Protect All
Dust's eyes widened in fear, for the first time, as he steps back from the 2 Sanses that has appeared in the Omega Timeline. This is so not good. Error404 has came, and has brought a buddy with him. Although he knows that Error404 is impossible to beats, the other Sans, he is different, but he can easily tell that this Sans is just as strong, possibly a match for Error404. And if that is the case, than obviously, this is going to be a very huge loss for the entirety of Team Hope, who will now be fighting them.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Error404 and Bill smiled creepily, as Dust and the others got back. Dust even looked and saw his father and Undyne, along with Asriel and Chara, they are still here. And they are both weaker from the fight, due to how their most powerful attacks exhausted them, along with his brother, Papyrus. Not wanting to have them get killed, Dust extends his hands, and teleports them away and into base. Dust than looks at Error404 and Bill, as he is unsure of what to do. How do you stand a chance against a God of the Multiverse and an Ancient God? The answer, you can't, not unless you are at their level, and there are very few people that can stand up to people such as them.
Error404 than raised his hand, and everyone in Team Void glow blue, as they are then sent through a portal that Error404 has made, but kept his student, Error, who is behind him. Fatal_Error, upon seeing and realizing that Error404 is with Error and is protecting him, not to mention resembling him a lot, this made Fatal_Error charged in and attack Error404, and fired his Fatal_Blasters at Error404 but Error404 noticed it, and he than summoned his Dark Blaster, as the single Dark Blaster overpowered the group of Fatal_Blasters that are present. But Fatal is not done, as he than fired Red Strings at Error404, who caught it with his bare hands. He looks at the strings, intrigued by the way that they look, as Anti-Error steps in and fired his Anti-Error Blaster at Error404, who teleports away, making Anti-Error look around, only to see himself glow blue, as Anti-Error is flung into the air, and Error404 fired a God Ray at Anti-Error, who teleports away. But Fatal_Error teleports behind Error404, who than fired his Fatal Bones at Error404 in an effort to try and kill him. But Error404 effortless blocked the attack, as he grabs Fatal and flies into the air, before throwing Error404 back down and firing a bunch of Dark Blasters and a God Ray at Fatal_Error. But Fatal_Error is not done, as he than summoned red strings to try and ensnare Error404 in them.
Of course, Error404 was able to dodge the attack, as he landed down onto the ground, as his eyes flared dangerously at Fatal. Truth be told, Error404 and Fatal_Error have met before, and Error404 was requested by Error to take him down. But Fatal_Error somehow knew of Error404's original identity and what happened to him, and this made Error404 make sure that Fatal gets killed, only for that to fail, due to the fact that Fatal cannot be killed.
Anti-Error than trapped Bill, so that he cannot help Error404, but Bill than used his own brand of magic to negate the shield, and summoned his One-Eyed Devil Blaster and fired it at Anti-Error, who tries to use his own Blasters to defend against that. But the Anti-Error Blaster was effortlessly overpowered, and Anti-Error was forced from move aside. But Bill made a duplicate and tried to catch Anti-Error with his bare hands, but Anti-Error teleported out of the way. Bill than looks around, and he tha sees that everything has gone down to hell, as all of the Sanses and Pokémon had been killed. This made Anti-Error scared, but than, he eyes glow pink, as he sees that it is all a hallucination, as Anti-Error got out of the way of Bill!Sans, who nearly tried to take his soul. He than made blue fire rain down, and Anti-Error conjured a Bubble Shield around himself to protect against the attack, as Anti-Error was sent crashing down to the ground, as Anti-Error than looks to see Bill smiling at him, as though he is mocking him.
Dust has his hand out, as his left eye glowed pink, using his own Hallucination to counter Bill's, although the hallucination is minor and did nothing to effect Anti-Error's sight.
Bill, however, noticed the, due to his Nigh-Omniscience, but cares very little, due to the fact that what Dust will do will not make a difference in the fight, as Anti-Error will still fall. And than, Reaper!Sans came and tries to slice his Scythe onto Bill, who got out of the way, as Reaper than manipulates darkness to make tendrils of shadows to ensnare Bill, and make sure that he does not get out. But this did not work, as Bill simply got out workout effort. And than, Bill warped reality on the ground, and made the ground under Reaper become similar to quicksand, as Reaper began to fall in. But Reaper spread his wings, and swung his scythe at Bill, only for Bill to avoid getting hit by using his cane to deflect the attack.
Reaper snarled, as he than charged at Bill, but Bill than slowed down time, as he looks and kicks Reaper in the face, which sends him far away. And this is just a mere fraction of his power. Error404 than launched Fatal_Error and Anti-Error out of the battlefield, as they are sent crashing into buildings, and while it did not kill them, it did hurt the 2 Error Sanses very badly, as the both of them crashed down to the ground.
At that moment, however, everyone attacked, as they all began to use what they can do in order to try and bring down Error404 and Bill. But as both are the strongest Sanses to ever exist, all they did was prove themselves to be nothing more than a nuisance and as just small easy obstacles. They got hit and bombarded with immensely powerful magical attacks, and they even got slapped around and struck by bones and Gaster Blasters, but no matter how much damage they are trying to do to both Error404 and Bill, all their attacks had done is annoy them, and Error404 smiled in pure amusement and boredom, as he than spoke out to the attackers.
