Your Best Friend

Sans, Flowey, and Frisk are inside of the basement, as Sans is working on the machine. Clearly, what they had went into is very bad, because of the fact that Chara had managed to get the Determination from Frisk's soul, and now, thanks to that, Frisk cannot use her power over Reset and Save. But thankfully, neither can Chara. Sans, before he truly disappeared from Chara, was able to use his power to destroy the Save Point and destroy the True Reart button, while he went inside of the Save Screen, or rather, his mind went inside of it. His body is still back at the basement, but he was somehow able to get so much DT that he can now enter the Save Screen mentally, just like Chara can whenever he dies. So now, Sans was able to cripple the power that Chara has, limiting her to the original Reset, and the continued button, whenever he dies. So that is good, for now. However, Sans does know one thing. It can be repaired, but only if one condition is met, and that is, if Sans dies. Because of the fact that Sans is alive, and has concentrated high-amounts of DETERMINATION from the timeline that he killed everyone, he is able to influence Chara's powers to an extent. And as long as he is alive, Chara's powers will be crippled by the damage that he has caused. But it can only be reversed if he dies, which is why, Sans is going to need some more help. Sans than turned to Frisk, as he than spoke out.

"Feelin better?"

Frisk looked up at his soul, as he saw that it is still empty. However, he does not feel hurt anymore, as he than did a thumbs up, meaning that he is good. He than mouthed out to Sans at what he is doing, as Sans than answered Frisk's question.

"I'm tryna fix something here at the moment. Hey Flowey, could you pass me the wrench from over there?"

Flowey, however, looked annoyed, as he than spoke out to Sans in a rude tone.

"Do I look like your stupid assistant?"

Sans than spoke back.

"No. You look like a pile of dead leaves."

This made Flowey a bit angry, and he wanted to hit him, but he saw how powerful Sans is, and had not forgotten the fact that Sans had killed him back in a previous timeline, the one where Sans was forced to kill monsters. And Sans, he picked Flowey as his first victims, not simply for his LV, but to gain his power, and gaining it, he did. So even if Flowey wanted to attack Sans, he wound fail miserably. And before, this is not the right time to fight against Sans, as Chara is the threat here. Flowey rolled his eyes, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, sure, whatever..."

He than made a vine form the ground and grabbed a wrench, as he than threw it at Sans, who caught it without looking.

"Take your stupid wrench!"

Sans spoke back to him.

"Thank you."

He than was able to put in the finishing touches, as he than stepped back from the machine, his hood covering his eyes, as he than spoke out to the group.

"Alright, it's done. Let's hope it works this time..."

This made Flowey confused, as he than spoke out.

"Wait... "hope"? "This time"? How many times have you tried this before?"

Sans than pulled out a button, as he than spoke back to the rude and soulless flower.

"Just a couple of hundred times. But If that demon child managed to get back on their own. I'm pretty sure I can bring "him" back."

And the him, that Sans is talking about, is the one that Sans fought on his own, back in the previous reset, as he than turns back to the group, and spoke out.

"Uh... you should close your eyes a bit."

Taking the warning to heart, Frisk and Flowey turns around, as they both than covered their eyes, as to not look at what they are going to look at. Sans pressed the button, as the light shined from the machine, right at the large opening. Sans waited for about a half a minute, as he hopes that this works. And when it is finally over, when the light was gone, mist filled the room, and from the mist, came someone, someone that Sans is very familiar and very happy to see. He walked out of the machine, as the figure looked down at him.

It was none other than Gaster. Through the power of the glitched timeline, Sans was able to use that bug in order to bring Gaster back. Both Sans and Gaster looked at each other, as Sans spoke out.


Gaster smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Heya. Did you 'mist' me."

Sans smiled, his eyes glowing, but in happiness, as he than spoke out.

"Hehe... let's a-void the jokes for now...We got a huge problem at the moment. And your help will come in 'handy.'"

Flowey, seeming very annoyed, spoke out.

"Your jokes are disgusting..."

But Frisk, remembering his encounter with Gaster, stepped back a little bit, as he began to shake. Sans turned around, and it didn't take him lon to realize why. But he still spoke out.

"Something the matter, kiddo?"

Gaster, realizing that he is scaring Frisk, spoke out.

"Oh! D-don't worry little human. I have no intentions to harm you."

Sans nodded his head, as he than looked at Gaster, before speaking out.

