Twin Sanses at Near Death
Delta puts his hand onto his chin, as he than began to think of who to recruit next, as he than spoke out.
"I know of 2 other people that we can bring. One of them is named, Geno."
This made Sans confused, as he spoke out.
"What type of Sans is that?"
Delta than spoke out.
"Like you, he was in the genocide run, and went through countless Genocides to stop the human, and like you, took a very risky move. But unlike you, instead of killing Monsters, he instead injected himself with Determination, so that he can take over the RESET that the human has access to. However, he failed, and is now stuck in the Save Screen. We are, pretty close, but he hates a version of us that has killed Papyrus, especially as Dust Sans. But I'll try and talk to him about you before he can meet you. You can come with me, but you need to hide in the shadows of the Save Screen."
Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Okay. Is there another one?"
Delta thought of it and spoke out.
"Yes, actually, there is another one. Color from Othertale. He is a Sans that absorbed the 6 Human Souls, and became way more powerful than before. Hopefully, he can come along to help us."
Dust looked down at his hands, before he spoke out.
"Absorbing the 6 Human Souls, huh? Must mean he is stronger than me. But where are they?"
Delta than looks at Dust and spoke.
"Geno's in the Save Screen, and Color is in a Void. And in both cases, it is because they nearly got killed. In Geno's case, it is merely because he had been killed by the Human after it ended in the usual way, and for Color, it is because he used his strongest attack, which broke his body a little bit too much to the point that he is falling apart."
This made Dust stunned, as he spoke out.
"If they're in these places, how can we get them out?! I mean, Geno and Color are nearly dead, and they are both inside of one place that prevented their death. And if they get out, they'll die!"
Delta spoke out.
"Huh, you caught on pretty fast. Don't worry, though, I have an idea. We can heal their bodies. Just go an AU that has the most healing, and give it to each other them. For Color, we'll give him the Butterscotch Pie, and for Geno, he'll have a Butterscotch Pie as well. Of course, their wounds are not gonna heal, but it will be enough for them to get out, alive. And also, since both need Physical Matter, you can use the food of your AU in order to give them some, so that their bodies are much more durable and harder than before. Although this does not mean that they are able to be alive still. It just makes them be able to handle their powers much more easier worn more physical bodies.
Sans nodded, as he than looked down at his hands and spoke out.
"Well, do you want me to get some food that are able to give them physical matter?"
Delta nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"That will be good enough for them both. Besides, we are going to need them incase we run into Nightmare's group, or at least a member that er both cannot fight alone."
Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Let's meet up in the place that we both had fought before, so that we can start our trip. And also, I need to say goodbye to Papyrus and Gaster, just in case I am gone for too long."
Delta nodded, as he than walked out of Grillby's, before Dust decided to pay his and Delta's tab, since they are finished eating food. Dust then teleports to try and find food for both Sanses. He looks down at himself, as he than spoke out.
"This is gonna be a very long day for me."
Sans had his bags filled with some food, including some of the food from the mountain. Luckily, there was a Butterscotch Pie that had not gone bad inside of Mount Ebott. So he can bring that with him. As he walked, he than was able to call Papyrus spoke out.
"Hey, Papyrus, you there?"
Papyrus than answered the Phone Call.
Sans than spoke out.
"Yeah, I want to tell you on the fact that, I am gonna be going somewhere, and it is very important. So I might be gone in a very long time."
Papyrus than spoke out.
Sans than spoke out.
"I hope that i will be okay as well. Well, I gotta go. Cya."
Sans than turned off the phone, as he than teleported to the location of where Delta is at, and sure enough, Delta is here, as he than spoke out.
"Alright. I got all that we need. Now we can go."
Delta than spoke out.
"Good. And also, thumbs up for getting a single piece of Butterscotch Pie, for I manage to find some myself."
Dust smirked, as he than spoke out.
"Well, it is a piece of cake for us. Now, who do we start with first?"
Delta spoke out.
"We start with Geno. He is the most simple one that can be restrained. Besides, you can convince him to come along with you."
Dust nodded, as Delta than snapped his fingers and opened a portal, as he than spoke out.
"Follow me."
