
In the Omega Timeline, there is a lot of shaking and explosions, as the denizens held onto one another, due to the battle within the MainFrame, as well as the fact that 100 is causing a lot of damage with his shout. Everyone was panicking and crying, and Core Frisk is doing the best that she can to try and calm everyone down. And they are not the only ones trying to keep everything under control. Error and Ink's accident children, along with Tint, they are also trying their best to calm everyone down. But even they felt nervous at this, as they have no idea how to deal with this.

"Everyone, please don't panic! It's okay, whatever is happening, it is not coming for us!"

Core!Frisk said, as she does all that she can to calm everyone down as much as she can. But it is rather difficult to do so, due to the fact that the shaking and explosions from outside is causing everyone to go out of the way and become scared of what it is that is happening. They are grabbing at a structure next to them in order to keep themselves balanced, they are hugging their friends and lovers next to each other, and they are even hugging their own kids. Palette even has to fly into the air and unleash his positivity aura in order to try and calm them down. But then, during the panic, their souls had gotten sucked out of their bodies, and when that happened, they became unmoving and emotionless, almost similar to ink, except that they do not respond to stimulus. But oddly, Killer Sans, the original Killer Sans, he vanished at the spot, almost like he is taken.

Gradient, along with the others, are now next to Underswap Sans' house, as they are doing their best to brave against the shaking that is happening.

"Man, this is insane!! All of this shaking, despite the fact that we are inside of the void!!"

Paperjam said, as he and Gradient are grabbing onto a tree, with BlueScreen and Blueprint holding onto them. Bluescreen speaks on how scared he is, and Blueprint, having made a translator, holds a microphone over to him, as he can here what he is saying.

"Brothers, I'm so scared! I don't know what to do!"

Blueprint nodded his head, as he then spoke out to BlueScreen on what is happening.

"I know, BlueScreen. I too am scared of what is happening now. Even I have no idea what is causing this."

Paperjam, feeling rather mad, spoke out.

"Just what the hell is causing all of this! Is it Error404 in his stupid shenanigans or something?"

Gradient shook his head, as he spoke out to him.

"No, worse then that."

This made Paperjam, BlueScreen, and Blueprint turn to Gradient, as Blueprint spoke out.

"What do you mean by, worse then that?"

Gradient looked at his younger brothers and spoke out.

"While I was inside of the Digitial Sphere, I made a screen and saw what it is that had made the shaking in the first place. And it is something that actually was able to scare me."

He then turned around, and swiped at the screen with his stylus, before stepping back, and showed a familiar hulking skeleton with red DT Runes, red sharp teeth, and red eyes, as all 3 of his other brothers looked a little bit scared at what he is seeing before his very eyes.

"What the fuck is that?"

Paperjam said, as Gradient spoke out.

"I...I spoke to VHS Sans, and he told me that this...this thing is called, 100. Apparently, he is the older brother of Error404 and Alpha, as well as a being that is stronger than Error404 himself."

This made Paperjam stunned, as Blueprint then spoke out.

"What!! So we now have a brother that is stronger then Error404, and now he is the one causing the shaking?!"

Gradient nodded, and even he is not happy with this at all.

Needless to say, Gradient is so nervous, due to the fact that he has never felt such a force this destructive, that he feels like he will pass out at any moment. Gradient held his chest, as he felt soul pump and thump, he feels like he will collapse, but he does all that he can to hold strong against what he is feeling at this moment. But now...now it seems that the pressure is gone.

"I...I never thought that I would see something and feel something this scary before. I am used to Error404, and used to his power, but this...this is something that is on a whole other level."

Gradient hugged his own body, as he then spoke out.

"This...this is something that I have no idea how to deal with."

Tint then appeared next to Gradient, he felt his own emotions returning, as he then spoke out to Gradient.

"So, an older brother of Error404 has decided to do this, huh. Well, then it seems that we will need to find a way to go out and stop it."

This made Gradient shocked, as he spoke out to them.

"Stop it?! Are you nuts!! Tint, that thing has grown powerful with his own anger alone!! You have no idea how powerful he is now!!!!"

Tint nodded, as he then decided to speak out on this.

"I know...but if we stay in this place and let the others do the fighting, then we will have less of a chance winning. No, someone has to go out and fight against them, and I'm going out as well. Gradient, I need you to come along with me in this as well, as this sort of task is very important."

This made Gradient shocked even more, as well as a little bit scared, as he then spoke out.

"Me, coming out and fighting against 100!!! Are you nuts?! Tint, brother, I'll get killed before I even might have a chance to fight back!!!"

Tint then spoke out to his younger half-brother.

"Look, Gradient. I know you do not want to do this, but right now, the entire Multiverse is at risk. And your father is fighting against 100, alongside his own brothers. We need to go outside, so that they are able to win against him. But unless you want to have your father, Error die, then you can stay behind and let it happen to him."

this made Gradient hesitant, as he froze at what it is that Tint had said to him, on the possibility that his father, Error, might die in all of this. He looked down, feeling very shocked and scared...before he then sighed, as he then spoke out.

"Oh, dang it. I hate it when you are right that my father could die in this."

He then looks up at Tint and spoke out.

"So...what do I need to do first?"

Tint looks at Gradient, and spoke out to him.

"Well...tell me, how much LV do you have?"

Gradient was hesitant, but he sighed and spoke out to him.

"Well, admittedly, not as much as what my father, Error has. While I do have a lot of LV, it is not to the same extent as his."

Tint nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Well, then the first thing that we need to do is make your LV just as absolute as Error. You'll need to destory AUs to make that happen. and since Hollow made copies of AUs in his Multiverse, then it should be enough."

Gradient looked at Tint and nodded, as Tint swung his paintbrush, and made a paint portal, before speaking out.

"Let's go."

He jumped inside, grabbing Gradient behind him, as they went to Hollow's Multiverse, and Gradient now has to go and destroy as many AUs as he can, or at least, the copies of AUs, in order to gain the power that he needs in order to stand a chance against 100 and aid his father in the fight against him. This will be a very long day for him, but hopefully, it will be worth it to try and stop 100 and save the entire Multiverse itself.


Dust and Vivian looks at the unknown entity before then, the one that had saved them from the DT detonation from before. And needless to say, they are shocked that it is from an entity that they have never seen before.

Dust does not know what she is...but he can feel her power...and it is absolutely colossal. And this made him worried, as he wants to step back, and Vivian felt the same way. But Dust and Vivian stood their ground, as they looked at the female that is before their eyes.

"Does it concern you...a foreigner such as me, to access your realm?"

Dust spoke out.

"Concerning that someone such as you can do this...no. But what you plan to do with us now...yes, especially in a place that has now become chaotic and insane."

The female closed her eyes and smiled a little bit, as she spoke out.

"That I am very well aware of. I know of the fights that have been happening, the war that you formerly had, and now the battle against this so-called beast of rage, all directed by forces unknown. A boundary...one that is so strong and powerful, and the strength is to an extent that I have never seen before. And unfortunately for me, the battle has also begun to endanger my home realm as well. And this one...this is something that I myself cannot easily ignore in this sort of circumstance."

Vivian looks at Yukari, as she spoke out.

"So...why are you here?"

Yukari smiled, and it is a rather mysterious one, as she raised her hand, and summoned Killer next to them, as Killer spoke out.

"Oh, heya Dust, Vivian."

Yukari then took the turn to speak out.

"Well, as my home is on the verge of being involved in this mess...it is obvious that I would need to take action to try and deal with this. Although...while I cannot help you directly..."

She then raised one of her fingers, and 3 pairs of cards appeared, in which she spoke out to the group.

