The True King
Seraphim Dust looked up, as well as the others, as they saw a bright shining light up above the sky. All of them are stunned at what they are seeing? This...this is what Cosmic Essence can do to a person? That is outright insane. Especially at a level so potent and powerful like this.
"Did...did he do it? gone?"
Loading, who is still around, and Alpha, who is now deciding to go back into his Excalibur form, spoke out.
"Yes, 100 is in fact dead. But unfortunately, so are Error404 and both Error and Fatal Error."
This made Seraphim Dust surprised, as he spoke out.
"Wait, they're dead, how do you know?"
Loading then looks at Dust, as he then spoke out.
"Systematic had been overloaded with so much Cosmic Essence that he may have been given the fate, Cosmic Deflection."
This made Seraphim Dust confused, and Excalibur as well, as Excalibur spoke out.
Loading then spoke out.
"It's an effect of which that happens when your understanding of your own cosmic importance is left ambiguous, or you fall short of it's gaze. Cosmic Deflection often occurs when someone either has too much Cosmic Essence for their body to handle or has to little of Cosmic Essence to keep themselves together. And when either of these problems happen, this often results in the Indvidual being crushed by their own existence by a infinite degree causing the person essentially getting multiplied by themselves until they become so much that...they then reflect and shrink all back into one point, never having existed."
This made Seraphim Dust and Excalibur shocked, and Excalibur, realizing what this means, spoke out sadly.
"So...because my brother is filled with so much Cosmic Essence..."
Loading nodded his head, speaking out.
"That's right, because of the TransVoid Beings having filled him with so much Cosmic Essence, he suffered this fate, with 100 joining in, due to the fact that Systematic blew up into an explosion of Cosmic Essence, causing a shockwave that initiated such a fate on both 100 and Systematic, their existences both multiples at the same time, before the both of them shrank. And this time...I don't think they're coming back from what has happened to them. As far as I can tell...they are all gone for good."
This made Excalibur saddened, as tears welled up in his eyes, and Quenya, hearing this, also teared up at the revelation that William may not come back. Quenya hugged Excalibur, who teared up, as Excalibur does the same to Quenya. Gradient, who arrived...and heard of this, teared up himself, because this means that his father, Error, is gone for good. Seraphim Dust was stunned, but he then puts a hand over his soul and closed his eye sockets, lowering his head, as if showing his respect for Systematic for doing this. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same.
With the Astral Mother...she felt shocked and saddened. She heard what Loading said, and needless to say...she just couldn't bear it. She went onto her knees, her eye sockets filled with tears, as she spoke out.
" son!! Not my son, Samson!!! How could they do this to my beautiful baby boy??!!!!"
Ten looked uncaring at this, as she spoke out.
"Isn't it obvious? They did us a favor, that thing would have wiped out everyone and everything here."
Astral Mother, who could not believe she said this, spoke out to her in pure disbelief and pain.
"That thing?! That thing was my SON!"
But Ten No Kami, she then stabbed the Astral Mother, piercing her torso, as she spoke out.
"You are just as much of a burden as he is, as your so-called son, not to mention a big hindrance. Such a shame that you are pathetic and useless, just as you see your other sons as useless. Do you honestly think that I have such weak care and love for you and your pathetic son, Wendy? You are nothing but a disposable pawn in my eyes, just as you had used your younger sons as disposable pawns themselves."
The Astral Mother gasped in agony, as she is flung away inside of the Omega Timeline, before Ten No Kami spoke out.
"But enough of that, I can't rely on anyone here, I'll just destroy everything here, starting with these weak organisms. They will be unneeded in my rule and conquer of the that I will remake in my own image."
She then looked towards the omega timeline inhabitants, as Core frisk shouted out in a panic
"OH! NO! I completely forgot squidy over there! she'll...
Ten, looking at Core Frisk, then acted curious, as she whispered to herself.
"Strange, the grey one looks like me. Such unoriginality. The creators of this world sure do lack that now, don't they? It seems that they are running into making cheap copies."
Ten then began to move towards the Omega Inhabitants, just as Emperor Multiverse changed back into King Multiverse. But when that happened, as Ten continued to move towards the Omega Timeline, all of sudden, a bunch of yellow blasts of energy fired and hits Ten all over her body, as Ten shrieked in agony.
