Purified!Dream Info

Name: Dream


Guardian of Positivity
Strongest Dream
Shining Star
Flying Dream
Team Hope's Greatest Weapon

Species: Light Being of Positive Emotions

Citizenship: Alternate Dreamtale (Formerly) Purified!Dream's Multiverse (Formerly) Omega Timeline

Soul Trait: Golden Apple

Age: 506

Status: Alive

Gender: Sexless (Commonly referred as Male)

Date of Birth: 12/21

Eye Color: Yellow

Height: 4'1

Weight: Unknown

HP: ???

ATK: ???

DEF: ???

Weapons: Bow and positive arrows (powered by positive emotions), two daggers (connected by bowstring), spear, golden pole

Yes...I shall. I will join you in your task to try and defeat Team Void. What my other self had one is unforgivable. I shall help you in anyway that I can. At least I can atone for failing to protect my Multiverse.-Purified!Dream

Purified!Dream is a version of Dream Sans from another Multiverse, where he was able to find 998 Golden Apples from a Multiversal Portal leading to another version of his home AU, allowing him to become as strong as Nightmare. He is one of the strongest versions of Dream to ever exist, with power now rivaling that of Nightmares, due to eating 998 Golden Apples, giving Dream the same amount of apples as Nightmare.


The backstory of Dream is the same as his normal counterpart.

Dream, along with his brother, Nightmare, was conceived from the Tree of Feeling by Nim to guard it as she was recovering from a deadly battle. She then gave them humanoid forms, but the two exploded as those couldn't withstand the emotional powers that the two emits. In a rush, she then created new skeletal vessels based on the first skeleton monster she observed, Swap!Sans. The vessels proves to be effective as the powers flows freely through the bones. She then rest back into the tree as the twin brothers perform their duties.

The tree spirit created Nightmare to protect the side for negative feelings. With his brother, they served as the tree's guardians. As a child, Nightmare cared about his brother and the tree that gave them life. But one day a village had formed near the tree. Dream was the first one to go to the villagers and get to know them to accept Nightmare, who never tried to approach the people because he was afraid and didn't see what's the point so he chose to stay and guard the tree. This is the first reason why the villagers teased him, although he didn't care at first. He doesn't want any trouble so he ignores them and continues doing his own thing. But after a few weeks passed, since he never tried to defend himself from anything that is happening right now, the villagers encourage other villagers more and more. Nightmare didn't know about this until they started using harsher words and resorted to violence. They distracted Dream, taking him to another place far away to play while the others took advantage of that to throw any hard things at Nightmare. Those who thought it was wrong joined in. Nightmare didn't tell Dream about this because it was to protect him, he doesn't want Dream to complain to the villagers and take revenge against him for standing up.
In the meantime, those same villagers that abused Nightmare started to take Dream's kindness for granted. For distracting Dream, they will get him to do anything they ask like they were the boss of him. They also never ask nicely and continuously demand things from him, telling him that he was supposed to do this and that he must help everyone because he was born just to do that. This was why Dream overworking and stressing up just to make everyone happy. There is always someone waiting to give more things to do right after he is done doing other villager's jobs. And that's why he stopped having free time with Nightmare, he can't even find a real friend because of all of this. Dream and Nightmare were just a useless entertainment machine for the villagers.
Because Dream kept that stress to himself, more and more villagers started to use Dream as their pawn. Knowing Dream would never say no, the villagers took advantage of his absence to keep torturing him.

One day, Dream left the tree to pay his friend, Neil, a visit. However, when he returns, he found the all of the apples turned black and Nightmare surrounded by an angry mob. While Dream tries to calm the mob down, Nightmare, consumed with fear and grief at what has happened, and not wanting to get hurt anymore, consumed the Black Apples, both the natural and the corrupted black apples.

Then, one day,  Nightmare decided he had enough was the day where Dream needed to heal an injured person and went to the tree to get a golden apple. People always lionized Dream because he was a guardian of Positivity, and Nightmare, he wants to prove to himself that he is able to protect the Golden Apples as well.

When Nightmare had enough of the abuse and tried to prove that he could be like Dream since everyone respected him, but he didn't know the truth. He was sick and tired of the hate that he could not even think straight. Nim had explained Dream and Nightmare many things about the tree but she never tells them they could not touch each other apples. The golden apples he took from the tree got corrupted and so as the other golden apples including the tree itself. The sky grew darker, the birds stopped chirping, the green leaves from the tree shriveled and fell as the roots of the tree turned dry. The only thing standing was the black apple which was hanging on the rotten tree. All of the multiverses started to slowly lose signs of positive feelings.

