Omega Timeline
Dust was stunned, as he looked around the dimension that he is in, as he than spoke out.
"Woah...this place is huge."
Core smiled, as she than spoke out to Dust.
"Of course it is. It is made so that it can house the survivors of those within the Multiverse."
This made Dust confused and surprised, as he spoke out.
"Wait, what do you mean by that?"
Core than looks at Dust and she spoke out to him.
The Omega Timeline, it is made for the sole purpose is being a new home for the survivors of the genocide timeline. When they have no place else to go to, I would bring them to the Omega Timeline in order to make sure that they are given a chance to live a new life. But ever since what has happened in the what you had seen with...with Dream..."
Delta than spoke out to Core.
"Core, what the hell happened to Dream? How did he become like Nightmare and get corrupted?"
Core than looks at Delta and spoke out.
"Well...even I have no idea. But if I were to believe, when he was holding the black apple, he was filled and consumed by grief and all the pain that he had felt for what happened to his brother, and if I were to believe, it prevented the Black Apple from being turned into a golden apple, and it allowed him to be corrupted, becoming the being that you had saw before, Shattered."
This made Delta stunned, as she than spoke out.
"And that is not the worse part, Delta. When Shattered came along and was made inside of this world, he began to assemble and look for as many of the evil Sanses as he can, and even had Nightmare join him, leading to the creation of Team Void, a Team that is bent on corrupting and ruling the AUs, as well as its denizens. Because of this, it caused a lot of problems for the AUs, and we are struggling to fight back. But luckily, we are able to make a team of our own, Team Hope. This Team is made for the sole purpose of combatting against Team Void and try to restore who he once was. But it is rather difficult, due to the fact that Team Void has vast amount of members, and with Dream on their side, who knows of all the weakness and strengths of every AU that he has came across, he is proving to be one of the most powerful and dangerous entities that we have every come to face off against."
Delta looked down, as he clenched his fist, but than, Core spoke out.
"But it is also good...because you met Dust."
This made Dust look up, as Delta does the same, before Core spoke out to Delta.
"It is thanks to you, Delta, Dust, that you had been able to assemble a group of your own together. You are able to get some people to the good side, with Dust being the leader, and convincing them to come with you. And thanks to that, we now have a much greater fighting chance against Team Void itself. Even brining Abyss with us, who is an important ally. And with Dust having told you about how he is against Nightmare, also making him responsible, it is able to lead to this point. So I thank you, Delta, Dust, for being able to be there for the Omega Timeline in this dire time of need."
This made everyone in the group stunned, as Delta spoke out.
Core nodded her head and smiled a little bit at Delta, as she than spoke out.
Dust was stunned, as he looked down a little bit. So all of Dust's actions, in a way more than Delta, that lead to this point. But of course, it is mainly Delta's ideas of a team, but it is thanks to him and Delta that they are able to make a group of their own, one that is needed to fight against Shattered and Nightmare's group. And now...since Dust is here, the Omega Timeline will be able to go up against Nightmare and Shattered much more easily than ever before, due to not just the fact that he had been able to absorb various powers, but also is very intelligent in how he can use them. And not to mention, he is able to bring some of the most powerful Sanses in the Multiverse, such as Geno, Abyss, Color, and Seraphim, which now gives the Omega Timeline more of an advantage than ever before. As he looks down, a voice spoke out.
"Heya, Bruhs. It seems you have finally made it!"
The group looks to the left, and they notice there there is another Sans, but this one has a very odd appearance of sorts.
And needless to say, Dust, Scoundrel, and Seraphim are a little bit weirded out by the sight of this Sans, as Core spoke out.
"Oh hello, Epic. How are the the Spear Division going up?"
Epic seemed to be a little bit unhappy, as he than spoke out.
"Not to good, kid. They had gotten into one hell of a scuffle with Team Void's Alpha Group, and now they are injured. Won't be accessible to aid us until a month has past, or until someone heals them."
This made Core very unhappy, as Epic than turned around and looks at Dust, before he spoke out.
"And you must be the group that Core had seen before, the one that is designed to try and fight against Nightmare and his group back up there."
Dust than nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"Errr, yeah..."
Epic than looks at Dust, as he than spoke out.
"I oughta say, bruh, for a version of Dust, you are much more powerful and a bit more heroic than the one that we know of. Not often we find someone that does not act as evil as you are."
This made Dust unsure if he should take that as a compliment or not, but he decides to let it slide, as Core than spoke out.
"And should know that...we were able to bring back most people from your world."
This made Dust's eyes widened, as he spoke out.
"Most...does that mean that Gaster, Papyrus, they are-"
Before Dust can finish, Core spoke out.
