Chapter 17: Claire

The girl in this picture is Kelly.


"Hi Claire!" 

"Welcome to WGO!" 

"Go Claire!" 


"Love your dress!" Shouts of joy and encouragement echoed through the air as I walked out of the lobby with Ellie, the Cookie leader. 

"We'll just be walking along this path to the amphitheater in Codie headquarters. That's where we're going to have your Membership Day ceremony," she explained. 

" amphitheater? This is that big of a deal? And how exactly is it going to work?"

"You're a performer, you shouldn't be afraid," Ellie laughed. "But I do understand if you're nervous. The division they put you in is going to be your permanent division, so you have to hope for a good one. They'll explain the process as you go, but basically, the factors that go into your placement are your Glitching level, your personal preference, and your read in the Chair. I know you're confused right now, but they'll explain all of this later!"

"Ok then..." I trailed off, trying to absorb the new information. What was a Glitching level, and what was the Chair? 

Soon, we reached what must've been the Codie amphitheater. It was one of the biggest structures in WGO, only smaller than Amanda's tower, and it was completely filled with Glitches and non-Glitch helpers- regs- waiting to see if their division would go home with a new member.

There were no designated seating areas for the various divisions, but I could tell from the fact that they automatically formed into groups that there were major mental and social divides between them. 

The Codies sat like robots right in the middle of the amphitheater, all of their legs crossed at the exact same angle, the Cookies ended up in the back, courteously making way for everyone else to sit in front of them, Government had its own, special box above everyone else, and there were two other groups of people there too that I didn't recognize.

And that was when I noticed something off about one of the Codies, he wasn't sitting like the rest of them and his hair was messy and not slicked back. I squinted hard, and though I couldn't make out his face from so far away, I could tell who he was from his familiar and unique Code. 


So that was what he had been doing all this time! He gave me a polite little Codie wave when he saw me looking at him and I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see it. The guy sure knew how to assimilate.

A few minutes later, one of the Codies began to her way down the stairs and to the stage. She took her place at the podium bearing WGO's logo, waited for Amanda's nod, then clapped and called for silence. 

"Ladies and gentlemen of WGO, your hosts, the Codies, welcome you to Claire King's Membership Day!" She paused for the copious applause before continuing. 

"As you know, I'm Eva Song, leader of the Codie division. Before we begin Claire's ceremony, I would like to introduce our newest Codie, Claire's brother, Justin King! Justin, please stand," she smiled as my brother rose, the audience clapped, and he sat back down again.

I looked at her, so this was the Eva Song whom Tracy had warned me about. A Disney villain in real life? Well, she certainly looked the part! She was skinny as a stick with bony fingers, black hair, black clothes, and unnaturally pale skin. Worst of all was her taunting smile and her poise, arrogant as a queen.

"As always, we will commence with a test to determine Claire's Glitching level. Claire," she said turning to me. "Your Glitching level will be anywhere between one and five. Of course, all Glitches have the same power. Your level will decide your ability to override another Glitch's Coding, and also your eligibility for each of the divisions. For example, we Codies as well as Government only accept levels four and five, while the others will take anyone. We will now begin the first half of your test with Kelly Oliver, one of our Sloppies, and your brother, Justin!"

The audience applauded as a girl with purple hair dressed in torn, muddy clothes and Justin came down. Looking at where the girl came from, I saw a section of similarly dressed people who sat, almost invisible, in the corner. Those must be the Sloppies, I thought with revulsion. I certainly didn't want to end up there.

"For this test, Claire and Kelly will have to stand on either side of Justin," she explained and we took our positions. "Both of you will try to Code Justin to come toward you," she continued. 

"Since Kelly is a level two, if Justin walks toward Kelly, Claire is a level one. If Justin stays in the middle, Claire is a level two. If Justin walks toward Claire, Claire is a level three or higher. Ready, set, Code!" Eva said very unenthusiastically.

I reached out into Justin's Code and wrote a simple sequence to walk in my direction while watching Kelly do the same thing on the other side of me. The two of us set our sequences into action at exactly the same time, and to my delight, Justin immediately walked toward me! 

"Congratulations, Claire! We now know you are at least a level three. Will you be eligible for the higher divisions, or will you barely miss it? Let's find out! Kelly, you may leave. It is now time for the second half of the level test with Vince Cobbler and Justin King!"

Vince, the guy who had done the Code thing on my face earlier, ran enthusiastically down the stairs and onto the stage. "Alright, so we have similar rules here," Eva explained. 

"Since Vince is a level four, if Justin walks toward Vince, Claire is a level three. If Justin doesn't move, Claire is a level four. If Justin walks toward Claire, she is a whopping LEVEL FIVE! The same level as me, and our President, Amanda! Everyone in position," she said calmly though the tension in the air was through the roof. "Ready, set, Code!"

I wasn't as nervous for this as you would think, because I knew my level was already predetermined and there wasn't anything I could do to change it. 

This isn't a test, I tried to calm myself down when my hands grew too tremulous even to do this easy Code sequence. It's just a simple thing, I'll be okay no matter what happens. No matter what, my level can't be low now.

Vince gave me a thumbs up before we set our sequences into action. The amphitheater was silent with anticipation, even the wind seemed to stop blowing outside, but Justin didn't move. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead from the effort of pulling him toward me with everything I had in me, and I could see Vince starting to tire out as well. 

Finally, after a five minute standoff that felt like eternity, Eva raised her hand. "Everyone, in the name of WGO and President Amanda Myers, I officially declare Claire King a Glitch of level four!"

Whistles and cheers echoed through the crowd and both Vince and Justin beamed. 

"Claire, four's a really good level," Vince patted me on the back. "If everything keeps going right, you could easily be a Codie!" 

"Yeah," said Justin. "Four's pretty sweet. Amanda might even put you in Government!" 

"Oh, don't count on Amanda, she's a fickle creature," Vince said disapprovingly. "If you get Government, you get Government, and if you don't, well, you'll still get Codie or at least Cookie."

 I smiled politely and thanked them for their support, but when they left, I couldn't help but picture myself in a black dress, perched perfectly in the middle of the amphitheater. It made me sick.

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