~Episode 1: Symposium Summons~
"That damn headmaster, calling us out so early in the morning... What did he mean by important anyways?" Grim grumbles and questions. Crowley had called for the whole student body to attend a so-called "important announcement".
"I wonder myself..." Ezera admits as he strokes the tired feline's back. "I've also got a bad feeling..." He added in thought.
"Everyone from first to third years are here." Ace says while looking around the room. "When the headmaster calls us together like this, it usually leads to bad stuff..." He adds, not wrong.
"Oi, quiet! The headmaster's coming." Deuce says, sitting next to his fellow first-year in Heartslabyul, as the said man walks into the room.
"Good morning! The weather seems so nice today, wonderful~!" The headmaster greets in a cheerful manner, causing quite a few groans from the students.
"It's kind of gross seeing him so smiley..." Grim grumbles, Ezera himself sighs.
"You okay, Ezera? You look a little..." Ace then asks trailing off, noticing the Roma looked pretty haggard today.
"It's nothing. Just had a strange night." The raven haired boy replies.
"I have a happy announcement for you all today." The headmaster begins again, getting everyone's attention. "In one month, we will be participating in a magic training school symposium!" He announces.
"Symposium!?" The group, aside from Ezera, exclaim and the hall itself becomes alive as the other students begin talking.
"A symposium between magic schools? A different meeting than the magic training school general cultural festival, then." Riddle says, intrigued.
"Somewhere to make new friends? Sounds fun!" Kalim then comments, excited.
"Quiet!" Crowley demands and the students fall silent in response. "This symposium... it's 'a gathering of the most promising magic users of tomorrow', proposed by a certain school... Noble Bell College in the City of Flowers. The symposium itself will also be hosted by said Noble Bell College." He informs, Ezera surprised as he recognizes the name of the city.
"City of Flowers? I've heard of that. It's the name of a city located in the Land of Pyroxene, I believe." Vil recalls.
"Mmhmm! That's correct." Lilia says as he appears upside down, as usual.
"Uwah! You surprised me... please do not just pop out in front of my face like that!" The Pomefiore dorm leader chastises, startled, along with Rook and Epel who were sitting with him.
"The City of Flowers is an extremely old city with much history. And... Noble Bell College is a smaller-scale school than Night Raven College, but it too has history. Actually, 'City of Flowers' is a nickname the city is known by due to the local flora. It's real name is Notre." The fae proceeds to inform, having right-himself up.
"'Notre'? Wait a minute... Isn't that where you lived before coming here, Ezera?" Grim asks, having overheard their conversation.
"Yeah... After Mom and Dad's death, I ended up in Notre and began living on the streets. I wasn't entirely alone. Quite a few other Romani have made that city their home." Ezera replies and tells his friends.
"Woah, so this symposium takes place in your childhood home, huh?" Ace says.
"How exciting. Although I myself have never set foot on the grounds. A very interesting opportunity has arisen." Lilia then says.
"Vanrouge-kun is correct!" Crowley exclaims, regaining everyone's attention. "Usually, Noble Bell College operates like we do, where outsiders are not allowed on campus besides for special occasions. For that school to say 'we would like to host a symposium with a large number of magical schools in attendance' was very surprising at first.
"I did consider turning them down as I didn't want them to consider our high-standing school as equals to that one! However... 'There is no magical school that measures up to Night Raven College! Please! Accept our invitation!'...they contacted us specifically to ask, so~! And this and that and my teaching as the headmaster is so good, oh I simply shouldn't say any more than that~!" He says.
"Such shallow flattery... but it did put him in a good mood." Cater remarks, twisting his hair with a sigh. Trey touching his forehead with a shake of his head.
"This has gotta be a joke. Who'd go to such an annoying thing anyways?" Leona says with a groan.
"The worst and lowest! The noise of a symposium would be too much!" Idia, for once at the meeting in person, exclaims.
"I doubt these strangers have even researched my liege. A symposium would be meaningless!" Sebek exclaims next, rather loudly, as usual.
"No one wants to go at all..." Grim observes while crossing his arms.
"'Nobel Bell'...? I remember that place... It's the biggest school in Notre, where most local magic-users go. I also heard rumors it's very strict." Ezera then recalls. "What about you, Grim?" The Romani asks his feline companion.
