Chapter 13
The way down to the beach was rocky and muddy, one stumbling block followed the other, that it was hardly possible to pass without falling. For some reason you felt euphoric enough to jump down swiftly and finally crashing down onto the soft, warm grass, which would cover a wide clearing with berry bushes, the most colourful flowers and thick trees, ranking up high into the sky with a big bushy crowns.In the forest you breathed in every way that was possible to expand: in lungs, in brain in soul. In the forest there was a sense of kinship with the flora, of an ancient soul that stretches into everything that lived. It was here under the nascent rays of a sun born to rise each day that you were so very alive. How could you not love the forest so? From simple seed, with mud, water and sun, came all this, these towering gentle giants that are so anchoring to all that you were. The parts of Neverland with forests were way more appealing than the jungle, even though it still confused you how the flora of Neverland could exist as it were now. It felt like it were a part of everyone's dreams.
The aura of the jungle, of a million wild souls, was as tangible as water when one bathed. It was another sense, one that came to the heart rather than the eyes, as soaked in richness as they were. The jungle was an assault on all senses. Green were the foreground, the background and as high up as you could see. The heat and humidity pressed in on the skin making sweat pointless. The sounds of the insects, the birds and the larger animals created a symphony of nature calling you deeper. The leaves brushed up against you and your feet sprung up with each step. The air tasted both sweet and fresh, like flowers blooming on your tongue, but sometimes there was a slight of mud besides. It didn't bother you at all, this place was magical and fascinating at once.
You would never want to leave. How could you? This place was everything beyond beautiful. Your legs stumbled forward through the trees down to where you could hear the water crash against the shores. At the sight of the ocean your heart started to beat faster.
The beach stretched out alongside the water, these constant friends chattering as the water came in her reassuring way, as if her joy was to soothe the sand. And in her wake she gave the chance for life, for the rock pools to refill. Those briny waves came as rain to them, a gift never repaid, as it always is with nature... the strong give, life thrives,-and so it goes on.
'I did it.' You choked out as a lonely tear rolled down your dirty cheek, remaining for a brief moment at your trembling chin, before it dropped down to combine with the water beyond. The lonely soldier didn't went alone for long, as you suddenly started to cry and laugh hysterical at the same time. You reached with your hand to your chest to feel your body as if it just got trampled on and your lungs barely got air to breathe. You kept laughing and your body started to shake- maybe you looked crazy after all,- your eyes were underlined red and what were supposed to be your beautiful face, were covered in mud and scratches and a thousand tears.
The cool water lapped at your feet, fizzing and bubbling like brine. Even though the sun was beating on your back, beaming in your tired eyes, you couldn't help but smile as the wind caressed your face. Waves ahead roared and rolled down, crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss; peeling away at the deep bronze sand beneath your feet.
It took you a minute before that disturbing grin were washed away from your lips and the heavy breathing stopped, but when it did, you felt ready to go further into the water. There was a big rock towering out of it, with a small object on it that definitely looked like a box. Big stones stood high besides, stopping the sun's light to go any further.
'Clever thought, not clever enough. The box is hidden deep in the dark, exposed to the sun all day, but never seeing the light." The box was in the shadows of these giant rocks, the sun would never reach it.
'I DID IT!' You screamed and dropped onto your knees and closed your eyes to take a last deep breath of the salty air. 'I did it.'
The box wasn't far away, maybe three meter away, but if there was one thing that the wild life on Neverland taught you, then it was that there was always danger nearby the most beautiful places. You hesitated and buried your feet deeper into the sand, your shoes weren't waterproofed, so you bent down to open them, but when your eyes detected something in the water you stopped mid move. Your eyes meet the pair of a mermaid that had her head stretched out of the surface, just like the pond predator. Her hair was black and hung half over her face, but you could see that these eyes were definitely not human. Whenever she blinked you could think this mermaid might be a snake. There was something odd with her behaviour, something you couldn't tell what. You just felt there was something wrong. Again you moved to bend down and open your shoes, threw them over your shoulders before you waddled into the water.
I am fucking crazy., you thought but moved constantly forward to the dangerous creature and the box behind her.
