Dust and the others look at the one know as XGaster, as Dust than gripped onto his scythe and glared. He looks up at the one the calls himself XGaster. He does not know how strong XGaster is, nor does he wish to know, as all he knows is that he is here to cause even more trouble to Team Hope then ever before. He stares up at XGaster, as he then sees that XGaster is staring back, both of his Cross-Shaped Eyes present, as he then spoke out.
"I must say...for a version of Dust, you are very unique, not as unique as the others, for they are more then you, yet, they are unique in their own ways."
Dust than narrowed his eyes, as XGaster continues ti stare at Dust with a sinister smirk on crooked mouth, as he then spoke out.
"If it were up to me, I would have taken you to Team Void myself, so that I can experiment on how you are able to take the powers of others after killing then, how you are able to absorb their power. And yet...Nightmare, he wants me to not interfere with you, for he has plans of his own for you. But that does not mean that I cannot give you scars that will result on the perfect world that I will make."
He then looks down at the Murder Time Trio, as he then spoke out.
"Perhaps I can make use of their souls."
He than extended his hand and summoned a button called Overwrite, as he then pressed it, and the moment that happened, Insanity, Killer, and Horror had frozen still, as their forms crumbled, leaving only their souls intact, and Dust as the only one that is still alive. Then, using his powers, he made Dust frozen, as the sound moved closer and closer to him, as he then spoke out.
"Let's see if my power can make a new fusion that I alone can make."
He then pressed the Overwrite button, as a purine shine erupted from Murder, and this made everyone close their eyes, as the shine of the bright light erupted from the 4 Sanses, and XGaster spoke out to them.
"Enjoy your new playmate. As for is time to come back to HQ."
He then grabbed Betty by the shoulder, as he and Betty teleported out from the AU, and the shine died down. When Dust and the others looked back to see what has happened to the Sanses, they are completely shocked.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
XGaster has used the power of Overwrite to fuse Murder, Killer, Horror, and Insanity, all 4 of them together, into making a Sans that is now known as Satsujinki Sans. This fusion is very powerful, so much that he is even stronger than Dust Sans himself, who is at LV 20. And even more of a disadvantage for them, as that the Bad Time Trio and Last Breath Sans, they are all too tired to fight even further. Dust snarled, as he is clearly angry at the fact that they are now at a serious disadvantage, due to the fact that this is a trick that they had never seen before happening, and this is now going to put a huge dent into their efforts to try and save what remains of the people of MafiaTale.
Dust looks down, and he then realize that they are going to need to change this, as he then spoke out to Asriel.
"Hey, Asriel."
Asriel looks at Dust, a look of worry is now present on his face, as Dust then continues to speak out to him.
"I need you to do me a favor and tell Ink to get the Bad Time Trio and Last Breath back to the Omega Timeline, while also telling him to bring my Axe self to the battle as well."
Asriel looks at Dust, wondering if he is insane, but knowing that Dust seems to have an idea of his own, and the fact that they are needing some help, especially since the others are not going to be of much aid, due to the fact that they are exhausted, Asriel decides to do it, and perhaps he can aid in the evacuation efforts. He then puts away his Chaos Sabers and began to ask Ink for some help in something that Dust has asked them for.
Dust then looks back at the Satsujinki Sans, the Knife in one of the extra hands and Insanity Papyrus' skull in the other hand, but oddly, does not see the Axe that should have been in his hand, even though it is supposed to be there. Just where is it? Or did Horror's powers simply make Satsujinki Sans' physical strength increase instead? Well, he can only believe so, as simply due to the fact that, while Horror is not the strongest when it comes to magical strength, he is very powerful when it comes to enhanced physicality.
Dust, Geno, and Glitch look, as the Bad Time Trio and Last Breath Sans have vanished from the battlefield, as Dust then spoke out.
"Glitch, Geno, we need to try and handle against this thing for as long as possible, until Axe comes and arrives to aid us in the battle against, whatever this type of Sans it is."
Glitch and Geno nodded their heads at Dust, as Glitch gripped the Sword of Determination in his hand, and Geno's left eye flashes between Red and Cyan, as they both looked at Satsujinki, who smirked a very dangerous smile, he summons a Trident in his normal right hand, as he then spoke out.
"What is the matter? Are you 3 too scared to face me?"
Dust then looks down at the ground, as he then clenched his fist, and he then summoned his Scythe, before he then raised his weapon at Satsujinki, before he then spoke out.
"What do you think?"
