Chapter 19

Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence!

You exchanged a worried look with Felix and then you gave each other a short nod before you followed Mitch into the woods. There was no way a slim boy like him could even have a chance against Thomas, not even if he attacked him from behind. Pan had proven enough that no lost boy was of any importance, so telling Thomas died during an argument would work. Or not telling him at all. He had done too much harm already and he would not be of any use after all his betrayals. The second you and Felix reached the two boys, you widened your eyes in surprise. Felix let out a small. astonished gasp, as if he could not believe his eyes. Mitch had jumped onto Thomas's  back and used his scarf to strangle the tall boy from behind, wrestling with him to get him onto the ground.

Felix acted quickly. He jumped to Mitch's side and assisted him to hold down his stronger opponent. As Thomas was held down and choking, Felix started to tie his hands behind his back with his own scarf. Then he aimed to hit his jaw, then another time for his nose, letting you hear a cracking sound. This situation was familiar to you. The irony. How you met Thomas, it would also end. The boy screamed in pain as the blood poured like rivers down his face. This time he had a broken nose from that hit. Not that it was of any importance from now on. The only thing you missed was a crowd for the show. Having the second in command beat up a boy for no reason; it would have been too easy. 

'Give me that!' You pointed at Mitch, and he gave you his scarf with a questioning face, until it suddenly brightened up, understanding your intentions. Without any remorse you stuffed the scarf into Thomas's mouth, muting any sounds coming from him. The boy started to fight with hands tied, but Felix' force was too strong.

'Great! Now what?' Felix asked with a glimpse of hesitation in his eyes, after all they were too close to the camp. You exchanged a look with Mitch and for a second you both seemed to have the same thought.

"We kill him, I say." The short boy looked confident. Thomas widened his eyes and started to squeal around while trying to jump to his feet and get away somehow. Felix did not look less surprised, but grabbed the boy by his hair and pulled him back in place to kneel on the cold ground. Even if he got away, Thomas would not get far. There was no way back now and letting him go was no option anymore or he would only bring more harm upon you. 

"Not the balls to kill a boy after so many girls?" Mitch then suddenly said out of the blue. He did not like Felix's unsatisfied look. The second in command gritted his teeth and gave Thomas another heavy punch to silence him. It was not like he was against it, but the squealing and whimpering along with this whole situation simply overwhelmed him. With a tense situation in the camp it was just too risky.

You glanced back to Mitch who gave you a last confirming nod, and you repeated the favor. Reaching out for the knife you found under Gleb’s nightstand, you thought it would be the final end. Your hand twitched dangerously and you took a last look at your hand before you acted. No second of hesitation. Everything happened so fast. With a quick, strong movement, you let the silver slide over the lost boy's neck, spilling his blood all over the forest floor. Felix immediately dropped the boy in a short impulse of shock, not really expecting you to do it without a warning. 

"Fucking warn me!" The second in command widened his eyes and jumped away so he would not get any blood on his clothes. With all the uncontrolled hunting on Neverland no one would question it so that would not be the problem.

'Now we dig.' You said dryly, while Thomas still choked on the ground. Felix stared at you with widened eyes, not a single word crossing his lips. Then he slightly shook his head, gathered his thoughts and answered with an approving nod.

'I'll get the shovels!' Mitch happily chimed in, jogging back up the hill through the bushes. The short time he was gone felt like an eternity. His return was announced by the rattling bushes, causing your heart to jump a leap in fear of being detected by someone else. 

'‘Can’t find another one without being seen.’ Mitch used the only shovel available to get rid of the dead boy, leaving you and Felix to go back and secure the path so Mitch could be undisturbed.

'I can't believe that we just killed him.' You pressed your hands against your waist, looking at the small pond of blood with a twitching boy inside.

'Well, we're all short fused teenagers. And let's be honest with each other: Thomas was fucking annoying.' Mich rolled his eyes and threw a shovel of dirt onto the dead boy's face, returning a small gurgling sound in return

'Oh man, is he still alive?' Mitch groaned in a frustrated tone.

Felix stepped closer with a frown, 'Shouldn’t we finis-'

'-Mother nature will do her way.' Mitch interrupted. 'We all have to die some day. You know, god and shit.' Another portion of dirt landed on Thomas's Face. Mitch did not hesitate to keep pouring more dirt onto him and for the first time Felix realized what a monster the boy turned to be after years of tormenting, and he was glad not to have him as enemy after witnessing his lack of remorse. You on the other hand understood the lost boy more than anybody else here and it was time to stop whining and start acting. 