I am not scared. You lied to yourself, but in this moment you needed that lie. You had the theory,-or rather were pretty sure-, that this was part of the task. Pan wanted to test your boundaries, and this was one of them. No one feared the mermaids like you, they dragged you into the water two times and yet you were still alive.
The mermaid's eyes were still observing you as you waddled closer, your hips were now underneath the surface. You locked eyes with the sea creature and slowly reached for the box on the wet stone. Before your fingertips could touch the metal, the mermaid grabbed your wrist and stopped you. In one moment your mind went down under into a silent explosion of fear and disgust, a short impulse, quickly replaced by terror and panic. Her fingers were long and slender, the grip, so tight, as if she were about to drag you under.
The mermaid stretched her head out of the water, shimmering like gold in the burning sunlight. It reflected it like a diamond with black marble eyes. It was something really odd with her appearance but you couldn't exactly locate parts that made you feel uncomfortable. It was like she was the most beautiful creature but also the most disturbing one. Her fingers were as black as her hair that swum over the surface, dancing along with the waves in perfect harmony. There was no single thought in your mind for a whole moment, before you realised in what situation you were in.
'Don't trust him.'
You shrunk at her voice. It was way more disturbing than her appearance, high pitched and noisy, but with a dark underlying tone that sounded as if the devil himself spoke to you.
Suddenly the mermaid swiftly let go of your wrist when your name echoed over to you. The nasty beast jumped away and dived back into the ocean and when she moved, that long, black tail also reminded you of a giant snake.
'Y/N!' Someone screamed again. You moved your head around and saw with widened eyes a still drunken Felix. The second in command stormed forward you,- at least he tried to run, but kept stumbling over his own feet. The swaying boy threw away his shoes and ran through the water until he finally stood directly in front of you. His body was shaking from the cold and you saw the wound slightly underneath the cloak. Your eyes darted up to meet his steel like eyes. His whole face was covered in worry and sweat rolled down his long face. He tried to catch his breath and stared worriedly around in fear of a returning mermaid.
'She didn't hurt me.' You breathed and let your head sink down before you hinted at the box. You reached for it again, this time it was Felix who stopped you mid action.
'It was me.' His jaw tightened.
'What?" You gave back confused and shook your head, ignoring the box for a moment and raising your eyebrows. 'What were you?'
The second in command sighted as his face dulled and the corner of his lips slightly lifted. 'I don't regret it, saving you from drowning."
You dropped your arm and the colour faded from your face as you gave him an unbelieving look. Felix saw the pain in your face, how rough Neverland had been to you.
The lost boy started to lean in closer and closer towards you, scaring you first, but also gave you a thrilling sensation through your spine.
'I am sorry if- ...I've said.' He breathed against your skin inaudibly. You still could smell the alcohol in his breath. The lost boy stopped to lean forward the moment your noses touched. He froze, as if he just realised what he was doing but couldn't understand why he was doing it. His actions started a fire in you. It burned in your throat down to your lungs, into your fingertips and toes.
'Felix…' your whispering voice got swallowed by the sound of waves crashing against the shore. The tall boy yanked his head away and turned around to face anything else than you. Your heartbeat paced up and you held your breath, unable to say anything.
Did he just tried to kiss me?
You weren't sure that what you just witnessed was an attempt of the second in command to steal a kiss or if he were just simply drunk. You looked down at your hands and saw that they were shaking, how goosebumps spread over your delicate skin.
‘We have the box,’ you muttered.’What should we do now?’
The second in command turned around to face you again, he seemed to have his mind cleared as he stared blankly at you, sighting before he stepped closer to the rock,’We’ll have…- to bring it to the camp! T-through… through the lost boys into Pan’s cabin where h-he w-will wait for a winner.’ Felix drunkenly blabbered and swayed back ashore while you storaged the small box in your back.
‘Let’s go find a good place to rest.’ Felix spoke toneless and waddled out of the water, you following not far behind.You tried to focus on the box and the mission to bring it Pan, but your mind kept drifting back to the previous event. You imagined how it could have ended differently, how he kissed you, or what would have happened if you also leaned in. The thought of kissing Felix got stuck in your head.You felt so irritated by his words, that he wouldn’t regret saving you. But wasn’t it Thomas who saved you? Why should Felix save you anyways? All he did was being mean and unbelievable rough.