Dust than went inside of the portal, as soon as Delta entered. As they went inside, the entire place is pitch black, and at first, Dust us no idea where to go. But as he looked around, Delta than whisperer to Dust.
"Where we are. Stay put."
Delta than walked forward, as Dust looked to see if the Sans that he and Delta are looking for is here, and indeed he is.
Within the Save Screen, is a Sans that resembles his original self. However, despite looking similar, there are various differences that separates himself from who he once was. For one thing, his jacket and white and has white slippers. He has a red slash coming across his chest, which is leaking out Determination that drips onto the slippers, and wears Papyrus' scarf, as well as Determination coming out of the mouth. He has white glitches over the right eye socket, and Dust, although he can barely see it, he notices that the right eye socket is melted. He must have injected more Determination inside of himself than he measured. Lastly, his left eye, it is similar to his original eye, except that, like Dust, the yellow part is gone and replaced with the red part. However, the eyes acts similar to its original self, in that it can flash to 2 different colors. It changed from cyan to red, just like how his left eye can change from cyan to yellow.
Delta than walks up to Geno, and spoke out.
"Heya, Geno. How are you doing, buddy?"
Geno looks at Delta and spoke out.
"Heya, Delta. I'm doing fine, you?"
Delta nodded, as Dust observes the conversation, as Delta than spoke out.
"Yeah, I am. But I did have an interesting day today, and I think you should hear about it, so you can understand why I am hear before you?"
Geno looked confused, as he than spoke out.
"Well, what is it?"
Delta than spoke out.
"Well, for starters, it was due to the fact that Nightmare had been told that he has gained a new Dust Sans from another timeline. I had approached Nightmare and told him out on this, only to hear that, from Nightmare's slimy mouth, the Dust he was with has went rogue, and so I had decided to confront him myself in order to bring him down, and well, I would have let Nightmare kill him, so he can stop with his rampages for a little bit."
So that's what Nightmare said for Delta to do. But obviously, what he was really planning to do, was to force him into his services. Well, at least that didn't happen. Geno than spoke out.
"You confronted the Dust Sans that had went rogue? And you fought him?"
Delta nodded.
"Yes, and...admittedly, he is a lot more stronger than the one that Nightmare had last time. He had a scythe, can make projectiles that resemble arrows that explode upon impact, creates hallucinations, uses a spear with a string, and is physically powerful. He is even at LV 20, not to mention being stronger than Killer."
This surprised Geno, as he than spoke out.
"He most have been a very tough person to fight against."
Delta nodded.
"He is more than just tough. He literally used a lot of powers, such as vines, fireballs, trident, spears, webs, and pellets, which Dust can do, but but the fireballs were a lot more painful, although still not as strong as the purple bones. He even had a transformation of his own that cornered mine. And when the battle ended, I end up finding about this Dust that quite stunned me."
This made Geno confused, as he spoke out.
"What do you mean? Isn't he like the other Dusts that Nightmare had recruited before in the past?"
So there were other Dust Sanses before him, thought Dust, as he continues to hear the conversation.
"No, I assume he was. But the thing, Nightmare lied to me. The Dust that he referred to had no connection to Nightmare whatsoever, and the only connection he had was that Killer and Horror tried to force him to serve Nightmare, only to survive their encounter and fought them off. And most importantly, this Dust, resided in what seems to be a fused Timeline of Glitchtale and Dustttale."
This stunned Dust. His timeline is a fusion of 2? As he thought of that, Geno looked also stunned, as he spoke out.
"What? A fusion of 2 Alternate Timelines? That is so very new. What was his timeline like?"
Delta than spoke out.
"His timeline takes place 6 years when the monsters lived onto the surface again, and many monsters survived. I may not know all of Glitchtale, having seen the beginning, but I saw that many monster are alive, even Asriel and Gaster, which had been brought back. Even Papyrus is also alive."
This stunned Geno, as he did not expect to have a version of Dust Sans where his Papyrus is back to life. But as that happened, he than spoke out.
"Can you...bring me that new version of Dust?"
Than, Delta spoke out.
