Chapter 18

Even though Thomas  stressed you out, it was no reason to hide all day inside your cottage. Sooner or later you would need to face him again, or worse, he would visit you.  His demands were impossible to fulfill, too risky, and besides that, you did not want to face the green devil too early. The time went slowly by, and you still found yourself either rolling in bed, or simply staring at the ceiling. Your eyes wandered through the cabin, then suddenly came to stop at a small rusty knife that had slipped underneath the table. For a moment you just observed the small object, until you moved towards it by pushing yourself over the edge of the bed, bending towards the ground, and slowly crawling with your upper body towards it. Standing up would have been easier in the end, but it also cost you energy, and energy was something you needed later. On the ground it seemed more like a struggle to reach the knife, but the dirt on the floor was already rubbing against your clothes, so standing up now was not worth the effort. Your fingertips reached the rusty metal, and with that, your legs dropped with a loud thump onto the wooden ground, rather surprising than injuring. Great use of energy.

‘Gotcha!’ You chimed out, and lifted yourself back onto the soft mattress to inspect your finding any further. Part of the knife had been broken apart, but it must have been small in the first place. The broken piece was barely something to use in a fight, yet placing it under your pillow would make you feel safe at night. Not soon after that charade, your stomach betrayed you, signalling hunger so that self-isolation finally was over. Fate was the second one to betrayal you, as the first person inside of the camp to cross was no one else but Peter Pan himself. He stood in the middle of the muddy clearing, shooting commands towards his patrols and hunters. His arm rested causual against his hip, and evem though he was annoyed by one boy’s incompetence to tie a proper knot for a trap, he seemed tamed. 

'Slept well?' Pan asked humourful when you stepped closer. You had spent all morning inside the cabin, skipping breakfast, waiting until you would get hungry and have a valid reason to go outside.

'I was not feeling good.' You lied. Peter's face grew worried. 'You should eat something.'

'I will get some vegetables then.' You replied, then added, 'if you would let me of course.'

'Is that where you were yesterday? The crop field? It was like the earth had swollen you up.' By asking that, the leader had no clue what terror he woken inside you, how he might knew a little more.

'I was busy with work and forgot the time.'  You replied almost too eagerly, a little too nervous. He could smell lies, this was no lie. Peter made a face that said nothing more than, 'oh.' Then he let out an abashed chuckle. 'It must have been a surprise to find it all neglected.'

'No really.' You said. 'It was foul like most of the boy's personalities.'

Peter had problems keeping his emotions inside. He reacted with a surprised frown, followed by an agreeing laughter, waving his index finger at you, as if to say, 'You have a point.'

'They have bad eating habits, but in the end they are nice.' He then said and placed his hand on his chest. You laughed, shaking your head in disagreement. It was more than eating habits you were talking about, and he must have known this. 'No lost boy is really nice here, I learned my lesson.'

'Maybe you'll get to like Felix, too.'Pan said and smiled. 'You'll see, once you do, he can be quite pleasant company.'

At his name you froze for just a second, and you tried not to look way too surprised, so you frowned instead. Sure he was nice company. And if it were not because of Peter, he would have been an even more pleasant company. The way Peter had mentioned Felix and your time at the crop field with said boy could be not coincidence, right? 

'Do you like Felix?' You asked, and in doing so you caught the leader off guard. He could lie however he wanted, but in the end there was always a small, uncontrollable twitch in his face that told you the truth. You wondered if some of his expressions were intended.

'I want you to come with me, once you've eaten.' He avoided answering.

'Where are we going this time?' she asked sceptically. 'Down another cliff? Maybe into a bear's cave?'

'You inspire me.' He chuckled amused and walked towards the big hedges to leave the camp. 'Why aren't you my second in command?'

That remark startled you, and you shot your eyes towards the two young guards to get an escape from him, and room for your thoughts. They saluted you, for that they were supposed to pay respect for their leader, and whoever walked with him. You kept silent for a full minute, waited patiently until you were distant from the guard's ears; it was of no importance to the leader, his chatty behaviour  in front of nearby boys demonstrated it. 

'And why should I be?' You asked and glanced back at the devilish leader. 'Isn't Felix your best man to do so?'

Peter let out a giggle and rolled his eyes.  'Felix is a pawn.' He said with his hand wiping through the air. Not a friend, just like Felix had said. You knew now how much his own life was at stake, and how he had to do things he would never commit by himself if it was not to save his own skin. 

'A pawn?' You laughed the worries off. 'For what?' Your voice was filled with curiosity, and you tried not to best to hang onto Pan's lips, desperately waiting for a word for them to cross.

'Measure of needs.' He gave back dryly with  a turn on his heels,  signalling that this type of interrogation was over. 'I can have him removed, if you wish.'

Removed? What did Pan understand about "Removing" someone? It was surely something different you had in mind, and you wondered how the green devil came to ask such a thing? Under what circumstances?

'Why do you think you should?'

'For scaring you so much, of course. I don't want to make you feel as if you were unwanted around here.'

'Felix doesn't scare me more than any other boy could.' You were all honest. Not that you feared none of them, as you just pretended not to, they all just seemed to find a way of manipulating and hurting each other. Stupid, whiny girl. If you did not have a good heart, just like Felix said, how different would events have happened then? Maybe you had realized Pan's memory spell earlier, or connected to the boys to find a way off this island. 'I can deal with all of them on my own.'

Pan gave you a pleased face, severely satisfied with that answer. 'I want to show this brave girl one of my special places, one that no one is allowed to go to.'

'Why forbid something if we live without rules?'

'Who said we really do?' He smirked.

A liar. Not for the first time. 

'This time I am safe, you'll say?' You asked with noticeable worry in your voice.

'You were never endangered.' Peter gave back with a soft smile, the one that showed dimbles, not teeth. Another lie. He could do what he wanted, but Peter would never gain your trust. 

'See you soon.' He said your ways were separated. Peter ordered you to help some boys prepare dinner, and of course you went straight ahead, no complaints. If he wanted you onto his good side, this was no way to do so. Before you joined the other boys, you quickly got some of the vegetables from the neglected field, older ones, but not too old. The fresh ones were needed for the next few days. When returning to the camp, the guards paid no attention no more, as if you were a ghost. Not a second passed, and they started to chatter and giggle. Was it about you, or the fact that the two cooks, Eric and Ben, almost never excited about company? It made you nervous with each step. The second you entered the cottage, Eric stopped chopping the carrots, stood up, and took the onions from the basket, almost eagerly. He ripped it out of your hand, looking for other things you brought, although he constantly frowned as he stared. Nothing pleased him. 

'is that all?' It was the first time he looked at you with his small eyes, and you nodded in response.

'That's all.' 