Everything you ever knew was a big lie. All the time he was your true saviour. Why would he save you, when he would kill you later? The second in command told you he would never hurt you and he kept his word. But what about the mermaid? What did she meant? Shouldn't you trust Felix's words? You were startled with no end in sight, your heart beating faster and faster until it almost scared you.
The rest of day Felix would try to collect some wood to start a fire, he sharpened some wood sticks and placed himself under an old oak to rest. He looked tired and exhausted. You watched him lay there with his eyes closed and his cloak as pillow.When the lost boy was asleep he had this innocent look on his face, it was as if he put on a mask in the second he would wake up, a mask that protected whatever hid behind. A loud rumbling caught your atttention, it also came from Felix. You didn’t need to guess what the source of this noise was, as you heard it a few minutes later again, a loud grumbling from Felix’s stomach.
‘Do you have food in your bag?’
Felix spinned his towards you, his stormy eyes darting at you. You shook your head,’No.’ The lost boy sunk his head back again into his ‘pillow’ and closed his eyes. His eyebrows were knitted together and his hand held the wound on his shoulder.
‘I’ll try to catch a fish. You taught me, remember?’ When you said that, an amused smile plastered onto his lips, followed with a low chuckle. You hated everything about him. Still, you didn't understand why your body craved him so much. It was definitely because of your good heart, the belief that deep inside, everyone had a good side. Your heart was filled with hope and strong enough to make you trust in it. No matter how much you told yourself you hated the second in command, he would always sneak into your daydreams and fantasies.
You walked back to the shore along the big stones and threw your shoes into the warm sand. You grabbed the spear Felix's crafted and took a deep breath of the salty air. The sound of the waves echoed over to you, calming your nerves and relaxing your body. You tried to free your head and stood for a while in the water, watching the seagulls fly over you like the masters of the salt air.
'Relax,'you whispered to yourself and stretched your fingers before you tightened your grib around the wood. Felix told you how to catch a fish, you just had to remember how. Again, every thought twirled around the second in command. The memory of how he smiled when you catched the fish lightened your face. You felt how the corner of your lips lifted up and you started to laugh a little. 'I can do that.'
Just like Felix showed you, the spear of yours crashed into the water, swirling a lot of sand through the water but not hitting a fish. You snorted angrily and tightened your grip even more. Your eyes followed a thick fish that swam through your legs as you stayed completely still. With every move he made your eyes followed, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. You breathed deep in and out before you pushed the spear swiftly into the water, impaling your victim in the middle of its body. One fish was better than nothing, also you had no basket to put them inside and the thought of touching that thing with your bare hands truly disgusted you.
When you returned to the small campsite that Felix build, the sun was almost going down, taking its heat with her and leaving the lost boy to freeze. The second in command laid now in front of a small fire, eyes closed and mouth agape. He was snoring.
The fire crackled in the corner of the little campsite, projecting long shadows on the surrounding area. The light cast by the flames danced across the dark trunks of the trees, twisting and curling in obscure shapes and providing a small radius of light. The fire itself was pulsating, the glowing embers seemed to move in rhythm with the flames, matching every dip and sweep. It was mesmerizing to watch, colours of orange and red gave way to yellow and white near the centre, where the emanating heat was the greatest. The lost boy wouldn't wake up while you were doing dinner over the open fire, quite clumsy for any observer, yet the fish was eatable.
'Felix?' You said his name in a loud tone to wake the wounded boy out of his drunken slumber. The lost boy lifted his dizzy head and opened his tired eyes. He mumbled something incomprehensible before closing his lids and rested his head again onto his selfmade pillow.
'I caught a fish!' You whispered excited and started to shake the second in command a little. When he smelled what you made he opened his eyes as far as his tiredness would allow and greeted you with a goofy smile.
'Food.'he whispered and took the stick you handed him with the pieces of grilled fish on it. His stomach grumbled again, roaring now a he stuffed the spare dinner inside his mouth as if he were starving. In the moment Felix was done he threw the stick into the fire and closed his eyes again. You jumped to your feet to grab your back, as Felix's slender finger grabbed around your ankle.
'Don't leave again.' He mumbled. His grip loosened, but you felt how he forced to stay awake to look at you through half open lids. You froze as the words slipped from his lips, giving you goosebumps and a tingly sensation inside your guts.
