GlitchDust is now wondering the Omega Timeline, his hands are in his pocket. He had taken what must have been a very big break from his adventure, as he had been out of commission for an entire week. He had gone to an Alternate Timeline of the original Undertale, and was able to rescue the denizens that are about to get killed and destroyed. And this will help Dream with his need of increasing his power much more then ever before.
Also, the Omega Timeline, it had nearly gotten attacked and invaded by Killer and Horror, bur Scoundrel and Mafia were able to hold them off. If it wasn't for them, then Team Hope would have been finished. Luckily, that disaster did not occur, but it is very alarming that this happened, because as it turns out, Bill now is able to go into the Omega Timeline, thanks to the Book of Eyes, which is now no longer needed, as he gained the power to enter inside of it. And this made the entire situation alarming for everyone, and thus, they are doing all that they can to make sure they Team Void does not sneak into the Omega Timeline. Luckily, Dust is able to sense magic, which he gained from killing Bete Noire, and thus will know when they will arrive. So that sort of tactic is useless against Dust, so that he will be able to alarm the ones that are powerful enough to take on them. And thus, Team Void cannot use any sneak attacks with Dust currently watching.
Dust Chara now at home with Braixen and Ninetails, and they have became fond of Chara, although not to the same extent as Dust, in which the both of them are far more fond of. Dust also heard that Dustbelief, the alternate version of his brother, he had went in and brought back his normal Disbelief self inside to the Omega Timeline, and he now hangs with Last Breath, due to the fact that like Disbelief, Last Breath has phases of his own.
Due to the amount of people now inside of the Omega Timeline, and the fact that they are now more and more happier then before, Purified!Dream is bathing in more and more joy and happiness. This is making him more and more stronger, and keeps him charged up. The golden glow above in the sky, that being Dream, is now brighter then ever before. This also effected Dream's aura, as it is now a bit more stronger then before. Dream's aura made everyone feel a bit more joy then before, and is able to give those with horrible nightmares a good night sleep of some sort, as his aura cured them of their any sort of PTSD they might have suffered from.
Dust sighed, as he looked up and spoke out.
"Dream seems to be doing a very good job up there, huh? He is able to use the happiness of the Omega Timeline's denizens to make himself more stronger then before, and since we brought in more people for the job, more people to give homes to, he is able to bath in more and make himself more powerful then before. Wonder if there is a limit to how much Positivity he can absorb inside of his body, or his limit is simply being pushed and is growing stronger by continuously absorbing positive feelings existing from below the ground itself."
As Dust looked up, Phantom Papyrus appeared beside Dust, and spoke out.
Dust looked at Phantom Papyrus and nodded his head, before he then spoke out.
"Team, I'm doing fine, bro. Don't worry. I'm just wondering about how Dream is doing, that is all."
Phantom Papyrus nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.
Phantom Papyrus disappeared, and Dust sighed, before he then sat down onto a bench, and he looked forward, trying to find some way to clear his mind off of all the insanity that is happening. He then looks around the Omega Timeline, as he continues to wonder about something.
"The Omega Timeline is supposed to be a joke to those that have lost their original homes to either a Genocide Route or by their homes being destroyed by other versions of me, such as Error or Nightmare. But I wanna know...do they still age inside of the Omega Timeline, or does aging stop when you are inside is the Omega Timeline? I don't know...but Asriel and Chara changed into 16 year olds when they went into the Omega Timeline. So it is possible that the Omega Timeline can affect aging to an extent, although this is likely also because of the fact that our timeline got glitched. So their age glitched back to their former selves from before."
As Dust wondered about the question that is in his head, a voice spoke out from beside him.
"Dust...you can figure out those questions later."
Dust then turned and looked to see that Core had decided to manifest herself beside him, as Core continued to spoke out.
"Oh, hey Core. You want to have something important done from me again?"
Core nodded her head at Dust, as she turned to him.
"Yes, I do. And you are going to have to take Delta, Cross, and Dustbelief with you for this one."
Dust looked confused, and he then spoke out.