‘Go back, I will deal with it. In case I tell someone a stupid reason for killing him.' Mitch said, then added in a mumbling tone,’I have so many reasons they are no lies at all.’

You did not even look at Felix when walking back up to the camp. The dress was clean, but it would be for the best to get rid of the knife. 

‘Give me that.’ He said and wiped it off with his scarf before hiding it at the side of his belt. No one would question blood on Felix, truth be told, it made him only more authentic to Peter and the other boys. Talking of the green devil, he was nowhere in sight, but the clearing was still full of boys. Some of them started to get more uncomfortable than the others, fretful and anxious towards the coming event. Felix strayed off to find his leader, worrying about explaining his lack of knowledge- or maybe of showing he possessed way more knowledge that he should have. You stayed near the big oak and watched the nervous boys around you, some were shaking. It was obvious that not many boys knew what was going on, so you were not alone and there was no need for any dramatic acting. Peter would tell you what happened anyways, you were able to read between his lines by now. He was easier to read than Felix. 

Just when you had started to feel a glimpse of relaxation, the bubble burst at the sight of the leader appearing on the clearing. To make the situation worse, his eyes searched the camp until they stopped at youm The sudden sight of Pan storming towards you caused your guts to feel like being stabbed and twisted by a pitchfork, his eyes burning in anger, steps firm and furious. The brats’ face was red and puffy like you had never seen it before and for a moment it felt like the end of you.

'Y/N!' His voice was firm but not angry when he came to halt in front of you. 'Come with me!' 

With no more words he turned on his heels, strutting towards the exit of the camp. What the hell is happening now? You did not dare to deny his command and followed him past the guards but instead of walking downhill he walked the path around the camp leading to the mountains.

‘Where are you bringing me? What is going on?’ Trying not to sound too nervous you followed him without any defiance, but the angry face of his caused some worries to rise up that he knew about Felix and you. There was no way, unless Thomas lied and already talked to him or someone else. 

‘It's not safe in the camp for you anymore.' Peter said with a worried undertone, and you felt as if he were joking or at least trying to trick you. He was, all this time, this one would not be different.

'Someone stole from me.' He spat out furiously, yanking his head away to avoid your gaze. You could only guess he was talking about Javier taking the pixie dust, but it felt odd that Peter could even know about it. On the other hand it could not be that he even knew about the dust in Peters’ treehouse, the only place he knew about was next to Bens’ tent, your old one. Now it was the question which dust this rat stole. Either way, this meant trouble for someone that knew. Peter was not dumb to think Javier acted alone, but it explained his massive anger.

'There was a flasket of magic water in my treehouse.' Peter said sternly. 'I would never suspect you, don't fret my dear. But it seems our little bird was a spy of Hook.' He looked back at you with intense eyes and something told you that he in fact did suspect you instead Javier, or maybe both of you. There was no true reason for him to do so, but if he was as paranoid and cautious as you were, there was a chance. The fact that Javier worked with the pirates made sense, he only cared for himself and never trusted someone. Javier stole your pixie dust to bring Hook the water. No way would a loner like Javier work with one of the pirates if he did not gain anything for himself.

'Eric shot him down. Unfortunately he was dead before we could interrogate him. All I know is that Javier brought the pirates magic water from my flasket while they occupied me with false business.' Peter sounded angry. He loved games, but he hated losing. Well played, lost boy. That also explained why Peter was gone for such a long time and did not look for you nor Felix. He did not know. At least one thing to calm you down a little, but not enough to truly allow you to relax. 

'Go to my treehouse, I will send Thomas to keep you safe.'


'Why him?' You asked with widened eyes.

'Is there something I should know?' Peter stopped and turned around with squinted eyes. 

'I think he works for the pirates too! I often see him leaving the camp late at night!' It bursted out of you and for a moment you felt stupid for not trying that earlier. Pan widened his eyes in rage, stepping uncomfortably close to you until his face was just inches apart from yours. ‘And you are just telling me now?’’

You could have got rid of him earlier, but with what proof? If you had tried something sooner it would only alarm Thomas, making him a bigger pain in the ass. It had been out of the question, so there was nothing to feel bad about, he was gone now and showed no threat.

