Chapter 12

Thank you for waiting so long! I finally did it, 8.000 words, Chapter 12! I put so much effort in this, and it would really make me happy to hear your opinions on it :)

Your heart sank to the bottom of your body, feeling like desperately wanting to leave and go back inside, acting like you haven't seen anything.

In front of you stood a hollering crowd, circling like animals around two fighting boys. You hated these fights, every cell in your body screamed at you to leave, to decline watching. Still, your feet carried you uncontrollably to the sounds of grunts and colliding bones. You didn't have to take a peak to already know who was fighting- at least one of the fighters were easy to identify.  Slowly squeezing through the tightly pressed together bodies, you found yourself in the front row, having the perfect view of Felix, straddling a boy's chest and constantly beating his head. The other boy, you assumed it must be Beau, held his arms up, badly trying to cover himself, but Felix was too strong. The second in command kept pushing the lost boy's arms aside, beating senseless into his chubby moon-face. The scene was way too horrid to watch, the blood run down Beau's face like rivers from a mountain, he was unrecognisable by now. 

Everything went so quick. A cracking sound filled the clearing and Beau started to gurgle on his own blood. You closed your eyes, feeling tears forming in them as you saw the cruelty of the second in command again and so soon. The memory of how gentle he was after the first game appeared in your mind and you tried to focus on it, in hope he wasn't a monster at all. 

At the sound of your whining, the second in commands head turned towards you. As he detected you standing in the cheering crowd, Felix's stormy eyes slightly widened and he dropped his bloody fists. There was a big bruise on his face and he had a bloody nose, at least one hit that Beau must have performed perfectly and neat. For a long moment your eyes met and got stuck onto each other. You slowly started to shake your head, a few tears rolling down your skin.

'What is wrong with you?' You choked out, barely audible, before someone else caught attention. 

Pan stood aside the crowd, piled up on a high rock like a king on his throne. A mischievous grin spread across his unimpeachable, pretty face, as he looked over to his victorious second in command. Felix presses his teeth together and jumped to his feet, waiting for his leader to speak. 

'That was funny, wasn't it?' The green devil chuckled and glanced into the round. 

It wasn't.

Beau could have been killed, if he wasn't already by now. The boy looked far away from okay. You still could not believe all this cruelty, even after witnessing it with your own eyes so many times. There must be more behind those cold souls of lost boys. 

Pan jumped from his high place, down onto the ground, slowly strutting towards his loyal boys. You quickly wiped off the tears from your face before anyone noticed them. Every lost boy was excited, they hollered and joggled around, already teasing and playing little fights against each other. 

'Tonight we play scavenger hunt,' the king of Neverland spoke and raised his small arm to show a tiny box in his hand. He didn't look strong, Pan was nothing without his magic.

'Whoever finds it first, gets one week without duties!' 

He chuckled again and the small box disappeared into dust. Pan could not even care less about his lost boy lying to the ground, beaten almost to death. All the other boys seemed to have their minds already at the game, too, as they stormed off, excitement spread all over their faces. 

'What are you waiting for, Y/N?' Pan watched you awaiting, one eyebrow was raised, he looked skeptical. Your eyes met his as he walked towards you, causing shivers to run down your spine. The leaders green orbs just stared, less sceptical, now way more urgently.

'I have high hopes in you.' His voice darkened and he gently lifted your chin with his finger.

'Better don't disappoint me.' He continued before he would also vanish in dust. You felt a knot in your throat, barely able to speak, along with a bad feeling in your guts, as if someone stabbed you with a spear and started turning it.

When suddenly someone put his hand on your shoulder from behind, you froze instantly in place. Your eyes wandered to the bloody skin, recognizing that it was Felix's slender fingers. His nails were unusual clean for a boy living in the forest.

'I am scared.' You whispered without even looking at the tall, skinny boy. There were so many questions about Pan and what he could want from you, and you knew Felix had the answers, but was not willing to give them. He had to tell you, otherwise something bad would happen, your intentions have never failed you by now.

'I know.' He gave back silently, his blood smeared hand still on your shoulder. It was a big mess of emotions inside you, and you did not know what to feel, how to tell good from bad. There were so many people on this Island that wanted to hurt you and you just didn't know who. But what you knew, even if it was a weird feeling, that Felix's hand on your shoulder made you feel save for second. After a few moments, before it could get too awkward, you stepped aside, the previous moments flooded your mind like coming out of trance. You turned around to face the second in command, blood was freckled all over his beaten up face and he didn't twitch a muscle at your furious movements. 

