4) Here comes Glitter Spring


Before I write the chapter, here is the Nicknames for all the Glitter Force!:

Sapphire: Saph or Saps

Jazzy: Jay/J, or Jazz

Y/n: n/n (nickname)

Chloe: Cleo or Clo (pronounced: Clow, I made both up)

Kelsey: Kels or Kelly (Kelly is made up)

Emily: Ems or Emi (Emi is made up)

Lily: Lil or Li (pronounced: Lee, and I made them up)

April: Apes/Aps (I made it up)

Candy: Candy (no nickname)




I am finally better now and ready for school. "Y/n!!!! Do you have any beanies? I dint know where my one is!" I shouted from across the house. "Jazzy, it's in the living room! Where you left it!" Sapphire  replied. I huffed and lazily walked all the way to the living room and found my white Cat Beanie on the couch.

"Why did I put it here?" I ask myself. The closest door by me was the kitchen and out came Saps with a tired facial expression. "You put it there because you're too lazy to do any work." Sapphire said as I puffed up my cheeks in annoyance. "So not true!" I say, loudly, pointing to the tired girl. "Girls, what are you doing? What is all this shouting?" Y/n asked, walking out from the corridor ready for the school day that is to come.

"Sapphire said I am too lazy!" I say, still pointing to Saph. Y/n sighed. "Oh just shush you two. And Saph, you need to get ready for school. This time Sapphire sighed and walked out of the Kitchen door and went to her room.

(she went through the Corridor and before that, y/n went fully in the Living room)

"What would you like to eat? My treat!" I said to y/n. "You really don't have to Jazz, you are new here." She said. "I am only 3 days new! And anyway, I won't let you choose if I will or not, because I am!" I say, getting y/n's hand and dragging her to the kitchen.


Me and Jazzy went to the kitchen and surprisingly, Jazzy was doing pretty fine making toast. And I said pretty. I don't know how to describe the experience I just saw but you don't wanna know. "All done!" Jazzy said, pulling out a plate of FULLY burnt toast. I could smell the ashes of the burned bits, scattered around the toast.

"Eat it!". I looked at Jazzy then back at the toast, then back to jazzy. "I- oh- um.. sure?" I said I'm a kind way. I hesitated but took a piece of toast and slowly took a bite. Unexpectedly, it was quite yummy! I took more bites and the more and more that I ate, I just started to like burnt toast more!

(Irl, I do absolutely LOVE burnt toast)

"I love how your just eating that all up! I guess I did a pretty good job!" Jazz says as she put her hand on her hips. "Hey, are we going to be late or not?!" Sapphire shouted as she grabbed us (Jazzy and y/n) and ran off to school. We had our bags on already so that was a relief.

We made it to school, just in time for class.


(In the Shadow Realm)

??? POV

I was walking through the dark, rocky halls and heard Brute speaking to himself, again.

"I always like to soak my shorts in stinky swamp water before a fight!" Brute said. I walked passed his cave and stopped, I flew up with my wings and sneaked all the way on top of the roof, opposite of where Brute is. Brute took his shorts off his drying rack, or whatever he even calls the thing.

"There! Stinky and stiff! And snug too!" He said as he put on the shorts. He then screamed. I cover the bats ears that were in the cave. "Nothing like too-tight shorts to pit you in a bad mood!" He shouted. I then roared to scare him. I made an earthquake from a single roar. He fell to the ground.

"What was that?!" He shouted. He stood back up, looking side to side. I laughed. "What's wrong? Mallet hit your leg?" I ask as I flew down to his level, still in the air. "What do you want you power hungry dragon?" He asked as I giggled.

"Thank you for the compliment Brute but that would be too kind so I guess.. imagine I never said that! I am a slithery beast, I am a hybrid so I can do many things and so I bid goodbye. Have fun losing to the Glitter Force! Soon it will be my turn but I rather let the losers lose and so I can be the final boss. Toodles!" I said, I then flew off, waving to him. I could tell he was angry but not about the 'too-tight shorts'.


(Time skip: Afternoon/lunch: School/outside)


The six girls and if you don't know, let me list them. Emily, Kelsey, Lily, y/n, Sapphire, and Jazzy. The six girls were sitting outside, having their lunch.

