Chapter 9
You waited so long, I am so sorry👀
Your head felt heavy and dizzy as you opened up your eyes, just to close them fast enough to let the bright sun shine in them. Something warm layed in front of you, breathing against your skin and you already knew by the scent that it was Thomas. Some flashbacks from the previous evening fluided your mind, leaving some gaps which you couldn't remember, since Gleb had the wonderful idea to drink vodka.
A wide smile crept over your face and you opened your eyes again to face the sleeping lost boy in front of you, dimples all over his flawless skin. You got, just like the others, extremely drunk, still playing some stupid games. Spin the bottle got boring fast, so one of the boys got the dare to kiss you, making some things more exiting...
Thomas yawned and opened his eyes slowly, still tired, then closing them again.
'Guid morning.' He humbled, his voice rougher and sleepy than usually at the morning time. You put your finger against his nose, playfully tapping against it. 'Wake up!'
The lost boy chuckled low and showed his white teeth. His hair hung over his face and he squeaked a little in joy when you ruffled through it. For some reason he had no shirt on, taking a glance down you saw his back was covered in deep scars, some long and deep ones. At the sight, the cruelness of this place visualized in front of your eyes, how brutal the lost boys used to fight, what Pan demanded from them. Felix wasn't the only one being scarred up, you thought about his exposed skin when you were washing yourself, but quickly erased it out of your mind for now.
These were Pan's boys, his loyal and ruthless boys, who would do anything for their beloved leader, their saviour, their mesias.
Not everyone adored the green dressed devil, sure, he was friendly to you all the way along, might even protecting you. Yet the thought of him made you sick. His evil smirk, the manipulation and this innocent face. That clearly didn't add up, it was like Peter Pan was a perfect boy, but with a closer look the devil showed his face and he was up to something. All this sick games were from him, it was him, who caused the boys to be violent. It was clear to you now, that everyone on this Island was scarred underneath their clothes.
The thought of looking like that caused you to shiver.
This place was not made for girls.
Thomas managed to open his eyes to look at you, they glistered like gold. 'One question,'
The boy frowned and took a deep breath,' Did yer like the kiss?'
You couldn't held yourself to burst out in laughter, not too loud to wake the others, but truly enjoying this moment, before shifting your face back to Thomas, a warm smile spread over it.
'Are you serious?' You raised an eyebrow and he lifted himself slowly, he was a bit taller than you now. On his lips also sat a big smile.
'Maybe.' You finally admit and kept starring at him, looking for his reaction. 'Gleb isn't a bad kisser!' You defended yourself laughing as he acted fake sad; his lips had an exaggerated curve downward, his eyes squinting, causing you to laugh even more. Smashing your pillow into his face you dropped back down onto the blanket, Thomas did so to, starting to tickle you a little. You kicked and punched around laughing and fighting back, until one of the boys interrupted you.
'Cut that bullshit and be quiet!' Gleb shouted aggressive, pushing his index against his sleeves, rubbing the pain away. 'We are trying to SLEEP!'
Thomas and you stopped chuckling. The boy nooded to the trap door, making clear that it was time to leave now. He opened it and made his way down the ladder, close behind you.
'That was a funny night!'
You shouted out loud as you jumped the last bit of the ladder down onto the ground. Thomas landed next to you, his body made a heavy sound. You looked up to him, the lost boy was as tall as Felix, yet he was more tender, less vicious.
'It's early, where do ye wanna go?' Thomas asked and gazed around. He put on his cloak and hood, covering some parts of his pretty face. You didn't like it.
'How comes that ye never wear a cloak?'
'I don't need to hide my face.' You replied and Thomas glanced concerned over to you. 'You're way to pretty to be seen by everyone.'
His legs started to move and you instantly followed, still overwhelmed by his words. By now you were glad he wore his hood and didn't looke over, the colour of your cheeks had already turned deep scarlet. 'We have many sheeps on the Island!' Thomas yelled after a while, pointing his finger into one direction and lead the way. The trees were close together, but not too close. They let the sun in that brightened your skin in a beautiful orange morning light.
They let some space to dream.
Your mind drifted off into many different kind of daydreams, but something had changed. Your daydreams were more about romance, more about the lost boys and even, well, they were even full of naughty stuff. Of course, how could it be anything else? You were teenagers at all, all of you.
