Chapter 30: Losing My Mind
It was the next day after what happened, Desmond was relaxing in Trish's apartment as He was watching some TV and secretly was messaging Mickie as well. He continued watching until Desmond noticed Trish hasn't came out of her room yet.
Crowe got up fixing his hair as He saw that the bedroom door was a bit open as Desmond opened it and saw Trish.
Desmond: Uhhhhh
He was surprised when he saw Trish wearing that as Stratus turned and looked at him.
Trish: Oh hi there Desmond haha. Don't mind me though, My parents gave me this.
Desmond: Okay, That was quite unexpected actually but it actually looks really nice on you.
Trish: Thank you Desmond, But I'm gonna change now.
Crowe nodded and closed the the as Trish laughed a little, Desmond was sitting in the couch before Trish came out in her casual clothing and sat next to Desmond hugging his arm.
Trish: Comfy as always.
Desmond: I feel happier when I'm with you.
Trish: Hehhehe, Awww.
Desmond smiled and hugged her as Trish smiled at him as well until Desmond got a message as Trish was looking.
Trish: You got a message, It could be important.
Desmond: Ummm I'll check that. . .
Trish looked at him as Desmond was feeling nervous and didn't wanna take the phone. Crowe quickly opened his phone until he saw it was from Twitter as He was in relief as Trish looked away.
They both started talking to eachother before Trish had a phone call and smiled answering as Desmond was confused until she started talking.
Trish: Hello?. . Hey Mickie! How is it going?
Desmond stared at her as Trish was talking to Mickie as Crowe was looking at her and sighed.
About a couple mintues past, Trish continued talking to Mickie before hanging up the phone as Desmond continued watching TV then closed it as Trish looked at him.
Trish: Sorry, It was Mickie.
Desmond: Its okay, I hope things are going well for her.
Trish: Everything is well for her actually. . . . Anyways. I actually wanna go shopping right now, Desmond. Wanna join me?
Desmond: Actually Trish, I love that idea but I actually gotta do something else
Trish: Aww Your been busy for a while?
Desmond: Y-Yeah, Just been meeting my family and also doing some things. *Kisses her cheek* How about another time? I promise that we will.
Trish looked at him for a few seconds before having a smile.
Trish: Okay, No problem. If you say so. I'll go by myself then.
Desmond: Okay, Have fun and be safe.
She smiled and kissed his cheek before she got up as Desmond decided to go to Mickie's apartment, But he first needed Trish to leave.
After a while, Trish was outside the apartment as Desmond waved at her.
Desmond: Bye!
Trish: *Waves* Bye, Love you!!
Desmond: Love you too!
Trish smiled and was waiting for the Elevator as Desmond sightly closed the door waiting for her to get inside before she got inside.
Crowe immediately got out and closed the door and went to the other Elevator and waited for it.
It opened as Desmond got inside and clicked on the seventh floor as He was standing and waiting before she reached and immediately went to Mickie's apartment and opened it with his spare keys. Crowe closed the door as He saw Mickie watching TV before she noticed him and smiled while closing the TV.
Mickie: Welcome Back Love.
Desmond: Hey Mickie, Already missed you.
She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly as Mickie smiled and hugged him tighter before kissing him as He kissed back. She broke the kiss and smiled at him until Desmond lifted her and started spinning her around.
Mickie was caught off guard and started screaming as Desmond was laughing until Mickie was laughing a little as well.
Mickie: Oh goodness!!!
Desmond: Hahahaha! How you like that?
They both continued laughing until Both of them fell in the couch and started laughing before getting up.
Mickie: That was crazy.
Desmond: Of course it is, Anyways How are you?
Mickie: I'm fine. You?
Desmond: Definitely great as well. You look adoreble also.
Mickie: *Blushes* Awww Desmond, You made me blush.
Desmond: Hehe Couldn't deny though.
He chuckled as Mickie giggled and touched his hand.
But unknown to them, On their door. . .
Trish: What am I hearing right now!?
Stratus was shocked by this, Desmond secretly goes here, Mickie actually lives in the building and Both of them are dating behind Trish's back.
Stratus was holding her head as She fixed her outfit and looked and continued to hear them.