"Wow, Lily! Your lunch looks just like Candy!" Emily complemented as everyone looked at Lily's lunch as it did in fact looked like Candy. "Before I had my bunny-head makeover!" Candy replied as she has her yellow hair? Ears? In a position that looked like it was Bunny Ears.

(By the way! Candy is pretending to be a plush, poking out the bag so Sapphire, Jazzy, and y/n don't get suspicious)

Lily giggled and said; "I call it my: pixie platter!". At the other side, y/n was writing on her notebook, writing lyrics for a music project that was coming up. Lily and Emily were still talking until a voice was heard.

"Hey, y/n? What you doin'?" Kelsey asked. Everyone looked up at y/n who was sitting on the rails of the gazebo. "What?" Y/n asked, pulling out an earplug. "What you writing?" Sapphire asked. "Oh, there is a music competition and I am trying to get top marks! It's against all schools close to this one and I have to win this!" Y/n replied as she put one of her hands into a fist. She continued writing.

"Okay.....? Anyways, that pixie platter sure beats my tuna sandwich!" Kelsey said as she ate a bit of Lily's pixie platter. "Hey, watch it! That's me you just hit into!" Candy shouted. Sapphire and Jazzy looked down to see Candy speaking. "Huh?" They said. The three Glitter Warriors panicked as they started to hide Candy.

"A-anyway! You like it?" Lily asked Kelsey as Kelsey had stars in her eyes. "Absolutely Li!" Kelsey commented. "Can I try it?" Emily asked. "Me too!" Jazzy shouted. "Uh, sure! You both can try." Lily agreed.

Two girls came forward to the group, interrupting Emily. "Hey, new girl!" (Let's call them Jenny and Karen 💅) Karen said, making Emily jump up in fright. "You and your friends need to move." continued Karen. "Yeah, you're sitting in our lunch spot." Jenny says.

"We are?" Emily asked. "I get it, you're new. So maybe you didn't know." Karen replied. "What are you talking about, your lunch spot? Since when?" Kelsey questioned, loudly. "Since always?" Jenny remarked. "Really? Like, since, prehistoric times?" Kelsey asked, sarcastically.

"Listen we're older than you guys so—" Karen got cut off by Kelsey saying; "what difference does that make? Anybody can sit anywhere!" Kelsey replied. "We're not gonna argue about it. Just move, okay?" Karen asked. Some footsteps where heard from behind Sapphire.

(Btw here is the positions!: Emily and Lily are sitting at the left, top corner. Kelsey was sitting beside Lily at the top exit. Sapphire was sitting opposite Kelsey. Jazzy was sitting across from Emily. Y/n was sitting beside Jazzy but on the railing)

"What's going on?" The person that was approaching was seen to be April. "Nothing, April. Just stay out of it." Jenny said. "Why don't you just leave them alone? They were here first, and you don't own this spot. Find somewhere else to sit." April said in a serious tone.

"But everyone knows this is our spot." Jenny replied as she was uncertain about what April will say next. "You can't just reserve this place. This is a school yard, okay? That means anyone can use it whenever they want!" April said in the same serious tone.

"You tell 'em April!" Kelsey said, cheering April on. "Just how I saw her in my dream! She's perfect for the Glitter Force!" Emily though to herself. "Listen you—!" Kare: got cut off by Jared, Student body president, and started to speak; "Actually, April is right.".

The two girls (Jenny and Karen) were fan girls (not sure but I could tell) of Jared. "Oh! Jared!" The two girls said in union. "As Student Body President, I should know! Come on, girls, there's plenty of room for all. Right?" Jared asked as he walked right over to behind the two older girls (Jared is older than Jenny and Karen!).

"Of course there is." Jenny said, acting nice in front of Jared. Karen too. "Yeah, we were wrong." Karen replied. "Have a good lunch, okay?" Jenny said. Emily waved her hands in embarrassment. "Yeah of course! You too!" Emily said. "Take care, girls!" Jared said, leaving.

The two older girls started to be fan girls again. "Wait! Where are you eating lunch, Jared?" Karen asked as the two girls started to follow Jared. "I never eat lunch. Too busy!" Jared said.