"Really? Is that the best that you can do? If so, than it is pathetic and pointless."
Error404 raised his hands, and all of the denizens of the Omega Timeline that are fighting inside of this battle, as well as the members of Team Hope, they are suspended in the air, with Dust, Braixen, and Ninetales looking in horror and shock at what they are seeing before their eyes. Error404 and Bill look fine, no worse for wear, and they do not seem to acknowledge or even show injured and pain all over their bodies, although Error404 and Bill do admit that their assault did give them a bit of pain with their combined attacks, even if they are not showing it. Error404 smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Than, it is my turn."
He spreads his hands, and than, the ones that have been suspended in the air are suddenly thrown back into the city of the Omega Timeline. Their bodies crashed and hit the buildings. The only ones that are left are Dust, Glitchtale Sans, Ganz, Abyss, Delta, Epic, Ink, Last Breath, and the Bad Time Trio. And the problem is, only Ink and Abyss have some chance against Error404 and Bill, but even than, they are unable to beat him, due to the fact that Error404 and Bill are the strongest Sanses to ever exist. Last Breath than teleports in front of Error404 and swung his bone, sending him flying back, only for Error404 to suddenly teleport back in front of Last Breath, and struck him hard, as he is sent flying back to the buildings that are behind him. Dust and the others are now worried, as Ink than spoke out.
"Oh no. If this keeps up, than we'll be doomed!"
Abyss than steps back, as he spoke out.
"If Error404 defeats all of us, Team Void wins!"
Dust stepped back himself, as he never felt so scared in his life. Even the threat of Bete Noire nor what Frisk had done to him back in his Timeline can make him this scared. He knew that Error404 was strong. But the fact that he took down a huge group of Sanses without much effort is very, very scary. Bill than looks at the Bad Time Trio, and he smiled, as he spoke out to Error404 silently.
"I think I shall take them, after all. Team Void does need them."
Error404 nodded with a smile, as he than spoke out.
"Than I'll take Abyss, so that I can access his realm. And since Team Void needs GlitchDust, I shall take him as well."
Bill and Error404 smiled, as they than charged at the group with blinding speed, as they are unable to react, and even Dust stepped back, in fear of the inevitable. But as he did...the entire scenery turned black, with white outlines of both his allies and enemies in the same position. This made Dust stunned, as he spoke out.
"Huh? What is...what is going on?"
Than, a voice spoke out.
"Hello, Dust."
This made Dust's eyes widened, as he turns around and looks to see that there is a Gaster looking down at him.
Dust was stunned, as he cannot believe what he is seeing, as he knows that this is a different Gaster. This one is more powerful than the one the Last Breath has, and Dust spoke out.
"Another Gaster? Where did you come from?"
The Gaster looks down at Dust and spoke out.
"That is not important. What is important, is what you need to gain in this fight."
This made Dust confused, as he than spoke out.
"What do you mean?"
Gaster than looks at Bill!Sans and points at him with one of his hands, as he spoke out to Dust.
"This Sans, the one named, Bill...he has an item of great importance, a book that can travel to the highest of realities. And now, he has used its power to get into the Omega Timeline. If he keeps it and brings it back to Team Void, than it will lead to disastrous consequences."
This made Dust recognize what Gaster was taking about.
"The books with an eye on it. Is that the book that Geno is talking about?"
Gaster nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yes, and you will need it, for what will be done next."
Dust than spoke out to Gaster.
"But how can I get it? I mean, I'm not exactly strong enough against 2 of the strongest Sanses that exists in the Multiverse, you know?"
Gaster than spoke out.
"You're right. Which is I have a solution. Just like what the other Gaster has done, the one that is empowering and possessing your other self, Last Breath, allow me to do the same, but leave you in control of your actions."
Than, Dust spoke out.
"That is still not going to work. Bill and Error404 are way to powerful for me. Even if I do tru and right then, they'll defeat me on the spot."
Gaster smiled.
"Normally, yes. However...I sense that someone is coming. Someone that has been the true owner of the book. We do not need to defeat them. Just buy time for the owner of the book to come into the Omega Timeline. So please, allow me to empower you, unless you prefer that these 2 will win."
Dust looks at Error404 and Bill, they are going to the direction of the Bad Time Trio and Abyss, and after a little bit of thinking, he sighed, as he spoke out.
" is better than nothing, I guess."
Gaster smiled, as he than spoke out.
"That is a good choice to make, Dust."
He than puts his hand on Dust, and the moment he did, Dust closed his eyes, and he opened them, as Error404 and Bill were glitched back, and are hit full blast by the Gaster Blasters, sending them back a little bit, as they are caught off guard.
"Huh? What happened?"
