

A certain female figure, one with a pink eye that is gleaming from the right side of her face is shown. She frowned a little bit without care, as she spoke out.

"So...this is one of my son's allies, the one that is a Dust Sans and aided him in fighting against my favored son, Samson."

She clenched her fist, as her hair blew in the breeze a little bit, as she then spoke out.

"No matter. I'll make sure to deal with him myself in order to bring him down, and that is assuming that this alternate version of his student, doesn't come and fight against that damn machine."

As she tightened her fist around her skeletal claws, a large being appeared behind her, one with tentacles and a humanoid torso, as she spoke out.

" appears that 404 has been able to beat 100, and with some allies of his own. Not surprising, as they are far more stronger then expected, especially the one called Righteous!Error. He is the most intriguing entity that I have ever seen. He almost seems to be a part Being, like me."

The female skeleton looked up at the tentacles humanoid, as she then spoke out.

"Yes, and the one called Hollow!Ink, the student of my second least favorite child, he will also found pose a problem if he decides to get in the way, and that is if he thinks that we will do something when it involves his goals."

The entity smiled, as she flexes her tentacles a little bit, and she then spoke out.

"Well, that will be such a shame for us. After all, Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error, born of them...I can sense Unnameable Essence within the both of them, which adds to the danger. After all, you know it better then anyone except for me, with only Ares knowing what is so dangerous about it, as well as speaking to the Beings that reside in there."

The skeletal woman blushed and smiled a lustful grin, at the mention of Ares, as she spoke out.

"Ahh, yes, Ares. Of course, how can I forget my sweet favorite child. Oh, he'll be mine to be with and mate with eventually."

The tentacles being was not amused at this, as she then spoke out.

"Well, aside from that, are able to awaken Samson, or 100, from his slumber?"

The female skeleton nodded her head, as she points and sees a large hulking figure behind her, his body glowing red runes all over the place, as his teeth also glowed, very red and sharp, as his eyes also glowed, and she then spoke out.

"Good...when they are at their most vulnerable...they will be so easy to kill...especially with what we have behind us."

The figure used one of their tentacles to point, and shows a group of some sort, most of them are monsters, while 3 of them are humans...and this includes one that Error404 knows all too well, someone that he loved so dearly more then anything else in the entire Multiverse.

One Left Timeline...

Dust Sans and One Left look to see the robot in front of them, which Dust considers to be a rather bad thing.

And needless to say, Dust is admittedly a little bit unsure with how to deal with this thing that he is seeing before his eyes, because he has no idea how dangerous it is compared to the other people that he's met. Dust stood up, as he then summoned his Scythe and Trident in both of his hands, which are now a grey color, but one of which is a lighter grey and the other is a darker grey. Dust then looks at One Left Sans, as he then spoke out.

"I think you might wanna get back a find a place to hide. This is gonna get messy."

One Left Sans did not need to be asked twice, as he then went onto a Gaster Blaster and rode on top of it, as he is then lifted into the air, in order to see the fight going on from above. Dust nodded his head, before he then turns to this strange being, as the machine spoke out to him.

"Rather Acquired. Atom Blaster activated."

She then fired her Atom Blaster, as Dust, seeing it as similar to the God Ray, dodged the attack, as the Blaster missed, causing a lot of damage into the structure all over the place. Dust barely missed getting hit, as he then fired his Gaster Blasters, which fired a black beam of energy instead of the usual purple energy. But the machine then used the Atom Blaster to fire and overpower the Gaster Blaster, as Dust then launched Spears at the machine.

The problem is, the spears hit the metal hide, and the metal broke the spears instead. This made Dust shocked, as he then stabbed the ground, and the tridents erupt from the ground, as they pierced the robot, but the robot's metallic hide is so strong, that even the ends of the trident broke and shattered upon impact with the metal that it had. Dust then went forward, and swung his Scytbe at the machine, and made a powerful slash and launched the machine backwards into a house, as the machine crashed down into it. But the machine stood up, looking annoyed, as she then spoke out.