"So... I need to ask you a favor. You know where the human souls are right? Please take us there."

Gaster nodded his head, as he opened his eyes, the right eye, red, but the left eye, this time, is purple, due to the fact that, since he turned back, having reconnected with his son's soul, which is now filled with high amounts of Determination, it increased his power to the point that, he has access to one of his old powers. Gaster than spoke out.

"Very well."

He than used his teleportation on himself, Sans, Flowey, and Frisk, as they all went back to the location of the 6 Souls, at the barrier. Sans raised his left hand, and summoned the 6 Souls out of the Containers, as they broke through the glass, and Sans smiled. But he does not plan to use it, as he than spoke out.


He than lends the souls to Flowey, who was stunned at this.


Flowey could not believe that Sans is doing this, as he than spoke out.

"Do me?"

Sans sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Honestly, no. I don't. But if we are going to have a chance against Chara, than you will be needing these. Besides, you are more familiar with this power than I am."

Flowey was stunned, but he than turned around and spoke out.

"I still hate you."

Than, as that happened, the sound of the ground shaking was heard, as Chara then heard it.

"So predictable =)."

He teleports to the location, as he sees that Flowey is in his Omega Form, Gaster raised his arms, unleashing his 7 hands, and Sans summoned some Tridents, as well as spears, fireballs, Friendliness Pellets, Gaster Blasters, and vines, with Phantom Papyrus next to him.

Chara seems to find this funny, as he than spoke out.

"Isn't this hilarious? If you think you got any chance to win... you're wrong. I have... a small surprise too."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He than raised his hands up, and revealing 7 other orbs, the exact same color as the 6 souls Sans had given to Flowey.

"Remember what these are? You never got to use all the DETERMINATION extracted in the past...I'm excited to see how long you'll survive."

He than raised his knife into the air, the spheres got absorbed into it, as Chara spoke.

"COME =)."

Chara then points his knife at the group, but Sans was not scared, as he than raised his hands up, and vines erupted from the ground, as he used his powers to block the buttons that Chara could use, in order to make this fight possible for the group.

"I'll keep the button blocked so that kid does not use it."

Omega Flowey smiled, as he than began to move with the metal pipes on his body, as Sans than spoke out.

"G, make sure to keep the kid safe."

G, agreeing to Sans, used his green hand to make sure that Frisk is safe. Of course, he is not doing this because he cares for Frisk, which will likely never happen. He is only doing this because they need to bring back the Determination for Frisk to have so that Chara does not control the timeline.

Omega Flowey attacks first, as he fired his Nukes at Chara, only for Chara to block it with a green shield, which stunned Flowey. Chara than fired a yellow laser at Flowey, who blocked it with his hand. But Sans than came rushing into the battle field, as he fired as many projectiles at he can, which Chara manage to mostly block, but some he had gotten hit.

Needless to say, Chara was not happy, as he than used a few purple slashes, as Sans than fired his Gaster Blaster in order to get rid of them. But the Gaster Blaster only succeeded in getting rid of 2 of them, and one remained. This leaves Sans with not enough time to get rid of the last one. So instead, he teleported out of the way, as the Gaster Blaster got hit. He than teleported behind Chara and fired purple bones at Chara, but Chara teleported and tried to slash down at Sans, only for Sans to quickly summon his trident, and countered the knife with a slash of his own. He than wrapped Chara around in vines, and restricted him, so that Gaster can fire a red hand at Chara, and this managed the hurt Chara, becasue Sans had been able to interrupt Chara's ability to teleport.

Gaster narrowed his eyes a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Wait here."

He than teleported outside, leaving Frisk on his one inside of the green dome, as he than appeared into the air, and turned all of the hand cyan, as he than fired cyan strings at Chara. Chara was able so slice through some of them, but still got wrapped around by them in the end. Flowey than summoned what appears to the projectiles shaped like ninja stars, and threw them at Chara, but was able to use the knife to summon a red wall, which blocked the ninja stars. She than sliced the strings away, but all of a sudden, Sans came out of complete nowhere and swung his trident at Chara, who barley was able to block it. But Sans smiled, as this smile even unnerved Chara. And in Chara's mind, while he doesn't think much of the other 2, due to the fact that, while they are powerful, they are not that much of a match for him, to him, Sans is by far the most dangerous threat, mainly because he is now immensely powerful, as well as immensely intelligent, while also the fact that he knows exactly what Chara can do.