Glitch and Geno went between Dust, as they both got ready to face off against the evilest sans fusion that they had ever seen. Satsujinki smiled a very cruel smile, as he then spoke out to them.
"So be it then. You will all be dead where you stand."
Satsujinki then swung his Trident, as Dust swung his Scythe in order to try and protect himself against the combined might of the 4 Sanses to make the fusion that is before their eyes, especially since Dust and the others have never faced a fusion before, except when Error666 had then appeared.
But the single swing of Satsujinki was so hard that it actually sent Dust back, and in a painful way, as Dust then crashed into Glitch, who is able to catch him, due to the fact that he has enhanced strength from the fact that he has gained the powers of his Frisk. Dust looks at Satsujinki, as he then spoke out.
"Okay, this is going to be much harder than expected, especially when involving this fusion."
Dust and the others looked as they then see that Satsujinki the points his Knife towards the group, and fired a bunch of other red knives at the group, as Dust then spoke out.
Dust and the 2 Sanses spread apart, as the red slash almost hit them, as well as the fact that sharp bones are raining down from the sky, and prepare to pierce their bodies. But luckily, they are able to get out of the bad spot, as Glitch try an used the Determination that Frisk has in order to summon a Red Dome in order to defend against the sharp bones, although the dome did break after the last sharp bone hit it. Glitch snarled, as he then ran fast, the Sword of Determination in hand, as he then leapt up into the air and swung it to try and amputate one of the arms, at the one that is holding Killer's Knife. But then, the arm swung as well, and clashed against the Sword, as the 2 Blades grind against each other to try and overpower the other. Glitch and Satsujinki narrowed their eyes at each other, as Glitch's left eye glows red, his ATK increasing as he tries to push with all of his lift against the Knife to cut it with the Sword of Determination in hand. But then, the hand that is holding Papyrus' skull, moved, as it then swung at Glitch, and punched him hard in the face, sending him backwards from the sudden attack, as Glitch than landed onto the ground, using his Sword to stop himself, before he then stood up and swung the Sword of Determination, and made a Red Slash at Satsujinki, before Satsujinki then swung Killer's Real Knife and did a Red Slash, as the 2 attacks countered each other. But Glitch wasn't done, as he than points his Sword and fired a Red Beam of magic at Satsujinki quickly. But Satsujinki then raised one of his arms and made Horror's bloody bone wall, which withstood against the attack without problem. Glitch was surprised, before he then glowed blue and is sent down to the ground, although thankfully, he positioned himself and landed onto the ground, before he then jumped up into the air to avoid getting pierced by Insanity's Sharp Bones, as he leapt up, and he then looks to see Satsujinki jump up after him. Raising his right arm, Satsujinki then summoned a circular shield, and blocked a punch from Satsujinki, although this did knock Glitch down back to the ground, as Geno rhan used his Blue Magic to stop him from falling down and being injured to the ground, as Geno then lowered him gently, and Satsujinki landed onto the ground as well, and he did it without any worse for wear, as Dust then spoke out.
"This is nuts. A transformation like this, how can he be so strong with just 4 Sanses? Tch, we need to by more time for Axe then expected. Geno, you able to take on this thing?"
Geno looks at Dust and nodded.
"I'll try."
He then looks at Satsujinki and walks over to him, as he then raised his hand and summoned Gaster Blasters, before firing at Satsujinki Sans, who than raised his own hand and summoned Murder's Gaster Blasters, and countered Geno's Blasters, before Satsujinki than ran forward and tries to slice at Geno, only for Geno to back away, and used Blue Magic, in order to slam him around the area that he is in. But it seems that the durability of the main members of the Murder Time Trio, that being Murder, Killer, and Horror, it seems to be reverting them from being truly hurt as much as Geno is able to, because they took extremely tiny damage, almost like the attack did nothing to them. Then, Geno raised his hand and summoned bones, which erupted from the ground, and tries to hit Satsujinki, before Satsujinki then used the Knife to slice through the one that is about to strike at them. This caught Geno by surprise, as Satsujinki than points his Knife and summoned the Goop Blaster, and Geno realizes what is about to happen next. Dust than came to his defense, and he than raised his own hand, and summoned the Gaster Blastermination, along with Glitch Sand's own Gaster Blastermination. And then, as the Goop Blaster fired, the 2 Gaster Blasterminations fired as well, and the attacks countered each other from both sides, which lead to an explosion that is immense powerful, as Dust, Geno, and Glitch did all that they could to hold their ground, while Satsujinki simply used his Trident to hold himself in place.
As that happened, an Axe suddenly sliced him across the chest, as Satsujinki looks to see who it is that has come to enter the fight itself.