"No damage taken. Aurora does. It require assistance."

'So the machine's name is Aurora. Well, kinda a fitting name, though I have no idea why I consider it fitting.'

Dust Sans gripped onto his Scythe tightly, as he then decides to attack with his hands. He then used one of his hands and made spikes appear, which are the Perseverance Spikes, as they rushed over to Aurora and tried to pierce her, but the hands simply bounced off of Aurora, as Dust's eyes widened.

"Okay, let's try that again."

Dust then attacked again, this time using fireballs, but Aurora sped up so fast that it's faster then even a teleportation that a Sans can use, as she destroys the fireballs that are coming at her, as Dust is now starting to get rather annoyed.

Dust then swiped at the air, as the void partially interacted with the AU, and opened a portal to another AU, before he used his Blue Magic to send Aurora in, and he goes into it as well, as One Left Sans also goes inside of the portal, following them.

Both Dust and Aurora landed into the Outertale AU, as Dust then fired Grey Webs out of his fingers, and wrapped it around Aurora, as he then began to swing and slam her around into different asteroids, before slamming her back down into the ground.

But Aurora was not smashed in the slightest. In fact, she seemed fine. This made Dust a little bit angered, as he then summoned ia hands to make dots appear, which then exploded around Aurora. But even that did very little, as Aurora got back onto her feet, before charging at Dust and tried to grab him, only for Aurora to jump into the air, and kicked him fast, sending him flying into another Astroid.

Dust stood up, as he held his head and spoke out.

"Damnit, what is this bucket of bolts made out of?"

Then he looked and saw that Aurora is coming to her again. Dust, not wanting to get stomped in, leapt out of the way, as Aurora land on the Astroid, which cracked it in half. Dust then looks at her and ran full speed ahead, as he disappeared in an instant. He then reappeared behind her, and used a sort of magic that he had never done before. This Magic, it turned her grey, and not the lighter shade of grey like before, when he used blue magic. It was a balanced grey, in between dark and light completely. She then leapt up into the air, and tried to grab him, but Dust got out of the way, as Aurora tried to turn around and go at him. But Aurora instead changed direction midair (or lack of air) and landed onto another Astroid. Dust was surprised, as he spoke out.

"Woah, that's new."

This made Aurora look at Dust again, as she looked up and tried to attack him, as she jumped to his location, with Dust jumping out of the way, and landed onto another Gaster Blaster, which Aurora destroyed all by herself, by simply ramming into it. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he then sees that there is a tentacle that came out of nowhere. This tentacle is as large as a skyscraper, and not wanting to get hit, Dust teleported out of the way. The tentacles hit a large chunk of asteroids, as their code are destroyed, or became melted and merged into one another, similar to the process of amalgamates.

"What the?"

Then he turns and sees Aurora coming at him again, and he fired a Gaster Blaster at her, and ducked, as Aurora went over him. He then quickly snapped his fingers, and the area became an inverse color. And e inverse color, it began to damage Aurora. And Dust, thinking that it will be a great time to add fuel to the flames, fired his Gaster Blaster...only problem is...the Gaster Blaster made a reverse inverse in a blast, and safe in it. This lasted until the inverse affect was destroyed.

"Oh come on!!"

Dust said, angry that he did this to himself. He shook his head, as he then fired Arrow Blasts at Aurora, who got hit by then, but was not damaged, as she then spoke out.

"ATOM Bomb activated"

This made Dust a little weary, and One Left Sans also is a bit uneasy at Aurora's sentence. Then, Aurora's chest began to glow, and beeping was heard. It didn't take long for Dust to realize what was about to go down. He then goes to One Left, grabbed him, and flied away as fast as they could while on Dust's Gaster Blaster. And before they knew it, an explosion occurred. It spread so much that it can destroy Earth and Mars in just 10 minutes. They watched, as the bomb went out, and it spread so much that it took out a huge amount of Astroids.

"Geez, how strong is this hunk of scrap metal?"

One left Sans said, as Dust shrugged.

