Chapter 11


Thomas's strange behaviour worried you, he had never acted like this before towards you, and you never thought he would. It has to be a big secret the boys kept, something dark and dangerous. No one was telling you anything, as if they did not want you to know. You wished Javier was still with you, even if the picture of him was still strange to you. It was unsure to you if he was worthy to trust, yet it was always him who tried telling you things. Him only. Thomas on the opposite did not want you to know as it seems, you couldn't explaun his tenper. Maybe he was scared.
You could not think straight, there was too many to find out, forbidden but not impossible. But how in the hell could you find out, what could have happened to some girls, who might have lived here on Neverland before. You were not even sure if this was true, or if Javier only wanted to scare you- No. Thomas wouldn't have reacted this way if this was just a simple game to them.

Mindgames, this was something Pan was good at. Your head spun around, eyes searching for the green devil, but he was not around. But still, like so many days before, you felt watched, as if thousand eyes were staring at you, observing you.

Relax, he is not here.

He wasn't here, but he did something worse- Pan thought about new games. You did not feel like playing games ever again, sooner or later someone would get killed during it. His second in command got hit by an arrow! You sat on that log for an eternity, the sun slowly moved down again and you weren't sure what to do- keep sitting there until someone wanted something from you, or taking the advantage of being alone again to go and leave, find something on this Island that would give you informations. Otherwise, the boys would kill you if they saw you sniffing around. They didn't like that.

Finally you stood up, stretched your legs and you did not even thought about your next actions. Your legs moved forward, one step, two steps, three- they brought you into the forest, where you was greeted by way more sun and the smell of pinewood. Whenever you walked through the forest you felt like you were home, like this was the place you've always belonged to. Not doubt at all, no worries about the lost boy's opinions, especially not Felix's. His words hurt the most. He had always something to freak out about, nothing you did would please him. He could never be satisfied with anything. It wasn't your fault that he had a miserable life, that the days were rough and that he had to help lead other ruthless boys- which sounded quite pleasant to be fair. You couldn't understand his anger, the temper of a bull was compared to him quite well restrained.

Suddenly something appeared in your eye that caught your attention, there was this one treehouse, far away but yet visible, and you wondered whom it belonged to. It looked old from here but if you would go and take a closer look, it might reveal some  secrets of whatever was to find out. You paced up your speed and climbed over fallen trees and through thick bushes, the way was rough and you were sure this treehouse was abandoned. There was no path leading towards it but you did not mind getting scratched by some twigs to get there. As soon as you approached the old tree, your stomach began to growl again. You were still hungry.

But at least you did not ate those berries.

Those berries you did not even knew  why you shouldn't have eaten them. Of coure not, no one told you a little thing. Everyone had a secret but not for long. You would not take this any longer if you wanted to be a part of this world. You needed to understood, you wanted to feel safe.

'Hello?'You cupped your hands around your mouth and shouted again, 'Hello!?'

No one was answering so you grabbed the ladder and started to climb up, it was a long way. You did not dare to look down, but you felt how high you were, as you reached the door and opened it- it wasn't closed for god's sake, which in fact wouldn't stopped you anyway. As you entered the small room your eyes detected a table with two chairs, behind it a cooking pot. To your right, under the window was a bed. You decided to take a closer look, there was no dust. This place was clean and the bed felt still warm as you touched the matress.

'What in the hell.' You whispered to yourself and furrowed your eyebrows.

Something is wrong here.

Nothing wrong, but  it didn't feel right either. Someone lived here. This must be someone's home. You turned your head and ran towards the cupboard and pulled the doors open. Every piece  of clothing in there was green. Panic overwhelmed. Could this be...?

'What are you doing in here?!' An angry voice shouted.

For a second you stopped breathing and you almost fell to your knees in shock, just to realise that what you've had heard was a female voice. You looked over to where the voice came from and back to the cupboard. This weren't Pan's clothes... These were all dresses!

'I am Y/N-'

'I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE!' She waved angry with her arms in the air, 'I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE? DID HE SEND YOU?!'

With a fast movement she ran towards you with a dagger in her hand, which was quickly placed at your throat as mad eyes stared at you. It was a young woman, she wore her blonde hair as a bun and her dress was all green. Brown boots were reaching up to her knees and even with a sharp blade against your skin you felt more relieved than ever before.

'What are you talking about? Who send me? For what?'

'Don't play dumb! I know his games!'