"Yes, they are. They're both still alive. And Asriel and Chara, the ones from your time, they are also alive as well, although they are now at the age of 16-17 year olds when the entered it, and even I have no idea why that is the case. We have even saved members of the Determino Council."
This made Dust relived, as he spoke out.
"Thank Stars."
He puts his hands on his face, so relieved that his family is fine and unharmed, as Core than spoke out.
"And that you are here...I finally have a chance to make a proposal for you."
Dust looks at Core, and looked confused, as he spoke out.
Core nodded, as she than spoke out.
"Yes. For you see...we are all now on the same side, as we are here to fight against Nightmare and Shattered, too fight against his corruption and free the AUs, and with your family will give you a chance to fight against them and protect your family, as well as what remains of his AU. So, tell me Dust...can your group be integrated and aid us into our group, so that we can fight and stop Nightmare?"
Dust looked down, and he clenched his he thought long and hard on his decision, before he than spoke out.
"Well...if I am going to make sure that my family is able to survive...I'll need to see things through. So I'll join to make sure that my family gets a happy ending."
Core smiled, and sees that he truly is much more different from the original Dust. While the original Dust simply lost his mind when he tried to stop all of this from happening, to stop all of the constant genocides, this Dust has regained his mind, though it still cruel and ruthless in a way. And speaking is Dust, now that Nightmare sees that Dust had been recruited, she is able to see that Nightmare is going to find a different Alternate Timeline, where there is a Dust Sans of its own. Shame that he will have to resort to a weaker Dust, but it will be somewhat enough for Nightmare's group. But for the Omega Timeline, for someone as powerful as the Dust from a fusion timeline of Glitchtale and Dusttale, as well as being a much more heroic version of Dust, as well as being much more stronger, much more powerful than the original, it is a huge win, and unlike the original Dust, who submitted to Nightmare after a single battle Nightmare, this Dust refused to submit to Nightmare and Shattered and instead continued to fight against him no matter how very bad the odds are in his end.
"Then...I welcome you to the Team, Dust. May we be of assistance to each other in order to bring down Nightmare."
Dust nodded his head, as he smiled a little bit, his 2 eyes are a normal red color is no longer having his left eye activated. Now it is 2 normal red eyes. Normally, he would look menacing, but he simply looks a little normal, as Dust spoke out.
"And Core...where's Papyrus and Gaster, the ones from my Timeline?"
Core looks at Dust, and spoke out.
"I'll show you. Follow me."
Dust nodded, as Core walked to a direction with Dust and his group following Dust to see Dust's family. Dust can feel the desire to see his family alive grow. He can feel an itch of wanting to see his brother again grow even more, as well as his father, Gaster. He continues on and walked a bit more faster. He continued and Core continued to walk, until she spoke out to him.
"Here they are."
Core points her finger at a direction, and Dust turned to see the direction that Core is pointing in, only to see something that stunned him. Before his eyes is really his brother and his father, along with Asriel and Chara, who are still alive. Dust smiled, as he than shouted out.
Papyrus, or at least Dust's Papyrus, looked at Dust, and his eyes widened, as he spoke out.
Dust and Papyrus ran at each other fast, and the 2 of them hugged each other, very happy to see the other. Dust is so relieved to see that Papyrus is now alive and well, and has not been attacked by Nightmare's group. He really did survive the attack that had happened. No words can tell Sans just how happy he is too see that the people that he cared deeply about is now alive.
He looks at Papyrus, and spoke out.
"It's good to see that you are still okay, Bro."
Papyrus looks at Dust and smiled, as Dust than turned to Gaster, and spoke out.
"And you...G, you're okay as well!"
Gaster looked at Dust, his face looked at Dust and smiled in relief, as he than spoke out.
"It's good to see that you are alive yourself, Sans."
Dust smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Yeah, I'm glad as well. But what happened while I was gone? And how did you even get into the Omega Timeline, I believe Core called it."
Core nodded, as Gaster than spoke out.
"Well...the thing is...even we have no idea what just happened. It all happened so fast. But I still remember what came out. We were just having a normal day like we usually have, and it had been a day since you had left to, whoever you were at, but all of a sudden, these people, they came out of nowhere, and then looked like you in a way, except that there were so many differences that's present. One of them had a red shirt and a sharp golden tooth, the other one, it resembles Papyrus, but when armor present and attacked with claws, but most of them resembled you. It was unlike anything that I have ever seen. We were lucky to get away from it all."
This made Dust shocked that his home had been attacked, and it made Dust angry, he clenched his fist and his left eye flared dangerously, as if he ready to kill Nightmare and his group. But luckily, he calmed down, as his frowned a little bit simply, as he than spoke out to them.