In the distance. Chloe was looking at the girls who were in her class (Glitter Force and the three family members). Chloe smiled to herself. Back to the group. "Wow. April! You were great!" Emily complimented. "Way to stand up to those guys!" Kelsey said, patting Aprils back.

"Thanks Apes. They were actually willing to stand up to us!" Jazzy said. "No problem! Looks like you guys kinda needed a hand. Anyways, I gotta jet to practice, see you later!" April said, waving goodbye. "Bye!!!" Jazzy shouted, also waving goodbye.

"Wow." Emily said with starts in her eyes. Everyone there was confused. "Glitter-Tastic!" She continued. "What was that?" Sapphire asked. The three Glityer Force warriors panicked (again) and made an excuse.

"I said!; it was fantastic how well April told the two girls to leave! She was like a boss!" Emily shouted out in panic. "I guess you're right, now should we go see Aprils match after school?" Y/n asked. Everyone nodded and so we now skip to after school!


(Time skip/afternoon: School/Football-pitch: after school)


I was outside at my football practice, after-school. I tackled everyone who blocked my path during my match. I am the star player so I did my best! I hit the football and I now scored the ending match and we won! The whistle has now been blown and it was end of the match.

I could hear most of the crowd scream of happiness like most times. "That's it! See you Monday, girls!" The couch shouted as he started to pack up the footballs back into his bag. I wiped sweat off my forehead and started to walk away with the rest of the girl footballers.

When the rest of my team left, a bunch of fans came running up to me asking if I wanted water or a towel. "Thanks guys!" I thanked them. The treatment went on for 6 minutes but eventually I said I needed to go back home and so they left me. Finally, I ran back home.


(Time skip/Saturday. Aka next day/mid-day: Emily's bedroom)


I flopped back onto my bed, in my pj's (pyjamas/pj's/sleeping clothes) as groaned. I started to go side-to-side saying; "I missed my chance!". I then went to my desk where Candy was at and continued; "And we don't have school tomorrow!"

I then went and sat up on the top of my ladder to my upper bedroom. "I never though I'd be sad it's the weekend!" I said as I went down to sit beside my bed. "But what if there's a Glitter Force emergency before then?" I say as I played with candy's hair/ears and then dug my face into them.

"Why wait?" I asked myself as my mood changed to a happier one. I then got dressed into my regular clothes:

And ran outside. "It's a beautiful day! So I'll just go to her house and then I can tell her everything!" I said as I pointed to the skies and swinging my tiny, pastel blue bag with candy in it.

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨

I ran and ran but couldn't find her house anywhere! When I wasn't looking for where i was going, I bumped into someone. I fell backwards but my hand got grabbed before I could land. I opened my closed eyes to see it was y/n!

Y/N's clothes:

Head band^


Purple shorts/Jean shorts^


"O-oh, hey, y/n. Sorry about that!" I apologised, as I dusted off invisible dirt off my jacket. "It's fine, what are you doing?" Y/n asked. "I'm actually looking for Aprils house! Kelsey said she lived near here, so I am trying to look for her." I replied. "Why you looking for her anyways?" Y/n asked again. I suddenly panicked. "I can't tell y/n about the Glitter Force yet! She'll freak out!" I thought to myself.

"No pressure. Do you want me to help you? I don't have anything to do." Y/n offered. I smiled brightly. "Yes please!".

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨

Both of us were panting. We couldn't find April's house anywhere! Soon we came to a stop to catch our breaths. "How long were we out for?" Y/n questioned. "Probably at least an hour." I say, sighing.

"But it's official. We're lost." I said to y/n. "True." She replied. There was silence. Mumbling came from my tiny bag. It was candy! "Candy shush!" I whispered. The mumbling sound stopped, i then gave a sigh of relief. "Kelsey told me she lives somewhere in this neighbourhood!" I shouted as I started to panic.

"Sup April!" Y/n said, waving. "Hello?" April welcomed. I stopped panicking and turned around to see April! "Finally!!!!" I thought. "You're the new girl. Emily, right? and I know who you are, of course; Y/n" April said, saying our names. "You two live around here?" She asked. I started to form tears.