Than, Dust appeared in front of the 2 strongest Sanses, as his eyes are hidden in the shadows of his hood. And as that happened, Dust felt cracks forming above the right eye socket and underneath the left eye socket.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dust clenched his fist, as he can feel the alternate version of Gaster now empowering him, far more then the Gaster that had empowered Last Breath, during the brief time when that Gaster empowered him. This Gaster being far more powerful than the one that he had let him empower is going to give Dust a little bit more of an advantage in this fight, especially since he will need it. He than turns around and looks at both Error404 and Bill, as the 2 Sanses are interested to see what he will do next. And than, Dust spoke out.
"Tch...there is no way in hell that I am going to let you get what you both want. You both caused misery across the Multiverse all for your own sadistic and cruel pleasures, and care nothing more than yourselves. You rest us all like we are nothing more than toys for your sick game, for you dirty and filthy entertainment. Well, it is about time for that entertainment."
Than, Gaster Hands appeared behind him, and than, Tridents, Spears, Purple Bones, and Fire appeared as well, each in a row, leaving a total of 4 rows of powers, as Dust spoke out.
"This madness has gone on for far too long, your cruelty and sinful actions have reigned for as long as anyone can remember. And now, I will make sure your Genocide does not commence in the Omega Timeline. No matter how strong you are, no matter how difficult it will be for me...I will put an end to your insanity, once and for all. Now..."
The moment that Dust said that, the Gaster Blasters fired, actually hitting them, as the fight began, and this time, Dust is not playing around, nor is he no longer holding back. He is going to fight back against the 2 Strongest Sanses in all of time to protect the entire Omega Timeline.
"It's time to die."
Dust is now back in his Last Genocide form again, and this time, he is not going to back down from this. Dust's eye sockets glowed purple, as he launched everything he can fire at the 2 of the strongest Sanses to ever exist. They both got out of the way, but Dust than went behind Error404, and sliced his back, catching him completely by surprise. Error404 than punched Dust in the face, but this has No Effect on Dust, as he is sent backwards, and stood up as if nothing happened. Error404 Sans maybe stronger, but Dust is just as difficult to keep down completely as Last Breath is. And the thing is, unlike Last Breath Sans, due to his sheer Determination at refusing to die, and the fact that his body is now physically and magically more stronger than ever before, this makes Dust Sans a far more difficult opponent to defeat, despite being severely weaker compared to Error404.
Dust ran forward, Scythe in hand, as he than vanished, before reality flipped and warped, as Dust tries to cut Error404's head off. Bill manipulated time and slowed it down, and tries to grab onto Dust's soul. But Dust than suddenly turned around, and grabbed Bill's hand, before punching him hard in the face, although this did morning to damage thin, just send him back. Dust than cuts Error404's back, and it made Error404 hiss in agony, surprisingly. Than, Error404 ran up to Dust and kicked him underneath his own jaw, sending him flying into the air, before teleporting on top of Dust and tries to kick him. But Error404 summoned a Trident and used both Scythe and Trident to block the kick, as he is launched down to the ground. But Dust teleported, and fired his Chroma Hands with the Red Trait, as they all struck at Error404. But Error404 only felt a little damage, as he teleports back to the ground and punched Dust into the air with insane speed. But Dust was not going down that easily, as he than fired his Magical Blasts at Error404, and struck him from behind, catching him completely off guard, all though this did little to damage him. Dust than summoned a Gaster Blaster in mid air and began to fire a lot of Gaster Blasters at Error404. But Error404 countered all of them with a single Dark Blaster, and pushed the Gaster Blasters back and destroyed them. But than, Error404 than felt a pierce pain on his chest. He looks down, and he sees that a Vine has been able to pierce his chest, and it caused a tiny bit of agony, sent forth by Dust himself.
This made 404's eyes widened, and the name, William, appeared in his eye sockets. But before Error404 could do anything, Dust launched Error404 into the air, and sends him flying away as far as he can. He than turns to Bill, as he than goes up against him. He than launched Red Blasts from the hands, as Bill tries to manipulate reality to make the blasts hit Dust, only for Dust to flip this at the very last second with his own reality warping, and for Bill it, as Bill is than exploded by orange dots. This made Bill angry, as he than launched blue fire at Dust, who than used the Kindness Dome to defend against the attack. The Dome cracks, but it repaired itself, as Dust than launched forward and made the Scythe of Fear appear in his hands, as boot Scythe and Cane clashed against each other, and Dust began to push with all of his might against Bill, as he smiled.
"Clever, but not enough."
He than launched Dust back, as he send him flying back a little bit, before he than flies towards him, and Dust, just barely, ducks down, but as he did, he saw that there is something that is stuck to one of the coattails of his jacket. It is a book, with a single green eye. Dust, realizing that he needs to take the change, extends the fingers of a Gaster Hand out and launched Patience Ropes out to strike to the book, and reel it in, as Dust then hides it in his coat, using the Patience Ropes to put it on the inside of his front jacket. Bill looked annoyed, as he than looks at Dust, who than fired Integrity Buzzsaws and Justice Bullets at Bill, who than ducked down to the ground to avoid them, and he than fired a Devil Blaster at Dust, who than launched a dozen Gaster Blasters at the Devil Blasters, as both of the Blasters clashed, but the Devil Blaster is stronger, as it overpowered the Gaster Blasters. But Dust smiled, as his eyes flared, and reality warped, as Bill and Dust are falling down. Than, surrounding Bill, are Tridents, Spears, Fireballs, sharp purple bones, and Magical Blasts, as they all fired at Bill and struck at him for as much as they can. Dust and Bill landed onto the ground, as Dust landed on his feet, while Bill landed head first, which made this experience a very painful one, not that it would bother Bill much, since a fall is nothing to him.