"I dunno. It would be nice to see where you lived before we met, but it's a small school, right? Sounds like it'll just be unimpressive and plain kind of place." The fire-breathing cat replies.
"Oya, oya! Can you really say something like that?" Crowley speaks, having overheard the conversation. "The symposium means that you'll be speaking with other students and broadening your horizons. It's not like difficult classes. And after the symposium, the main event will be the dance, where you can dance, eat, talk, and have fun!
"At a place with students from magical training schools across the world, just being a student from the illustrious Night Raven College... You might even get stuff like 'wo~~w!' 'I look up to you' 'please sign this!'." The crow masked man offers, adding a bit of flattery at the end.
"W-what...!" Grim asks with a gulp.
"And besides that... the City of Flowers at this time of year is something else." The headmaster says next.
"Something else?" The grey feline asks.
"Do you know what he's talking about, Ezera?" Deuce inquires.
"The Feast of Fools! I can't believe I forgot!" The Romani recalls and replies.
"Indeed. Once a year, the city holds a festival. Beautiful streets, entertaining performances, souvenirs like you've never seen, delicious food... And... for three days and two nights, you can enjoy all that one their dime!" The dean informs.
"Yeah, it's actually hosted by the local Roma people of the area." Ezera adds.
"Wow, really? That's awesome!" Ace says, impressed.
"I wanna go!!!" Grim then exclaims. "Ok, ok! I'll go to that sym-whatever thing! I wanna eat tasty food!" He says excitedly, making his Roma partner laugh.
"It's free, huh. Then I guess I couple participate~" Ruggie says, intrigued, though his intentions are clear.
"A symposium with an excellent school, I think it's quite good, isn't it? Not to mention I've heard the City of Flowers, or Notre as its locally called, has the largest known population of Romani in Twisted Wonderland, I would more than love to meet them." Azul himself says.
"Mmhmm. It's quite the opportunity for you to learn about another country, Malleus. You... Hmm? Where is Malleus?" Lilia says interested, then notices a certain missing fae prince.
"Did he maybe miss the call... we must hurry and find him." Silver says urgently.
"I guess I would like to see Notre after so long." Ezera thinks to himself.
"Alright~! Then let's all get packing!!" Ace cheers, Deuce and Grim appearing just as excited.
"Ah, not everyone can go." Crowley proceeds to inform.
"Eeh!?" Everyone cries, incredulous.
"The symposium will be held on Halloween itself. We have our own very important Halloween event to administrate, so not everyone can be absent. As such, I will be choosing 10 people to represent us and participate." The school dean explains and states.
"I guess that's fair." Ezera thinks, understanding.
"I keep expecting more, but..." Epel mutters to himself.
"And how ever will you be choosing candidates?" Rook then inquires.
"By the most fair means possible." Crowley says in response.
"Fair means?" Cater questions.
"Which usually means some kind of particular way that takes grades and club activities into account..." Trey then contemplates.
"Lottery!" The masked dean answers and the students all sweat drop. Of course...
"You just think that's fun!" Grim complains.
"Alright, we don't have much time so let's hurry and pull from the magical lottery box~!" Crowley says as he pulls out said box, then reaches in and picks names from it. "Now. The representatives will be...
"Riddle Rosehearts and Deuce Spade from Heartslabyul, Ruggie Bucchi from Savanaclaw, Azul Ashengrotto from Octavinelle, Jamil Viper from Scarabia, Rook Hunt and Epel Felmier from Pomefiore, Idia Shroud from Ignihyde, and finally, Silver and Sebek Zigvolt of Diasomnia." He announces.
"Aw man..." Ace groans at not being picked.
"Oh yeah! I can't wait!" Ruggie cheers.
"This will certainly be interesting." Azul remarks.
"That will be all. You are all dismissed." Crowley then announces and everyone stands up from their seat and start leaving the hall. "Ah, except for you, Mr. Hearn. I would like to have a word with you real quick." The masked man says, getting the Roma boy's attention.
"What is it, Headmaster?" Ezera asks, approaching the man, Grim on his shoulder.
"Well, I know I said I would have only 10 representatives to go to the symposium, however seeing as it takes place where you grew up, I thought it would be a good idea to have you go along with our representatives." The masked man explains and suggests, surprising the Ramshackle duo.
"Wait, we really get to go to the symposium!?" Grim asks excitedly.
"Yes. If Mr. Hearn would like to that is. Well, what do you say?" Crowley replies and asks, the raven-haired boy appearing to think on it before answering.