"Felix!" Peter then yelled the second of command’s name, and with an order to wait up he stormed past you back into the camp. Before you could even think of wandering off, Peter had sent a lost boy to bring you to the treehouse. It was Ben. He looked tired and drained, almost unwillingly, barely said a word and strutted next to you without taking a single glance at you. You never really knew what he was thinking, the boy was hard to read, and if he was, there was just dissatisfaction. At least he did leave you alone. His lack of interest gave you a short moment of relaxation, leaving some room to breathe as you walked the path around the camp.

‘Thomas disappeared this morning.’ Ben suddenly said, once you were out of Peter's sight. The way how cold he sounded made your heart jump a leap.

'And why should I care?' You gave back in the same tone while staring towards the path in front of you in an attempt to hide how much he freaked you out with such a small statement.

'I saw him enter the camp!' Ben fumed, grabbing your arm to stop you and make you look at him. 'I know he was there! So tell me what happened to him!’

Ben has always been one of the brighter boys, but his sudden concern towards you caused worries to rise inside you. There were a lot of boys that wished harm upon him, so why the interrogation now? You barely spent time with Thomas either, one more reason to be freaked out by his observations. Yanking your arm away you took a step back and regretted giving Felix that knife. There was no way of knowing if you would need it to protect yourself. On the other side there was still Peter and his temper that would protect you from unwanted harm from any boy. With a closer look at the chubby boy and his swollen moonface you tried to calculate your chances. Ben was a little taller but not quite fast. He did not like moving but rather spent his days in hiding with Eric somewhere. Who knew what they were up to.

'Why the hell do you ask me? There are enough wood-heads with easy access for sharp things around!'

Ben snorted out and yanked his head away before he hurried on. You hated the way to Peter's treehouse. The path was steep, muddy and full of stones. The roots of the trees grew out of the dirt and made the way narrow with enough pitfalls to fall easily down the slope. It could be easy for Ben to throw you down there, or the other way round. It was an option, no more, no less. The lost boys never helped you nor did they stand up to Peter himself, and as long as they were his blind little soldiers, everyone was a potential danger. Reaching a tall cliff on the mountain, Ben stopped and waited for you to pass by him until he followed you slowly towards the treehouse. The area was encircled by the mountain with a few slopes and narrow paths that lead further up or back down. Ben's eyes burned holes into you as you climbed up the ladder. He did not follow, but nor did he walk off. It was not hard to see  that Pan wanted someone to watch over you instead of protecting you. There had to be a reason why you were so important to him to make him act that way.

Up in Peter's housing you opened one of Peter's drawers just to find them completely empty. There was nothing to go through anymore and you did not really think of it as a surprise because it was such a natural habit of humans to be curious enough to go through other's stuff. Peter probably knew that it would be the first thing for you to do. Everything looked the same like before, nothing entertaining to do. This time Peter had placed a few books on his desk as if he wanted you to be entertained, but what it really said was that this would be a long stay in his treehouse and no nice suggestion at all. For some reason he made you a prisoner while he interrogated the other boys about Javier. With a quick glance over the books you immediately realized they were the most cliche fantasy books, so you grabbed one randomly and laid down onto the soft bed to get lost in the pages. The story was not quite catching, but there was nothing better to do anyways, and if the book bored you there was always the same routine: throwing the book aside and hushing out to the balcony, just to check if Ben was still there. The lost boy must be way more bored than you could ever be, standing there all day with nothing to do. You still rather liked him down there instead of being up here. Ben was no good company and he only made you nervous. The books would have to do it for a while, or you would stare out of the window. With the rising afternoon sun Peter would finally appear and bring you food. Way more important than that, he hopefully brought you some answers for bringing you here again. It gave you the nagging thought that he wanted to separate you from the others for something you have not figured out yet.

'Do you like it?' Was the first thing he said when entering the treehouse. His eyes were focused on the book you were holding and he almost seemed proud of his choice. He entered through the door and used the ladder as if he wanted to announce his arrival so you would be prepared. You were glad that he did not simply teleport him here just to startle you. It just felt like another manipulative trick to imply false safety.

'The book is okay.' You put it aside when he closed the door behind himself. Truth be told, any book you had opened was boring and dry, but speaking the truth scared you with his constant mood swings.