'How could I ever be so close to you without fear?' You spat,'after all the things you have done?'

The second in command really had the nerve to look confused. 

'You beat up Thomas for no reason, the other boy at the dining table, now Beau...- You are so cold and ruthless, but still...' You stopped as the lost boy on the ground groaned a little and caught your attention. Felix's eyes also wandered to him, but only for a brief moment, before they were fixed on you again, waiting for you to continue. 

'But what?' Felix asked and raised an eyebrow. Sighting you shook your head, ' I forgot.'

The second in command walked up closer to you, placing both of his red dyed hands on your shoulder while his shark like eyes stared through you. The lost boy didn't wore his hood and even with all that blood on his face and hair, this edgy face somehow waked some unknown desires inside you. 

If he weren't a monster.

Felix was a cruel boy and he had the tendency to aggression and violence, neither the fact of his incomprehensible behaviour, his intentions towards you never seemed harmful. 

'We have to go now,' he spoke urgently. 'He wants you to win, you know?' 

You shook your head in confusion and tried to avoid the boy's cold gaze in every possible way, but they would always dart up to his, over and over again. The air around you got thick and suddenly you stepped aside with the most frustrated face to hide the fact that you needed to get away from Felix.

'I don't understand a thing!' You whined and held your head which felt as it could explode anytime. 

'He will test your boundaries,' Felix explained.' To see what you are made off.' 

You blinked and rubbed your hands together, trying to understand his words. It wasn't what he said that confused you, rather the meaning behind it. What were Pan's plans? 

'I don't understand. What does he want from me? I am just...' You stopped mind sentence and sighted, eyes wandered to the ground. You were tired of feeling like this all the time. Felix turned his head to look at you, waiting for you to continue. As he noticed you wouldn't, his feet slowly moved towards you, his slim fingers lifting your head to face him. 

'I know that you are confused and scared. And you know what,' he made a dramatic pause as his stormy orbs pierced you.'I am scared, too.'

His fingers let go of you and he swiftly strutted past you into the forest. The game has started.

The second in command lead the way through the dense, suffocating undergrowth, fighting through the very air, which hung heavy, moist and still. Trees tall as cathedrals surrounded them, and a strange green light - almost holy - shimmered through the vast canopy of leaves. The rain forest seemed to have an intelligence of its own. It's voice was the sudden screech of a parrot, the flicker of a monkey swinging through the branches overhead. You always felt scared alone in the jungle when it was dark, so many things made such terrifying noises hid in it. The fact that the most ruthless boy on Neverland accompanied you didn't helped much. The picture of Beau's beaten up face was still fresh in your head, giving you goosebumps as you watched Felix's broad shoulders from behind, swinging with every movement. You had sworn yourself to never be afraid of him again, but seeing what he was capable of was terrifying. 

'Felix.' His name came out of your mouth like a sweet melody. The groom lost boy came to stop and turned around. The blood on his face was dry now and made him rather look dirty as intimidating. He narrowed his eyes and wrinkled his nose. 

'This game won't be fun,' he said.' The boys will hurt anyone who crosses their way. They will hurt you.'

'Why do you care about it?' You asked and he simply scoffed before turning away. You wiped off the sweat from your forehead and continued following the second in command. He had so many secrets and not willing to reveal a single one. If this place was so dangerous, why wouldn't he tell you what it was? Why did he told you, that he was also scared? You felt goosebumps all over your body at the thought of what could scare the most ruthless and feared boy on the Island. One night, you weren't sure how long it was ago, when you were thirsty and got up to get a drink, the gossiping of some boys in their tents weren't overheard by you. They had talked about Felix, of how many boys he had already injured badly and even how many he killed yet. The grumpy boy had made you a promise to never hurt you- but how much was his word worth?

You did not want to find out, had tried your best to even avoid him, yet you would always find your way to him, even if it was him to approach you. The odd feeling of being watched before and now having this observant as your companion, gave you an even more strange feeling than before, not protected, rather controlled. The scrawny boy had been on your side since the beginning, but you wouldn't notice him at first- until you did one morning.

Felix was a creep.

'How do we find the box?' You asked him from behind and paced up to walk next to him. Felix's hood hung now over his face and covered his narrow cheekbones, within his long scar. He sighted.

'I honestly don't know.' Felix said and runned his hands through his sweaty hair. 

'You need a shower.' You averted and Felix gave you an insulted look. 