"I can at least give you this, which will aid you in your task. And do not worry...for I will aid you when the time is right."

A gap in space formed beneath the female, and the cards went in, as Dust, Killer, and Vivian took them. Then, the female formed another one, as she spoke out.

"I...am Yukari Yakumo. Do not fear...for I will aid you when the time comes."

She disappears into the gap, as a white light appears. All 3 of them looked a little bit uneasy, but they shook it off, as Vivian spoke out.

"So...what do we do with these...cards?"

Dust shrugged his shoulders, as Killer then noticed something on the cards themselves.

"Wait, there's some writing onto them."

Dust nodded, as he noticed it too, and he then decided to read one of them.

"'Your old essence will return.' What does it mean by-"

Before Dust can react, the card began to glow brighter then before, and Dust felt it consume him, as his eyes widened. And when that happened...Dust can feel his own powers returning...the vines, the trident, the spears, pellets, webs, fireballs, Scythe, Arrow Blasts, all of that...it is all coming back to him. This made Dust shocked, as he began to glow white.

"Woah...my powers...they're back!!!"

This made Killer and Vivian surprised. Then, Dust then looked at the other card, along with Killer and Vivian, as all 3 then spoke out.

"'Activate this during the fight.'"

Dust's eyes widened, as he then spoke out.

"Wait a minute-"

Then, a powerful white glow appeared, as they are all consumed by the white shine of the cards.

Inside of Ultimate Ensemble...

100 and Warlock are fighting, as 100 unleashes a powerful punch towards him, as Warlock then smacked him away, all while he shouted out.


Warlock cried out, as he then got punched by 100, before he smacked him away, and Warlock began to bounce onto his stomach. 100 snarled with rage, as he cried out in his anger.


100 then leapt towards Warlock and tried to attack him, but Warlock then slowed down time itself, as 100 began to slow down, as Warlock then punched 100 in the face, and headbutts him, sending him backwards. 100 roared again, as he leapt and tried to bite Warlock, but Warlock then turned his other head to face 100.

He then opens his mouth, and bites his mouth onto 100's mouth, their own teeth grinding against one another, as they tried to overpower the sharpness and force of the teeth that they have. And while 100 seems very mad that he is not doing this much damage to Warlock, Warlock seems to look as though he is having fun and likes to mess with him.

Warlock, as far as Righteous is concerned...he is by far the single strangest being that he has ever seen. In fact, no words can describe him. It almost does not have any resemblance to a Sans, even 100 has some resemblance to a Sans of sorts. So the fact that Warlock has this is just insane.

"Why does he only say Warlock?"

Hollow said, as Omnipotent said.

"I don't know. That is the only thing that he can say, and the only thing that he can speak. He has not said any other words. And that is the most noticeable feature about him. He only is able to say his name, despite being able to understand people, but doesn't say anything else, not even a single word that isn't that, that even a toddler would have little trouble saying. He simply says Warlock, screams Warlock, cries Warlock, anything that has his name, Warlock, in it. It is simply, 'Warlock, Warlock, Warlock, Warlock.' I have not heard him say any other words that is not his name."

This made everyone look at him, as Warlock flies into the air...and something came down from underneath his clothing. Large balls of fire came out, and landed onto the ground, as small versions of Infected and Error404 appeared.

"Heh, shit men."

Infected said, as Righteous, his eyes widened at the realization at where it came out of, spoke out.

"Did he just..."

Omnipotent nodded his head, and spoke out.

"Yeah, it come out of what you are thinking of."

Righteous looked a little bit grossed out, as the warriors then attacked with the Wisps and God Rays, and hits them at 100, who cries out into the air with his DT Shout and broke them apart with his sheer roar alone.


100 then launches DT Lightning all over the place, and tries to hit Warlock, who then opened his stomach, and at a DT Lightning went inside of it before he ate it. Warlock smiled his usual goofy grin, as he spoke out.


He then grabs onto his finger, the index finger, before he pulled it off of him and then, the finger turns into a large shotgun of sorts, as Warlock shouted out.


He then fired the shotgun, a sphere of sorts that is made entirely of guns and weapons, a sphere bigger than the sun itself, as it struck 100, causing it to explode with enough force to destroy an entire Multiverse at the largest size. Everyone stepped back, as they looked at 100, who is now painfully damaged. but began to heal again, and needless to say, he is even madder than ever, as 100 cried out into the air.


100 then leapt at Warlock, as he then dodged out of the way, and he then struck at 100, firing a pistol that can destroy a Universe of sorts, which hits 100 in the face and gave enough pain to make him stumble backwards. JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y looked at the scene, as he spoke out at this.

"Incredible, the chaotic power I feel coming from that entity is beyond even my understanding of power."

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y turns around to look at Omnithorn, as he then spoke out to him.

"How did your brother get as powerful as he is?"

Omnithorn looks at JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, as he then spoke out.

"That, unfortunately, I cannot tell you. Because how he can do it, it is a secret for me to keep."

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y scoffed a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Fucking figures you would say that."

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y looks at the battle, as Corrupt Judge then spoke out.

"This is...unreal. I have never seen a fight is chaotic and insane as this!!"

Back with the battle, 100 is getting even more furious than before, due to the fact that Warlock is able to cause serious trouble to him alone, even though it took the combined might of the Alphatale brothers at their possibly strongest forms in order to achieve this. So the fact that Warlock himself is able to hold his ground is a ridiculous and very terrible insult to him. He will stop at nothing to make sure that Warlock dies by his hands, even if it seems like an impossibility of sorts. An infinite line of faces are present in the Esemble that the group is inside of now, all watching the battle

Warlock grinned, as he punched 100 back, before he bent down and hugged himself, as he began to change form. The cloth around him began to change into a sweater, as Warlock's mouth began to extend to a shape that is similar to that of a bird's beak, as there seems to be a sort of writing mass that is inside of the beak.

Righteous looked stunned at this, as he then spoke out to him.

"Woah, Warlock can do this?"

Omnithorn nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yes, he can. Warlock has many forms, with only very few that can peak his interests. And this one, this is one of such forms that he seems to like using."

This made the Black Being intrigued, wondering if he can take a bite out of Warlock so that he can gain the power to change shape.

Hollow looks at this, and spoke out.

"Wow, so he has body manipulation like me, or at least, a power similar to what I myself have."

Then, a voice within Hollow!Ink spoke out.

"Impressive. I can feel his power...and admittedly, his power is far stronger then what we both have, even after we had made ourselves much stronger then before."

Hollow nodded his head, as Warlock then rose up, and 2 pairs of beams then fired out from his chest. The beams hit 100, as he then fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast in return, but to the shock of everybody, although Warlock did get hurt by the attack, he did not get obliterated. Even someone as strong as Error404 and even JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y can possibly be killed by it. So how the fact that he is able to survive is a miracle.

"Woah, who knew that Warlock could survive this shit."

Righteous said, as Omnithorn nodded, looking very proud at Warlock.


Warlock pouted a little bit, his beak vanished, the mouth coming back, as he bounced onto his stomach.


As he did, Warlock began to sweat a little bit, and when he began to sweat, little abominations began to form from it, as Hollow spoke out.

"Okay, are you serious?"

Black Being looks at Warlock, as Hollow continues to speakout.

"This guy keeps on getting more and more weirder. First warriors from his ass, now this?"

"You did not need to say it this boldly, Infected."

Omnithorn said, as 100 then swiped his hand and got rid of the sweat monsters, before charging at Warlock, his rage increasing his power much more then before, as Warlock then summoned a Rocket Launcher using both index fingers.