'How about your new dress?' Peter looked down at you with a soft smile. You hated how his eyes wandered down your naked arms. It was different from when Felix looked at your new outfit and what memories it gave you. Thomas was the only witness and he was gone, yet you still felt nervous about your night with Peters second in command. The fact that you seduced him in a dress you received from his leader felt wrong, but at the same time you only wanted him more. No matter why Peter gave it to you, it would never be appreciated as he probably wanted to.

'I'd rather have something functional again.' You answered him. You felt pretty, but simply needed something more comfortable but also to dress more practical. There was no need for you to dress up like a pretty doll and please Peter's eyes.

'Of course, love. But it's such a waste of your beauty.' With a confirming nod Peter raised his hand and moved it through the air, letting some basic clothes suitable for the island appear. He gave you a cloak, too, and for a split second you realized that you could just look like one of the boys while creeping through the forest. He placed them neatly over a chair before he stepped back to you, taking a seat on the chair next to you, a little too close for your taste.

'Do you want to teach me how to fight again? Or would you tell me why you want me to stay here?' You asked suspensefully, waiting impatiently for the boy to explain himself.

'I can not let you get kidnapped by those pirates.' Peter answered with a worried undertone that you could only interpret as fake. He cares for no one but himself. 'I would make myself responsible if they harmed you to get their way. You see, they are savages that want to harm Neverland and maybe even you. Hook would try anything to get to me, so it's just safer for you to be here.'

'You never really told me what they wanted. Couldn't the pirates just leave the island? Why are they running around being chased by the lost boys?' You asked as you stared at the food on the table in front of you, deciding to eat it later once the leader was gone.

'That is none of your concern-'

'-It obviously is, if you need to hide me from them that badly.' You interrupted him promptly. Maybe you sounded too harsh and judgemental, expecting a lecture, when in all of a sudden he let out a sigh, shaking his head before looking back into your eyes again.

'You might not want to believe it, but the Captain cares a lot about you. I would call it an obsession, it drives him so mad that he won't leave until he finds you.' Peter said and came closer, his face almost in yours. He raised his brows and grinned from ear to ear as he looked at you with glistening eyes. This made no sense. Nothing he said made any sense. Captain Hook wanted to leave Neverland and for that he needed magic water to be saved from the curse, so why should he look after you now? During the first encounter it did not seem like Hook had any further interest in you. Lies. Peter probably wanted you to be fully under control and there was no danger at all. 

What is your plan, Peter, why do you need me? Why do you want to manipulate me and for real, why are you so bad at doing it?

'But don't worry, love, I will not rest until I find him. I might be gone for a while, but you will see, soon I will bring you over to skull rock island where you will be safer and where I can answer all your questions in peace.'

'I don't get why Hook should care about me. He doesn't even know who I am!'

'I will answer your questions soon enough." Peter winked at her with a smirk.

'What does soon mean?' You furrowed your brows and showed the plate away.

'Tomorrow night, I will try my best to keep my word.' He smiled down at you so warmly, but the island's name alone was freaking you out. With a smile back, you hid your nervosity as best as possible, not allowing him to know your real emotions.

'See you tomorrow night then.' You forced yourself to look as charming as you could when he made you instantly regret it. Leaning forward, the green devil swiftly pecked your lip, his hand brushing along your cheek in a gentle caress. It was so quick, but the moment you felt his lips on yours felt like an eternity that would not pass. You were disgusted. When he pulled back, you were too startled to say anything, fortunately there was no need to. Peter turned around and left the treehouse without saying another word, not even expecting a response. He had this weird face that every little boy had once they achieved full dominance over a girl in a vulnerable position: the face of a winner. 

Trying your best to forget that awful moment you grabbed for the book, trying to find the side that you left and keep reading to shove that nasty experience aside. The fresh memory was haunting you. There was no chance Peter really liked you, so there had to be another reason to do it. If he wanted to manipulate you to fall for him he played a weak game. Most of the time he barely cared what you were doing or whom you were with. There was no need to break your mind to find answers you did not possess or he was not willing to share anyways. With heavy eyes you put the book aside and tried to rest for a while, but Peter's obsession haunted you even into your dreams. He gave you a weird nightmare, causing you to wake up covered in sweat. It was late afternoon and your stomach immediately grumbled, adding a stinging pain to your guts.