Eric turned with a grunt.  He tossed the basket onto the table, then he continued chopping. They were old carrots, thick ones, those that were still good, but already soft. The knife he used was sharp and bright, and tempting. You would like to have a knife like that to call your own. The boys made you clean the dishes,  no other participation wanted or needed. It was just a way for Pan to control you, and maybe even watch what you were up to. 'Go peel some potatoes.' Ben commanded. He did not wait, but pushed you harshly over to the table, right next to Eric. All this time you three sat in silence, not a single word leaving one's mouth. You did not dare to say anything, nor did you feel like it.

'I want some mushrooms in my food.' Ben murmured towards Eric with a questioning look, seeking for approval. 

'Every food has some mushrooms in it, if you just wait long enough.' You gave back, receiving annoyance mixed with disgusted faces.

'Go get some mushrooms.' Eric commanded harshly.

He handed you the  basket you came with, and within a second you were shoved outside. Instructions were clear at last. If the boy tried to punish you, he just did the opposite. Or it might be that he only wanted to get rid of you. Either way was a win-win situation, for that you could stand neither of them. You took all the time you needed, well knowing that they preferred your absence the longer the better. It was also giving you the opportunity to clear your mind, and prepare yourself for the next steps. Peter was not to be underestimated, as long as you were not fully aware of his extent of power.  He was not able to spie at everyone at once, or else there would be no one needed to be instrumentalized as such. There was a plan needed fast now, and you needed trustworthy allies- something very rare to find. But first you needed to go with Peter again, and you tried to see this as a good opportunity to learn more about him, especially if he had any weaknesses.

The basket of mushrooms was almost piling up, and when you returned the food was almost done. Being one of the cooks had the perks of eating first and in peace inside the cottage- even though half of the time you were not even present to help make it. As you ate, the thought that Pan wanted this time would not leave you alone, causing steady worry to overcome you and kill your appetite for the stew. Ben and Eric left you alone, or even exchanged a word with each other. Both were not really chattery, but in the end it was for the better. No boy here really talked about something smart, some of their ideas were just destructive and even dangerous. You could hear them scream and holler around outside, and even with the thick wood walls it was piercing your ears. The shouts of the boys grew louder with the time, and even an hour after you ate, there was no way they would calm down in the near future. Eric commanded you to clean their bowls along with yours, and even though none of them was in a position to give her a command, you proceeded without any complaint.You saw it as a small thank you for letting you eat in peace with them, also, you did not want to argue with them.

It did not take you long to clean up and follow the two boys. Once outside, you found yourself in between a mess of fighting, pushing, ravaging boys. They had started a big bonfire to jump around, but this time neither Peter nor Felix was in sight. You felt like being at a teenager's birthday party, when after his parents went out of town started to invite everyone and burn the house down through a burning sensation of euphoria. You crossed the clearing towards the path uphill, just to be pushed around or ran in by reckless boys not paying attention to any of their surroundings. As long as Peter would not come back fast, he could look for you inside of your cottage.

'Where are you going?' One of the taller boys laughed and grabbed you by your arm, tossing you roughly back into the circle of dancers. The others quickly took part in, starting to toss you around or “accidentally” run into you, and by that almost swaying you off your feet.

'Stop that at once!'

The boys really listened, rolling their eyes in annoyance before they let go and trot away. One of them gave you a final, firm push, throwing you harshly onto the ground. The helping lost boy reached out his hand for you to help you back up.

'Thank you Javier.' You smiled and took his hand. 

'They are all pieces of shits.' The lost boy grumbled. 

'Don’t let it get to your head. It’s what they want.' You gave back, receiving a judging look.

'You don’t tell me after the time I’ve been here.'

'Nothing to disagree with-'

'I can't stand the boys during times like this.' Javier admitted and wiped his hand through the air, as if he tried to push every thought of them away.

'How exactly?' You asked, even though you already witnessed them. Yet Javier needed to tell his own story.

'They don't know how to respect simple boundaries, act like savages going on rampages. You saw them- they are nothing more than animals, filth, dirty scum to run the earth. I just…I-'

'Did they ever do something bad to you?' You tried to approach him carefully.

'Not in particular. They just do a lot of bad stuff…'' Javier bit his lip, trying to avoid your gaze for a second. He contemplated going into details, when the choice was taken away quickly by an interrupting call.

‘Y/N!’ Peter’s voice rang in your ears. You really hoped he would leave you alone for the rest of the day, but here he was, standing not far from you, just where the lost boys had pushed you around. He looked over to Javier with a stern expression, enough to signal the lost boy to leave. 

'Are you taking me on a late adventure?' You asked with a look up to the sky. Peter had been away for longer than he probably wanted. His eyes followed yours, and his face lit up with full joy, but he could not go along with that idea, so he shook his head in disappointment. 

'I wish I could, but the pirates and I won’t come to a proper agreement,' he told you nothing more than that, but you could already picture that it had to be about Hook’s imprisonment on this island.

'But as long as I am gone, I will bring you somewhere better.' The boy gave you a warm smile before he snapped his fingers to teleport you somewhere else. At first glance, nothing was really special. Then you turned around to observe your new surroundings.

'This is just another stupid treehouse.' You mumbled to yourself, but when Peter gently grabbed your shoulders to turn you around, you froze, eyes widened. After the last time teleporting with him, you just did not know what to expect anymore than something bad, no matter how tame he seemed recently. The boy moved his hands down to your waist, pushing you further towards the window. You were a little resistant at first, but did not want to show it, so you just went along with it, step by step.

'Now Imagine this when the sun rises.' Peter breathed into your ear. He wiped some hair out of your face and just smiled, then his eyes focussed on the exploding sun rays that blossomed over the horizon, as if they fed on the wildest creations of colours that the flowers and fauna underneath offered. The narrow trees in the undergrowth were surrounded by big bushes,  hiding under gigantic vines, blocking any path to Peter's secret hideout. As far as you could see there were just trees and mountains. Far away was a waterfall, its water glistened in the orange light , but the distance was too big to enjoy any sounds of running water.

'Why bring me here?' You asked with a glance over your shoulder.

'Can’t I show you something equal to your beauty?' Peter gave back, his soft breath tickling against your ear. He was so close. Too close.

'You don’t mean it, why the act?' It blurted out of you, no barrier at all.  Peter frowned, then took a step back to give you some space. For the first time he looked nervous, but not a caught-in-the-act-nervous, no. You were certain that there were some expressions like this, that Peter could not fake on purpose. It was just too odd to describe, but he was genuinely hurt. 

'Why do you think I would lie?' He asked somewhat insulted. How else could it be then?

'Not sure.' You lied. 'It just startled me.'

Peter replied with a warm smile, before he stepped back to you into the light. His features looked less frightening now in the golden rays- round and unassuming, nothing more than a young, lean boy. Even those green orbs seemed less unsettling. No matter if he just pulled an act or not, you needed to be careful. Otherwise, his next move could lead to your quick death. When you were all alone with him, you were vulnerable, and no one could come save you, not even Felix.