"Oh, you don't need to. I brought him along with me. I'm only telling you about him now so you don't get the wrong ideas. Okay, you can come out now, Dust."
Dust, taking a deep breath, walks to where Delta and Geno are at, his hands in his pocket, as his hood is off. He meets with Geno and shows himself in first person. His eyes are simply a normal red, and his left eye is not on. Although he had the scarf around his neck, it is in a similar Fashion to Geno. This surprised Geno, as he never thought that there would be a far-more heroic Dust Sans that found exist.
" must be this, alternate version of Dust."
Dust nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, and you must be Geno, correct."
Geno nodded his head, slowly. Geno and Dust walked over to each other, as they looked into each other's eye sockets. Surprisingly, even Dust is physically looking older, he is just as tall as Geno, bing 5'2 in height. Their eyes looked into one another, even though Geno is likely blind in his right eye, as Dust simply stares, as Dust spoke out.
"Haaa...Look, Geno. If I were to believe, you know of what us Dust Sanses had done, in that we had to commit genocide in order for stop the human, even Papyrus. I get it if you hate me, which I don't blame you for. And in all honesty, I hate myself for doing what I've done. So if you hate me, this is fine. I deserve it. But right now, me and Delta, we need some help with something, and you are needed in it."
This made Geno suspicious and distrustful, as he than spoke out.
"And what would that help be?"
Dust than sighed, as he than spoke out.
"Me and Delta, we have been thinking of a group of some kind, one that is meant to combat against Nightmare and his group. And I am not simply doing to redeem myself. I am also doing this to do the one thing that I had failed to do, as well as the opposite of what I had done. And that is protecting the Monsters of the different AUs, and that includes Papyrus to. So tell me...are you in this, to stop Nightmare and his group from doing something bad to Papyrus? You don't have to do this for me, and I get it if you don't want to join the group, especially with what I had done, but if you can't do it for me, than do it for your friends, or your brother."
Geno narrowed his eyes a little bit, and Dust looks at Geno, simply looking at him with some Remorseful, Sad eyes, as he watches Geno, in order to see what Geno's choice would be. After a minute of staring at each other, Geno than spoke out.
"Fine. I'll come along and join the group. But like you said, I won't do it for you. Only for my friends and Papyrus, and that is it."
Dust nodded his head, as Delta smiled. Dust sure has a way to convince people to join his side, even if they hate him a lot. Dust than turns around to Delta and spoke out.
"Okay, good. Let's go to the next person."
Geno than spoke out.
"Who is this next person?"
Dust than spoke out.
"Well, Delta and I discussed that, after you, we would go to the one who calls himself, Color Sans."
This surprised Geno, as he spoke out.
"Color. Are you for real?"
Geno than spoke out.
"Ehh...why not?"
Geno than walked with Delta and Dust, as he than spoke out.
"Here we go."
Delta than opened up a portal to Color's location, as Geno and Dust entered the location, with Delta coming inside of the portal.
Once they did, Geno and Delta went ahead of Dust, who was a little bit unsure of what to do next, especially with that Color thinks of him. As they went forward towards the area that looks like Judgement Hall, a multi-colored glow is seen. Dust looked in between Geno and Delta, and he saw someone present.
Inside of the part of the Judgement Hall that is sent into the void, exists a Sans that is similar to Dust, in that he is wearing the pink slippers, the blue jacket, the colors are normal, even though the hood is fluffy, which Dust does not have. But like Geno, he has been damaged, but only with the slash across his chest. However, his skull has taken way worse damage compared to Geno, as most of the top part of his skull, along with the right eye socket, is gone. However, what replaces those parts are flames, and the fire, along with the slash wound and the left eye, are changing into 6 different colors, such as Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Purple, but he does not possess a red. This means that, like Flowey, this Sans, Color, had absorbed the 6 Human Souls.
When Color noticed them, he was surprised, as he than spoke out.
"Hey, Delta, Geno. It is good to see you both again."
Delta and Geno nodded, as Geno spoke out.
"Yeah, it is good to see you as well, Color, especially with having another good buddy like you."
Color smiled a little bit, as he than noticed Dust, and he looked a little unease at the sight of Color. Color is also surprised that there is a Dust Sans present, and spoke out.
