Royal Pain
Back in the Omega Timeline of Dust's Multiverse, the members of Team Hope are now in serious trouble. Omnipotent, who had been fighting against 2 of the strongest members of Team Void, Error404 and Bill, he was knocked back and hurt by the power of both of them, due to the fact that he had nearly gotten himself killed by using the powers of Omnithorn at the percentage that he is at, and is able to survive by drawing power from the Will of others at the last, second, but at this point, Omnipotent is weakened, and even worse, is that a puppet of Error404 has decided to come into play and fight against him.
The entity is none other than King Multiverse, who is the creation and the puppet king of Error404 himself. He was created when Error404 captured a version of Sans called Photonegative Sans, exposed him to one of the MainFrame's ponds, infusing him with the MainFrame's code, and this made King Multiverse become one of the strongest Sanses in existence. And during his time as the puppet of Error404, he took control of the Sanses that are gods, and yet, are weaker compared to him, and this includes Ink and Error, the Protector and Destroyer of the AUs themselves. Although Ink did not want to bow, he was forced to, and thus, became a puppet for the King of the Multiverse.
And right now, King Multiverse is fighting against Omnipotent, while Error404 and Bill watch, as they want the members of the Omega Timeline to see their last line of defense go down, and their Hope being snuffed away. Shattered and Nightmare are also watching, just so they can see their Hope of saving the Multiverse fade before their very eyes.
Omnipotent was on his knees, as he gasped for breath, and he looks at King Multiverse before his eyes. King Multiverse smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Too bad for you, Omnipotent. You tried to go against me, and you failed. And now, you shall be executed by the King of the Multiverse."
He than summoned a bunch of the King's Blaster in the air, and aimed it at Omnipotent, in order to kill him. Omnipotent tried to move his hand, but he is too weak to fight, due to the battle against Error404, Bill, and Infected. Error404 was able to defeat Infected and end him, but only temporarily, as like Error404, Infected is able to come back. And since he damaged his body with the Omnithorn, he is now weakened to the point that Error404 and Bill are still mostly good, and both Shattered and Nightmare recovered thanks to the negativity of fear present in the Omega Timeline. And even worse, King Multiverse took control of Ink, due to Ink now being bonded to him, and now, he is helping in aiding against him. This is very bad, because one of the members of Team Hope has been controlled against his will, and is unable to control his body.
Shattered smile, as he than spoke out.
"The Hope of the Multiverse is gone. The Void shall consume all that is good and positive. The Multiverse, will be under our control, forever in a state of negativity, misery, and true damnation!"
Core is saddened, as black tears came out of her void eyes, as she than spoke out.
"No...this can't...this is not how it ends."
King Multiverse smiled, as he got ready to fire, when all of a sudden...a golden glow appeared, and King Multiverse looked to see what it is, only to see a Red Laser appeared from the Golden Glow, and struck King Multiverse painfully, and this laser sends him flying to the side and sent him crashing down to the ground, catching everyone by surprise. And than, the sound of a very hard punch was heard, and a White Blur appeared out of complete nowhere and struck both Error404 and Bill, sending him and the white blur flying, and knocking them both out, although Error404 does recover from the hit, and teleports back up to see what it is. And than, Dust appeared, as he looks up, along with Braixen, Ninetales, Glitch, Chara, and 3 other new skeletons. And 2 of which Core recognized.
Core said, as the alternate Dream turned around, and looks to see Dust's version of Core Frisk. Core was shocked to see that Dream is back...but than she saw that he has wings, 2 pairs even, and Dream does not have that, as the other Dream spoke out.
"No. Not your Dream, at least. a way, I am him."
Core was stunned, but she than smiled, as she spoke out.
"Still, it is good to see you again, Dream."
Dream nodded, before he than turned to Nightmare and his other self, Shattered, as Dream spoke out.
" must be Shattered. I am disgusted that you would betray your friends the way you did it."