Everyone went silent, the sky grew darker and darker, which Dream and Neil noticed. Dream thought it got something to do with Nightmare, filled with fear as he rushed off to the village. But Neil tried to stop him as that didn't stop Dream from running. So, for his better suggestion, Neil decided no to follow him for safety. As Dream came back to the tree, the villagers just started to get overflowed with negative feelings that the apples were giving to them, they felt like the tree was never ever coming back and that Nightmare had destroyed the tree, that was supposed to be giving them good feelings as now they could only live sadly and negativity because of Nightmare's fault. Nightmare was really scared, he doesn't want this to happen. He didn't know what to do as he was thinking about how to fix everything back to normal, but his mind is blank. He was not going to do anything to defend himself. During that, Dream tried to keep the villagers away from his brother but they just walked past him, there were more than a thousand villagers trying to kill him for what he had done.

But Nightmare, he felt a compulsion in his fear. A fear that grew at the villagers grew closer. And then, as he got consumed by it, he began to eat the negative apples, both the natural and corrupted apples. Since Nightmare doesn't want to die as he knew that eating the apple is a bad idea but he wants to survive as well, He followed the encouragement from the bad urge given as he slowly ate all of the apples, his fear transformed into hatred and infinite hate towards everyone and everything. A terrible pain traveled through his body when he finished eating 999 apples, the negative energy was so big that not even the body of the skeleton could control it. 4 tentacles or pure darkness suddenly grew behind his back while he was falling to the ground, screaming in horror as puking the same back goop that was coming out every part of Nightmare's body. What Dream is seeing now is not his brother anymore, it was a being with so much evilness on him which is pure disgusting. Nightmares are now somebody else, somebody new.

The silence that invaded Dreamtale was sepulchral for a couple of seconds, as the new Nightmare had summoned his 4 tentacles and killed everyone with hate for revenge. The villagers tried to escape, but they were too late, as what they had unleashed, all the hate and cruelty they gave to Nightmare, has now taken from, now repaying them with the infinite cruelty they now lies within Nightmare. To protect the last apple that Dream had, He was forced to eat it. The gold powers of the apple started to invade Dream's body as the gold aura took the negativity from Nightmare away from his body of the purest one. The golden apple is now his soul and it was a huge advantage for Dream. But it was also a disadvantage, he had a huge power that he didn't have before, but the last apple was safe inside of him. This being a new power as chaos is surrounded everywhere, Dream was very confused because of the new powers he had. He still believed his brother was still in there and didn't want to fight, giving Nightmare an opportunity to attack. Dream still not very sure how to handle his new powers well as Nightmare attacked him. Dream had fallen to the ground, being turned into a stone statue by the hatred of others. He couldn't move or do anything, but he can feel what Nightmare had done for the past 500 years, before he was free again, and it is here that he became the Guardian of the Multiverse to protect the AUs.

But the task was tiring and harrowing, due to the fact that Nightmare has became so powerful, that he is able to surpass Dream in terms of sheer might, thanks to the amount of Black Apples that had empowered him. But luckily for Dream, he is not alone, as he has Ink, who also protects, as well as other out code protectors. But Dream knows that Nightmare has grow too strong, and soon, Nightmare gathered countless people to instigate a war against the Multiverse, recruiting Error, the Bad Time Trio, and any bad Sans he could get his hands on.

The war lasted long, and Dream can feel his own powers weakening, due to the amount of Negativity that the war caused, and because of this, does not know how he can win. Then, the protecters were able to make a Multiversal portal that lead to an alternate Dreamtale in a different Multiverse. It was the same fate as Dream's own Multiverse, but with a difference, in which there are 998 Golden Apples that were uncorrupted, somehow, and were locked inside chests. Dream was stunned, and one of the Sans' in the protector's side of the war, Science!Sans, believes that the may have been stolen by someone for profit over the years, waiting for the Tree of Feelings to regrow new Golden Apples, and may have taken more then 300 each year. Dream, seeing this chance, knows that he now has a way to stop Nightmare, but also knows that the amount of Golden Apples, if he eats too fast, will drive him to madness, and thus, he entrusts Ink to stop him if he gets consumed by its power, so that he can take the time to recover.

