lean down towards the gargoyle and looks in its mouth.

"Careful. Quinn told me about that. A baby bird that just hatched is in there and isn't ready to fly yet." Rollo informs them.

"Your brother?" Trein recalls.

"Yes. He's actually the one mainly in charge of caring for the Bell of Salvation here." The student council president replies.

"...yeah. This statue is hollow inside. That's where the bird has made its nest." Silver says in observation.

"Wait, it's hollow...?" Malleus repeats.

"Yes. It looks like there's one path from its back to its mouth." Sebek points out.

"One path...?" The dragon fae parrots as he takes a closer look. "I see... I see..." He says, a smile forming on his face.

"Does that mean something? You're staring at the garg... grotesque." Silver asks, correcting himself at the end there.

"...please excuse my rudeness. You were an excellent gargoyle after all." Malleus says. "You do in fact properly carry water from your back through your mouth. That is to fulfill your waterspout duties, isn't it." He points out.

"Oh, so it is a gargoyle after all." Ezera says in realization.

"Indeed. And there are this many... and now that I'm looking properly you have such charming faces, don't you." The dragon fae says with a smile. "I do still have some questions about your placement, but... thinking about the reasons for that is interesting. Perhaps you are in the middle of being transferred. How fascinating. Noble Bell College..." He then remarks with intrigue.

"He's totally changed~~~" Idia comments.

"Are you satisfied?" Silver asks.

"Yes. My thanks for letting me know." Malleus replies.

"No trouble at all! I am certain that any gargoyle would be honored to be acknowledged by my liege!" Sebek says enthusiastically, as a crack was heard.

"...hm?" Azul hums as his attention is soon fully on the gargoyle with suspicion. "Did this gargoyle just, move?" He asks, unsure.

"Eh? The gargoyle moved?" Silver questions.

"...Ashengrotto. You were quite exhausted by the path up here, weren't you? You should rest." Malleus interjects.

"Regular stone doesn't just move... Are you delirious, Azul-shi~?" Idia then asks teasingly.

"No, I'm certain that... no, it's fine. I do think what I'm saying is ridiculous. Please forget about it." Azul starts but then admits while adjusting his glasses.

"That's all I have to say about geography." Rollo says to Jamil and Rook. "Hm? What are you talking about over there?" He inquires.

"Nothing! We're done." Azul quickly replies while both Malleus and Idia had teasing smiles on their faces.

"Is that so?" The NBC student council president says. "Anyways, we should be heading back down now. With your luggage deposited, you can really take a look around the city. Seeing is believing, as they say." He says next.

"On our itinerary, this would be the field work then." The Octavinelle dorm leader says with clear intrigue.

"Yes. It is time for you to freely research the history of the city. Let's hurry back to the ground le..." Trein then starts to say but gets cut off.

"Big brother!" Quinton calls as he appears from the stairs, Phemius behind him.

"Ah, Quinn. What is it?" Rollo greets his younger brother.

"It's ready." The ginger haired boy informs.

"Ah, excellent." The older Flamme sibling says, pleased.

"Hm, what is ready?" Trein inquires, curious.

"Well, we have a small present we'd like to give you magic users for participating in the symposium." Quinn answers the teacher.

"Present!? You're gonna give us something!?" Ruggie asks, excited.

"Food? Hey, hey, is it food!?" Grim guesses, excited himself.

"To enjoy the City of Flowers at this time of year, the opening of the festival, we have prepared special outfits!" Phemius answers and explains.

"Outfits? Hmm... not what I was expecting, but I'll take whatever I can get." Ruggie says. "...so like, are they expensive or...?" He then asks, mischievously.

"Don't ask how much gifts cost!" Jamil exclaims.

"Price... I'm not really sure how to answer that, but I'm certain you'll be satisfied. Though we had to improvise a bit with the two additional outfits for the duo of Ramshackle, but I think we got something together that you'll like." The blonde vice-student council president says next.

"Everyone in Notre wears outfits like these this time of year. Including the local Romani residents of the city." Quinn then adds.

"Traditional clothing, sort of thing?" Malleus inquires.

"It's closer to festival clothing, I suppose." Rollo interjects. "We wanted everyone to be able to wear these for this symposium as well... at least that's these two here insisted upon." He then explains, again holding his purple handkerchief up to his face, appearing slightly annoyed.

"Yes! Please wear them, feel connected to the history here, and like Notre even more!" Quinn says excitedly.

"We even have something for you, teach." Phemius says to Trein.

"As such..." Rollo says while putting his handkerchief away. "Now, let's descend the tower. We don't have much time, so try to change quickly." He says next and they all head down the tower stairs.

AN: Yeah sorry this took a while, I was busy with some other stuff, including a new Twisted Wonderland fanfic, a crossover with Black Clover. (Which I basically turned into The School for Good & Evil, in a way). Anyways, next time here it is, the moment we've all been waiting for, the costumes. And yes, Trein does get his own in this version.

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