
Dust had to spend an entire hour, a freaking hour, to try and clear up the mess that Endertale was in, as he speaks to his Endertale counterpart. He talked about the situation that he is in, that everyone is in, and needless to say, Endertale Sans was not too happy to hear about it. Luckily, he does not blame Dust for this sort of thing, as this is far beyond Dust's control, and is even thankful for getting as many people out of there as they could. And there is like, so many monsters and humans from Endertale that had entered the Omega Timeline, possibly 1,000 on both sides. This is a huge benefit, especially for Dream Sans, who is now able to use the large number of denizens to further empower himself with the Positivity, in order to take down Nightmare and Shattered.

"I swear, some of the normal versions of me that I am with are annoying."

He looks down at the bottle of ketchup in his hand, and he shook his head a little bit, before he then spoke out to himself.

"Well, at least I get to have a break from what is happening, I guess. After all, it is very distressful in what it is that I am going through."

Dust then turned around, after he pays for the ketchup, asked the Grillby is the place he is in to put it on his tab, obviously, before he then teleported back to his room. He sighed, as he sat down onto the bed, and lay there, clearly in a very stressful mood in what it is that has happened. But luckily, he gained some good news from Core.

"Well, at least Core is allowing me to take a break from what it is that I am going through. I don't know how much I can handle going through such a job like this. I almost don't know if I can take it."

As Dust sat down onto the bed, he hears a door open. He closed his eye sockets, clearly not in the mood to talk right now, nor be in the mood to notice who is coming. But as he closed his eyes, suddenly, he felt his skeletal hand being grabbed on by something that seems to be very...soft. This made Dust open his eyes, as he began to raise up from the bed that he is on, before he then looks to see who it is that has decided to come to his room.

It is none other than Braixen herself. And it seems she is looking at Dust with a worrier expression on her face. She can tell that there is something wrong with him. Dust then looks at Braixen, who looks worried at him continuously, before he then spoke out.

"Oh, heya Braixen."

He then raises his hand and rubs onto her head, as Braixen closed her eyes and accepts the head rubbing, as Dust spoke out.

"Don't worry about me. I'm just exhausted from what it is that has happened, that is all. Just very tired from going through the Multiverse in order to bring the denizens of the AUs into the Omega Timeline. I'm not hurt or worse for wear anywhere, Braixen."

Braixen almost seems relived, but she still feels worried for her beloved companion. She then goes onto the bed, and goes next to him, before he then hugs him. This made Dust surprised. But he smiled, as he then hugs her back. For some unknown reason that even he cannot explain, Braixen seems to be able to make him feel a little bit better. He then raises the stick off of her tail, so that he does not accidentally snap it when hugging her. Brazen nuzzles into Dust's ribcage, feeling much more comfortable then before, as Dust smiled contently, and he lays back onto the bed's pillows, clearly satisfied with what he is feeling now.

"Heh...I don't know if I can ever get used to you."

Braixen smiled, as she continues to hug Dust, and Dust hugs back. But he then had something else in mind.

"I wonder how Dream is doing right now."

Speaking of Dream, he is now flying in the air of the Omega Timeline, as he closes his eyes and bathes in the positivity that has been inside of the Omega Timeline. And although the denizens of the Endertale timeline are filled with Fear, Dream was able to control his aura to such an extent that he is able to calm them down and ease them of their worries. Before, Dream's aura, although weak, was a little bit uncontrollable, as well as a little bit of a bad thing for him, as whenever people get near him, they think they are falling in love with him, when that is it really the case, and it makes them negative when he leaves the area and stops the effects. But now he has gained such control over his own power, he can manipulate his own aura in order to use an effect that would best suit the situation. And this one that he is using, make people feel safe and secure, this is one of them, which is able to make everyone feel better.

Dream sighed, as a contented smile appeared on his face, the feelings of positivity continued to make him feel more stronger then before, as he feels himself empowered by it. But as he did, he then felt a presence behind him. This made Dream open his eye sockets, as he then turned around and sees someone. It is none other then Righteous!Error himself, who looks at Dream and spoke out.

