
Seraphim Dust and the others looked at 100, who is charging at them, and needless to say, all of them are not happy to go face-to-face against him. Last time that they had done it, it took all of the Alphatale Brothers together, even Warlock, Dust with the Artificial Soul, and Yukari Yakumo to stand a chance against him. But now...the Alphatale Brothers are under the control of this entity named Ten No Kami, and it is now simply King Chaos, Rock, Tint, and Seraphim Dust standing a chance against him. The odds for them are not great, at all. And that is just putting it lightly. The only one that has not been controlled is Warlock, but this is mainly because he is too powerful to be controlled, and the fact that he is currently dealing with a weakened Faker.

100 pulled his fist back and hits King Chaos, but to the surprise of everyone that is didn't do anything. King Chaos looked amused, as he spoke out to him.

"Oh...confused, are you?"

100 did look confused, but hearing the way that King Chaos mocked him, he simply growled at him in response.


King Chaos smirked arrogantly, and 100 continues to throw consecutive punches at King Chaos, as he thought out to King Multiverse.

'I know you can't understand anything, but understand this, In this state I'm a lot wilder than before. Consider it a miracle you're even still standing. However, this vessel won't last as long as my more prime one due to my overwhelming power. So, I better end this quickly.'

As he said that, King Chaos then summoned a chain to whip at 100, which sends him back. And the moment that happened, Rock shouted out at 100.


This made King Chaos surprised, as Rock and Tint charged at 100. Rock then jumped over and smashed his crowbar over 100's head which did little damage. Before 100 could kill him, Tint fired an ink gun, hitting 100 in the head, making him miss his headbutt. Seraphim Dust looked unamused at this, as he spoke to King Chaos.

"That idiot's gonna get himself killed, isn't he?"

King Chaos nodded his head, unamused, as he spoke out.

"Welp, you aren't wrong."

As he said that, he then sent chains from the sky above 100, in order to lift him up from the ground, and almost hits Rock, who is still trying to attack him. Rock, who barely got out of the way, shouted out at King Chaos in pure anger.


King Chaos chuckled, as he spoke out to him.

"Not Yet."

As soon as King Chaos said that he then jumped on the chain and dashed towards 100 and began to kick and punch him knocking his head around as large chains fell on top of him knocking his body away. King Chaos soon jumped back as then created a large ball of chains with one attached to his hand, with the ball bigger then a multiverse.


King!Chaos screamed as he then smashed 100 around with it hitting him from every angle and every direction with no escape. Seraphim Dust joins in, the Jawless Blaster above him fired a red beam at 100, as he summoned his Trident and Scythe, both of them being a red color, with large spears firing and exploding onto 100, causing immense damage to him. Rock and Tint watched in awe at the sight, as King Chaos continued to attack, but he then remembers that he has a time limit, before speaking out.


He then smashed the Outversal Wrecking Ball on top of 100, which is then destroyed, before Seraphim Dust then wrapped vines around 100 in order to prevent him from escaping, as King Chaos summoned several of the King's Blasters which were now corrupted with Malware's power. Seraphim Dust, thinking that he will need more power, then utilized the Gaster Blastermination, as King Chais shouted out.

"This is the power to destroy reality as you know it. TAKE THIS MONSTER!!! REALITY BARRAGE!!"

By King Chaos' command, they all fired at once causing a massive explosion easily dwarfing a regular hyperverse and shooting out so far some of the rays of light were shining out of the eden orb itself. Once the light calmed down King!Chaos squinted his eyes to track 100 only for a hand to almost strike him down to the ground, only for Seraphim Dust to get in the way and grab onto the hand before it can smash him, with Seraphim Dust struggling to keep the hand up, despite the fact that he is 12 feet tall, and 100 is merely at the height of 11' least before. But because he peaked, he is now at the height of 12'1, which is one inch taller then Seraphim Dust, which ain't good.


But as 100 roared, he then grabed Seraphim Dust by the leg, and threw him into the ground abd began to slam him around, before turning to King Chais and, to which at immeasurable speeds, he then began to punch King Chaos nearly knocking him out of the transformed state, and King Chaos is barely keeping himself together, with Seraphim Dust punching 100 and knocking him away, as King Chaos spoke out.

"D-Damn! How strong is this freak?!"

King Chaos shouted, as Seraphim Dust spoke out.

"You're forgetting one thing about him, Malware. 100 is a being that grows in strength if he is still alive. And because if Rock over here being an absolute dumbass-"


Rock began to shout at Seraphim Dust, only for him to slam Rock to the ground with his Blue Magic, now enhanced by the 7 Human Souls, before he spoke out.