"Sure. I guess it would be nice to visit. Especially during this time." He ultimately agrees and the dean grins.
"I'm glad to hear that. Now we'll all meet in the mirror chamber when we are to depart. I will make sure to send you a notice. You may return to your dorm now." The crow masked man says and the Ramshackle duo leave.
~*Twisted Wonderland*~
"Man I still can't believe we're really going to visit your hometown Ezera. It's exciting!" Grim cheers as they were currently getting ready for said trip.
"Yeah, it will be nice since it's this time of year." The Romani admits while twirling his hair a little.
"Huh? What do you mean, Ezera?" His feline friend asks, noticing the way the boy had worded his sentence, said boy sighing.
"Well, truth is, despite Notre having the largest known population of Romani, the city's actually pretty old fashioned and so..." Ezera explains though trails off.
"Oh, it's not very nice to Roma, huh." Grim puts together, the ravenette nodding his head in confirmation.
"Many locals see us as intruders and aren't too friendly or fond of us. Though it's not as bad as it used to be, still, the only time we're really tolerated is during the time of the Feast of Fools, which the local Roma typically host. In truth, many Romani families have lived in the city since long ago. I believe an ancestor of mine did as well, though eventually left." The Romani tells him next.
"Then what's the problem?" The fire-breathing cat questions, the boy sighing.
"Some prejudices, unfortunately never fully go away." He admits, sadly. "Still, I am excited to see the others when we go visit." He says with a smile.
"Yay! I get to meet Ezera's old friends!" Grim then cheers. The raven haired boy smiles at the feline and scratches, making him purr.
"I do have some fond memories of living in Notre, along with the bad ones. I just hope no one's mad about me suddenly disappearing. I wonder how they reacted." He thought to himself.
~*Twisted Wonderland*~
Sometime passed and it was officially the day to leave for Notre, aka the City of Flowers. The representatives had all gathered in the Mirror Chamber, along with Crowley and also Professor Trein.
"Alright, it's finally departure time. Are all the symposium participants here?" Crowley says and asks
"Yes!" Deuce, Riddle and Ruggie reply.
"We are here." Azul answers for himself and Jamil.
"Unfortunately..." Idia grumbles, Rook and Epel with him.
"Of course. We have been waiting for quite a while now." Malleus, who'd actually received a special invitation to attend the symposium, says accompanied by Silver and Sebek.
"Yeah! We're okay whenever." Grim says next, once again on Ezera's shoulder.
"Huh? Grim? You and Ezera are coming along too?" Deuce asks the question on everyone's minds.
"Indeed. After all, Mr. Hearn here is technically a local." Crowley explains.
"Oh, right. Fox-kun did say he grew up in Notre, which is what the city is locally known by." Ruggie recalls.
"So that means, we're technically visiting Nymph's childhood home?" Sebek puts together, his face slightly flushed.
"Ah, I forgot that's where Oberon lived before coming to Night Raven. Hang on, does that mean we'll be seeing more Romani?" Malleus recalls then inquires.
"Actually, yes. Notre is known to have the largest population of Roma refugees." Professor Trein answers and informs.
"My, I certainly am looking forward to it." The dragon-fae says with intrigue.
"I admit, I wouldn't be opposed to meeting others of the Roma. Their skills in magic is truly something to behold." Azul says with a "look" on his face.
"Sheesh. You're intentions are clear as day." Jamil remarks with narrowed eyes.
"Whatever. At least Persephone and the fluffy one are coming! Valuable healing! They're totally welcome!" Idia excitedly agrees.
"I dunno about the fluffy part...but I'm glad you're coming along, Ezera!" Deuce mutters then admits.
"Merci! I am excited to see Monsieur Romani's home city. I've heard how lovely the City of Flowers is. Let's go and have fun together!" Rook says ecstatically.
"True." Riddle then says, surprisingly in agreement. "I myself have done some study on the City of Flowers. Ezera, I would love for you to show me the sights. Especially as this is my first time traveling abroad. Even with my preparation, it will be nice to have someone well-versed in the culture of the region." He adds.
"Ah, no worries on that point." Crowley then says.
"You didn't tell them." Professor Trein says with an almost disappointed sounding sigh as he crosses his arms.
"Huh? Why is Trein here?" Grim asks, apparently just now noticing the professor.