'Maybe after the game!' He snarled and grabbed your arm to yank you forward through the jungle. You would lie if you said you disliked the smell of his sweat or being grabbed tight by him. You tried to push all you thoughts of him aside for days, but whenever you thought at Felix, your mind drifted off and just fixed on him. You liked the way he smelled or looked like,-these pink lips with perfect white teeth in it and how unusual his whole face seemed. It was as if it was carved out of wood. His hair was always messy and you liked it. The way his voice sounded or his cold facade- he was mysteriously and you liked it.

On the other hand he was brutal and cold, whenever he came near, shivers would run down your spine. You would feel as if you were thrown into cold water and there was no ladder inside, drowning and freezing. He was frightening.You didn't thought of that nasty long scar on his left cheek, or the long shadows under his stormy eyes that could scare you. There was more that scared you, something you just could not tell what it was. 

'Stop it!' You yelled after a while and tried to free your arm. 'Stop it! Stop it!'

The second in command didn't listen, his face was still pointing forwards and his grip got tighter whenever you tried fighting against it.

'You are hurting me!' You whined and punched with your fist against his wrist. Felix let go of your arm and stopped for a brief moment, giving you a weird look, that you could never tell what it was supposed to mean.

'Why did you beat up Beau?' You asked sternly, face serious. Felix's confusion wasn't to be overseen. You didn't even care about Beau, he knew that, you just needed to know Felix's intentions behind it.

'I won't take a single step forwards with you by my side, if you won't tell me!'

Your hands were formed into fists and you pressed your teeth together, showing him how serious you were. 

The second in command angrily stepped forward and grabbed your face as he pushed you against a tree with his tall body. If you have ever been intimidated by his starring, it was nothing to compare with this deadly gaze he gave you in this moment. His nose was wrinkled up and you felt his breath against your dry lips. 

'You want the truth?' he asked with a rougher voice than usual. 'Do you want to know how many girls Pan had made me kill?'

Your face went blank and you almost choked on your own saliva. Feeling how your blood run cold and all the tension you've felt around him turned dark, your heart almost stopped for a brief moment. You got the weird feeling of fainting, how your head got dizzy, but the mercy of passing out wouldn't be granted. 

'You... didn't!' You choked out and tears fell down your cheeks as you hysterically moved your head around to find a way out. Your pulse runned high and the lost boy didn't know how to react. He moved his thumbs over your cheeks to wipe off your tears but more would follow, the only solution was to hold you tighter. Felix squatted down to get on your level.

'I won't hurt you!' He spoke and his voice was loud, maybe even frustrated. You didn't listened to his voice, but you got utterly quiet. The way his eyes looked at you, maybe a little less cold, how he held your cheeks and tried to calm you down. It helped a little. 

'I won't hurt you.' Felix repeated, his voice was calm and almost soothing. 

He won't hurt me?

'Please, Felix, tell me what is going on. Tell me what he wants!' The lost boy's face softened when his name fell from your lips. 

'You wouldn't understand it, if I told you.' He sighted and let go of your face, standing up and looked searching around. 

'For now you have to know, that losing this game isn't an option. He wants to break you, Y/N.' His eyes shifted over to you. 'He had girls on Neverland before, they were allowed to stay until he didn't need them anymore.' 

Finally you felt like being yourself again, overcome the fear of this murderer for this moment. You gave him an startled look, not fully understanding. 

'For what does he needs me?'

Felix shrugged with his shoulders and turned around,'Just don't fucking loose!' He almost barked and strutted forward to the sound of rippling water. As you followed you built up some distant to the second in command. You could still feel your heart beating against your ripcake, it was so loud you feared Felix might could hear it too, or feel how the pulsating of your heart caused little earthquakes to run over the ground. The boy was crazy, he acted so nice for a brief moment, confusing you all over again.

It didn't take long until you reached the water, a quick stop to have a drink, before Felix quickly took a few steps back. The river passed through the jungle wide and opaque. The water was green, darker in the shadows and more pale in the light, but still green. Against the noise of the birds that were ending the day, the gentle murmur of the water can only just be heard, a backdrop to the musical notes coming from above. For all its serenity there was more danger in its swirling depths than the trees behind. So Felix intended to avoid it.

'I suggest we look first at his thinking tree.' The second in command mumbled barely audible as he fought against thick bushes that blocked the way. You couldn't understand his motivations, if Felix was only the ruthless cold hearted bastard you just witnessed in the camp, why would he not just offer to help you, but actually doing it? He was mysteriously, that for sure, his face never showed you what he felt, everything was a secret. You liked that. You liked that danger that came from him, it gave you the thrill, even if you knew how dangerous he was and how many times you felt like being torn inside. Something pulled you towards him, you just didn't know what. 

