~Episode 2: Noble Bell College~
The Night Raven College group had just arrived at Noble Bell College for the magic school symposium. Upon arriving, they met with a mysterious boy who began to greet them but suddenly froze and grew quiet when he caught sight of none other than Ezera.
"It is him... I can't believe it, after all this time..." He thought as he couldn't take his eyes off the ravenette.
"Excuse me. Are you okay?" Ezera himself then asks, noticing how the boy seemed frozen in what appeared to be shock.
"Ah, yes. My apologies." The white haired boy says as he regains his bearings while also clearing his throat. "Welcome to Noble Bell College, Night Raven College students." He says to the group.
"Those clothes... are you the one the headmaster mentioned...?" Trein inquires.
"Yes. My name is Rollo Flamme. I act as student council president for Noble Bell College. Here on behalf of our school's headmaster." The boy, Rollo, replies and introduces himself.
"Student council president... I see. Unlike our school, they have a student council-based system of self-governance here." Riddle puts together.
"Indeed. I presume I may call you your school's representatives. We shall get acquainted shortly." Rollo says as he's joined by two others. Both male, dressed in uniforms similar to his own, but with smaller bell accessories plus caps instead of the large hat that Rollo himself wore.
One had chin-length bright blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes, the other with shorter, slightly wavy, orange-red/ginger hair and smaller stature. The odd thing was, the ginger-haired one also wore a rose gold colored masquerade-mask, the right side almost completely covering that side of his face, except for his mouth.
"Uwaah! Unknown people appearing already!" Idia exclaims, nervous.
"At the symposium set up to meet new people, yes?" Azul states with a sigh.
"What is this...? This human named Rollo's powerful presence..." Sebek mutters.
"He's not smiling at all...do you think he's angry, maybe?" Epel notes and also wonders, feeling a little nervous from Rollo's intense stare.
"Those standing beside me are the vice president and our assistant. In our desire to finally meet our esteemed guests, we simply could not restrain ourselves and rushed to meet you." Rollo says as he gestures to the other two.
"Pleasure to meet you. I am Phemius Martin, vice-student council president of Noble Bell College." The blonde says with a friendly smile.
"And I'm Quinton, Quinton Flamme, but please call me Quinn." The ginger-haired one then introduces himself.
"'Flamme'?" Jamil inquires, noticing the other's familiar surname.
"Yes, my younger brother." Rollo replies and explains as he steps forward. "While our school is small compared to yours. We may be inexperience in a variety of areas, so please forgive us." He then says.
"What a polite greeting, despite his youth. I'm impressed." Trein says, charmed.
"Man, he's kinda expressionless but he seems like a nice guy." Deuce agrees.
"Yeah. It does not seem like we have hurt any feelings, I'm relieved." Silver says.
"Though what was with him staring at Oberon?" Malleus can't help but ponder.
"I'm sure it is an inconvenience to be carrying around all of that luggage. I will guide you to the rooms where you will be staying. It will take a bit of time to get there. Let us use that time to get to know each other." Rollo says next.
"Uwah, there it is, there it is, there it is~! A guy who brings up the icebreaker~!" Idia exclaims. "Chatting with people I don't know that I've just met is totally impossible~!" He then bemoans.
"Why did he even come to this symposium...?" Riddle asks with a sigh.
"I have been concerned about that..." Trein admits. With that, the student council of Noble Bell College began leading the Night Raven group through the school, currently making their way through the courtyard. Along the way, Azul had struck up a conversation with Rollo.
"I see, Rollo, you're a third year! Becoming the one and only student council president is quite magnificent. You must certainly be studying to do something in the future, what would that be?" Azul compliments then inquires.
"Noble Bell College does not have many students. Not nearly as many as Night Raven College." Rollo says in response, clearly humoring the octopus merman.
"Oh, please do stop with that formal speech. You are my upperclassman after all, Rollo-san! I doubt there is a student at our school who would not be enthralled to be in your brilliant presence." Azul says with flattering.
"Mmhmm... then let us drop the formalities and speak casually." Rollo replies, though he doesn't seem all that interested, his gaze constantly yet subtly drifting to a certain raven-haired Romani.