Than, as soon as that happened, Error404 appeared to Dust and tried to punch him, only for Dusg to summon a Green Dome around Dust, and Error404 punched the dome, sending bout Dust and the dome flying backwards. Dust landed onto the ground without worry, as Error404 than made even more effort into his attacks. Dust than crouched a little bit, as he than ran at blinding speed, appearing to be teleporting, as he than Swung his Scythe and aimed at Error404's neck. But Error404 blocked it with his barehands, and head butted Dust hard, though this has no effect on Dust, as Dust is still empowered by Gaster. Dust landed onto the ground, as he than fired more Magical Blasts at Dust, which exploded k to him. But Error404 felt nothing, as he ran forward, only for Dust to ran at the side and avoid getting grabbed by the hood from Error404. Dust than launched Tridents at Error404, who spreads his arms, and makes a very powerful clap, as the shockwave destroyed the Tridents without effort, and this made Dust teleport out of the way.
Everyone watched in shock, as they see that Dust is able to handle well against Error404 and Bill, despite being outmatched. They cannot believe that Dust is able to hold his ground, but he is now having immense trouble with them, due to the fact that he is not going to last long. And even Glitchtale will be useless, due to the fact that he has been pushed very far, and the right side of his face is beginning to melt, due to the fact that he did not gain as much matter as Dust Sans did, as well as the fact that he is pushed to his limit. He closed his eyes, unsure of what to do.
"Damnit. I wish that I can help out Dust with this problem. But I am too weak to do anything. And even worse, I am beginning to slowly die. What can I do in this if I am unable to help my other self, who did all he could helping me?"
As Glitchtale felt himself beginning to pass out, a voice spoke out.
"Hello, Sans."
This made Sans opened his eye sockets, just when thinks he is going to pass out.
He looked, and he sees that he is in a very familiar area, and then, he looks in front of him, and he sees something in front of him, or rather, he sees that there is someone in front of his eyes.
Standing before Glitchtale Sans is none other than the Frisk of his Timeline, Glitchtale. The moment that Glitchtale Sans saw him, Sans' left eye widens, as he felt the memories rubs back to him. He now remembers Frisk completely, due to seeing him here, and now...when Sans felt the memories come back and takes time to process this, he spoke out.
" that you?"
Frisk smiled sadly, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, it's me, Sans."
Sans looks shocked, but he than felt sad, due to the fact that he knows what happened to him, as Dust had explained to him that Frisk had erased himself from his world to bring back Chara, and now, hearing this, Sans felt sad, due to the fact that his Frisk had to do the same thing, as he spoke out.
"Frisk...I...I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen to you I never wanted to see you erased like this, not after what I said to you, that costed me my friendship with you."
But Frisk shook his head, as he than spoke out to Glitchtale Sans.
"No, Sans. You were right to call me out on that, about Resetting and about breaking promises. And honestly, hearing you having died because of Betty, and seeing what Papyrus had done for you to bring you back to normal...I feel like I deserve what you said to me. It shouldn't be you that is sorry. It should be me, since I was the one that broke your trust in the first place. And now...I'm going to fix that, by helping you in this."
This made Glitch!Sans confused, as he than spoke out.
"How do you plan to help me in this? You are erased from existence."
Frisk than spoke out.
"Simple. By doing the exact same thing the the Gaster had done to Last Breath, and what a Gaster is doing to Dust. Now I shall be the one to return the favor, and empower you with myself."
This made Sans shocked, as he spoke out.
"You mean..."
Frisk smiled, as he spoke out.
"You'll get all of my powers, including my Sword, Shield, everything that I have. And that is....if you are willing to trust me again."
Sans looks down at Frisk's hand, which extended, and Sans, he smiled, as he than spoke out, while gripping Frisk's hand.
"I do, like the old times."
Frisk smiled, as his soul than moved and transferred to Glitchtale Sans' soul, as Glitch!Sans began to unleash a new power that is now about to be brought forth.
With Last Genocide, he is clashing against Error404 and Bill simultaneously, and he is also trying for prevent them from knowing that he had the Book of Eyes that he had stolen from Bill's coat. But it becoming more and more difficult, as Dust is having a very tough time with this. He can't even send Phantom Papyrus, because Bill might end up erasing him from existence, which he does not want to happen. So for now, he has to keep on trying to bond them back, until the owner of this mysterious book can arrive.
Bill smiled, as he looks down at Dust, and spoke on to him.
"Face it, Dust. You cannot win. You are going to join us, sooner or later."
Than, Error404 appears before Dust and unleashed his Dark Blaster, and aimed it at Dust, as Dust gripped his Scythe, before speaking out.
"So it is best to join sooner rather than later. And either way, you will lose, and your friends will die."