Your legs began to ache and when you reached the thinking tree, there was nothing to be found. Felix started to curse and kick around in anger, he wanted to find this stupid box as soon as possible. You didn't knew Pan very well, but good enough to tell that this wasn't going to be easy. Your eyes drifted around and stopped at a little piece of paper that got stuck under Felix's shoes as he wildly kicked around.

'Stop!' You yelled and ran over to him, bending down to grab the note.'There is something written on it!

'Clever thought, not clever enough. The box is hidden deep in the dark, exposed to the sun all day, but never seeing the light.'

Felix grunted annoyed and rolled dramatically with his eyes.

'What in the hell is that supposed to mean?'

You shrugged your shoulders and let your arm sink, stuffing the note into your pocket, in case you might need it later. 

'You know Pan the best.' You gave back sighting. 'I mean- you are best friends.'

Felix began to laugh derogatively and shook his head. Something told you, your assumption were wrong. 'We are not!' He simply said and nodded with his head for you to follow. Even with your tired feet and eyes you weren't brave enough to tell the lost boy that you needed a break, the gawky boy would even speed up a little, making it way harder to follow.

Some time late you crossed they way of another lost boy, one of the younger ones. As his big eyes detected the second in command with you by his side, they widened, he acted fast and stormed into a different direction. 

He feared Felix. And finally you knew why.

You had thought so many times about his words, how much you should fear Felix. He had killed the girls on Neverland and did not even intended to tell you why. He knew everything about Pan, he was the most loyal lost boy- yet he helped you to win this game? It was hard to know who to trust and maybe Tinkerbell was right- you couldn't trust anybody, especially not the second in command.

The time went by and you felt your limbs getting tired. The ground under your feet began to feel less solid with each step you took. All the time you tried to act strong, to be capable of catching up with the tall, broad lost boy, too proud to ask for a break. Your feet ached more and finally you dropped harshly onto your knees, grunting as your body dropped like a sack onto the ground. You couldn't walk anymore.  You were tired and needed to rest.

The second in second spinned his head around at that sound and stopped immediately as his eyes detected your body laying on the cold ground. He strutted back to you and squatted down next to you. 

'Why didn't you say you were tired?' He mumbled and lifted you in his arms. His warm hands immediately drenched the cold away from your legs, and you could swear his left hand touched a slight of boob, yet you were too tired to say anything. 

'We still have to walk a way.' Felix spoke more to himself than to you.'But don't ever be scared again to tell me that you need a break."

You fought against your eyelids closing and falling asleep, but the way how tight Felix had pressed you against his body made you feel safe, it was comfortable and slowly everything around you darkened.

You woke up the next morning with a dizzy head as the sun brightened your face through a small gap through the trees, coincidentally the same spot your head laid under. You sighted and rolled yourself out of the bright side, crashing your body against the warm skin of Felix.  His eyes were closed and soft snores escaped his lips. Whenever he rested, Felix always seemed to find peace. It was like he was hunting his own self with every second awake, always careful not to let anything slip, forbidden to take off his mask in front of anybody else, not even to himself.

You allowed yourself to lift up his shirt, checking the wound of the arrow. As your fingers touched the lost boy's skin, his cold eyes snapped open. 

'What are you doing?' He spoke angry with a raspy morning voice. You swallow and stopped mid action. 

'I just wanted to take a look at your shoulder. It's been a while but you got shot.'

'I am not weak!' Felix snarled and scowled at you.

'I never said you were.'

The second in command closed his eyes again, rolling with a groan onto his other side. 

'I am good.' He said and tried to rest for a few minutes more. You slowly lifted yourself and went towards some big bushes to pee, hurrying, in fear someone might see you, before you poured some water from your flask over your hands to wash them. When you returned, the lost boy didn't move at all. At first it didn't bother you, it might be the best to let him sleep, but after a while you took a closer look. Felix looked pale and he was sweating. He wasn't alright. Deciding to take a look at his shoulder, you violently ripped down the cotton on his neck to reveal his skin,- a terrible, deep wound, looking like it was infected. You instantly rolled Felix over to his back, straddling him as you stared concerned into his now open eyes. 

'Why didn't you said you were sick.' You almost quoted his words from the previous night. The beat of your heart paced up and you even started to tremble a bit.

'I am-' he made a pause to breathe exhausted,'fine.'

You shook your head in protest, burying your fingers in the cotton of his shirt. You felt stupid to think Felix would ask for help. He sent you home after you found him unconscious in the woods and even now he didn't admit that he could not do something alone. He needed your help  

'Don't send me away again.' You said sad, attracting Felix's attention. 'Please, Felix.'

