Mostly Back to Normal

Inside of the Omega Timeline, it is all going as normal as it would ever be. All of the denizens act as normal as usual, with them going around and hanging around with one another and making friends with one another, even if said friends are just alternate versions of themselves. It has been a rather long time, since the battle against 100. And needless to say, things have gotten...somewhat back to normal. Everyone is now trying to live their somewhat normal lives again, after all that has happened, and it seems that they are trying their best to endure the bad memories that has occurred in the Multiversal War that had occurred, as well as the battle against 100.

So far, everything is back the way it was before the Multiverse War, except that Nightmare is now back to his normal self, along with Dream, and although they revived the Tree of Feelings by using the 1,000th Apple that they got out of their bodies, they are still very powerful. The villagers got one hell of a tongue-lashing from Dream, who called them out on their abuse to Nightmare, before deciding to move the tree and the tree somewhere else, as they are now forbidden to have it. The villagers begged for Dream to not do this, saying that they are sorry. But Dream does not believe them this time, and teleports the tree away, with Nightmare coming along. They are now inside of the realm of the Guardians, doing their own thing. The guardians, meaning Nammy, then forgave Dream and Nightmare for what happened, although Nightmare does hurt Nammy and called her out on blaming the both of them  and not the villagers, who were the cause of this, and does insult her saying that this is the reason no one wants to go out with her. And of course, Dream takes Palette with him, so that he can help train Palette on the use of his powers that he has inherited from Dream.

And of course, the Alphatale Brothers doing what they do best, except that Error404 is now trying to find a way to revive his friends and loved ones, due to being able to restore his own Alphatale thanks to copying aid pasting the sections of Help_Tale, Alpha is now protecting the AUs, Infected goes around doing his own sadistic pleasure of causing suffering and pain, Omnipotent does his own thing in the TransVoid, 100 is still out there, recovering from the  battle that has hurt him, and Warlock is outside, doing his own thing. And speaking of Error404, he is now able to go and speak inside of the Omega Timeline like he always has been, as a guest of sorts, and this time, won't attack. Although ever since that day, the denizens kept their distance, and now has begun to train with Gradient. And of course, Error, the original one, is able to form his own Novice God Ray earlier then before, being a thin red ray, and this is after he destroyed a bit more AUs by himself. Of course, his new ray is matched only by Gradient's, as he is just as new in it, and is only as powerful as Error. And this time, Error404 is helping Gradient and Error practice with their rays, with Error404 giving Gradient the additional practice in his Blue Magic and Blaster training. At least Gradient is far more cooperative then Error, as he always resorts to violence first and is easily frustrated. Gradient also gains training in manipulating pixels, as Error404 can do that as well. And so far, both Error and Gradient are improving. Ink is also training with Alpha, and would at times have Gradient train with Alpha as well, and although Alpha does admit make his training cruel for Gradient, Alpha at least is able to warm him on this, so that he is ready to go against the training that Alpha will be putting him through immensely. And so far, Gradient is improving immensely. Fatal is also working with Error404 as well, since 404 is able to reason with Fatal, and as long as he does not attack Error, he'll train him.

As for Righteous, he now lives inside of the Omega Timeline, although he does return to his Alphaverse to help his Error404. And thankfully, the Error404 of GlitchDust's Multiverse made Systematic again once they recovered, and made another Alphaverse for Rigtheous' 404. So now he is able to succeed in making the Alphatale, and now is going to revive the denizens like the other 404 is doing. And now suddenly, Righteous is in a threesome relationship. And it is with Core!Frisk and Yukari. Needless to say, Righteous felt like he is completely screwed, due to the fact that he is now going to be treated like he is a rope in a love version of tug-of-war. Right now, Core and Righteous are sitting at a spot somewhere inside of the Omega Timeline, as Core is shown to be sitting on top of Righteous' lap.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Righteous and Core looked to the side, as they see the spawns having some fun of their own. And they seem to be having some fun, due to the fact that they are together. Paperjam and Blueprint are together and are making some stuff, as well as the fact that Gradient is also making stuff with his powers.

Gradient is shown to be improving on what it is that he is doing. Mainly thanks to Righteous!Error and Error404 being able to teach him. And now, he is able to do some stuff that he has never been able to do before in his life. With Error404, he is able to perfectly make and destroy stuff. And in time, he could become very effective and very important in his goal for Alphatale.

"Heh, the kid seems to be having a lot of fun by himself now, huh?"

Righteous said, as Core nodded her head, as she then spoke to him.

