Something New

The group kept on moving inside of the Ruins. And needless to say, the fact that they are going with one of the IT entities in the form of a Frisk is...a little bit disturbing, especially since this is one that lacks a face.

FlowerFell Sans cannot help but hug Frisk closer to him, as he has a feeling of fear of what would happen if his Frisk were to ever get turned and fused with this...thing. Honestly, he'd rather not know what will happen at all, as he is unsure of Frisk would even remember him, nor would recognize him. His left eye flared, as he continues to move along with the group.

Dustbelief and Dust looked nervous, along with their hallucinating versions of their brothers, with Phantom Papyrus still the one existing. But unfortunately, he cannot be summoned into fights anymore. Now he can only be used as a person that Dust can converse with. And needless to say, this made Dust very unhappy that this sort of thing is the case.

"Okay, this is certainly just messed up. in the world do you deal with this?"

Murder said, whispering to himself, as Phantom Papyrus spoke out.


Murder shook his head, before he turns to look forward, and continue walking, as Dream looks onward as well, and he almost seems saddened at what had became of the Multiverse that they had lived in, with the AUs now having been fused together into a single amalgamation of an AU, as they continued to venture into the Ruins that is Toriel's home. And oddly, as Dream looks around, he senses no monsters there. That is strange, as usually, in the ruins, the monsters would be there waiting for them, especially when a human is involved. So why is it that there is no monsters in this AU? Did something happened to them? Did they become into one of those...IT...entities?

As Dream continued looking onward, he closed his eyes, in order to know of Nightmare is present, along with Shattered. They are indeed present in this AU...but they are not moving at all. In fact, they seem to be staying still in the position that they are both in. But why, why are they staying still and not be able to do anything? Did something happen to them? And Dream knows that they would not be along with the IT entities. After all, despite their appearances, they are now truly Sanses at all. They are just entities that took on the form of Sanses, due to the fact that their mother made the vessels in the form of Underswap, with some differences. Ink and Error, as strong as they are, fit the Sans category easily, due to where they belonged in. And he can sense it, the tension, the dread, the worry and fear in everyone. It makes him saddened, and he then used his powers to the and comfort them. It worked, but only as lon gas he keeps it up.

TimeKid Sans went next to Dream, and spoke out to Dream.

"Dream...of you think we'll be able to help the others separate into the people that they once used to be?"

Dream looks at TimeKid, who looks worried himself, before he then spoke out.

"Let us hope that we can. And if there is something that we can use in order to change them back into the people that they once were...then we shall take that chance."

TimeKid nodded his head, as Dream looks forward, his eyes glowing at the power that he has in his possession. Glitch is present, as his 2 eyes looked around the area that he is in. And needless to say, he is not happy. He had lost Frisk from the MainFrame Malfunction, and because of this, he is now back as his normal DT-enhanced self, where he has 21 HP and 999 DEF. This puts Glitch at a bad disadvantage, because he has now lost the boost in power that he had from before, when Frisk merged with his soul. Hopefully, the group are able to find a way to bring everything back to normal, so that he can get his powers again. And perhaps the same can be said to Dust, where he can get back the powers that he had absorbed from before, as he lost almost all of his powers, except for the Nightmare Mode power that he has, as this power did not belong to the MainFrame at all, but it belonged to something else separate from the MainFrame itself.

As everyone kept on moving, they made it to Toriel's home...but...there's no one there. It's empty. Isn't there supposed to be an IT version of Toriel, where all versions of her have fused into a single entity? If that is the case...why isn't that entity showing up?

As they looked around, Dust and Dustbelief went to look at the oven, and they see that there is Butterscotch Pie in there, the same one that normal Toriel makes. Dust, feeling like he should get it, due to the fact that his HP is constantly fluctuating and changing, takes it with him, before he then goes to the staircase, and he looks down at it. Murder won't deny it, but he feels an uneasy sense of death present inside of his mind. He has no idea what will happen if he goes down, or rather, does not know what is waiting at the other side. All that he knows, is that it will be an unpleasant experience for him.