"Well, even I have no idea. And she's coming back."

They looked as Aurora is coming back, and Dust, without care, goes onto another Gaster Blaster, and flies down at her, as he fired the Gaster Blaster to boost up his speed. He then used a hand to made a shield around him, as both Aurora and Dust crashed into one another. They clash resulted in Dust and Aurora flying back, but Aurora was not damaged, while Dust is, but the damage healed instantly. Dust looked, and saw that Aurora is still fine, as both Aurora and Dust landed onto a rather large Astroid. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he clenched his fist, his body glitched a bit, as he looks at Aurora.

"What else you've got?"

Aurora looks down, and before Dust knew it, her legs and feet began to vibrate. They were like twin jackhammers, as they cracked the ground and split the Astroid in half, as Dust looked unamused, and spoke out.

"Okay, confirmed. This robot is definitely a Mettaton."

Aurora then looks at Dust, as she then unleashed a powerful scream. And the moment that happened, Dust felt the entire area shake, despite the fact that they are in space. Aurora then looks at Dust, and launched at him, and was about to grab him, with Dust readying his hands out. But before he could attack, all of a sudden, Blue Strings wrapped around Aurora's neck, and when that happened, she is launched down into the ground. This shocked Dust, as he did not expect for that to happen. He then looked, as he sees that Righteous!Error had appeared, and he is now flying, looking relieved to see Dust alive.

"Oh, there you are, Dust. Heard a lot of explosions happening inside of this AU."

Dust nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, and we got a problem on our hands now."

Righteous then turned around and looks to see that there is the robot again, and she is coming back with a vengeance.

"Oh, you mean Aurora. Should have known she'd be alive as well."

This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.

"Wait a moment, you know her?"

Righteous!Error nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, she's from Alphatale, like Delios."

This made Dust stunned, as he did not expect to hear that. He never thought that there would be another denizen of Alphatale that would exist. But what is a denizen like her doing here, still alive? Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

" seems I'll need to take care of this mess. And Yukari, mind helping out with getting both Dust and the other Sans he has to the Omega Timeline?"

Yukari appeared from the gap behind them, as she smiled.

"But of course, my dear~. Let's go."

She grabbed o to Dust and One Left Sans, as the both of them enter into the Omega Timeline, while Righteous!Error turned to look at Aurora, who looks at Error. Righteous sighed and rolled his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Let's just get to the point."

He then charged down at Aurora, as she fired the Atom Blaster at Righteous!Error, who then fired the Glitch Ray, which overpowered the Aurora Blaster for a bit. But Aurora moved out of the way before it could destroy the Atom Blaster. But Righteous!Error still grabbed her by the neck, she and Righteous!Error crashed into an AU, one that is related to Alphatale to an extent, but it is a dead and empty AU with no life present.

Righteous!Error and Aurora stood up, as she then screamed as loud as she could, and while this shook the area, this did very little to faze him. Righteous!Error looked unamused, as he spoke out.


Righteous!Error then unleashed a scream that is so loud, that it is able to shake the AU that he is on, as well as a few other nearby AUs. This made Aurora struggle in holding her ground, as she looks at Righteous!Error, who then charged forward and unleashed a black electrical punch, which shocked Aurora's circuitry for a bit, as she is sent up very high. She then crashed into an Astroid, as Righteous!Error then made some tentacles come out of his right arm, before they wrapped around her and slammed her into various astroids, before slamming her down onto the ground of one that he is standing on.

Righteous!Error looks at the robot girl that he continuously pummeled, as he then spoke out.

"Have you given up yet?"

Aurora looks at Righteous, as she then stood up, and aimed her Atom Cannon again. She then looked down, as she then spoke out.

"ATOM Gear, initiated."

Then, her body began to glow a bit pink, as the Atom Gear is now ready to be used against her dangerous enemy. Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes and he did roll it a little bit, as he knows that this is gonna be a bit of a problem for him, but it won't be one that he is unable to take on.