"I'm going work Delta? Huh, haven't done that in a long time. And hopefully the other 2 will be easy to aid me. So what type of AU am I going to be visiting this time?"
Core up at Dust for a little bit, before she then continued with her explanation towards the murderer.
"For you see...the AU that you will be going to with Delta...just line TrainerTale, it is a fused AU of sorts. And Delta's powers will be needed against the threat that resides in the AU you are needed in."
Dust looked confused at Core, as he then spoke out.
"So...what AU am I going to?"
Core gawked her head at Dust, as a smile then formed onto her face. Clearly, it is an AU that Dust might enjoy going to, or rather, might enjoy getting the denizens out of, especially since it is an AU that she really liked when she was just beginning her time as an Omnipresent being, and that is if she had a beginning that she can remember still.
Another AU...
Inside a snowy area of some sort, in the other AU that is about to the destroyed, the AU that is fused with another, a battle can be heard from within the area, as blasts and crashes can be heard. An attack occurred, as a fireball is seen being thrown from one side, as the fireball tried to hit the target, only for the fireball to not have any effect. Then, a Black Blast is shown at the other, as a hammer is shown to be swung from the air, while a bone wall erupted from the ground, as the hammer is sent back and caught by a gloved hand. Killer is shown to be inside of this AU, as he stepped forward, and pints his knife at the opponent, before he then spoke out.
"How pathetic. Do you honestly think that your powers are useful against me?"
Then, a figure stepped forward in front of him, as the figure is in shadows, but appear to be tall, at the height what of what is seemingly 5'1, his hands are out, as he held onto the hammer in his hand. He then puts the hammer behind his back, which disappears for some unknown reason, before the figure that is standing before Killer Sans then spoke out to him.
"Then it's about-a time that I show-a you what I can-a do!"
A white gloves hand ignited, as the figure covered in shadows reveals himself.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
This is none other then a human named Mario, one of the denizens of Undertoad, as well as the one that takes Sans' place.
Undertoad, just like Trainertale, is an AU where's 2 universes from 2 different Multiverses fused together. In this case, it is a fusion of Undertale and another Universe demon another Multiverse that is called the Super Mario Bros. How this AU came to be, just like Trainertale, is currently an unknown mystery many tried to solve. But what is known is that the Super Mario Characters are able to replace the original normal Undertale Characters, but still keep their respective personalities and skills, as well as some unique powers of their own. Due to the fusion, it also means that this Mario is a composite of all other Marios across the Mario Multiverse, meaning he has all the skills and powers of the other Marios.
Inside of Undertoad, his brother, Luigi, takes the place of Papyrus, he's in a relationship with his Peach, just as Luigi is in a relationship with his Daisy, and in Undertoad, or at least, this version of Undertoad, the AU has all the Mario power ups, as well as all of the Mario characters, taking their pow unique roles, others different from their normal counterparts, while some look so closely like their original selves that their powers and personalities are indistinguishable. And possibly like TrainerTale, it serves as a gateway to the Mario Multiverse, due to this AU being a fusion of Undertale and Super Mario.
And now...now he is facing off against Killer Sans, who invaded the AU, along with Error, who is going to try and destroy the AU himself. And Killer Sans is not the only one inside of this place. Other members of the Murder Time Trio, such as Insanity and Horror, they are also inside of this place. But the Murder Time Trio's Dust is not here, and supposedly, he is sent on a mission to somewhere else that must have been important for him.
Mario looks at Killer, as his hands are ignited, the hammer in his hand, as he launched a fireball at Killer, who than used his knife to slice through the fireball without effort. But Mario ran to him, and swung his hammer, which damaged Killer and sent him into a tree, which made snow fall down on top of him. Mario stepped back, as he prepares his hammer, and Killer launches and charged up at Mario, as his knife is in his hand. But Mario raised his hammer and blocked the attack, as the knife became embedded into the hammer's head. Mario and Killer looked at each other, before Mario than fired a fireball at Killer's face, hurting him badly, as Killer is launched off of him.