"We, we, found you!!!!" I shouted as I ran over to April and embraced her in a huge hug. "Okay?" She said. Y/n ran over. "Emily, not that huge of a hug."
Y/n said to me. "Sorry." I pouted.

"Anyway, what I mean; you found us, whatever. It's destiny!" I said with stars in my eyes, clenching both my hands together. "You all right?" April asked. I saw her look up to y/n and I think I saw
y/n shake her head to say; no.

(Y/n does not want to deal with that huge hug

Y/n: who knows, she might come for me next!

Me: sure 😒😏)

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨

I offered to take Aprils bags she was holding but the problem is they are SUPER HEAVY!!! I have no idea how April could carry them so easily!

"You know, you really don't have to carry those." April said to me. "Oh, I'm fine-" I got cut off by the wait on my hands were gone and I looked beside me to see y/n holding them. "No problem." She said. "Thanks.". "Thanks a lot you two. Anyway, here's where I live." April said, walking to a houses door.

"Oh! Listen, April! Now that I found you, there's something I need to tell you! And you!" I said, pointing to y/n at the last part. "Okay? What is it?" y/n asked me. I leaned over to tell them. "We'll, it's not something I can just spill off the bat, but-" I then got cut off by five/5 children interrupting me and they shouted; "April!!" At the same time.

They cheered as they ran over to us three. "Hi, everyone. Attention!" April said, at the last part, all the children lined up. (Children's names start to oldest to youngest!) "Emily, meet Calvin, Harriet, Hannah, Hugo, and Cody!" April said, introducing her siblings to me.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The video I put up skips over to Kids coming outside to:)

"Hi, how are ya!" They all shouted. "Wha! Uh, well, hi everybody!" I greeted. "Hello, young menaces." Y/n said. April giggled. "They can behave, most times though!" April says. "Anyway, guys. This is Emily and y/n. Their friends of mine from school!" April introduced me and y/n.

"It's nice to meet you!" The kids said. "Help me out with these bags, will you?" April asked as the children all said sure. "No, it's fine. I can handle it." Y/n said as the Children just ran back inside again. "It's feeding time G the zoo I guess." April replied as we were about to start heading inside. "Hey, guys! How would you like to join us for lunch?" April asked.

Y/N's tummy rumbled and so she agreed. "I'd love that!" I commented. We all went inside, y/n gave April the bags and now we are waiting for April to finish making lunch. "Do you do this everyday? I mean that's a log of brothers and sisters to have to make lunch for." I said to April. "Oh it's not all the time. It's just that my parents are at a convention today." April answered.


Hugo (One of the children) went up and held Emily's skirt and asked; "wanna play a game Emily?". Then Hannah grabbed Emily's sleeve, "Come and play!" She said. "I know what to play! Let's play tag! Tag! Tag!" Calvin said, pushing Emily over to the rest of the kids. "Have fun Em's!" Y/n told her. Emily looked back and have a thumbs up. "I will! Don't worry!"

"So, do you need any help?" Y/n asked April. "Nah, you can go play with them if you'd like." April said. "Why not? Hey Em'a imma comin'!" Y/n shouted, jogging off to where Emily was dragged.

April giggled. She yet looked back at the stove where Lunch was getting made. "What a weird duo. Reminds me of Kelsey." I though to myself.


I walked over to where Emily last went and saw that the kids were saying not it. "Not it? I guess?" I said after all the kids except Emily did. "Y/n? Wait a minute... if none of you guys is it, I guess that means..." Emily scrabbled back as Calvin shouted "Get her!!"

We all said yeah and ran after Emily, I didn't want to be to fast for the kids so I jogged so it's not just me getting people. We went on the hallway and soon the room where me and Emily put our bags in. Cody went over to where Emily's bag is. "Whatcha find Hugo?" I asked, kneeling down. "A puppy!" He said.

I looked inside the bag and saw Emily's pet bunny or whatever it was. Cody took the thing out of the bag and started to play with it. "I- umm- Cody- I think you should put that away now, that isn't yours-" I told him but then Hugo came over and said; "what's that? A puppy?".