His piercing blue eyes were glued at you, after a small moment he slowly nodded before shifting his gaze away. You grabbed your bag and looked for something useful, but the only things that you assumed of being a little help was alcohol, a candle and a lighter that you once found in a box that pirates left at the Bay. 

'This will hurt.' You mumbled and handed Felix some vodka. He scowled in confusement. 

'For the pain.' You explained as you lighted up the candle. The lost boy already knew what you were up to and he crawled backwards away, eyes widened.  He didn't like that idea.

'I have to!' You hissed and grabbed the second in command at his feet, pulling the weakened boy back to you. At least you tried to, but stumbled over on all fours through his force.

I shouldn't care at all. He hurt me. He hurt others. 

You needed him. Felix was the only one who could tell you where to find Pan's box, he was the only one who might told you anything. Felix finally stopped fighting against you and almost drank the whole bottle. 'Make it quick.'

He handed you the bottle you nodded before he moved to his side, taking of his shirt- his face was grimacing with pain. Slowly you poured the alcohol on his infected wound, before you burned it out with the fire and wax of the candle. The second in command let out an high pitched scream, his nails buried into the dirt.

Felix bit his lip to oppress another scream. He shivered and you could swear he was holding his tears back. 

'Are you all right?' 

Felix looked goofily over to you, feeling the effects of the alcohol slowly kicking in. 

'F-fuck you...' he slurred and chuckled low. Well, he seemed alright, maybe a little too drunk. Your fingers trailed over his bare back, taking a last look at the wound. You had no bandages to cover them, Felix had to be careful.  He needed to rest, so you sat aside and stared down into the endless green, drowning in it, or rather getting swallowed. Neverland could eat you whole, everything and everyone could be dangerous. Your eyes shifted back to the peaceful snoring boy. it sounded kind of complacent, carefree, but still somehow a little reassuring. Gleb were right, someday this boy could smite you. Felix could be your end, still, deep inside of you, there was a part that believed he had a good side, that he wasn't the monster you assumed him to be. Even after telling you the truth, that he murdered the girls before. 

Pan made him kill.

Everything lead back to Pan, to his mischievous, evil, sadistic mind. Pan spoke fluently in lies like the devil himself, poisoning everyone around him. You didn't even want to think about all the nasty and terrifying things Felix had done before. Your chest tightened and your nose started to run as you laid behind Felix, starring at all his scars as silently tears rolled over your face. His scent entered your senses and calmed you down, prevented you from starting to cry out loud in frustration. Everything was confusing, every decision could be wrong. You just hoped that trusting Felix wasn't one of them.

The second in command suddenly turned around to face you, and for a small moment your heart stopped beating in shock. Felix eyes were still closed and he mumbled something gibberish as he suddenly pressed you closer against him.

'W-wait- What are you doing?' You yelped and tried to free yourself, but the broad boy was stronger. 

'Stop, Felix!' 

As you started to shake him a little you noticed that he was either asleep or so drunk that he almost slept. Against every aversion you had against him, you felt safe and protected in his arms as he embraced you like child hugged his teddy bear. You told yourself that he was stronger anyway, as you stopped fighting against his grip but might even enjoyed the embracement. The last person that had been that close to you had been Thomas, the night after you had played "spin the bottle"- the worst thing you've joined yet, except of this game. well, joining this game wasn't something you choose either, not even the living on Neverland thing. At first you had wondered why you didn't got sent home after cleary realising no one wanted you here. Now you were a little smarter, being aware that Pan had some awful plan in mind. 


You couldn't relax while knowing that this green devil used you and everyone around like a puppet for  his sick games. The lost boys were too blind to see, at least most of them were.

'Why do I have to win?' You asked more to yourself, but Felix's eyelids slowly moved open.
'He doesn't need another weak girl.The saviour has to be strong...'He mumbled and almost unintelligible. Your eyes widened. You laid next to him for a long time, unable to count it but it couldn't be too long, the sun didn't wandered far. Felix was tired and drunk, weakened a lot, but even you realised you had to find the box before someone else did.

'Get up!' You yelled and pulled at the lost boys arms in panic. 'We have to find that box!'

Felix groaned annoyed and ripped his arms away, snuggling into the grass. He wasn't clear in his head, too drunken and you started to worry that he wouldn't get up between the next couple of hours.

'Felix,' his name melted on your tongue like butter.'Please.'