Warlock cried out, as he tackled 100 and they are both sent far into the Ultimate Ensemble. When that happened, a powerful explosion occurred, one that is large enough to destroy all of reality, as 100 got caught in the blast. All of reality began to shift, due to the fact that Warlock is using bis Bizarre Manipulation to make his reality warping stronger, so much that the explosion, while it is supposed to be insanely large, is simply many miles away.

Then, 100 and Warlock returned at full force, almost crashing into the group, as all of them got out of the way. They looked, and saw Warlock launched backwards a little, as 100 got even more enraged than ever before, his DT Runes now glowing far greater than ever before.


100's shout is now a bit stronger than before, as everyone got pushed back by the power of the DT Shout. At least the Ultimate Esemble is holding, but now they need to change the playing field, as they are at a bad disadvantage. JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y then starts it off by rushing forward towards 100, launching all 8 of his fists, as they all struck at rapid sucession, before he then shouted out.

"Decay Nova!!!!"

A sphere that is black with a purple outline appeared, as 100 got sucked into the attack. 100 then used his newfound increased might to try and leap away from the attack.

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y fired his Grandmaster Wires at 100, in order to try and take him down. He is then thrown back into the Nova, and tries to decay his very being. And at first, it seemed to weaken him, and Malware, in his real body, began to feel himself becoming stronger by the passing second. But 100 then broke free with his DT Shout, as the sphere got destroyed.

Needless to say, seeing 100 survive the powerful assault, it made JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y much madder.

"Alright, we'll have to try another one. TransVoid Gateway!!!!"

Much faster than Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's body quickly contorts into a mass of shapes, expanding endlessly, but this time with a black hole effect of his own, as 100 got sucked in, and almost got transported into the TransVoid...but he then grabbed at the ground, and pulled himself out of the Gateway long enough to use his DT Shout, now much more greater than before.


The shout became powerful enough to force JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y back into his normal humanoid shape, as he began to grow frustrated with 100, as he then shouted out.

"Okay, I've had enough of this bullshit!!!!!"

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y then grabbed 100 by the neck, his very skin hot to the touch, almost like touching the sun, with JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y throwing 100 into the air, 100 got launched up, before he then began to punch, kick, and strike at 100, using his Grandmaster Wires, his bones, his Dark Blasters, and even using his God Breath in his face, before slamming 100 down to the ground, before he then spreads his wings outward, and all of a sudden, so many countless Blasters appeared from the pairs of wings that JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y has been making appear, due to getting stronger with the MainFrame, as he then shouted out.

"This attack will destroy the reality that I am in and seriously damage the reality next to the one I'm present in!!!!! Take it all! MULTIVERSE PANZERSCHRECK!!!!!!!!!!!"

All of the blasters from the wings then fired at 100, and when that happened, it caused the very fabric of reality within the Ultimate Ensemble to shatter...not to the point of destroying it, as this is different from a reality...but enough to send them to an empty multiverse...that almost looks like it is fused with the TransVoid. Infant beings of unspeakable power float around the new and strange realm. Hollow looked around and spoke out.

"Oh, one of the Multiverses that I changed. I never thought that we would be arriving here,

Righteous snarled, as he spoke out.

"Of course, one of the multiverses that you corrupted into a TransVoid Breeding Ground with your Unnameable pal's soul. Well, at least this place will be a tough bastard to destroy."

Hollow spoke out, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Hey, at least that I am doing something rather then just watching Undernovela and playing puppets like I'm alone, you glitchy bastad!"

Righteous then looked at Hollow and spoke out.

"This is coming from the brainless self-absorbing bitch that has the body of a kindergartener and the mindset of a toddler that makes an explosively pathetic temper tantrum over something that doesn't go his way."

This made Hollow rather pissed, almost like he is ready to lunge and assault him but he then stopped, as the Black Being spoke out.

"Here he comes."

Everyone looks at 100, who is rising back up, and he then roars out in pure rage.

Everyone got pushed back, as Infected snarled a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Damn it...at current power. I'll be behind! How can I..."

Black Being looks and sees the TransVoid Beings, all of whom infants. This made Black Being smile, as he spoke out.


He then flies toward them, and began to consume the TransVoid Beings present, all of whom empowered by the Unnameable ever since their birth. Infected continues to consume as many as he can....and eventually...his body began to change. It began to grow thinner, now a more humanoid shape, as Infected's face began to disappear, faces of the wisps began to appear all over his body, as a trident then formed into his hand.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This is Infected's second transformation, called Soul Harbinger. It is far stronger than the Black Being, possessing a new weapon, and now possesses enough strength to destroy Multiverses with his Giga!Wisps. Flames surrounding him are so powerful that they can burn within a 100-mile radius, with everyone only okay, due to their transformations or being Polothorns, now possessing power so immense it can rival Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y or Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, due to the fact that his power is constantly skyrocketing. Soul Harbinger smiles menacingly, he rises his trident out at 100 as he then spoke out.

"Now to send this fucker down to where he belongs, in Hell!!!!"

Soul Harbinger then summoned his Giga!Wisps, and fired them at 100, and when that happened, the power of the Giga!Wisps is so powerful, it caused an explosion that consumed the whole Multiverse, which held strong, due to the Unnameable Essence infused into the Multiverse itself, and the Infant TransVoid Beings survived the detonation, along with the people that are fighting against 100. Soul Harbinger to see if 100 survived. And sure enough, 100 did in fact survive, as he is not very happy with the fact that he had gotten hurt by Infected himself.

Soul Harbinger smiled a little bit, trident still in his hand, as he then spoke out.

"Now that is more like it. Die!!!!!"

100 roared for battle, as he charges at Soul Harbinger, who then positions his trident, and charged at 100, as he goes in to try and take him down. He swung to the trident and pierced 100's face, which caused incomprehensible pain to him. 100, as soon as he got stabbed, stepped back, and rocked his face, the agony of the weapon was too much to bare. But this made him madder. But Righteous reacted before he can act, as he then fired a bone with a set of eyes on it, as it stabbed 100 in the face, making 100 cry out in immense agony just as much as before.

As 100 stepped back, Soul Harbinger sneered a little bit, due to the fact that his Wisps are able to cause much more greater and genuine harm to 100 then any of the other attacks. JustSystematic and Corrupt Judge also stepped forward, as they spoke out.

"How about we get to the chase and take him down?"

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y said, as Corrupt Judge spoke out.

"I wouldn't've had it in any other way."

100 then began to charge at the 3 of them, as the 3 stronger Alphatale brothers do the same and attack the second strongest brother. All 3 of them, empowered by their own darkest aspects, now want nothing more then to kill 100. Soul Harbinger swung and swipe at 100, sending him backwards a little bit, before he then summoned a Giga!Wisp, in which he stroke it with a white soul-like object, and the wisp then turned into an orange color.


Soul Harbinger launched the Giga Wisp at 100, which exploded violently, shaking the entire Multiverse, and in which almost destroyed 100's body...although he still regenerated his form. Corrupt Judge then leapt forward and begann to swipe the Hate Blade at 100, causing a lot of cuts on his body, before JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y charged in and took over the battle on his terms. He clawed and struck at 100, as 100 got hit and bashed by the attack and physical strikes, before JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y then used his Grandmaster Wires to both torture 100 badly, and siphon the power of 100, in order to try and weaken him. But 100 grabbed onto the wires and ripped them off of his body as fast as he can. He landed onto the ground, and he is clearly unhappy with this, as JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y looks and spoke out.

"Geez, you don't know when to fucking quit, do you?"