Dust snarled, as he has no way he can go against them like this. Dust is about to lose and there is not a thing he can do to stop it. But he is not trying to win. He is tryin got buy time. But what if it takes too long. What if that person will not come and will instead come in too late, and battle is lost?
As Error404 smiled, suddenly, a red glow appears at his left, and before Error404 could know of it, he is suddenly hit, and sent away. Bill was surprised, but than, he realizes what has happened and who did it. But than, he is than sent flying by a red sword with a bone handle, and Dust and the others gets to see who it is, and they are shocked to see the sight of who has joined in.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Glitchtale than activated his own Last Breath mode, called Last Will. The right side of his face now has a crack that resembles Gaster's right eye crack, and has red static in the socket, with the left iris being red with Determination. Now that Frisk has decided to make a permanent bond with Glitchtale Sans, and gave him all of his powers, including how to make Determination weapons, he is now able to fight back against the enemies, as Dust spoke out.
"Wow. That is insane, Glitch. How did you do that?"
Glitch than teleported next to Dust, as he looks at Dust, before smiling a little bit, and he than spoke out.
"You best not know about how I did it. For you have a plan, Dust?"
Dust nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yeah. Gaster told me that there is someone coming that is able to take on Error404 and Bill, but we need to continue fighting and buy time."
Glitch nodded his head, as he than turned to Error404 and Bill, as they both faced the 2 Sanses, and Glitch raised his Sword of Determination, as he spoke out to Dust.
"Shall we?"
Dust smiled, as he raised his Scythe of Fear, and smiled.
"Yeah, I think so."
But before Dust is going to fight, he pressed the ACT Button, and checked Glitch's new stats.
"Glitchtale Sans LV:20 HP:100
ATK-999 DEF-9999
Sans is now empowered by the Human that has once been erased before."
Error404 snarled, as he than launched and fired a Dark Blaster at Glitch Sans, only for Glitch to make a Crescent Shield with his Determination, which defended against the Dark Blasters, and only successfully manage to crack it. Glitch than points his Sword, and fired a Sword Beam at Error404 and hit him, catching him by surprise, as he than swung and launched multiple Red Slashes at Error404 and caused multiple explosions. Normally, Glitch shouldn't be able to use the the Sword Beam, due to Frisk lacking one, and possessing Determination that is different from others, but as Dust has his own Determination, he is able to change the rules of this weapon and use it. Dust does the same, as he than launched and fired a single Magenta Slash at Bill with his Scythe, as Bill blocked it, but did get pushed back by the power of the Scythe of Fear, despite the fact that it is weaker compared to Bill, severely.
Dust and Glitch looked, as Error404 and Bill are caught by surprise at what happened to Glitch, as Bill spoke out.
"Now that is very interesting to see. Don't you agree, Error404?"
Error404 nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Yes, but they are also getting in the way of our goals. They are needed to be dealt with quickly."
Bill nodded, as he and Error404 ran up to Glitch and Dust, when all of a sudden, a red and white blur appeared from the sky and landed in between the both of them, but than, a punch suddenly struck Error404 and Bill, and this one actually hurt a lot! This caught them both by surprise, as Error404 and Bill looks too see who it is that has came here, and Dust smiled, as he spoke out.
"So he has finally arrived."
Glitch than turns to Dust, as he than spoke out.
"Who is it?"
Dust smiled a little bit wider, as he than spoke out.
"The Cavalry."
Than, the smoke cleared, and the moment it did, Bill realized they they are now going into one helm of a rough time.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Appearing in the Omega Timeline very suddenly, is another Sans, but this one looked different and unique. It is wearing a white jacket that resembles a normal sans' coat, but with golden fluff on the wrists of the sleeves, as well as the hood of the jacket, a red cape on the right side of the jacket, a pair of pants that had a left one covering the entire left foot, while the right foot is short length, and shows his shoes, who'd is where and red with a golden hourglass symbol present. This Sans also has 3 eyes, the left one cyan, the middle, red, and the right covered.
Error404's eyes narrowed, and for once, Error404 looks serious, as he spoke out.
Omnipotent, the name of the 3-eyed skeleton, turns around to Error404, and narrows his 3 eyes in anger, as he steps forward to Error404, before he than spoke out.
" dare you steal the Book of Eyes from me and use it for your own personal gain."
Error404 stepped back, as Bill steps beside Error404. Clearly, they did not expect for Omnipotent to realize that this was about to happen, but than, Bill than spoke out.
"Why don't you try and take it from us, Omnipotent?"
Omnipotent narrowed his eyes, as he than spoke out to him.
"As you wish."
Omnipotent than summoned his Homing Blasters and fired it at Error404 and Bill. And before the both of them can react, they both got hit, as Omnipotent summoned more of the Homing Blasters, which rammed into the both of them. But while Bill is sent flying away, Error404 than teleported out of the way, and ran to Omnipotent as fast as he can, as Omnipotent ran as fast, both are comparable speeds, as both Error404 and Omnipotent locked hands, and began to push against each other, in order to try and overpower the other. The power between the 2 Sanses is insane, due to how Omnipotent is comparable to Error404. Than, Omnipotent struck his knee into Error404's stomach, causing great pain, as Omnipotent than punched Error404 so he'd that it caused a bruise to appear on his cheek. But Error404 landed down onto the ground without effort, as Error404 than got back up aid fought back again.