Shattered snarled, as he than charged at Dream, only for Dream to summon his Blades and blocks Shattered's blades, before he than kicks him back along with Nightmare, as Dream than unleashed his full power, and it is as strong as Nightmare and Shattered's power. But Shattered and Nightmare are not the ones that will back down from a fight, as Dream spoke out.
"This is between the both of you, and me."
Back with the group, the other one are revealed. The other Error is present, as he turns to look at Error404 and King Multiverse, as well as the alternate Ink. Although he can tell that this Ink is also not a nice person, at least he is not Fate's immature son, like the one that joined in. Alpha is also here, but he is wearing his hood to hide his face, because of the fact that Error404 is here. And thus, he cannot let Error404 know that he is alive, even if he is from an Alternate Multiverse.
"Hello, William."
Error said, as he looks at Error404, who is stunned to see the alternate Error that is before him. Of course, Error404 has experiences with alternate multiverses before, so he is not surprised. What he is surprised at is the fact that this Error is extremely powerful, even more so compared to Error404 himself, as he than spoke out.
"Are you surprised to see an alternate me?"
Error404 shook his head, as he than spoke out.
"No. I'm not. I'm more surprised at the fact that there is a version of you at this level."
Error narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Well, it should be. I wish I could fight you...but I have another person to fight against. The other skeleton behind me can deal with you."
Alpha looks at Error and nodded, as he steps toward and puts his hands in his pocket, as he looks at Error404. Even though Error404 decides to fight him, for some reason, Alpha feels very, familiar, and he does not know why. But regardless of the feeling that he is experiencing right now, he cannot let it get in the way. He raises his fist, as Alpha raises his hand, and activated his Conduit powers. Error404 is known as the Conduit of Balance, in which he can manipulate the power of existence and either reduce or increase it in certain ways to balance the reality he lives in. But Alpha is the Conduit of Change, in which he can change all of existence on how he desires it, and at full power, he is possibly able to do almost anything. Sadly, he is at a middle level, manipulating the Grand Design of Existence, but it is still enough to go up against Error404. Although Error404 is low level, he is still dangerous even at such a state. So he raises his hands, and reality began to warp, as Error404 fired a God Ray at Alpha.
Dust than extends his hand holding the Book of Eyes and Omnipotent extended his hand, and took his Book of Eyes back.
Omnipotent takes the Book of Eyes back and puts it in his pocket, as he spoke out.
"Thank you, Dust. Am I to believe that you and the others can take it from here?"
Dust looks at Omnipotent and nodded his head.
"Yeah, I'm sure that the new people that we are worn can handle it from here."
Omnipotent nodded his head, as he than opened his book, and transported to the TransVoid to escape the chaos, as Dust holds onto Chara's hand, and Glitch holds his Sword of Determination, as Dust and Glitch went into their respective Last Breath modes, in case one of the members of Team Void decide to go and attack the town. Frisk and Gaster are behind Glitch and Dust, as Chara held onto Dust's hand, and her Knife appeared in her hand, as she is ready to go against them as well.
As Error goes to King Multiverse, the King stood up, as he than goes to Error, and spoke out.
"An alternate version of Error, huh? Too bad even at the level of power you are at, you are still useless against me. You may not be of this Multiverse, but my powers can still work, even if you are simply an alternate multiverse."
He than raised his hand and tried to use the Lessons of Loyalty on Error...only to see that Error is not being affected, and this confused King Multiverse and is scaring him, as Error than spoke out.
"Not unless the alternate version of the one you are bonded with, never bonded to you in the first place. When you came into existence after your creation by Error404, you fooled countless people, and were successful in tricking them into bonding with you. But me...I was not fooled a single bit, nor did I trust you a single bit. So I never had taken your oath, which my other self had done rather foolishly."
King Multiverse snarled, as he than shouted out.
"Do you dare stand against the King of the Multiverse, Error?!"
But Error smiled, as he spoke out.
"King? Hehehehe. You're no King. You're nothing more than a Jester to Error404, who is stronger than you, and the actual ruler of the multiverse. Not to mention being the one that created you, fool."