The process took a very long time, as Dream risked doing irreversibly insane, and even gotten close to such a state, but luckily, Ink was able to stop him before he can go that far, and had to take a very long time to recover on his own, just so he can regain his sanity, and also so that he can take the time for to the vessel that he is using to grow stronger and adapt to the amount of Golden Apples that are being consumed by him. With more and more Golden Apples he eats, be gained 2 pairs of wings, the first pair when he reached the 200 Golden Apple Mark, and the second pair when he gained a total of 400 Golden Apples, and during the 550 Golden Apples, the crown on his head began to float like a halo. And while Dream had to recover, some of the other members had to take Dream's place, such as Delta and Abyss, while Dream was busy with the Golden Apples, as well as Ink having to go against Error and Nightmare by himself, which is difficult for him, as Nightmare is comparable to Error in terms of power, but more skilled and more experienced then him in terms of age, and thus, gave Ink a little bit more trouble, forcing him to become emotionless in order to gain some advantage over Nightmare, so that he does not get empowered by Negative Emotions, even if said emotions are fake in nature, used only by the vials.

And finally, more then a year later, Dream was finished, for he has now gained immense power, far more greater then ever before. His power now being able to match the power of Nightmare. He gained some new magical abilities, and even gained a weapon, a spear that can also extended and be swung similar to that of a whip, or be thrown and multiplied. Thanks to the new increase in power that he has gained, he is now able to hold a far better chance against Nightmare, with both of them now having the power of each amount of apples in their possession, 999 Negative Apples for Nightmare, and 999 Positive Apples for Dream. When the 2 of them fought again, Dream is able to handle and match Nightmare this time, and now does not need help from Ink like he usually does. And thanks to the amount of Golden Apples, he is now just as hard to kill as Nightmare is as well. And as they are both strong against one another and match one another equally, neither side won, as they both lost against one another, leading to a tie, but Nightmare vows that he will kill Dream no matter what, and Dream vows to stop Nightmare and end the war and torment he has brought.

As Dream has gained equal strength compared to Nightmare, he is able to use his aura to affect the AUs that are nearby him, and is able to make them feel happy and positive, in the same amount that Nightmare can do it. He used the time left to try and make himself more stronger then before, in hopes of being able to stand a chance against his brother.

Finally, the day came, and the Multiverse got involved in what is likely the biggest and most dangerous end of the war yet, as Dream and Nightmare from both sides, with the full force of each of their armies, fought against one another, and go all out. The war was so destructive, and Dream and Nightmare were so focused on their battle, that they did not realize that the Multiverse was being torn apart, when they realized what is about to happen, Dream attempted to save everyone, and even his brother, Nightmare, so that he can redeem himself for the time that he let his brother become the way that he is. But Nightmare refused, and in time, Dream was too late, as the entire Multiverse for destroyed in the battle, in the war, and when that all happened, only a piece of Outertale survived the destruction of the Multiverse by Dream's own power, and yet, Dream is forced to live in loneliness and pain for what has happened, for the fact that the Multiverse had been destroyed, his mission failed, and it is all gone, and it is not just by Nightmare's hands at all. Now, it is also by Dream's own hands for more power.

Dream spend a long time inside of the remains of the Multiverse that was once his home, lamenting and grieving for the fate that has been given to it. But then, one day, denizens from another Multiverse appeared, in the form of a version of Dust, a dust version of Storyshift Chara, and 2 unknown creatures from an AU, that say Braixen and Ninetails. Purified!Dream introduced himself to the group, and the individual introduces themselves as GlitchDust, DustShift, Braixen and Ninetails, the last 2 reside in Trainertale, and they both went into conversations about each of their respective Multiverses, where Dream talks about what happened to his Multiverse. GlitchDust revealed what happened to his life, where he was in a fused timeline of Dusttale and Glitchtale, where he is fighting against Nightmare, and he revealed the existence of Shattered!Dream, a version of himself that had eaten the black apple and corrupted himself, joining Nightmare in spreading negativity. Hearing this, Dream was shocked at what had became of his alternate self, and became filled with disbelief and anger at what he had done. Dream, realizing that he can be needed again, decided to join in with GlitchDust, as he now realizes that he can make up for what he had done, leading to the destruction of his Multiverse, by protecting another one, where a version of Dream had corrupted himself.