( So they're actually dating??? . . . Should have knew. . Okay, Let me do something. )
Trish opened her bag and had multiple Chocolates as She knew what to do. Stratus knocked on the door as Mickie and Desmond looked.
Desmond: April must have arrived.
Mickie: Maybe, Let me check.
Mickie got up as Desmond was looking around before he pulled out his phone. James opened the door. . . She saw Trish as Her eyes were widen as Stratus pretended to be shocked.
Trish: Wait, Mickie!?
Mickie: T-T-Trish!?
Trish: Wait! You actually live in this building???
Mickie: I-I didn't know you lived here.
Trish: I'm really shocked right now. I knocked on this door because I remember a Little girl likes me and she lives in this floor, I wanted to give her some chocolates But I think I knocked on the wrong door.
Mickie: O-O-Oh, I see. . . .
Trish looked at Mickie's face and noticed how she was acting as Trish pretended to be shocked and still happy.
Trish: Can I come in!? I really wanna see your apartment!
Mickie: Ummmmm of course! Come inside.
Trish smiled and got inside as Mickie immediately walked fast as She saw Desmond using his phone as Mickie grabbed his hand as Desmond looked at her.
Desmond: Woah, What happened!?
Mickie: Desmond, Go to the bathroom now.
She pulled him as She pushed him to the bathroom as James kept turning and looking as Desmond was confused.
Desmond: Wait, Mickie what's going-
Mickie: Shh, Please don't make any noise. I'll be back in sometime.
She immediately closed the door and locked it as Crowe was so confused.
Trish walked in and looked at Mickie as James gave a nervous and innocent smile as Trish smiled at her.
Trish: This is sooo good! I love this alot so far.
Mickie: Right! . . You should check upstairs, Its really good especially the bedroom.
Trish smiled and ran upstairs as Mickie was breathing and was feeling really worried as Desmond was still stuck in the bathroom as Trish was amazed by the bedroom and was looking at the view outside as Mickie smiled and laughed.
Mickie: I think you really love it.
Trish: Of course I do!
She looked at Mickie as James gave a big smile However Mickie noticed the stare Trish was giving before Trish smiled and walked away as Mickie was following her. Trish was looking around the house and was wondering where Desmond could be.
Mickie: What happened, Trish?
Trish: Oh nothing, Just looking around.
Trish went the other way as Mickie kept following her as she looked at the bathroom door as Mickie was feeling nervous.
Trish: Hmmm. . . . Hey Mickie, Mind if I could use the bathroom? I need to do something.
Mickie: Ummm, No actually. . . . I . . Need to clean it.
Trish: But it's only a second.
Mickie: No, Wait!!! Please don't go there. It's not clean and I'll call the maid to clean it.
Trish looked at her face until Stratus nodded.
Trish: Okay, Thats fine.
( Oh gosh, I'm so worried if she opens that. )
Trish: Anyways let's sit and talk a little.
Mickie: Sure, I'll get some tea. . .
Mickie immediately walked away and kept turning as Trish sat on the couch and stared at the bathroom door. Stratus slowly got up and walked towards the door as She put her ear close to it until she heard muttering.
Desmond: Man, Whats going on?. . . .
Trish looked at the door and fixed her hair.
( Got you )
Stratus immediately unlocked the door and opened it as Desmond turned and his eyes were widen in shock as He yelled
Desmond: T-Trish!?!?
Trish: What are you doing here, Desmond???
Mickie: Whats happening-
James gasped as Trish looked at her as Desmond was shaking as Mickie was stepping back.
Mickie: T-Trish. . . .
The three were sitting in silence and awkwardness as Trish was starring at both of them as Mickie was covering her mouth while Desmond was starring at the ground holding his chin as Trish was crossing her arms.
Trish: You seriously have to be joking me. .
Mickie and Desmond glanced at her and was feeling nervous as Mickie looked at Trish.
Mickie: . . . . . How did you find out?. . .
Trish: Ahem, Well. . . .
When Trish left to the Elevator, The Elevator was going down as Stratus was waiting until it stopped as Trish was feeling scared.
Trish: Oh gosh, No no no no.
She was afraid if she was stuck here until the Elevator was going up as Trish was confused, It suddenly stopped at the seventh floor as Trish was looking.