The second in command looked up at you, the second he hear his name. You could swear that he would look normal for a brief moment, just to see how clumsy he tried to get on his feet. It was entertaining to look at, the tall, broad boy, swaying around and trying to find balance. 

'Cages.' Felix gulped before swaying uphills where the trees got narrow and bushes thicker. The trees lashed and crashed against each other like drumsticks in the hands of a giant. It was a place that you feared less on Neverland, the birds sang loud and squirrels climbed between the branches. Everything was peaceful. You didn't pay Felix's words much attention when you followed him, but as the surrounding started to change, you already knew what he meant.


The trees weren't as tallas the other ones around and down bushes build a small clearing  in the place between. As you stepped closer your eyes wandered unbelieving around, then shifting over to the second in command. His face didn't looked pleased either. His eyes weren't piercing you, it was if you could read the words 'I am so sorry' in them. A strange feeling, maybe a weird thought, but this journey seemed to be a big punishment for the second in command. Of course you wouldn't know why Peter Pan would punish his first lost boy, the most loyal one, his own second in command. otherwise you never had a clue of anything that happens on this forsaken Island, it was the devil's home and he would never let anybody leave. 

'So this is where they lived?' You choked out and pointed with your finger up in the air. Felix gaze followed that gesture, up to plenty cages, hanging down from the trees. 

'No,' Felix said and shook his head. 'It wasn't like this. Not always.'

You tried to comprehend his words, failing and looking all startled. 'What do you mean, not always?' 

The second in command groaned annoyed and turned away,'Fuck you, with all your questions. I told you this Island isn't a safe place-'

'But I can't leave!' You screamed at him in frustration. feeling how your throat got tighter, but you didn't want to cry again. Felix eyes widened at your sudden temper

'I wish I could fucking leave, Felix! To get away from you stupid, arrogant piece of shit!' You continued silently after an dramatic pause,'I wish Thomas had never saved me and let me drown.'

The second in command gasped and gave you the most furious glare as he slowly made his way over to you, less intimidating in this drunken state. He leaned over to you, the smell of alcohol in his breath, as he whispered roughly into your ear, 'Yeah, I wish your saviour had let you drown, too!' 

he scurried away with a swift movement before starting to look aggressively for a clue to the box. The tall boy stumbled over his own feet,  several times almost crashing down, yet able to find balance, while he furiously kicked and punched around. You watched him let out his rage, flat breathing and silent tears streaming down your cheeks like rivers. You tried to tell yourself that he didn't mean it, that he was only drunk and angry because he was hurt and hated these games. Yet, everything around you seemed to went silent as the salty water from your eyes flowed down into the corner of your lips and down to your chin. Without saying a word your turned on your heels and slowly started to walk back, no destination in mind, you had to get away from Felix. His manners were...-well, not rude, rather not existent. The mixed feelings you had about him bothered you, in addition to the doubt of what to believe anymore. If Pan wanted to break you in any way, he had already done it in making you believe that everywhere was a threat. You couldn't do this any longer.

'Well, who do we got here?' A deep, russian voice echoed over to you, followed by heavy steps making its way to you. You wiped off your tears and turned around to see Gleb, his pale face was covered in dark purple bruises, but instead of looking weakened, his appearance cowed you even more. You started to get goosebumps as his cold eyes were laid on your crying face, the swollen up and  empty looking eyes.

'Did the fucker smite you?' He laughed and didn't move, he just stood there, staring at you and waiting for an answer. After a while you slightly nodded and sinked your head. 

'You were right.' You said in a sad voice. You weren't scared of Felix, and you tried your best not to fear Gleb either. Gleb grabbed your arm in a sudden move and you shrinked away, trying to fight against the force. The well trained boy was stronger, his arm was as big as your upper leg. It was no use to fight against this beast of a snowman.

'Aren't you the cutest?' Gleb purred, his pale eyes fixing on you like a predator observed his target,'Do you really think you will survive for long from now on?'

The russian boy was so calm, you could not even hear him breathe, as if he was the perfect predator for this Island. He was like a snake, slowly creeping up in the undergrowth, imperceptible, until it was too late.

'Leave me alone!' You snarled and sounded way braver than you actually felt. Gleb didn't react at all, his gaze got more unbearable and you desperately wanted to leave, just didn't know how. Frustration crept into your mind and every muscle froze.

'This time Thomas won't save you!' Gleb snarled and yanked at your arm, dragging you further away from the cages. Gleb's grip was tight and hurting, his hand would definitely leave some bruises.

'Where are you taking me?' You yelped and tried again to fight against him, just to find out that Gleb could hurt you a lot more. He pressed both of your arms against your side as he lifted you from behind, preventing you to find an escape.