When he joined, they go to the next Multiverse, where a version of Error named Righteous!Error appeared, and when he appeared, and seeing what became of his old friend, Ink, as well as meeting with Alpha for the first time, they both escaped with the group that Dream is in, and into GlitchDust's multiverse, where Dream gets to finally be involved in the war with the Multiverse that has happened. Dream never felt so mad in his life, seeing what his alternate self has become, ashamed that he had betrayed his purpose all just to have Nightmare care for him again. And because of this, in his vow, he will do whatever it takes to win against Shattered's Team by any way he can do it, and now with far greater control over his own power then before, being as strong as is own brother, Nightmare, he will be one of the people to save the other Multiverse.


Dream is shown to be wearing the same new outfit that he has worn when he had matured, which is of an outfit of black stocking-like pants and a withered light yellow coat with tips of cyan. He still sports a golden crown and belt, but the belt is now cyan with only the "DS" initials being gold in color. He also has golden eyes, like a normal Dream!Sans. But now, since he has consumed 998 Golden Apples, which in turn gave him 999 in total, the same amount of Black Apples that Nightmare has, Dream now has 2 pairs of golden wings on his back, being very large and at the same length as Nightmare's tentacles, as well as being as tall as him. The crown above his head floats like the halo, and the front end of it is separated, revealing a star-like shape in between said 2 ends. The right eye also has dark golden spikes around it, almost making the right eye resembles a sun of some sort. The letters, D and S, are also glowing a light blue color. The bottom part of the yellow coat also appears to be longer, now reaching down to his ankles. 


His personality is the same as the original Dream. As a byproduct of positive energy, Dream display a quirky, yet not so confident personality. While he is too talkative and over-dramatic, he does give concern that something terrible could happen and, in response, tries to settle down the issue. However, when he consumed the 998 Golden Apples, he became much more calm and relaxed, as well as much more braver then ever before, now being able to stand his ground against Nightmare, even as both brothers are weakened by one another's aura. He is also now much more wise and empathetic, as he relates to others that suffer the same pain, and allows himself to feel grief, opening his heart to the world.

When his Multiverse got destroyed, he felt immense grief to what became of it, as well as the fact that he could not save his brother, showing that despite all that has happened between them, he still loves his brother and wishes to save him, as well as redeeming himself for failing to protect Nightmare in the first place. But when Dream gained a new chance by protecting GlitchDust's Multiverse, he regained his will and his original personality, as well as display disappointment at what his alternate self had done.

Dream, ever since gaining and being filled with 999 Golden Apples, now has gained inner strength comparable to that of Nightmares, an indomitable willpower that allows him to keep on fighting, even when he is in pain or when he is against something that scares him. Now, having an understanding that there is a consequence to one's actions, he will be sure to not let that happen, and try to avoid such terrible consequences. He is also filled with endless forgiveness, as he refuses to give up on someone and does the best that he can to redeem people, and even encourages redemption.


Positive transport: He can teleport himself and others to anyplace in the existence as long as there's a place of healing.

Empathy: Granted by the Golden Apple of Positive emotions, he can feel the emotions of all beings in existence, and utilize all the healing and happiness as his source of power.

Positive Aura: As a being of Positive emotions, the light aura of the vessel brings healing and comfort to those around him. it also allows him to take on the internal positive voice of people without them realizing he's there and influence emotions and thoughts with his presence. He can use the aura to either make them feel happiness and comfort, or love and joy, depending on how he adjusts his aura.

Positive mending: Originally, he can heal anyone, though that would use up a large bunk of his powers to do so. Now with the power of his 999 Golden Apples, he can do this with very little problem, all just by being near him.

Wings: Dream now gains 2 pairs of wings that will allow him to fly, or be used as defensive shields.

Immortality: Is stated to be attached to the concept of positivity.

Telepathy: Dream, like Nightmare, is stated to act as the voice behind one's head.

Positivity Weapons: Dream, originally, had 3 weapons in his disposal. But he later gained a 4th weapon, increasing his arsenal and versatility.

Wand - A weapon that was also used when Nightmare changed. If anything, it's more than defense, and the weapon Dream used because he didn't want to attack Nightmare yet. He can create a round barrier like orange glass, which became more durable then before, due to the 999 Golden Apples within him, and can now launch stars with then.