'Ben seriously, where can I take a shit!' You yelled angrily. This was a real bad time to joke around and you were ready to rip the boy's huge ears off his small head in order to get your answer. His face was not even twitching, even after the third time you asked. 'I already told y-'

'I swear to god if you point at that bushes again I will-'

'Jesus! Walk down the small path behind the tree, it will lead you to a waterfall and you'll see.'

At first you did not trust him and feared he would even follow, but then you wondered what kind of person would like to watch someone take a dumb and walk down the path around the mountain. You stopped and looked ahead, seeing the waterfall and the abyss in front of it. There was a shack built on the edge of the cliff, reaching over to the stonewall where the crack of the abyss was smallest and water rushed down the walls. It was even better than shacks with holes in it like in the camp.  In the end everything was better than a bush. The door of the shack had no lock but Peter probably did not need one since no one would come here anyways. The boys were a total mess and you were glad not to have them around for a while. You hated the way people just randomly bumped into each other during the most unsuitable moments, but at least no one would climb all the way up a mountain to get exactly here. No one to disturb. Peter had it way more comfortable than the boys but after all those years on an island the other boys should have developed better ideas that included no continuous digging and washing yourself at the river next to it.

'At least I don't get my period here.' You mumbled to yourself, washing yourself under the waterfall. Peter even had soap. He probably used the waterfall to shower himself. 

'God I hate this island.' You said as you thought about dozens of ways to do this better in the camp. Back at the treehouse, Ben was still at his post. He did not move from his position but he sat on the ground, staring into empty space until he heard you approach him. He looked at you and formed his weasel-eyes into slits.

'Took you a while.' Ben remarked snarkily, once you were in reach. He did not even bother to stand up but simply glared at you.

'It's not like you have somewhere to be.' you replied with the same nasty attitude and climbed back up the ladder, hoping he would not look under your dress as you did so. Up in his treehouse you decided that it was time to change your clothes, so you grabbed the pants and linen shirt, leaving the cloak on the chair. As entertainment nothing seemed appealing. The books were boring and there was nothing else to do. Deciding to go through Peter's drawers again you went through another boring activity that was over as quick as it started when you found most of them emptied. There were only clothes now. For a while you kept staring out of the window, relaxing to the sound of the birds as you sunk back into your thoughts. There was nothing new or exciting to do, so you went to bed again. The mercy quick slumber was unfortunately not granted to you, so the time passed with rolling around and finding a comfortable position as the haunting memory of Peter kissing you clouded your mind. Whenever you tried to think of something else, it always ended up with the memories the previous night with Felix. While repeating some of the details inside your head over and over again, you either grow excited to do it again, but in the same moment frightened to have someone else find out. Thomas would never be that dumb to tell no one what he saw, and if it was not Peter, then it had to be someone else.

There was nothing to do against it anyways, so you closed your eyes and sunk into your daydreams. With Felix as a protagonist in those scenarios you finally managed to find some sleep again and hoped that Peter would leave you alone for a while.

It did not feel like you slept long when the sound of some steps on the balcony woke you up. With tired eyes you wandered through the dark to the table, lighting a candle before you opened the door expecting to see no one else but Peter. With squinted eyes you tried to recognize the silhouette in the dark, but it was only when he stepped closer that you could see that it was Felix. At his sight you let out a relieved sigh, letting the second in command step in. He was looking cautiously around, obviously sneaking his way up here. You had so many questions, but most importantly you were scared that someone saw him or worse, Peter finding him up here.

'Felix! You are not supposed to be here!'

'Is this how you greet me?' He asked with a smirk plastered on his face, before it suddenly switched to something more serious-looking as he closed the door.

'I know, but I had to see you. Peter is busy chasing Hook. He desperately wants him to be found now that he is probably free of the curse, so he won't come here for a while. He assumes Javier stole the water for Hook and received Pixie dust in return, but if he finds the pirates and they can't tell him where the dust came from he will try to find the person who knows. We never found Hook before, since he spent so much time in Neverland, I am convinced it will take him some time.'

'What does he want from me then? He made me stay here, claiming that Hook looks for me!' You asked, looking up into Felix's confused eyes. He had no idea.

'I can't tell what he could want from you, maybe Peter lies. He lies awfully a lot. The ship was abandoned when we arrived so Peter decided to lead half of the group into the forest and the other ones up the mountains to find him. He sent me to guard the camp.'

'There must be another reason for Peter to lock me up here then.' You furrowed your brows and tried to understand everything that happened yet, but nothing gave you a clue for the green devil's plan.