'Just shut your stupid mouth.' Gleb rolled with his eyes, unable for you to see, otherwise it was expected. The further the giant boy carried you away, the more you felt anxious. Every thought circled around the question what the lost boy might do to you, you began to tremble and just stared into the endless green in front of you, awaiting a bad surprise.

It never came. 

Gleb walked and walked, didn't said a single word, just walked. 

'I liked you more during spin the bottle.' You dared to speak after a while. Gleb growled annoyed and changed his direction to the thick bushes. The boorish boy threw you over the hedge, where you roughly landed, not without getting some scratches and bruises of course. Gleb jumped over to your side and towered over you. The way he looked down at you gave you the creeps. You knew how vulnerable you were right now and deep inside you truly regret leaving Felix's side. Every part of your body hurt and you couldn't endure more pain.

'Call yourself the unluckiest girl in the whole world- worlds!' The lost boy chuckled and you flinched further away from him. Your heart beat even faster as he grabbed your leg and easily kept you in place. You struggled hard as he pushed you down, starting to scream your lungs out before the giant covered your mouth.

'Сука блять!' He yelled, 'Be the fuck quiet!'

The broad boy straddled you as his hand pushed rougher against you, making it almost impossible for you to breathe. 

'I will let go now, but you better be quiet!' Gleb hissed, his eyes were sharp steel, he gritted his jaw and slowly let go of his violent grip. 

'I won't rape you.' He said calm.

'What? That's not what I-' Well, it was exactly what you feared, nothing to lie about. Everything in Glebs appearance gave you the chills. He lifted  his heavy body from you, giving you some space as he quietly sat down onto the cooling grass.

'There are eyes everywhere on Neverland, Y/N.'Gleb spoke with an deep, raspy voice, his eyes hushing around as if he felt unsafe. You tried to understand the whole situation, but with your limbs all aching and still trembling in fear, the ability to focus on Gleb's words seemed to be fade. He acted strange, very strange, just like Javier did. Always checking the environment.

'Please just don't hurt me no more.' You whimpered and held your aching arms, trying to look everywhere else than his eyes. Gleb snorted and moved a little closer. You froze in place. 

'I won't. You poor thing must be pretty confused,' Gleb's tough voice softened as he spoke,' I can't act nice towards you. Not after the kiss.' 

You frowned and gave him a confused look. 'What in the hell is that supposed to mean? You fucking jerk terrorized me!' You scowled at him, finding some bravery in your anger.

'Pan doesn't want to see romance. He is sick!' Gleb said sadly and looked down. 'I was in love with a girl. Her name was Galina.' Gleb explained and lowered his voice while constantly checking the environment again. You gulped and tried to calm down as you put two and two together. You knew that there have been girls on this Island before and that they all were dead.

Felix killed each of them.

'For some reason he needs a girl that is strong. He forced Felix to kill every weak girl.' The words were spoken so dryly, still each one gave you goosebumps. 

'S-So, he wants to k-kill me?' You stuttered as your limbs started to tremble even more. Gleb slyly nodded and slowly reached for your arm to pull you into a hug. You couldn't tell if you still hated the boy as he held you in his broad arms. Leaning against him felt like hugging a giant teddy bear.

'I will try my best to prevent that.' The russian boy whispered into your ear as he felt your tears dripping onto his neck. The boy was covered in black bruises too, his face was beaten up but still he managed to act like nothing had ever happened to him. You admired the strength of the boys, how much they could take in before they broke down. 

You took a deep breath and grabbed the soft cotton of Gleb's cloak as you kept sobbing, his opinion towards you didn't bother you anyways. 

'You shouldn't trust a soul.' The russian boy pressed his big hands against your back as he lifted himself up to his feet, holding you against him as if no one could hurt you there and for the first time in a long while, you felt a light glow up. It felt like hope.

'Listen closely. We don't want you to win. You aren't weak, Y/N. That's the problem. The reason why you are so unlucky is because you are braver than you think.' 

Slowly lifting your head from Gleb's shoulder your eyes met his. You wiped of the tears from your face and breathed to get your voice back. 'What does he want from me?' 

Gleb hesitated, opened his mouth to say something, closed it again and then opened it back, 'he will test your boundaries.  He will do terrible things that are so terrifying, not even me could sleep at night if I had done this. Pan has spies everywhere. They'll listen, they'll report. Be careful what to say around some of them.'

The tall boy held you for another moment before you put you back onto your feet. His icicle eyes warmed up, or at least they didn't seem so cold because you knew what hid behind them. 