Bow and arrow - Shoot and attack a light glowing arrow made of positive emotional magic. An attack that only hits Nightmare. Originally was blue, but now it is Golden to reflect on how strong Dream has become

Knives - A two-sword knives connected by a bow string. It's not just swinging two, but it's connected by strings, so if Dream throw one, it will come back like a boomerang. He now uses it far more actively then before.

Spear: Dream, after gaining 999 Golden Apples, has now gained a spear, which is golden, has glowing runes all over, and a cloth with stars and sun. With the spear, he can thrust and swipe, split and extend the spear it like a whip, and throw it into the air and make more come down, which can then explode in small positive explosions that cause Nightmare a bit more damage then before. He can also channel positivity into the spear head and make it spin like a drill.


Nightmare: Even after all of these times where he had to force himself to fight against his brother, he still deeply loves him, and regrets never being there for him when he truly needed it. Even going to another Multiverse has not changed how he felt.

Shattered: A version of Dream that had corrupted himself with a black Apple, Purified felt sickened and ashamed at what Shattered has done, seeing that he has betrayed his true purpose.

Ink: Purified's relationships is similar to that of the relationship he has with ink, in that they are disagreeable allies. But since they are now in a war, they need each other's help more then ever, and are very close to one another. The same cannot be said for Ink's Hollow self, who he expressed fear and shame to for what he has done, but could never bring himself to hate him.

Core: The relationship between the 2 is the closest, as they both agree on the same thing. Seeing Purified!Dream made Core happy, as she sees that even becoming what he is, he still has not changed.

Righteous!Error: A version of Error from the FGoD Multiverse's future, he and Dream get along very well, due to Error being selfless and considerate, and Dream pities the situation that Error is in. He always respected Error for keeping the balance, especially the Error of his multiverse, who is the same as the original Error.

GlitchDust: Dream has never seen a heroic version of Dust Sans before, especially one in the form of GlitchDust. So when he arrived, he is quite surprised to see someone such as him. Because he brought Dust his Multiverse, having now been at war with Shattered, he and GlitchDust team up to fight against them.


Dream originally had to move from place to place to spread positivity. Gaining 998 Golden Apples and empowering himself to Nightmare's level allows Dream to affect just as much AUs as Nightmare, and thus does not need to move around that much.

Like Nightmare, he does not have 999 Souls, just the one he ate. The rest is the wings that came out of his back.

Unlike Nightmare, who is said to have an imperfect body, due to eating all of the negative apples he gained, Dream's body is far more perfected.

It is unknown if Dream can spawn more wings, just like Nightmare can spawn more tentacles, as Dream has never confirmed being able to do this.

If Dream were to have one more weapon unlocked, it would either be a Halberd or a Falchion.

If Dream were to get stabbed or decapitated, he would instantly regenerate, and not even amputation can stop it.

Originally, Dream would melt instantly from Nightmare touching him, as negativity is like acid to him. Now having gained far more power then before, although the process is instantaneous, it will now take far more longer to melt Dream's body then before. And Nightmare, when he touches Purified Dream, he will feel like he is getting burned.

Dream and Nightmare's aura would weaken one another at quick and equal rates.

Dream still has the same weakness as before, in that he is unable to enter AUs of Negativity, even with the power he has gained.

Dream stays above the Omega Timeline to not only feel Positivity, but also to continuously absorb the Positive Emotions present.

Dream is the closest to having a real/definitive body. The reason is due to the fact that if he were to eat the Golden Apples at the same rate and way as Nightmare from before, then he truly would have had the same existence as Nightmare, an imperfect body, and being far from having a definitive body. But since Dream waits for his vessel to heal and strengthen, this allows him to eat the Golden Apples without his vessel destroyed, and thus, he gained a status of nigh-completion.

When appearing in someone else' Dreamworld, Purified!Dream, instead of appearing as just a single ball of light, will now appear as a ball of light with 2 pairs of wings on the back, and a halo above the orb.

Dream can purify a world just by stepping foot into the AU that he's on.

Dream, when he was younger, is physically stronger then his brother, being able to lift boulders above his head, is anything that is similar to a Boulder. But since gaining the Golden Apples to make himself stronger, Dream is now able to have far more physical strength then before, enough to combat against Error, although he still cannot defeat him.

Due to how strong Dream has become, he cannot become corrupted by any means, and even when Nightmare touches the Golden Apples, it would not make a different to him, making Dream completely resistant to the corruption of Nightmare's touch.

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