"How freaking pushy~~~~!" Idia says, catching on and approaches the Octavinelle dorm leader. "Hold up. Azul-shi..." He says, getting said boy's attention.
"What is it? Must you speak to me when I am already busy?" Azul asks, annoyed.
"Nah like, what's up? You're playing the smiley host. When Azul-shi's being all amiable like this you're usually thinking of some not great stuff so it makes me nervous." Idia points out.
"Humbly, the person I am speaking to is on the same level as us dorm leaders. He is no doubt an excellent magic user. So using this meeting to get closer to him is not overstepping, is it... for the (my) future!!" The octopus merman says back, the blue fire-like haired boy sighing while shaking his head.
"Having watched your behavior for quite some time, Ashengrotto, is this how you make more connections in school?" Malleus inquires, interested. "Then perhaps it would be wise for me to follow your lead, Ashengrotto." He says next.
"His damage is expanding...!" Idia exclaims in comedic horror while Rollo seemed to have tuned them out as his focus was on Ezera, who was busy trying to keep Grim from wandering off, Deuce scolding the feline for troubling the Romani boy.
"Ah, my apologies. We were in the middle of introductions and I got distracted by this conversation." Azul says, regaining the bluish-silver haired boy's attention.
"No, that's fine. I already know all of you." The student council president says in response. "You are Azul Ashengrotto. Dorm Leader of Octavinelle, also a merman from the Coral Sea." He says next, surprising the octo-mer.
"Well now... where did you get that information?" Azul asks, trying to keep a straight face as Rollo shifts his attention.
"You would be Idia Shroud, the Ignihyde Dorm Leader, correct? And apparently with some connection to the infamous Shroud family." The bluish-silver haired boy says next.
"Eek, w-w-why do you know that?" The blue fire-like haired one squeaks.
"And you, sir..." Rollo begins as he turns to Malleus, expression pinched for some reason, before it relaxes. "Malleus Draconia. Descendant of the fae rulers of the Valley of Thorns, one of the five most powerful magic users in the world... isn't that correct?" He says with almost reverence in his voice, yet...
"It is. I am Malleus Draconia." Malleus himself confirms.
"That is Malleus-sama! His name resounds even in a small town like this!!" Sebek exclaims, loud as usual.
"And you are Draconia's compatriot Sebek Zigvolt. Next to you is Silver." Rollo merely says as he pulls out a purple handkerchief decoration with gold stars and moons. Silver's eyes widen, not only with Rollo knowing who he is, but also the handkerchief, as its design was quite familiar...
"The one over there speaking with my brother is the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader, Riddle Rosehearts..." Rollo points out to the redhead engaged with conversation with Quinn. "And then Pomefiore Vice-Dorm Leader Rook Hunt, Scarabia Vice-Dorm Leader Jamil Viper..." He directs to where said boys were both talking with Vice-Student Council President, Phemius.
"Then Ruggie Bucchi, Deuce Spade and Epel Felmier." He says next while pointing to said trio. "I know much of all of you. Our headmaster informed me from the material that yours, Crowley, had sent." He then explains. Oh, well that actually does explain how he knows who they are already.
"Does that man have no notion of the idea of privacy?" Azul gripes. Seriously...
"Not that we can complain at this point." Idia grumbles, clearly agreeing.
"To remember so many people's names, you must have a good memory." Silver says.
"I have been looking forward to meeting such illustrious magic users like yourselves." The bluish-silver haired boy says in response. "Though, I admit, I am curious about the gy—Roma and that feline of his over there." He says, directing everyone's attention to the said duo, who notice the eyes on them.
"Hm? Oh! My name is Grim, future great magic user! And this is my pupil, Ezera Hearn!" Grim happily greets and introduces himself and Ezera.
"It's nice to meet you, Flamme-san." Ezera then says politely. Yet, Rollo looks struck. "Uh, is something wrong?" He asks, a little concerned.
"No. It's nothing..." Rollo says in response, though sounds almost, disappointed? "Does he not...? Well, it was a long time ago..." He thinks to himself.
"Ezera is actually a resident of the city here. So the Headmaster thought it would be a good idea he accompany us." Deuce explains.
"Really? You're originally from here in Notre?" Quinn asks in surprise.
"How did you end up at Night Raven of all places?" Phemius asks with a grin.