"...Now 100's grown powerful enough to tank that attack."

King Chaos shook his head, as Tint then used his rainbow hand to grab 100 from a distance and slam him to the ground. Tint looked only to see 100 fire his uncontrollable blast Tint's way, Seraphim Dust used his wings and flied to Tint as fast as he could, as he then puts Tint down. But 100 punched Seraphim Dust, and although he has an Armor of the Red surrounding him, it still hurt a lot, as he punched Seraphim Dust badly, making him let go, as Tint fell down, before 100 slammed his fist into tint, almost killing him. But Seraphim Dust, he then summoned 7 Blasters that now have 7 different colors, called the Chroma Blasters, as he fired the orange one, that made a large orange dot that exploded onto 100, knocking him out of the way, before using the cyan one to make a Patience Rope out of the mouth, almost like a tongue, which wrapped around 100 and threw him away.


Rock shouted, as he ran to Tint, while Seraphim Dust teleported next to King Chaos, who spoke out.

"Just these few hits...damn it...and he is getting stronger."

Seraphim Dust nodded, as he spoke to Malware.

"Yeah, not to mention he's getting angrier as well."

As King Chaos and Seraphim Dust looked, a voice spoke out from behind them.

"Think that I can be of aid, then?"

This made Seraphim Dust and King Chaos stunned, as they turned around to see who it is that has suddenly arrived. And it is someone that they did not expect to see.

Behind a Sans that they have never seen before, except for King Multiverse, who has. It is a Sans that appears to be a modified version of Dust's outift, being yellow and black instead of blue and white. And the eyes...they look so similar to Dust Sans' eyes, except that the blue iris is replaced by a purple iris. This made Seraphim Dust stunned, as he then spoke out.

"What the...who the hell are you?"

The unknown Sans turned around to look at Seraphim Dust, as he then spoke out to him.

" must be the Dust Sans that has been fighting for the good side. Not often that I see a version of you like that."

This made Seraphim Dust confused, but then, King Chaos spoke out.

"Wait...I recognize you. You're the one that has been giving my host, Error404 trouble, Dust+."

This made Seraphim Dust stunned, as he did not expect that, before Dust+ spoke out.

"Of course it is, Malware. I'd recognize that face anywhere, considering I see it whenever you use him."

He then turns to Seraphim Dust, as he goes to him, and spoke out.

"You know, I never thought that I would see a Dust Sans that has redeemed himslef for something that he has done. It is something that I almost never see in other Dust Sanses that I meet. But're one of a kind."

This made Seraphim Dust a little bit uneasy, before a roar was heard from afar.


They all turned to see 100 come charging at them, as Seraphim Dust then fired Justice Bullets at 100, only for there to be very little effect on the Beast of Rage. Seraphim Dust then made a Bubble of Patience around 100 in order to slow down time around him rather temporarily. But then, 100's body began to heat up so much from the peak, that Rock had to back away.


Rock, carrying Tint, goes behind Dust+, King Chaos, and Seraphim Dust, who are standing just fine. Dust+ looks at 100, before running full speed at him, and then used his attack, Red Mastery, before sending him up into the air, before slamming him down to the ground, before getting a Blaster out called the Plus Blaster, which then began to suck in the DT that 100 is generating, before firing it at him, causing massive damage to 100, before he then kicks him hard in the head. 100 then made DT Lightning come out of his body, but Seraphim Dust then used the Green Blaster to make a Barrier of Kindness after it opened its mouth. Then, Dust+ summoned more Plus Blasters and fired at 100, who then began to barrel through the Plus Blaster attacks, and clapped his hands, sending a powerful shockwave that destroyed them, before grabbing onto Dust+ and slam him onto the ground. Then, Musical Notes and Ink Bullets fired at 100, making him let go of Dust+ and stumbled backwards a little bit, before Tint and Rock continued to fight...which didn't happen, as 100 clapped his hands again, sending everyone off their feet, except for King Chaos and Dust Seraphim, and King Chaos is not doing so well, as he then spoke out.


Malware said, and luckily Seraphim Dust didn't pay attention to that name, as King Multiverse, now began to speak out inside of his mind.

"What the hell is going on out there!? I let you have my body and somehow your losing!?"

Malware, in pure anger, snarled, as he spoke out loud.