100 growled, as his teeth gnashed and clenched together, Determination itself bleeding and leaking out from both the eyes and mouth, due to the sheer amount of power he is feeling. The powerful might of his rage causing his body to look a bit more melted then before, but is healing as much as before. 100 then prepares to attack, but before he could...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

2 blasters and a fireball hit 100, resulting in a very strong and powerful explosion, one that launches 100 backwards and hits a nearly AU, denting it a little bit. Everyone was stunned at what had just happened...but then they turned around and they saw who it is that attacked him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dust, Killer, and Vivian have arrived. And this time...there is something far more different about then then before. Their powers are much more stronger, their magic is far greater, almost like that they had gotten a boost up. It is noticeable, due to the fact that their bodies are glowing white. They almost seem like they are in their normal forms...yet they are in a transformation as well. Dust's eyes began to bleed DT, Killer's sockets began to bleed black tears more greater, almost like he is in phase 4, and Vivian has fire all over the place, on her shoulders and tips of her hair. Corrupt Judge then spoke out

"Oh, there the 2 of you are...and Killer...how did you get here, and how is your soul intact? I even had it in my Determination Blade!"

Killer smiled, as he spoke out.

"Actually...you're mistaken. I am not the same Killer that you have. I am from a copy of the original Killertale Timeline. And let's say...I was brought from the Omega Timeline by...someone completely different...not from an Undertale Multiverae of sorts."

Dust smiled, as he held his hand out, his Scythe of Fear came back, as he spoke out.

"And now...now we are far stronger then before, thanks to her helping us now."

Vivian smiled, as she made fire engulf her hands, as she spoke out.

"Now we are easy to take on 100, and make him pay for what he is doing."

Dust and Killer summoned their blasters, as the 3 shouted out.

"Now, let's get him!!!!"

Dust then acted first, as he summoned his blue magic and engulf it around 100, and began to slam him around fast, at speeds far beyond what he can usually do. 100 roared in agony, as Dust the used his Gaster Blasters, which can now violently explode by prolong firing. The purple explosion erupted and engulfed 100, as the Beast of Rage is sent falling down towards the ground, before Dust swung his Scythe, and a magenta slash hit 100, causing another explosion, which sends him downwards. But Killer, with speed far greater then before, was able to catch up and slice 100 on the arm, and although it regenerated, he then summoned a Goop Blaster, which fired a black blast at 100, and made an even greater violent explosion then before, as Vivian then used her Fiery Jinx and made the fire explode on 100, as 100 gets severely damaged by the burn.

As 100 began to stand up, a truck-sized yellow blast fired, as well as a yellow beam of energy, which hit 100, before red strings wrapped around and slammed him down to the ground, hard.

"Mind if we can join in?!"

A familiar voice spoke out. All of them look to see that Gradient and Tint have arrived as well. Righteous is surprised that he has arrived, but at that happened, Gradient fired a Novice God Ray from his fingertips, which damage 100 a bit. This made 100 snarl, as JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y senses Gradient's power, which has increase. He felt his LV, and realizes that Gradient has increased his LV to just as much as the original Error's LV, meaning that it is absolute. Now Gradient is far stronger then before, and is able to cause mass destruction to those that he goes against.

Tint then made tentacles and wrapped them around 100, as he slammed him down very hard. Then, a Tint Blaster fired, as the ink then wrapped around and bind 109 in place line ropes. But 100 broke free, as Tint then attacked with his Ink Gun, as it struck at 100 in the face and caused a bit of pain. Gradient then used his Blue Magic on 100, and due to his LV, it has increased his power to the point that he can now move AUs with his Blue Magic. He rose him up into the air, before he used his pixel manipulation to launch spears at 100, before he swung his Stylus, ink splattered all over, as it rose up into a wall, which 100 landed on and destroyed, as well as snap his fingers, which made them wrap around 100 once again. He then fired yellow bones at 100, as it stabbed and pierced 100 all over in the body. This made 100 more pissed off then ever before, as Gradient leapt next to Righteous, as Righteous spoke out.

"Geez, 100 has much worse anger issues then Ink when he has his childish tantrums."

Hollow, mad at this, shouted out.

"Hey, I heard that, you fucking asshole!!!"

Righteous spoke out.

"I know you heard that, which is what I wanted you to do, especially to a traitorous Mama's Boy."

This made Ink even more enraged, as Omnithorn got in the way.

"That's enough of that. Besides, we have far bigger problems to worry about."

Hollow sighed angrily, as the Unnameable within him spoke out.

"Ink, we cannot stay and let this continue on. We need to act, now. The longer we wait, the more the Beast of Rage becomes stronger then ever. Unless you prefer to have the one called Warlock come in and cause even more ruckus."

As Hollow looks down, Killer then takes the chance and activated his second card, which allows his attacks to have armor piecing effects. When he attacked with his sharp bones, they caused immense agony to 100, as he then used his Blue Magic to slam him around and cause agony to 100, before lifting him up into the air, and firing his Goop Blaster onto him, causing massive damage to 100, although not to the same extent as 100. And then, as that happened, Vivian used her power to make the fire poison damage, which made her flames a bit more dangerous then before. Her fireballs hit the Beast of Rage, as it continuously hurt it when time goes on, similar to how Dust or any Sans is able to use their Karma power.

Dust then raised his hand and fired Arrow Blasts, hitting 100, before he activated his Hallucinations. When 100 leapt back up, he saw that the 3 of them were about to attack him in a full assault. 100 swiped his hand, killing then, but then, he got slashed in the face, as Dust had his scythe out, before he then fired more Gaster Blasters, and hits 100 with them.

100 got hurt very badly, but he also got enraged much more badly then he was before. He then roars into the air, as his power increases exponentially. Dust stepped, as he looks at the card...and it is the type that he knows it will do. He never thought that he would do this...but he is going to use it to try and defeat 100. He held his hand up, and the card activated, summoning a light purple soul of sorts, as Dust then clenched his fist and absorbed it. The moment that happened, a powerful explosion erupted, as 100 got hit by the explosion of the soul blast of sorts. When 100 looked to see what has happened...he saw something that is very unexpected, that he did not expect for Dust to even do.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Using the card, along with the other 2 cards, in summoning the Artificial Soul, Dust is able to transform into his phase 4 form of his Last Genocide mode. And the instant that happened, the power of the soul began to increase his power. He looks down at his hands and clenched his fist, as he spoke out.

"Now this is what I am talking about!!! Come on, 100!!! Show me what you've got!!!!"


100 roars, as he charges at Dust, who then runs forward, craters made by his very steps, as 100 and Dust locked hands at one another, as 100 began to overpower Dust, only for Dust to head butt 100 and make him stumble backwards, before making somewhat melted Gaster Blasters appear, which exploded onto him, and then summons purple spears of energy, which hit 100 and pierced his body. 100 roared in agony, as Dust then spoke out.

"We ain't done yet."

He then summoned 3 large spheres, which are flung to 100's direction, and it then crashed and hit him. This was painful, but then, floating hands with purple glowing in the holes rushed at 100, hit him, before picking him up, and simply raising him up high into the sky. Then, large black bones with purple outlines appeared, as they hit 100 and did very horrible damage to him, as 100 is then sent falling back down towards the ground, as 100 hissed in agony. 100 looks at Dust, who then fired a beam of energy that moves up to 100, and he moved out of the way. Then, a warning sign appeared, as a powerful purple explosion appeared, and hits 100, making him get sent back. Dust then took the chance to leap forward and punch 100 hard in the face, as the sudden strike then launched 100 backwards.

100 looks, as Dust then raised his fist and slammed his hands down to the ground, causing the ground to crash. As that is happening, Nightmare and Dream, whom everyone forgot are still here, looked at the battle that is happening, as Nightmare spoke out.

"This is unreal. I've never seen anything like this before."

This made Dream nod his head, as he spoke out.