'I have something for you,' Peter said with a wink, reaching behind his back.  'For your flower crowns.'

'If you wish to, I will bring you to the most adventurous places.' The boy hummed with a big smile spread over his face, almost excited. It was impossible to ever answer that with the truth, for that you were happy with each second without him. Somewhat was off though, Peter behaved differently, and you needed to know why. It had been a while since he seemed threatful, like really dangerous. No doubt there was a big plan beyond all his new acts, something bigger behind his games you were forced to play along. 

'Only if you promise me to never fly with me again.' You gave back with a laugh, not sure why the idea of getting to know him was so much fun. 

'Promise!' Peter laughed too. Then he suddenly did something unexpected. He took your hand and pressed it onto his chest, right over his beating heart,'I am just human.' He said warmly, with an intense look. 'Don't fear asking me for anything.' 

You gave him a perplexed look, mouth agape and brows furrowed. Odd was no description for his  behaviour, and it was hard to understand his motivations behind it . Or maybe you were just flabbergasted by his kindness.  

'Did you ever sleep in a treehouse?' He asked.

Please don't say it! Please  don't say it! Please don't say it!

You could feel how those words manifested themselves inside your brain, repeating themselves all over again. 

'You could sleep here in mine tonight. It would be safe and away from the lost boys.’ he then finally spat out.


You alraedy knew this was not a offer at all, but it was dumb to decline as well. He was right, you would be safer from the boys and get some actual sleep during the night. 

'Without me self-explanatory-' Where was it self-explanatory? '-I am needed elsewhere.' 

'And you feel comfortable with me all alone with your stuff?' You asked warily. This could only be a set up by Thomas. On the other hand, he was not stupid enough to sabotage his only way off the island.

'Sure I would trust no one else for it.'  Peter gave back with a sharp inhale. He gave you a look as if he wanted to say more, but no words crossed his lips. He pressed them tightly together, looked onto the ground, and with another sharp exhale he looked back up to you. He simpered. The exchange of looks lasted a few more seconds, and you found yourself staring into those green orbs, bright and soft, not dangerous at all. 

'Seems like I have to go.' He breathed out and turned on his heels towards the exit, leaving with a short glance back. Once he was all gone, you let out a relieving sigh. Going back to the camp seemed to be no choice, or else Peter would not leave you in his treehouse. Maybe it was even for the better- with all those rowdy boys around, there was no safe shelter while the leader and second in command had left the camp with no one in charge. Every single boy could be dangerous, some of them more than the others. You turned around to  take a closer look. The room that was understood as yours for the night, was pierced by three windows in total, and they all had curtains. A few soft rugs were covering the floor, and the bed was filled with furs and silken pillows. There was a big mirror leaning against the wall, next to the bed, and some candles placed over the barrels that served as nightstands. When you glanced over at Peter's drawer underneath the window, next to the entrance, you hesitated. The urge to go through his stuff won in the end. Some of it might reveal something interesting. Even if it was a trap, what other choice did you have for succeeding to get off the island? The longer you stayed, the more dangerous it would probably get. The inside of the drawer was rather unspectacular. There were a few clothes, but not many. He had kept a deck of cards and dice, a broken watch, a heart shaped necklace and a flasket. Nothing else. On top of the drawer was a brush solely a hairbrush. With a close look at the golden necklace, you read "S+P '' engraved delicately on the middle of it. It was the only thing that aroused your  curiosity, and you really wanted to take it with you, but it was too obvious to steal it. Looking at the initials, you suddenly felt as if you saw something you were not supposed to see, something important, intimate, and yet so perfectly placed to look upon. Almost too perfect. It was so mysterious, yet told you a million stories at once, as if it said, 'Look at me! I am important!' 

You looked further around, but when there was nothing else to find, you walked over to the bed and dropped onto the soft mattress. The crash was harder than expected, for that the bed looked way more comfortable than it actually was. The sheets smelled like Peter. It had the same scent as his hair, skin, and clothes. He smelled clean. You missed Felix and the way he smelled. It was weird to sleep in his bed when you longed for someone else, and no matter how polite Peter behaved, there was something odd with his request, as if everything was just a big trap. You could not even ask him, or else he would know about your knowledge, or worse, he would find out about the relationship you and Felix had. 

What even were you? Could you call him your boyfriend, or was this too much? Thinking about that made you nervous, as if asking him would really be that hard. The second in command clearly liked you, or else he would not have kissed you, right? He never stated the nature of your relationship, but to be fair, neither did you. You wanted him to be your boyfriend, that was something you felt deep inside your guts. You wanted to lay with him, kiss him, touch his scars, and maybe even sleep with him. At some point you could still barely process that Felix really kissed you, that this was not a far fetched daydream you kept on replay inside your head, you ripped your eyes open. This was not the right place to think about that sort of stuff, not your bed to fulfil yourself that secret desires in. Kissing Felix was not enough anymore, you wanted to go beyond anything you ever dared to speak out to him, and you wondered what he was thinking about at night, during times that he felt lonely. It was hard to find some rest, but eventually you would fall asleep sooner or later. Once you did, all the worries of the daytime left you alone for once, allowing you to find a short escape from all this horror.

Peter was not back yet when you opened your eyes again and sat up inside the bed. The bright light of the sun blurred your sight for a moment, making you wonder why it had not woken you earlier. It took you a moment to adjust your sight while you enjoyed the warmth against your skin. You gave yourself barely any more time to rest, so you got out of bed and immediately stopped, when you suddenly saw a beautiful dress hanging over the chair. It was a light colour of blue with long sleeves reaching to the elbows and expanding. The fabric should cover your knees, nor less. It had to be meant for you. For a second you just stared at it, until you decided to try it on. It was fitting you perfectly. With a quick lock at the mirror, you detected little, golden stars, beaded into the thin lace that covered all of the soft fabric. The moment of admire stopped, when you suddenly heard some footsteps on the porch of the treehouse, and without a doubt it was Peter. 

'Are you finally awake?' He asked as he stepped cautiously  around the corner, checking if he could come in.

'Do you like the dress?' He asked with sparkling eyes, and to your own surprise you did, so you answered with a nod, along with an excited smile, simply impossible to hide. 'I do. Thank you.' 

This was way better than the old rags you repeatedly wore, or that awful cloak. 'Did you wait outside all morning?'

'Sorry, I did not want to creep you out by watching you sleep.' Peter gave back respectfully, and you appreciated it.

'I wish the lost boys could understand boundaries like that.'

'I can show you to keep them at bay.' Peter grinned and stepped closer.

'How?' You asked with a frown.

'By teaching you how to fight them easier.' He replied and pointed out into the jungle. 'There are many things I could teach you.'

Then the leader stepped closer, gently grabbing your hand and leading you into the middle of the treehouse to have enough space around you. 'Here.' He showed you the move of an attacker, and then how you would try to get free from certain grips. You had to repeat that process a few times, and after a few tries, it suddenly felt so normal to grab Peter's wrist and throw him around, to have him close to him and even have him touch you without leaving goosebumps.