Righteous!Error then got into a stance, as he got ready to fight against Aurora, as Aurora then charged at him. When she punched, he caught it, but this time, he was pushed back a little bit from the punch itself, his hand shaking a bit from holding onto Aurora's hand, as he glared at her, ready to go and take on the newfound strength that she is now utilizing.

Righteous!Error then used his White Strings to send her into the air, before throwing her into space, as he then flies full speed towards her and grabs onto her, as he crashes her into multiple plants at one and destroyed them, all within under a second. Righteous then punched her underneath her chin, as she is sent upwards, and that is if it is upwards, before flying up, and punching his fist down, as she is sent downwards. Righteous then grabbed her by the face, and throws her back into the planet that they were both on before, as the both of them went down, but Aurora crash landed, but Righteous landed with grace, as he looked up at Aurora, who is still getting back up. Righteous narrowed his eyes, as he looked at the facial expression of Aurora, as he said this.

'The way that she looks, her facial is as though she is truly robotic on the inside, and not as alive as before, as Aurora should be able to act alive. There is only one person that I know of that can do this, and if I were to believe, this Multiverse seems to have her as well.'

Aurora then looked at Righteous!Error, and Righteous!Error prepares to fight back...but for some reason, Aurora didn't take a stance. Instead, she glowed pink, and disappeared. This made Righteous!Error confused, as he did not expect that. But then, he felt...cinders. He looks and saw that the reality of the AU, it is being burned to confused for some reason, and it is not by his own hands. It it by someone else.

Righteous!Error, not wanting to get involving in this destruction of the AU, teleported out of the area as fast as he can, as he watched the AU turn to ashes and dust, due to the power of someone else that had suddenly destroyed it.

Righteous!Error looked around, and saw that he is inside of the Anti-Void...which is the Anti-Void of GlitchDust's Error, who owns it. He looks around...but for some reason, he cannot sense Error. This felt strange, as he was expecting Error to appear and greet him. So why isn't he greeting him?

This made Righteous!Error confused, as he looks around the area that he is in, and honestly, he has no idea what just happened. As he looked around, a other portal came, and someone fell in. It was Fatal, but he looked...hurt. Like, Fatal looks as though he had been in a scuffle with someone, and had been severely damage, as his clothes had been shredded a little bit.

"Woah, Fatal. Is that you?"

Fatal looked at at Righteous!Error, and nodded his head, as he then began to stand up.

"Yeah, it's me."

He held his head, as Righteous!Error helped him get up, as he then spoke out to him.

"Geez, Fatal. What happened to you? You look like you've been brought into a scuffle of some sort."

Fatal looked at Righteous, and spoke out to him.

"Righteous...something...something very bad is happening. I tried to go and find 404, and find Error as well. But when I went into the MainFrame, 404...he...he was not acting as himself. He...he acted like a mindless obedient robot, ordered to try and attack and kill me, and I...I did all that I could to fight against him. I even met someone, a tentacles entity with the lower body of a squid and the upper body of a person that resembles that of Core!Frisk, and she...she had Ink in her tentacles and tried to grab onto me as well."

Righteous!Error looks down, as he snarled a little bit, before he spoke out.

"Her. I should have known that there would be another one that would exist inside of the other Multiverse. This is not good. I need to find her so that I can kill her. Is there anything else that I should know?"

Fatal nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.

"Yes. There...when I escaped into an unknown AU version of Snowdin, I met Omnipotent...but...he is also controlled, and in a different way. He acted like he is under the control of someone else, and behind him...behind him was someone that...that looked like 404...but...but it didn't look like him. In fact, he looked...grotesque. Like, he was larger then 404, the size of a holding, and he had a third leg from behind his body."

The mere mentioning of that was enough to alarm Righteous.

"Oh shit. That is so not good. Scratched that. It's gonna turn into a shit hole."

He then looks at Fatal, and spoke out.

"Fatal, you're gonna need to come with me on this. We're gonna speak to my 404 about this, cause I think he needs to hear it."

He and Righteous!Error then teleported, as they went somewhere else, because this is now about to get messy.