This made King Multiverse get completely enraged with this insult, as he than spoke out to Error.
"I'll show you Jester!"
He than took out a glass bottle filled with code that appears to be black and blue in color, before smashing it down to the ground, and it absorbed into King Multiverse himself. Error watched, a bony eyebrow raised, as King Multiverse than creates a powerful shockwave, and launches the people lower than him back, except for Error404, Alpha, and Error, as he looks to see what King Multiverse had done, and then, a voice shouted out to him, the smoke cleared, and a new figure revealed.
"Now...witness the power, no longer a King...but the Emperor of the entire Multiverse!!"
King Multiverse has now used the code of the MainFrame to access his Transformation called Emperor Multiverse. Although this does not give him any new powers, it does improve on his already existing abilities and make them stronger than ever. In fact, in this powerful form, he is even stronger than even Error404 in his base form.
Emperor Multiverse than turns to Ink, who than has his body controlled and Emperor Multiverse spoke out.
"Take him down."
Ink, unable to control himself, launches himself at Error in an attempt to bring him down, but than, Error wrapped him in strings in just a single millisecond, and he didn't even move. This caught King Multiverse by surprise, as Error sends the tied up Ink into the air, as he walks up to Emperor Multiverse, hands in his pocket, as he than spoke out.
"That is a very pathetic joke you made, Jester. It's my turn."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He than ran fast, and before Emperor Multiverse can react, he is suddenly punched in the gut by Error, using his right fist, which sparked with black electricity, which increased the striking damage. When Emperor Multiverse felt that punch, it felt even worse than Error404's when he is not at full strength. And Error, this Error, is stronger than King Multiverse, and is able to inflict immense damage to him, even when in this form of Emperor Multiverse. The punch exploded with black electricity all over the place, as Emperor Multiverse is sent flying back. But Emperor Multiverse is not going to give up, as he than appeared behind Error through a wormhole he has made, and summoned the King's Blasters, and fired them at Error. But Error made a wall of red bone appear, and the Blast was unable to break through it, as Error than summoned an Error Blaster, and fired it at Emperor Multiverse, as Emperor Multiverse went through a wormhole to dodge the attack. Emperor Multiverse than attempted to use his Asset Reset in Error, but to his shock, it is not working, as Error simply looked fine, as he than charged forward and tries to kick King Multiverse, only for Emperor Multiverse to dodge the attack. Than, Red Bones fire at Emperor Multiverse, but Emperor Multiverse used a chain that he summoned out of nowhere to throw it away, and both Error and Emperor Multiverse looked at each, neither are backing down.
Emperor Multiverse than summoned the King's Blasters to fire than at Error. But fired an Error Blaster and easily outclassed the King's Blasters, and all it took was a single Blaster to pull that off. Error than launched white strings which he is puking form his eyes, before firing them at Emperor Multiverse, and wrapped it around his arm, and yanked it, causing it to crack a little, and make Emperor Multiverse cry out in pain. Emperor Multiverse than summoned a chain from a wormhole, which sliced the strings, and he leapt back, and he looks at Error in the eyes, and the eyes themselves are filled with anger and hate, due to the fact that Error is humiliating him.
'How dare he defy me, the ruler of the Multiverse. He shall not get away unpunished!'
Emperor Multiverse tried to ensnare Righteous in the Blue Chains of Judgment so that he can drain his magic, as well as firing a pair of the King's Blasters, but Error summoned a single Error Blaster to overpower the 2 King Blasters, as well as launching Blue Strings at the Blue Chains, as the Strings and Chains tried to siphon and drain the other monster of their magic. And unfortunately for neither of them, this did morning, as it is not touching the monster and only touching each other. But Emperor Multiverse is not bothered, as he than ran up to Error and attempted to punch him, only for Error to avoid getting hit by dodging out of the way. He than tries to unleash his own punch with his left fist, but Error went through a wormhole, and unbeknown to Error, he ends up hitting himself, as another wormhole has manifested near him, and Error ending up hitting himself in the side of his head. Emperor Multiverse than grabbed onto Error's coat and threw him far, as Error crashed down to the ground, as then, Emperor Multiverse than launched Blue Chains at Error, only for Error to teleport out of the way, and appeared above in the air, flying, as he than launched the Error Blasters at Emperor Multiverse, who than summoned as many of the King's Blasters as he can to fight back against the Error Blasters, only for the Error Blasters to overpower the King's Blasters, which forced Emperor Multiverse to get out of the way. But Error appeared behind Emperor Multiverse, and kicked him hard in the back, sending him forward and crashing down to the ground without trouble. Emperor Multiverse than rose up from the ground, and he looks at Error with an irritated expression on his face, as he than covered it with a smile, and charged at Error.