"Why is there is a Dust Sans inside of the Judgement Hall?"
Delta than looked at Dust and spoke out.
"Oh, about...remember of about how Nightmare told me of a Dust Sans that went rogue?"
This made Color nod, as Delta then began explain the situation to him.
"Well, this was the Sans that he had referred to, except that, it was a lie."
This made Color confused, as he than spoke out.
"What do you mean by that?"
Delta than spoke out to Color.
"Apparently, this Dust Sans has no alignment to Nightmare in the first place, and even fought back against both Horror and Killer, both of whom were sent to get him. But I could only imagine what would happening if Nigntmare were to get his hands on one or any Dust Sans as powerful as he is, especially since this version of Dust is more powerful than the usual."
This surprised Color, as Dust walked forward, and he spoke out.
"Jeez, buddy. You look like a walking stove. You here to make a 'Heated' Argument with me?"
This surprised Color, but he than snorts a little bit, due to the fact that Dust had made a pun in Color's face. Geno and Delta were also surprised, but Delta actually began to laugh. While Geno, he simply looked unamused, although he does look like he was about to laugh out loud as well, as Color than spoke out.
"Okay, for a Dust Sans, you sure know how to make some clever puns at your first expressions."
Dust than spoke out.
"Well, benefits for regaining my, 'Sans'ity."
This made Color smile a little bit, to see that Dust, even though he had done some bad stuff, is still a very nice person and had more morals inside of him than the other version of Dust. But it still raises a question as to how Dust could be this heroic, or at least this version of Dust. Unlike the others, Dust has regained much of his sanity, even though he is no longer his normal self, and even more insane, is the fact that, Color can sense that he is far more powerful than a normal Dust. He checks his stats and sees that he is a LV 20 Dust. Most Dust Sanses are LV 19, and are weaker than perhaps Killer. But this Dust is stronger than Killer by a landslide.
"So...Dust, why is it that you had decided to visit me and Geno?"
Dust than spoke out.
"Well, me and Delta had a discussion about something. About Nightmare. You know who he is, right?"
Color nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"Well, when Delta and I talked about him, about the previous version of me that was in his group who had died, and how I had been enlarged forced into his group a couple of times, me and Delta decided to agree on one thing, and even though I was a bit reluctant to do it, I decided that it was for the best."
Color than spoke out.
"And what is that thing you agreed on?"
Dust spoke out.
"We agree to make a group of our own to try and, fight back against Nightmare and his group."
This shrouded Color, as he spoke out.
"Make a group against Nightmare? That sounds large! Do you know what he can do?"
Dust than spoke out.
"Honestly, no. But I am well aware that Nigntmare is incredibly dangerous, stronger than Delta, Geno, and likely even me."
Color than spoke out.
"And you are not wrong there, buddy, because Nightmare is one of the strongest versions of us yet! He has the power to grow stronger by absorbing the Negative Emotions of other entities, including yours, no matter how protected your emotions are, he can still use them to make himself stronger. And more importantly, his group is not small. It is large! So large!"
Delta than spoke out.
"We know, which is why we need to make our group larger. And Dust believes that there are other Sanses that can be of help and can be redeemed, just like he can, as well as Sanses that never cross a line that the others such as Killer and Horror cross. He believes that, if he can convince them to help by helping them in return, he can make the group larger."
Color than stood up and spoke.
"That is a very huge plan to do, I won't lie! But me and Geno are stuck in here, we can't get out!"
Dust than snapped his fingers and spoke out.
He made 2 Butterscotch Pie appear and floating above, as Geno and Color are surprised, as he than spoke out.
"Try it. I think it will work. You can heal yourselves to the point that you can get out. Of course, your wounds won't heal. But you'll at least be healed enough to get out into the open."
Geno and Color had no idea what to say. But since they will be getting another chance to do something useful, so they can take the chance. Color and Geno than took the pieces of Butterscotch pie, and ate the food, as they can feel that their HP is going back up, and they can feel themselves healed, even though their injuries are still present on them. Dust smiled, as he than spoke out.
"No than...let's find some more people that hopefully is able to aid us."
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