Paper Crane



Dust is fighting against Demi, who is using his Bone Sword against him in a fight. It has been about a week since he has rescued what remains of Demitale, especially with their version of Asriel, Undyne, Toriel, Frisk, Papyrus, and Demi!Sans himself. The Demitale Temmie is having some fun with the kids, and the Demitale Monster Kid, he is able to gain some new robotic arms that he can use as the replacement for the ones that had been chopped off by Asgore. So far so good, he is doing very well, and is having very little difficulty with his arms, not being able to remember the last time that he had them in his life.

But although the Demitale version of Asgore has be killed by Team Void, the chains that he made from the deal that he has with a demon are still around the people that Dust has saved, and it is unknown why. But it does not seem to matter, and is seen as useless now, as Demi seems very happy, along with his brother, Papyrus, who is now happy to make more and more friends. There is simply no words to describe how happy he is. Because of this, Demi is now very helpful for the Omega Timeline, and due to his status is being second-in-command to Asgore's army, he is one of the most important fighters in Team Hope, and even to the point of becoming one of the leaders of Team Hope. Basically, he is now the newly gained 7th leader, and is even a member of the Spear Division, due to his training into becoming a general, and is even given the position to train those in the Spear Division, in order to make them fight more effectively, thoroughly, and harshly than ever before, at least mainly. He can do others, but only if they want to do it.

Demi smiled, as his Bone Sword is held and he swung it at Dust, who summoned his Scythe, allowing him to block the attack. He smiled, as Demi smiled as well, as right now, they are in a sparring match against each other.

"You're doing good, Dust. Not many people are able to keep up with me on the first try."

Dust than spoke back to him.

"Well, when you are a skeleton that has to witness countless genocide, and you kill to gain the powers that I have, as well as facing an entity made of Fear, than it gives you so what of an advantage to give you the skills you need in order to keep up with someone like you."

Demi shrugged, as he than spoke out.

"Well, can't argue with that."

Dust than held his Scythe in hand, as he made his left eye flare, before he than spoke out.

"Let's say we take this up to the next level a little bit?"

Demi smiled, as he than summoned his demonic face again.


Dust ran forward, as he swung his Scythe, while Demi swung his Sword and clashed against each other. Dust then launched Spears at Demi, only for Demi to fire his bones to cancel out the spears. Dust than launched fireballs, but Demi blocked with a wall of bones. Than, he suddenly appeared behind Dust, as he lifts him up with blue magic, and summoned a bunch of Demi Blasters, only for Dust to make his Gaster Blasters surround him, and fired them at full power, countering the attack, and it made him fall down to the ground, as he than made vines rose up from the ground and try to ensnare around Demi, only for Demi to slice them with his sword.

Dust smiled, as he than readies his Scythe, before he than launched himself at Demi, and Demi launched himself at Dust, ready to clash, when Epic came out of nowhere and suspends the both of them midair.

"What the, Epic? What are doubt?"

Epic smiled, as he drops the both of them down, as Epic spoke out.

"Heya, Bruh. Mind if I can have a turn against Demi here? I think you had done enough training with him."

This made Dust raise a bony eyebrow, as he looked at Demi, who looked back at him and shrugged, meaning that he does not really care. Dust sighed, before he than rose his hand and snapped his fingers, as he then teleported out of the Arena, and walked around the Omega Timeline once again.

Right now, Dust is shown to be wandering around the Omega Timeline, as he goes to try and see who else he might encounter while he is inside of it, he than ran into a Sans that he had thought that he would never see inside of the Omega Timeline, but appears to simply be a visitor of some sort.

This is a variation of Sans from an AU known as Hardtale, which is exactly what it sounds like, where it is an AU that has the fights become much more difficult than they were ever before, and Hardtale Sans, he is one of the most dangerous monsters in Hardtale, and while not a member of Team Hope, along with his AU, he and his AU are an ally to Team Hope.

"Oh, hey, Hard!Sans."

Dust Sans said, as Hard looks at Dust, and spoke out to him.

"How's it goin, Dust?"

Dust than shrugged his shoulders and spoke out.

"Ehhh, same old, same old. You?"

Hard!Sans than spoke out to Dust.

"It is constant stress, due to the fact that my AU is training much more harder than ever before in order to try and fight back against Team Void, should it appear again, and needless to say, I am not happy with this right now. But even so, it is still a necessity."

Dust than spoke out.

"I'll bet. Well, hopefully things go well on your end, buddy."