'If you use the weight of the opponent against himself, it is far easier to make them fall.' The boy explained and placed some feet onto yours before he grabbed your arm and pulled you over his crooked back, to make you fall through your own weight. Was he serious now? Fighting after he just gave you a new dress? At least the floor was clean.

'But I will make sure no one is trying something when I am not around.' He then said with a proud grin. A little too late.

'Appreciated.' It truly was, even though it was the bare minimum. 

'I really don't want to waste your time.' In reality you just wanted to see Felix again.

'Don't worry I wanted to teach you sooner anyways.' He gave back. So there was barely anything to say against it. 

With a snap of his fingers you had switched the location to somewhere in the jungle. The place was not very special. It was a small clearing surrounded by endless green, just big enough to move around and practise. Peter's eyes searched around, and when he did not find what he was looking for, he used his magic to let a wooden stick appear, just big enough for you to use to fight with.  He gave it to you and told you to take a position. No hesitation.

'You're holding it wrong.' He said with a laugh. 

'And your stance is just disadvantageous.' He then said and corrected your position with his feet.

'I am wearing a dress.' You replied snarkily. 

'And this is supposed to stop you?' With a swift movement you hit Peter against his arm, catching him out of the blue. 

'But you're fast.'

Peter gave you a satisfied look.'Would you like to beat me?' He asked in an amused tone, but deep inside he already felt as if you would reply with a yes. 

'No.' You lied with confidence. Or maybe, deep inside, there was this conviction that violence would not solve any of your problems, no matter how relieving it felt to hit the leader. Peter frowned surprised. 'Why not? I did you so much damage.'

'Because you can be more than just a harsh leader.' You answered, not even sure about yourself this time. He needed to believe that he was seen as trustworthy, so you told him what you were trying to convince yourself.

'And what would that be?' He asked and closed the distance between you two, gently pushing the stick in your hands down. The sudden distance gave you a rush of blood running through your whole body, puzzling about his intentions.

'You could be a friend.' You replied and tried to focus looking up into his eyes with no further twitch in your face. 

'The best friend.' He smiled. 'Promise.'

'Let's continue your training sometime later, I just have something I need to do first. Besides, I don't want your new dress dirty. I will come and admire your beauty later.'

With that he brought you back into the camp. No more words said, and then he left into the unknown. Did he weird you out? Yes. Was he somewhat tolerable to be around? Sure. He had not yet proven anything by showing the bare minimum of kindness, but it was a start. On the other hand it worried you to have his mood change so suddenly, and being aware that there hid a monster inside him, that acted out of mysterious reasons. It could be of crucial importance to find out the nature of his actions and behaviour, but how much time was even left to do so, and what importance would it be if you lose someone else on the way to do so? What was the reason behind giving you this dress?  So many questions that would stay unanswered for now, as the big hedges of the entrance were in sight. Not long after you entered the camp and Peter disappeared, you felt the burning gaze from Felix. He was sitting not far with a perfect view onto the entrance, as if he only waited for your return. He was already burning full curiosity at the sight of the dress. When you locked eyes, he nodded his head in one direction, then rose to his feet and waited for you to follow without raising any suspicion. You kept your distance, but remained steady behind the second in command through the narrow path to the training field, just to take a turn uphill between some trees. 

'Where the hell have you been?' Felix finally blurted out worriedly, grabbing your shoulders with widened eyes before pulling you into a tight hug. 

'Pan made me spend the night in his treehouse to be safe from the boys.' 

'His treehouse?' Felix asked skeptically, and pushed you back, with widened eyes. 'He never brought a girl there. Not even Sopha.' 

The second in command sounded as confused and not the slightest settled. You were not convinced if that was the truth. Peter was doing a lot of things no boy was aware of, not even Felix. As fast as the kindness appeared, it could also disappear. What made you so special to him?

'Does it matter right now? We need to focus on getting away or getting rid of him.' 

Felix agreed, with a frown, then shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. 'What's your plan?'

'Okay but I need you to be more honest about what you really think. Don't hold yourself back.' 

Felix gave you a smug grin, then proceeded to confirm with a nod. 

'We can't do this alone. Pan would let the boys end us before we even get the chance to form a plan, so why not get some on our sides first?' 

'That actually sounds good.' Felix replied. 'Who do you have in mind?'

'Mitch of course, he would never support Peter.' You said. 'And Javier would be a great help.' 

'Javier?' Felix spat out amused, trying to hold back. 'You're not serious?' 

'What's wrong with him?' You complained a little mocked.

'Everyone is entitled to be a little bit stupid once in a while, but he clearly abuses that privilege.'  Felix bursted out in laughter, holding his stomach, and trying to calm down as quickly as he started.

'Don't say that!' 

'You wanted a more open up version, who is saying what he thinks!' Felix said with a red face and a wide grin.

'Can you keep the mean thoughts?' You asked with pleading eyes.

'Well, I can try, love, but it would mean I have barely anything to say. I trust him as far as I can throw him.' He remarked.You rolled your eyes, pacing  up to walk in front of him. Both of you knew how much you needed Javier, and his vile obsession with Pan, that made him trustworthy enough to be a part of the rebellion. At least he was not manipulated by the green devil, nor impressed by the violence of the other boys.

'Just ask him to keep an eye on Thomas.' You said. 'I'll go to Mitch.' 

'What if we switch? 'Felix suggested. You turned around and raised an eyebrow in disbelief, amused at first, then realising he was serious. 'Do you really believe that is a good idea?' 

Felix shook his head, your voice alone told him that it was nothing he should do. Not after what he did to the other boy.

'Okay…' Felix exhaled theatrically. 'If I really have to!'

The tall boy  gave you a wink, before he turned and disappeared into the endless green. This would not be easy, Pan could have spies everywhere to tell him what was going on. On the other hand, you were probably just overthinking like usual. Being cautious was rational, but this needed an end. The leader of Neverland clearly began to make his moves, so all you had to do was counterback by finding out more about him. Going back to Sopha was too risky right now, yet you knew that sooner or later it would be inevitable. Sopha was the only one next to Felix that had been close to Pan. She was your answer to his defeat. You decided to think about that later, the second you found Mitch and Javier. Finding the boy was not easy. He did not like any of the places that were crowded with other boys for obvious reasons. First you looked anywhere near the water, then inside the forest next to the river. Mitch could not have gone too far, for encounters with big animals cowed him off. After an eternity of wandering around, you slowly felt like giving up. Sooner or later he would come back to the camp anyways, and that would be your chance. Thinking clearly, this would only work out, if Thomas would finally stop snooping around. So it was a bad idea to approach Mitch in the camp, and giving up was no option anymore. You walked uphill along the river,  taking you almost an eternity, but not far from behind some trees the short boy was finally in sight.