It was hard to keep up with him and before you could reach Thomas, something catched your eyes, something certain, that you already knew.
It was the beautiful pond behind the bushes, you knew it was there, something magical pulled you over to it. Forgetting about Thomas you made your way to it, climbing through the small gaps between the leafs and sticks, until the sun brightened the glistering water that shone into your eyes like a pond filled with gold. It was magnificent. Your feet slowly stepped in front of each other, approaching the water.
'Y/N.' Thomas pulled you from behind to him and you instantly grabbed his arms to avoid tripping and fall against him fully. The tall boy held your shoulders and gave you a warning face.
'Ye ken this is a dangerous place!' His eyes darkened, but not scarying at all, rather frustrated. 'What pulls ye to those places?' He asked and for a moment you thought he talked to himself. His head nodded over to the water, telling you to take a glance.
As your head moved aside you met some other pairs, the eyes of a mermaid, she lurked out of the water like a crocodile waiting for his victim.
Like a predator.
You still held the lost boys arms and you slowly let go to move back to the bush, to get the hell out of here. Thomas followed.
'Ye wanna see sheep?' He asked and hit you playfully with his ellbow as he began to smile wide. You nodded at him, not even focusing. There was a mermaid. You just saw a mermaid! It seemed to be normal to the boys to have those things around but you? No, mermaids were definitely not normal for you. Your mind flashed back to the day Felix pulled you out of water and screamed at you. You shrinked and caughted Thomas's attetion.
'Are ye cold?' He asked and instantly moved to undress his cloak before he put it on your shoulders. You weren't freezing, but the gesture was nice. Thomas was nice. After a while you reached a wide clearing downhill, filled with sheep that peacefully ate some gras.
The lost boy stormed towards the animals, which immediately woke from their peaceful daydreams and started to run in many different directions. With a big smile on your face you followed Thomas, copied him chasing the sheep. For a moment you forgot your worries and all negative thoughts and just let go of yourself. The time you ran behind the white clouds was more fun than anything else on neverland before. You forgot the time as you discovered new places- or Thomas was rather showing them to you. You would collect some fruits and play stupid games. Just enjoying the day together. The sun made its way farther up to the sky, the air got warmer and the wind stopped. It was peaceful. Sooner or later the sun made it's way downwards and suddenly your head snapped at the sky. Was it already so late? Thomas had spent the whole day with you, playing fetch or hide and seek, fighting with sticks. He acted so normal with you, as if you were accepted like the other boys. Or even more than that.
'Late, aye?' Thomas asked and frowned, he looked over to you and he seemed concerned about your next decision, his face alone told you that he didn't want to go back yet.
'We could make a bonfire and sleep here in the woods?'
Thomas shook his head immediately, eyes wide open in shock. Well, not your best idea as it seems.
'Ye don't ken the dangerous parts of Neverland. It's safer in the camp.' He stated and grabbed your hand. He saw the sad glimpse in your eyes and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, tender and sweet. You closed your eyes for a second and breathed his scent in. You wanted more. Did you? You couldn't say if it was only the attention he gave you, but for a long time you haven't feeled as you belonged somewhere like now.
'Let's go back.'
Your legs tried to keep at the same pace as Thomas's, but the tall boy just had stupid long legs. After a while he would make a break, still, the way back to camp was exhausting. You couldn't remember when you ever walked this much. With tired limps and a tired face you reached the clearing, lifting your eyes to see Thomas's face, not seeming to be tired at all.
Your sudden appearance didn't seem to be unnoticed, Ian started to smirk wide and a few other boys already gossiped and chuckled. Confusion spread over your face, what did they talk about? Why did they gave you these looks? Why were you blushing?
'So first Felix vanishes, now you two disappeared also for a whole day.' Pan appeared from the side and gave you an amused look, his face looked like the demon beneath it, his brow was raised and he focused on you. 'I don't fucking know where Felix is!' The answer was automatically and defensive. It surprised Pan that his facade dropped and his eyes were squinted into tiny slits.
'No one asked you...' his voice sounded poisonous and charming at once. It was a dangerous game to to talk to him, the leader of the cruel gang would always find something bad in what you've said. He was curious now.
'Sounded like it.' You hissed back and hushed to your tent to get away from him and he let you. smashing your face into a pillow you let out an frustrated yelp.