"Hello, Dream. I see you are bush with your own stuff, huh?"

Dream nodded, as he spoke out.

"Hello, Error. It is nice to see that you are still in the Omega Timeline. Especially since Core!Frisk has a liking for you."

Error nodded his head, his arms crossed whine he floats in the air, as he began to think of what he is going to say to Dream, before he then looked up at him, and he then spoke out.

"So...what is it like, staying inside of another Multiverse, and being able to reunite with old faces?"

Dream looks down at the ground, seeing Ink and Core taking to each other, along with Blue, as he spoke out.

" is a little bit sad, as I have to see them, even though the ones from my Multiverse are dead. But...being inside of this one, especially in being able to reunite with them, it feels very...refreshing, to say the least."

Error nodded his head, understanding where Dream is going to. As he then looks up, he then wonders about something.

"That also reminds me. Dream, have you noticed any Negativity that are appearing in the AUs of this Multiverse, sings of Shattered and his Nightmare?"

This caught Dream's attention, as he then looks up and spoke out.

"Oh, of course, I had forgotten about that!"

He than looks at Error, who smiled a little bit at him, before Dream then spoke out to Error.

"Thank you, Error. I really needed to be reminded of what I need to do."

Error shrugged his shoulders, as Dream than looks at a direction, before he holds his hands out, and goes into the Doodle Sphere, which is where he will find the AU that is in peril, as he goes into it. He lands onto a floating price of ground, and he looks around the entire area.

Inside of the Doodle Sphere, a realm that Ink had created, Ink has been able to make Papers that represent the AUs, as well as gateways to the AUs themselves through the doors of the floating islands that are inside of this place. Dream signed, as he looked around the area that he is in, before he then turned to an AU, which has an upside down, purplish soul, and a rainbow scarf. He is feeling negativity there, as he spoke out.

"Found you. Do not worry, I'll get you and everyone else to the Omega Timeline. Just please, hang on tight and wait for me."

Dream then spread opens his wings, and began to fly as fast as he can towards the door that will lead him to the AU he needs to go to. He cannot enter it sign his own portal, due to the negativity that is inside of the AU right now, but he can make a portal to exit it, and into the Omega Timeline. He flies and flies as fast as he can, before he then finds the door that he is able to locate. Dream sighed, the crown above him bends down along his head, before he than opens the door, and he goes inside to rescue the denizens of the AUs, still alive.

Inside of this AU, or rather, a possible Alternate Timeline of the original Undertale, there is a battle happening, as Gaster Blasters shoot out magical blasts of energy, arrows being fired, and the sounds of goop and tentacles attacking and striking at the ones that they are meant to attack. A purplish blasts of energy fired and incinerates a tree trunk, as the sound of teleportation was heard, 2 people, that being a skeleton and a human, as one of the fighters are revealed, and they are going against 2 opponents. One of which is a familiar skeleton, but is far more stronger then he once was in the past.

This is none other than the Sans of Refusetale, and is one of the more unique Sanses to ever exist. His power is a little bit similar to Classic, except he has one thing that Classic does not have. In contrast to Classic, he has a unique soul called the Soul of Hope. Because of this, it is able to make this version of Sans much more stronger then ever before, a far greater magic than ever expected. And he is not alone. Standing next to him is a familiar brown-haired human, but that brown hair has a single red spear in hand.

This is none other then the Frisk from Refusetale, and is unique in her own way. Similar to Endertale and Glitchtale Frisk, as well as GlitchDust Frisk, Refusetale Frisk can use magic and summon a weapon. In this case, she can teleport and her weapon is of a spear, and she can use it similar to Glitchtale Undyne. However, what separates this Frisk from the other before mentioned Frisks is that, unlike the others, this one is a female. Frisk and Sans are looking at their opponent, as Frisk spoke out.

"Sans, can you still keep up in this fight?"

Sans turns to Frisk and nodded his head, his eyes narrowed dangerously, as he turns his face back ti the enemy that is standing before the both of them,
And he is very mad.