'If he wanted to lock you up, he would have put you in a cage again.' Felix said and raided one of his brows.

'This is a cage.' You stated firmly. 'Open your eyes and see that I am absolutely not free to go. I am stuck in a treehouse with a guard down at the ladder!'

'A guard?' Felix asked, completely confused, shaking his head in response. 'No one saw me enter, I made sure of that. I would have seen a guard.'

'Ben? He was down there all day?' You replied with the same confusion until you both gave each other a weird, unbelieving look. The lost boy would have never left his post without an order, and Peter seemed to be the type that simply changed his mind about something. 

'When I came no one was there.' Felix said so calmly that it freaked her out. 

'What if this is a trap?' You whispered back with widened eyes, overthinking every possibility from Ben hiding to a guard exchange or simply that Pan built a trap. 'He just waits for you to come so he catches us!'

'Stop worrying about it too much. Why should he even know about us? Thomas was the only one that knew and now he is gone. Besides, if someone was guarding you they would not let me pass that easily, right?' Felix brought his hands up to your face to cup it, letting his thumbs gently brush over her cheeks in a light caress. He bent down and placed a kiss onto your lips, warm and soft, then moved them slowly up to your forehead for another one. The second kiss lasted longer than the first.

'We will get Mitch and then we will go to Sopha and Tinkerbell as long as Peter is busy with the pirates. I am convinced that they could convince Hook somehow to help us off the island.' He said, moving one of his hands behind your head to look you deep in the eyes, before he pulled you in, to give you a protective hug. 'I won't let him have you. I would rather die than let him hurt you.'

'Please don't die.' You laughed, pressing your face against his chest to listen to his steady heartbeat. The smell mixing with the loud thumping rib cage was enough to calm your nerves for as long as this moment could last.

'I won't.' He said. 'I promise. We will get off this island, but first you have to dare and sneak out of Peter's treehouse.'

'Sneak?' You said in disbelief. 'There is a ladder and any chance for someone to be out there!'

'We can't let you take the risk before it is too late and he probably has nothing good in mind for you.'

'What if Ben just went to take a piss and now he is back, seeing us if we climb down?' You returned to the same paranoia from earlier, but Felix only shook his head.

'Peter will notice that I am gone. He mentioned that he wants to bring me to Skull Rock Island- for safety he says. I don't have a good fee–

'-Skull Rock Island?' Felix interrupted with widened eyes, grabbing your shoulders in shock to give you an disturbed look. His eyes burned intensely through you. 'Didn't I say he has something bad in mind? Now I definitely won't leave you here, I will just steal you.'

'Steal me?' You chuckled as you pictured it mentally, before he suddenly grabbed you and you were indeed thrown over his shoulder to be stolen from the treehouse.

'Yeah, Steal you.' He chuckled like a manic after checking the area and climbing down the ladder. That short way down suddenly felt so long facing downwards and wiggling around, and for a second you believed that he was just playing some dumb, savage game, until you heard a rustling in the bushes around the trunk of the tree. Once Felix put his first foot on the ground, your inner fears came alive. 

A fucking trap.

Felix had no choice but to run when suddenly Ben followed by Eric squeezed themselves out of the bush. Instead he fully froze, his finger digging himself into the tender flesh of your thighs. 

Eric's moon-face was pale and round in the moonlight. With a smug grin he looked down to his chubby friend and they gave each other a confirming nod. Their eyes were glistening in a self-righteous victory while stepping forward, obviously happy with what they saw in front of them. You could feel Felix tense up underneath you when Ben pulled out a dagger, the metal shimmering in his little hands. It was not looking good for an escape. Eric had slender long legs so he would quickly catch up with Felix with you on his shoulder and you were not fast enough to outrun either one of them by yourself.

'I told you that Thomas said that they had something going on, then disappeared.' Ben looked at Eric as if he needed to prove something. This did not feel like Pan had anything to do with this trap, but that these boys were rather working with Thomas.

'Yeah I was confused when Felix had no idea what happened last night with Javier.' He chuckled as he looked down at you still on the second in command's shoulder.

'Pan would be thrilled if he found out.' Ben twisted the dagger in his hand.

'Wait, he doesn't know? You did not tell him? Why not?' Felix asked nervously. Ben rolled with his eyes in response and let out an annoyed grunt while shaking his head.

