Nightmare Beginning

Dust's eyes widened, as he looked at the goopy lookalike of himself, but he than remembered something, about a person named Nightmare having targeted him and tried to recruit him, and it didn't take long for Dust to realize who it is that is in front of him.

" must be the one called Nightmare, the one that had been trying to force me to his side."

Nightmare grinned even more wider than ever before, and this confirmed Dust's answer, as he than spoke out.

"It seems Delta must have told you about who is an. For a version of Dust, you are very persistent and powerful, more stronger than the one that I had. Even the Dust that I had met knew when to come to me."

Dust than stepped forward, as he than spoke out.

"Than clearly, that Dust was damningly wrong. He had made a mistake siding with you, because you had used him as a pawn. He was not getting anything beneficial by working with you. And I want to know..."

He than clenched his right hand and formed the Scythe of Fear, before he than rose it up and pointed at Nightmare and spoke out to him.

"Why go all this way to try and force me to your side? If you have known about me, you realized that I had gained a life of my own. So what is the point, with the excuse of besides the LV and Determination that I had gained?"

Nightmare smiled, as he than spoke out to him.

" is is because of the fact that you are so long the original Dust. Like him, you had killed your own kin, just to gain Determination, you gained LV, and now, you had grown stronger than him, for killing Bete Noire, and gaining its power. What I you, so that I can spread my corruption across the Multiverse, and cause as much suffering, as I can. And it seems that you had left your home vulnerable, when you had left."

This made Dust confused, as he has no idea why Nightmare said that. But he looked down for a little bit, and than, he is he than realized what Nightmare had done.

" didn't..."

Nightmare smirked, as he spoke out.

"But I did. You had left home for what must have been a day by your AU's standards, and I attacked it, just now...and there is so much suffering that is happening. Too bad that a bunch of people had escaped from your home...but it is still enough suffering for me to have. And you have no place to turn back only have to turn to me."

This made his eyes widened...but he than looked down...his hand is covered in flames, as he than spoke out.

"So hard..."

This made Nightmare confused, as he than spoke out.

"Come again, Dust?"

Dust than spoke out.

"All this time...all of these few years...I spent so much effort, I worked so hard to achieve the happy ending that I had desired, the ending that I wanted...and had destroyed what I had worked so hard for. You had ripped away the hard work that I had put all of my effort in. And for that...Nightmare..."

He than raised his head, as he than opened his eyes, both of his eyes are now flaring purple and red, as he than spoke out.

"You will pay...for what you have done."

This made Nightmare smile, as he than spoke out.

"You can try, Dust. But in the will submit to me."

Dust narrows his eyes, and readies his Scythe, as he than readies his Trident in his other hand. He glared, as his eyes flared purple with venom, and he activated File 0. He commanded File 0 to reach to the full extent of its stats, in order to give it as much ATK and DEF as he can get, in order to stand a chance against Nightmare, as well as makes him pay for destroying all of his hard work in trying to regain the happy ending of his AU, as he stepped forward, ready to take down Nightmare, as he took a stance. And as he did that, Abyss stepped forward, his left eye becoming as large as Dust's left eye, but the pupil is slitted like a cat, the left eye flashing blue and turquoise, as he spoke out.

"Count me in. I have a score to settle against Nightmare for torturing me back than and forcing me to his side."

Dust nodded, as Seraphim stepped forward, he shook the Judgement Hall a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Seems like all of you need a hand. Allow me to join in on the fun against him as well."

"Me as well."

Dusttrust Said, as he held his twin swords in his hands, as he smiled at Dust, wanting to repay him for helping him. Dust nodded his head, as Seraphim Sans relinquished control to Chara, who than made the True Knife appear, and wielding it like a Scythe, due to how large and long it is. Abyss than held out his hands, and summoned the Abyss Chains, so that he can it in the fight against Nightmare by himself. Dust than clenched his fist, as he than spoke out.

"Let's go."

Dust, Seraphim, and Abyss charged at Nightmare, while Nightmare smiled and attacks them, while the others go into combat against the 3 Sans counterparts, at least most of them. Ganz, Glitch, and Classic go against Insanity, Shift Chara, Color, and Cross go up against Killer, and Geno, Swap Papyrus, and Delta go up against Horror.

Insanity rushed at the 3 that is attacking him, as Ganz does the same, as he reeled his fist back. Both Insanity and Ganz punched each other, and cause d a powerful shockwave, and made the ground crack a little bit, before Glitch than leapt up into the air, and launched bones at Insanity, who then made a wall of spiky walls, but the wall had been snapped into pieces. And than, Classic used his power and rose Insanity into the air, as he than fired his attacks at Insanity, who had than crossed his hands and blocked the attack, by summing bones around him and protecting his body.