"I agree with you, brother."

Nightmare looks down, and spoke out.

"And yet...even with our current level of power, we are still not match for the one that is called the Beast of Rage. We need to find another way to stand a chance against him."

This made Dream look at Nightmare and spoke out to him.

"How are we supposed to do that? Nothing that we have is working."

Nightmare closed his eyes, before he spoke out.

"There is one way. Dream, go to the Omega Timeline and feed on the positivity that resides in there. Me, I will feee on the anger and conflict that's happening here."

Dream nodded his head, as he then vanished, and Nightmare watches, his tentacles behind his back move on their own. As that is happening, as Dust began to attack, Hollow decides to take the chance by himself, and attacks. But it wasn't Ink as his normal self, it is the Unnameable himself, as he extended Ink's right hand and enlarged his hand, which grabbed onto 100's face and slammed him down hard into the ground. This made 100 hurt, as the Unnameable fired Ink Blasters at 100, before throwing him in the air, and Ink Glass sharp bones erupted from nowhere and pierced 100 all over the place. 100 roared in agony, as he then tried to smash Hollow down with his fist above and ready to smash into Hollow. But the Unnameable then partially transformed into his Inkmation form, as the arms grabbed onto the arms of 100, and stopped him, before the arms slammed 100 down hard as painfully as possible. 100 snarled, as an Ink Blaster fired and hits 100 in the face, before punching 100 hard enough to send him flying away. But then, Righteous, holding his arm out, used the eyes to freeze 100 in time and space briefly, before going above him and firing his Glitch Ray onto him, sensing him back down.

Righteous looks down, as he can hear Myriad speak out to him.

"Release me when the time is right."

Righteous nodded, as Hollow then goes next to his sworn rival. They looked down, and Dust stepped back, as 100 roared out and spreads his arms out, everyone getting knocked back that is in the radius of the DT Shout itself.

Dust skids back a little bit from the power DT shockwave of sorts, as Dust narrowed his eyes a little bit, due to the fact that he knows that 100 is not going to be this easy to take down, due to the circumstances that lead to him like this. He looks a lot ore but weary at 100, due to the far that he is still fighting aid is still going to do ally and he can to kill him. 100 then raised his hands into the air, and a Sust does the same, as both slammed their hands down to the ground hard. The shockwave hit each other on the center, as 100 and Dust jumped back, with Dust tackling 100 into the rocky wall behind him, and began to punch and kick at him. But 100 then grabbed Dust by the neck, and slammed him down to the ground hard, as he then lifts Dust up, and sends him flying backwards with a single swing of his arm. Dust lands onto his back painfully, as he then stood up, and sees that 100 is now leaping into the air, before trying to slam his entire Josh down onto Dust. Dust then stood up, as he got ready to attack, and he kind of expected for the hit to occur out of complete nowhere. But then...a gap in space opened beneath him and he fell inside, as 100 slammed his entire body to the ground instead of the intended target. As Dust looked confused, he then felt something...as he turns to see who it is arriving.

"Heh...so you finally arrived."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Floating down from the gap above is none other then Yukari Yakumo, her umbrella in her head, as she spoke out.

"Oh my...it appears that I have arrived on time."

Dust smiled a little bit at this, as he then spoke out to her.

"It's about time that you've finally arrived. And I guess this means that you are done securing your Universe."

Yukari smiled a little bit, as she then spoke out.

"Well, you can say that."

Everyone looked at Yukari Yakumo, and needless to say, all of them are very stunned at the sight of the strange beauty that exists and has appeared inside of the battle that they are in, and they can feel the power of the female that has arrived. And needless to say, the power that they are feeling is unlike anything that they are feeling, despite the fact that it is not as strong as the Alphatale crew.

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y looks at Yukari Yakumo, and he recognized who she is, as he then spoke out to her.

"Wait a second...I recognize you in 404's eyes. You're that gap yokai from the realm that has made contact with classic Sans. But what are you doing here?"

Yukari raised her finger up a bit, and spoke out.

"Now why would I want to spoil the surprise, Malware?"

This made JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y surprised at what she had said, as he spoke out.

"What?! How the fuck do you know of who I am?!"

Yukari then looks at JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y in the eyes, as she then spoke out again to him.

"Let's just say that I have met a deity that came from the same place you came, and she is one that knows about you."

Yukari then turns around and looks at 100, as she smiled.

"I will be honest, a monstrosity like this is one that I never thought could exist. I would almost feel pitiful in the existence that it has, knowing only rage, yet lacks the boundaries to keep it contained."

Dust rolled his eyes, as he spoke out to Yukari.

"I don't see anything pitiful about why his existence should be pitied. In fact, there is nothing pitiful about his existence at all. He is doing nothing more than cause mass destruction, and now...now his reign needs to end, once and for all."

Yukari smiled, as she goes next to the hulking form of Dust, who's original appearance flickers a little bit in ghost form.

"Well, considering that he is endangering the existence of my home, it seems that I will have to ignore what I had demonstrated as a poor act of pity on my part."

Dust and Yukari closed their eyes, as she spoke out.

"So now..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dust and Yukari smiled, as their eyes flare dangerously, before they both then spoke out.

"Let's give him a bad time."

Yukari then summoned a train out of complete nowhere, as it slammed into 100 and exploded into his face. 100 stumbled backwards and roared, as he tries to charge at her. But Yukari then opened a gap and 100 charged inside of it, as he fell back down to his previous position. Needless to say, 100 is not happy, as Dust then summoned a lot of hands and fired them at 100, who then got hit by them continuously. And while this is hurting 100, it is also making him a little bit madder than before. 100 then fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast from his mouth, but Yukari simply made a gap in front of her that leads into a void, all so that the attack will do no harm at all. Then, she fired arrows that exploded out from all directions, as they hit 100 rapidly, due to the fact that he is way to large to dodge them, as she then attacks again with large bullets made of energy, which hit 100 painfully.


Needless to say, 100 did not like this a single bit, as he charges in and slams his fists into the ground. But Yukari then vanished into a gap, only to reappear in another one, as she faces 100.

"My, only so full of rage, yet he cannot think for himself."

She then summoned more gaps as she then opened up even more gaps, which fired Kunais, just as Dust fired more hands at 100. Killer also took the chance to fire his sharp bones, and Vivian fires more fireballs. 100 got hit continuously, as he got more and more madder than before, his body now glowing white hot, as he unleashed his DT Shout. Luckily, Yukari made a gap so that the shout does not damage herself and the others, while Dust is simply fine, due to how his durability has been increasing. 100 looks, as he sees Yukari is still standing, as she smiled with a menacing aura.

Yukari smiled, the gap behind her opened, and countless eyes appeared from behind her being.

"Let's make this more difficult, wouldn't you agree?"

She then vanished into the gap, as a spinning double-ended blade appeared, spheres fired out and hit 100, as the spinning blade slices 100 in half. But 100 regenerated just as fast as he is being cut, as 100 got more and more pissed off than ever before. But the blade came back and sliced 100 in half again, this time horizontally, before slamming down on top of him, causing a powerful explosion. Yukari came back, her smug smile still on her face, as she spoke out.

"Let's make this lesson more painful for you, shall we?"