As that happened, Horror came out of nowhere and jumped out of nowhere, as he than swung his axe down at Mario, only for Mario to swing his Hammer and clash against the axe, as Horror and Mario struggle against each other's strength, but as Horror has far more physical strength then Classic, he is giving Mario as hard time. Luckily, as Mario is a fusion of all of the other Marios, many of which are kid and good, but physically strong, this makes him able to stand his ground against Horror's immense physical strength, as he then pushed Horror off, and launched an snowball at Horror in an attempt o freeze him. Horror, however, moved out of the way, as he then tries to slice Mario's head off, only for a green pipe to appear from the ground and block Horror's attack, as Mario looked and spoke out.
"Just-a when will all of-a you give up and leave?"
Horror looks at Mario with a smile, as he then spoke out.
"When all of you are able to die, and are able to suffer underneath the power of our boss."
He raised his hand, and sharp bloody bones began to erupt, and Mario jumped as high as he can to avoid getting skewered alive from the deadly hazard coming. He then began to spin in the air, hammer in hand, as he acted like a ball and came to Horror, before he slammed his hammer into Horror, who raised a bone wall in an attempt to block the hammer. But the wall broke, as the bones broke from the strength of the hammer. Mario than launched a fireball at Horror, who dodged out of the way, and he swung his axe to cut his head off. But Mario ducked, as the axe missed, with the hat briefly floating in the air, before falling back on top of his head, with Mario than raising his head, and does a punch to Horror, which his fists ignited, and the impact of the punch exploded onto Horror, which sent him back a little bit from the attack. Horror skidded back, as the burning effect of the fire attack began to hurt Horror a little bit more, similar to the karma, except it is causing the Hp to go down on its own, until about 30 percent of his health has been down. Needless to say, Horror was not happy, as Killer re-entered the fight, and he held his knife and points it at Mario, who than fired a snowball at Horror, which frozen him inside of a big block of ice. This made Killer unhappy, as he then launched sharp bones at Mario, and Mario returned this by firing fireball as fast as he can to Killer's Sharp Bones, as the bone and the fireballs countered one another. Mario and Killer looked at each other, as Mario than ran as fast as he can towards Killer, before he swung a Hammer beneath Killer's jaw, and sends him up into the air, before Killer then took out his Goop Blaster, and fired it at Mario, and Mario had to run away as fast as he can in order to avoid getting hit by the Goop Blaster that is about to kill him.
Mario jumped up into the air, and he goes above Killer, before he then brought the hammer down on top of him. But Killer teleported out of the way, and used Blue Magic on Mario, and tried to slam him down to the ground. But Mario landed onto his feet, as he then jumped onto the 2 trees, and does a wall jump, before Killer teleported behind Mario, and tried stab him in the back of the head, only for Mario to jumped out of the way, and for Mario to fire a fireball at Killer, which sent him back down to the ground fast.
But Killer does not give up, as he jumps up, and swung his knife, hitting Mario, and took down a chunk of health from him, as Mario got hurt and was sent down to the ground, with Mario holding onto his chest. He then ate a mushroom and healed the wound, as a familiar cries out to his brother.
Mario turns, and he sees, in his horror, that Luigi,
he is being attacked by Insanity Sans, who is holding Papyrus' head, and has a maddened grin onto his face, with Luigi being scared to fight back. Daisy is fighting against GZ papyrus, and Peach...she has no idea what to do...other then to try and aid the battle as best as she can. But she cannot help Luigi, as an enemy is distracting her.
Mario cried out, as he tries to go to him, only for Horror to appear in front of Mario and stop him.
"You cannot save him."
Horror said, as he then fought against Mario, and Killer does the same, so that he will suffer at seeing his brother die. Mario tries to fight back, but being 2 against one, he cannot go to his brother. And he watches, as Insanity then spoke out to Luigi.
"I'll have fun having your skull as my trophy...and giving it to your brother as a gift."
Insanity said, as he then reeled his fist back, and tries to stab Luigi in the heart, and Luigi is too scared to fight back. But before Insanity could grab him, a sharp purple bone appeared out of complete nowhere and stabbed him, stopping Insanity from killing Luigi. And when that happened, a Gaster Blaster appeared beside Insanity, and fired at him, as Horror and Killer are lifted into the air, and. Delta Blaster fired at then both, which send them both as far away as they are able to be as. This caught Mario by surprise, as Luigi ran up to him, and a voice spoke out.