Then, Ten began to glow blue, as she is flung into the air, spears made of pixels appeared and stabbed her all over, as she is sent down, with red strings wrapped around her body, and she is slammed into the ground very, very hard. Then, she looked, and she sees that it is none other then Gradient, approaching Ten, and needless to say, he is very enraged.
" dare you do this?! You took my father from me!! And you will pay for what you've done!!! I will never forgive you for this act of cruelty!!!"
Gradient shouted out, as he fired more Gradient Blasters and launched them at Ten. She blocked it when her own blasts, but then, bones fired and pierced all over her body, as she shrieked more in agony then ever before.
Gradient snarled, as he prepares to fight back against Ten No Kami, and fired a Novice God Ray at her, but as he hits her with it, all of a sudden, a Chain of Judgement wrapped around Gradient and pulled him away, before the tentacles from Ten No Kami could hit him. This made Ten No Kami look to see who it is that has done it, and she looks to see that it is none other then King Multiverse himself, who puts Gradient behind him, before he tall stood up, with Seraphim Dust having used one of his Chroma Blasters, the green one, to heal him back to full strength, with Dust+, Loading, and the others who're behind him.
"King Multiverse, what are you-"
Then, King Multiverse spoke out.
"Gradient, stay behind me and do not enter this fight."
This made Gradient rather surprised, as he then summoned Chains of Judgement behind him in order to stop the others from going into the fight, as he spoke out.
"All of you, stay back, now!!!"
This made everyone stunned, as Ten No Kami fired her attacks at the group behind King Multiverse. But then, King Multiverse did something unexpected. He made wormholes and made the blasts go into it, as he looks up and stares at Ten No Kami, a fire in his eyes that have never been seen before.
"Oh no, Ten!! Your fight is with me!!!!"
King Multiverse then stood up, and he clenched his fist, before he then spoke out to the people behind him.
"This fight is mine and mine alone. Don't interfere."
Seraphim Dust is stunned at the tone of his voice. He sounds more like an actual king then before in the past, with Loading speaking out.
"This...this is new."
Dust+ nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, King Multiverse never acts like this."
Tint crossed his arms, as he spoke out.
"I'll never understand these foolish types."
Then, Rock went on a tantrum and began to insult King Multiverse, which he does not care about.
King Multiverse, ignoring it, walks and looks up at Ten No Kami, his fists clenched, as Ten spoke out.
"Hohohoho! Did seeing those fools bow themselves up into pieces give you some form of boost? Did they enlighten you to pathetic ways to die? or perhaps maybe they sparked some sign inside your brain on rather or not your life is truly worth living. Is this your final choice? Tell me Mr.Multiverse."
King Multiverse looks up and he proudly smiled.
"Choice huh...Well lets just say that I've been making a lot of decisions for myself recently heheh."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
King Multiverse then begins the fight by launching his Chains of Judgement at the Polothorn. But she loved her tentacles and grabbed onto them and broke them. But this gave King Multiverse enough time to fire his King Ray and hit Ten in the face. But Ten then looked at him annoyed and fired a volley of beams towards King to which he began to run and dodge out of the way of. He then attempted to fire a blaster off at Ten, to which Ten then grabbed with one of her tentacles crushing. Ten chucked a little bit, as she spoke out.
"Oh come on, You really think that trick will work? Cute."
Then, a beam came from King's back and sent him spiraling towards Ten who then crushed him under a volley of tentacles. King then used the Chains of Judgement to cover up Ten as she fell from above and applied a tremendous amount of weight onto them. Ten scoffed as King, who wiggled his arm free and punched Ten directly in the face drawing a goo like substance from her mouth. Ten got enraged, as she shouted out.
She got enraged, as then created a huge weight that equaled the gravity of a million suns and dropped them onto King, who punched through them, Ten then disappeared and reappeared a few miles back. King got up and shook off the pain. His head was aching from the pain as his crown was simply getting pushed into his skull. But he then pulled the crown up, as he placed it back a little bit. King Multiverse then began thinking to himself.
'Tch! I'm not making much headway, I need to start showing results...if I don't...then...what was 404 and Error's fight for...what was I for?'