Cody smiled and tossed The bunny or puppy thing to Hugi and they started to play catch. "You know what? I'll just let them be toddlers." I said to myself as I started to stand up.

I walked away to go find everyone else. I saw Emily in the room next door where it openes up to the room I was just in. "Hey Emi(nickname)-" I got cut off by hearing a voice saying; "help me!!" I looked over to the entrance to the room I was just in and Emily freaked out.

"Oh hey Y/n- oh! Hey, Let me see! Throw it here!" Emily said. "I'll try and catch too!" I told them. At the corner of my eye, I saw Emily zoned out from what I said. No clue why though.

"Okay, but bet you can't catch it!" Hugo said loudly as he circled the bunny in the air then threw it at us. The thing flew right past us and landed out side the open door. "Emily, do you mind getting it? I'm gonna go see if April needs help in the Kitchen. I won't leave her until I get something to do so I can help." I told her as I started to walk away.

April POV

I was close to finishing the lunch but I couldn't find some of the food I needed. "I'm sure I got them at the shop?" I told myself. "Need help?" I heard. I turned my head around and saw that it was y/n. "Thanks! I appreciate it! Could you find the Cucumber in the shopping bag. I swore I got it from the shop." I asked her.

"Sure." Y/n said, going over to the shopping that was on the counter top and searching through it. "After, could you help me get the plates and cutlery (forks, knifes. ☮️barely any since children☮️ and some chop sticks) and put them on the table please.". "Okie, dokie".

After some minutes of me and y/n doing the food (and also y/n checking up on Emily and the kids), we have just finished making lunch and it's now time to eat! "Lunch's ready! Come over!" Y/n shouted. Just then, everyone came over. I looked over at Emily and giggled.

"Nice fashion since Emily." I said. Emily looked up at her messed up hair and quickly (tried) fixed it. "Now sit down and eat. Or I will eat it!" Y/n said, making 'nom nom mom' noises. The kids 'eek!'ed and ran over to the seats and started to eat.

"You know that trick?" I asked her. "Yeah! When I was younger and visited my cousins, whenever they didn't eat I would just keep doing that trick and it still works now! Except on Saph." Y/n mumbled at the end.

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨

No one's POV

The three teenage girls and the little kids, all went to a big football pitch (beside a big bridge that crosses over the river that leads to the rest of the city) so the kids could play some Football. the three girls were just sitting by the hill watching the little ones. "Thanks you two. It was super nice of yous to help me prepare lunch for the kids and clean up." April thanked. "No biggie, April." Emily told her. "Its the least we could do after the amazing lunch you made!" I replied. "M-hmm! And seriously, you're so good with those kids, April." Emily said.

"Yeah, It's super impressive. I still have trouble with my cousins." Y/n giggled. April giggled too and said: "Oh, well, I am the big sister! I mean someone's gotta do it, right? And besides! I really love spending time with my brothers and sisters." April leaned forward, leaning on her crossed arms (the arms are on the legs). "After all, we are family and that's what being a family's all about!".

Y/n looked over at April and smiled (while closing her eyes), whilst Emily had her eyes glistening and was lost in thought. "Yeah, that's it! That's what the Glitter Force is like!" Emily thought, slightly whispering it. Emily quickly stood up and raised her fist up into the ocean blue sky. She giggled, "We're a Family!". "What?" "What you talking about now?" April and Y/n asked (in the same order).

"April! Y/n! How would you guys like to be apart of another family?" Emily asked them both. "This is probably about her Glitter Group isn't it?" Y/n whispered to herself.

Kelsey POV

"Yo, Emily!" I shouted over as me and Lily walked/jogged over to the three. "Are we too late? Did you tell them already?" I asked. stopping where they were. "Tell us what?" April asked. "How did they get Emily's bunny doll? strange." Y/n thought to herself. "I was just about to." Emily said in a sweet tone of voice. "What is this about again? you never actually explained?" Y/n asked Emily. "You haven't even got to that stage of the thing?" I asked, hands on my hips. "I was just about to! anyways, we were wondering if you guys would like to be a part of our family too. Y/n and April, what do ya say?" Emily asked. April was confused while Y/n just had a face that spoke; 'Again?'.