'Pan? Pan! You are talking about Pan! I need your help I think he is evil or has evil plans-' your  blabbering was interrupted by and harsh but yet amused laugh. The woman took down the dagger and rolled her eyes while she put it back to her belt. 'Tinkerbell.' She said. 'That's my name.'

She pointed at the chairs, gesturing for you to sit down. Unsure you followed the order and sat down, giving the young woman a hopeful glance. She looked exhausted and tired, as if she wandered around the island for days without closing her eyes for a second. Tinkerbell places a bakset on her table and in this moment you realised that it was the same you had dropped when Felix found you picking berries. It was filled with edible fruits and a loaf of bread. At the sight of this your stomach growled again, catching Tinkerbell's attention. She reached for the bread and broke it in two, handing you the half.

'Eat.' She said and smiled briefly. 'You don't look like a spy.' She spoke and raised her eyebrows as she watched you gulping down the bread. 'You're too naive.'

'So,' she spoke after a while again, ignoring your angry face from the insult and took a seat beside you. 'How did you get into my treehouse? And well, I lied. I do care who you are!'

You finished eating and felt thankful to have your stomach filled again, before you looked over to Tinkerbell. There were so many questions about her, why she lived here and what she might knew about Pan and the missing girls.

'I saw it when I walked through the forest. I didn't assumed someone was living here. I am just looking for some answers.'

The blonde lady got curious and chewed on her lip as she drifted off into her thoughts. It was like she was trying to puzzle something together.

'Can you tell me about the other girls?'

Tinkerbell froze instantly. Her eyes widened and she snapped out of thoughts, giving you an unbelieving look.

'What other girls? Y/N, you are the first other girl I ever met on Neverland. I mean except...-' she stopped talking and looked away, her eyes were fixed onto her cupboard.

'Except who-'

'Y/N, how did you get here?' Tinkerbell interrupted, not minding your questions at all. She did not seem to listen and this got frustrating. Another person with a bunch of secrets. You sighted lightly.

'Someone saved me from drowning. I guess it was Thomas.'

Tinkerbell nodded slowly, thinking again. 'Well, sounds like him. He is the only good hearted boy here I think.' She spoke silently, starring at yhe table in thoughts. You did not have to believe it, you already saw the cruelty of the lost boys and how mean they could be- well except Thomas. No one cared about the other one's feelings. Tinkerbell's words brighten your mind, when she told you it sounded like Thomas. He was indeed the only nice person and you figured he might have freaked out because of personal reasons. Javier was scared to talk about it, too. There must be a reason.

'Tinkerbell, who is the other girl on Neverland? Where is she?'

Tinkerbell closed her eyes and sighted, her lashes threw long shadows on her flawless face.

'Her name is Wendy and I hid her here from Pan, until they came to get her.' The woman mumbled and suddenly she jumped to her feet, yanking on your arm.

'You have to leave. Now!'

Within seconds she became hysterical and wanted to get rid of you as fast as possible for no reason. She opened the door and pushed you towards it.

'WAIT!' You yelled and freed your arm from her grip. 'What in the hell?'

'Don't tell anyone about your visit here! Don't trust any of them. It's not safe here, especially when Pan finds out you've talked to me!'

With that she pushed you one last time and you quickly climbed down the ladder, running away from the treehouse. You felt more irritated and scared, not understanding what was happening but at least you got something.

There has been at least one girl on Neverland, Wendy, and you needed to find out what was happening to her as quickly as possible.

'Man, you gotta tell her sooner or later!'

You heard Javier's voice as you went back to the camp, past Felix's hut. The window was open and your eyes met Felix's as he leaned against his desk, arms crossed over his borad chest. At the sight of you his features darkened and caused Javier to turn around, looking now at you, too.

What was he not telling you? You did not mind asking, none of them would give you the answer anyway, so you broke out of the starring and left your place. The boys were nervous about something, Javier even followed you with his eyes until you were out of sight. They definitely knew something about this Wendy. It was weird, Tinkerbell told you she has never seen another girls around, but why would she lie? Why would the boys lie- well that was something you rather could believe, the idea of them playing mindgames didn't sound so wrong.

The sky got darker and still, there was no sign of Pan. He didn't show up in the evening to play games, so the boys fulfilled their usual tasks. Some of them practised arching and one boy got slightly hurt by it, so in effort not to get harmed in any possible way you left the campsite and started to collect some firewood, helping a little out and keep your mind distracted. But whenever you didn't pay attention your mind drifted off and your guts filled with fear at the thought of might happen on this Island without you knowing.