'I am just getting my bag,' You gave back and pulled your ankle out if his holding hand. You could still feel where his warm skin had touched yours as you walked further away from him, and for a second you thought of going further and further and not coming back. But there was something with Felix that pulled you towards him, that made you desire him in a weird way you never believed to experience. He was definitely creepy in any possible way to tell. Why would he act nicely and yet so mean sometimes? He
would never let you see anything in his mind. It wasn't fair. First he tried to kiss you,- and you were now even more convinced that he attempted to kiss you-, now he told you to not leave him. He was weird and he confused you. When you looked at him, at his sharp features, your heart stopped and butterflies filled your stomach. That sparkling feeling would even stay when you remembered all the terrible things he did to you and to others.
You lifted your bag and pulled out your flask, took a sip and slowly strutted back to the bonfire and the sleeping Felix. The ground was cold and demp, but when you first noticed that, your shirt was already wet so you decided it didn't matter. The air was cool and salty, the birds already slept, so the only sound that filled the air were crickets and the burning flames behind your back.
After a long time of staring at Felix, you slowly slipped away into your daydream, so you wouldn't notice it for a long time, that the grey stormy eyes of the second in command were staring back at you.
When you did, you tried your best to swallow down a gasp. Your eyes widened shortly before you continued staring, as if nothing were wrong. Felix remained silent, he had big bags under his eyes and his face was covered in dirt.
'Tell me something about you.' He pleaded in a quiet voice, not too loud, not to quiet. As if it were an melody of its own. Your eyes widened again, your brows knitted together in confusion.
You thought of anything but when you tried to remember, your mind went blank. There were no memories of your past life, no family or friends. Just Neverland.
'I can't remember a thing.' You muttered bewildered and lowered her eyes. The lost boy let out a tired yawn and closed his eyes, his hand wandered to your cheek and stayed there.
'He did it to all of us.' Was the last thing he spoke almost inaudible before he drifted back into sleep. Your whole body felt tense and your cheeks started to burn, changing their colour to the deepest pink as you felt the big hand on your face, almost covering half of it. His touch send an electronic Impulse through your veins and gave you goosebumps all over your skin. This unexpected fondness almost made you forget his words instantly, of how everyone lost their memories. The thought of it came back moments later, when the pace of your heartbeat calmed down and you hoped to succeed banishing all the dreams you had about the second in command now. Now matter how hard you tried, his beautiful features would always find his way back into your daydreams.
'I hate you.' You whispered silently, holding back your tears and trying to keep your breath steady. You told yourself that you would hate him, why not, it would make everything easier for you. You wouldn't need to forgive him. When you laid eyes on him he was sleeping deep and snoring loud, but quiet enough to find some rest yourself. You definitely liked what you saw and were just too proud to admit it. Felix was someone to rather avoid, so what was it that pulled you back to him, over and over again?
Your eyes moved down to his lips and instantly the earlier incident came to your mind. You wished that he had kissed you, because in this moment, you thought of stealing one from him.
What was wrong with you? This tyrant didn't deserve a single place in your head. You felt disgusted by your own self to even let the dreams about him slip in. You couldn't stop it, they came and go each second you stayed silent. Sometime later you would stop fighting it, the lost boy's face burned itself into your head as you drifted off into your dreams.
The next day you strutted next to Felix, walking along the ocean shore, no-one speaking a word, everyone lost in their own torrid thought. The rocks shifted unhelpfully underfoot, testing your agility and sense of balance. Once in a while Felix let out one of his flurry of swears, most of them ones he made up in the camp. They were a bit colourful for some of the others but to you he were pure entertainment. He couldn't remember most of the things from the day before, at least acted if so, even jumped directly to his feet the second his eyes opened. Your morning wasn't as nice as you hoped for,- the lost boy pulled you up to your feet and started to shake your body until he found you screaming awake.
Your eyelids felt heavy and covered your sight, limbs hurting.
'Can we take a break?' You asked and looked with hopeful eyes up to the second in command. He sighted and stopped walking.
'We have to get the box back to Pan. I am injured-'
'That's why we should rest!' You interrupted him and raised your eyebrows. Felix glanced over to the high ground and it's covering trees as he decided.