She summoned another gap, and a few sphere-like projectiles appeared before her, and locked onto 100, as they hit him. 100 tried to attack by lunging at her, but more spheres fired, knocking him aside, as red ones appeared and exploded onto him, causing a bit more damaged than before. But unfortunately, this also made 100 a bit madder than before, as he then jumped up and tries to attack her. But then, a melted Gaster Blaster appeared and exploded, launching 100 back down to the ground, as Dust warps the scene a bit, before he then ran full speed at him, and grabbed 100, picking him up, before slamming him down to the ground a bunch of times to make this a bit more painful. He is then launched into the air, and 100 turned purple, as purple lines appeared. But as 100 does not know what purple magic means, he got continuously hit by energy beams that attack on the purple lines, as he has no idea how to move, with the beams even summoning more projectiles on the sides of them. 100 is then thrown back down, as a large sphere appeared above and began to launch purple slashes and hands at him, as well as purple hands exploding all over the place, similar to the arrow projectiles that Yukari used, but not as fats or rapid.

"Hmmm...these are such interesting sources of powers to introduce back home."

She then summoned a blue circle outline around 100, as it fired projectiles outside and inside the outline, which hit 100. But 100 then charged at the outline and barreled through the boundary, as he broke through it, all while also getting attacked by blue circles. Then, dust appeared and tackled 100, as they began to fall, with Dust and 100 punching each other, before Dust kicks 100 and crashes down to the ground. He then leaps up and launches large bones down at 100, who got pierced and struck beneath them in a very painful way. Killer and Vivian appeared next to Dust, as they attacked as well. With Vivian, she used her fiery jinx onto 100, before she goes down, and punches 100 painfully with fire. Although, Vivian also got hurt badly due to how hot 100 is. Killer then took the turn, as he fired his Goop Blaster again, which explodes 100 very painfully. Dust then launches 100 into the air, before throwing him into a wall, and large black bones swung at 100, hitting him in the face. 100 roared, and charged at Dust, as he took a swing at him. The response to this attack?


This made Killer and Vivian stunned, as Yukari spoke out.

"I am not surprised. This soul that was created has grown strong enough to give Dust invulnerability. Such a powerful soul, especially since it is from his home realm."

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y smiled, along with Yukari, as they looks at the battle between 100 and Dust, with JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y summoning his Grandmaster Wires yet again. He raises 100 up, as he then fired his God Eyes at 100, causing immense amount of agony to him. Nightmare also took the chance and pierces his tentacles onto 100's body and began to melt them faster as if his black goo is made of caustic acid. 100 roared in agony, as Nightmare and JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y slammed 100 down to the ground. But then, Soul Harbinger appeared, stabbing 100 in the stomach, before lifting him up and slamming him down to the ground, hard. He fired multiple star-sized Wisps, which deontated in 100's face, as Yukari made her boundaries contain the blast. 100 is on the ground when the smoke cleared, as 100 is even more damaged then before, although his wounds healed. But 100 is also even more pissed off then ever before.

As 100 starts to get back up, Yukari appeared before it, as she spoke out at this.

"It seems you have not learned your lesson yet. I'm not surprised, as you don't know how to learn at all."

100 roared, as he charges at Yukari, and tries to attack her, only for White Strings to grab onto 100, and throw him away, as the White Strings ripped off the arms of 100. Yukari looked and sees Righteous appear, his hands in his pocket, as he then spoke out.

"Heya, how about we go and deal with 100 together? After all..."

He pulls his right sleeve and shows the eyes on his arm, as he then spoke out.

"It's an eye...for an eye."

Yukari smiled a bit wider at this, the gap behind her have eyes appear, as she then spoke out.

"Oh my...it seems that I am not the only one who has this. I think you've piqued my interest in you."

Righteous smiled a little bit, as he and Yukari turned to look at 100, who's arms are regenerating at very fast speeds. 100 looks up, and got pissed to the point that he has now began coming back much sooner then expected.


100 then charges at both Righteous and Yukari, as they both then attacked. Yukari summoned a gap, as spheres and red bones with eyes on them appeared out, firing at 100, who got hit with them. Righteous then summoned out his tentacles from the eyes, as they wrapped around 100 and shocked him badly, breaking his bones, before dropping him down to the ground, before launching 100 at a gap, which summoned another spinning blade and cuts him in half, although he still puts himself back together from this attempt. Then, a gap opens above 100, as multiple beams of energy fired from above, with Righteous firing his Unnameable Blasters down at 100, causing massive damage to 100, who got hit by them continuously. Righteous then swung his arm, as beams of energy fired from the eyes themselves, and hit 100 in the eys as well, causing him to cry out in agony.

"How about we take this up a notch?"

Righteous then fired Glitch Rays at 100 rapidly, as Yukari then summoned blue square outlines that fired in so many directions, as well as more Unnameable Blasters fired at 100. Then, Unnameable Blasters appeared in a circle, as they fired, but then turned into energy projectiles themselves, courtesy of Yukari. This is done a bunch of times, before Righteous spoke out.

"Pffft. this guy doesn't know when to quit."

Yukari nodded, as she spoke out to him.

"Even after all of this, he still stands. It is kind of annoying, yet fun to use all of what I have on someone like him."

Righteous smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well, let's keep going."

Righteous then summoned Red Strings and wrapped it around 100, as he pulls him and thrusts him into gaps, hitting him with bones and signs, before Yukari and Righteous hit 100 with a train and Glitch Ray. Then, a larger Unnameable Blaster appeared, as it fired, and exploded into a smaller Unnameable Blaster, as well as many spherical projectiles that exploded, which fired and spun everywhere, and it is done again, but spun in the opposite direction.

Yukari then goes behind Righteous, as she summoned a spinning object that fired small bullet-like objects everywhere, as well as sphere like projectiles spinning everywhere, with Righteous firing Unnameable Blasters at 100, who gets hit by the attack. Then, Unnameables Blasters appeared together in 4 directions which fired, as 4 bones then began spin together and hit 100 fast, and white spheres rapidly fired from the center of the spinning.

Then, Righteous made his blue strings come out and pull 100, and when that happened, the sound of a train appeared, crashing through, as Yukari and Righteous appeared once again, with Yukari on the train itself, and Righteous sitting on an Unnameable Blaster. The sparks of the train and the bones with eyes on them hit 100 continuously, as more bones and larger arrow projectiles appeared in all directions and hit 100 continuously, not to mention getting hit by Unnameable Blasters and explosions. Then, all of a sudden, Righteous and Yukari glowed red and blue, before they both attacked with greater force, with Righteous firing the Unnameable Blaster that he is on, as well as the Glitch Ray, and Yukari firing black arrow projectiles at 100 as well. Then, 100 is constantly teleported, as he is then pierced by signs and bones, before being hit by spinning Unnameable Blasters. The Blasts exploded onto 100 continuously, as Hollow Ink then takes the turn and tackles 100, before going against him by himself.

"Now, it is my turn!!!!"

Hollow then made his arm int a glassy ink blade, as he stabs 100 in the face, before making 2 large arms grab 100 and slam him down to the ground. 100 looks, as the Unnameable within Hollow spoke out.

"Here, let me take over."

Then, Black Veins appeared on Hollow's body, as the Unnameable is now in control instead, as he spoke out.

"Here, have this!!!"

2 large arms extended out from Hollow's back, as 100 is grabbed and slammed down to the ground, and an Ink Blaster appeared, firing a blast of the Unnameable's power onto 100, which annihilated a bit of his head. 100 roared, as Hollow charged at 100 and grabbed him, before lifting him up and slamming him down to the ground. He then fired multiple glassy ink bones at 100, piercing him all over the place, as the Unnameable then made a battle axe with Hollow's arm, and swung it at 100, slicing his face. He then swung the Paintbrush and extended the length of the Paintbrush, launching him backwards into a moon, before 100 returned back and punched the Unnameable, as he accidentally dropped the paintbrush. 100 then tries to pick it up, but then, Hollow made the paintbrush so heavy that 100 cannot pick it up.

"Cannot pick it up with your ever-growing strength, can't you?"

