
A portal had been made, as Dustbelief and Dust Sans came out, and they looked around to see where they are at now. They stepped outside, as they looked around in the area that they are in. Delta, Color, Geno, and Scoundrel, all of them also appeared. They looked around, as Delta spoke out.

"Well, it seems we're in Storyswap."

This made Dust confused, as he turned around and spoke out to him.

"Storyswap? What is that?"

Delta than spoke out to him.

"It is an AU of a...well, it is kind of hard to explain, make it more sense, I need to talk about an AU that this one is swapped of. It is known as Storyshift. Like Underswap, various people had been swapped of different roles, but in this case, the person that takes on the role of Papyrus is Asriel, and the one that takes the role of Chara."

This surprised Dust Sans, as Papyrus turned to Delta and spoke out.


Delta than spoke out.

"Well, in Storyshift, yes. But in this one, since the characters had been swapped yet again, it is now Chara that takes the role of you. And an Asriel that takes the role of Sans."

This surprised Dust Sans, as he did not expect for a Chara to take on the role of his brother, Papyrus. Sans than spoke out to Papyrus himself.

"Well, would you like to see this human, Paps? After all, since Chara takes on your role, than Chara should he as friendly as you are, right? I'd say you'd be great friends with this version of Chara."

Dustbelief Papyrus looks at Sans and spoke out.


Than, Specter Sans and Phantom Papyrus looked at each other and did a thumbs up. Than, Scoundrel looked around, and he than spoke out.

"Something's wrong around here."

This made Geno looked confused at Scoundrel, as he than spoke out.

"What is it?"

Scoundrel than pointed his thumb at the area, which is of Snowdin, as he than spoke out.

"This version of Snowdin, it looked like it had been attacked."

This made the group confused, until they looked to see what has happened to the place in order to get the idea as to why he has said that. As he said, that place looked like it had been damaged, or, as in a more appropriate way, attacked. This made Color confused, as he than spoke out to the group.

"What the...who would do this?"

Dustbelief Papyrus then looked around, as he than spoke out.

"If it is the human that fell down, that means that she is the one responsible!!"

But Dust spoke out.

"I don't know Paps. If it is indeed the human that had done this..."

He than picked up a sharp bone and held it to Papyrus, as he than spoke out.

"They would have the power to summon sharp bones, and blast the houses."

This surprised Dustbelief Papyrus, as he sees that his brother makes a good point in all of this, as then, Delta spoke out.

"That can only need that one of Nightmare's henchman is here, and had attacked what's likely this AU's Pacifist route. We need to find that version of us in order to stop it. And I think I know where that Sans might be located."

Color than looks at Delta and spoke out.

"At the Judgement Hall?"

Delta nodded, as he spoke out.

"Of course. And since I do not see Storyswap Chara around here, as well as her scarf, than that means that she must be somewhere in the Judgment Hall, along with Asriel."

Than, Geno stepped forward, as he than spoke out to Delta.

"Than what are we waiting for? Let's go to the Judgement Hall and get them out of this mess."

Delta and Dust nodded, as they than teleported as fast as they can. Of course, they also had to teleport Dustbelief along with them as well, since he cannot teleport.


The sounds of fire burning was heard inside of the Judgement Hall. The sounds of blades colliding against each other is heard, as the sound of a body skidding and the knife stabbing onto the ground is heard, as the body stopped. Then, 2 people approached the person that is attacking, as a male voice, sounding 16 or 18 years of maturity.

"You made a big mistake coming to our Universe, buddy. You are going to pay for what you have done to our parent."

A light shocks on the duo that is fighting against the attacker.

This is Storyswap Chara. She is a Chara that takes the roll of Papyrus, in that she is younger than Asriel, who is older than her. And Asriel is alive and takes on the roll of Sans. Their AU is a swap version of Storyshift, in which Chara and Asriel's roles are reversed, in that Chara takes on the role of Sans and Asriel takes Papyrus' role. But now, they are in a bad situation, their AU had been attacked, and now they had lost their parents from the attack. Even their kind had been killed. But luckily, Asriel was able to use the 7 Human Souls, as their Frisk, who is a neural person, had died, and Asriel kept his appearance, while also gaining the power of the original Asriel, in addition to a power that is his own. This made him even more stronger than before, and it is thanks to this that he is holding his ground against the one that killed all of the monsters in the Underground, as well as their parents. That person is none other than Killer himself.