Killer rushed at Shift Chara, who than swung her True Knife at Killer's Knife, and is able to block the attack, before she than fired a bunch of red knives at Killer, who responds by firing his own red knives at Shift Chara's knifes, causing the both of them to intercept. Color than made a Titan Blaster, and fired it at Killer, who than summoned the Goop Blaster and fired it at the Titan Blaster, and destroyed it. But then, Color rise him up into the air, and slammed him into the walls, ceiling, and floor a bunch of times, while also damaging him, before Cross Sans rushed forward and swung his HACK Knife at Killer, who blocked it with his True Knife. They both exchanged blade at each other, as they clashed and grinds their attacks at each other, before Cross than kicked him hard into the stomach, forcing Killer back, and they both began fire bones at each other a bunch of times, and both Cross and Killer are keeping up the assault against each other very, very fast.

As for Horror, he swung his Axe at Underswap Sans, who dodged the attack fast, to avoid getting hit by the red slash. Geno than launched him up into the air, and fired Gaster Blasters at him, which didn't do much, as he landed back onto the ground, looking not as damaged as Geno had expected. Delta than rushed forward, and began to clash with Horror's blades, as Delta's Gauntlet and Axe clashed and friend against each other, as Delta grabbed onto the blades of the Axe, and both Horror and Delta used all of their strength against each other, while trying overpowered the other.

As for Dust and his group, he and his group are doing all that they can to fight Nightmare, and he has problem himself to be immensely tough than what Dust had imagined. Dust and Seraphim and Abyss, they had used and launched as much as they can at Nightmare, but there is not a single scratch on him. There is not even a dent. Well, he is a being made of black liquid, obviously, but he is immensely tough to even land a proper hit on. How do you damage someone as powerful as Nightmare, with his liquid composition?

Nightmare launched tentacles at Dust, in an an attempt to capture him, but Dust stepped forward, as he than made vine erupt from the ground, and both tentacles and vines wrapped around each other. But Seraphim ran forward as fast as he can, as he than swung his True Knife at Killer, slicing him in half. And when that happened, Abyss than fired his Abyss Blaster and blasted Nightmare with as much force as he can. Abyss landed onto the ground, as Dust also teleported next to him, as Dust's eyes narrowed, in which Dust spoke out.

"Let me do this just in case."

Dust than snapped his fingers, and than, Magical Blasts appeared above Nightmare and rained down onto him, in which the magical blasts exploded on contact with the ground, which made Nightmare split apart into multiple pieces. But Dust knows that it is not over. He narrowed his eyes a tiny bit more, as he than sees that the black goo began to gather into one spot, and here, Nigntmare had reformed, and needless to say, Dust is not happy with this at all. He clenched his fist tightly, as he than spoke out.

"What does it take to beat a guy as powerful as he is?"

Dust stepped back, as he readies the Trident of Asgore and the Scythe of Fear, so that he can continue fighting. And luckily, he will not get tired that easily.

Nightmare smiled, as he spoke out.

"Impressive. The Dust that I had fought against did not last that longer and didn't do as much damage that you had done."

Dust than spoke out.

"Shut up and fight. I do not have time to heat your voice at every single minute."

He than points his finger and fired an attack, as Dust than launched fireballs at Nightmare, which detonate upon impact with Nightmare, who than launched his tentacles at him. But Dust stepped forward, and made vine erupt from the ground, as as it became a wall, along with some purple bones. But Nightmare managed to penetrate through the walls with some effort, and Dust rushed forward at Nightmare, who than launched a bit more of the tentacles at Dust. But Dust than swung his Scythe and Trident, as Dust sliced and diced away the tentacles they are coming his way. Dust than leapt up into the air, and fired Spears at Nightmare. But Nightmare grabbed them with his tentacles, and destroyed them, as he then wrapped a tentacle around one of Dust's legs, before he than began to slam him around to the ground and walls, before he slammed him into a pillar very hard, as Seraphim fired his Justice Gun, and shot Nightmare continuously, although this did not do much, due to the fact that Nightmare is barely effected by it. Dusttrust than ran forward, as he than swung his swords and launched purple slashes at Nightmare very quickly. The slashes hit Nightmare, as Dusttrust is using his full power, but Nightmare easily recovered from that, as he attempted to stab Dusttrust in the chest, only for Nightmare to be hit by a pillar, thanks to Dust using his blue magic on it, as Dust looked tired, but he used his sleeve to clean the sweat off his skull. He than looked at Nightmare, his eyes narrowed, before his left eye flashed pink, as he prepares to use his illusions against him.