"Filthy pathetic creature! I'm not trying to save you! Or your filthy life!! I care for one thing and one thing only and that's making sure I am the strongest! If I'm not, then my whole quest till now will have been for nothing!!!!"

But King Multiverse then spoke back to him.

"Screw that shit, why the hell are you losing!? You made 404 crazy strong before!!! I have some of his DNA there should be no difference!!!"

But King Chaos spoke out the answer to King Multiverse, as he knows the reason why he is not winning the battle.

"Fool! Don't you get it?! You don't have nearly as much power for me to grab from! You do not have a Conduit Soul and you definitely aren't as strong as William either...damn it!!! I should have waited a bit longer! Maybe Loading or hell even Rock or Tint might have been able to distract Ten long enough for me to take over 404 again! This isn't good, not to mention this body is worn out thanks to my abuse of it and that monster's attacks!"

King Chaos feels the body reaching the limit, as he got onto one knee. King Multiverse, now panicking a little bit, spoke out to him.

"No way! There has to be something you should be able to do!"

King Chaos did not answer, but then, Seraphim Dust then held his hand out, and a Kindness Spear struck King Chaos, which healed King Multiverse's body a bit more, as Seraphim Dust spoke out.

"Not going as planned huh, Malware?"

Malware snarled, as he spoke out.

"Don't think this is funny, you bastard!! Because of this weaker body, I cannot last in this forever, and all you did is extend the time limit with your healing of the King's body!!! This body will give in before I can continue fighting!!!"

Seraphim Dust looked down at the ground, thinking hard on something, before he spoke out to him.

"Maybe there's a way to extend the time limit further than before, as well as make you more powerful at the same time."

Malware looked confused, as he spoke out.

"What do you mean?! do you have an idea on how to make this body last longer?"

Seraphim Dust looked at King Chaos and nodded.

"I do, and it is something that King Multiverse can use. A transformation that allows him to surpass Error404. It's not a good fix to the problem, but it is better then nothing."

This made Malware intrigued and eager, as King Multiverse spoke out.

"That's right, my Emperor Multiverse transformation!! If I can extract pure data from the MainFrame, it will make the form last longer than before!"

This made Malware smile, as he spoke out.


Malware then opened a Wormhole to the MainFrame, thanks to enhancing King Multiverse's Radius, before King Multiverse, despite being inside of his own mind, manage to command the MainFrame to come over to him and go into him. As that happened, King Multiverse felt his power increase, but with Malware having taken over his form, he felt a boost in power unlike ever before. When the transformation finished, he is now shown to be wearing Emperor Multiverse's clothes, only the cape looked ruined a little bit, and the claws in the fingers became an inch and a half longer. Malware smiled at this, as he spoke out.

"YES!!! This is more like it!! Now, 100, it's time you face, THE EMPEROR OF CHAOS!!!"

He then ran fast, almost as fast as Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, even though he is still surpassed in the speed department, as he punched 100 with even greater force then before, as Emperor Chaos then summoned a Wormhole, having been corrupted by Malware's power, as it began to suck 100 into it. But 100 somehow manage to grab the sides of the Wormhole. Then, the Chain, having been corrupted later than expected, now the Chains of Execution, wrapped around 100. 100 tried to fire his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at the group, but the chain caused his power to malfunction, and reflected inside of his mouth, exploding it from the instead and taking out a huge chunk of his skull, which the regenerated. Needless to say, 100 is not happy about that at all.

As that happened, Seraphim Dust sensed something, as he raised his head up for a bit, before speaking out.

" you feel that?"

This made Emperor Chaos confused, as he then spoke out.

"Feel what?"

Seraphim Dust then spoke out.

"This powerful magic. I'm sure you can sense it too."

Emperor Chaos looked and focused for a moment...and then it dawned on him, realizing who it is.

"Wait...that power..."

Seraphim Dust nodded, as he then spoke out.

"Warlock, he's coming. But he's too far away. We need to hold him off for as long as we can, as much as possible."