The Unnameable then fired an Ink Blaster again and launched 100 off of the brush, as the Unnameable made it light enough, he extends his arms and grabs it, before he stood up. Then, DT Lightning erupted and hits Ink, which made him explode. But the Unnameable Soul within Ink glows, and the paint wraps around the soul, before reforming Hollow's body, as he then spoke out.

"You know what...let's use all that I have on you!!!!"

Then, the body of Hollow began to pulsate and burst, as paint, tar, and an unidentified substance popped out of the body, as the Unnameable began to take on a form that he is most well-suited for in his liking, which is none other then the Inkmation.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Inkmation is then brought into the battle, as he roared in pure anger at the fact that 100 is more song up, what he considers to be one of his most beautiful creations yet. The Unnameable within Ink, Inkmation, then roared out to 100.


100 roared, as he then leapt up at Inkmation and tried to hit him. But the Inkmation the swat 100 away with his hands, despite how short and small they are compared to the rest of his body. When that happened, the Inkmation saw that Samson is about to fire his attack. But then, the Inkmation spread his arms out, as reality began to bend around him. And the Pure Uncontrollable Blast, even the attack itself suddenly turned direction and 100 in the face, sending backwards and made him cry out in agony at the fact that his own attack had been fired back at him.

Righteous looks at the Inkmation, and he smiled, as he then spoke out.

"Well, then I better do what he does and bail it. Okay, time to come out!!"

He ran forward, as the right arm began to react to his desire. The blue tendrils and red eyes appeared once again, as the entity began to float in the air, and this time, Error is not going to be fighting against 100 this time. Rather, it is what is inside of him that will fight against 100.

Myriad has now appeared, as Corrupt Judge and Myriad exist side by side. Myriad then takes the then and wraps its tendrils around 100, as he then slammed him down to the ground, making 100 feel immense agony from the hit itself.

"Now, it is my time to shine. 100, you will not destroy what Error has worked on for so long."

100 then fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast again, which is countered by the Glitch Eyes. 100 then made DT Lightning erupt from his body, but Myriad flipped that around by using his Cosmic Storm, as black lighting struck down from the sky. Myriad narrowed his eyes, as 100 jumped and leapt at him, only for the eyes to lock 100 in space-time, freezing him in place, as Myriad then swung one of his tendrils again, hitting 100 and sending him to an AU. Yukari smiled, as Corrupt Judge swung his Hate Blade and sliced at 100, causing immense agony to 100 pretty badly, although he does get slapped away for his troubles.

Omnithorn comes back, as he uses a bit more of his attacks then before in an attempt to take 100 down. He rushes up and punches 100, as he spoke out.

"Zeus' Pistol!!!"

He points one of his fingers at 100, and a spark of electricity fired at 100, and almost incinerated him, although 100 regenerated, as Omnithorn attacks yet again.

"Air Punch and Air Kick!!!"

Omnithorn uses his punches and kicks to summon a lot of wind pressure that attacked 100 and launched him backwards and hit him. Omnithorn landed onto the ground, as 100 began to rise in power.

"Air Pitch..."

He then grabs at the air, condenses it into a ball, and hurls it at 100, who is then hit by the attack, knocking him backwards a little bit. Then, 100 is then hit by a bright flash of light, courtesy of Myriad, as the Inkmation fired a devastating blast at 100, exploding it onto him.

But 100 still keeps on coming up, as Inkmation snarled a little bit, and he extends his arms to 100, before he then slammed him down to the ground, causing 100 to crash and make a crater. But 100 still kept coming up, even as Gradient and Tint fired their Blasters and Novice God Ray and Ink Gun at 100, as Inkmation spoke out in pure frustration.

"How much does it take to bring this rage-fueled bastard down?!"

Myriad spoke back calmly to Inkmation.

"His very rage burns his very soul. He refuses to stay down, no matter what we do."

Inkmation and Myriad grimaced a little bit, as 100 roared once again. Gradient then fired his Gradient blasters at 100 doing as much damage as he could, before wrapping around red strings and cause burning to 100, before he then used the Blue Strings to siphon his energy from 100. But 100 broke free, as Tint took over. He used his Rainbow Arm and fired a blue energy at 100, as 100 is continuously subjected to a blue attack. And then, when that happened, Tint summoned Ink Clones, with the first few stronger then Tint himself and hit 100 and damage him, before firing a Tint Blaster at 100, and swung his paintbrush to form Tint Bones they pierced 100. But 100 got even madder then before, as he tries to attack Tint, only for Tint to move to the side. Gradient then fired bones at 100, piercing his body, as 100 tried to grab onto the clump on Tint's chest, only for the tentacles clumped together to wrap around his arm and break it, as 100 steps back. Blue magic then wrapped around 100, as he is then slammed down to the ground, while the Rainbow Arm makes green vines and wrapped around 100, his HP drained, with Tint using it to heal up. But 100 broke free, as Tint and Gradient jumped back.

Then, another flash of light occurred, and a familiar voice spoke out to the world.


100 turns and sees that Warlock is here, as he warped reality very severely and launched own mouth, extending it with it almost looking like a leech, as Warlock bit on 100. Needless to say, Warlock is very happy to see 100 again, so that he can make him pay for all that he has done.

"Ugh...Warlock, or rather...Peter, I believe you sometimes call him. Of course, it is that werid entity and that ridiculous older brother of yours, Omnipotent."

Omnipotent shrugged, as he spoke out to her.

"Well, that is just what he is like. Don't blame him."

Then, Warlock then changed into another form that looks completely different from before, into a form that made him, ironically, resemble more of a Sans, at least when it involves his face.

Warlock then spun 100 around, as fast as he can, and before 100 even knew it, Warlock moved his arms, holding 100, rocketing him, into the edge of the Multiverse...but more then just the edge of the Multiverse, he went to the edge of the Eden Orb that Dust's Multiverse resides in...which cracked, and made a hole in it, as 100 is thrown out, and Warlock cries out to the group behind him.


Omnipotent, as if he is understanding what his brother is trying to say to everyone, then spoke out.

"Now!!! Use our strongest attack while 100 is out!!!"

Everyone nodded, as JustSystematic puts his wings together and began to make a blast with them, his most strongest attack yet, much stronger then the Hypernova Beams, as the sphere is black with purple outlines. Soul Harbinger began to summon his largest Giga Wisp yet, Omnithorn took a stance and is ready to use his own strongest attack, Corrupt Judge's Blade began to glow black, Emperor Multiverse used Ruler's Might and summons a larger blaster that is white at the top with a black jaw, as well as runes all over the place, Myriad and Inkmation prepare their own strongest attacks, the ones that they have used on each other for a long time, Osiris, due to an opening in the fabric of reality, activates his D.E.L.T.A.R.U.N.E in order to attack at his strongest, all so that he can finely put down 100. Dust then began to summon the Gaster Blastermination, now far stronger then before, as well as the spheres and energy beams and hands about to attack, Killer summoned his Goop Blaster, Vivian summoned her fireball, which is now large and purple, Dream came back, now readying his Sword, with Nightmare having summoned his tendrils, ready to pierce, and Gradient and Tint also ready to attack as well, summoning their Blasters, as well as their ray and gun attacks.

"But before we finish him..."

Yukari said, as she raised her hand and manipulated the boundaries of 100's strength, and she used it to shrink 100's power a little bit. But JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y raised his own finger spoke out.

"Balance Ray."

Using the Conduit Soul of Balance inside of 404, the purple ray fired and hit 100, deceasing his power even more then before. Yukari then opens up many gaps, and eyes are summoned, getting ready to fire. Warlock the used all of the fingers in his hand, separating them, as they turned into a...nuke. Warlock grabs onto the nuke, as JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y for ready to attack.