Omega Timeline...

Dust and One Left crashed into the ground, as Dust began to stand. He and One Left looked around, and saw that they are both in the Omega Timeline, as One Left spoke out.

"Well, home sweet new home, I guess. Thanks, miss."

Yukari nodded her head, as she spoke out To them.

"But of course. Besides, it is the only place I want to stay in for me too be with Righteous."

One Left nodded, as he teleported to the town, and Dust teleported to where Core, Error, and Delios are at, as they spoke to one another.

"There you are, Dust."

Core said, as Error spoke out.

"Geez, you look like more of a filthier glitch then before."

Dust then spoke out.

"Well, you're not necessarily wrong. I look so out of place, because I fell into the Core. By the way, is Gradient doing good?"

Error snorted, clearly not liking Gradient still, but he does speak out.

"Still in the Omega Timeline with his brothers. Pretty much the only place that filthy glitch has got."

Dust nodded his head, as Core spoke out.

"Anyway, Dust. We manage to find your machine, the one that was used to bring back your Gaster. I think that some of our most intelligent people in the Omega Timeline might be able to help you with it, perhaps to use it to change you back to normal.

This made Dust surprised, as he spoke out.


Core nodded her head, as Delios spoke out.


Core shrugged her shoulders, as she then spoke out.

"Well, even I have no idea. Anyways, I need to go. Must check and see how the machine is doing. Goodbye."

Core vanished, as Delios and Error looked at one another.

"Well, this is strange. And on a side-note, Error...did you notice Error404 being gone from you?"

This made Error look down and spoke out.

"As a matter of fact, yeah. I've noticed that he has been acting strange. Like, he's becoming more mechanical and more robotic in his tone and almost seems like he is not in control of himself, like, I have no idea what is happening."

Dust looks down and crossed his hands, and some out.

"Okay, something must be seriously wrong."

As he said that, all of a sudden, a wormhole opened out of complete nowhere, as everyone looked and see what just happened.


Delios said, as Error and Dust spoke out.

"Where did that come from?!"

"What is this?"

Then, a figure came out of the wormhole, and showed himself, and Dust looked to see what it is that has came out of the wormhole. And Dust was shocked, so is Delios. It is...Omnipotent...but something is...wrong. Omnipotent, he...he is wearing darker clothes, and his face is covered in darkness and shadows.

"What the...Omnipotent?"

Hearing this, Delios was shocked, as he looked to see his brother, who he had not seen in such a long time.

"NO...NO WAY."

He began to slowly walk towards him, as he spoke out.


Then, blue strings wrapped around Delios, and he is pulled back, as Righteous!Error appeared, and spoke out.

"Delios. Don't go near him!!!"

Delios looked at Righteous!Error, and he looked insanely panicked, as Delios spoke out.


Righteous then spoke out.

"That isn't him. Omnipotent, he isn't in control of himself!!"

Then, the sound of thumping was heard, as something else was heard from the trees that are being knocked down.


The sound of Inaudible Laughter was heard, as more and more trees are knocked down. Luckily, the woods are far away from the town, but this is not good at all. Then, the entire scenery changed, as the figure that is from within the voice had came out, and it is the most horrifying figure that they have ever seen.


Error shouted, as Dust jumped back in fear and shock. Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes, as he snarled out one word,


The entity, Faker, laughed, as he then spoke out to the group, with Omnipotent by his side.

"Sorry to say, but Omni isn't here...anymore. I was unable to get my prize sadly, but I'll be sure to have some fun with this place before I go of course."

Righteous!Error snarled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"What have you done to Omnipotent, you son of a Bitch?"

Faker looks at Righteous and sneered, and that is if he can sneer with that mouth of his.

"You're in no position to ask for answers, espically with what I have in store for your sorry souls now, Kill them all, my beloved Shadow."

Delios then looked, and when he stared in the eyes of Omnipotent...his face was filled with sheer horror and dread, as well as sadness, as he spoke out one name at the sight of his brother.


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