'Mitch.' You called out his name, approaching him. The lost boy kneeled on the muddy soil, picking up mushrooms near the trunks. When he heard your voice he stopped his movements, shooting up, and turning his head into your direction, and for a moment he looked terrified enough to make his way out of here. 

'Stay.' You begged with a pleading look. Mitch's tensed up muscles relaxed, and he let out a brief sigh, shoved his harvest into a small bag before he jumped to his feet. 

He let out a relieved sigh,'It's just you.'

It hurt you a little. 

'What do you want?' The boy found his voice, looking at you with squinted eyes.

'I need your help.' You gave him pleading eyes as you stepped closer to him. The boy carefully took a step back, then hastily, checked the surroundings. 

'I am alone.' You said and lifted your hands. Mitch had no reason to trust you, but there was no better option for him anyways, so you doubted he would decline or even snitch. Those words seemed to have enough impact in calming the lost boy down, and he stepped closer again, until he was close enough to whisper,'It's about Pan, isn't it?' 

You replied with a short nod. 'Thomas is also going to be a problem. We need someone to keep an eye on him.'

'Do you think he is a spy for Pan?' He immediately blurted out, his eyes staring through his curtains of hair.

'Could be?' You gave back.

'If he is, why would I risk my life for you? I can't help, sorry.' He really sounded sorrowful, but that answer came fast.

'I can promise you Felix will protect you.' You pleaded, hoping this would convince him.

'What do you know about that fucker?' He scoffed and yanked his head into the other direction. For just a second you thought about telling him, but you feared his reaction could be even worse. 

'I know that he is not always like this-'

'-He can't even protect himself!' Mitch snapped as if he knew what he was talking about. Understandable, taking in count how much he sneaked around and gathered information.

'If I ask him to, he will protect you!' 

The lost boy slowly turned his head back to you with squinted eyes, raising one of his brows in curiosity. 'You're fucking him, right?' 

Your face went pale from the shock, and for a second you did not know how to respond, just to have your blood rush through your body again, showing the boy your embarrassment. What was he talking about?

'I am just kidding, okay?' Mitch laughed with hands up in a defending position. 

'You just need to watch Thomas. That's all.' You mumbled and avoided looking into his eyes. 'It's our only chance to get time and make an escape plan.'

'Escape?' Mitch's eyes widened until you stared into blue, big marbles,'Like off the island?'

'Like off the island.' You confirmed.

'Okay, fine. I'll do it. But you need to promise that Felix doesn't hurt me.' 

'I'll promise.' The voice of Felix himself suddenly came from aside. Mitch shrunk together at the sudden sound, shooting his head towards the trees. Your eyes also followed the source, finding Felix along with Javier coming out between some bushes. Mitch glared at the second in command. He did not say a single word as they stepped closer. 

'So that's the team?' Javier laughed out, not believing his eyes. 'A coward and the girl? You did a great job convincing me, Felix.' 

'You really brought the clown?' Mitch spat out towards that sarcastic tone, and Felix gave you a look that said,'Told you so.'

'This is more important than your personal fights! If we don't team up against Peter, we won't survive on this island!' The sudden volume in your voice caused them both to shut up and just stare, then they exchanged a quick glance, nodding at each other. 

'We need to stop Peter and Thomas, or else we will get killed. I know that Peter has some sort of Plan with me, but I don't know what. With your help I can buy some time to find out and stop him.'

'Why is Thomas so Important?' Javier asked with a frown. He knew that the other boy was a piece of shit, but so was any of the other boys to him.

'He wants me to steal pixie dust from Pan. If I don't do it, he is going to make sure Pan kills me or Felix, and we forget our plan. Unfortunately he knows too much.'

'How in the hell are we supposed to do that?' Mitch shrieked out and panicked. He seemed to be the only one being nervous about this, well aware that Thomas could easily kill him and frame it as a tragic accident.

But if Peter would find out, he would end you all. At least you were not all by yourself anymore.

'If I am honest with you, I already have some. Tinkerbell came to me in the first weeks here and told me to hide it if I ever need any. It's hidden behind my old tent. We get it and tell Thomas that we stole it to get time.' 

'All this time in our camp?' Javier said with widened eyes. 'We need to get it to escape! What are we waiting for?'

'Don't get tempted.' Felix replied with a clap against Javier's head. 'This tent belongs to Eric now. He will definitely notice you and report to Peter.'

He was right. Eric was not a boy of a social nature. His tent was guarded by his presence most of the day, and he would only leave if he really had to. The boy was one of the oldest and strongest, so he was definitely not to be underestimated, for that he hated sneaking around his tent in for of stupid pranks.

'It's not going to be that hard.' Javier gave back annoyed, crossing his arms defeated in front of his chest. He was either stupid or brave.

'We will meet up here tomorrow morning again, when Eric goes to Patrol. Not sooner or later we will approach the tent.' Felix said and Javier nodded in agreement, letting out a disappointed sigh.

'What if he already found it?' Mitch was trembling. Felix gave him a pitiful look. 

'Hey don't worry, mate,' He dared to put one hand on the short boy's shoulder. 'I will not allow him or the other boys to hurt you from now one. I am not the best friend you ever had, but I could be one.'

Mitch looked up to him and said nothing for a while. Then he gave him a short nod, before he would face the ground again to calm down.

'We should separate before someone sees us.' Mitch then said silently, finding in Felix his first supporter. You stayed with Felix, and Javier went back to his duties while Mitch kept going with gathering mushrooms as if nothing ever happened. Now you only hoped that they could be of help to you. Felix was not fond of the idea of telling them about Sopha, but sooner or later the boys deserved to know. Besides, she played an essential role in defeating Peter, since no one knew him better than her. It must have been initially carved into the necklace, and for a second the piece of jewelry felt like a trap, as if Peter wanted you to see it. 

'You okay?' 

Felix was more quiet than usual, and chewed nervously on a toothpick while containing a frown. For no logical explanation, you felt butterflies in your abdomen at the way the small piece of wood pressed against his lip.

'Felix?' You called his name when he did not respond, pulling him out of trance this time. He stopped and turned to you,'Yeah, sorry. I just… I am not sure how safe we will be from now on, and if I can protect you like I promised to.' 

'Then let's enjoy one last perfect day together.'

'Where do you want to go?' 

'Somewhere to be alone.'

He gave you a goofy grin before he nodded his head forward, pacing up to lead the way. 'I think I have the perfect place.' 

First you thought he would bring you to the waterfall, but then the boy took a sharp turn through a narrow path behind some bushes, squeezed himself through a crevice, before he would crawl on all four up a rocky path towards another level of stones and vaults.

'This is where I came when I was hit by the arrow.' He explained, walking by your side. The way down was rocky, but you could already see a glimpse of sand in between the cracks of stone piles. There was a gap just big enough for you two to squeeze through that the second in command let you enter first.