Emperor Multiverse than tried to ensnare Error in the Red Chains of Judgement, so that he can drain him of his HP, but Error simply wrapped his Red Strings around the Red Chains to stop them from coming over to him. He than teleports out of the way, as he than looks at Emperor Multiverse from behind, and he clearly does not look impressed at what Emperor Multiverse is capable of, as his Ink can give him much more of a better fight than that.
Emperor Multiverse than dodged a punch that Error tried to hit him with, and he looks to see that Error404 is having trouble. Not wanting to be scolded for his supposed uselessness and to win the battle, he attempts to fire his Green Chains of Judgement at Error404, so that he can give him some more HP. But than, Green Strings wrapped around the Green Chains, as he looks to see Error smile, Green Strings on his fingers, as he than spoke out.
"I'll take this."
He than used his Green Strings to drain the HP from the chains. He used it to heal the injury that Emperor Multiverse had made Error trick himself into giving. Error than looked to see that Emperor Multiverse has his hand out, and he realizes what he is about to do next.
Emperor Multiverse than tried to press a button summoned before him called, Game Over. But Error stopped him before he even has a chance by tying his hand with string, as Error smirked a little bit at seeing Emperor Multiverse trying to cheat in the middle of his own defeat.
"Not so fast."
Error than vanished, as he than fired a barrage of Glitch Rays at Emperor Multiverse, who is trying his best to avoid getting hit by them. He than fired multiple King Blasters at once, but Error ran, hands in his pockets, as he simply vanished faster then the blink of an eye, as he than made Blue Strings on his fingers, and he than swung his hand, and the Blue Strings are swung into the King's Blasters, and slicing them, similar in movement of the Glitch Whip that Error404 can use when he is inside of the MainFrame. He than raised down Error Blasters on top of Emperor Multiverse, and before Emperor Multiverse knew of what is about to happen, he is bombarded by the destructive power of the Error Blasters, covering the entire area that Error and Emperor Multiverse were fighting in. When the smoke cleared, Emperor Multiverse was hurt, but is still conscious. Then, Error launched White Strings forward, slammed him onto a wall of Red Bones, before holding his right hand out in front of King Multiverse, the palm reveals an eye in the middle, as it generated black electricity, before thrusting it and hitting it in the stomach, making Emperor Multiverse leak out blood. This made Emperor Multiverse collapse to the ground, and it made the transformation disappear, as Emperor Multiverse reverted back to King Multiverse. Error smiled, as he grabbed King Multiverse by the scarf, and Error than spoke out to King Multiverse.
"Like I said, pal. You are nothing...but a Jester."
King Multiverse, however, smiled, as he than raised his hand, and spoke out.
"Call this, a Jester than."
This made Error confused, until he then realized one that can take him on, as he than dodged, as Hollow!Ink was summoned by King Multiverse, who than used a Wormhole to go back to his realm, as Error smiled, hands in his pocket, with Ink now being in control of himself after being summoned, as Ink than spoke out to Error.
"You have no idea how long I have waited for a moment such as this, Error!"
Error scoffed, as he than spoke out to Ink.
"Please. This is not even a final fight, nor will the final fight come for either of us. It is a war that will forever grow in between the both of us."
Ink smiled, as he than spoke out.