( Okay, That was strange. . . I guess there was some problems. )
She breathed in relief until She saw Desmond walking as Her eyes were widen.
( Wait, Desmond??? )
She saw him going to the apartment and opened the door as Trish was really confused.
( Wait, Why is he going there?. . What's going on? )
Trish immediately left the Elevator and went towards the door . . . And heard what was happening.
Trish was starting at the two as Mickie and Desmond looked at eachother and were silent as Trish stared at them.
Trish: . . How long has this been going?
Mickie: . . . . . . . .
Desmond: . . . . . . . .
They just gave silence as an answer as Stratus continued looked at them and fixed her hair before Desmond cleared his throat.
Desmond: Its. . . Been going for a while. . . A day after the engagement.
Trish: Seriously???
Desmond: Yes. . . Mickie revealed to me that she had feelings for me.
She looked at Mickie who was looking at the floor.
Mickie: I'm so sorry Trish but it's true. . . I did fall for Desmond as We were together. . . .
Desmond: And. . . .
Trish: And you fell in love with her too?
Crowe was silent as Trish immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him up as Mickie got scared and got up.
Desmond: Ow Hey-
Trish: Aww How could you hide this from me, Desmond? I thought you loved me?
She holded his tighter as Crowe noticed the tone of her voice, She was a bit upset but not what Desmond expected.
Mickie: Look, You blame this on me Trish-
Desmond: Noooo! I fell in love with you too as I gotta be blamed as well!
Trish: Hmmm??? Did you ever think about me?
Desmond: Of course I did. . . .
He gave an innocent smile trying to be calm and look to Trish as Mickie and Trish looked at him.
Trish: Mickie. . . . What about you?
Mickie: I did Trish, You were the first thing in my head. Your my best friend but I never meant this to happen. .
Trish: Riiiight and You two were getting lovey duvey.
She raised both of her eyebrows until Desmond grabbed Trish's other hand.
Desmond: Trish, Wait. . . Please don't break up with me.
Trish: Desmond I-
Desmond: Please Trish!!! I know this is really heartbreaking for you and your angry but. . . . I-I Love Both of you.
Trish: W-What???
Mickie looked at Trish as Stratus was starring at Desmond.
Desmond: I'm being really honest to you Trish, I know this is a mistake for lying to you and dating someone else but I seriously can't leave you. If I really loved Mickie only I would have breaked up with you. . I could have showed you less affection and love. But I didn't because I still loved you despite being with Mickie. . . .
Trish was silent as She looked at Desmond as Mickie looked at her.
Mickie: Umm He's got a point actually. He could have left you but he didn't. He even said it to me.
Trish: . . . . . . . . .
Desmond and Mickie were feeling scared especially Desmond as Trish looked at the ground before looking at them.
Trish: . . . . . . Desmond, who do you love? Me or Mickie?
Desmond: I already said it. . . I can't choose one, Both of you mean so much to me.
He looked at Mickie then at Trish as Stratus sighed and stared at them.
Trish: Argh. . . . Uh Okay, How are we gonna do this?
Mickie: As In?
Trish: . . . . You really would take care of me, Right?
Desmond: Yes. . .
Trish: . . You still love me?
Desmond: Yes. . .
Trish: Prove it then, That you will love and take care of me forever. . .
Desmond: I Really will, I can't live without you. Everyday I remember you only. I don't mean to break your heart.
Trish placed her hand on her chin as Mickie was standing and looking at both of them as Desmond asked her something.
Desmond: Trish, First of all do you still love and care about me?. . . .
Trish: . . . . I actually still do. . .
( Oh boy, Things are getting a bit intense. )
Mickie: You still love him and He still loves you. . .
Desmond: I seriously love both of you, Believe me. I'll be there for both of you. . .
Trish:. . . . . Okay, If you say so. . .
Desmond: Uhhhh, What?
Trish: You said you love me and Mickie and this is super awkward that my best friend loves my boyfriend. . . You better love and care about us. Because I'm not ready leaving you.
Mickie: So. . . . What are you trying to-
Trish: Means, I still love him and He can date both of us only if he treats us equally.
Desmond: Are you serious!?!?!?
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)
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