I know where he is. ,you thought and bit your lip. Why didn't you tell him now? Why didn't you tell him earlier? It wasn't that hard to give him the information, yet, something pulled you away from the thought, something uncertain that wanted to come Felix home by his own. Everyone assumed he fell during the game and broke his neck, others said he was embarrassed that he got hit because he never been hit before.
And they were fucking right.
The second in command was too proud to let people help him, he even sent you away. He knew you could tell them, but you haven't. Was this a test? It could be. Maybe Felix tested you in something?
You hit your head into the pillow several times, trying to get Felix out of your head, trying to erase everything you knew about him. It didn't work, your mind drifted off again and swirled around the lost boy like a satellite.
The hollering and laughter of the boys outside were still audible and you wondered if it was about you. You were assure the gossiped about the previous night- at least some of them did. Since you couldn't hide all evening in your tent, you moved after an hour of daydreaming to the bonfire. It felt like all eyes were on you, and suddenly, someone acted like he was kissing someone- pressing his lips together and making stupid sounds. Gleb started to laugh and did the same and soon other boys joined.
'What the hell?' You coursed and looked around, seeing everyone around amused. The kept laughing and yelled things at you, making you feel more uncomfortable than ever before. What in the hell happened? I shouldn't have kissed Gleb.
'Stop that!' Thomas growled and stepped onto the clearing, giving a furious look into the round.
'Ya ken we played a game! What's the matter with ya?' His voice was angry and with one fast movement he smashed his spear onto the ground, forming his hands into fists. The group suddenly got silent, still, their eyes told you what they thought. They thought that you were a stupid girl, something to play with. What made Thomas think different? In this moment you didn't care, you just wondered how the lost boy got the power to make all the other ones be quiet. Thomas put a hand on your back and gently pushed you away from the others, into the direction of the tree houses.
'I regret kissing it. I do!' You hissed and bit your lip not to start crying, but they were already watering. The lost boy's face got soft, softer than it already been, he just couldn't see you being humiliated.
'Shhhh. Don't listen to them pricks!' The boy whispered and pulled you into a hug. You couldn't wish for anything better. It felt relaxing and protected. For a short moment in a long time you felt safe. His big hands rested on your back, pushing you against him. You could feel his trained chest and his abs underneath. He was warm.
'Thank you...' You spoke, barely audible and moved your arm around his hips to hug him tightly before letting go. 'But why are you so nice?'
You two walked a bit, even with hurting feet you would follow this boy, knowing he would keep you safe. 'Because things are complicated on Neverland.' His hand moved to your cheek and cupped them in it, eyes looked at you so warm it made your heart flutter. 'You wouldn't understand it.' Thomas continued and suddenly he stopped, looking at the wooden ladder in front of him, the one from this morning, leading to his room.
'It's your treehouse?'
Thomas nodded. The sun had made space for the dark sky and it's glowing stars, each of them more visible as you climbed higher. A warm feeling filled your guts as you followed the lost boy into his room, snuggling under a warm blanket.
'Can I sleep here?' You suddenly caught the courage to ask him so, not even knowing where that kind of bravery came from. He wouldn't say no, that for sure. Thomas turned around and he smiled like a little baby,' I hoped so.'
Delightful not to sleep in fear this night or in the cold, you settled down and layed down next to the tall lost boy. His eyes were closed for a moment, so you looked at the adorable boy-ish face and admired it. He was a nice guy and you felt pretty safe with him. Nevertheless you couldn't get the words from the other boys out of your head, how they made fun about you. Not being used to have girls around was no excuse. Why couldn't be everyone so nice around you like Thomas?
'Do you think it was a mistake that I came here?' You asked Thomas unsure. His eyes snapped open and he looked at you with a face that showed no signs of an answer. He thought about it, way too long in your opinion.
'Wouldn't call it that.' He gave back and closed his eyes back again.
What the- that wasn't a no.
Disbelief built up in your mind, followed by anger in your heart. He thought aswell, you were only here by some sort of accident! You wanted to leave, feeling akward now, but just couldn't bring yourself up to move.
'But saving you out of the water was definitely worth it!' He whispered and slowly fell asleep.
What? !
It couldn't be, no... did he? Yes- he was the one who saved you, he must be! Thomas cared about you, he did right after the beginning. With a wide smile on your face and a warm feeling in your guts you rested your head next to his, scanning every detail of his face as you hoped to dream of him this night.
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