Error404 unleashes everything that he has on Omnipotent, as Omnipotent does the same for Error404. As Error404 fires a God Ray from the fingertips of the index and middle finger, Omnipotent fires the Omni Beam from the middle eye, causing both of the attacks to clash against each other, and both of the attacks also matched each other. Than, Omnipotent rained down fireballs onto Error404, who leapt back, as Omnipotent also struck down Crimson Lightning from the sky, and is able to hurt Error404, severely damaging him, as Omnipotent than struck Error404 with a Spear of light, causing even more pain than ever before. Than, Anti-Error came back, his hand holding his skull, as he looked shocked to see Omnipoten, who is standing a chance against Error404. Than, Dust, noticing Anti-Error, shouted out.
"Anti, make a portal somewhere in Outertale, now!!"
Anti, hearing this, extended his hand, and made a portal to Outertale, and a location that is far away from where the entire location of Outertale is. Dust and Glitch than leapt through to the portal, as Vulpix and Braixen, not wanting to lose their owner, joined in. Bill noticed this, as he than ran as fast as he can to the portal, while Omnipotent, realizing why Dust opened the portal, so that the Omega Timeline does not get destroyed in his fight against Error404, kicks Error404 into the portal, but not before Error404 summons uses his Blue Magic to being Error along with him, as Omnipotent went into the other side of the portal.
Everyone went inside of Outertale, in the middle of space and away from the sector that houses the Monsters, as Dust than leapt as far away as he can, as Omnipotent than fired an electrical beam from his left eye and struck Error404 in the shoulder, as Error404 sneered.
"How about we take this to the next level?"
Error404 than grips onto Error's soul, and began to fuse with it, as Error494 glowed red and blue, as Omnipotent stepped back, and he looks, as Error404 has fused with Error, and has now changed into a transformation, called Error666.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Omnipotent stepped back, and he than clenched his fist, and he narrowed his eyes, as he than spoke out.
"So be it. Omnithorn 40+%."
Than, Omnipotent's left and middle eye began glowing yellow and spark electricity, as Omnipotent began to activate a transformation of his own, the right eye even beginning to bleed.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Omnipotent activated his transformation called Omnithorn, as he goes into battle against Error666, and raises the percentage enough to be able to stand a chance against the fused form of his brother. And since this form is also very fast, it is possibly able to match the speed of Error666 itself. Omnithorn and Error666 stared at each other, as they than vanished and began to disappear and fight all over the place, as they are causing many structure and arteries to be destroyed by the sheer battle alone. Their punches are strong enough to damage planets with just their fists clashing, and they are so fast that they are both able to cut through planets with just their mere speed alone. The clashes are insane and very destructive, as Omnithorn and Error666 are doing all that they can to defeat each other. Error666 than summoned and fired his Master Cables at Omnithorn.
Both Omnithorn was able to slide through the strings with just a single swipe of his hand, as he than reeled his fist and punched Error666 hard in the face, while Error666 punched Omnithorn in the gut, as it made Omnithorn spit out blood from his mouth. Than, Error666 and Omnithorn reeled their fist, and punched each other with all of their might, and it caused a massive explosion to occur, one that Dust and Glitch had to teleport away from, along with Dust's Pokémon, as the explosion was so powerful it had destroyed the large moon-sized asteroid that Error666, Bill, and Omnithorn were on. And now, all 4 of them are on a slightly smaller Astroid.
Than, Bill appeared, as Omnipotent and Error404, along with Error, also appeared, as both Omnipotent and Error404 are very hurt and damaged badly from the fight, with Error404 being as damaged as he is that he is about to get close to his other transformation, one that he has no control over. Bill than charged at Dust and Glitch, and Duat summoned his Gaster Blaster and opens its mouth to charge it up. Bill was assuming that he was going to fire it, but Dust manage to do something that he is not expecting. He made Purple Webs from his fingers and teleports himself, Dust, Vulpix, and Braixen out of the way, as the Gaster Blaster snapped its jaws shut, and than, it suddenly exploded, making Bill get bit in the face with it, and sending it flying backwards.
Dust and the others teleports back, as Error404 spoke out.
"Tch...don't think I am going to give up this easily, Ares. I will not give up on taking back what I want."
Omnipotent stared coldly, as he spoke out.
"And yet, you decided to take what is important to me, all for your quest to bring back something that you selfishly want."
Error40; than spoke out to Omnipotent.
"Is bringing back my loved ones and my AU selfish."
Omnipotent was about to speak, but than...a familiar voice spoke out to Error404.
"Oh my~ it seems we meet again, Willy~."
Error404, Omnipotent, and the others turned around to see that it is none other than a very solar destroyer that Error404 hates and knows all too well.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Coming before the group is none other than Infected himself, and needless to say, Error404 is not happy to see him again, especially since he had to beat him down just to relieve all of his lent up frustration. And well, it seems that Infected is here to be his stress reliever again. And Infected, he looks a little bit more insane and physically unstable than before, to the point that he looks like he will turn into a transformation of his own at any given moment.