He than kicked him out of the way, and summoned fireballs in the air, which detonated onto the ground, and used the smaller fireballs to attack Chara. But Chara summoned a green shield in order to defend against that, and rushed at Sans in order to attack him. He fired an orange slash, but Sans dodged it. Bieber, Chara than began to change the direction to Sans, and Sans does not have time to teleport. The solution, was that Sans summoned spears to counter the orange slash, and the counter was a success.

Than, Flowey opened a Venus Flytrap on his arm, and flies began to hit and attack Chara, as he than summoned vines to attack. But Chara only got hit by one of the vines, and teleported out of the way. He than made a long dark blade, and swung it at Flowey, who dodged it.

But than, Chara did something that the group would not expect. Chara than used the cyan magic of the Patience Soul and summoned a cyan rope, completely around Flowey's left arm. And before everyone knows of it, Chara suddenly yanked the cyan rope, as he rips Flowey's arm clean off.

Everyone was stunned at this, as Flowey felt unimaginable pain. And Chara, he has no remorse for what he had done. However, as Chara than raised his knife, and coating it in a dark blue aura, and made the large blade again, while also in the air, Sans than appeared behind Chara, and wrapped the Purple Webs around the left arm holding the knife, and before Chara could react, Sans yanked at it with all of his might, ripping Chara's arm off, and this actually got a reaction from Chara, as he held his left arm on immense pain. He than grabbed onto the True Knife, and turned it purple, as he gripped his Trident so that he can do 3 slashes himself, and he does 3 slashes with the purple mode of the knife. And than, he swung them both at the same time, creating a wall of purple slashes, and firing it at Chara. Chara was too late to react, as he got hit, causing massive damage to him. He than fell down to the ground, but then, a black mass exits the left arm, and wrapped around the True Knife, as he yanked it out of Sans' hand, before regaining access to it once more. Gaster than realized that he cannot continue to drain his magic, as he than needs to deactivate the green dome around Frisk.

Gaster than summoned all 7 of his hands, and fired them all at once, with enough force to annihilate him. Chara tried to defend against the attack, but Sans than used his blue magic to force Chara forward, who than teleported. He is than teleported into the air, as purple bones are able to pierce the ground, and is ready to piece Chara. Chara was than sent to the ground, as Chara than sliced the Gaster Blaster ready to fire at him, before attacking the bones, creating enough room to land safely. He than stood up, and launched an orange slash at Gaster, who than used a green shield to block the attack. However, Chara decided to change targets, and attack Frisk. But Sans got in the way, as he than summoned his trident, and swung it, launching a purple slash at the orange slash, cancelling each other out. He than summoned Friendliness Pellets around Chara, as Flowey summons the big ones, before they all closed in on Chara, causing even more agony to him, but not being able to kill him, due to the fact that his body remains intact.

Chara is getting very irritated. Sans is constantly getting in the way. In fact, he does this even more compared to Flowey and Gaster. It seems that Sans' Determination is allowing him to last as long as he is in this fight that he is putting Chara through, and Chara is having who enough of Sans const although getting in the way. But that is only the beginning. Because Gaster is ready to use one of his old powers back.

Gaster stepped forward, with a small smile on his face, as he opened his eyes, and spoke out one word.


All of a sudden, all of the 7 smaller hands that Gaster had, they all then fused together, and then, our came 2 hands, each of them now much larger than before, even more so than Gaster himself, and a single Blaster levitated. Normally, he would not be able to use this, unless one of his children has been killed or is simply dead. But because Sans killed so many monsters at the previous timeline, he grown so powerful thanks to his determination and the absorption of the other Monster's magic that, when he reconnected with Sans as soon as he was able to leave the Void, his own power has also grown to the point that he is able to regain access to his Duality, and he feels like he is halfway close to his full strength.