"I will be your chaperone for this symposium." The man answers and informs, surprising the gathered students, most of who look less than pleased.
"Yes, Trein is from the Land of Pyroxene. He's the teacher who knows the most about the history and their culture." Crowley explains. Yeah, that checks out. "And he was eager to do field work in the past. There is no more fitting teacher to chaperone this symposium, in my opinion. To enhance your trip in so many ways... I am so very kind!" He goes on.
"Listen up, all of you. There is an important talk I must have with you before we depart." Trein speaks, getting the students' attentions. "We are traveling quite a distance. I understand you see this as a few days off, but we are not there to play. We are there to learn about the history of Noble Bell College and review magic curriculum.
"You will see fellow students from other magic schools and get to know how they embrace their own ambitions. The symposium will be excellent stimulus for gaining experience, and you will harvest much food for your growth." He explains and states.
"Man... I don't really understand all those big words." Deuce complains.
"I wasn't expecting Professor Trein to be chaperoning..." Epel then bemoans.
"Listen. Mind your manners and be careful." Trein strictly instructs.
"Agreed." Riddle readily agrees, because of course he would.
"Yes, of course! To be going on this kind of school trip is a great honor." Azul adds
"Mmhmm. Good answers." The professor says, pleased. "As for Lucius, I... I am truly worried, but..." He laments as Lucius himself appears and rubs against his master's leg, meowing. "Ohhh...! I see. You'll handle it. Ah, you are such a good boy." The man seems to reply to the feline.
"Huh. You're gonna leave Lucius behind?" Ruggie asks, not expecting that.
"I do not wish to harm him, as he's not accustomed to travel. Crewel will be looking after him in my absence." Trein answers and explains. "One most days I would reject leaving my precious Lucius in the care of that dog lover, but... My choices were limited to remaining teachers." He continues.
"So either Vargas or Sam... yeah, I get it." The hyena says, seeing his point.
"There are differences between dogs and cats, but he is a man who has a deep love for living things. I shouldn't need to worry." The history teacher adds.
"Yes. Crewel is also eager for the chance to teach Lucius the stay and bed commands!" Crowley says excitedly.
"Lucius. Please ignore everything that Crewel says." Trein proceeds to instruct his feline familiar, who meows in response.
"Although I will be absent for this particular symposium, please don't feel as though you need to bring me souvenirs." The masked man says next. "Actually, rather than exciting foods, I prefer milder flavors. So definitely so not worry about me!" He adds on.
"Headmaster..." Trein says with a groan, the others looking just as annoyed.
"Ahem. Now, everyone. You haven't forgotten anything?" Crowley then checks, the student shaking their heads. "Then have a good trip!" He says.
"I guess we're off." Ezera thinks to himself. "I'll bring you back something, Headmaster." He tells the masked dean.
"Oh, Ezera, you are too kind!" The man chuckles. With that, the group approaches the Dark Mirror, which starts glowing before they are engulfed in the light.
~*Twisted Wonderland*~
Upon opening their eyes, the Night Raven College students and professor found themselves in a large hallway with checkered tile patterned floors, stained glass windows, stone decorations, iron candelabras and a large chandelier high above.
"So this is what the inside of Noble Bell College looks like." Ezera thought in awe of the beautiful structure, having never been inside the school before.
"One, two, three... thirteen students. Seems that everyone has arrived." Trein says after counting to make sure everyone was present.
"So this is Noble Bell College~!" Grim says from Ezera's shoulder, also in awe.
"The massive stained glass is beautiful. A place of pure feelings." Rook gushes.
"Yes. And inside the hall like this, the light coming in through the window is dazzling." Epel says in admiration.
"Now, let's go and greet the Noble Bell College students." Trein then says.
"Apologies for the wait." A new voice says and the group turns to see someone approaching them. None other than a certain boy with bluish-grey hair, bags under his dark green eyes and dressed in elaborate clothing.
"You must be the students from Night Raven College. A pleasure yo meet you, all..." The unknown boy greets but then trails off as his sight sets on a certain raven-haired Romani. "It can't be... Ezera!?" He thought in shock as he stares at the said boy, looking almost as if he's seen a ghost.
AN: Here we are! We arrived at Noble Bell College and have met Rollo, who seems to know Ezera. Though how exactly? Just gonna have to wait and see. Till then my beautiful readers! *Waves*
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