'Just a little bit further. I'll let you sleep for a while.' He murmured and paced up again. You had struggles following him and even started to hate him when you saw that you had to climb again.
'Oh fuck, no.' You whispered frustrated as you stood in front of a stone wall. Ropes and leaves covered it perfectly to climb up, Felix would just need to jump, yet you hated the thought of climbing through the forest when the sun wasn't even rising.
Felix grabbed your waist out of the blue and lifted you, his big hands almost completely embracing you. Next to him you were just a tiny frame of a doll.You shrieked at the sudden touch but grabbed the grass to pull yourself up when you realised what Felix was doing. The lost boy jumped as high as he could before he also lifted him up to the hill.
'Can I sleep now?' Your voice was barely audible and broken. Your head already resting on your arms with eyes closed.
'We have to go.' Felix answered and poked your waist with his foot. 'Get up.'
When you didn't answer he kicked you again, a little harder and you swiftly sat up, giving the second in command the most hateful glare.
'I need to sleep, please!' You pleaded and forced your eyes to stay open. Felix's eyes wandered around, observing this area for any threat. His face got serious and while you looked up to him through half closed eyes, the naughty dreams you had that night before came back.
'I think we're safe here.' You said tiredly and closed your eyes again. The lost boy groaned a little but said no word, he sat quietly down besides you, still awake and staring into the dark. He placed his rough hand on your shoulder and you shrinked, maybe he needed to be close to someone after being alone all this time, nevertheless he scared you sometimes.
'When the sun rises I will wake you again.' The lost boy raspily spoke and ignored anything else.
As fast as his hand appeared on your shoulder it vanished, leaving a cold feeling behind, insecurities, if your reaction has been inappropriate. You couldn’t think about it any further when your body drifted back into sleep, enjoying the last few hours of the night before Felix would wake you again. But he didn’t. When you opened your eyes the next morning, Felix was nowhere in sight. The sunlight pressed itself through the leaves and shone into your face, waking you peacefully, but also telling you that the sunrise must been hours ago. You jumped to your feet and swirled around, looking for any sign of the lost boy.
‘FELIX!’ You yelled and started to run with your bag and spear in your hands into one direction, through bushes and leaves, over sticks and rocks.
‘Felix!’ You yelled his name again, your voice breaking down, just like your body. Frustrated you dropped down onto your knees onto the dirty ground,’Felix…’
You felt like suffocating and tears formed in your eyes as your sight went blurry and your heartbeat paced up. You were alone in the woods now and you were scared.
‘Y/N?’ You heard Felix voice echoing over to you before he stormed towards you, appearing between some narrow trees. ‘What happened?’His face looked alarmed, his head spinning paranoid into each direction before his gaze were fixed onto you, worry forming in them.
'I thought you were gone.' You choked out and forced yourself to smile. The second in command squatted down and exhaled relieved.
'Can't I even leave for a piss without you being sickly worried?' He laughed and rubbed your back in a calm motion. You snorted and pushed him with a wide smile away, then jumped to your feet before he could see the redness of your face.
'It's not the sun rising.' You said and pointed up to the sun you barely saw between the thick branches and leaves while giving him a skeptical, questioning face.
'You looked too peaceful, too innocent to be aware of all the things that might break your little heart.' He answered dry and also rose to his feet. You instantly froze at his words. What did he say?
'You watched me sleeping?' You tried to make your laugh as convincing as possible, but you didn't turn around in fear what kind of look he might gave you.
'I watched over you.' He answered and chuckled low as he strutted past you, nodding with his head as signal to follow. He lead you further up a hill, along a small river. Your eyes wandered over to the roaring water and for a moment you thought of pushing Felix inside, so he would finally take a bath. With a quick gaze down you noticed that you had to bathe as well and now you even understood the lost boy when he said,'after the game.' You knew that you were close to the camp when Felix suggested to make a small break. He insisted to stay at a small hidden field, talking about the boys and how savage they could be. While he blabbered, more to himself than to you, you squinted your eyes, taking a last glance at the beautiful river and bit your tongue to keep yourself from giving sassy answers to the taller boy. He was not better than them.
Felix sat down under a big oak, pulling his hood over his head and closed his eyes. The sun made his locks look like gold, fighting to come out of the covering cotton, moving in the slight breeze that danced around your noses. You decided to sit down next to him, your knees almost touching his, giving you an electrical sensation.