"The Dark Mirror brought Mr. Hearn to our school. I admit, he's been quite a delight to have. He's probably my best student." Professor Trein adds while throwing a "look" to the other students, many of which sweating nervously.
"Well then... I guess a welcome home is in order. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hearn..." Rollo says next. "It certainly is a surprise, as the Romani are often self-taught as opposed to attending school... It seems you've done well for yourself though, and I hope your visit here is a pleasant one." He remarks. "...that goes for the rest of you as well, of course. Please enjoy this symposium." He tells the others of Night Raven College.
"I am thankful for your hospitality." Malleus says, pleased.
"Nfufu. Do not mention it." Rollo chuckles, humorlessly. "...ah. If the party would look this way. This is the symbol of Noble Bell College, the main square." He then directs and the group looks in awe at the said square, where a statue stood in the center of a man riding atop a horse.
"It's got a different look than Night Raven College." Azul remarks.
"Yes. It gives off this air of standing proud and tall." Silver comments.
"Look. Not a single fallen leaf on those stone steps. You must do deep cleaning. I heard you were a small school, but I'm beginning to think this may be a worthy place for my liege to visit... It is a good place to spend time in, it seems." Sebek then says.
"Every student at this school likes keeping things clean. We pay a lot of attention to keeping things sanitary." Rollo explains.
"I see. It is certainly beautifully neat and clean." Malleus compliments.
"I am glad to hear it. We here at Noble Bell College have faith in purity and integrity." The bluish-silver haired boy says with clear pride.
"I prefer places that are a bit older, the decaying type that people do not go near, but..." The dragon fae offhandedly remarks, the dark green eyed boy sweat dropping in response to his words.
"T-that's basically just a ruin..." Idia states.
"What exactly would a school that people don't come near be?" Azul then asks.
"I-in any case." Rollo begins, bringing out his handkerchief again before turning his attention to Deuce, Epel and the Ramshackle duo. "Are you here also enjoying this?" He inquires.
"It's amazing! It's like, it really makes the fact that we're at another school sink in. This is my first time entering an outside school." Epel replies and describes.
"Yeah, me too. It's not just a school, it's got this sort of tension..." Deuce says next, looking strangely uncomfortable.
"Now that I think about it... Doesn't that statue look similar to the ones that Night Raven College has on main street?" Epel asks, pointing out said statue.
"I guess it sorta does. Don't remember that angry old guy though." Grim remarks. Ezera turns to look at the said statue and immediately freezes on the spot.
"The one you and Ace scorched was the Queen of Hearts, right." Deuce recalls, the feline looking nervous while Riddle had an annoyed expression.
"I-I-I-I've already forgotten~" The fire-breathing cat replies.
"This school only has one statue. A guy with a grim-looking face riding a horse." Ruggie then remarks. "I'd think he's a king or something... but not with that kind of look to him. Doesn't really seem like the rich type." He then says.
"Um... Who is this a statue of?" Ezera then asks, for some reason feeling nervous, even afraid, in the presence of the man depicted in stone.
"This is the 'Righteous Judge'." Rollo replies.
"Righteous, judge...?" Grim asks.
"Do you not know him? He is an important historical figure." Riddle states.
"Not the first years, but the second years should know about him from magic history class." Trein then says.
"Yes of course, Professor Trein talked about him in class. I could not forget that." Azul says with a "pleasing" smile, while Ruggie looked slightly nervous.
"R-really~? I wonder if my class hasn't gotten to that yet!?" The hyena says, the real problem being clear as day, making the professor sigh.
"...well then. A review." The older gentleman suggests. "The righteous judge was a judge here in the City of Flowers. He was a fair person whose judgements were always just. He is comparable to those of the Great Seven." He explains.
"That's correct." Rollo picks up. "When villains were threatening a takeover of the city, his fair decisions brought the city back to peace." He details.
"Wow... a person with a cool legend, then!" Deuce says, impressed.
"Everyone who lives here in Notre respects him. Noble Bell College students to this day strive to carry on his fairy heart." The bluish-silver haired boy continues with clear pride.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Ezera?" Grim asks his Roma companion, who looked slightly fearful for some reason.