As he looked down, Vivian hugged Murder from behind again, as her body shakes in fear. Murder, seeing this, grabs onto Vivian's hand tightly, almost as if assuring to her that she'll be fine as long as she does not think of leaving Murder's side. Murder sighed, as Vivian spoke out.

"Sans...I'm...I'm so scared about this."

Murder nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"I know. I'm scared as well. But at least we are not doing this alone. Right now, we need to find a way to fix this mess, and hopefully, it does or get any worse in this situation."

Vivian nodded her head, as she continues to hug Murder, and Murder hugs back. Murder cannot blame her for being afraid, after all that they had been through, and now this thing had to suddenly happen in their faces, all for no reason at all, except for some sick entertainment.

The group then looked at the stairs, and IT Frisk, they decided to go down. The group followed the single faceless human child, as Vivian holds onto Murder's hand, with Braixen and Ninetales staring at their sides, as all of them decide to go down akd look to see what is happening, see if there is any changes that are inside of the hallway. And just like before...the hallway is empty, there is no one there. Nothing there. Not even a single monster. It is simply just devoid of life of any sort. However...although Murder lost almost all of his powers from this...Murder...he could sense something...a magical presence...the same one from before at the beginning of this place.

As the group continued on...they went to the door...except that there is no door, just an open doorway, as they went into the other side...and they see that they are about to go to Snowdin...the home of all of the Sanses. But as they went inside...they saw that the IT Flowey is present on the green patch before them. And this time...he is holding something...a locket, in his vines. IT Flowey looks at IT Frisk, and with some limited speech, he speaks out to the IT Human.


Frisk goes up to the vines, and after a little bit, they decided to take it, and IT Flowey, he gawks at IT Frisk, and spoke out.


A silence at first, but then...IT Flowey began to laugh for some reason.


This made Vivian hug Murder even more, not wanting to bare hearing the sound of such horrible laughter. Even Dream felt sick to his stomach at what he is hearing from this entity. Then, Flowey began to repeatedly speak out one word.

"thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank. thank."

Then, Flowey began to get covered in something, a sort of black...thing...almost like Hate...but it is not. And his voice, he began to stutter and become limited.

"Thank thank thank. thank thank than than. than. than. than. tha than. thank.. than tha ththa-tha-than. than. th...tha... ...?..."

Then, Flowey's word changed into one, as he is consumed by the black mass more and more, or at least, the top of his head being consumed by it.

"he. .. he.. ll. p..hel-. he. he. he. he. hel. he. p. H.

And before anyone knew what was going to happen, Flowey's head has been completely consumed by the strange black mass that appeared out of nowhere.

IT Frisk now gained a Locket from IT Flowey. Murder cannot help but feel stick to his head and soul at what he had just witnessed before him.

"Holy mother of..."

Murder said, as he looked at the sight that was before his very eyes, unable to help but feel disturbed at what he had just witnessed. Murder held his hand onto his shirt, and gripped tightly into his sweater, his hood and head lowered, as he thought of what it was that had just happened from before. Murder's eyes flared red and purple, as he cannot help but think of what had just occurred. Vivian shook with tears of fear present and coming down, as Murder hugged her back, in order to help her ease the fear. Dream cannot help but feel disturbed as well. Murder then rubbed Vivian's back, as Vivian continued to shake, with Flower Sans hugging his Frisk, as to make her feel better at the sight that she has to witness before her very eyes, due to how disturbing it was seeing it.

After a minute of regaining composure...they decided to go to the other side of the door, and the moment that they went in...a feeling of cold air is present, as snow began to fall into their faces. When they looked at the other side...when they looked to see the area before is one that the skeletons know all too well.

They are now in Snowdin, or at least, the forest section of Snowdin, and as Murder, Glitch, and Dustbelief remember, that is the gate that is before their eyes, the one that Papyrus made on the bridge in order to try and stop anyone getting close to it...but Dustbelief Papyrus, in his newfound maturity...realized that...he made a lousy gate...due to the fact that it is way to wide.