"You both okay?"
Mario and Luigi turned to see 3 skeletons, very different from the ones that they had fought against, except for the one with the hood, who looks similar to the other 3 skeletons.
GlitchDust had arrived, and he has Phantom Papyrus, Delta, and Dustbelief Papyrus out in the battle, as he spoke out to Mario.
"Heya, buddy. Ya need some help with the other lookalikes?"
Mario is surprised to see that there are other ones, but he's an ally, along with the other 2. Dustbelief turned to see GZ Papyrus, as he charged at him, and saved Daisy just in time before she can be scratched by GZ Papyrus. Dustbelief smiled at GZ Papyrus, as he then spoke out.
This made GZ Papyrus flinch, as he shouted out.
Dustbelief smiled, as Specter Sans appeared beside him.
This made GZ Papyrus madder, as he then goes into combat against Dustbelief, this time without the aid of Flowerfell Papyrus. But now, Dustbelief is confident that he will be able to take on him along.
Daisy rushes over to Papyrus and hugs him, and although she is wearing a scary mask, she is very happy to see that her beloved is fine. Luigi was also happy as he hugged Daisy, and she spoke out to him.
"Luigi. Thank goodness you're not dead!"
Luigi smiled, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, thanks to these other 3."
Daisy turns to see Dust, as Delta had gone to fight against Horror and Killer, and Daisy was about to speak out, when the entire underground...it is beginning to glitch and break apart.
"Wh...What is-a happening?!"
Luigi said, as Peach began to use a machine to realize what is happening.
And Peach, she realized what is about to happen, as she then spoke out.
"The entirety of this world...it is beginning to be destabilized and be destroyed! Everyone is going to be erased!"
Mario was shocked, as he spoke out.
"What...but how is this possible?!"
Dust then spoke out.
Everyone turned to Dust, as he then spoke out.
"Error is the one responsible for this! He is the only one that can destroy worlds!"
This made Daisy spoke out.
"And how do you know about that?!"
Dust turned to Daisy, as he spoke out.
"Because I had seen him do it before. And the results are not pretty, for he can erase anything when the world is destroyed, and it won't come back."
Daisy was panicking, as she then spoke out.
"But that means that everyone will be erased as well! We need to get everyone out of here!!"
Ink the appeared, as he spoke out.
"I know a place that they can stay in, and it is almost completely safe. Not a best place...but better then here."
Ink then made an Ink portal, as Daisy was a little bit skeptical...until Insanity came back and nearly attacked Peach. Luckily, Dust was able to stop him and blocked Insanity's attack, as he grabbed him by the arm and pushed him back.
Dust fired a Trident at Insanity, as he raised a bone wall to try and block the trident coming at him. By the trident went through and stabbed Insanity, as he sent him to a tree behind him. He turns to Peach, as he then spoke out.
"Get everyone to the ink portal as you can. Me and my buddies can hold the others back!!"
Daisy and Mario, they both nodded, along with Luigi and Peach, as they began to go all over the place to try and bring them to the Omega Timeline, all so that they can keep them safe from harm. Dust looks at Insanity, who then stands back up, before Dust then launched a spear with a string, and stabbed Insanity, before pulling him back, and reeling him into Dust, before Dust punched him hard in the face, sending him backwards, and crashed into a tree, and Dust then takes out the Scythe of Fear and charged at Insanity, in order to try and defeat him. Insanity stood up, as he then launched bones at Dust and hit him with it. Dust got stabbed a bunch of times, but he does the best to ignore the pain, as he continues to Insanity, and did a bunch of slashes at Insanity, before striking at the ground, and sending a dark explosion to Insanity, and launched him as far as he can into the air. Dust leapt into the air, before Insanity grabbed Dust and began to punch him repeatedly, and Dust then grabbed Insanity by the fist, and threw him down to the ground. Dust then fired Arrow Blasts at Insanity, which exploded as soon as they hit Insanity. Dust then used his Blue Magic to raise him up and send him as far away from the Ink Portal as he can, so that he does not continue on with his killing spree.