"Magic Eye 'Laplace's Demon.'"


All of the attacks fired with immense force, as the Nuke is launched and began to rush towards 100, the Metanova fired at the opening in the Eden Orb, the Giga Wisp followed suit, Zeus' Thunderbolt, combined with the Omnilock Destroyer's effects rushed toward, the Hate Blade exploded, going at 100, as well as the black souls firing all at once, the Gradient Blasters and Tint Blasters also fired, with the Novice God Ray and Ink Gun fired, Myriad and Inkmation fired the large Glitch Eye and the Orb of Utter Destruction, Dust and Killer fired their Blasters, energy beams, hands, and spheres included, with Vivian firing her large fireball at 100. Nightmare extends his tendrils to pierce 100, before separating the spiked ends, with Dream firing a slash of positivity at 100, which will severely damage him. Yukari used the eyes on the gaps that fired projectiles that are very explosive at 100. The Beast of Rage looks at the attacks coming his way...as he then made one final roar.


He then fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at the attacks, in a last ditch effort to stop hit, his rage burning out of the effects that JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y and Yukari had done to him, and uses this attack to try and overpowered the others that are coming to him. Unfortunately, Warlock used his Bizarre Manipulation on his Gun Planet, which is the Nuke that he fired to 100. So when it got in front, it battled through the Pure Uncontrollable Blast, and when it reached 100...it exploded, at the same time as the other attacks, and it is shown in the most fantastic way ever possible.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The combined blast is so powerful and large, it is able to destroy an Eden Orb, as well as a couple of nearby Eden Orbs. A bright glow was shown, as it eclipsed the Eden Orb and it shined bright inside of it. Everyone closed their eyes, as the shine overtook the Eden Orb itself, everyone gets consumed by the bright light of the Gun Planet Nuke, as they are now no longer able to be seen inside of the orb, as the light blocked all sight of them from the outside...and when the light had died down...all of them disappeared, as if they were an illusion in the first place...but Warlock...outside of the Eden Orb, he looks at the hole in the side of the Orb, and raises his hands, he shouted out once again his name in response to seeing the Eden Orb having been damaged by the fight against 100 when he broke 100 outside.


The side of the Eden Orb began to warp and shift, as the sharp parts extended and began to touch the other sharp parts of the Eden Orb, before it expanded and filled up the hole, and when it is done, the Eden Orb was closed up, seal, as if it was never there in the first place. Warlock made a goofy smile, one last goofy smile on his face for the final time, before he then vanished by eating him, before his mouth flipped inside out, somehow, consuming the rest of his head, before disappearing completely from all of reality. It is as if...Warlock was never there in the first place.

Inside of the TransVoid, a familiar entity that looks like a cross between a squid and a human is shown, the upper body resembling Core!Frisk, but she has a much more mature and adult-like appearance present. She looked inside of the magical screen that she has made, as she witnessed the defeat of 100. Of course, she knows one thing about 100.

"So....it seems that 100 is now defeated. But it is a shame that he is not dead. Even when he is weakened, he has grown powerful enough with his sheer rage to survive with only a tiny piece of him remaining. Oh well. At least he won't be seen in a very long time."

As that happened...another female entity appeared, weaker then the squid lady, but still stronger then normal Error and Ink, similar to King Multiverse and Error404, as she spoke out.

"So...I take that the Beast of Rage is gone?"

The squid entity nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Destiny...you've arrived. Yes, only for now, at least. But due to the damage that he had sustained...I doubt that it is forever. He will come back...only, it will take far longer then before."

Destiny nodded, as she then made a mostly screen, and shows that Hollow!Ink is back inside of his own Doodle Sphere, with Warlock gone, Error404, Fatal_Error, and Error separated, but all strained form the attack, with Alpha also lying next to them, Infected knocked out, Omnipotent on the ground, severely strained from the continued use of the Conduit Soul of Will and using Omnithorn's full power. Righteous and Yukari are now inside of the Omega Timeline with Core!Frisk and Gradient and Tint, who are also in the Omega Timeline, but Killer, GlitchDust, and Vivian are gone, almost as if they have vanished from existence. And that is not all. GlitchDust's friends and family are also gone.

"Where did the other 3 go?"

Destiny said, as the squid hybrid spoke out.

"Killer simply went back to his own timeline, as if nothing happened. But GlitchDust...he is back in his own timeline...but Vivian is with him somehow. But I don't think she seems to mind, as it allows her to be with him. The IT Frisk has separated, and in turn, the Multiverse in GlitchDust's home has also separated, meaning that he gets his home back. And they both...remember, along with the people that they are friends and family with. They too also remember what happened, and are trying to prepare for the Multiverse and the possible dangers existing."

Destiny nodded, as the hybrid spoke.

"Although...his peace will not least. As there are other people that are outside, all of whom from Alphatale itself. And I will be honest with you, Destiny..."

The hybrid turns around to look at Destiny, and her empty sockets narrowed, as she spoke out.

"One of them will be the greatest threat to the Multiverse yet...even more so then 100...and it is the one that started it all. The one that made Infected in the first place. But luckily...the other faces present...will be the ones against her."

Destiny nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Well...let us hope that they will have their peace for a long time. Because with all of the good Melodie's they can make, it is what will allow them to mold into becoming true people."

The squid hybrid nodded her head, as she looked at a seen, looking like Yukari is flirting and teasing with  Righteous, which made him blush blue, as Core holds onto Righteous' left arm, and Yukari with his right arm, almost like they are in a tug of war of sorts, as well as Gradient playing with his half-brothers, as she spoke out.

"Yes...it shall. Especially since Dust now no longer has code within him. Now...his DT is all that remained and replaced his very existence...and he does not even knew it. I wonder if he will ever discover the truth of what has happened to his very being."


Inside of an AU, a figure is shown to have jumped down from the sky, as he stood up. He walks inside of a version of Snowdin, as he has his hands crossed behind his back. He looks up at the sky, thinking about someone he cares about, as he stepped into the light. It resembles a Papyrus, but with brown scarf, gloves and boots, as well as body armor that has the letter, A, on the shoulders and left side of the torso. He looks up, and he clenched his fist, as 2 hammers appeared from his hands, in which he then spoke out.


The tall skeleton sighed, before he then looks down at the ground for a little bit, like he is remembering something that he is trying his best to keep on remembering, despite how long it may have seen for him. He then looked down at his scarf, as he touched it a little bit with a bit of his finger, despite still holding the hammer, as he then spoke out.


He then looks down at his hands, as he spoke out.


He then made the hammers disappear, and summons a blaster, which lifts him up and sends him away, as he goes to a more peaceful AU to be in.


Inside of a dark void of sorts...a female figure of sorts walked inside of the entity realm that she had been living inside of for so long. She narrowed her eyes dangerously, as her left eye, which is not covered by her hair, gleamed a pink color, as she then spoke out.

"Damn you, 404. Damn you, you disgraceful brothers. You have humiliated my strongest and my most favorite son. All of you had made him broken yet again. And now...now I need to fix that."

She clenched her dark purple fingers, which are skeletal, standing at the height of 7 feet, she goes through the void and spoke out.

"This will not be tolerated anymore longer. I will make all of you suffer...minus you, Ares~. And I will bring back Alphatale in the way that I see fit...and you...William...you will suffer, my disgraceful son..."

The light within the void then appeared, showing her face, a pink face, with long hair, and with some green on the clothing that is shown, as she spoke out.

"You will suffer for what you've done...for your mother will soon return to the Multiverse, and claim the prize thar she has sought for so long."

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