Dust and Glitch sweat dropped a little bit, but they said nothing and continued onwards towards the bridge before them. Murder and Glitch stepped on the stick on the ground, which snapped underneath their feet. They kept on moving, and when they stopped in front of the gate...suddenly...a feeling of dread so paralyzing what nobody can someone froze their bodies into blocks of ice. When they felt that...they heard something...the sound of a body begins dragged behind...and to the Sanses present...whatever it is big...and certainly not a very great person to be with. Murder and Dustbelief felt great discomfort at this, as the body continues to move forward...the dread becoming bigger and bigger. And after a little stopped...and then...many voices sounding like Sans spoke. The voice was difficult to hear and translate...but they all know what the voices say together.

"human...don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

The sound flickered, on all of them this time, and they turned to see what they are battling. And what they are seeing disturbed all of the group members so immensely.

Having approached before the group, is a large and scary entity, a circle that has eyes, hands, and feet. Inside the circle is an O that is an eye, six small mouths and a big mouth and an unknown face below the O. Murder, Glitch, Dustbelief, Flower Sans and Frisk, Dream, TimeKid, Braixen, Ninetales, and Vivian, they all looked revolted and frightened at the entity that is before their very eyes, this IT version of Sans.

"Okay...Vivian...I think I owe you big time for not letting me become this!!"

Murder said in fear, as IT Frisk went forward to look at the IT Sans before them. Murder and IT Frisk pressed onto the check button, and they look to see the stats of the entity.

You can't. It's all going to end. It's all going to end."

That's not helpful to them at all. And the moment that happened, as soon as the act is done, Murder grabbed Vivian, and instantly moved to the side, as bones erupted out of nowhere, along with the others they can Dodge. And Murder...along with the others...he can smell...sound? Frisk then decide to do act, talking about the negative effects of ketchup consumption. Murder looks and spoke out.

"IT Frisk...shut up."

Vivian then grabbed both Dustbelief and Dust, Sans holding, and sunk them down into the shadows, Braixen and Ninetales joining in, as IT Frisk is sent being bashed by the power of Blue Magic. Vivian and the others rose up again, as Murder then stabbed the Bone Trident into the ground, and hopefully block the attack for their next turn to count. Frisk then decide to do 'eat'...something. Murder cannot see what it is, due to the fact that it has no shape, and IT Frisk does not have a mouth. But despite that, they are it, and it made a squeaking sound of pain. Murder just hopes that it is just a sound and not an actual living thing. All of a sudden, bones surrounded the group, destroying the tridents, but Vivian used her Fiery Jinx and set them on fire, burning the bones into ashes quickly.

Frisk then tried to do...something...but Murder is not sure what it is. Then, a continue stream of bones is launched at the group. But they each handled it in different ways. Murder used a Bone Bomb, and launched it at the one coming to him, and it exploded, destroying it, and the other blast, it is launched in between the other bone streams, reducing their number immensely. Glitch Sans and Flowerfell Sans launched their Gaster Blasters to destroyed the bone steams, Dustbelief simply sliced through it, TimeKid slowed time down onto the bone steam and avoided it, Dream made a shield, and Vivian simply sunk down to the ground. NineTales launched snow powder at the Monstrosity, but it did nothing to him. But Ninetales did accidentally make some snowballs in front of the Monstrosity. But the Monstrosity got rid of the frost covering all over it, due to the fact that flaming gasoline jets out from its many orifices. Murder looked weirded out at this sort of thing, as IT Frisk looked down at the snowballs in front of them, and that is when they came up with an idea. They grabbed onto one of the snowballs and threw it at the monstrosity. In a very bizarre way, the monstrosity ate using one of its eye sockets. Murder's eyes widened, as he spoke out at this.


A gulp was heard from the monstrosity...and it seems more...happy? Murder's eyes blinked, and he then heard the sound of a Gaster Blaster, but in reverse. He looks, as he sees before him, 2 Blasts from a Gaster Blaster, coming in front of the ground, as the 2 Blasters appeared, and the blast stops. The Gaster Blasters then flirt back out of sight. Murder blinked at this, as he then spoke out.