Killer had been sent my Nightmare to try and kill Asriel so that he can take Chara and corrupt her into becoming a servant for her. But needless to say, Asriel proved to be a lot more tougher than ever expected. Killer than spoke out to Asriel.

"And it is worth it. To make sure that all of you suffer for my leader."

Needless to say, Asriel did not like that response, as he than got ready to attack Killer Sans for his attack on his parents.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Swap Asriel than made a Blaster appear out of nowhere and attack Killer, who is able to slice the blaster in half. He than tried to slice Asriel, who used his Chaos Sabers to block the attack. He than swung his swords at the True Knife, and the 2 weapons are able to match each other in a way, except that Asriel has 2 weapons, and Killer Sans has one weapon. But Killer is very ruthless and powerful, as he than summoned sharp bones from the sky, and this forced Asriel to jump back, as he than fired rainbow fireballs at the bones raining down form above. The fireballs and the bones clashed against each other, as Asriel than summoned a Chaos Buster and began to fire multiple bullets at Killer Sans. But Killer began to slice the bullets with his Knife, before Asriel fired a rainbow beam, and this made Killer dodge the attack, as he than looked at Asriel, who has facial black lines on his face, as well as black sclera with white eyes, although the eyes are covered in rainbow fire, as he spoke out.

"Hopefully, this is the result you want, because now, you are dead."

He than charged at Killer with his Chaos Sabers and unleashed Shocker Breaker onto Killer Sans. But Killer was able to avoid getting attacked by the electrical attack, as Asriel tried to slice his head off in a scissor-like snip, as Asriel did all he can to fight against Killer, who had dodged the attack quickly, before he then swung his True Knife, who dodged the attack, and again attacked Asriel with a bunch of red knives, which fired at Asriel, only for Asriel to spin his swords and block the red knives and defended himself against the attack. But Killer was not done, as he than fired a Goopy Blaster and shot at Asriel. But Asriel countered this attack with his own Hyper Goner. The Hyper Goner was able to suck in the attack and made it go away. He than launched a fireball at Killer, who got hit by it, before he than launched some Sharp Bones and attack Asriel. Asriel tried to avoid them, but he got hit in the shoulder, and it caused a lot of pain to him. So he held onto his shoulder in his agony, while he looked at Killer, who walked forward at Asriel, and than prepares to kill him. But before he can attack, Swap Chara came in front of Asriel and used her own knife to counter Killer's own knife.

Swap Chara is crying, due to the fact that Killer had taken away her parents, and now, now she wants to make him pay for that. But the thing is, even though she is angry, she can't hate, nor can she kill. She can fight, sure, but killing is something that she can't do. But her brother, Asriel, can do it.

She looks at Killer in the eyes, as her eyes glowed red. One of her scarves began to move, as the left one wrapped around Killer's neck, and threw him into a wall, as she than fired a bunch of red knives at Killer, which Killer was able to deflect and dodge with fast precision. Killer than charged at Chara, who than launched a fireball at Killer, in which he is forced to dodge, before he tries to slice her head off. Luckily, Asriel was able to recover just enough to block the attack, but this made Asriel skid back a little bit, as Chara and Asriel glared at Killer, who simply smiled very sinisterly.

Asriel jumped back, as Chara rained down fire on top of the other version of Sans, as Killer ran around and avoided attacks that Swap Chara is doing. Chara than spoke out to Killer, grief, sadness, and anger present within her own voice.

"How could you do this to us?! Our family, our home, we did nothing wrong to you!!"

Killer than smiled a little wider, as he than summoned bones out from the ground and blocked her attack, as he than spoke out to Chara.

"Why not. It is fine for me to do this, especially since killing can change you, into the way I want you to change."