"Again?" Y/n asked. I giggled in my head. what I thought actually came true! "Uh, wow thanks! I-" April got cut off by a little boy said that to us: "Hey, you said you'd play with us!" I looked over at the children that were there and the boy continued; "Come on, catch!". Their football went straight towards me and I caught it. I raised it in the air. "Get her!" the kids said. two of them ran to me and tackled me to the ground.

No one's POV

After Kelsey got healed up, the kids challenged us to a game of football. Lily and Kelsey found out that they and April are siblings so April went to the kids team. "How come they get the best soccer/football player in school on their team! no fair" Kelsey pouted to herself. "Okay, it's all of us against those Four! Let's show 'em!" The boy who tackled Kelsey said as at the end of his sentence, all of his team cheered. "Yeah!".

On the other Team was Y/n, Kelsey, Lily, and Emily. They were holding hands. "Okay! Let's give these guys a lesson in teamwork, girls!" Kelsey said to her teammates/friends. They all lifted their holding hands in the air and cheered: "yeah!".

Up in the sky was brute watching them. "Hmm. Sorry, kiddies. Playtime's over! Fact is, this games been called on account of darkness!" Brute had the book out and squeezed the ink out of the tube of ink. "And you're never gonna get the chance to replay it!" He then spreader the ink onto the book and the sky turned into a dark sunset with dark reddish brown clouds.

The three glitter force girls looked up at the sky. "Not again..!" Lily said in a worried tone. Emily gasped. "He's stealing their happy ending!". Y/n limped down but Kelsey helped her to stand up. "Y/N's been affected to!" Kelsey told the other girls. "I forgot that she isn't a glitter force warrior yet, so their under the spell" Emily said.

Brute started to giggle. "Yeah, Gimme all that negative energy! Help me turn the wheel of doom and revive my master, Nogo! Emperor of evil!" The wheel of doom went over to the number 4.

Emily POV

"April!" I said; worried for my other friend. When me, Lily and Kelsey started to jog over, brute appeared right in front of us so we all stopped in our tracks. "Game over!" He shouted. "This guy ruins everything!" I said to no one in particular. "Oh, well. We didn't have anyone to play goalie anyway!" Kelsey joked. "If y/n was still conscious she would probably say "not the time for jokes". Dang, I kind of miss that to be honest." Kelsey said to herself.

"You!" He said, looking over at us four, three? I don't know if I should count Y/n. Candy started to run. "You know what to do! Transform into the glitter force, hurry!" Candy shouted over to them. "Okay, I'll just leave Y/n over at the others.. ready!" Kelsey said, putting Y/n over to where April and the others were and coming back again.

"Man, he's just as scary as I remember!" Lily said to herself. "Don't worry!" I said, Lily looked over to me. "After all, we've got each other, right!" I continued. "Yeah!" Kelsey agreed. "It's glitter time!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Every time I hear that sappy, happy talk, makes me wanna smash something!" Brute said, curling his fist. "I mean come on, "puppies and kittens, the power of love"? It's enough to make a troll barf!" Brute shouted. "Woah, you really got to him!" Sunny said to peace. "Who doesn't like puppies and kittens? I do!" Peace said in her usual happy tone of hers, she also raised her hand.

"Yeah, me too!" I said, putting my hands together. Candy agreed with us by saying: "yeah, they're super cute! Who cares what that brute says?". Kelsey started to speak in a panicked tone. "Speaking of the big brute!" Yeh reason for her panic was because of brute summoning a football goal buffoon.

The buffoon ran and jumped into the sky. "A Buffon made out of a goal net? That's new!" Peace said.  The top of the pole opened and revealed to be a gun opening, obviously it's not an actual gun with bullets, it was a net gun. The top started to shoot out footballs.

It wasn't aiming at the trip, but it went to Y/n, April, and the kids! "Y/n, April, and the kids! No!" I shouted, running in front of the group. I used my sparkle storm to blast the footballs away and it worked. The buffoon flew down above me and got me in its net, I was stuck!