Axe Sans has arrived, mainly because he needs to take the place of Last Breath, who is way too exhausted to fight, with Axe beating eager to slaughter the fusion. Clearly, Dust and the others did not expect for Axe to suddenly appear on this way.
Axe smiled, his left eye flaring, the mutated, corrupted Justice within him flaring, as he then spoke out.
"Turns out I'm halfway late for the party. I think I can fix that."
Axe!Sans than swung his weapon as fast as he can, and the Satsujinki used the Trident to block the attack, and it suddenly launched them backwards. Even when compared to Dust, Axe!Sans is the physically strongest member of the group, due to the fact that he has trained his body to survive the harsh conditions of what has been happening to his underground, filled with Hunger. Because of this, and in way, being physically, slightly more powerful then even Horror, and he is the physical strongest member of the Murder Time Trio.
Satsujinki then raised his Trident and blocked the axe, as he then raised his hand and tries to punch him in the face, with the hand holding Papyrus' Skull. But Axe, having not forgotten what his Undyne had done to him, was ready, as he then caught his hand, and struggles, before the other Hand, holding Killer's Knife, tries to slice him, only for Axe!Sans to jump away and avoid getting sliced. Satsujinki looks at Axe!Sans, and his eyes narrowed, as he then spoke out.
"Apparently, you have just decided to fight now, and you are not even tired, unlike the other fools that I am seeing."
Axe smirked, as he gripped his weapon, and spoke out to him.
"Then perhaps I can give you such a brutal time, especially since I will eat your femur!!!"
He than rushed forward, as he swung his Axe in his hand, and Satsujinki swung the Real Knife at the Axe, and the 2 attacks countered each other, before Axe then raised a bunch of bones, and Satsujinki had to jump away in order to avoid them. Satsujinki narrowed his eyes, as he than tries to use his Blue Magic on Axe!Sans, in order to slam him around, but Axe!Sans got to him first, as he than made Satsujinki glow blue, and he then began to slam him around and did as much damage as he can to him, even thing it clearly is not working. He then slammed Satsujinki into the ground, and summoned his melted Gaster Blaster, before firing it at Satsujinki. Then orange blast hits Satsujinki and caused a big explosion, consuming the fused skeleton inside of it.
Satsujinki then stood up...and he then got sliced in the chest, as Axe!Sans had swung his weapon and struck him before he can react. Axe smiled...but Satsujinki smiled a little wider, although in a rage, as he then grabs Axe!Sans by the neck, and throws him as far away as he can, while also slamming him down with Blue Magic, hurting him to an inch of his Life, as Satsujinki then spoke out.
"I think I've had enough playing with all of you. Now die!"
He than raised his hand, and summoned the Goop Blaster yet again, as Dust looked up in fear, realizing that they are about to lose the battle, because of the fact that Dust and the others had wasted their strength against the other opponents. Dust closed his eyes, trying to think of a plan, as he then spoke out.
"I won't let them take a chance at that one, Dust."
This made Dust's eyes open wide, as he then looks up to see someone before his eyes.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The Gaster that has bonded with Dust before finally reappeared to him once again, as Dust then spoke out, relieved.
"Gaster, you came back!!"
Gaster nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Indeed I have, Dust. And this time, you are going to need this type of help, for the Murder Time Trio, that Satsujinki, it must be stopped, by any means necessary."
This made Dust frustrated, as he then spoke out to him.
"But I tried that, Gaster, I tried to do that. We tried to do that, we threw everything that we can at that so-called Satsujinki, that you just said, even when we are tired, worn the exception of Axe. And we barely even scratched it. How can we go against someone that has become far to strong for even me to take down?!"
Gaster then smiled in a rather mysterious way, as he then spoke out to him.
"By taking a page out of XGaster's book."
This made Dust confused, until he opened his hand, and revealed the souls of Glitch, Geno, and Axe, as they are floating above Gaster's hand, and Gaster himself then spoke out.
"XGaster is able to fuse the 4 versions of you into a powerful vessel, one that is the most magical vessel of them all, and that would be a version of Murder Sans, which is what you are. It is time to become a new Satsujinki, and you will be the one that becomes it."
Dust was stunned, but he then spine out to Gaster, as one worried thought appeared in his mind.
"But...what will happen to the others, the ones that are fused with me? Will...will they be okay?"
Gaster smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Don't worry. They'll be back to life, they'll just need some rest from what will happen to them. Now take it."
Dust looks and clenched his fist, and he nodded his head. Before he then raised his hand and grabbed onto the 2 Souls.