'It's so pretty!' You chimed out. This lagoon had softer, brighter sand, and in between the rocks, flowers were allowed to grow through the steady access to water gathering in the cracks. The palm trees hid off the ocean, but there was no ship or anything endangered. To your right was a giant wall of stone, with another huge waterfall, creating a small river of drinkable water.

'Do you think?' Felix asked rather unimpressed. After all those years he was used to all of Neverlands's beauty, so nothing was new or shocking.

'Yes!' You danced around him, lifting yourself up to grab his neck, then pulled him swiftly down into a short kiss. 

'Thanks for bringing me here.' You gave him another kiss on the tip of his nose, creating a warm blush on his cheeks by that. In a fraction of a moment, he closed the distance between you two and plunged his hot tongue deep inside your mouth to taste you. His body, a solid wall of heat, was crushing against your own, as if he could just not get close enough. His mouth devoured yours, and in that moment, you were ready to be consumed by him. You wanted him untamed upon you, to make you all his. When you both removed yourself to get some air, Felix gave you a melting look, I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you,' he said, raggedly. 'It can’t be any kind of surprise to you, I’ve been following you around like a horny fucking teenager all week.'

His eyes were fierce, burning you up with their intensity. He was quite often around, but there had also been many chances to kiss you, so it did come as a surprise. 

'You have?' You simmered, moving your hands from his shoulder down to his back, rubbing it softly. You wished you could remove those many layers of clothes that he wore, and  feel his skin on yours. pulling the boy into another kiss, you let your hands wander under his shirt. You could feel how skinny he actually was, and how hard his muscles felt as you gently palmed his ribs.

'Stop that, it tickles.' Felix mumbled into the kiss, and when you did not listen, he grabbed your wrists, 'Okay that's enough!'

He grabbed you by your waist and threw you over his shoulder before he would start to tickle your waist. There was no way to escape this grip, so you struggled with your legs and banged against Felix's broad back. Both had hardly any impact on him, except that he lost balance and dropped forward onto his knees, letting you drop underneath him into the soft grass. You immediately attacked his waist, wrapping your legs around his waist, capturing one arm with it, as you tickled him everywhere you got a response from. Felix's laughter sounded so light and joyful, you did not even mind how you rolled through the grass in his attempt to get free. When the second finally freed himself out of that entangled mess, he grabbed your shoulders, pinning you down with a victorious grin. You tried to catch your breath, as you laughed at him, finally having the fun you were supposed to have on Neverland. Once your laughter died, you looked up into Felix's eyes. His hair hung in your face, almost gray looking in the light. The boy finally caught his own breath, moving closer and placing a tender kiss on your forehead, warm and wet. Then he placed another one on the tip of your nose, followed by your lips. Just a short one. Both of you smiled at each other. 

'I haven't even told you how beautiful you look in that dress.' He then said and took a second to admire you. 'I know it sounds so cliché, but you're the most beautiful girl to me.'

He left no time to respond,  before you would crash your lips back together. Within seconds both deepened the kiss, opening your mouths as the hormones rushed through you. You pulled him closer by his cloak, and let your hands wander under his shirt to gently trace over his scars. The lost boy took it as a signal and removed both of it, revealing his muscles and healed wounds in the pale moonlight, before he ravishly pressed himself back into you. You placed your feet back into the ground, knees bent, so that you could pull him closer between your legs and your yearning crotch. His hands ran up and down your thighs, sliding a bit underneath your dress. You could feel his fingers bury themselves into your tender flesh, and you desperately longed for them to move further up and touch you in the proper way. When you moved to open his belt, the second in command suddenly froze, stopping your movement. It was like he suddenly realised what he was doing, and where this would end.

'Let's not get too experimental.' Felix pulled his hand out of the dress, leaving the hot spot between your legs cold, and desperately longing for his touch. You did not want him to stop, curious where this could lead. 

'What's wrong with experimenting?'

You asked him, and then said, 'Sleep with me.' 

You could hear his breath hitch. The boy widened his eyes, and he opened his mouth to say something, yet no words escaped his tied up throat. Every confidence left him within a second. Hell, he did not expect you to be that bluntly.

'You want me to- what…?!' He gurgled out, suddenly not convinced by himself, unbelieving that this moment would actually come. Was it not too obvious by now?

'I really don't want to get you into trouble.'  He said.

'Me? Trouble?' You snorted out amused. 'It's a little too late for that.'

Felix replied with a head shake and leaned forward to steal another quick kiss. 

'So I don't see anything stopping us.'

That broke through his deadpan face, causing the tall boy to blush, leaving him without any explanation. He really wanted to do this. It took him immensely much self control, but knowing you wanted this, too, changed so much.

'What if something happens?' He spoke in a hoarse voice. Not so tough after all.

'None of the boys will know. How would they? We would be dead if they saw us only entering the same cabin yesterday.'

'That's not it.' Felix avoided your gaze. That moment was followed by an awkward silence.

'So you never had a naughty thought about me?' You avoided that direction of the conversation. No matter what stopped him right now, it sure was not Pan.

'Many times.' He gave back promptly, fighting the urge to let his hormones take over, but in the end he was just a teenager led by his impulses.

'Do you want Pan to stop everything we do? Are you such a coward?'

'A coward?' Felix's eyes started to glisten and his eyebrows shot up. He did not need to hear that twice, pushing you onto the ground, he crawled between your legs.

'I don't care right now.' He rasped against your neck. 'I want you more than I fear him.'

'I just hope he does not find out.'

'What would he do?'

'You still need to ask that? After all those girls?' Felix lifted his face to look at you.

'You sound as if you weren't sure yourself.'

'I actually have no idea what he thinks or wants or even forbids.' Felix let out an annoyed sigh. The fear of Peter's possible reactions could not stop you forever, so you pulled Felix back into a kiss, distracting him from the leader and signaling with that how much you wanted to do it with him yourself. It felt like a feverish teenage dream, everything happening so quickly, but you truly enjoyed letting go of control for once. From that point on everything went so quickly. Both of you kept grinding against each other without any shame. You could feel his hardened bulge rubbing against your crotch, creating even more heat, burning its way from between your legs through every part of your body. There was no better time than now, and you feared a moment like this would never come again. Felix moved his hands back under your dress, and pulled down your underwear in a ruck, while you reached for the buttons of the dress to open it up, just to have him stop you. 

'Keep it on.' He said with a dirty grin, so you proceeded to open the boys pants, and this time he let you. When his hand touched your bare skin, it was way colder than you expected it to be. You let out a small gasp, pushing your shoulders up in an attempt of a small escape. 

'Sorry.' He chucked and moved it slowly downwards from your waist to your leg. With his other hand, he let his fingers dance over the lace of the dress, then slipped them underneath the fabric to gently rub his thumb in circles over your inner thigh, until he was rubbing your sensitive spots with both of his hands. The prickling sensation of his fingers searching his way slowly across your skin made you go crazy. He would almost reach your aroused crotch, but always stopped before he actually did, slowly moving them back down. It was torture. 