"Yeah, I can. And I am still very pissed at what they are doing right now. They are gonna pay for what they have done."

Frisk nods her head, as she then looks back at who is in front of the both of them.

Refuse's eyes emptied as black sockets, and a sinister, creepy smile is present onto his face. But it is obvious that he is very furious, before he then spoke out.

"You have a lot of nerve to attack my home. And I am gonna make sure they you both will pay for it."

The sound of footsteps was heard, as black slimy feet snapped a branch. And then...the figures before them are revealed before the eyes of the other 2 fighting against them both.

Nightmare and Shattered smiled dangerously, as their tentacles are out, ready to take down the both of them and make them suffer, as Nightmare then spoke out.

"Do you honestly think that you have the strength to attack us?"

Shattered snickered, as he then spoke out himself.

"All we want is the human you have? After that, we will be gone from your own home!"

Sans narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"Like Hell I'll let you take her. And I am gonna make sure you both suffer for what you have done to me and my home."

His left eye flared one again, the rainbow scarf on him blowing in the winds of Snowdin. Sans is not going to let them put a single hand on Frisk, especially after all that they have done. Thankfully, some of the humans and the other monsters are safe, even Papyrus is safe. But even so, this does not change the fact that he is facing off against some dangerous opponents. He takes out his dagger, and fired a Gaster Blaster at Shattered and Nightmare. But Shattered manipulated the tentacles on his back to make a giant hand and block the attack, as Nightmare went in to try and take Sans down. But Sans then made a magical shield in front of him, and blocked Nightmare from getting even closer to him. He then teleported, and made a Gaster Bksster fire at him. Although this did not damage him, it did push him back. He then leapt forward, and slashed at Nightmare, but the slash did nothing to him, as Nightmare quickly regenerated from his wounds, as Sans teleported back to his original position.

Frisk readies her spear, as she goes in to attack Shattered. She snapped her fingers, and multiple red spears fired at Shattered, as he got pierced and struck by them. But Shattered did not get hurt in the slightest, as he then tries to constrict Frisk. But Frisk teleported out of the way, as she then summoned red spears beneath Shattered so that she can keep him in place, only for Shattered to simply walk out like it's nothing. He then formed a bow from his arm and fired an arrow of negativity at Frisk, who than throws a spear to try and stop the negativity arrow from attacking her. However, all this did was stop it temporarily, as the negativity arrow pierced through the red spear, and Frisk barely got out of the way, as she then ducked down, the arrow missed. She then stood back up, as she looks at Shattered, who smiled sinisterly, and is about to attack Frisk again, but then, Nightmare was sent flying by blue magic, due to Sans being the one to use it on him, as Sans then looked very exhausted.

Sans took some deep breaths, as he then launched bones at Nightmare and Shattered, but the bones, even though they hit, did nothing to them, as Shattered spoke out.

"You lasted a bit more longer then the other Sanses we have met, with only Dust as an exception. But even will still suffer and die for getting in the way."

Shattered then raised his bow, and made a negativity arrow, and Frisk jumps on the way, as Shattered spoke out, spear in hand.

"Oh, so you want to die with him? Huh, then you can join him in the suffering that awaits you!!"

Frisk narrowed her eyes, as she then spoke out.

"Try me."

Shattered smirked, as he fired an arrow at Frisk and Sans, and Frisk prepares to fire a spear at the negativity arrow, when all of a sudden...a Golden Dome appeared around Frisk and Sans, as the Negativity Arrow, while being able to puncture it, is not able to go completely through and pierce Frisk and Sans. This made Shattered and Nightmare enraged, as Nightmare spoke out.

"So...he has appeared once more."

Shattered looked up, and he saw someone that he hates so much, even more so then Ink.


Coming form above, is none other then Dream himself, ready to fight against the ones that are attacking the AT that they are in. His Golden Wings flapped gently, as he fell to the ground, and he then looks at both Shattered and Nightmare, his golden eyes flared dangerously, as he then spoke out to them.

"You are done messing with their lives."