'Are you afraid?' Felix asked after a moment of awkward silence, his face still covered. He started to carve a little piece of wood with his dagger when you didn't respond.
'He won't do anything if you bring him the box.' The lanky boy mumbled and put the small wooden stick between his teeth, chewing on it. He obviously meant Pan and only thinking about him made you feel uncomfortable. You always knew that something was wrong with him, but you could never tell what. He was a psychopath and he had magic powers, a thing you still didn't believe in, if you haven't saw him disappear in front of you so many times. The boys seemed very comfortable with that, even more than that, it empowered them to be cruel and ruthless little monsters.
'What will he do if I won't?' You asked him with a quiet voice.
Felix stopped every movement for a moment, not even looking at you nor answer. He remained like this for something that felt like an eternity full of concern and worry.
As if he had awakened from being froze, the lost boy turned to you, his broad arms embracing you tightly. He laid his head onto yours sighted before he let go quickly and jumped up to his feet.
'I will catch some fish!' He said and gave you a small smile. Your heart was pounding out of your chest in panic, he reached for your hand and pulled you up to him. With the spear from the day before he marched back upwards to the small river, taking of his shoes and cloak. You tried to keep up but your body shivered to hard.
What will Pan do?!
Your hand wandered into your bag- the box was still inside. You sighted relieved and catched up with the second in command. He stepped into the water and hovered over it with a spear, waiting for his prey. Your eyes were fixed on his bare chest, sweat glistening in the sun. His face looked serious and after a couple of minutes his eyes would detect something, so he pushed the spear as quickly as possible into the fish. Obviously he missed, Felix gave made squealing sound ad he slipped on a slippery stone and crashed with his back into the water, rinsing into your direction. You couldn’t resist , neither did you even even try to stop yourself from bursting out laughing until it got hard to breathe, watching Felix with amusement.
'I see, you are the master of fishing!' You choked out and wiped away the tears that formed in your eyes in joy.
'At least that gives you a good opportunity to bathe!' You chuckled as you looked down onto Felix's angry face.He looked at you and after a small moment a smug smile crept over his lips. You already knew he was up to no good. Suddenly he grabbed your by the cotton of your clothes and pulled you down to him into the river. Your eyes widened and you let out a scream when your body hit the surface.
‘It was time for you, too.’ Felix chuckled and splashed some water into your face. You gasped appalled and started to paddle some water back at him as revenge.The second in command didn’t wait long before he joined the fight and splashed around in the water, a big smile sat on his lips and he even laughed in joy. The situation escalated quickly and when you started to fight in the water like little children. Your sight was blurry from the water when he swam towards you and grabbed you out of the water.
‘You wouldn’t dare!” You hissed. Felix laughed wickedly and threw you even further in. You hit the surface with another splash, sinking down to the shallow bottom. The moment you reached the surface your face turned red and you made your way back, trying to push Felix down into the river. The lost boy stood still, didn’t have to fight against your strength, he didn’t had to, you couldn't win.
He looked at you over his shoulder and chuckled amused before he turned around, grabbing you by your shoulder. He had the same weird look again from the day before, the way his eyes looked down to you, how his lips slightly parted. He was fixed onto you, connecting your eyes for an eternity. You saw how they quickly went down to your lips, then how he realised how obvious he did that and smiled even harder, his cheeks slightly blushing.
Suddenly a loud rustling noise from the woods caught his attention and with a quick movement he pushed you back into the water and jumping onto the grass, looking vigilant into every direction, as if he expected something bad to happen. You crawled ashore and rubbed your eyes to get a clear sight, blowing your nose to properly breathe. Your heart beat against your ripcake like it fought to be inside your body, wanting to jump out and walk over to Felix.
He wanted to kiss me, I knew it!, you thought and looked up to him. He was calm but his face had turned back into the gloomy facade, his fingers were strained, his whole body uptight.You came to your feet besides him, taking a deep breath and trying to focus on everything else than his almost naked, scared up and wet body. It could only be an attraction to his appearance, how else could you explain the butterflies in your stomach.