"It is amazing that he is able to get as strong as he is, and this is first to you, and then to Error404."

Righteous nodded his head, as he then spoke out to her.

"Yeah. Error404 is now able to teach Gradient all that he knows, just as I am teaching Gradient all that I know involving the strings that I have. The kids gonna surpass his old man soon enough, although won't surpass older man, obviously."

He then looks down at his own hand, as he then spoke out.

"I was currently able to surpass the old man all because I became a Polothorn. And if that is the case...I wonder how the kid will surpass me. Perhaps by the same way that Warlock had done it...and it is by whatever it is that he has done. I don't know. Well...hopefully whatever it is that allows him to surpass me, I'd be very proud of that."

Core nodded, as she then vanishes off of Righteous, before reappearing on the ground, standing up next to him, as Righteous then stood up as well. As he did, a voice spoke out.

"Hello, Righteous~."

This made Righteous smile, as he turns around and he looks too see a familiar portal-eyed female that he knows of very well.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yukari smiled, as she appeared out of the Gap, and entered the Omega Timeline, as Righteous looks at her. Somehow, despite being from a universe that is entirely different from the Undertale Multiverse, she can unexpectedly enter the Omega Timeline. And Righteous has no idea why that is the case. But he is not bothered by that a single bit, as he then spoke out.

"Oh, hello Yukari. I see that you are as pleasant as you ever are.

Yukari smiled, as she spoke out to Righteous.

"Well, you know of me, Error. I always like to visit you, especially ever since the battle with the one you called 100."

Righteous simply shrugged a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. And especially since you are visiting the Omega Timeline constantly."

Core looks at Yukari, as she smiled at her a little bit, before speaking out.

"So, what brings you here, Yukari? Is it the same thing as before?"

Yukari winked a little bit, as she spoke out.

"If you mean by me being with Righteous, yes I do. Especially since she has caught my interest a lot with what he is capable of."

Righteous blushed a little bit, as he turned to the side and he looks at the direction of Gradient.

Righteous looks at Gradient, who seems to be drawing some artwork of sorts on his pixelated screen. And he seems to be drawing Ink, who he seems to love a lot as a second parent of sorts. This made Righteous a little bit happy, as even though he did not make Gradient, he is proud of the fact that Gradient is at least having some fun and being able to not be all alone, just as Righteous has been, before his innocence had been cleared in the Multiverse.

As he looked, all of a sudden, Yukari rose up out of nowhere, and is now in front of Righteous, who got caught off guard at what it is that she had done just now, appearing before him.

Yukari goes to Righteous and looks at him in the eyes, as Righteous felt something...soft, pressed onto onto his ribcage. He looks at Yukari, and now that she is close, Righteous can see that Yukari is taller then him, at least by 2 inches. While Righteous stands at the height of 5'4, Yukari stands at the height of 5'6. She smiled mischievously at Righteous, as she spoke out.

"Oh, don't simply turn your head away from me, Righteous~. I still want to look at your pretty face."

This made Righreous embarrassed, as he mutterEd to himself.

"I'm not that cute."

Yukari then cupped his face and made him look at Yukari, as she then spoke out.

"Of course you are."

Core pouts a little bit at the sight of what Yukari is doing. She then goes up to Righteous and pulled a little bit by the coat, Righteous turns around and looks down at Core, as Yukari also seems to take notice in that.

Yukari puts a finger over her own mouth, as she then spoke out to him.

"Oh...what is the matter, Core? Are you jealous that I am not beautiful then you, and he is attracted to me?"

Core looks up at Yukari and spoke out.

"No, I'm more jealous because you are making him spend more time with you then with me."

Core looks at Righteous and almost expresses in a flirtatious way.

"Come on, my sans-station skeleton. Don't you wanna hang out with me~?"

This made Righteous look at both Yukari and Core, as he puts his hands onto the sides of his skull, as he spoke out.

"I'm just gonna go and walk out of-"

But before Righteous can go away and walk out of the conversation, Yukari and Core decides to stop him.

The Yokai of the Gap smiled, as she wrapped her arms around Righteous' right arm, and Core wraps her arms around his left arm, as Righteous spoke out.

"You just can't be serious, right?"

Yukari smiled, as she leans her head against Righteous and onto his shoulder, as she spoke out.

"Oh but we really do mean it, Righteous. After all, you're too cute to get out of our grasp."

Core pouts even more, as she hugged Righteous' arm much more tighter then before, as she does all that she can to make sure that Righteous does not escape from Yukari's grasp. Righteous looked at both sides, as he looks down and he then spoke out.

