
Pharaoh Powers:

The key to understanding much of anything about the Pharaohs is understanding their powers, more specifically their aging... or rather lack there of.

Pharaohs age around one twentieth the rate of humans. To break that down, they are children twenty times as long as normal humans and live twenty times as long as humans. While normal humans struggle to live longer than 120 years, the record life span of a Pharaoh was 2250 years. Some have called them "as old as the stars". Even more interesting, childhood for humans is around 12 years which means childhood is around 240 years for a pharaoh. Even the children of the Pharaohs have more life experience than that of the oldest, normal humans.

Another asset for pharaohs is their power of electrokensis. Most pharaohs cannot generate enough electric power to fire it further than six feet from their person. However their power can also be used to speed their movements and their control of electricity within that six feet can be fine tuned.

This power has two very important uses. Less importantly pharaohs can sprint to around three hundred miles per hour- but the true advantage to this speed is the ability to apply tremendous force to an object. An average human can swing a sword at a hundred miles per hour or more- a pharaoh- 2000 mph. In the hands of a pharaoh, a dull blade can cut through steel, exerting so much force on one point, the best of armor is useless. A pharaoh can throw at speeds equally impressive, turning simple thrown rocks into virtual missiles.

The ability to generate and control electricity outside of one's own body may only serve as a taser directly- however it can also create a small power source, a cutting tool, an ignition source and even grant a pharaoh the ability to mentally communicate directly with electronic devices (given they are developed to be operated in such a way). Pharaohs have a full tool set and power supply built into their bodies, in it of itself, a natural advantage for inventing, far greater than opposable thumbs.

General History

Ancient Egypt:

Unlike other ancient mutant races, pharaoh history has been well documented.

It is well known that Ancient Egypt was ahead of its time. But just how far ahead has been lost to history. It is known that the Egyptians were seeking the secret to eternal life and youth. Long before the creation of the pyramids, one scribe wrote the following about their success: "the great mountains, they will fade, they will fall into the sea, the entire world will change, and we will pass on. But our creations will live on. When we die, they will still be tender lads, when the mountains fall, they will only just be becoming men."

The Egyptians found a way to dramatically slow the processes of both growth and aging. As a side effect their subjects gained a small measure of control of electric energy which they could self generate. They experimented on a small group of children to produce these results. These children became known as the Children of the Sky. They were the origin of the concept of the Pharaoh being the son of Ra. They were created so early in Egyptian history, it is possible they were the origin of the entire Egyptian religion, but it is not known if that is true or not.

These children, around five when transformed, grew into young men and women, over a period of three hundred years. In that amount of time they saw one war after another, watched their parents pass away, and said goodbye to dear friends and loved ones. As the world changed and people lived and passed away around them, the children began to resent their current state. It wasn't that they were feeling alone, they had each other, they were simply tired of living with normal humans. The sadness of missing their families turned to sorrow, which turned to resentment, which eventually turned to arrogance.

The children started to call themselves the "Sons of Ra" or "Pharaohs". At first, the Pharaohs were the rulers of the Egyptians. The ruler of the Pharaohs was called Ra. Wanting to free himself and the other pharaohs from the responsibilities of leadership, Ra claimed a son from the normal human Egyptians. This man was to be named the one true Pharaoh and was to rule for the Children of the Sky.

In time, the Children of the Sky saw this person ruling the Egyptians as a mere boy and they resented him taking their power. However, instead of retaking their power, they set their sights even higher. They longed to do the impossible.

As the children slowly grew they continued to learn, learning faster than normal humans (this is only because children learn fast when they are young naturally). By adulthood, they were all virtually geniuses.

They took resources from the Egyptians and by some means created ships capable of space travel, how is still unknown. They then left Egypt for a new world.

Before they left, they destroyed much of the technology that had created them, purposely destroying as many records of it as they could. On earth, the idea of their existence faded into myth and legend.

Our Own Little World:

The Pharaohs landed on a world orbiting the star Alpha Centauri. At that time, there was only one star in that solar system and several planets. Upon landing, pharaohs began building their own civilization. They had to overcome many obstacles and, though they age slowly, Pharaohs are not immortal. Still, they conquered the new world and populated it with animals from earth. If creatures existed on their planet before they arrived, it is not known, though legend has it that the Pharaohs wiped them out in order to make room for earth animals.