"We shall see about that, Error, for I will make sure that I will fuck you up!!"
Error narrowed his eyes, his smile still present on his face, as he than spoke out.
"Yes, we shall see who wins this fight."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Righteous and Hollow looked at each other, as rage and hate filled their eyes, and now, neither Sanses are going to back down from the fight against each other. After a little bit of staring, Error and Ink than went in against a fight against each other, as Error also freed the original Ink from the strings he trapped him in, and he looks to see his other counterpart. Needless to say, he is horrified, as he gets to see himself with emotions, but not in a very good way.
Ink than extended his Paintbrush to slam it down on top of Error, but Error made Blue Strings to stop the Paintbrush from being swung down, as Error than fired Black Strings at Ink, and he than tied his soul up with it, the strings now becoming a rainbow color, as Error began to manipulate his senses of sight and hearing, making him see something and hear something at what it is that Error is making him experience, before speaking out, calm and cold with rage.
"Do you see now, Ink? This is what you have always been you're entire life. You are pathetic, selfish, immature, ignorant of everything, even the true nature of yourself. You claim that you protect these AUs, and yet, here you are, having killed them with your own barehands. You claimed to care for the denizens of the AUs that live there, and that you are their friend, and in spite of that, you consumed and betrayed your allies, even the ones that had a genuine bond with you. You once spoke about being a good son to Fate, and even after all of that, you turned against her, by corrupting yourself and making her feel despair. Do you hear it, her cries, her wails of grief and despair? Her cries speak your name, begging for you to return, These are the cries of her wanting for you to come back to your original self, to the so-called sweet and innocent Angel that she had made with her own power, but you ignored them for a being that kills and manipulates without care, just like what you are, a monster without moral within a soul, that consumes and kills without a cause, instead of simply just returning back to your dear sweet mommy that loved you will all of her heart. You repaid a mother's love by turning against her, despite how much she loves you, not that anyone would give a damn for her childish tantrums and heartlessness, the very traits you inherited from your old lady, who's such a disappointing and pathetic goddess to ever be made into existence. You showed everyone that you have no love to anyone, with the only thing you love more is your own power and yourself, and only sees the AUs as toys in a playground, in a sandbox, all for your pathetic, childish entertainment. You had accused me as a destroyer that takes pleasure in the suffering of others because he wants to, and here you are, consuming AUs, while also destroying them without care for the lives that live there, and me...I had to be the one to protect them...from you, a traitor to all of the AUs you had manipulated from the beginning of when I had appeared. How funny is that? That we switched places and positions, you became a destroyer by the Multiverse after you took the Soul of the Unnameable, and me...I had to become a Protector of the Multiverse despite having the DNA of the Unnameable, and being loved and prayed by the entire Multiverse. You may have the Unnameable with you, Ink, but in the end of it all, for the rest of your entire will, and forever the true monster and betrayer, of the Multiverse. Your friends disgusted at your true nature you've showed them, your former admirers revolted by what you have become, and the entire Multiverse,..will forever...hate you. And there is nothing you can do to change that."
The moment he said that, Ink finally lost control of himself, as he screamed and roared out at Error, ripping the strings off of his Soul, as he than shouted out to him.
Error smiled, as he looks at Ink, and he had hoped that he was able to get a reaction out of him, and sure enough, he did get such as reaction, amusingly. He had hoped that Ink will lose it, and it is the time to strike.