"Oh, Damnit, this is gonna be a long day."

In GlitchDust...

Sans is now shown to be in bed, with Vivian at his side, as well as with Braixen and Ninetales. He is lying in bed, and he seems to be trying to get as much of a peaceful sleep as he possibly can.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It has been months since the multiverse, and right Sans is back in his Timeline. Of course, the people involved inside of the Omega Timeline remembers, and those that died, didn't remember when they got revived. And this time, everything is a bit more peaceful then before, due to the fact that Gaster, his dad, he is now able to get better, no longer seeing a melted version of himself inside of a mirror.

Because of this, he is now feeling better, mentally. And is now able to live a much more peaceful life. Although, there is one thing that went bad. During the Multiversal restoration, Dustbelief end somehow accidentally merging with the GlitchDust timeline during the Multiversal RESET.

Because of this, he now has a combination of both his normal powers and Dustbelief's powers. But luckily, he does not have the memories of Dustbelief, so he is not driven insane by the RESET, but he does have the Specter Sans by his side. And thanks to this, Gaster's power increased to their true power, and can now access Polychromatism without needing to drain power from them. And Dust now has his own Chroma Hands, thanks to his Last Genocide mode, as well as Yukari's cards. Because of this, he now no longer needs to use transformations to use this power. This also includes to manipulate one's personal reality. Although...he did get a side effect.

He now has 2 purple eyes, similar to how Gaster has 2 purple eyes when at his full power, and just like how he is at Last Genocide. Of course, he does not know the reason why he has gained purple eyes, nor does he know how he gained them, as he is not in his last genocide mode of sorts. He thinks that it might have something to do with his DT, but that is really just a guess of some sort. And this is also making him more suspicious, as he looks at the DT, and for some reasons, there is a LV system next to it. It is now said, DT LV 2 or something like that. But he does not know why. This is just so weird and it is making Dust a little bit unsure of what he is seeing. And Dust even feels like that he is missing a couple of things inside of himself, and he doesn't know why.

Vivian looks at Dust, as she spoke out.

"Sans, are you okay?"

Dust nodded a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't know."

He then stood up, as he began to walk to a mirror, in order to get a good loon at himself.

Phantom Papyrus looks, as Dust looks at a reflection of himself inside of a mirrors. He looks and gawks at the sight of the reflection before his very eyes, as he then began to touch his own face, in order to see if there is something wrong with it. And well, all that he sees is the purple eye lights that make up his eyes. And so far, there is not a single thing wrong with him at this moment, with the exception of the LV, which is a bit weird right now.

Sans then sighed, as he spoke out.

"Okay, so far, it is going fine. I'm still my usual self, which is good."

Vivian smiled, as she gawked her head to the side, and sees that Sans is still doing okay, as she spoke out.

"Well, that is good, I guess."

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

As Vivian moved next to him, Dust looks down and sees that Braixen and Ninetales are both still asleep. He sighed and smiled, as he then puts the covers over then and made them more comfortable than before, as Dust opens the door, and Vivian comes along, with them going outside.

"Geez. Well, at least we are gonna have some good time in a way. After all, now that I am back to my normal home timeline, I can finally rest again."

Vivian nodded, as she wrapped her arms around Dust and learned her head against his neck, as she moves with him. It's still very weird that Vivian is now no longer in her home universe, but that doesn't matter to her, as too her, it is far better then being with the sisters that had abused her for such a long time.


"Heya, Paps. How are ya doing?"

Sans said, as he look at Papyrus, who is smiling and spoke out to Sans.


Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well duh. I'm your older bro. It's my job to make sure how you are doing, y'know. Also, how's Gaster doin'?"

Papyrus smiled a bit, as he spoke out.


Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I guess."

Papyrus then spoke out.


Sans smiled and nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, it has."

'Hopefully the spaghetti tastes good this time. I bet that Papyrus improved on his recipe."

Sans and Vivian went inside, as they then got to work on it.

Vivian points her finger at the stove and used her Fiery Jinx to light it up, as Papyrus puts a pot of water on top of the stove, letting it boil, and both Sans and Papyrus got to work in making the spaghetti. It is back like old times, as it should have always been. Sans summoned the Chroma Hands, but only so that he can grab the ingredients and bring them to the counter for Papyrus and Sans to work on.

A while later, the spaghetti was done, and Sans spoke out.

"Welp, we're done."

Papyrus nodded, as he smiled a little.


Sans nodded along with Vivian, as all 3 of them began to eat. And surprisingly, this time, the spaghetti tastes good. Seems like Paps has improved much more then ever before.