"She's caught in its net!" Peace shouted. "Lucky!" Sunny added. Sunny jumped up to kick the Buffoon but it turned so that Sunny could kick me instead. Sunny slowed down. "Uhh, hi?" She said but got flung back from the buffoon. Peace got thrown down by Sunny landing on her. Brute was standing at the bride. He laughed. "That's the ball game!" He said.

The buffoon and me landed behind brute. "Peace, sunny! You alright?!" I shouted/asked them. "They sure won't be alright once I smash them into glitter glue!" Brute answered me. Peace gasped while Sunny just denied what brute said. "You may be a lot bigger than we are! And a lot stronger and scarier..." peace gasped again. "But we have something you don't have, each other! We're the Glitter Force Family!" Sunny shouted out.

"Yeah!" Peace agreed. "Couldn't have said it better myself." I said.

April POV

I was in a despair slumber of some sort until I heard the word: Family... family..? Family! I woke up from the diapair and looked to my side. I saw Y/n cuddling her knees saying bad thoughts about herself. "Y/n?! You okay?! What's that purple aura around you?!" I asked her, crawling over to hug her.

She didn't say anything which worried me. I then heard Emily's voice saying "April! You're awake!" I turned around and saw that it wasn't Emily but she was different and two other girls who looked like Kelsey and Lily were there too! It looked like the pink one was stuck.

"Huh?", I now knew from that voice that it was Emily. "Emily? What's going on?" I asked, in a bit of a panic. "Oh! Well this is kinda what I wanted to tell you about before. See, we're the Glitter Force." She spilled. The orange one who I would say is probably Kelsey, put their hand out to where Emily is. "And we just happen to have an opening with your name on it!" Lily agreed.

"Kelsey? Lily? I'm confused." I said, in more of a panic. I then heard a big bang from at the bridge and saw a red troll! ",'Family' huh?" It said. "What a joke! Families are nothing but a pain in the neck. I don't even speak to mine! Except my uncle, but he owes me money." He continued. I started to get annoyed by his trash talk about family.

"Uh, anyway, your little family reunion is over! Go on Buffoon, do your thing!" He shouted. I then realised that behind him, there was a football goal based monster that held Emily captive. The 'Buffoon' jumped in the air and shot out footballs out the top of his pole. It damaged Kelsey and Lily. "Oh no! You all right?!" I shouted out to them.

The Buffoon then glided down towards me, Y/n and my siblings but me and Y/n were a bit farther far away than the other children so it might hit them instead. "Watch out! Watch out! NO!!!!" Emily screamed as the Buffoon got closer. Then Kelsey and Lily also shouted and came running towards us.

I started to gasp. I looked beside me and it was my football! I crouched back up and kicked it to the gliding Buffoon and hit its face. Everyone was surprise at what I did. It landed while I was running to my family and Y/n. Once I reached them I went in front and put my arms out to show I was trying to protect them. "Get back!" I shouted.

"Be careful!" Emily shouted out to me. "You just made a big mistake, bozo!" I said. I think the troll was either being dumb or sarcastic when he said: "I did?". "No one touches my brothers and sisters! Including my Friends! Not while I'm around!" I shouted to the Buffoon.

"We'll see about that. Go on, finish her off, Buffoon!". "I don't know who or what you are, but if you think you can come here, and push all of them around and mess with my Family and Friends?!" The Buffoon then was about to attack me. "You'll have to go through me!" I continued. Suddenly, I got shot by a Green bolt of light from the sky. And because of that bolt, Emily got freed!

(Skipping the part of the talk and straight to transformation)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I then looked at my outfit and hair. "Huh! What the heck? What happened to my clothes? What happened to my hair?!" I said as I played with my hair. "Welcome aboard! You're one of the Glitter Force now! You're Glitter Spring!" Emily said, saying my new, I guess, hero name? "A force as strong as life itself" candy said, jumping up and down.

"Great catch-phrase!" Lily complimented. "Yeah, it sure beast some I can think of!" Kelsey said to Lily, who started to pout because she knew what Kelsey meant. "Hm! I like puppies and kittens!" Lily argued back.

Brute started to speak, "so there's four of you now! I think-?" He questioned. "Well, so what?!" He shouted, the Buffoon flying up in front of him. Me and the girls looked up and saw the buffoon going to attack. I took this opportunity to do another attack, I skid one of my feet on the ground. "Let's see what this outfit can do!" I talked to myself.