Shattered snarled, as he then lunged at him, only for Dream to fire star projectiles with his wand, as it struck Shattered and hit him badly. This sends him away, as Nightmare then tried to attack, but then, Dream turned his want into his bow and fired Positivity Arrows, exploding Nightmare into many pieces. Dream then lowers the forcefield, as he then spoke out.

"Are you both okay?"

Sans nodded.

"Yeah, I am."

Dream nodded, as Ink appeared, his paintbrush now in hand, as he is ready to aid him.

"Ink. Go and take Sans and Frisk with you and go to Snowdin. Then make a portal to the Omega Timeline. I can tell that Error is coming."

Ink nodded, as he then turned into Ink and grabbed both Sans and Frisk, and they went to Snowdin, in order to get as many monsters as they can, as well as some of the humans that fell down. Dream then turns back to the Negativity Brothers, as they recovered and got ready to fight back against Dream again, who has decided to ruin their plants and help the pair escape, as well as the denizens of the AUs get out.


Shattered screeched, as Dream spoke back to his corrupted self.

"No, Shattered. You will pay for betting your purpose, as well as your friends, all for your selfishness."

Shattered screamed in an rage, as he leapt towards Dream and made his 2 Blades, and fights against Dream. Both Dream and Shattered clash blades against each other, as Dream and Shattered look at each other in the eyes, as Dream pushes back against Shattered, and Shattered pushes against his purified self. Dream than kicks Shattered back, as Dream than sliced his face, making him shriek in pain, as Shattered stumbled back. Shattered then launches tentacles at Dream, but Dream flies in the air in order to get away from them. But then, a Tentacle from Nightmare grabs him by the ankle, as it stopped Dream's ascension. Nightmare snarled, as he then slammed Dream to the ground, and make him hurt a little bit, as Shattered then grabbed Dream and began to stab and pierce him, just so that he can die. But Dream, as he has eaten the other 998 Golden Apples from another Multiverse, can regenerate extremely fast, being just as fast as Nightmare and Shattered in terms of regeneration. Because of this, he is not killed that easily. He then grabbed Nightmare, his hand glowing golden, and it made Shattered pained a little bit, as Dream than swung his blade, stabbing Shattered in the face, before reeling him back in, due to the string being attacked to 2 handles of the blades, and being kicked by Dream, sending him back a little bit. Nightmare narrowed his eyes, as his left eye flared, before he than goes to Dream, and began to combat against him, using his tentacles to form weapons, and used them to clash against Dream, in order to take him down thoroughly. But Dream holds his ground against Nightmare with all of his might.

Nightmare then formed a fist from one of his tentacles, and tries to punch Dream with it, but Dream than used one of his wings to block the attack. But even so, the punch is enough to push him back a little bit. Dream than looks at Nightmare, as he than fired a bunch of positivity arrows at Nightmare after manifesting his bow. But even so...even though he is hit with countless explosions of positivity, Nightmare still keeps on going, as he regenerates and attacks again. Dream touched his face, as due to the fact that Nightmare is made of negativity, just like Shattered is, his face burned a little, as the negativity is like acid. Thankfully, he regenerates fast, as the burn wounds are gone. Dream looks at Nightmare, who than smiled sinisterly, before he then rose into the air, thanks to his tentacles lifting him, and he become a a bit more larger then before.


Nightmare roared, as he then tries to pierce tentacles Dream with his larger tentacles. Dream than manifested his wand once again, as he then tries to defend himself against the tentacles. However, as Nightmare had been empowering himself with Negativity thanks to Shattered helping him, this made Nightmare a bit more powerful than last time. If he hadn't been filled with negativity, and they are far from the AUs in their range, then the both of them, both Nightmare and Dream, would be evenly matched. But now, Nightmare is able to pierce through the dome, and shatter it. However, Dream is not down for the count yet. Because as soon as the dome shattered, Dream than flies up into the air, and then, he summoned another weapon...but it is none that the original Dream had never been seen used before in his days as a Positivity Guardian.