He then wiped the blood off his face. Ten then created false replicas of King!Multiverse. King then went ahead and started flying towards Ten and the copies, the copies lunged at King, who summoned a scythe out of nowhere, which stunned Everyone. He did not have a scythe before! How did he get it, or did he make it appear by using the MainFrame's Code itself into creating such a weapon? Or did Error404 made this weapon for King Multiverse by using a combination of the MainFrame Code and the Alphatale Codes to make this scythe? Regardless, he went to them and cut them down piece by piece with half effort. King Multiverse then mocks Ten, snidely.
"So we're using puppets again? I thought this was a fight between me and you. Stop hiding from me and face me, Ten. Or are you going to prove to me that you are such a huge coward?"
This made Ten feel rage unlike any sort that she had felt before, as she thought to herself in pure anger.
"TO THINK SAMSON COULD FAIL! Even if it would have been a set back I could have easily recreated a multiverse for me to rule easily. Now I'm in a bout with this...this....THIS THING! I REFUSE TO BELEIVE THIS! ME, TENTH BORN OF THE MIGHTY MALESGROW, HAVING TROUBLE WITH SOMEONE LIKE THIS!? ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!"
Then, Ten flies at King Multiverse at speeds that even he never thought possible, as he spoke out.
"Here she comes."
Ten got mere inches to King before getting caught in a field of blue bones halting their movement, which shocked her, as she did not expect that.
King Multiverse smiled, as he spoke out.
He then dropped hundreds of chains on to Ten. But that is not all that he had done.
King Multiverse then fired the King's Blaster, and this time, the cooldown period had been reduced somehow, and the King's Blaster fired with even more power and force then before. Seems that the Emperor Blasters had been able to give the blaster's power a rather huge upgrade. Due to this, he then summoned a large blaster above them and firing it on top of their head. Ten's screams rang through the entire Multiverse as the light from the blast blinded others nearby. King watched as his crown flew off his head and his scarf went flying away. Ten's tentacles began to get vaporized until one of them went shooting out of the blast and knocking King off his feet and flying back. Everyone watched as Ten's body went and flopped to the ground. Infected watched. Frisk and Quenya eventually got up and saw Delios get up too. Dust+ then spoke out to the sight that he is seeing.
"Woah did he actually do it?"
A bit of silence, as someone then spoke out among the omega timeline inhabitants
"He won?"
Seraphim Dust looked unsure, as he spoke out.
"I don't know. Everyone, step back. I'll check. King Multiverse, this means you."
King Multiverse nodded, as he got out of the way, and Seraphim Dust went to look at the body of Ten No Kami, and needless to say, she is huge, a lot bigger then he estimated. But anyways, he went next to Ten No Kami's body, and he sensed her power. He can't feel her power, which should mean that she is dead. But he notices that something is wrong. He used his powers to check it she is still alive...and sure enough, she is.
"No. No she's not dead."
He stepped back, as King Multiverse then spoke out.
"What? What do you mean that she is not dead?"
Seraphim Dust then spoke out.
"All we did was knock her unconscious, and that's it. The only thing that this gives us is that buys us time for a new plan."
King Multiverse narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Damnit. This is not good at all. How do we bring someone as tough as her down?"
Seraphim Dust was unsure, as he spoke out.
"I don't know. I doubt that anything that I have would work, as well as with Dust+ and the others. Whatever that they have will most likely not work as well...unless..."
Seraphim Dust looked down and began to think for a bit, but then, he remembered something. The MainFrame Cannon, it is the only power that he can think of which that can pack enough fire power to finally kill Ten No Kami for good. But he remembered that he can only access this power by calling on Error404. But even so...
"Hey, King Multiverse..."
King Multiverse then looks at Seraphim Dust, as he then spoke out.
"Do you think that you are able to access your MainFrame Cannon without Error404?"
This made King Multiverse realize where he is getting at, as he then spoke out.
"If you think about me doing it without Error404's aid, no, I can't!! I've never done it without Error404's aid and I don't think I ever can! I need him so that I am able to utilize the MainFrame Cannon power myself!"
Seraphim Dust then looked down at the ground for a little bit, before he spoke out.
"What about the MainFrame itself? Since Error404 connected himself with it, and you have MainFrame code within you..."
King Multiverse, who looked down at the ground, spoke out to him.
"If you mean by having me use the MainFrame to power myself the same way that I can power myself up with Error404...I don't know. I've never done this before, and I don't know if this will even work."
Seraphim Dust looked at King Multiverse, before he then spoke out to him.