'Felix.' This time, his name was an uncontrollable breath that escaped you overtaken by heat. 'Stop teasing!'

He moved his hands up your legs, and when he finally touched that hot spot, you let a small gasp. You were already so wet and eager, yet nothing could have prepared you for the sensational feeling of the boy's long, slender finger slowly entering you. He did not wait long before he would add a second one, and you thought you would lose your mind already from this.

Felix had his last chance to leap into clear space now, but he was a boy of different nature, and he could not walk away and wait. It was not easy, for he was being drawn back and he had to resist, but you were calling to him, inviting him, murmuring in his ear. Exactly so. He should not worry about anyone else on this island, forgetting them as long as this moment lasted.

You enjoyed that feeling for a while, thinking you were ready for him. Felix was as impatient as you by now. You opened his belt, and he did the rest to undress himself and toss his clothes to the side, leaving him completely naked in the fresh night breeze. He pushed your legs open and hovered forward to place himself between you two to finally enter you. Felix looked at you and hesitated.

'Y/N,' he says softly, eyes flitting over her, as if took that sight of you completely for the first time. He made a move to enter you, then abruptly aborted the motion suddenly, 'I, um…'

'Yeah, let me.'  Your heart pounded against your chest in excitement, so did his. Moving your hips in position and lifting the dress, you grabbed Felix cock and for the first time really paid attention to his size. This was definitely more to take than just two fingers, and suddenly you got all nervous. 

'I am nervous.' Felix suddenly said and suddenly did not sound that brave and dominant anymore. 

'Me too.' You gave back. 'But I want to.' 

Felix nodded with a warm smile, letting you lead him in position. He locked eyes for another moment before he gently brushed his lips against yours while pushing forward. At the first second he felt hot, spreading you just enough, until he moved further and further in. You tensed up at the incredible pain, unable to control a small groan to escape your lips. It felt good and painful at the same time, way bigger than you thought it would  be, but you knew that the ache would fade, so you did not want him to stop.

'You okay-'

'Yeah, just keep moving slowly.' You breathed against his cheek before you nuzzled your face in his shoulders to inhale his scent. Felix pushes further forward, giving you that incredible warm feeling of being connected with him- not just sexual, but rather on an emotional on level that glowed from within your chest up to your eyes, and to the tip of your fingers. It made you want to kiss every part of his skin, taste his tongue on yours and melt further into his body. 

Felix let out a heavy breath and rolled his eyes back once he entered you fully. He stayed like this for a moment, giving you both time to adjust to this new feeling. You felt him shaking, and not soon after he dropped his weight from his hands down onto his forearms, carefully not to put too much weight onto your body. It did not bother you at all, rather the opposite- you wanted him inside you, for as long as it could last. His weight on top of you, his smell. You wanted to watch his face, and have his skin touching against yours.

Felix moved slow and steady, not hurting at all, and creating a rhythm for you to join. No sound would leave either of your mouths, except heavy breathing and occasional moans. There was no need to say a word, even though your mind was flooded by the sweetest things to whisper in his ear. You went on top of him, and could barely believe what you did. This was the first time doing this and taking the lead. The dress made you feel comfortable enough. 

Felix wrapped his arms around your waist, so did you. In his embracement you felt so small, yet so secured at once.  Pressing yourself tightly against him, you tried to built up your own pleasure, immediately synchronising every movement. Felix did something, you copied it. You did something, he copied it. Every movement felt synchronised and natural, with no ending insight on this rushing river of ecstasy flooding you two. Any sound you could draw out of him was music to your ears. You felt him twitch underneath you, burying his nails into the tender flesh of your thighs, as he grunted with each thrust. 

'Fu- ' He would never be able to finish saying it, the end always turned into a raspy breath. 

Picking up speed slightly, you felt Felix's hand on your head. His fingers combed through your hair, but they still refused to grab it. Something so little as that, enough to make you truly moan around him, because it showed that he still could not keep his hands to himself. Not that you would ever want that. After some time Felix allowed himself to speed up, and you welcomed it joyfully, pushing your hips harder against him.

'Harder.' You panted, and he did.

'Harder!' You commanded for his surprise again, and for a second he hesitated before he fulfilled your wish.

You were getting closer; your breathing was coming hard and fast. He expertly teased a total loss of control from you. Your belly clenched as the low, aching wave built, threatening to shatter your into a million tiny shards. It delightful this unexpected event would be, you still had hoped it would take you a little longer than that. Every muscle tensed up into, rising, rising, rising, until suddenly something snapped, and a hot, electric feeling spread through you, releasing the burning knot in your pulsating crotch. You buried your fingers in his shoulders, pressing your body tightly against him, as you pressed your pelvis harder against him to ride out that high, rushing through your body like a thousand suns that imploded. Drained of all your energy, you dropped limb against the lost boy, just letting him take you. It was over too soon for you, far too soon, and you only longed for another climax. That throbbing pulsating of your tightened walls were not unnoticed by the second command, as she pushed faster and harder, burning his nails in the tender flesh of your hips.

'I-' His voice already cracked, but there was no need to say anything. Every muscle in his body tensed up, and he scrunched up his face as he reached his own climax. 

'Fuck…' Felix said after he caught his breath. You let your heads rest on each other's shoulders, listening to each other's rapid heartbeats and ragged breaths. Felix lifted his head, so you copied him, looking at his jagged features. With eyes closed, he rubbed the tip of his nose against yours, then kissed it, ending his movement by pressing his forehead against yours, resting like this for a while.

'We should clean ourselves.' He whispered against your lips, and rolled over to entangle himself from you, making you already miss the warmth of his body against yours. The cool night breeze gave you an immediate shudder at the sudden cold against your hot skin. Nevertheless, you followed Felix to the water to get cleaned up quickly, just to realise what a mess he had left. You felt a little sore, but it was worth it. 

When you walked out of the water, Felix already grinned at you like a happy child that was given something sweet. His grey eyes were glowing in the pale light. You followed him back to the soft grass and bushes, letting yourself drop onto the thick moss underneath a tree. The second in command used this chance to climb on top of you and surprise you with another kiss, before he rolled to the side, placing his arm around your shoulder. The steady beat of his heart against your back was relaxing enough to feel comfortable to sink further into Felix's embracement. 

His smell was intoxicating and you wished he would hold you like this forever, so you can keep feeling that small rush of adrenaline. You stayed like this for a long time, until the boy spoke again,'We should go back before we fall asleep.'

'Just a moment.'You whispered. The lost boy pressed his hand against your ribs for support, letting himself fall comfortably onto his side.Then he pressed himself against your back and wrapped his arm around your waist. Your head rested perfectly underneath his, secured in his warm embrace.

'But we should stand up in a few moments.' He mumbled, followed by a long yawn. None of you seemed to waste a thought about it moments later. Being close to each other suddenly felt so natural, so loving, that the warmth slowly drove you off into sleep.