Error404 stood tall, as he snarled at Infected.
" decided for round 2, huh, Infected?"
This made Infected smile very creepily, as he than spoke out.
"Aawww, I can't play with my good pal Willy?"
Error404 narrowed his eyes, as he than spoke out.
"You can try me, Jacob."
This made Infected stunned, and the moment that he is stunned, it is the instant that Error404 charged at Infected and punched him hard in the stomach, sending him flying into space, as Error404 flies very fast and goes as much as he can, as he continues to punch Infected in the torso, flying so fast that Error and Infected went into an asteroid belt of another star system. Error404 fired a God Ray at Infected, but he countered it with his Wisps, which exploded all over the place. Infected leapt at Error404 to try and cut his head off, only for Error404 to suddenly vanish, and appear behind Infected, as he than punched Infected hard, sending him flying face first onto the ground of the Astroid, as Infected than stood up and ran at Error404, and reels his fist in to punch Error404. However, Error404 blocked and grabbed onto Infected's fist, but than, Error494 got hit in the chest by the Axe, which made Error404 feel even worse pain compared to Omnipotent's attacks. Infected than launches Feral Bones at Error404, who launches Black Bones at the Feral Bones, and the 2 projectiles collided and struck at each other without stopping, both bones shattering upon impact. Error494 than struck Infected into the chest, and at the same time, Infected used his God Breaker power to use all of his strength against Error404, straining his right arm holding his axe, and shattered Error404's guard. The moment that happened, as Error404 felt his body reading the end, he feels like he will die, and Infected feels like he is about to succumb to his madness. And than, a transformation occurred. For Infected, black matter began to gather all over Infected's body, as the black matter began to grow large in size and began to cover almost Al of Infected's body, except for a part of his face, and for Error404, due to connecting with a realm that connects and acts as a filtered for the Multiverse, he can feel the control over his body now beginning to fade, as he feels like he has lost all control. The code of the Multiverse begs to gather to Error404, as the Multiverse directs its energy to the dying part of the Multiverse itself, which is Error404. The face of Error404 began to have veins that appear to be in the paternity of volcanic cracks, And than, one the back of Error404, a large pair of winds erupted from his back, as the winds speed out wide and very dangerously, as it shows off its immense newfound powers, as Infected and Error404 are now in the transformations that they cannot control.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Error404 and Infected have now changed into their transformations, with Error404 changing into his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form and Infected changing into his Black Being form, neither of them are now no longer in control of their own actions. Now they are attacking with their own powers controlling them. It is now no longer a battle that they are consciously aware of. Now it is a battle that they are going to sign against, and they act as if they are animals that are fighting for the territory that they now want to keep all for themselves.
The instant that the Black Being appeared, it induces an aura of madness that is 4 light years in radius, and has began to affect every living being there, sending them to a violent insanity, as the Black Being than launched larger Wisps at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, as the wings began to glow, and than, Error404 than fired the Ultranoca from the wings, as it struck at the Wisos, and the power of the Ultranova is so immense that it caused the entire solar system to explode.
With Dust and the others...
The explosion is seen from very far away, looking like a pinkish-blue Nike had went off into the distance. And needless to say, Dust, Glitch, and the 2 Fox Pokémon that Dust owns at every shocked at this fight, as they have never seen something so destructive than what they had just witnessed. The only most destructive thing he witnessed was when he fought against Error in TrainerTale, but this, this is at a whole other level of destruction. Because he now gets to witness it in space, and see just how bad and how explosive it is.
"Jeez. That's gotta be an explosion of about 5 light years."
Dust said, as Glitch nodded his head, with both Gaster and Glitchtale Frisk looking at the explosion as well, but with Frisk looking shocked, while Gaster looked intrigued. Braixen and Vulpix looked just as shocked, as they cannot believe that this sort of battle is this destructive.
But now, back worn Omnipotent and Bill, Omnipotent is seen having Bill's ass on a platter, as he beats him down. Bill does all he can to try and defeat Omnipotent, but Omnipotent slaps around and beaten Bill for all of his troubles, as he punches, uppercuts, and kicks the immensely powerful demonic Sans with all of his might while in his Omnithorn transformation. As Omnipotent landed; and Bill is unable to get up, Omnipotent kicked Bill and made his body face upwards, after which he deactivated the Omnithorn transformation, which would normally kill him if the transformation ended. But because he is absorbing the willpower of those that are near him, such as Dust, Glitch, Frisk, and the Pokémon, he is able to survive the nasty effects of the ending part of the transformation. Omnipotent than walks up to Bill, and stamps his foot hard onto Bill's chest, making him cough out what seems to be blood. Omnipotent coldly stared at Bill, as he than spoke out.
"Are you through? Because if you are, than I demand you to give me back my book, right here, right now. If you do not give it back, than I will kill you."
Bill than began to chuckle, as he than look up, before he than spoke out.
"Fine want your book, than well..."
He reached his hand down into his coat so that he can take it...but than...
"Wait...where is it?"
This made Omnipotent confused, as he fished and looked around the coat, and realized that the book is not here.