At the entrance to the Judgement Hall, Dust, Delta, Geno, Color, Scoundrel, and Dustbelief are present at the fight, and they are stunned to see that Killer is there, and is fighting against Chara and Asriel, or at least, the ones from the Storyswap AU. And needless to say, Dust was not happy, as Delta spoke out.

"Seems like Nightmare is already making a move on Storyswap. But why in the world is he going to gain from killing them, as it simply make his negativity gone?"

Dust than spoke out.

"I don't think that it has anything to do with the negativity. I think it has something to do with what he gains from Asriel and Chara of their AU, and whatever it is, it is not very good."

Scoundrel Sans than held his baseball bat in his hand, as he than smacked the baseball bat into his other hand, as he than spoke out.

"Than what are we waiting for? We need to stop Killer before he does anything bad to both Asriel and Chara inside of Storyswap."

Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Okay. But who's going first to try and stop him."

Geno than spoke out.

"You go first."

This made Dust spoke out to him.


Delta than spoke out.

"Because you are able to go toe-to-toe against him in the past, and that was when you are at LV 19, and now, since you are at LV 20, and possess the magic from the Bete Noire spell, you stand and ebb create chance against him. I could fight him, but even I cannot match the power of Killer's large Goopy Blaster. You however, can handle it, far more than the others."

This made Dust stunned, but he sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Fine. But on my own, and that is it, and this is the only time that I do this by myself. We cannot have Killer knowing that we have a group. So stay hidden and out of sight."

Delta and the others nodded, as they know that Nightmare knowing this group would be a disaster, as than, it will mean that Nightmare will be coming for them, and it will get all of them enslaved by the Octopus.

Back in the fight, as Killer was beginning to win against the fight, as Asriel and Chara are beginning to go down, and Killer smiled, seeing that the 2 of them are about to die, and Killer turns to Asriel, and spoke out.

"Even with 7 Human Soul, you still lose. Now time to die."

He than raised his knife into the air, and prepares to stab at Asriel's soul, as Chara than spoke out.

"Asriel, NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Killer smiled, as he than stabbed at Asriel, and Asriel closes his eyes, not wanting to look at his own demise. But for some reason, the strike did not come. This made him confused, but he than heard the sounds of a stab from the skeleton's arm, and he looked to see that Killer's arm had been stabbed by a purple sharp bone. Killer looks at it and recognizes it, only to be hit by a Gaster Blaster in the face, as it sends him into a wall, and sends him crashing backwards, bringing the Judgment Hall's pillar right on top of him.

This stunned the brother and sister, but then, a voice spoke out to them both.

"Are you 2 okay there?"

This made the group turned around to see who it is that has helped them, only to see that it is none other than Dust, who's eyes had now flared red and purple, as Asriel spoke out.

"Who...who are you?"

Dust than spoke out.

"We can get over my identity later. Right now, you need to get outta her. I'll hold this guy back and injure him enough to escape. My friends are waiting for you at the entrance to the Judgement Hall itself. You'll be safe with them."

The duo was a bit skeptical, but when the group saw that Delta is waving at them to come to them, they saw that he is literally telling the truth. Taking the chance, they ran out of the Judgement Hall as fast as they can, as Delta spoke out.

"Heya, pals. You look like you need a hand."

Chara than nodded, as he spoke out.

"We need to get out of here, fast!"

Delta nodded, as he than spoke out.

"We will. Dust, I hope you know exactly what you are doing."

The group then made a portal and left the AY as fast as possible, as Dust looks at where Killer is at, and Killer was out of the Pillars, due to him using his blue magic. He than looked and saw Dust, as Dust than spoke out to him.

"Hello, Killer. Did you miss me?"

This made Killer stunned, as he did not expect for Dust to suddenly appear, as he than spoke out.

"Dust, how did you get here?"

Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"Can't tell you. And you won't know from what I will do too you next."

He than held his hand out and summoned his Scythe of Fear, as he than points at Killer, which stunned him, before he than realized why he has a Scythe with him.

"Oh, I get it. You killed Bete Noire back in your home, didn't you?"

Dust nodded his head, as he than has his eye flaring more purple on the left eye than it ever was before, as Dust than spoke.