Emperor Chaos nodded, as 100 roared, very enraged as he charges at them, with Emperor Chaos and Seraphim Dust moved out of the way quickly. Seraphim Dust then swung his hand and claws him with his Perseverance Claws, which induced Slow Healing, which slowed down his ability into heal, with Emperor Chaos then used his Blue Chains, which had been corrupted, draining his HP, as 100 roared in pain. Dust+ then rushed at 100, and unleashed a DT Burst, which means a shockwave so powerful that it knocked 100 off of his feet and caused immense agony. 10 then began to stand up, and roared in pure rage, as a second jaw was made inside of his mouth, before he then began to burn through the Slow Healing and the HP Drain that Emperor Chaos and Seraphim Dust had put on him. Emperor Chaos, feeling like he needs to do this, wrapped a green chain around 100, and began to siphon his HP, while giving himself HP, so that he can sustain the physical body of Emperor Multiverse, so that the form can last a bit more longer then before. Emperor Chaos smiled, before he then rushed forward, and punched him into the air, as Dust+, he then rides onto a Plus Blaster, before summoning more, and he began to siphon the Determination from 100, before he fired at 100, which made him roar in pure agony unlike any that he had ever felt. 100 then fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast, which Dust+ was able to avoid, as he spoke out.

"Geez, 100 does not know when to quit, does he?"

Seraphim Dust then simply responds back to the comment that Dust+ had backhandedly made.

"Of course he doesn't. In fact, I don't think the concept of quitting ever exists inside of his mind at all."

Dust+ rolled his eyes, as he and the others continue to fight against him. And needless to say, trying to fight against him is no cakewalk at all, as it is like trying to fight against a juggernaut with no brains, and with a mindset of only attacking, but no defending. Seraphim Dust then fired his Jawless Blaster at 100, who got hit by the attack, and is pushed back a little bit, before Dust+ then fired his Plus Blasters at 100 by using his own DT, which isn't able to drain him that much anymore, and instead only made him a bit more madder then before. Seraphim Dust then fired Arrow Blasts at 100, which exploded in his face and caused immense agony to him, followed by pellets surrounding him, which also exploded when it hit him, creating a smoke blanket effect, as 100 is confused at where he is. But then, a punch in the face is felt, as 100 then felt himself being hit by the side, which he skids a little bit, and he looks to see that Dust+ and Seraphim Dust were the ones to punch him, before Seraphim Dust then summoned his Dark Blue Blaster, which hit him, and the buzzsaw blades that replaced the teeth grinds and cuts the bones with all that it has. Enraged, 100 ripped it off of his body and threw it away, as Seraphim Dust fired his Red Blaster, which hit 100 in the face, as well as using the Purple Blaster to induce slow healing when it hit him, before fleeing back to Seraphim Dust's side.


100 roared, as Seraphim Dust looks to see him preparing his Pure Uncontrollable Blast once again, and not wanting to wait, puts the Blasters in a single file like, with Red at the back, and purple at the front. As soon as the Pure Uncontrollable Blast fired, the Red Blaster fired at the Orange, which fired a reddish Orange blast at yellow, which fired at green, then the 2 blue blasters, and then the purple blaster, making a multicolored blaster fire at from the purple one at 100 himself. The Combined Blast and the Pure Uncontrollable Blast clashed against one another, but the Pure Uncontrollable Blast pushed back against the Combined Blast in a slow way, as Dust+ took the chance to fire his Plus Blaster again and hits 100 at the side of his face, sending him stumbling to the side for a bit, as 100 looks up at Dust+, and roared, as he leapt to him, only for there to be many in his vision. And with no way to tell if which one is the real one, he leapt for the one on the right, only for him to go through it, as Seraphim Dust, who's eyes are glowing pink, fired at him, with Dust+ doing the same, sending 100 back down to the ground for a bit, and needless to say, 100 is not happy a single bit still.

100 then charged at Seraphim Dust and wrapped his arms around him, as he held him up and attempt to hug him to death. But Seraphim Dust, although in extreme pain, does not let this stop him, as he raised his hand and summoned a Shocker Breaker attack, which shocked 100 very badly, before he then grabbed 100 and thrown him into the air. All of a sudden, Stars Blazing appeared and surroundings 100, before all of them crashed into him and exploded, as 100 was sent down to the ground.

Emperor Chaos then ran as fast as he could at 100, as he then jumped into the air, before he then punched the ground, as 100 is sent upwards into their, before Emperor Chaos used his chains in order to slide and dice at 100 in order to cause as much agony and suffering as he can to him. 100 shrieks in agony, as Dust+ used his Red Mastery to sent him down to the ground, before 100 fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Emperor Chaos, who counters by using one of his wormholes at him in order to defend against the attack, with the blast going to a void.

Tint then stepped fired, as the tips of the rainbow hand turned red, and fired concentrated blasts of DT or Plasma, This made 100 hurt, but it also pissed him off more then ever before, and tried to charge at Tint, only for Tint's rainbow arm to change the tips of the fingers into a blue color, which now acts as a blue attack, meaning that 100 is frozen in place, before it switched to the purple tips, which made purple chains around 100, and began to drain him of his magic and soul force. But 100, being as strong as he is, broke the chains, before Rock shouted out.