These girls, if there were any girls on Neverland, could never been escaped from this Island. No one  left without Pan's permission. You found out quite early, the day you woke up on this strange place.

'She wakes up!'
'I sure hope she does.' A male british chuckled and you felt an hand touching your neck, looking for a pulse. You opened your eyes and met grey stormy ones, glued onto your face, almost piercing through your skull. You faced a boy with an edgy face and a big awful scar over his cheek.
You remained calm.
The boy removed his hand from your neck and looked over  to where you assumed the voice must come from. Next to him stood a brown haired boy with freckles all over his body. From his wet hair dropped water down on his wet clothes. The tall boy was freezing.

No one on this Island could tell their first days been easy, but they were horrible especially for you. Some of the boys would tease and mock you all the time, wouldn't let you join their games, just for you being a girl. One or two times they would say horrible things to you. But for some reason Pan would not let them hurt you. He had his own reasons, which were never revealed to you. It was an illness, his obsession with games and playing around with peoples life. Nevertheless, the lost boys would always follow him, they enjoyed the cruelty they lived in, the free live the green devil offered them. But, to what prize?

With heavy packed armed you made your way back to camp, walking towards the stash to put the fire wood into it, as suddenly Gleb approached  you from the side.

'So, lost girl,' he mocked and laughed, 'Wanna have some fun?'

An evil smile crept over his face. The lost boy grabbed your wrist so the wood dropped onto the ground with a heavy sound, right before he started to yank you into the middle of the archery field. His grib was so tight, you were sure it will leave some bruises. His eyes darkened and he grabbed for your hand, just to place something in it.

'So, you see Devin over there?' The pale boy's head nodded over to the small frame of a boy, with shivering arms, in it a bow. 'He is really bad at shooting.'

Gleb let go of your hand and you looked down to your head to see an red apple.

'Place the apple on your head and be the target. He might miss and hits your head instead, who knows?' The blonde boy laughed devilishly. 'Or.' With that, his smile began to form into a smirk. 'You have to kiss me. In front of all these boys!'

Your eyes widened in shock and you gulped hard. It was like someone had already breathed in all the air around you and everything that was left was the sore feeling in your throat. You were too scared to say anything, because nothing was good enough.

'Show me if you are that brave how you think you are.'

Your eyes switched from the evil face to Devin, he had never hit a target before. The thought of kissing Gleb again, in front of all the boys, gave you the chills. You felt nothing else than the urge to run away and never return.

'I won't do either of it!' You hissed and looked brave up to him. His icicle-eyes pierced you and he furrowed his brows in anger. 'What if I shoot?' He threatened and you chuckled low in amusement, before you returned the same cold look,'But you are one of the best shooters!'

Gleb slowly bent over you, his breath got slower but longer, his fingers were like fuses as they switched madly around in anger.

'I'll make sure to hit that pretty face,' he snarled, his eyes were formed into slits. Again, you gulped, trying to process his threat. The air around you got hot and it was hard for you to breathe, fear overwhelmed your body and every sense. You needed to get away from him. Your eyes looked for a way to escape, although Gleb would be grabbing you faster than you could run.

'You don't dare.' You said and made a step backeards. He followed. You took another step, and another one but he would always follow until your back hit a tree. The pale lost boy smashed his fists against each side beneath your body against the tribe, his stormy eyes were eating your soul. There hid something underneath his features, something  which promised evil. The lost boy grabbed you by your chin and forced you to look at him. His intentions were clearly up to no good. You tried to back away, but there was no room to escape.

'Get the fuck away from her!' A deep male voice growled and with a quick movement Gleb got tackled from the side, down onto the muddy ground. A deep groan escaped Gleb as he rolled to the side and held his shoulder. 'The fuck-'

He couldn't finish his sentence, a fist made it's way to his face, crashing against his jaw. You couldn't see how Thomas hit the russian boy, but you could hear it. The tall blonde boy fell face forwards to the ground, holding the aching part and slowly tried to lift himself up with a dizzy mind. He almost stumbled over his own feet as he moved foward to make an attack, but Thomas was quicker- His jaw was clenched and you saw the burning hate in his eyes as he swung his arm another time to hit the russian heavy against his head. He dropped again, but this time didn't manage to stand up again. Blood spilled from his nose and mouth as he coughed suffering in the mud.