"Okay, this is getting more strange then ever. Let's end this quick before this thing might do something that will make me heave."

Murder then grabbed onto a snowball on the ground, and throws it at the Monstrsoity. And all of a sudden, everyone began to do it. They throws as many snowballs as they found at the monstrosity. And this time, it ate by using it jaws. Then...the monstrosity began to shake, and Murder readied his Bone Spears, in case something bad begins to happen...but stopped. And spoke.

"Good Job
Good Job
Good Job
Good Job
Good Job
Good Job."

"Why even bother
Why even bother?"

"Hehe, end this.
Hehe, end this.
Hehe, end this."

"Knock knock.
Knock knock."

The 'Sanstrosity' now seems content, and Murder noticed it. Even Dream notices the feeling of content and happiness present. Flowerfell and the others looked, as Vivian spoke out.

"Umm...what just happened?"

Murder sighed, as he spoke out.

"I think the Sanstrosity seems to have calmed down...and it is speaking in different voices. Are all these Sanses okay? Like, do they know what is happening to them?"

Glitch then spoke out.

"Well, considering one of them is saying to us to end it...I think they knew what has happened to them."

Flowerfell Sans then spoke out.

"How do we do that, thought?"

IT Frisk, however, has an idea how. They then walke forward to the Sanstrosity, and held out the locket in hand, as Flower spoke out.

"IT me, what are you doing?"

IT Frisk took a deep breath, and a shine appeared. IT Frisk's red soul is now showing, and the Sanstrosity is now showing to have a black upside down soul. The red soul moves to the Sansstrosity's soul...and it shattered, releasing normal monster souls. Dream, sensing this, spoke out.

"The souls of the Sanses in the Multiverse...they've been separated!"

Murder smiled...but then...the entire AU began to reset, as Vivian and his Pokémon held onto him.

But something's changed


A groan was the sound of breathing was filling into the air. A hand is now on the ground, as it is shown to be gloved, with a big paintbrush at the side. now shown to be existing he then stood up and looked around the entire area. He looks and sees that he is in a white void...that is filled with destroyed buildings. This made Ink confused, as he spoke out.

"Ghh...what happened?"

As he said that, a voice spoke out.

"Ink, you're back!"

Ink turned around, and he saw that Core is now here, appearing beside him, and very overjoyed to see him again. It didn't take long for Core to realize what Ink had returned, and thus, he is able to appear in the Omega Timeline.

"Core, what...what just happened?"

Core then looks at Ink and spoke out.

"About that...Ink...what's the last thing you remember?"

Ink then thought back a little bit, and while his memory is a little bad...he does remember something.

"I...I was fighting against Error...along with Fatal, and while I was doing that...I felt myself, Fatal, and Error getting sucked into something. And after that...nothing. But what does this have to do with...

Core then spoke out

"The Multiverse...for a very unknown malfunctioned, and glitched. And because of this, it caused all of the AUs and the denizens of each counterpart to fuse with one another,, along with. Error and Fatal, along with so many fused into a monstrosity...or as I would call...a Sanstrosity. And now...the Multiverse has only a single-fused AU left."

Ink's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"What? You can't be serious!! The isn't supposed to do this!!!"

Core shook his head, showing that she is very serious.

"However...something new did come along the way...and I think it will interest you. Come with me!"

Core said, as she walks away, and Ink followed her. After a little while of following, Core spoke out.

"Here we are."

Ink then looks up to see where Core is pointing at. And when he looked, he was very stunned at the sight before his very eyes.

On the ground is a skeleton that resembles Error, due to the color of his bones and the Error signs. But there are a lot of differences. The skeleton has blue square-like markings on his cheeks, green teeth, yellow eye sockets and red eye lights, the left one has a plus-sign on it as a pupil. He wears a tan-coloured shirt underneath that has a high collar and has sleeves cut off halfway down his arm, a pair of long pants worn strings on the ankle part of the pants, and black tennis shoes with decorative yellow lines, and finally, a red scarf tied around his waist, which bears yellow patterns.