The Pharaohs formed their own government, which much resembled that of Republican Rome. Their nation was called Jenaid.


In time, the Pharaohs looked back on earth and, as a people, started to desire to aid in the growth of the "mother world". Jenaid sent ships to investigate the growth of humankind. What they found distressed them. In the eyes of the Pharaohs, the human race was stagnant. Technology had not advanced much since their own time, in fact Egyptian technology had regressed.

The Pharaohs felt pity for the race of their ancestors. Thus, they decided to contact a nation that was just forming. They landed on mount Olympus. They then proceeded to tell a people living around there that they were gods. They helped form the nation of Greece.

They were worshiped, and they passed on great knowledge and wisdom to the Greeks. So much knowledge that the Greeks began to doubt their own religion, the religion the Pharaohs themselves had set up.


As the Greeks began to doubt the religion set up by the Pharaohs, the Pharaohs feared that it was too soon for the Greeks to understand the truth. Many in Jenaid thought it best to "remove" any individuals among the Greeks sowing doubt in the "gods".

There were, however, many Pharaohs who disagreed with this course of action. These rebels formed their own council known as Triad. The Triads believed that if the humans were not ready to communicate with Pharaohs on equal terms then the Pharaohs had no right to influence their culture at all.

The Triads began to remove many of the Gods from power in different Greek cities, leaving the people in them to doubt their existence even more.

This started a war, Jenaids wanting to destroy all of the Triads.

The Triads were outnumbered by thousands on earth and millions back home. Thus one of their leaders, Trent, decided upon a strategy to both survive and rescue humanity.

First, they would communicate with the home world, sending them the writings of Greek philosophers, those being targeted for elimination by the"gods". These writings were to be spread on the home world along with pleading that the humans be allowed the right to grow on their own.

Second, the Triads would go to war. However, they would not engage as a group. Instead, they would fight only as loosely associated groups and individuals, not even communicating regularly. No Triad knew what the other was doing. This strategy would surely have failed if it were not being conducted by creatures hundreds to thousands of years old. As it stood, the Jenaid representatives on earth were struck from all sides with varying weapons and tactics, with no way of gaining intelligence on their enemies. On the home world, the sentiments of the people began to favor the Triads. An uprising soon ensued.

In time, those loyal to the Jenaid empire's belief, that mankind was to be subject to them, were banished into space to travel the cosmos forever.


The Pharaohs watched nations rise and fall. They watched the bubonic plague and the deadly smallpox sweep across the lands. As the humans fought each other during the crusades and the Inquisition the Pharaohs observed from the skies. They watched countless slaughters and plagues from space. Through it all, they did nothing. They could have saved countless lives, but they stood back. While many believed the Jenaids to be wrong in their attempt to control humanity, many would later declare the Triads heartless.

It wasn't until a new threat arose on earth. A threat that the Pharaohs finally saw fit to grace humanity with their presence once again.

On earth, the gargoyle nation was rising and being poised to take over the planet. Gargoyle technology was nothing compared to that of the Pharaohs, but it was advancing steadily and the gargoyles were becoming more than the most ideal of soldiers. As the gargoyle warmachine threatened to start, the Pharaohs believed their best course of action was a peremptory strike.

Many gargoyles had castles, which they had prepared for war with the nations of earth, unaware of their enemy in the stars. They sent out scouts to inform on the other societies and to assess the human nations as well. They fitted their castles with cannons and parapets and brought out weapons that they alone had at the time; such as gatling guns, heavy swords, revolvers, and rockets much like the congreve rockets (a very early version of the missile). This was all brought to bear in October of 1721.

The other earth bound societies got wise to the advances and intentions of the Gargoyles and staged several winter assaults on their castles. The stage was set for a horrific medieval battle for the future of humanity... but that's not exactly what happened.