"I'm just...just go glad, that you are all okay. I thought that I would have lost you guys forever."
Gaster smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Yeah, I'm glad as well, there we get to still be together."
Dust looked around, and saw the other survivors of his timeline, and needless to say, they look like they are in very rough shape.
Grillby and Muffet, in particular, they look like they had gotten themselves into one hell of a scuffle. It is a miracle that they had even survived all of this. As Dust sighed, a voice spoke out.
"Sans, you're alive!"
He turned around and saw that Asriel Dreemurr is back.
He looks surprisingly uninjured, and has a Chaos Saber out, as Dust than spoke out.
"Heya, Asriel. I see you're alive as well. Is Chara alive also?"
Asriel nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Yeah, he's alive. And he is still very well."
Dust sighed, as he than spoke out.
"Well, that is good at least. Not so good with the situation that we are in right now. This whole thing, it is a goddamn mess."
Asriel nodded his head, as Dust looked around to see that there are a lot of denizens of the Omega Timeline, so many from various AUs. Beats looked around, and he saw his brother, along with Kin's brother. Then went to them and made sure that they are okay. Scoundrel looked around, but he than saw his Papyrus and Undyne, and they are also okay. Scoundrel ran up and was able to be happy that they are alive. Dust sighed, before he than spoke out.
"How did you guys even get here anyway?"
Before Papyrus can speak, a voice spoke out to them.
"Because I am the one that brought them there."
Dust turned around and saw that a mass of paint had fallen down from the sky, and the person that had came is none other than the Sans that had the large paintbrush on his hands.
Dust looked at the person that is before his eyes, as be than spoke out.
"Who are you?"
The Artist Sans than looked at Dust, before he than spoke out to him.
"I am Ink. I am the verisimilitude of your that I watches over and protects the AUs from destruction by anyone evil. You have to thank me for bringing your loved ones here, they were also killed, but I used my power to save them and bring them to the Omega Timeline as fast as I can."
This made Dust stunned, as Core than spoke out to Dust.
"And now that you have gotten all the answers that you needed, I think it is time that we arrange some stuff."
Dust than looked at Core with an confused look on his face, as he than spoke out to her.
"Arrange what stuff."
Core than looked at Dust in the eyes, as she than spoke out.
"About the types of divisions that you are about to go into. In the Omega Timeline, we have a bunch of divisions that are made for a different purposes, especially when it comes to the war that all of you are inside of now. And so, it is important that you are placed in positions that would suit for you. For Abyss, he will go to the Shield Division, since his powers are able to protect the Omega Timeline. For Asriel and Chara, the ones from your AU, they will a part of the Spear Division, since they will stack first, and Ganz will come along as well. For Geno, he will be a part of the Secrecy Division, due to the fact that is powers, especially the power where he can alter the memories of others, will make him useful as a spy. Dustbelief Papyrus and Dusttrust Sans, they will be a part of the Ember Division, in their job to capture and counterattack. Delta, Cross, and Color will join the Apex Divison, designed for defending and attacking, as well as choosing what to protect in their posts, and Seraphim will be in the Preeminent Division, which are the higher ups of the group. And as for the Bad Time Trio..."
Core said, as she turned to them, with Sans sort of flinching at her appearance, as Core spoke out.
"They are considered special and important members, due to Team Void's interest in them. And thus, while they will join in, they will be protected at all costs."
This made the Bad Time Trio confused, but than, Core spoke out.
" will be part of the Spear, just like Asriel and Chara. And as for you will actually be assigned to 2 positions."
This made Dust confused and surprised, as he than spoke out.
"2 positions?"
Core nodded, as she than spoke out.
"Indeed. You will be assigned to the Explorer Division. In there, you will explore the many Alternate AUs that are present in the Doodle Sphere, which is Ink's home, who can travel to the different AUs, and in there, you will try to find more allies that are willing to join in with our cause to fight back against Team Void. And your second the very same position that you are in for the team that you had made. You are a Leader, and the 6th one to become a leader in the Omega Timeline."
This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.
"Me, a leader? Why?"
Core smiled, as she than spoke out.
"It is simple. It is because of the fact that you remember all of the Genocide Resets, which gives you an advantage over how to deal with the ones that have done genocide in the past, you are able to look into the memories of others, which also aids you in your recruitment of the Explorer Division, and most importantly, you have immense power and have proved yourself to be a great leader, especially when you are against Nightmare's Murder Time Trio, and picked opponents for your allies that would suit them. And that is why I believe you can be a leader."
This made Dust stunned, as he looked around a little bit. Before he than clenched his fist, and he nodded his head. Core smiled, as she than spoke out.
"We'll then. Dust... Team Hope
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