In his hand, is a stylus of some sort, and he is using to make a drawing of something, a chair. And when he did...a black chair popped out of the ground, just like how Ink makes stuff. Ink was stunned at this. What even is that? Core then spoke out.

"When you and Error fought, this spot was filled with a lot of Ink, strings, and broken red bones from Error. But during that...something amazing happened. All pieces of your attacks gathered close to each other...and it resulted in this skeleton being created, and he seems to have both your and Error's powers!"

Ink was stunned, as he shouted out.

"What? Are you saying that I have become dad now?! But how is that possible?!"

Core then shrugged.

"I don't know. Even I have no idea how this happened. Want to go say hi to him?"

Ink was nervous, but at the same time...something so unique and fills him with immense excitement. He then goes up to the skeleton, and he looks to see Ink coming towards him, and the moment Ink got close, the skeleton spoke out.


Ink was stunned, but he nodded.

"Yep, it's me. One of your parents, your dad!"

This made the other skeleton happy, as he jumped and hugged Ink, and suprisingly, this skeleton is taller then Ink, and spoke out, "father!" continuously. Ink smiled, as he hugged the skeleton, and spoke out.

"It's nice to finally see you in person. By the you have a name?"

The skeleton looked down, and spoke out.

"No...I don't...but...I was hoping that you might give me a name, father!"

Ink spoke out.

"Well...I'll try to think of a name. And is one that fits you."

The skeleton seems Ink goes around, and as he does, the skeleton then began to try and make something, and he seems to not be able to do it, as Ink spoke out.

"You want to make something?"

The skeleton nodded, as Ink then spoke out.

"Here, let me show you how to make something."

Ink then used his paintbrush and speak out a set of instructions to the skeleton, in how to make something, and in this is clothes, and after showing him step by step. The skeleton understood, and spoke out.

"Thank's father!! You're the best!!!"

Ink smiled, as the glitched skeleton then began to manipulate pixels with his Stylus, and after what seems to be a few minutes, he finished, and puts on the coat.

The skeleton was able to make his own coat to wear, thanks to Ink teaching him, and now wears it over his shirt, and has his scarf wrapped around it. He now wears a black jacket that has a blue squared-like design which runs around the hood and down the middle. There are lines on both sleeves of a similar colour, which run from the shoulder all the way down to the cuff, with the lines being the same as the lines on the pants. The inner part of his jacket is red.

" that design suits you!"

The skeleton smiled, and Ink looks at the color of his coat, and it is mainly Gradient Blue, just like the color of the markings on his cheeks. Then...he snapped his fingers, as he finally spoke out.

"That's it...I know what to name you!"

This made the skeleton turn around, and spoke out.

"Really? What is it?!"

Ink smiled and spoke out.


This made Core spoke out.

"You know...I think that this is a fitting name. Because he seems to be related to the color, Gradient Blue."

This made the skeleton, Gradient happy, as he spoke out.

"From now on...I'm Gradient...thank you father!!!"

Gradient hugs Ink and lifts him up, due to the fact that he is at the height of 4'6, while Ink is at the height of 3'8. And needless to say, Ink is very excited at the fact that he now has a son, due to his battle against Error, nonetheless. Ink rubbed the top of Gradient's skull, which is covered by the hood, as Ink spoke out.

"I'm so happy that you are made, Gradient."

Ink and Gradient looks at each other, and Ink spoke out to him.

"How about that I teach you all that I know? Would like that?"

Gradient nodded, as he then spoke out

"Yes, please do, father!!"

Ink smiled, as Gradient's very exited to be taught by him. After all, Gradient, due to how he's born, is mentally a child, and genuinely is so. He then puts down Ink, who grabs his paintbrush, before he then spoke to him.

"Then let's do it somewhere else."

Ink then brought Gradient to the Doodle Sphere, so that he can teach him all that he knows in how ti he able to use his powers. Core smiled, as she looks at the sight before her eyes. Obviously, Ink would be a much more willing father then her Error, and maybe Righteous!Error would teach him to use his powers as well.

"Wonder what a child of me and Righteous'll be like."

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