As the werewolves, banshees and wildmen and a number of Mystic mercenaries charged the gargoyle castles, heavily armored air ships and drone fighters shot forward from above. These ships obliterated the castles, often in seconds, suffering few to no losses themselves with each strike. The gargoyles were lucky to have technology a hundred or so years ahead of their time. They were now facing a space age civilization. While they fired rockets that could barely hit a stationary target, the pharaohs launched missiles with target locking abilities. While the gargoyles fired cannon balls, the pharaohs fired laser cannons and explosive shells. The gargoyles were nearly helpless.

What started as a war to stop the gargoyles from advancing, became a massive military movement by the Pharaohs to remove the gargoyles from earth. This movement was called the Purge.

The Purge started in 1721. The gargoyles were indeed driven underground but the Purge officially ended in 1771 when support for the effort dried up on the Pharaoh home world. The Pharaohs left the gargoyles devastated.


The Pharaohs did not leave completely without a trace this time however. Instead, during the Purge they formed an alliance with the werewolves. Pharaohs had been longing to live amongst humans again, but they still did not want to interfere with human evolution.

Thus they opened communication with the societies during the Purge and the werewolves helped them develop methods to hide their powers and slow aging from the public. Some took on the monicure of "fairies" but a good number thought the title was unnecessary.

Many in the other societies have come to doubt the wisdom of allying with the Pharaohs at all. Pharaohs live so long they tend to be far more dangerous than your average person. With the werewolves covering up their actions, many soon found themselves able to act with impunity.

Pharaoh Culture:

Pharaohs essentially have two cultures. One culture is on earth, where some feel the need to hide what they are, while others feel they can getaway with anything. The other is on their home world, now known officially as Triad.

The culture of Pharaohs on earth who abide by the rules is pretty simple. Most live either as hermits, isolating themselves from society at large, or as drifters, moving from one community of secret society members to the next. Those that don't follow the rules often head up very successful businesses, legal or illegal. A few even use their powers openly, knowing the werewolves will have to clean up after them, and "silencing them" as major world figures, would tax too many resources than just doing small time cover-ups. Pharaohs are not the only secret society members that take advantage of their actions being covered up for personal gain, they just tend to do so more often.

Most pharaohs on earth do not associate with each other. This means that often their lives are quite lonely, either living alone entirely or living with creatures who barely last half a pharaoh's childhood. After a few centuries on earth, most pharaoh's choose to isolate themselves to only their own kind.

Pharaohs on Triad are very different. In fact, unlike what you might expect, they're almost nothing like a human culture at all. On Triad, being that they are hundreds of years old and still children, families decide individually if they will or will not keep their children dependant. One family, with only one man and woman, can give birth to hundreds of children over several centuries. Pharaoh's marry when they are only physically 13 (or rather, 260 years old).

As the revolution of the Triads was won by individuals, pharaoh culture is very preoccupied with individualism. Every pharaoh child is expected to design his own weapons and make a unique invention by the physical age of 12 (or 240 years old). Every person must have a different first name (in fact most pharaohs have NO last or surname). The government is small and the military is made up of loosely associated militias.

Capitalism itself is also different on their world. Thousands of companies exist and any notion of a patent office has been abandoned with so many things being invented every day. Entire cities fly and millions live in space stations orbiting the planet and in stations throughout the solar system of Alpha Centauri.


Pharaoh technology has taken a very different path from that of humans. Nowhere is this more evident than their weaponry, which has made whole empires quiver before just one pharaoh.

Lightning Blades:

Perhaps the most well known and feared of all Pharaoh weapons is the lightning blade.

For Pharaohs, the gun never really took off as a weapon. Basically this is because of "set potential". In the hands of a man, a gun fires a projectile at a set rate, but in the hands of a pharaoh a gun fires a projectile at... the exact same rate. Where a pharaoh can move a sword faster and more effectively than a human, a gun's potential is maximized in the hands of a toddler, it's potential never changes.

Most of the time, with their incredible speed, a pharaoh with a melee weapon can reach and disarm an opponent with a gun before he can fire it. Still, the lightning blade is even more intimidating than just moving fast.