'I don't care who you fuck behind Pan's back, not even his new playdoll, but I do care how Javier could escape with fairy dust that he digged out from her tent.' Eric's voice suddenly went low and he squinted his eyes as he looked into your eyes. He was definitely not dumb after all, but maybe you were. First for not taking the fairy dust with you in the first place and second for telling Javier about it. You should have known better not to trust him with something so important to avoid that mess, now your only chance was to find Sopha and Tinkerbell, hoping that they had more dust. 

'What do you want to imply-'

'Don't try to fool us! Who gave it to you?'

You let out a sigh, preparing to make up a story. 'It was Hook. If I would help him-'

'Bullshit!' Eric yelled furiously. 'We made a deal. He would bring us away so we can be together without hiding! That rat Javier tried to leave us behind! He really thought we would let him get so far.'

Felix and you went pale and looked at each other at the angry confession. .

'You're so full of shit to think you are the only ones suffering.' Felix said through gritted teeth.

'We had to keep everything we felt behind closed curtains!'

Peter was jealous of love, so he wanted everyone to hide their relationships and it was not just you and Felix. Either way, it drove everyone on this plan to be selfish and backstab the others, probably to Peter's liking. Eric and Ben stepped closer, their knives shining in the light of the moon. Felix let you down before he found his own knife. He was taller and stronger, but both boys had weapons with full attention towards the second in command. They knew what he was capable of. A hand pulled him by his shoulders, causing him to lose balance and sway onto the ground. Ben used the short moment of weakness to his advantage, landing a heavy kick against Felix's rips. The painful growl did not let you unbothered, and you hurried to his support by kicking the back of Ben's knees. Felix grabbed him and pulled him down. He crashed his head against the raging lost boy, knocking him out easily so there was only Eric left who did not wait to tackle the second in command in fury. They both dropped their knives as they rolled over the grass, strangling each other.  This was your chance to grab one of the sharp blades and jump towards the fighting boys. With all their focus on Felix they seemed to have underestimated your contribution and your recent lack of remorse. Eric managed to get on top of Felix, and when he did, you violently grabbed his hair to pull his head back, placing the knife at his neck. 

'Move and you are dead.' You said out cold. 'Just like Thomas.'

'So-... you did kill him?' Eric shrieked out unbelieving. He started to shake his head in denial and widened his eyes in a frightful manner. There was no messing around with you anymore.

'Perhaps I did… or perhaps he tried to fuck some mermaids and they bit his dick off.' You chuckled back, enjoying the short memory of Thomas's ending. It was so fitting. Felix watched Eric's expression change, and  his own weirded out reaction towards it made you curious how he looked now. Suddenly you heard Eric crying as his body started to tremble in fear. 'I just want to leave with Ben.' He said in a hoarse tone, tears streaming down his face as he started to whimper, 'Please, I'll do anything!'

Felix looked from the crying boys' face up to you, furrowed his brows in an unsure manner. 'Y/N, I am not sure that we can trust-'

Felix widened his eyes when Eric's blood suddenly shot down on him like a burst pipe. You did not even let him finish to know that the lost boys were not to be trusted. Those tears were fake anyway.

'We can not kill everyone. Pan will notice sooner or later.' Felix wiped the blood off his face and pushed Eric down. He took another glance down at him to look at the mess you made and let out an annoyed growl. That was definitely something to be noticed by the others.

'Doesn't matter, I will win in the end.' You gave back and watched Felix clean himself with Eric's cloak.

'What makes you believe that?' Felix asked with furrowed brows. He was not so sure if you had a chance against Peter, even teamed up.

'Because I can stoop so low, I'll kiss his boots if it means I get to stick a knife in his throat later!'

'We could have handled Eric differently.' Felix said as he took a closer look at the scene. The grass was dyed red, impossible to clean off if it did not rain. Ben still laid unconscious on the ground but once he woke and saw his lover-

Y/N had no time to process her thoughts as terror overcame her. Felix was right, you had to leave.


'I am tired of not knowing who to trust.' You defended yourself and tried to push the fact away that you just killed the second boy in a day.

'Yeah one last problem.' Felix let out a sigh, looking down at himself once more. 'I can't get Mitch like this. We have to take him with us.'

'We will figure that out, we should rather make sure Peter will not find us.' 

Felix nodded. 'The game begins.'

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