"Yeah. And now...I am a lot more stronger than ever before, a lot more powerful. And it is take you on."

He than gripped his Scythe and charged at Killer, as Killer than spoke out.

"We'll see about that."

Killer gripped his True Knife, as Dust than gripped his Scythe of Fear, as both weapons began to grind against each other, harshly. Dust and Killer smiled, as they looked at each other, with Dust and Killer's weapons grinding against the other. But than, Dust leapt back, as he than sliced at Killer, only for Killer to avoid the attack, as he than fired sharp bones at Dust, only for Dust to fire Magical Blasts at the sharp bone and causing a smokescreen. This made Killer look away, before he looks back at Dust, as Dust than kept forward and tried to grab him. But Killer, refusing to be grabbed, ducked, as he than tried ti slice at Dust, only for Dust to use his scythe to block the attack coming at him. He than went back down to the ground, and he than was able to slice Killer across the torso. But Killer return the favor and sliced Dust across the torsos, causing them both to be hurt. Luckily, they were able to regenerate the damage, but they had to sacrifice some of their HP first. Than, Dust held onto a spear, and stabbed at Killer, before reeling him in and grabbing him by the neck, and he than slammed him down to the ground, and began to smack the back of his head into the ground as hard as he can, before he than used his Blue Magic to send him into a wall very fast.

Killer then dropped back down to the floor, as he than fired his Red Knives at Dust, only for Dust to turn it around by firing his Tridents at Killer's Red Knives, and unlike with the Spears, they are able to intercept the Red Knives successfully. Dust then raised his Scythe and made an explosion on the ground, which caught up to Killer and sends him backwards into a wall, and this time, it is making him a little bit angry. Killer than stood up, his True Knife in hand, as he than charged at Dust, with Dust summoning his vines and purple webs to try and deal with him. But Killer sliced through the vines and the webs, before he got in close to Dust to the and kill him, as he than summoned his Goopy Blaster onto him, which fired. But Dust than summoned his Gaster Blaster and fired at the Goopy Blaster, this time a single one, and when that happened, the Goopy Blaster is now outclassed by a single Gaster Blaster from Dust, due to the fact that he is has now grown much more powerful than ever before, and was able to destroy it. When that happened, Killer stepped back, but Dust was not done with what he is doing yet, as he than has another thing that he can do to go against Dust.

His left eye than began to glow pink, as he than uses his power of Hallucination to try and torment Killer as much as he can, by showing him of all the monster that he has killed, all of the people that he had betrayed, even his brother, and said stuff that made him think that the monsters, and even his brother, hate him immensely. But this is a big mistake, as Killer than broke out of the Hallucination, and became out of control, as he than began to slash widely in sight, with Dust using his Scythe and Trident to clash and fight back against Killer as much as he can, and is barely able to keep up with him. But before Killer can stab Dust in the head, Scoundrel than appeared out of nowhere and blocked the attack using his bat, before swinging it at Killer's skull, knocking him backwards, before Geno than lift him up into the air, Titan Blaster appearing, and firing at him, before Delta appear and began to punch and strike him with as much force as he can into the soul of Killer, while Dustbelief Papyrus appeared. This made Dust stunned, but he than saw a portal from behind him, as he than spoke out.

"I think we should move. His boss will probably be here at any minute."

Delta nodded, as he agreed with him, before he than pins Killer to a tall and used blue bones to restrain him, and then, everyone got out of the AU as fast as possible, as Delta than closed the portal behind the group, with Dust signing. But as he did, someone hugged him from behind, and it is none other than Storyswap Chara, who than spoke out.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for helping me and Asriel!!!"

Dust smiled calmly, as Ariel smiled to, as he spoke out.

"You're welcome kid. Thought you and your bro would need some help."

Asriel thanks spoke out.

"And we did. But now...i think we will need help in where we are at right now. Like, is this even normal now."

The group than began to look around, and see that the group is now being in an Undertale AU that has nothing more than stars and floating islands, with the setting it his place being in space itself. Now, the group are in an Undertale AU of its own, and one of the most famous ones out there, or at least, a variation of this AU. The AU that this one is based off of is called...OUTERTALE.

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