"Where did it go? Where did the book go?"
This made Dust laughed, as Omnipotent and Bill looked at Dust, as he than spoke out.
"Geez, Bill? You don't seem to have noticed it early, did you?"
He than fished his hand into his coat, and pulled out a book. It is a book with a yellow cover and red outlines on the edges, and has a single eye with green as the color of the eye itself, as Dust spoke out.
"You have a very lazy and awful way to hide your book. Even chimps can hide this sort of book better compared to you."
This made Bill shocked, as he cannot believe that a low level Sans, especially this Dust Sans, is able to catch the book out of his coat pocket. Glitch looks at Dust and smiled, as he spoke out.
"Wow, now that is such an impressive move there, Dust."
Dust looks at Glitch and smiled.
"What can I say? I have my own sort of tricks up my sleeve, Glitch."
Glitch smiled, even though the right side of his skull is half-melted. Omnipotent sighed, seeing that his book is safe and is glad that is low level Sans is able o grab it from Bill, so that he does not use it against him. Omnipotent than grabbed onto Bill and held him up by the neck, as he than spoke out.
"You know...I always have a feeling when I would do this, killing a Sans as powerful as you, Bill. You were immensely tough, I won't lie. But after what you had done to me, and after trying to take my Book...I will make sure, that you die for this act. You have tried to tamper with something that is beyond your grasp, beyond your comprehension, without understanding of what it will do you and all the others, and you will pay for it."
Bill snarled, as he raised his flames above his head, and Omnipotent summoned his own flames, as he is ready to fight against Bill.
Back with B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y and Black Being, they are now flying all over the place, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y than fired more of the Ultranova blasts from his wings, as it caused immense amount of agony to Black Being. But Black Being than fired a bunch of Wisps at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, and created a bunch of explosions so powerful, that it is the equivalent of 10,000 suns exploding in his face, not that it would cripple and waste B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's form, and won't end it.
The explosions are so powerful that Dust and the others are hit by the shockwave, and are knocked off of their feet, with Dust even almost letting go of the Book of Eyes. It is a miracle that he is still holding onto it. The shockwave was also powerful enough to force Omnipotent to let go of Bill, who is than free, and decides to charge at Dust to try and grab the Book of Eyes from his hands. But Glitch went in front of Dust and made a Crescent Shield and tries to stop Bill. But Bill smashed through it, and Bill actually got disoriented, due to being weakened by his battle with Omnipotent. This also pushes Glitch and Dust back a little bit.
Than another explosion occurred, and all of them are knocked back again. But than, Ninetales got knocked off the edge, and is about to fall into the void below Outertale. But than, Braixen went to Ninetales and grabbed onto her by her front legs, but she also began to fall. Than, Dust went in to try and grab her, but he began to get dragged into the fall, due to the fact that the snow is very slippery. But Glitch came forward, and grabbed Dust by the hand that is holding the Book of Eyes, and used his Sword of Determination to hang onto the sides. Dust looks down, and he sees the black nothingness of the void, and needless to say, he is admittedly a little scared, due to the fact that, Gaster had went into the void, and look what happened to him, and this is in a machine. What happens if he gets inside of the Void of an AU? Will he be like Gaster, trapped in there? Or will he be truly erased, along with his Pokémon? He clearly does not want to find out.
Bill than came forward, and tried to grab onto the Book that Dust has in his hand. But Dust surrounded it with fireballs, so that he can protect it. Luckily, the book won't get burned. And Bill actually reeled his hand back. And than, Omnipotent came and grabbed Bill, holding him in place. Omnipotent, seeing that Dust is simply trying to give his book back to him, realizes that he needs to keep it safe.
"Dust, listen to me. The need to keep it safe, no matter what."
This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.
"Safe? But I...I'm not responsible enough for this, and besides, you are forgetting that we are hanging on for dear life, with a void below us!"
Omnipotent than spoke out.
"The book. It will protect you. The void, normally it would erase you. But the Book, it will give you protection against the Void itself. It will slow you to safely travel through it. You need to go into another Multiverse, and than come back. Just trust me, okay? I leave the fate of the Book of Eyes in your hands. Now please, let go."
Glitch looks at Omnipotent, and he sees that he is not lying. Dust also sees it...and as much as he wants to not admit it...he decides to do it. Braixen and Vulpix looks at Dust and Glitch, and realizing what they need to do. They are scared...but they will follow him everywhere, and even nowhere.
Glitch sighed, as he than yanks his Sword out of the edge, and the both of them began to fall, as Bill shouted out.
Dust, Glitch, Braixen, and Vulpix held together, as they made a circle, with Glitch holding onto Vulpix, and his other hand is holding onto the Book of Eyes that Dust himself is holding. They both looked up, and they saw that the Black Being and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y are going to where Omnipotent and Bill are at, as an electrical shockwave was seen, meaning that Omnithorn has been activated again.
Dust and the others closed their eyes, as they went into the Void, and a golden force field generated around all 4 of them, and they all went inside of the Void, not sure where they are about to go to, but they hope that they can find some place where they are enable to find some new allies that they can meet and get help from.
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