Hard!Sans spoke back.

"Right back at ya."

Dust nodded, as Hard!Sans left, and Dust sighed, due to the fact that he had just gotten a huge break from having to go through with all of the stuff that he had been through. At least he is able to relax in the Omega Timeline, in a way. Being in the Explorer Division is no cakewalk, due to the fact that he has to frequently go from AU to AU, AT to AT, all in an effort to try and take down Team Void. Having to meet alternate Sanses, Papyruses, and all that sort of stuff, it is an insane thing to go through. It is a miracle that he can still keep on going, despite the fact that he is not at the level of the Gods. As Dust continues to walk, he than hears a voice behind him.

"Dust, you are needed once more."

Dust turns around and looks behind him, as he sees that it is none other than Core herself, as Dust spoke out.

"Oh, Heya Core. What can I do for you this time."

Core looks up at Dust, and he can tell that it is something very important that needs to be discussed.

" is something that I feel like should be of grave importance. I need you to go and locate an entity named Paper Crane."

This made Dust confused, as he than spoke out.

"Who the hell's Paper Crane?"

Core than spoke out to him.

"He is an entity that is formed from Sanses that has died, and went to the void, only to be fused and molded by the the void themselves, but worn no memory of who they are. And he is very powerful, due to the fact that he has the power to drain magic from even an AU. And even trying to touch him is a fatal mistake to make."

This made Dust stunned, as he than spoke out.

"Drain Magic? That sounds like a very dangerous power to have. Does Team Void know of Paper Crane?"

Core than spoke out.

"Unfortunately, they do. They are well aware of his existence, thanks to Error, who has encountered him a bunch of times in the past, and they...they are planning to use his power to try and destroy more and more AUs, in order to spread as much negativity and destruction as much as they're able to."

This made Dust confused, as he than spoke out to Core.

"But how can they touch him or even drag him into their place?! I mean, you said that touching him is fatal, right?"

Than, Core spoke out to him.

"Only to normal monsters, yes, it would be fatal. But Nightmare and Shattered, due to them spreading immense negativity, they have grown powerful to the point that they are now able to touch him without issue, and may have been given some of their followers just as much protection against Paper Crane's powers. We need to act fast, and more importantly, you need to bring Paper Crane into the Omega Timeline."

This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.

"Core, are you nuts?! Paper Crane could destroy the Omega Timeline, due to the amount of magic you brought in here, both people and items!!"

But Core than spoke out.

"Not in this case. You see, Scientist Sans is able to develop something that can help Paper Crane with his magic draining powers. Because of this, he will be able to go inside of the Omega Timeline without issue, and once we do bring him to the Omega Timeline, he will be safe in there, although he will still need to feed off of AUs in order to survive."

Dust than clenched his fist, as he spoke out.

"Goddamnit. I never thought that I would be given such a dangerous task. Okay, who am I bringing with me?"

Core then spoke out to him.

"Well, right now, Members of the Murder Time Trio, meaning Killer, Horror, and the other you, are searching for him, and have protection on against Paper Crane's powers. So I suggest bringing Demi Sans and Axe Sans, in order to even the odds a little bit."

This made Dust surprised, as he spoke out.

"These 2? What about Geno, Glitch, and GlitchKiller Sans? Can't they come along?"

Core than shook her head.

"No, unfortunately. Glitch and Geno are already on a mission of their own, and Killer...he needs to still be near Frisk, so that he does not fall and turn into his normal murderous self again. Demi and Axe, as corrupted as they are, they are only ones that are still available for us to use. They will be needed for this."

This made Dust hold his head, and he sighed.

"Oh boy. This is gonna be a very long day. Okay. So...where are the Murder Time Trio at?"

Core looks at Dust, and she spoke out to him.

"They're in Outertale."


An Ink portal forms in the air of a starry night sky, as Axe, Demi, and Dust fell down from the portal itself, and landed onto the snowy grounds of Snowdin.

Dust looks around the area that they are inside of right now, as he than spoke out.

"Okay, we are in Outertale right now. So where would Paper Crane be hiding at?"

Axe than looks around the area that they are inside of right now, as he than spoke out.

"Well, there is only one way to find out. We need to search and look around Snowdin, in order to see where he is at right now. Let's just hope that Paper Crane has not been caught by the Murder Time Trio."

Demi nodded, as he spoke out.

"Than why are we wasting time? The more we wait, the more likely that Paper Crane is going to be caught. So let us move."