"It's just, I remember a story my Mother told me when young, also about a judge. However, she described him as a tyrant with an unfair hatred of our people. He'd find different ways to persecute them and even attempted to wipe all out Romani at one point." The raven haired boy recounts and the others were all stunned.
"What!?" Idia exclaims with a look of horror.
"That's, awful." Epel says, otherwise speechless. Rook actually looking disgusted.
"'Awful'? It's horrifying!" Azul exclaims with wide-eyes.
"I know people aren't exactly fond of Romani, especially in the past, but that's clearly too far." Malleus remarks, looking just as disgruntled.
"I see, you must mean during that dark period in history." Professor Trein then remarks with an uncomfortable expression.
"'Dark period in history'?" Deuce inquires.
"While prejudices still exist today, it was in fact worse back in the day. At that time, magic was still a new concept being understood and because of the Romani people's affinity for it, many non-magic folk saw it as 'dark-arts', you could say. As a result, they began to fear the Roma people and...
"Well, let's just say part of the reason Romani are rarely seen and don't tend to mingle with other groups is because many of them met with an unfortunate and sticky end. I apologize, Hearn." The man explains, adding an apology at the end to the Romani, who has a sadden expression himself.
"The fae themselves were just as unfortunate... Many humans started hunting them for sport and so they concealed themselves in places where the humans couldn't touch them." Silver adds, Sebek having an angry expression while the group were just as shocked, except for Trein, who was most likely aware.
"Indeed. In fact, I believe the Roma were the only humans who showed the fae proper respect in those times. I even heard rumors that Romani are actually of fae descent themselves." The man adds.
"Really? I wasn't aware of this." Sebek says in surprise. Just then, the sound of a bell was heard not too far in the distance.
"Uwah! That surprised me!" Idia says, startled.
"That was...the sound of bells?" Malleus recognizes.
"It was quite loud..." Azul then comments.
"Yes. That was the sound of the 'Bell of Salvation'." Rollo tells the NRC group.
"T-that's a pretty grand name..." Idia remarks.
"Of course it is grand. It is the only one in the world, an invaluable magic tool passed down through the ages at our school." The student council president says in response, again with pride.
"You seem to consider it precious. Is this similar to Night Raven College's Dark Mirror?" Malleus inquires.
"Yes! You could say it's our school's symbol." Quinn says.
"Asides from the Righteous Judge of course." Phemius adds.
"Indeed. A large amount of schools like ours, which is to say magic training schools, have their own magic tools. It has been a long time since I've heard the sound of the Bell of Salvation." Professor Trein explains and recounts.
"A long time? So you have been here before." Azul observes.
"Decades ago, on honeymoon... As it is an important magical tool, I could never grant her wish of seeing it, but my wife was moved by its beautiful ringing." The man recounts with a fond smile.
"If you'd like, I can take you to see it." Rollo then offers.
"Hm!? Would that be alright?" The history teacher asks, actually excited.
"Of course. The goal of this symposium is for us all to understand one another." The student council president replies and states, having a point.
"You should all be glad. You will not get many opportunities to see the magic tools of other schools." Trein tells the Night Raven College students.
"An invaluable bell, huh... maybe it's made outta pure gold and sparkles like it!" Ruggie says excitedly, his motivations clear.
"What a beautiful bell it must be. I am looking forward to it!" Rook says, just as excited as the hyena beastman, though for a different reason.
"The way to see it is up in the tall bell tower. Let us head to the staircase." Rollo says to the group, before turning to his fellow Noble Bell College students. "Quinn, Phemius, while I'm doing that, you may attend to the thing in the meantime." He instructs.
"Right away, president." Phemius replies.
"Later, brother." Quinn says next and the two leave.
"'Thing'?" Malleus questions, the others just as curious.
"That will be for later. For now, follow me up the tower everyone." Rollo replies and leads the group too said tower.
AN: So, I'm back later than I was planning. Unfortunately, my computer was acting up and I was having trouble as a result, but I think my Dad fixed it. On a brighter note, my house has also received two new kittens, who will also be taking up some of my time. I'll update when I can, so look forward to it.
Also regarding the new characters introduced here. Yes, Quinn is based on Quasimodo and Phemius is based on Phoebus, both from Hunchback of Notre Dame. I hope you like what I do with them and continue to enjoy this special event.
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