Then, rock n roll notes fired and hit 100 in the face, causing him to stumble back. Seraphim Dust narrowed his eyes, as he clenched his fist for a bit, before he spoke out.

"I've had enough of this. It's time to end this once and for all."

He then rose up into the air, and spreads his wings, before he then took a deep breath, before he opened his eyes, and spoke out this.

"Seraphim 7th Goner."

As soon as he said that, Seraphim Dust felt power unlike anything he's ever imagined. He then raised his hand onto the air, and summoned his Gaster Blastermination, now much more stronger then before. 100 tried to move, but Seraphim Dust, in this state, is Omnipotent for a temporary amount of time. When 100 tried to move, Seraphim Dust warped the ground and made it weak around his wrists and ankles before he can move, and then, Dust+ and Emperor Chaos took action.

Dust+ snapped his fingers, and then, the trump of Dust+ came, the Massive PlusBlaster, with most of the DT stored inside of it, as he got ready to fire and take down 100. And Lord Chaos joins in, by raising his hands up, and summoned countless blasters and opens his mouth, as a gathering of energy forms inside of the mouth itself. The King's Blasters and Emperor Chaos will all then fire with the force to destroy 2 Realities at the exact same time. Lord Chaos and Dust+ both shouted out

"Massive PlusBlaster!!!!"

"Reality Subjugation!!!!"

All 3 of the attacks fired, as they all hit 100 at full force, causing massive damage to him, as well as cause a massive shockwave inside of the reality that they are in. Emperor Chaos and Dust+ are on their knees, as well as Seraphim Dust, as he spoke out.

"Did...did that do it?"

Dust+ looks, and when he saw a red glow before him...he spoke out.

"No, it surely didn't."

Sure enough, 100 is back up into his feet, looking rather hurt, but he is still strong enough to still take down everyone inside of this reality.

"Okay, seriously!!! How much does it take to send him down?!!!!"

Emperor Chaos shouted, as they watched, and sees 100 lumbering towards them. But then...a portal appeared behind 100, and a large fist grabbed him, catching all of his body, as a voice shouted out.


Then, the hand pulls 100 in, as the portal closes, and Seraphim Dust sighed.

"Oh, thanks goodness. At least Warlock arrived...but only to buy us time."

This made Emperor Chaos confused, as he spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Seraphim Dust looked at Emperor Chaos, and spoke out to him.

"Warlock had to deal with an extremely powerful enemy that Yukari had weakened thanks to 404's Balance Soul, called Faker. And...I think Warlock is a little bit exhausted from the fact that he had to deal with him. So I don't expect him to hold off 100 for long. We need to get back as fast as possible, so that we can get down to the real main event."

Emperor Chaos snarled, as he spoke out

"Of course."

Rock and Tint also approached, as they spoke out.



Dust+ then approached and spoke out.

"Well...I'll need to be of aid as well. And...I think 404 should be someplace facing the Astral Mother, since he's free from Ten's control."

Emperor Chaos nodded, as he spoke out.

"Then we go there fucking quickly! Come on!!"

He then made a wormhole, and everyone goes inside of it as fast as they could, and as soon as all of them are in, the Wormhole closed behind them

Omega Timeline...

Emperor Chaos, Dust+, and Seraphim Dust arrived, as they look to see Error404, Ares, Fatal_Error, and Loading fighting the Astral Mother and Ten No Kami, who has Ink and Error in her tentacles, and needless to say, this is not a pretty sight to look at...especially since it looks as though the Astral Mother tore her own clothes off, making her bare to the bone.

"Okay, are you fucking serious?"

Emperor Chaos said, as he fired a King's Blaster and hit her...or rather tried to, as she got out of the way, as 404 looked to see Emperor Chaos present, as he then spoke out.


404 said, as Malware goes to Error404, and touched his shoulder. When that happened, Malware takes 404 as his host again...and when that happened, Emperor Multiverse regains control over himself again, his body hurt due to the fact that Malware decayed his body but is now going to recover after a little bit. Unfortunately, this also means that he needs to stay out of the fight until he does so.

"Oh, so you're back again, and this time you have a new friend with you. Ohohohohohoho...this should be-"

But before the Astral Mother could finish speaking, she is suddenly hit by blast to the face, which hurt her, and this made the Astral Mother look to see that it is none other then Seraphim Dust, who then spoke out.