Back in the outside world, Axe, Geno, and Glitch are gone, as Dust stood up, 2 arms sprouting out from the back, just like Satsujinki, with the right hand holding the Sword of Detetmination, and the Left Hand holding the Axe. Dust raised his head, as his left eye turned into a purple-red color, the right eye became larger, the same size at the left eye, as Dust felt a power that he has never felt before. Now Murder is not the only Satsujinki to ever be born, as Dust has now taken that role. He looks at Murder, and he is shocked at what had just happened. But he did not have the time to react, as Dust, in the form called, Sukuinushi, than leapt forward, as he swung his Sword of Determination, and struck at Satsujinki, which actually caused even more damage to him then ever before. Sukuinushi Sans smiled, as Satsujinki stood up, as he then spoke out.
"So, you copied our move, huh?"
Sukuinushi smirked, as he then spoke out.
"More then that. This one, will be your downfall."
Sukuinushi then ran fast towards Satsujinki, as he then reeled his fist, and punched him hard, sending him backwards, and causing him to crash into a building, as Sukuinushi than raised is hand, and summoned his Gaster Blastere, now possessing right Red Eyes, Left Purple Eyes, and is now increasing in power immensely, as he then fired his attack at Satsujinki, forcing him to use the Goop Blaster in order to defend. The 2 Blasters exploded, as Sukuinushi than ran forward at Satsujinki, and swung his Axe, just as Satsujinki raised Papyrus' skull to defend against the attack, before he is then kicked backwards by the attack, and then, Sukuinushi got out his Scythe and swung it at Satsujinki, who than swung his Trident, and the 2 attacks clashed. Now both Sukuinushi and Satsujinki are evenly matched, as they are both doing whatever it takes to beat each other in this fight, as Sukuinushi then spoke out.
"Still think you can handle me?"
Satsujinki snarled, as he spoke out.
"Keep talking."
He than launched fireballs at Sukuinushi, which made him crash into the wall of a building. Hit the damages is reduced, thanks to Glitch's Armor of the Red. He than points his Sword of Detetmination, and fired a Red Beam, which made Satsujinki dodge out of the way, and Sukuinushi than launched tridents and fireballs at Satsujinki, and he does the same thing, as he fired Fireballs, Tridents, Spears, and Pellets at each other. They even went into a tug-of-war with Purple Webbing, as both Sukuinushi and Satsujinki tried to beat and overpower one another. But Sukuinushi then raised his hand, and made vines erupt to try and construct Satsujinki, who then teleported out of the way, before Sukuinushi than fired Undyne's Spear, which pierced him in one of the arms, before he then reeled him in, due to this one having a string attached to it, and punched Satsujinki. He landed onto the ground, as he then looked up, and Sukuinushi, he then used his Hallucinations to make him see something that he does not want to see. This made Satsujinki stunned for a little bit, as Sukuinushi then ran forward, and sliced him across the chest, catching him completely by surprise, and made the wound bad, as the sliced part of the shirt began to bleed.
" are a lot more stronger then ever."
Sukuinushi, however, did not listen, as he looks into Satsujinki's eyes, and sees what he had done, from Murder's memories, to Killer's memories, to Horror's memories, to even Insanity's memories. And seeing them enraged Sukuinushi badly, as he then grabbed him by the neck, before he then began to slam them down into the ground, and try to break the back of his skull, in an attempt to kill him. The back of the skull began to crack, and Sukuinushi continues to slam Sukuinushi badly. Meanwhile, Ink and Asriel are able to get the last member of the AU, successfully evacuating everyone.
But as that happen, Nightmare and Shattered, who are still fighting against Dream, notices this, as they then spoke out.
"OH NO..."
"YOU DON'T!!!!"
Nightmare and Shattered extended their tentacles at Sukuinushi, who is about to finish them off, when he is suddenly struck by the tentacles, and slammed into the portal. Dream, seeing this, immediately flies into the portal, and Ink and Asriel entered last, as they are able to escape from the AU.
Nightmare and Shattered looked down at Satsujinki, unconscious on the floor, the back of his head bleeding, as Nightmare then spoke out.
"It seems that we underestimate Team Hope's dangerous nature even more, especially with what happened to GlitchDust."
Shattered nodded his head, as he also spoke out.
"Indeed we have, brother. But the next time we see them...we will crush them all, and make all of their Hope destroyed!!!"
Nightmare nodded his head, as he then picked up Satsujinki Sans with one of his tentacles, as high Shattered and Nightmare then returned to Base.
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