A lightning blade, unlike just any sword, can channel and amplify the electric impulses of a pharaoh by some twenty times, allowing a pharaoh to fire a blast of electric energy at an opponent from nearly, or more than, a hundred feet away. Of course some lightning blades are even more powerful than that, it all depends on who made it and how. Each blade tends to be unique, some even being able to do more than just throw lightning. Some can fire concussion blasts or project sound waves, or any number of things they can fire or do. In fact, some pharaoh's have taken to calling any sword with a special ability a lightning blade, even if it doesn't specifically fire lighting.

Most of the time a lighting blade is customized to be powered by its owner, only working for that one person's unique electronic signature.

Wrist Devices:

Many pharaoh's wear bracelets that are more than just fashion accessories. A pharaoh wrist device can often be anything from as mall yet powerful computer to a teleportation device. During the war with Jenaid, one strategy that eventually spread was each Triad soldier building a unique wrist device, each capable of something different. Healing, projecting lightning, firing concussion blasts, teleporting, opening portals, communication devices, holographic projectors, you name it, there probably is a bracelet for it. Most of these bracelets tend to work only for their owners, just like a lightning blade.

Concussion Rod:

Also known as earth shakers, these large metal rods are wielded like staffs in close combat. However at range most have incredible abilities. Some can create tremors in the ground while others can channel wind or sound. Some can light entire battlefields aflame by just being planted on the ground. These weapons are powered the same way as lightning blades and generally only work for their owners as well.

Swarmer ships:

When pharaoh's invade, they often launch hundreds of ships, most of them small, but also unique. These ships have been nick named "swarmers". Unlike many pharaoh weapons, these can generally be piloted by anyone. There are speedy unarmed scout ships, fast machine gunners, light bombers, high flying stealth ships and many others.

Mother ships:

Hundreds or even thousands of swarmers are often transported on or in onemother ship. These ships often have heavy cannons or missiles on them, like air based battle ships.

Pirate ships:

In the modern day, Triad is at war with a rebel group of pirates. These pirates fly ships that often look like old pirate ships. They each have a unique arrangement of weapons and often hundreds of black swarmer ships. (The swarmers are painted with a black color that blends them in perfectly with the void of space.

Space Combat

Pharaoh space combat is based on projectile weapons and hit and run tactics. Pharaohs can fire missiles at- well the max recorded is mach 100.  A person may be tempted to think this a useless speed in outer space, where objects are light years apart, however combat itself often takes place much closer than this. Mach 100 is well enough for a small projectile to even destroy a moon. As well, to even have one second of response time a ship MUST be twenty miles away.

Pharaoh militias race to develop smaller and smaller projectiles and faster methods of getting them to speed. At 100 times the speed of sound, even a projectile the size of a dime can cause untold devastation.

They have ships capable of traveling into Q-ton space, a kind of fourth dimensions of space, allowing them to move between destinations faster than light- as the distance itself is abbreviated. Truly understanding Q-ton space is gained by understanding the true nature of dark matter- which isn't matter at all. It's an optical illusion. Looking out over space, three dimensional creatures are not perceiving things as they actually are. In reality, we see in the fourth dimension. Even pharaoh minds cannot truly perceive the fourth dimension of space, however they have found how to travel through it using travel lanes.

Pharaohs in the Modern Day:


The government of Triad is very small, almost considered a non-entity. There is a President and a Senate voted in, but it has very little actual power... well, that's compared to earth governments. The President is the commander and chief of the armed forces and the Senate can pass laws. The senate also sets global currency standards. The pharaoh police force is essentially the army of the Pharaohs. It exist mostly to keep the peace and protect civilian lives as very few outside threats to the home world actually exist.

However every citizen has an unabridged right to bear arms, including weapons of war. Many Pharaoh citizens have their own private armies and on the surface of Triad and there are many conflicts occurring. The President and Senate try to mediate these conflicts but the Pharaoh police can only interfere when non-combatants become involved. It is not unheard of for a private army to rival the police force. That being said, most Pharaoh conflicts have a very low civilian casualty rate.

Pharaoh belief in individualism denotes a strong belief in independence. As a result, very few social programs, even education or health care based, have ever been created. That being said, the literacy rate on Triad among adults is around 99%. (Not saying much when all those physically in adulthood are over three hundred sixty years old.) Also medicine is distributed quite cheaply and freely, as while no government office exist to lower its price, supply is very abundant with constant innovation. There is also no patent office. All drugs are generic.