"Why don't we just get to the point where all of us fight you, or are you gonna be so busy monologuing that it will be so boring? Besides, I'm bored of that noblewoman laugh that you use.

Seraphim Dust said, as he looks at the Astral Mother, as she then spoke out.

" least it will give me an opprotunity to kill you, since you side with my disgraced son!!!"

The Astral Mother, she then turned to pink smoke and goes to Seraphim Dust, only for Seraphim Dust to make a Determination Sphere around the Astral Mother, before throwing her to the side, as she then reformed. Narrowing her eyes, she then points her right hand at Seraphim Dust, as she then spoke out.

"Alpha Ray."

She then fired an Alpha Ray, which is a pink ray that is larger than the God Ray. Loading, however, sent a clone in front of Seraphim Dust, and the clone got hit, which nearly combusted and killed the Loading Clone. The Astral Mother, unamused, spoke out.

"Pure Hatred + Fear = Terror."

She then fired pure beams at Seraphim Dust, who was able to dodge it, but also got grazed by the attack, which made him feel terror unlike any other before, almost like such an emotion is being forced onto him. But he remains as calm as he can, as Error404 looks to see the Astral Mother raise her hand and spoke out.

"Soul Attack..."

Then, Seraphim Dust felt even greater agony, as he feels like his soul is being pulled and stretched, to the point that it is so unbearable, with the 7 Human Souls keeping his single DT Boss Monster soul together.

"God Ray!!!"

Error404 shouted, as he fired a God Ray at the Astral Mother, who got hit and made her lose concentration, but she then fired pink Gaster Hands at 404, who barely dodged them. Dust+ then used his Plus Blaster, which is not as strong as before, as he used Seraphim Dust and his Chara's DT to fuel it, as he fired the beam at the Astral Mother, who then turned into Pink Smoke in order to avoid getting hit, as well as try to attack Error404. But Error404 then made a blue sphere around the Astral Mother, who reformed inside of it. Error404 held her with Blue Mastery, as he spoke out.

"Gotcha! Didn't think I could catch you huh? Well one of the first things I did when I learned of my powers was attempt to manipulate the physics and world around me. Your gas form won't stop me from killing you. I learned how to alter physics a long time ago."

He then turns to Omnipotent, as he spoke out.


Omnipotent, understanding, hen charged up his power to 30% and then charged forward with him punching through 404's blue sphere and punching the Astral Mother directly in the face. But The Astral Mother then turned into smoke and went into Omni's body through his nose. Omni's eyes blew up in shock as he fell to the ground. He then began to cough up pink smoke.

"ARES!! Are you alright?"

Error404 ran to him, but stopped, as he began to realize what she is doing. Seraphim Dust, who began to get up from the attack, spoke out.

"What the...hell? Sh-She's..."

The Astral Mother began to laugh, as she then spoke out.

"OHOHOHOHOHOHOH! Expecting to beat me that easily?"

As soon as she said that she then used her powers to disconnect Omni's connection to Islothorn momentarily. Omni then fell unconscious from the sudden disconnection.


The Astral Mother chuckled arrogantly at this, as she then spoke out.

"Awww, doesn't look like your little pal is cut out for battle."

The Astral Mother reformed behind 404, 404 then blasted at her only for Astral's body to turn into smoke once again but this time her legs reformed behind him, and tried to kick him, only for Dust+ to use his Red Mastery to move her out of the way. The Astral Mother snarled, as she shouted out.


She points her hand at Seraphim Dust, who collapsed in pain, as he felt his code, or at least, pieces of it, being killed fast, bit by bit. But Fatal Error fired his attack at the Astral Mother, along with Error404, who both used their Blasters and ruined her concentration. The 7 Human Souls within Seraphim Dust, they reversed the process.

With Loading, he is shown to be fighting against Ten, but also has Tint and Rock aiding him in this.

"So now it's time for you to meet me, well...apologies, but it seems I won't be fighting you this day."

Then, Alpha is summoned in front of her, as Rock spoke out.

"Heh, sending your slaves to fight for ya?! How pathetic and cowardly of ya!!"

Ten looked annoyed, as she then pumped Cosmic Essence into his body and power, and this changed Alpha back into his Excalibur form again. Excalibur then began to look around, and he then began to see 11D Multiverses that surround him, and in a feat that shouldn't be possibly, except for the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Form that Error404 can use, Excalibur then somehow grabbed onto one of the Multiverses, and turned it into an 11D Sword. The Astral Mother smirked, as she shouted out.