"It's time to take you down!" I shouted, running towards the Buffoon, faster than ever! I ran past the girls and I was so fast they shielded their eyes! "Woah! I know I'm fast, but I was never this fast!" I shouted. I ran underneath the Buffoon and the gush of wind from my running blew the buffoon some metres away.

"Only problem is: how do I stop!" I panicked, halting but skid while trying. It wasn't working, I looked back and gasped as I was heading straight towards one of the bridges support beams. I crashed against it. I walked out from the dust and to mine and probably everyone else's, I was completely fine! I looked around my body, "Check it out, I'm not even dirty.

I stopped walking and then the Buffoon released the same footballs gun attack. I ran back to the support beam again and shouted: "Tome for a new play!". I ran up the wall and jumped into the air. The buffoon stopped doing his football attack and looked over at me. I kicked the buffoon and his body crashed down to the ground with a big thud!

"Oh, wow! Was that me?!" I asked, surprised. Luck and Sunny agreed as Candy told me to use my Sparkle Shot(?) To finish him off. "My what?" I ask, as I landed next to the girls and candy with no noise. "Focus all your Glitter Spirit on the Glitter Pact!" Candy instructed. "Oh. You mean this thing?" I asked, looking down at it. "Yeah!".

"Focus my spirit, huh?" I asked, Candy agreed. Just then, while I was holding the Pact, green sparkles came out of it. I suddenly let go but it still kept on going. "AHH! It's glowing! Is this normal?!" I freaked out. "No don't stop now! Keep pouring your Spirit into it!". I realised what I'm now supposed to do and agreed. I started to shout 'Spirit!' Three times in a row.

In the background, all I could hear is Brute blabbering stuff but I just ignored it. But what I did know is that he commanded the Buffoon to attack me which wasn't good. But they were too late because my attack was ready!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Wow, it was even from the right episode and I never even noticed-)

The buffoon got shot and cried out, his nose was the only thing left but it soon turned into a tiny thing. I could hear the girls cheering for me from afar. I then felt more exhausted than ever before. "Oh, man! I'm gonna have to work on my stamina if I do much more than this." I said, heavy breathing cutting me off.

"Little Brat made me fall down and go boom on my butt!" Brute cried out. Me, candy and the girls looked up at him, confused. "I hate going boom on my butt!" He shouted. Brute then disappeared into the sky and then something fell out of it. "Yay! You won another Glitter Charm for us!" Candy said. "You win prizes too? Cool!" I said, happily.

We transformed back and then heard a voice. "What prizes?" We heard. We all 'eep'ed and turned around to see Y/n rubbing her eyes. "Why do I feel like a bunch of wind messed up my hair?" She asked, trying to sort her hair from the wind that me and the Buffoon did from our attacks. "Uhh- maybe it was a bit too windy-?" Emily asked, telling a lie.

"Meh," Y/n said, stopped doing her hair.

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨

The kids played football while me and the girls said bye to Y/n. "See you guys at school on Monday!" Y/n said. We all waved. "Bye" Lily said.

✨𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻✨


"So the big question is.." Emily was talking to April but she cut her off. "Will I join your team?" She asked. "Yeah! April, we can't do it without—!" Emily again got cut off by April AGAIN. "Don't worry. As a matter of fact, you guys beat me to the punch!" April said to them, giving them a thumbs up.

The girls were confused. "I've wanted to hang out with you guys and Y/n for a long time. And I was just about to ask you if I could! So, yeah! from now on, I'm gonna think of the Glitter Force as my second family!" April put her hand out for the others to do a hand shake. "Wow!" Emily said out of no where. They did more than a hand shake, the all basically hugged!

"Yay! Just two more warriors and the Glitter Force is complete!" Candy cheered. "Incoming!" One of Aprils siblings shouted. The football then hit Emilys face and she fell back. "Emily!" They shouted. The ball rolled off her face as she then said she was fine. Aprils siblings started to run over.

Words: 6726


I'm sorry for the wait! This book is not discontinued, it's just hard with school work.

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