"Now that is what we call true spaghetti. Very proud that you've improved a lot, Paps."

Papyrus smiled a little bit, as she spoke out.


Sans smiled, as Vivian ate some spaghetti, and poured some hot sauce on it, as she seems to enjoy it. Seems that she likes the spaghetti a little bit spicy.

Sans then looks down and began to think for a bit, as Papyrus spoke out.


Sans looks at Papyrus, and spoke out.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just...thinking about something."

Papyrus, looking at Sans, then spoke out to him, having a feeling on what it's all about.


Sans looked up at Papyrus and nodded.

"Yeah, it is somewhat about that. And that is something that has been worrying me immensely. We already had our home taken away once before, all because of an alternate version of me. And now...knowing what exists out there...I'm now worried that this sort of thing will happen again. I hope that it does not happen again, as I like to stay in the home that I am in now."

Papyrus sighed, but smiled, as he spoke out.


Sans looked at Papyrus and spoke out.

"Well, hopefully you're right. Because admittedly, I am still worried about what it is that we are gonna go through soon."

Papyrus nodded, as Vivian grabbed onto Sans' hand and squeezed it, as Sans does the same. Papyrus, looking at this, spoke out.

"So, when will I become an uncle?"

This made them both stunned, as Sans shouted out.


Papyrus smiled, as he is at least able to distract his brother, at least from what it is that he is thinking.


Sans sighed, but he then smiled, as he spoke out.

"Geez Paps. You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought that I was gonna..."

He smiled wider, and Papyrus, realizing what Sans is about to do, spoke out.


But Sans did not stop, as he spoke out.



Papyrus shouted, a Sans smiled at this, and he then spoke out.

"Heh, today is now going alright."


Sans and Vivian are now outside, as they are looking around to see how things are going in the city. And mostly, things are going alright. And this is mainly because of the fact that most people don't remember about the whole ordeal, due to the dying. But some, such as Ronan, are still able to remember it. Chara and Asriel are back in their previous age, in that they are now adults, and Toriel and Alphys are hanging around with their spawn. Of course, Frisk still isn't able to come back, something that he is very unhappy with, but nonetheless, Sans is still happy with what is happening.

"'s all back to normal still...well...mostly. Still...I wonder who we will run into this time."

Vivian shrugged her shoulders, as she then spoke out.

"I don't know. Perhaps will run into your other selves that might come and visit?"

Sans turned to her and shrugged.


Sans then puts his hands in his pocket, as he walks forward. But as he did, a raindrop began to be felt from the sky. He looks up, and sees that it is beginning to train. Not wanting to get wet, Sans puts a blaster above him, in order to keep himself and Vivian dry. And as he did that, as Sans sighed.

"And of course, it starts to rain. Well, at least better then dealing with some bad stuff happening."

As he said that, a voice spoke out.

"Oh, there you are, Dust."

This made Dust surprised, as he turned around and he sees that a few familiar faces have decided to come and visit him. Righteous, Core, and Yukari have all came to visit his AU.

Yukari smiled, looking now outside along with Righteous at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Oh, so you both decide to come and visit me, right?"

Core nodded with a smile, as she spoke out.

"Of course we are. We want to see how you are all doing?"

Sans then shrugged his shoulders, as he then spoke out to her.

"Well, I'm doing somewhat fine, I guess. Glad that everything's back to normal."

Righteous nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, that's a good thing. After all, what you have gone through could have made you gain PTSD."

Sans looks at Righteous and spoke out.

"I kinda already had PTSD when it involved the Genocide Resets, and this...I doubt that I had seen anything that is too scary enough to make me get an even worse form of PTSD."

Core nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Well...that being said, we are just happy that you have gotten your home back. Although as you know, universes do not stay alive forever."

Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yes, I am well aware of that one, Core, you don't need to remind me."

Core nodded her head, as Dust and Righteous then sensed something.


Sans said, as he turned around.

"What's wrong, Dust?"

Core said, as Dust spoke out.

"I something strong has arrived, in my AU."

Righteous nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I feel it too. Come on, let's check it out."

Dust and the others nodded, as then teleported to another part of the city, as they looked to see where the power is coming from. And what they saw before their very eyes, shocked Righteous, as he recognizes who it is that has arrived.

A tall Papyrus stood in the city in front of Righteous, Dust, Yukari, Vivian, and Core, as Righteous, seeing him, spoke out.

" even this Multiverse has him."

This made Dust surprised, as he spoke out.

" know him?"

Righteous nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah...I do. His Delios."

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