"Great job Adam, Now kill that black mess!"

But the Astral Mother got hit in the face by Emperor Multiverse, who punched her hard and knocked her a bit away from him, as he spoke out.

"Do you ever shut up?"

Loading looked back to Excalibur who roared at Loading as it then began to run towards him. Loading then fired off hyperspace bullets at Excalibur which cut straight through not only its form, but its metaphysical one too.

"There, let's see you-"

But before he can realize what was going to happen, Excalibur then used one of its many arms grabbing its metaphysical self and then turned that too into a blade.

"Oh shit."

Loading then began to dodge not only the physical slashes sent out from its blade, but also the metaphysical ones which were completely invisible to everyone, but himself.

Loading looked in shock at what he had just witness, as he spoke out.

"He turned that Multiverse into a Sword?! That Multiverse had eleven spatial dimensions with each transcending the other. The one higher qualitative superior to the one below and it would keep going until it reaches the eleventh dimension. Tanking something like that along with his power on top of that won't be easy with this vessel."

As soon as he said that, Rock and Tint charged forward to attack Excalibur. Unfortunately, Excalibur is in a league of his own, as Rock and Tint struggled to attack and fight against him. Rock fired Musical Notes at Excalibur, and Tint fired his DT beams from the Rainbow arm, but he resisted it. Fatal Error then tried to launch strings at him, but Alpha grabbed onto the red strings, and it into a red sword, in which he swung at Fatal Error, who dodged it, and the sword turned back into strings, which wrapped around no one. Tint and Rock tried to attack with their PainBar and Paintbrush, but Excalibur used his swords to block the attacks and throw them back.

Fatal landed beside Rock and Tint, as Loading then spoke out.

"This is getting more harder then expected. How in the world do you stop this?"

Tint then spoke out.

"Well, that's what we are trying to find out, isn't it?"

Seraphim Dust then fired a combined blast at the Astral Mother with his Chroma Blasters, but the Astral Mother threw a green orb at Seraphim Dust, which grew, and sucked the blast in, as Seraphim Dust teleported out of the way, as the Astral Mother then appeared and punched Dust.

Seraphim Dust...he knows what it's like getting hit by 404, and getting hit by 100, and both are the most painful hits in his life. But this...the Astral Mother...that punch felt far more painful then either, and he doesn't even know if 100 can surpass that if he were to peak at a certain point in the rage that he uses dangerously. But as that happened, he grabbed onto her arm and threw her into the ground, but she turned to smoke before impact, with Error404 feeling Malware threatening to take over him at his sheer rage. But as that happened, a God Eye from the left eye socket that is corrupted fired at the Astral Mother, which was extremely painful to her, although it is not as strong as he still.

"Tch, irritating pest!"

Astral Mother shouted out, as Malware spoke out.

"Pathetic useless bitch."

This made the Astral Mother mad...until a familiar roar pierced into the very air itself. This made Seraphim Dust and everyone look up, as he spoke out.

"Oh no."

As Omnipotent woke up, a loud boom and crash woke him up completely, which made him look, and he turns to see 100 having returned, being as pissed off as before, as he than roared into the sky.


The Astral Mother, happy to see him, screeched out in triumph.


Then, a King's Blaster fired at her and damaged her, as Emperor Multiverse then shouted back.

"More like, HELL NO!!!!!"

Seraphim Dust stood up, as he then spoke out.

"100 escaped quicker then expected from Warlock. Guess that Warlock wasn't in peak condition enough to hold him off for longer, due to his fight with Faker."

Emperor Multiverse spoke back at him.

"No kidding!!!"

Seraphim Dust looked at the Astral Mother, who then shouted out

"Alpha Ray, Second Shot!!!!"

She fired an Alpha Ray at Seraphim Dust, who barely got out of the way, as the Alpha Ray traveled and hit an AU, which destroyed it...but then, all of a sudden, 2 other AUs began to move as well, and are dragged into the place where the first AU itself was, which destroyed it.


Seraphim Dust said, as 100's power began to boom higher and higher, with the Astral Mother laughing, only for an orange grande to explode in her face, stopping her from laughing.

"Damn it...there's no way we can beat him. He's too strong and is way too big of a wall."

404 coughed, as Loading looked at Ten, and realized what must be done.

"It's time."