The 2 other Sanses nodded, as they began to teleport all over the place, all in an effort to find Paper Crane, and luckily for Axe, because of the Omega Timeline's treatment for his soul, they are able to extended it again back after both he and his Frisk mated with their souls. It also made his magic back to full power, and even more stronger than before, due to his new weapon, and the amount of LV he gained. So he is able to take on the members of Team avoid, or at least, the members that are originally Classic Sans, much more evenly and effectively than before.

Axe moved ahead of the others, as he looks around to see if the Murder Time Trio had laid down any traps, which will get the members of their group killed, and luckily, there were no sort of traps that had appeared nor had been hidden inside of the snow. So that is a plus.

Axe looked around, as he spoke out.

"There is none. So we're good. That means the Murder Time Trio had suspected that would be appearing here. This means that we are able to stop them. We just need to find Paper Crane."

Axe than turned to Dust, as he than spoke out.

"Dust, do you think you can sense the Magic of the Murder Time Trio?"

Dust looks at Axe and spoke out.

"I can try. I just hope that their protection does not get in the way."

Dust than closed his eyes, as he focused on his senses. After a little bit, he opened his eyes, before grabbing both Axe and Demi by the shoulders, and teleported to where he is able to sense the Murder Time Trio from afar. And there they are. They see them, the Murder Time Trio, and they are surrounding a s something. Dust and the others narrowed their eyes to get a closer look, and they see who it is that has been surrounded by the members of the Murder Time Trio.

Standing in the middle of this AU's Version of Snowdin, is a Sans...but totally unlike one that they have ever seen. He is very tall, almost as tall as Fresh, being only taller by a single inch, and wears a poncho that has SAVE Stars on the front of it, with the eyes blank, almost like a black void of sorts. GlitchDust's sockets narrowed, as he looks at the entity that is surrounded by the Murder Time Trio.

"This must be Paper Crane. We've got to help him."

The others nodded, as GlitchDust slid down the snowy hill, before extending his hands out.

As Killer went in to grab the Sans that their boss wants, Vines appeared in front of the Murder Time Trio, and this caused the members of the Murder Time Trio to turn around and see that GlitchDust and the others have arrived as well.

"Keep your hands off of Paper Crane."

The Murder Time Trio are surprised, as Killer than spoke out.

"Huh, didn't think you would find us that easily. You are getting in our way. You all will die."

GlitchDust narrowed his eyes, as he than summoned his Scythe, as he than spoke out to Killer.

"Why don't you try us?"

Killer than made his Knife appear, and he smiled.

"As you wish."

He than charged at him and tried to swing his Knife at GlitchDust, but Demi got in the way and used his sword to block the attack that Killer had attempted at GlitchDust, and swung his sword, sending him into a different direction, as Demi ran at Killer in order to settle the battle so where else.

Horror than attempted to attack GlitchDust as revenge for his previous defeat from before, but Axe got in the way by using his Axe against Horror's Axe, as the 2 weapons grind and sparked against each other. So now, it is GlitchDust against his weaker counterpart yet again. Dust summoned his Trident, as GlitchDust has his Scythe out, with the 2 Dust's looking at each other, before charging at each other.

Scythe and Trident clashed against each other again, as Dust and GlitchDust looked at each other. However, GlitchDust is much more smarter, as he kicked Dust backwards, and fired his Gaster Blaster, which Dust was able to avoid, before attempting to counter it with his own Gaster Blaster, but GlitchDust's Gaster Blaster is much more stronger, due to getting 20 LV, and thus, he overpowered the one that Dust has.

Dust stepped back, as he wonders what it is that GlitchDust will do next. But than, he did something very unexpected. He summoned his Trident in his left hand, and he slammed it down to the ground, and that is when something very unexpected and something very shocking happened.

GlitchDust pierced his Trident onto the ground, and made other Tridents appear from the ground as well, as they began to go to Dust, thanks to Asgore teaching him that, who than jumped out of the way. But as he jumped out of the way and does all he can to avoid getting hit by the Tridents, all of a sudden, a Magical Blast appeared and struck Dust in the chest, which made Dust get sent flying backwards from the powerful explosion. Dust then used his power to summon Spears and aimed them at GlitchDust, surrounding him with lots and lots of Spears. But GlitchDust is not going to allow them to kill him that easily. As the Spears fired and are rushing towards GlitchDust, he than slammed the Trident onto the ground again, and used another thing that his Asgore had taught him. When he opened his eyes, both of his eyes flared, and before Dust knew what was about to happen, all of a sudden,

a large vortex of flames appeared around him and burned away the Spears that are aiming at GlitcuDust's position. This made Dust stepped back, as he rose his arms into the air, not sure of what to do. But than, GlitchDust leapt at Dust, he gripped his Scythe, as he than swung at Dust with immense speed, before sending him back a little far away from Paper Crane's position, as he spoke out to him.