Nightmare smiled, as he than wrapped tentacle onto the pillar, and swung it at Dust, only for Dust to dodge the attack and leap up into the air and tried to fire a Gaster Blaster at Nightmare. But Nightmare dodged it, as he than wrapped a tentacle around Dust, and smiled, before speaking out.

"I got you now, Dust. You cannot escape from me."

He tightened his tentacle around Dust, in hopes of snapping his neck, but than, a voice spoke out.

"But I just did."

Than, he turned around, and sees another Dust above his head, which made his eyes widen. He looked, and saw that the Dust he was holding, is simply an illusion, as Nightmare got blasted by the Gaster Blasters. Dust than landed onto the ground, as he smiled, before he than spoke out.

"How about that?"

Nightmare than began to rise up from the ground, and he looked back at Dust, as he spoke out.

"Very funny."

He than launched more and more tentacles, and Seraphim than appeared in front of Dust, as he snapped his fingers, green pan constructs appeared and blocked the tentacles, as Abyss fired Abyss Shards at Nightmare, who is able to phase through them without any trouble. This made Dust very angry, as he spoke out.

"How much punishment can this guy take?!"

Seraphim than spoke out.

"A lot of punishment, apparently."

Dust rolled his eyes, as he than made a bunch of other Gaster Blasters appeared into the sky and launched them down at Nightmare, who than made a hand to block it with one of his tentacles, but then, Dust launched Purple Strings to wrap it around Nightmare. The thing is, though...the strings went through Nightmare and not around him. Nightmare simply moved out of the way with an awkward expression, as if to say, 'uhhh, you actually serious?'

But Dust shook out of it, as Seraphim than summoned the integrity ballet shoes, and launched them down at Nightmare, who avoided them quickly, as Nightmare than launched Tentecles at Seraphim, who than responds by using the Perseverance Book and dodging the attack as fast as he can. He was able to avoid the tentacles, but one of them was able to slap him into a wall, as Seraphim hissed in pain. Seraphim than landed onto the ground, and snarled a little bit, as Dust and Dusttrust than rushed at Nightmare, who than launched tentacles at the 2 of them. But Dust and Dusttrust, with their weapons gripped, are able to combat against the tentacles, as they sliced and cut through them as if they are like melted butter. Dust than jumped up into the air, and along with Dusttrust, Seraphim, and Abyss, they fifed as many of their blasters as they can at Nightmare with all of their might. But these 4 are not the only one that are doing any of this.

With Glitch, he is able to summon a wall that Insanity tired to punch through, only for that to hurt his knuckles a little bit, before Classic than launched an attack at Insanity by firing it at Insanity. But Insanity is not done just yet, as he than began to stand up, and looked at Classic, before he than tried to charge at him. But Classic avoided the punch, and Insanity looked at Glitch, who's eyes are flaring cyan at the sight of his brother's head, and needless to say, he is not happy with that at all. He than summoned bones from complete nowhere, and launched them at Insanity, who than responds with launching his own red bones at Glitch, canceling the attack our. Insanity then leapt at Glitch, and reeled his fist back, but than, Dustbelief Papyrus got in the way, and blocked the attack, as he skidded back a little bit, as Glitch spoke out.

"What the, Dustbelief? What are you doing?"

Dustbelief looks down at Glitch, and spoke out.


Glitch was surprised, but he nodded, as he than teleported to Dust, as he than spoke out.

"Hey, Dust."

Dust than turned to see Glitch, who than looked at Dust and spoke out.

"Let's use our special attack on Nightmare and send him down."

Dust was surprised, but he than smiled, as he than spoke out.

"0oh, you shouldn't have asked.

Glitch smiled, as his eyes shined more blue than before, as he snapped his fingers, along with Dust, as both Sanses used their Gaster Blastermination at Nightmare. This made Nightmare unhappy, as he than used his tentacles to make the wall as durable as he can. But as he did, all 5 of the Sanses fired their attacks at Nightmare, the 2 Gaster Blasterminations are more than enough to take down the wall that Nightmare has made. Once the attack ended, Nightmare is on his knees, tired. But he than became more powerful, due to the negativity in the area that he is in, and only spoke out these words out loud.

" it ends."

Dust smiled wickedly, as Insanity, Killer, and Horror are finally knocked out and subdued, as Dust than spoke out.

"Too bad for you, Nightmare, this is how it ends."

Dust than summoned a Gaster Blaster, and fired it. But when he did...all of a sudden...another black hand appeared, this one covered in golden outlines, as a voice spoke out.

"Too bad it won't be in your favor!"

This made Dust flinched, as Delta landed next to Dust, as he spoke out.

"Wait, that voice, why does that sound familiar?"

Than, another mass of black smoke appeared, as this one is made of Golden glows instead of the blue one that Nightmare has, and then, after a minute of the black slime appearing, it fully revealed itself, and Delta was stunned, as he cannot believe who it is.