But Insanity teleported back, and tried to grab Dust again. But Phantom Papyrus appeared and blocked Insanity's hand, as Insanity was shocked at this, thinking that it is the Papyrus that he killed, as he is holding his skull, before Phantom Papyrus pierced Insanity with red bones, which hurt him badly, but did not kill him, as well as stab him in the legs. And the moment that this happened, Dust launched Insanity into the air with blue magic, and fired Gaster Blasters at Insanity, which exploded him, and he goes down to the ground. Dust then launched fireballs at Insanity, which also exploded, and Dust then summoned purple webbing, before he wraps the purple webs around his leg, and began to spin him around, and continues to spin him around, until he relseed him and sends him as far away as he can to the edge of the snowy place, into a wall, before Dust teleported and landed many chunks of rocks on top of Insanity, which crashed down on top of him and pinned him down, so that he does not get out of the place he is in.
Dust sighed, as he is very glad they Insanity cannot continue on. But now he needs to go and take care of this mess and try to get a bunch of people out of here. He then teleports around and found a bunch of people, such as a mushroom person with pink dots on their head, A small dinosaur with yellow clothing covering only the pelvis and red hair, a blue bird with detective clothing, and a bunch of others. But as he goes around...suddenly...blue string appeared and neatly struck Dust, but he got out of the way before he can hit him. And in fact, Dust recognized the Blue Strings. He turned around to the direction, and he then runs as fast as he can. Thankfully, he is now able to run faster then ever before, which made him a blue, as he reappeared into a section of the snowy area. And this is where he sees that Error Sans is here, and he is fighting against someone.
Battling against Error in a nervous panic, is a humanism figure, resembling a dark purple ghost of some sort, possessing a pink hat with white stripes, light-pink hair covers most of her face, yellow lips on her mouth, and gloves, as well as a blush being present.
Error smiled at the ghostly entity, as he spoke out.
"For an AU, you bugs are very powerful. But even so...you all will be destroyed!!"
He then summoned red bones at the ghostly entity, who then punched with fire coming from the fist, before going into the shadow on the ground, making the red bones miss. The ghostly entity came up and tried to attack with a fireball, but blue bones held her in place, as Error then summoned an Error Blaster, which made the shadowy being scared.
"No! No!! I-I don't want to die!!"
Error smiled, and prepared to fire, but GlitchDust then came out of nowhere and punched Error in the face, before turning the Error Blaster to strike at Error Sans himself and send him crashing to the ground, hit by his own attack.
Dust then sunk the red bones down, and the shadowy entity moved, as Error spoke out.
"You okay?"
The shadowy being nodded, as she spoke out.
"I am. T-Thank you. Who are you?"
Dust then spoke out.
"Call me Dust. You?"
The shadowy being then spoke out.
"I-I'm Vivian."
Dust then spoke out
"That's a nice name."
Dust nodded with a smile. And the shadowy being cannot help but blush a little more at seeing him. Then, Error came out of the ground, and he looked pissed, as he shouted out.
Dust then spoke out.
"A work that had no reason to be here, Error."
Error then spoke out.
"It is needed because I want nothing more then to destroy you Glitches, you pathetic mistakes!!!"
Dust then spoke out.
"You're one to talk, considering you are a glitch and a mistake!"
This made Error roared out at him.
"SHUT UP!!!!"
Error attempted to fire his Error Blaster at Dust. But before Dust can react, the shadowy being, Vivian, then hugged Dust from behind, and Dust was caught off guard. Before he can react, Vivian and Dust then sunk into the shadow beneath Dust.
The Error Blaster missed, and both got out from the shadow, and Duat had a flabbergasted expression present, and he puts his hands onto his chest, seeing that he is truly physical still.
"Okay, that felt very weird. But thank you."
Vivian smiled, as Error got even more madder. He then tried to fire Error Blasters at Dust, but Dust then grabbed Vivian and teleported out of the way, as Mario and the others began to get the last people out of here, as well as get the power ups, so that they do not loose them. And luckily, they got enough of them out.