'There is nothing. Just an animal.' You ranted and rolled your eyes. Felix relaxed and went back into the river, searching for the spear. When he finally found it, the lost boy didn't say a word, even turned his back to you while concentrating. He acted that cold so quickly, confusing you all over again. You sat down onto the ground, watching him fishing when you heard a rustling in the woods behind you again. You denied to yourself to believe someone was out there. There was nothing and Felix was only paranoid. Silently you scoffed to yourself and shook your head, but a minute later you heard it again and another few seconds later much louder again. Felix and your head spun towards the direction of the noise at the same time.
Felix reacted fast. His eyes widened in shock and he let go of the spear he was holding. It dropped with a splash into the river, getting washed away by the stream, but Felix didn't mind. He had no time to think.
'Y/N!' He yelled, storming out of the water into your direction. You didn't saw what was coming before a big boot landed in your face, kicking you over the ground.
You groaned in pain, the throbbing of your head started to ache in waves and you could barely open your eyes. Behind you the second in command approached, fighting the boy that had kicked you down.
'MARCO YOU FUCKING COWARD!' His voice rang in your ears like a bell.
'GET THE BOX!' The lost boy yelled and you heard at least two other boys running towards you where they would take your bag. Hearing his words made your heart race faster, but you weren’t able to get up or even fight, if you wouldn't try to move you would probably start to vomit on an empty stomach.
'Fe-lix… .' You mumbled, trying to open your eyes. Your sight was blurry and covered with black dots, still you were fully aware of what was happening. As you watched the scene your eyes rolled down, tears forming into them, causing your headache to grow even worse, pulsating in a steady beat.
Cosmo kicked relentlessly into Felix waist, his body already curled up. The boy wasn't as tall as Felix and a little chubby, he needed the other two boy's help to held him down.
From what you already knew about Cosmo, was that he was a coward and a bad liar. His chubby face with his brown eyes made him look like a bear, even though he was extremely hairless in his face except of his blonde bushy eyebrows. Cosmo went down to Felix and whispered something into his ears and kicked him another time when a angry growl came back.
You closed your eyes again, holding the temple of your head and rubbed it frustrated to numb the pain away.
The box is gone., You thought when you didn't heard anything after a while. Everything was quiet except of the singing of the birds and the sound of running water. Felix wasn't audible, too, and you feared the lost boys might have taken his life.
Would it be bad? Seeing Felix dead?
Felix had observed you from the beginning because of Pan and you knew how dangerous he were. Tinkerbell warned you about all of them, the mermaid also warned you, just before Felix had appeared. Who did she meant?
'Y/N' Felix suddenly groaned. You opened your eyes and let out a loud exhale, being to much in pain to answer in words. Felix laid a few meters apart from you, badly beaten up and bleeding, his face covered in mud and he had knuckle prints all over his face. It was a bleeding mass, just like his mouth when he opened it to speak. The injured boy crawled towards you, hissing in pain and grunting in effort.
It took him almost an eternity, as if it were an unbearable task. You opened your eyes again, sight less blurry now, the black dots almost gone. Tears were streaming down the lost boys face. When he finally reached you, he put his head onto your torso, grabbing your shoulder with his red dyed hand.
'I am so sorry-' he choked out and spat out some blood. He looked like wrecked up and frustrated, the pain in his face was clearly visible.
'My head... hurts.' You whispered barely audible. You felt how Felix pulled himself at your shoulder further towards you. He rested his arm next to your head, looking down at you. At the sight of his bloodshot eyes you let out a small gasp. The throbbing of your head got worse when you opened your eyes, so you closed it again, feeling dizzy and sick. Even with eyes closed the world felt spinning.
'Felix.' You said, looking with his hand for him. You grabbed onto something that felt like his chest, burying your nails in his skin. The lost boy's head moved closer to you, you felt his breath tickling your lips and shortly after his nose touched yours, warming your cold face.
The spinning stopped, instead you felt like the ground underneath you disappeared and you fell into the darkness surrounded you.
When you opened your eyes again the sun was almost going down, the peaceful sounds of nature still surrounded you. The cold wind scratched your face and when you opened your eyes you saw that Felix had put his cloak over you, his head resting on your torso and he seemed to be asleep.
The drumming of your head had stopped and the pain was gone, except the one from the bruise on your forehead. Marco had kicked you really hard.