Thomas's eyes met yours. They burned up like a sparkling fire, filled with anger and hate. His hands were clenched into fists and his teeth were tightly pressed together. Sweat dropped over his bronze skin.

'Are ye alright?' He asked and his voice got soft, the hate in his eyes got replaced with warmth and he stepped closer, just to found you in his arms, burying your face in his grey sweatshirt. Thomas started to caress your back for a short moment, then pressed you tightly before letting you go. Both of you just stood there, looking at each other.

'What's going on?' Another well-known voice spoke with that british accent you would always recognise. You turned your head to face Pan himself, next to him his second in command. The leader of the Island looked questioning over to Gleb lying on the  ground, then his eyes moved to you and Thomas and how close you stood to each other. A smirk crept over Pan's face, you could read in his eyes how amused he was by this sight.

'I understand.' He spoke cockily and looked up to his second in command who didn't seem to be amused at all. His face revealed nothing but for an uncertain reason, maybe you felt it in your stomach, you knew he was angry again. Somehow you could tell things like this sometimes. But to be honest, there was almost nothing what would piss the second in command off.

Your eyes wandered of to Thomas, amused from Pan's word he lightly began to laugh, but still you felt how his mind still stayed positive, he wasn't offended.  When your eyes looked back to Pan you saw that he was gone and how Felix stormed off.

What did just happen?

You tried to summarise the previous event's but still couldn't manage to process everything.

'Thank you.' Your words weren't more than a whsiper.

'Ye ken, I am always here to save ye!'

A little taint of pink coloured your cheeks as you looked down, trying to avoid his gaze, not wanting  him to how flattered you were by his words.

Gleb groaned again, caughting your attention. You stepped back from him, also from Thomas and walked away, back to the camp.

'Meet me later!' Thomas yelled afterward you and you raised your hand, to signal that you've had heard him. The short way to your tent felt like an eternity- your heart sank to the bottom and your hands were sweating.  It felt like every boy's eyes were laid on you, judging or mocking, laughing and gossiping.  They were no better than any girl, they acted they same, had sometimes the same behaviour.  You needed to get away, having a moment for yourself to take a breath and calm down. Thia day has been exhausting.

The warmth of your bed welcomed you as your head sunk into the pillow. You couldn't relax a minute before you heard footsteps in front of your tent. Annoyed from the boys you hit your head in the pillow.

'Go away!'

He didn't go away, instead even entered the tent. Your head snapped furiously and you were about to throw the pillow but when you laid your eyes on that certain face you stopped.

'Hush! No body should know that I am here!'

Your chin dropped a little and with flustered eyes you looked into stormy blue eyes, a round pale face and blonde hair.

'Tinkerbell?' You asked uncertain

'Pssssst!' She hissed. 'It's not safe here for a girl.' The young woman approached you before checking several times if someone else was around to hear. She stopped at your bed and squated down, grabbing her necklace.

'Take this!Keep it hidden! You might need it one day!' She said and ripped it off her neck and handed you a necklace with a small bottle attached to it, in it was some glistering sand. Your eyes were glued onto the shiny dust, it was so beautiful.

'I-I don't get it. What is this? Why is it not safe? I have so many queations!' You whined and gave the blonde woman an frustrated look. You were trying to solve this big puzzle of mysteries, but whenever you approached an answer, more questions got thrown at you.

'You can't trust the boys, be careful! Some of them are pure viciousness, but you can trust me, when I say you'll find out soon enough!'

The blonde woman jumped to her feet and made her way to the exit, running as fast as she could through the forest without being seen. Your mouth was still agape, frustration still biting at you and the confusion got replaced with fear again.

You knew the boys were pure evil.

Why did Tinkerbell gave you the dust and more importantly in what circumstances could you use this stuff? It took you a moment but then the perfect hideout was to bury it behind your tent. If it was so important you would hide it of cours. Quick thoughts were followed by quick actions. If you would go back to bed now, no one might disturb you. Dumb thought. Soon as you hid under the covers you closed your eyes and fell asleep. But your short nap was quickly interrupted by hollering and screaming from the outside.

With sleepy eyes you made your way to the opening of your tent, to check what was going on, just to remember that it was evening now- or rather night-, and that Pan fulfilled his promise to come back and play some games.

And you didn't like what you saw.

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