In his hand, is a spear, with the materials made of what seems to be gold, and has cyan markings all over the spear itself. There is a red cloth that is wrapped underneath the piercing end, and the cloth itself has a symbol of the sun which many smaller stars surrounding it, the same symbol that Dream himself has with his clothing. It appears that Dream has unlocked another weapon for him to use.

Dream then goes to Nightmare's face, as he pierced him with extremely fast speed, as multiples stabs happpened at one, 100 stabs at the same time for a few seconds, and Dream stabbed 1000 times at Nightmare, as Nightmare got hurt by it. This made him stumble back, as he roared out.


Dream than swung his spear while far away, and the piercing end somehow extended, connected by a cyan energy thread, as he whips and sliced at Nightmare in the face. This made Nightmare roar in pain, as he stumbled back a little bit. Positivity began to swirl and spin around the Spear's point like a drill, as he then stabbed it into Nightmare, giving him even more pain than ever before. Shattered then fired his Negativity arrows at Dream, as Dream flies back down, in order to avoid getting pierced by the Negativity Arrows. Shattered look angry, as he stares at his other self, before he than roared out.


Dream looks at Shattered, clearly doubting him, as he then spoke out to his corrupted self.

"Are you sure about that?"

Dream then reels the spear back, and before the 2 corrupted brothers knew it, he than fired the Spear into the air, as he summoned another one in his hand. And before the 2 of them could react, all of a sudden, multiple spears began to fall down from the sky, as the spear above multiplied. The went down and stabbed Nightmare and Shattered, piecing their bodies and inflicting immense damage, even more so then the Arrows, and some of their bodies have spears stuck to them, and they are glowing golden. Dream than slammed the butt of the spear on the ground, and the spears detonated into positive energy explosions, which hurt Shattered and Nightmare more immensely then before.

Nightmare hissed in pain, as he shrunk back down to normal size, as he looks at Dream. Clearly, this Dream is a lot more stronger then before, especially since he now has a new weapon of his own that he can use against Nightmare and his allies. Dream looks at Shattered and  Nightmare, as he can sense that all of the Underground denizens in Refusetale has evacuated, and Dream spoke out.

"Well, it seems you failed. You lost your chance at another AU, Shattered, Nightmare. Your corruption ends today."

Nightmare then rose up, and Shattered also rose up as well, as Nightmare spoke out.

"Do you...think that we are give up like that, Dream? That we would stop, walks away, and make us not do it anymore? this is not how it works."

Shattered looks at Dream, as he then spoke out.

"You are pathetic, Dream! You think can become unlike me!! You think, that you more different that what I am now!! But you can' will never be like what you are now!!! You become as corrupted as I am to this day!!!"

Dream looks down, his eyes narrowed, as he spoke out.

"But I already have. And I can't be corrupted, unlike you, my traitorous self."

Dream looks at Nightmare and Shattered, a she readies his spear, and gets ready to fire it, when all of a sudden, Righteous appeared, and rushes towards them.


Nightmare tried to speak out, only for Righteous to summon Red Bones, made a glitchy portal to a barren AU, and bats bout Shattered and Nightmare away, as they are sent out. Error puts his red bones away, as Dream spoke out.

"Error? What are you doing here?"

Dream said, as Error looks at Dream, and spoke out.

"I sense him. He is coming."

This made Dream confused, as he spoke out.


Error clenched his right fist, black electricity sparked from it, as Error narrowed his eyes, revealing who it is to the Guardian of Positivity.

"The Ink of my Multiverse."

Then, black paint appeared on the ground, before something rose from it. A familiar white skeleton, wearing all white clothing, a black paintbrush, and purple eyes appeared, a sick smile present on his face, as he rose up from the puddle.

Hollow!Ink appeared, and he smilies very sinisterly, with Righteous and Dream stepping back, with Righteous narrowing his eyes. Hollow looks directly at Error in the eyes, looking hollow, yet full of sadism, as he then spoke out to his hated rival.

"Why, hello, Error!! It seems that I'm gonna have some fun with you again!!!"

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