He than launched one of the larger hands at Chara, who than tried to use a Green Shield to block the attack. The problem with that, though, is that the had burst through the green wall, and punched Chara had in the entire body, as Chara is sent flying into a wall, crashing into it. Chara than came back up, only to be hit by a Red Blast in the face, much stronger and larger than Gaster's usual hands. He than summoned a larger Cyan Rope at Chara, who than used his own Cyan Rope from his knife. Both ropes wrapped around each other, but than, Gaster lifted Chara into the air, and slammed him back down to the ground, while firing a Blaster at Chara, who's onto the ground. As that happened, Chara than teleported back onto his feet, and points his Knife at Gaster. He than made a purple glow on the knife, as he than slashed a bunch of 3 purple slashes. But Sans got on the way, as he than readies his trident, and does his own 3 Slashes, but twice the amount of Chara, and when that happened, Chara was unable to hit Gaster or Sans, due to the slashes being canceled out. Sans than leapt forward extremely fast, as he than stabbed Chara in the stomach, causing more agony, before he than summoned Undyne's spears, and stabbed him even more. But Chara than kicked Sans back and destroyed them, as he than launched an purple slash at Gaster. Sans got in the way, but Chara than fired again slash at Sans, sending him to the ground, but he didn't have enough time to stop it. So he went in front of Gaster and did a single tripe slash, and was able to destroy one of its effects just to lesson the agony. He braced himself for impact, but Gaster suddenly got in the way, and protected Sans, although it did take out most of his HP, which made Gaster go down to the floor. This made Sans furious, as he than launched Phantom Papyrus, and he than attacked, as he fired red bones at Chara. Chara tries to hit Phantom Papyrus, but he could not be hit in any sort of way, as he than punched Chara, before holding him by the shoulders. Sans smiled, as this is the moment to strike. Sans than teleported into the air and hovered, as he than spoke out.

"Hehe...I don't like to use my real special attack. I might get possibly 'bone-tired' after I use more of this, but...You deserve it."

His left eye flared purple and his right eye flared red, as thousands of Gaster Blasters appeared beside Sans, and Chara, did not smile at this.

The Gaster Blastermination all fired, and Phantom Papyrus vanished, as Chara than tried to use a Green Wall from the knife to stop it, but because there are so many of them, and the fact that Sans is so powerful, due to absorbing multiple forms of magic and gaining immense DETERMINATION, the Green Wall easily broke, and Chara got killed.

Sans sighed, as Flowey looks at Sans, holding his stump of what was once an arm. But he than saw something, a red slash, as Sans quickly moved Flowey down, as the red slash severed the metal cables, before Sans summoned swung his Purple Tridnet fast, creating a slash of his own. However, this time, the red slash exploded with enough force to being Sans back down, although it didn't make him unconscious.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

His Trident was gone, as he than went down to the ground, and Flowey was able to catch him, as Sans went onto his knee, before he than stood up, and then, Chara spoke out.

"I've got a question for you, Asriel, Sans."

Then, a Black Soul appeared into the air, as Chrara reappeared, his knife holding up high, as he spoke out a question to the 2 of them.

"Do you know what black means?"

Than, the knife began to turn black, as Chara spoke out.

"It's HATE."

A black powerful energy attack is then formed formed above the knife, as Chara than spoke out to Sans and Asriel.

"And I have a LOT of it to share."

He than points his Knife at the 2 of them in order to kill them. But Flowey has one trick up his sleeve. He than opened his mouth, and summoned all 6 of his souls, and fired a power white laser at the black mass.

The white and the black countered each other, as Flowey was able to break it with his own attack.

Unfortunately, it came at a cost. Flowey is forced to turn back to his normal self, and he has become too weak to move. He can't even defend. He is going to die.

Frisk, nothing this, cries out for the souls to help. But they care simply wasted. Chara than smiled, as he than fired a Red Slash at Flowey. But Frisk, not wanting to die, ran as fast as he can and was able to recharge their Determination. Frisk called for help once more, and the souls instantly recharged, as they went to Flowey. But Sans, feeling like he can give Flowey an even greater boost in power, lends Flowey a hand, as he used his own Soul to help out. Due to the fact that he gained a lot of Determination, it can help Flowey too. Sans' soul is red, while still upside down. The souls gathered around Flowey, as a white sheen appeared. And than...a voice spoke out, a memory, of Chara'a childhood, and a voice that Chara knows.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Chara look! The music comes from that statue."

Chara's mind accessed a memory inside of Chara, involving himself and a fist monster, when he was still a small child, as the raindrops fell down onto the statue, creating a song. The memory ended, and Chara frowned, as the same voice spoke out.

"Hey, Chara. It's me..."

The white glow from what was once Flowey is gone, the another figure appeared, as he spoke out, sincerely.

"...your best friend."

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