"Well, then I guess there is a first time for everything. Maybe you can do it."
King Multiverse then looked down at the ground, as he is unsure of this. After all, while he may have become powerful, he doubts that he is that powerful enough to do something as immense as that. But even so...As he thought to himself, all of a sudden, a tentacle then came rushing towards him, and Seraphim Dust shouted out.
"WATCH IT!!!!"
He then grabbed onto King Multiverse and teleported out of the way, as the tentacles missed, Seraphim Dust and King Multiverse are safe, as they looked to see that Ten No Kami is now about to stand up, and she is now even more madder then before, as she then shrieks at them.
She spread her arms and tentacles out, as blasts of energy fired out of her, and hits some of the Omega Timeline Denizens fatally.
King Multiverse saw one of the blast that Ten fired out at him, and he quickly dodged before it could hit him. Those that got hit combusted and exploded, and Seraphim Dust, seeing Vivian about to get hit, used his Blue Magic to move her out of the way, as Seraphim Dust is about to go into the fight to make her pay, but King Multiverse stops him and spoke out.
"No! This is my fight."
His voice spoken calmly at the end. Seeing this, Seraphim Dust sighed, as he then stepped back, with Vivian moving to Seraphim Dust's side.
"Sans, do you think...he can win?"
Vivian spoke out, as Seraphim Dust spoke out.
"He needs to win. No...he's gotta win."
Vivian nodded, as she held onto Seraphim Dust's hand, and Ran Yakumo...seeing this, steps back, as a gap opened beneath her, and she goes in, but not before she speaks out to him.
"Good luck, King Multiverse. May you prove yourself worthy of that name."
King Multiverse moved in front of Ten No Kami, his face filled with rage, as he shouted out.
"All the pain, all the suffering and all the torment you've caused over the years. All of it...IT ENDS TODAY, TEN!!! I WONT LET YOU KILL ANOTHER LIVING SOUL WHILE I STILL BREATH!!! NOT WHILE I'M STILL KING!!"
He then summoned and fired multiple blasters at Ten who blitzed out of the way with King following them. Ten smiled, as she chuckled out.
"Hahahaha! This old trick again?"
But then, she got hit by the King Ray, stunning her in place, as he then used his scythe to cut and sliced out at her, causing her immense agony, before he fired bones at her and stabbed her all over her body. The paralysis wore off, and she gets off of the ground, preparing to attack, when he fired a King Ray at her, which she was able to avoid. But then, Red Chains of Judgement appeared and began to drain her life force, weakening her a little bit, as he fired more of the King's Blasters and hits her all over the place, before Ten No Kami then broke free. King Multiverse then prepared to attack again, as he then shouted at her furiously.
He then summoned more blue bones, only for Ten to swat them away breaking them. King used a wormhole to appear in front of Ten, Ten would go to strike him, only for a blue bone to stop them mid attack and then have chains wrap around her. Ten No Kami then shouted out.
All of a sudden, Ten then liquified herself and disappeared. King looked around for a moment, before a tentacle came out of the ground and lifted him up into the air where hundreds of lasers and wormhole cannons would fire at him, dealing massive damage. King blocked them with his King's Blasters and his wormholes, however, they still hurt and pain rushed through his body. After a few minutes, King's body would go limp. Graident then spoke out.
"I don't understand why Ten is still alive!!"
Dust+ snarled a little bit.
"Son of a bitch couldn't finish the damn job, lets go!"
But Tint, deciding to obey King Multiverse's command, spoke out
"Hold on."
Everyone stopped in their tracks, and they all looked to see Ten get closer to King's body. Then smiled, as she then swung King's body in the air for all to see. Everyone looked in horror, anger and anguish.
"Hehehe, What did I say, Now look at you. Now then, How about we start off with these weaklings?!"
Ten chuckled, King then woke again and looked at Ten who was faced away from him mocking the inhabitants of the multiverse with his body. Then, with what remains of his willpower, he spoke out.
"I t-thought I told you.."
King, now getting Ten's attention as she slowly turned to him in fear and shock.
He then pulls his arm out of the tentacle that wrapped around his body, and attempts to jam his fists into Ten No Kami's eye, although when he did, the eye is hollow and empty, similar to how Core!Frisk's eye is also empty, but unlike her, Ten does not use it in the same way that Core Frisk uses it, meaning that she does not have a portal or such to store anything inside her head.