Ink than readies his paintbrush, and flies down at Error, as Error smirked, and he made a bone, before flying up at Ink and clashing both the sharp bone and the Paintbrush against each other, as Error smiled at the enraged face that Ink is making, due to the the speech that he had made for Ink to hear, and it is worth it to see him act all out of control worn his emotions. He than touched Ink in the face, and electrocuted him very badly, as he felt immense pain from the electricity that had attacked Ink. This made Ink cry in agony, as Error smiled, and he forcefully continued to shook Ink more and more in the intensity, until Ink than swung his Paintbrush and made an Ink Blaster, that fired on top of Error, and Error is forced to let go of Ink. But despite all of this, and the fact that Error had been hurt by Ink, the Corrupted Protector is not able to decrease the rage within him, as he than attacks blindingly at Error, who than teleports in front of Ink, and punched him hard on the face worn an electrical-charged strike, sending him crashing to the ground. Error smiled with an achieving look on his face, as he is able to get a bunch of lucky hits on him, as Ink stood up, and looks at Error. Ink than flies back up, and he turned his right hand into a battle axe, as the blades are glassy ink and cracked, as Ink tried to swing and slide Error in half, only for Error to block the swings by making red bones and avoiding them, as the Axe sliced through the few bones, before Error fired a Glitch Ray at Ink, exploding his body into pieces, before Ink reformed himself, and he made an arm blade, and then, Ink flies in fast to Error, hoping to stab him. But Error than made a barrage of Blue Strings appear out of nowhere and made the surround Ink, which forced Ink to slice an cut through them, before Error than punched Ink down hard, while Ink than grabbed Error and threw him down to the ground, and the both of them crashed down hard.
Ink than stood up, and he looks at Error, who than picks up pieces of the Anti-Void, and threw than at Ink, who than punched the pieces to bits, as Error looked mildly annoyed at Ink for the fact that he is this irritating to kill. Ink than swung his Paintbrush and made a bunch of Ink Bones, but Error than used his ability to manipulate Pixels and made a ceiling of pixels to defend against the attack. He than looks at Ink, who than snapped his fingers, and the Ink Bones then erupt into tentacles to try and restrain Error, only for Error to get out of the way, as Error than appeared behind Ink, and fired a bunch of bones at Ink, only for Ink to swing his Paintbrush and make a wall of Paint to defend against the Red Bones, before punching the wall, and turned the wall into Ink Shrapnels, which fired at Error, and Error than teleported out of the way before the Ink Shrapnels can pierce him. Honestly, Error is not surprised that Ink would do this, but he is not able to help but feel annoyed that Ink can use this trick.
Hollow smiled, and he demonstrated the use of his Body Manipulation, morphing his right arm into something horrifying, as he than spoke out.
"Error, I have an entire soul of the Unnameable!! You only have the DNA of the Unnameable that you killed!! Do you honestly think this is what it takes to bring me down?"
Righteous smiled, as he pulled out strings from his Eye Sockets, before he than spoke out to him.
"More of a chance than you can imagine, Ink."
Righteous than extends his strings so that he can wrap it around Hollow. Ink tried to get his arm out of the strings, but Error rose him up in the air, and slammed him back down to the ground before he even knew what was about to happen. But Ink than fired an Ink Blaster at Error again, and Ink made a wall of Red Bones to block the attack. However the Ink Splatters than changed into Ink Spikes, as Error than avoids them as much as he can to not get stabbed by the Ink Spikes. Than, Ink made a paint portal, which he went through, and tried to grab onto Error, only for Error to make a glitch portal and use it to avoid getting struck by Ink. As Ink landed down onto the ground, a monster, possibly from Team Void, tries to foolishly attack Ink, thinking that he is able to take him on, only for Ink to split his face and consume the Monster, and it made even Dust shocked, as he spoke out.
"Gah!! What the fuck did he do?!"
Dust shouted, as Ink also looked in horror at what his other self had done. Hollow had consumed the monster, and it made Hollow a tiny bit more powerful, as he looks at Error, who narrowed his eyes, as he than saw another Team Void Monster, which he used his Tentacles to wrapped around and corrupted the code of the monster, before assimilating the corrupted remains of the monster and empowered himself, just as Ink had, although it took a lot of bit longer compared to Ink. Error Blasters than fired all over the place, as Ink tried to avoid them, only to get hit a bunch of times and getting damaged badly by the Error Blasters themselves, and needless to say, Ink is not having the time of his life right now. He is getting pummeled and beaten by Error, who is now much more stronger than before, as he does all that he can to right against him. But Error is properly trained and tactical, while Ink is very creative and plans ahead. But just because one is very creative, does not mean it will get you to win against a skilled planner like Error, who can also adapt to a person and their abilities.