The second You were being woken by the bright sunlight, you panicked and jumped up to your feet.

Felix ripped his eyes wide open, frozen in place before he realized what was going on. You had been sleeping like this, open in view for everyone to see. Felix was still completely naked. Felix opened his eyes shortly after, and when he did, he jumped to his feet to gather his clothes that scattered around, swiftly dressing himself. Your mind was filled with worries if your appearance was left unnoticed yet, or if someone had been looking for each of you, adding two and two together. Felix threw fleeting glances over to you in silence, obviously thinking the same. 

'We will find the dust and then go to Sopha for support.' He spoke when he recognised the worry in your face. 

'What then? How will we stop him?' 

'She may have the answer.' He gave back. 'You know we have no other option.' 

'I hope this works.' You sighed.

'It will.' Felix said, pulling his cloak over his shoulders. He grabbed your shoulders and gave you an intense look. 'We still have time for that,' he said and pressed his lips on yours. When he broke apart a few seconds later, Felix' smile in the morning light almost made you melt. You grinned back, recalling the events from the previous night as you enjoyed your last few moments in peace. It was almost like a dream that you had sex with the second in command, that he would be the one you committed yourself to.

'Let's go.' Felix grabbed your hand shortly, giving it a gentle squeeze. 'We can't stay here forever.'

You hurried back where you came from, along trails where no one saw you with the idea to sneak back. There was no boy in sight, and you have not crossed the way with any patrol yet.

At the sudden sight of all lost boys gathering near the camp to return as well, your worry grew. They never returned all at onces this early- never once at all to be exact, never. There was always someone fulfilling their tasks and duties. The Sun had barely risen, so most of them should walk patrols or stand guard at their designated positions. As you walked past the first ones, you noticed how no one really paid attention to you and Felix at all, they were all fixed onto rushing back into the camp. There was some gossip, but none of the boys near you spoke loud enough to understand a proper sentence. 'What a traitor!' Someone whispered, followed by another person, 'What do you think it must have felt like?'

That boy sounded daring and careful, but on the other hand curious and careless at the same time. The way they talked gave you the feeling that all the gossip belonged towards you, but where was the staring? There was no attention drawn on you two, so it had to be something else, something very important, and you wondered what it was. Entering the camp, the crowd only got bigger, so you walked around it to figure out what was happening. It seemed like Peter was calling every lost boy together for something. Something was off, and that you did not know what happened,  felt like being pierced by a fitchpork  into your guts that someone started to twist.

'What happened? Why the gloom faces?' You asked Felix out of reflex, well aware that he knew as little as you.'

'You don't know?' Eric barked angry, then confused. He angrily shook his head, then stormed off towards Ben. It gave Felix a worried face, as if he feared to ask anyone himself. Everyone seemed to know what was happening, except you two. It was for the better to just act as if you did.

'We should ask Javier.' Felix uttered to you, but the boy was nowhere in sight. Your eyes searched everywhere- not a single sign of him. In the distance you detected Mitch. He sat on a barrel, watching everything from afar, for that he had no business with the other boys.

'Mitch,' You called half on the way towards the lost boy, then waited until you were close enough. 'Can you tell us by any chance what happened?' 

His eyes widened. 'How come you don't know?' He asked perplexed, shaking his head, then angrily continued, 'That fucker Javier tried to ditch us with the dust, but got caught. Everything was a mess with Pan not around, that we all chased him through the jungle. Eventually he ran out of magic and got shot down by Eric. Where have you been that you did not witness any of this?'

Mitch pulled you two aside as he spoke, hoping to be  a little shielded from the other boys. He was furious, and he had every right to do so. You, on the other side, were just happy that the focus was not laid upon you. Not for long, Javier's betrayal meant nothing good, and you assumed that the shot probably killed him. 

'Looks lik' oor loverbirds wur stowed wi' something mair important.' The voice of someone unpleasant coming from the side rang through your ears, not far away. Each of you turned to Thomas. He had sneaked closer during your conversation, and leaned peacefully against the bark of a narrow tree.

'The hell do you know?' Mitch spat. 

'Ah ken more than the Neanderthal and hoore want me to.' Thomas wiggled with his brows, then pushed his fists forwards and humped into the air, clearly implying the obvious. Something he should know nothing about.

'Felix, lookin' guid mah laddie.' He laughed sarcastically, now looking at the second in command. 'Ye were trying tae mak' anither bastard?' 

You could see the anger jn Felix rise, but with so many lost boys gathered around, he could not risk losing his temper right away. Trying to say something for yourself was impossible. Shame and fear mixed into terror, and every thought was fixed on trying to figure at what point Thomas had seen you, how he came to that spot, and if he had eventually even followed you. Thomas really had balls, and he could consider himself dead sooner or later. If Felix would not kill him, you would. He had been a pain in the ass for too long, and he was of no use. Him working with Hook could be a way for you to blackmail him back.

'Mon then.' Thomas said at his angered face, and when Felix said nothing he gave him a smug grin,'Naw? thought sae.'

'Maybe Pan enjoys your cooperation with the pirates as I am with his loyal second in command.' You spat at him and saw the colours in his face. That was a point, in his point of view there was no betrayal of Felix to witness, and he did not want to risk being in danger himself. Thomas' eyes darkened and he let out a sneering laughter.' 

'Ye think a'm an eejit?Ah ken that yer planning something. See me pairt o' th' gang from now oan. Or else…'

The lost boy turned on his heels with a last smirk, before he would slowly strut back where he came from. He looked so confident and secure.  Felix might have been angry, but it was no comparison with the dark violet in Mitch's furious face. He hated the Scottish boy more than anybody else. to him, there was no bigger bully he had to endure, and being framed for Gleb's murder was too much.

'He will talk.' Felix hissed furiously, forming his hands into fists.

'What if he already did?' You asked worriedly. This could be fatal. 

'I don't care! Javier stole the dust and now we have nothing. Thomas is a dead man!' Felix pulled out his dagger, watching the Scottish boy disappear behind some trees. He would follow him and fight him if he had to. 'Nobody would care or even notice for a while.' He then added ready to attack the other boy. You looked over to Mitch, and you could tell that there has never been so much hatred in his eyes before.

Mitch could not let him tell Peter about your nightly adventure. For the first time, that small frame of a boy made a move. He stepped in front of Felix, stopping him from his plans. The second in command glared st him at first, but when he saw the short boys demanding hand, he understood.

'I'm gonna need that.'  He pointed at Felix's dagger. The second in command gave him a questioning look, and hesiated, but eventually ended up  giving Mitch his weapon. The short boy held it up, his eyes glistening in its reflection. Then, suddenly, he pulled Felix into a tight hug. 

'Keep her safe.' He did not give the second in command any chance to react, nor answer, before he would leave to face Thomas.

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