Ten No Kami, seeing this attempt, laughed like it is some mere joke. But then, King Multiverse fired his attack into her eye socket and damaged her. This made her scream in agony, as she dropped King Multiverse, a free feet away, as Ten No Kami squirmed away from him a little bit.
King coughed up a bucket of blood as he got up once again, his body completely drained and his power nearly gone. Ten then turned to King enraged, as she screeched out at him.
King Multiverse, with no fear in his voice, spoke out to her, defiant to the bitter end.
"Then give it your best shot!"
And then, as Ten readied another blast, King then summoned another blaster. King Multiverse then looked down and through to himself.
'...This has to finish it. If I can't finish this now, then I've a a king and a successor.'
Ten No Kami, her voice filled with great, immense rage, shrieked out at him.
Ten then fired their attack and King fired his own, the impact her not major for others put massive strain on the two's bodies that was unimaginable. King grunted and bit down on his teeth with all his might, Ten screamed their heart out. King Multiverse then spoke out to himself, pain unimaginable, as he felt his arm about to give away.
"C-Come on!! 404...I...I need...I have..."
During this, that is when the King himself noticed, far in the distance near everyone in the omega timeline he saw a crying child holding onto his mother. He then felt it, the weight of what his loss would bring. What it would symbolize.
Shouted a voice, King then looked over to see D+ and others looking at him. Seraphim Dust surprised, as he hears then cheer out to him. Dust+ then shouted out to him.
Rock then shouted at King Multiverse for victory.
Seraphim Dust then spoke out.
Gradient then shouted out.
Quenya, wanting to avenge Error404, her son, shouts out.
Aurora, as she hugs Delios, spoke out.
The King of the Multiverse, he then looked down at the ground, at his feet, and saw his own blood seeping out of his face. He then saw the blood spurting out of his own bones, his legs beginning to feel like nothing. He wasn't even sure he had them anymore. He then looked up to see the sky of the orb that had been cracked, when 404 and the other Errors sacrificed themselves to take down 100. Then...within King Multiverse...something is resonating. He feels different, his entire body, it is now starting to feel much more different then ever before. No fatigue, no strain, no pain and no more pain. He couldn't tell if his body had just given out or maybe it was his warrior spirit, but he knew what he had to do.
"No more...rather I die here or not it doesn't matter anymore! As King of the Multiverse, I cannot and will not allow for any more of my people to be killed by outside force like you! For 404, Error and all of the people here who live in this multiverse, evil and good, and the future of the this multiverse...I AM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE UP! RULER'S MIGHT!!!!"
Then, he can feel a familiar boost in power, whenever he called upon 404, and his Blaster, it now began to be changed and replaced by a familiar blaster, one that he had used before in the past multiple times, now having appeared in his time of need, a blaster that possess a black jaw, runes all over it, and a portal from inside of the mouth, as it is now ready to unleash Ten's destruction. Ten was shocked, as she spoke out
King Multiverse, a new shine in his eyes, as he then shouted out to her.
King Multiverse, he extends his hands out as he put everything into this final attack. With a sudden burst of power King's blast overcame Ten's and overtook her too. Ten could only watch in shock, as she knows what this means altogether. It means that the inevitable, had come to an end, and it is all on her. The mighty daughter of MalesGrow...fallen.
Ten No Kami felt every part of her body being burned, her soul being obliterated. She screamed her final breath of agony, as she got completely fried, soon after their body would fall to the ground. Everyone watched closely as the smoke cleared and waiting in anticipation. They all then saw the smoke clear as Ten's lifeless body laid on the ground, and far from them was King, standing tall, very tired, but with a smile of triumph on his face, as he finally was able to finally end this completely. Everyone screamed with joy and cheered at the sight of their King, he had achieved victory for them all. King gave a weak smile before falling over, however he would be caught by D+ and Seraphim Dust, as Dust+ spoke out, finally seeing King Multiverse as a worry name for him.
"We got you...our King."
D+ smile, everyone eventually returned to the crowd of Omega-Timeline inhabitants. Everyone ran over and cheered all of them hugging and patting King on the back. It appears, King Multiverse had became more then just some puppet king that Error404, more then just a servant for him to use. Now...he has become something else. Now, he has finally become a true King of the Multiverse.
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