'Y/N?' Felix blinked his eyes tiredly. The blood was dried onto his skin.
'I am awake.' You gave back, wanting to sleep for another couple of hours. The second in command slowly sat up and held his aching chest, knitting his brows and teeth together. He rose to his feet and almost fell back down again, but managed to keep his balance.
'We need to… .' Felix stopped and sighed, making a long pause. His warm voice vanished completely when he continued,' Hurry, we need to go back to the camp."
You nodded slowly and willingly followed the beaten up boy further downhill, where the green would swallow anything. The box was gone and you feared the consequences already.
'What will he do?' You asked and took a swift glance at Felix. His face was cold as ice again, not even the corner of his mouth twitching and he completely ignored the question.
He hinked and bruises were covered all over his pale skin. The trees got more narrow and thick bushes covered the way, the high grass their steady companion. The camp wasn't far now, despite his pain you saw how Felix forced himself to limp less. He made painful sounds every few seconds and you wondered what he was thinking about. When the giant hedge that protected the lost boy's beloved clearing was in sight, your heart nearly jumped out of your chest in nervosity.
You entered the camp together with Felix, he was trying his best not to look like he was limping, but you saw how much his legs were in pain, whenever he scrunched up his bleeding face. A small group of boys were already awaiting you, a mischievous grin spread over their dirty faces, each one of them looked amused at your sight. You laid eyes on the boy in the middle of it, the green devil himself. Peter had his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised as his eyes detected surprised his loyal second in command besides you. There was an uncomfortable silence on the clearing and you only waited for Pan to speak. His face didn't looked pleasant to you, disappointed and angry.
'I really thought you could bring me a simple little box.' Pan scoffed and let his wide smirk fade. He scrunched up his nose, belittled you even while he enjoyed hearing the lost boys started to laugh.
Pan's voice was cold as his eyes. He could stab someone with them. 'What do you say?'
Felix lifted his head and pulled down his hood. Every evidence of warmth was gone, his expression was blank and cold when he glimpsed over to you. His gaze shifted over to Pan before he spoke cold like he did before,'What do you think?'
Pan raised one eyebrow, awaiting Felix to continue. The second in command slowly turned to you and started to chuckle amused, giving yiy u a mocking face, then he got louder and louder, until the shrilling sound almost scared you.
'She couldn't even do it with me by her side!' He continued laughing while he strutted forwards Pan. He licked the blood from his lips while a creepy smile crawled onto his injured face. It was an unbelieving disturbing sight.
Pan started to grin and laugh as well, joining his best lost boy's amusement. He looked at you as if you were nothing more than a crippled plaything.
'You lost the game.' Peter purred and raised one of his eyebrows. He had an odd dramatic face.
'You have to be punished!'
Your eyes widened and your face went blank at his words, amusing the leader of the cruel gang even more. You saw Marco's hungry eyes staring at you, a smug smile hungry over his moon face. They all stared at you, making you feel uncomfortable.
Pan chuckled at the sight of your cowed features, how pathetic you must looked like to him.
'Felix,' Pan spoke without taking his eyes off you.'Cage her.'
The second in command nodded and stepped towards you, yanking at your arms, dragging you back outside the camp.
'No!' You screamed and felt how tears formed in your eyes.
'Don't put me in those cages!' You cried and fought against his force. 'PLEASE, FELIX! PLEASE, DON'T PUT ME IN A CAGE!'
The lost boy pulled over his hood and continued to drag you through the small path further up to the cages.
Your sight got blurry and your nose started running. You had stopped walking a while ago; yet the injured boy tortured himself by dragging you through the mud.
He stopped in front of a wooden cage and took the rope to get it down.
'Get in.'
'Get in!'
'Make m-' he quickly covered your mouth with his hand. 'Trust me, love. That's a sentence you don't want to finish!'
He showed you into the cage, leaving your full flask but nothing else. He locked the cage and grabbed the rope. His eyes met yours and he hesitated, losing himself in this puddle of tears.
'I hate you.' You choked out, trying to prevent crying. Felix broke the gaze immediately and started to pull your cage up, not saying a single word.
'I wish you never saved me!' You hissed before the distance to the ground got further and further, until you were around four meter up in the sky. The injured boy did not even glance back a last time. He strutted slowly and painful back to the camp.
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