Ink snarled, as he than charged at Error, but Error, not wanting to have Ink consume anymore people, made Blue Strings and formed them into a trampoline in front of Ink, and as soon as Ink went to the Blue Net, he is unable to get to Error, and is instead, bounced back, and Error made a portal that sends Ink back into the Doodle Sphere, of his Multiverse. Of course, with Ink now seeing this Multiverse that Dust and the others are in, Error has belief that Ink will return to this Multiverse, so that he can take it over, just as he did with the Multiverse that he and Error lived in. Well, Error is going to make damn sure that this does not happen. His Multiverse has suffered at Ink's hands because of his machinations and cruelty, and he does not need another one to be suffering this fate as well.
Error than turns to the others to see how they are doing, and needless to say, they are having trouble, and it is for both the good and bad people on each others ends. Feeling like he should end their fight Walsh, and so that Error404 does not know the secret identity of Alpha, he made glitchy portals into a genocide timeline version of Outertale, and he sends them all into the Genocide Timeline, along with Bill, who is still unconscious, as the portal closed, and Error blocked them off. He sighed, as Dream came flying down, and Dust and the others went to Error, as he than spoke.
"Man, Error, that is quite a beating you took, huh?"
Error looks at Dust and nodded his head, as Core than spoke out.
"Wow. For a version of Error, you are far more kinder and more heroic than him."
Error than shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out.
"Well, I guess you can say that alignments change in different Multiverse in some ways, where despite being a destroyer, I am a good monster. And unfortunately, now that Ink knows of this place, I need to stay here, so that he does not go inside and consume more monsters."
Core smiled, as she than spoke out.
"That is very kind of you to do so, as it shall give us an advantage against the members of Team Void that dare attack us."
Error nodded his head, as Dream than stepped forward, as he than spoke out.
"Dust has already told me about what has happened in this Multiverse, and needless to say, I am very disappointed at what my other self had done. He had betrayed his purpose and his reasons of being in the Multiverse, and now, I will make sure that he does not corrupt and twist any of the AUs to his negativity. He will not infect the Multiverse with his betrayal."
Core looks at Dream and smiled, seeing how he will not be corrupted, due to how pure the Golden Apples made him, and Core than even went next to Error, and spoke out.
"And besides, for a version of are also very cute."
This made Error looked down at Core and spoke out to her.
"Are you for real?"
Error has a blush on his face, as Core smiled, a grey blush present as well.
"Geez. At least the Core of my Multiverse was less flirtatious than you."
Dust than goes up to Core and spoke out.
"Will the other members of Team Hope be alright?"
Core looks up at Dust and spoke out, before nodding her head.
"They will. They just need a very long time to recover, due to the damage that Error404 had given to all of them. And also, Dust, thank you, for bringing back this version of Dream. Now we have a fighting chance against Shattered and Nightmare."
Dust nodded, as Dust Chara than went next to Dust, and smiled at him, while also holding her hand into Dust's hand, before she than spoke out.
"Heya, cutie. Let's go sleep in your bedroom. I can't wait to know how Skeleton Bodies feel."
This made Dust blush again, as Dust than accidentally teleported to his room with Chara, as Gltich shook his head, annoyed, it found it amusing that Dust and Chara are becoming a thing, and with Core now having somewhat of a crush on the other version of Error.
"Things today are getting very, very interesting. And Dust better be careful, otherwise that Dust Chara is going arraigned into his bones."
With Dust...
Dust is now in bed, wearing a hoodie that has shirt sleeves, and is in bed with Chara, who is hugging him from behind. And needless ti say, this is making Duat feel embarrassed, as he blushed, while also feeling something soft pressing against his spine, in between 2, actually, before speaking out to himself on this.
"This Chara's gonna be a handful."
But Dust does not complain, as he allows Chara to hug him, and he goes to sleep, tied from the adventure he's in.
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