"Is this all of them?"
Dust said, and Mario nodded.
"Yep. Now, let's- a go!!"
Mario and the others jumped in, as Dust and Vivian went to the Omega Timeline in order to escape the AU. But Error is not going to allow them to escape that easily. As soon as Mario and the others went in, red bones blocked the portal, as Error appeared, and the AU began to destabilize even more then before, as Error appeared, glitches coming off of him, as he spoke out.
Error Sans then summoned an Error Blaster, and Vivian went behind Dust, ready to pull him in. The Error Blaster fired, and Vivian pulled Dust into his shadow, as the Error Blaster missed. But at the same time that this happened, the entire AU was completely destroyed, as it dispersed into pixels and codes, and there is soon nothing left. Error smiled...thinking he had killed then all. But then, a hand rose up from the not white void, as Vivian and Dust emerged from the ground.
"Woah! Didn't know anyone could survive an AU's destruction like that."
Dust said, Vivian smiled, seeing that she was able to save herself and Dust from an AU's destruction, even if it is unintentional, as Error shouted out.
Error then raised his hand into the air, as he summoned more Error Blasters.
Dust stepped back, as Vivian then flicked her finger up, and then, fiery explosions appeared, as Error had suddenly combusted and got hurt. This made Error madder, as he then fired Blue Strings at Dust, hoping to use him as a puppet against Vivian, before destroying Dust himself.
But then, a blue portal opened below the both of them. And before they knew it, they both fell in, with Vivian now having the bottom of her shadowy tail now onto Dust's Shadow, as Error's Blue Strings had missed. Error, now getting even more pissed then ever before, then tried to chase after then, but Ink used his Paintbrush to smack him away, close the portal, and go inside of the blue portal, which then closed before Error could react.
Omega Timeline...
The blue portal opened above the Omega Timeline's from above the ground, as Dust and Vivian landed, although Vivian used her powers over shadow to merge them into the ground, in order to make a safe landing.
They rose back up, and Dust and Vivian, the both of them are shown to be okay, a little hurt from their encounter with Error, but no worse for wear, as Vivian spoke out.
"Wh...Where are we now?"
Dust then looked at Vivian, as he then spoke out.
"We're in the Omega Timeline. The one place that Error cannot get inside of alone...at least not without help. But don't worry. The place is protected."
Vivian looked a little bit uneasy, but she decides to trust what he says, as Mario came and spoke out.
"Hello! Dust, is it. I want to say-a thank you for helping us get out of the situation we were in. We would have been-a toast!"
Dust nodded with a smile, as he spoke out.
"It's no problem. Besides, Error has always been a threat. So it's a common enemy we have all been going against."
Mario nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Well...I-a better go and help my bro and the others with what we have. Besides...I still-a need some answers as to what is happening."
Core then appeared beside Mario, as she spoke out.
"I can provide the answer you want. And that is...of course...if you are willing to listen."
Mario looks down at Core, and although he is a little bit unsure at first, he nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"Of-a course."
Core nodded, and she looks at Dust, before speaking out.
"Good work out there, Dust."
Core and Mario walk away, as Dust sighed. He looks up at Dream, and sees that he is now glowing slighting brother then before. Seems this is enough to make him more stronger, due to the denizens being alive, meaning that many of them are safe. Vivian then takes the time to speak out.
"Umm...Dust, right?"
Dust looks at Vivian and nodded his head, as she spoke out.
"Thank you...for saving my life back there. You're so nice."
Dust then smiled and spoke back.
"It's no problem. Besides...you seem like a kind person yourself."
Vivian looks and smiled, as she spoke out to him.
"That already makes me feel more better. And...also..."
Vivian goes to Dust and kissed him in the cheek, before moving back, a flustered, but cheerful expression is on her face. Dust also blushed, but his is a purple blush, as he held his cheeks, but does the best he can to keep his composure. Phantom Papyrus appeared beside him, although only Sans can see him, as he spoke out.
Dust cannot answer, as he is too embarrassed to do so. This is gonna be a very long day for the Murderer.
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