The pharaoh populace is composed of millions of independent groups, some families, some companies, some communities. These groups are called "community states". Generally each community state is self sufficient, growing their own food and having their own tech. Many conflicts have arisen over what resources must be shared, such as land and water.

Many attempts to create national patents or copyright offices have arisen. All have been rejected. Even books on Triad, are often published anonymously. Many community states have their own patent offices, but rarely do they bother to try to enforce patent rules on each other.

Pirate Wars

With mass distribution of arms and a weak police force, many Pirates exist on Triad. Pirates are marauding groups of people who live by attacking and looting other people's property. The police try to fight these groups, as do private armies, but all with varying success.

At current, there is a pirate fleet on Triad that has grown powerful enough to threaten the government itself, and is attempting to takeover the planet by force. Many battles have been fought with this foe, with heavy losses on both sides. The good new is, a people like the pharaohs are exceedingly difficult to conquer, meaning the pirates have a terrible time taking and securing land. However the bad news is... a people like the pharaohs are exceedingly difficult to conquer, the government of Triad also has a hard time winning any land back from the pirate fleet.

To keep the pirate fleet at bay, the government of Triad has taken to offering rewards to private armies and individuals who take it upon themselves to hunt down the fleet and invade any territory claimed by it.

Non-interference policy

The government of Triad does have one law that is very strictly enforced. Non-interference with human civilization. Pharaohs can do as they like on earth, however they cannot reveal what they are to humanity at large. This law is enforced with extreme prejudice.

Jenaid Legend

Rumor on Triad has it, that the Jenaid loyalists were not eventually wiped out in space. A great fear exist that an invading army like Jenaid could easily conquer the disorganized private armies of Triad. It is true they defeated Jenaid in the past, but a new invasion would be expecting what worked before.


Pharaoh's believe heavily in independence. Thus, there is no single internet on Triad. There are hundreds of networks, but no single one that unites them all.

Medicine is extremely advanced in some areas, tolerable in others (rarely if ever as bad as third world countries on earth).

The emphasis on independence on Triad is so great, not even their technology is very consistent. In some areas, whole cities fly, while in others, pharaohs live in towns modeled after America's old west. Some pharaohs even live in space. Some places have thick pollution, others, are clean.

Many pharaohs, when they come to earth, comment that the sky line is strange to them. They are use to seeing buildings and massive ships floating in the atmosphere at all times.

Troubles of Independance

There are many issues with the pharaoh emphasis on independence. One, Pharaoh's do not have their own religions. Even pharaoh atheism borrows heavily from atheism on earth. While Pharaoh science is far beyond earth science, there are very few agreed upon theories (of course, this may just be the natural evolution of scientific discovery).

The worst problem Pharaoh's have is war. Because Triad is one nation, most would eagerly call conflicts between community states simple disputes, but rarely should "disputes" result in untold destruction. Civilian casualties are kept low, but as all pharaoh's can and often do fight, there are few civilians to begin with. Disputes between community states are rumored to be responsible for just as many losses as the wars of earth, as if there were no difference between the many nations of earth and the one of Triad.

On earth

There isn't much to explain about pharaoh's on earth that hasn't already been said. They are generally isolationists and keep to themselves.

Of those that do not choose this, there are two major groups. The Israeli Faction and the Trickster Gods. Both are becoming civilizations unto themselves and both are extremely advanced. It would take far too long to explain either here.

How to Spot a Pharaoh:

Spotting a pharaoh is not easy. They have been alive for hundreds of years and often operate with technology far beyond that of normal humans. A cocky attitude is a good giveaway, a boy who seems way more intelligent than he should be, a person who has lived in several communities, never staying in one spot for more than a few years, all of these could be clues.

The trouble is, there are so few consistencies. Some pharaohs are actually quite humble and most try not to consort too much with humans outside the societies anyway. Most don't even register their previous addresses, so good luck knowing if they stayed in one spot or several locations. Hiding from humans is hard, for humans, but for pharaohs it's like hiding from babies.

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