Loading then instantly shot off Ten's tentacles holding the two with a finger blast. Ten then looked down in anger and pain as they then went to kill Loading only for them to stop mid attack as 100 began to roar. Seraphim Dust also fired Purple Strings at Ten, inducing slow healing, as Fatal Error fired strings at her and induced immense agony to her, as well as fire his Fatal Blasters at her very quickly, to try and stall her.


Loading then grab onto Error, and with as much force as he can muster, he threw Error at Error404, and when he saw Error being thrown to him, he understands what needs to be done. Error404 then jumped up and touched Error. This froze everything. Due to Error's previous boost from 404's constant improvements in battle, as well as gaining his own Glitch Ray, this no longer froze the multiverse, but all of reality itself. Error404 looked around in shock as everyone was frozen, stuttering like a scratched disk. Error404 looked around in shock before then looking down to Error. He then grabbed Error's back and pressed his hand against his chest.

"'s time to wake up."

As he said that, as if like magic, Error began to slowly awaken, and he looks around to see what is happening, before he looks to see that Error404 is now before him.

"S-Sir. What...what's happening?"

Error404 then spoke back.

"No time to explain Error. We need to get ourselves situated before we lose our opportunity."

He then summoned his soul, and Error looks, realizing what 404 is saying, but feels doubt.

"The fusion technique...I don't know."

Error404 then puts a hand on Error's shoulder, as he then spoke out.

"We'll be fine. No matter what happens. We'll prevail. I swear. Once this over. Hows about you and me go and destroy an Au together. For old times sake."

Error404 smiled at him, and Error...seeing this, felt happy himself, as he smiled back at Error, before he then spoke out.

"Alright! Lets do this!"

Error held his soul out, which is a single shard, as Error404 then grabbed onto it, before he fused both souls together, a bright flash of light occurred, as Error and Error404 began to fuse into Error666 again.

Back outside, Reality began to move, and everyone...everyone was aware and they became confused, and due to Ten losing her concentration due to 100, Alpha began to regain his his consciousness, regain control over himself...but he is still in his Excalibur form, as if someone is keeping the form active for him, yet he can still speak like he is still in his normal form, even though he is not in normal form.

"Ahh, my head. What the-"

Excalibur began to look around, as he sees the battle happening, seeing Ten was shaking off what had happened. Loading restarted himself and Omni just stood up. Astral and 100 shook it off. Excalibur was shocked, as he began to walk to her, with tears running down his face.

"M-Mother...I-I....I...I..I thought you were dead."

He then began to run to her, only for Loading to stop him. Excalibur, stunned, spoke out.

"Just what do you think you're doing?"

Loading, in pure frustration, spoke out to him.

"That woman is responsible for the current situation and your imprisonment by that monster Ten. You really want to go hug her?"

Excalibur, still loving her, spoke out to Loading.

"I-...Shes not evil like that, She like everyone else just has issues."

Loading, not amused, spoke back to him.

"If Issues mean trying to take over the multiverse and enslave others, than I want no part in it."

As he said that, Excalibur looks at his swords, and gripped them tightly, unsure of what to think. Ten, looking at everyone, seeing that they are back in control, and for some reason, she cannot control the Alphatale brothers anymore, except for 100. It is as though someone overridden her power. Ten then turns to the Astral Mother and spoke to her telepathically.

"Wendy! Hurry up and sick 100 on these fools!"

Astral nodded as she then turned to everyone, and got ready to command 100 for the attack.

100 and Omnipotent looked at one another, as their eyes sparked with anger and rage. Their fists clenched, as they are ready to go and take on each other. Rock smirked, as he spoke out

"Looks like this is gonna be it for our cakes!"

But as that happened...all of a sudden, a crack began to form in reality itself, which is white and glowing bright. They all watched in pure shock as then a figure came bursting out of the crack, starting reality for a bit, and then he landed in between everyone, and it is a figure that Seraphim Dust recognizes, a form that he and Vivian had seen Error and Error404 do from before.


Error666 had finally arrived, and Ten, who has not seen this before, looked at him and thought to herself.

'Now what trick is there? I don't sense 404 or that other bug anymore, just who or what are they?'

The Astral Mother jumped to Ten's side, as Error666 stretched his limbs.

"Now this what I'm talking about, boy does it feel good to be back out and fighting again. Took those two long enough to fuse again."

He then turns to 100, who roars in pure rage, as Error666 then spoke out.

"Wow incredible, such raw power. Okay then..."

He smirked, as he then spoke out in confidence, as he is ready to take on 100, before shouting.


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