"Are you alright?"

Paper Crane, surprised at this, nodded his head, as GlitchDust sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Stay behind me."

Dust than made purple webs appear out of his hands, so that he can wrap it around him, but GlitchDust made his own purple webs appear out of his own hands, and the 2 purple webs are wrapped around each other, as Dust tried to pull against GlitchDust, so that he can yank him off of his feet, and while it did make him lean forward, it didn't make him get launched off, as GlitchDust yanked his one arm, and launched Dust off of his feet, due to his superior strength.

As that happened, Axe and Demi are launched off of their feet, as they are sent backwards, as both Horror and Killer appeared, injured but still able to fight. Axe ran forward, as he swung his axe at Horror, only for Horror to dodge it and swung his Axe at Axe!Sans, who teleported out of the way, as Horror's left eye flares yellow, as he smiled psychotically. Demi smiled, as he made a demonic face appear again, as he charged forward and swung his sword, and sliced at Killer's chest, causing him a lot of pain, before Killer launched sharp bones at Demi, and he is able to block it with a wall of demonic black bones, but he is getting a little bit tired, due to the fact that Killer, although not as skilled as he is, he is still much more physically powerful, due to his HP being higher than Demi.

Demi snarled, as he spoke out.

"How much does it take to bring down Killer?"

GlitchDust than spoke out.

"You're asking me. Even I don't know."

Paper Crane watched, and he felt unhappy, that these people are targeting his new friends, people that are now protecting him. Perhaps it is time that he protects them.

Paper Crane stepped forward, as he went in front of his new allies, before he puts his hands onto his head, and a transformation appeared, as Paper Crane's Bosh began to morph into something even more menacing than before.

Paper Crane's body now changed. He now resembles a bipedal creature with a bony tail and has what seems to be draconic claws and hands, with the face similar to that of a Gaster Blaster. A single eye has now appears inside of the right eye socket, with the eye being colored white.

"That is not good."

Horror said, as Killer spoke out.

"Let me take care of this."

Dust than spoke back.

"Be careful, Killer."

Killer than smiled, as he than summoned a Larhe Goop-Filled Blaster, and he than fired it. But Paper Crane, he than fired his own Blast, which is from his own mouth, and it is colored black, like a void, even darker than Killer's Blast. The 2 Blasters clashed, but Paper Crane overpowered the Goop Blaster, and began to attack the Murder Time Trio, as he is about to kill them. Unfortunately, however, they got away, due to Nightmare intervening, and teleports them back to base.

Paper Crane looked, as he than changed back to normal, as Dust spoke out.

"You alright?"

Paper Crane looked at Dust and nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

Dust smiled, as he did a thumbs up, although Paper Crane does not seem to know this gesture.


Paper Crane was able to meet with Ink, who took him to a section of the Multiverse that Nightmare does not seem to know of. Because of this, Paper Crane is now safe, and than, he is able to get into the Omega Timeline, thanks to Scientist Sans giving Paper Crane a device that prevents him from destroying it.

Dust sighed, as he held his head, before he than spoke out.

"Phew, that is a close call. Shattered must be so mad right now."

Core than appeared next to Dust, as she than spoke out.

"Yes, he must be so."

Dust nodded, as he spoke out.

"Core, I got a question for you. Will this sort of thing get easier for us?"

Core looks at Dust, as she than spoke out.

"No, it won't. It will not get easier for any of us. It will get more and more harder, as Shattered becomes more and more desperate to take us all down. And now that we have Paper Crane at our side, he will start to resort to more desperate measures.

Dust nodded, understanding where she is coming from, as a rainbow cloud appeared, and the person who made it, also appeared.

Fresh had just came back with a human, most likely a Frisk, except with a green shirt with light green stripes, a red headband, and a weird face that they have. Like seriously, who makes a face a face like that. And it seems that they would make a really, really good buddy for Epic. Dust made a weirded out face, as he spoke out.

"And now it gets weirder as time goes on with fighting. This is the part thing that I needed to see."

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