'I really want to help you. But we can't be seen with each other.' He raspily snorted out. 'But take my advice when I say find a way to leave Neverland.'

Funny, you thought, no one leaves Neverland without Pan's permission. Everyone knew that

After that, the broad boy forced his big body through the hedge, but as soon as you managed to get there too, the lost boy was already gone. Well, weird situation anyways. You really had thought he would kill you.

"Gleb?" You shouted and instantly covered your mouth when you realized someone might hear it. The feeling wasn't knew, many times before you could feel observing eyes on you, so it wasn't a surprise that your assuming was right. Your eyes twitched to the side, detecting something behind a small berry bush and you didn't even need to see who it was to already know.

At first glance, Mitch would seem to the casual observer to be a rather normal fifteen-year-old. Nothing in particular about his physical appearance was striking. His facial features were smooth, rounded, and unassuming. In subtle ways, however, he looked a bit unusual. He was a little shorter than average and moved in a weird way, almost indescribable. His hair was dark and soft. He didn't cut it as short as most boys did. Instead, he allowed it to grow thick enough to develop natural waves and curls. He wore plain, solid-colored shirts and pants — nothing "loud," nothing "hip," nothing bearing that would stop him move around quickly. The lost boy was always on the run, high tempted and quite uneasy and nervous all the time. It might appeared like a constant fear of unexpected attacks, that made him anxiously wait for a signal to jump on his feet and move.

Something inside your head screamed, catch him! The moment you laid eyes on him the small frame of a lost boy shrinked. You knew there was only one chance, slowly you turned over to him- but Mitch instantly jumped out of his hiding spot and sprinted into the narrow tree path. 


Angrily you snorted out as you legs moved steady into one direction. You hated this game, you hated this Island, you hated Pan one maybe- you weren't sure about that-, you even hated Felix. He was the worst of them all, a filthy liar. You couldn't tell what of his words were the truth and which where soiled. One thing for sure was true, he did kill the girls that had been lived on Neverland before. 

Your tired feet lead you uphill through some weeds, in fear someone would find you. At first you didn't seem to have anything in mind where your way should lead you, but as soon as you reached the top  of the hill you had a perfect view from above. You were definitely in the jungle, the giant Mountain of Neverland behind you. A big river run down through the greens, until it formed a big waterfall to your right, at what must be the pirates cove. To your left, far far away, you saw another lagoon that must be the Mermaids lagoon, but the fly through Rock Spire Islands covered it almost completely. One thing was sure, you definitely did not want to go down to the pirates bay, already assuming what danger it could bring, but the way through the Jungle to the giant mountain seemed also pretty far. Pan wanted you to find a little box, that was somewhere hidden on the Island with no clue where. You didn't even know where to start looking, or if you should look after it after all. You were torn apart between your decisions. Felix told you to win, Gleb on the other hand told you to stay away from winning. Who was right about it? How could you trust any of them? 

You sighted and shook the thoughts out of your head, trying to breathe and relax for a minute. Your heart told you to find that box, this game wouldn't end before it was done, and obviously Pan wanted you to win. He had left some notes at the thinking tree and...- well, at the cages. Even the thought of that place brought pain, the thought of living inside of one.

You hand wandered into your pocket, pulling out that note you kept there. 'The box is hidden deep in the dark exposed to the sun all day, but never seeing the light.'You silently read over and over again, until the coin suddenly dropped, causing you to feel as stupid as never before. 

You had a clue.

You turned on your heels and wandered back to the place where you came from- the entire time you've had walked the wrong direction. The box must be under water, of course, and where else than in the mermaid lagoon was the water so calm and steady, perfect to keep something hidden between the sharp rocks. It was lunch time now,nso you grabbed a small piece of break out of your back. 

With a slightly filled stomach you marched back to the long river. When you finally got there you felt tired and drenched out, ready to drop onto the ground and take a nap, but the fear wouldn't let you rest. Anyone or anything could find you easily. Your eyes drifted over the surface, not detecting any dangers, still it was no good idea to swim to the other side, instead you followed the stream to find a place with an fallen tree trunk, or at least trees that you could climb up to reach the other side. The time went by, heavy eyelids fought to stay open and more frustration overwhelmed you with each step. It wasn't even close dark yet, the sun hing high up in the sky.

You weren't sure if what you saw was real, or if you were already dreaming, but after another hour walking there was a small bridge. You stumbled over it, keeping a steady grip on the trees on the other side, before you went downhill. You knew where that box where, the only thing that could stop you now were the savage boys.

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