Delta's eyes widened at the sight that is before his eye sockets, as he spoke out.

"Dream, oh my god, what have you done to yourself?!"

This made Dust surprised, as he spoke out.

"Wait. You know this guy?"

Delta nodded.

"I do. He is the Guardian of Positivity, and he is supposed to fight Nightmare! So why, Dream?! Why would you corrupt yourself and side with Nightmare?! Didn't you want to protect the AUs from your brother?!"

But than, the goopy skeleton smiled, as he than spoke out.

"'Dream?' Hehehehe, Delta, that is not who I am anymore. I am not Dream. I was him, but I am something else. I am what remains of Dream, Shattered, and now...I am going to make sure that we corrupt the Multiverse, eliminate every single positive feeling that exists in the Multiverse, and rule the corrupted remains of what it once was in the past."

This made Delta stunned, as he cannot believe what had happened to Dream, now calling himself Shattered. But he than clenched his fist, as he than spoke out.

"I don't know how you got that mindset, Dream...but I am gonna stop you, no matter what!"

He than opened his mouth, and fired a powerful blast of energy from it. But Shattered smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Oh, please."

Shattered than made a bow with his right hand, and in his left hand, notched and molded an arrow made of negativity, which is purple in color. His right golden eye gleamed sour newfound malice, as he than aimed it at Dust, and fired it. But Dust reacted by firing a spear, and both the arrow and spear collided, as they went onto the ground, the 2 projectiles dissipated into cyan and purple mist, with Storyswap Chara stepping back, afraid of what is happening right now. He than fired it at the mouth blast, only for the 2 to shocking cancel each other out. Delta was stunned, before all of a sudden, Shattered's tentacles wrapped around Delta, Dusttrust, and Abyss, as Seraphim teleported out of the way, and Dust avoided the tentacles, before he fired it the Magical Blasts at Shattered, who got hit by the explosive projectiles, before he threw the 3 of them back at the group. Dust stepped back, as he than fired his Gaster Blaster at Shattered, who blocked it with a dome of negative energy, and Shattered than launched an arrow at Dust's chest. Dust than made magical blasts appear that the arrows and hit them, but Shattered than ran at Dust and made blades on his hands, as Dust tried fight back against Shattered, and before Dust knew it, he is stabbed in the chest and sliced there, as Dust grunted in agony. But Shattered, seeing something, smiled, as he stabbed Dust with one of his tentacles, and began to drain the hate, as it is absorbed into the Negativity. But Dust sliced the tentacles and freed himself, but not before Shattered got rid of most of the Animosity inside of Dust and sliced his chest again, causing even more agony. And than, Shattered smacked at him with a tentacle, and sends him into Glitch, who caught him. Classic's left eye flared, as he snarled, with Shattered speaking out.

"Very shameful that you all must die, except for you, Dust. You will be a part of this group, one way or another."

Shattered than launched a tentacle at Dust in order to take him. But before he can reach Delta, suddenly, a wall of paint appeared inside and blocked Shattered, which surprised Shattered, until the wall went down, and the person that made it is revealed.

Coming to rescue the group, is a Sans with paint vials on his sash, and a large paintbrush, his eye lights changing to different shapes and colors, as Delta spoke out.

"Wait, you're-"

But before Delta can finish, all of a sudden, the artistic skeleton than swung his Paintbrush, and covered Abyss and Dust's group in paint, as they are surrounded by it, before they fell down into what was once a floor. But before Dust and the group disappeared into the portal, Shattered roared our one word.


But before Dust can question on that, Dustbelief looks down, and spoke out.

"Umm...everyone...there appears to be a way out below us."

Everyone looked down, and saw that there are about to get out of the area that they are in. And so, they positioned themselves, and landed onto the ground. Dust was also able to land safely. Too bad Dustbelief fell face first to the floor. And when that happened, a voice spoke out.

"Oh...hello. I did not expect for this amount to appear."

A female voice is heard. Dust turned around, and saw who it is that spoke.

The little girl resembles a monochromatic version of Frisk, except that she has eyes that are a void of sorts, as Delta spoke out.


Dust turned around and spoke out.

"You know her?"

Delta nodded, as Core spoke out.

"Of course we do know of each other. And you just be Dust from the Glitchdust timeline."

Dust than spoke out.

"Well...I guess."

Core smiled, as she spoke out.

"It is not often that we see a kind and nice version of Dust Sans. And I thank you..for bringing this many people to our side. For you are not the only one against Nightmare and Shattered.

This made Dust look, and he is stunned to see something in front of his eyes. Core smiled, as she walked in from of Dust's view, as she than spoke out.

" the Omega Timeline.

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