LV20 Cross

Dust is looking around at the area that he is in, as he sighed, due to the fact that he is clearly in a bad position. What is this bad position, you may ask? Simple, he is on his bed, being sandwiched by DustShift Chara and Vivian.

Vivian, for whatever reason, has decided to invade and live in Dust's house, due to the fact that she seems to have fallen for him for whatever reason. Perhaps it is with saving her life, is what Dust has to guess in why. And needless to say, DustShift does not like it, but as Vivian is doing nothing wrong, and is simply just liking him is all, DustShift let's her do what she wants, as Dust Sans felt very embarrassed at all of this. But he does nothing as he simply allows her to do it, as he feels like Vivian is not going to do anything worse then what she is doing now.

Plus, Vivian did not go through the best life in Undertoad. Apparently, she had been treated very badly by her 2 older sisters, and apparently, Vivian ran away from her older sister and hid from them, as they tried all that they can to find her, only for her to slip out of sight. And apparently, when Dust had found her, it is where she was in her hiding spot to try and hide from them. Of course, she has no idea what had happened to her sisters, although considering she had been able to survive it by phasing into the shadows on the ground, along with Dust, she assumes that the other 2 sisters are still alive, although there is no proof of the fact that they are able to survive the entire destruction of the AU done by Error Sans.

And Vivian, she seems to be very clingy to Dust for the whole week since she had decided to live inside of the Omega Timeline. Due to how shy she is, she hugs onto Dust by wrapping her arms around his neck, as well as nuzzling into his cheek. She has gotten so attached to him, and she also gets along with Aliza from Horrortale, due to the fact that she is very kind in nature.

When Papyrus and Gaster found out about this, even Gaster is weirded out by this sort of thing happening, and Papyrus is stunned at this. But Dust does not seem to mind it all, as Vivian is not doing anything that is bad to him.

But oddly, Vivian is also shown to be taller then him at her normal height, possibly at the height of 5'3 or 4, while Dust is simply at 4'11. Well, not really surprising, as he has always been a shorty. But he is a little annoyed that Vivian can be this much taller then Dust.

And that is not all that has happened. Now that most of the denizens of Undertoad had been brought to the Omega Timeline, and most of them are happy to see each other still okay and well, Dream had gotten even more stronger, as he glowed far more brighter then ever before. As more and more positivity is introduced into the Omega Timeline, Dream continues to get more and more powerful, perhaps he'll be able to finally put an end to the mess that everyone is in, gain the strength to put an end to Nightmare and Shattered's insanity, and bring back balance to the Multiverse, the balance that Team avoid had ruined in their cruelty.

As Dust Sans lay down onto the bed, Dust closed his eyes for a little bit, as Phantom Papyrus spoke out.


Dust looks at Phantom Papyrus and nodded his head, as he spoke in a whisper.

"Yeah, sure is. It seems that they both have a strange liking to me for some reason."

Phantom Papyrus spoke out.


Phantom Papyrus vanished, and Dust sighed, as he shook his head. Clearly, this sort of thing, he needs to get used to it.


Dust Sans is now outside, his hands are in his pocket, and he is walking around the Omega Timeline. But he is not waking alone. Moving right next to him is Vivian, as she has her right arm locked around Dust's left arm. She has a small smile on her face, and Dust can only look embarrassed at what it is that she is doing to him now. But Dust does not complain, as he and Vivian wander around the entire Omega Timeline, and Vivian, she began to feel the aura that Dream is unleashing. The aura that the Guardian of Positivity has, she feels very warm inside of her heart, almost as if she will die of pure happiness and bliss. No words can describe it, for she feels such happiness and bliss from Dream. She just wants to continue to bathe in it, alongside Dust next to her.

She continues to hug Dust, as she spoke out.

"It feels good. It's like I can bathe in this for the rest of my life."

Dust nodded his head, as he continues to walk with Vivian next to him, his hands in his pocket. Clearly, Dust also feels the same way, and he does the best that he can to not get too indulge into something like this. And Dream's aura have also been beneficial to him in a way. The thing is, Dream's aura had also cured his father of his PTSD, the type where he sees a melting version of himself. And thus, Gaster is able to get a better night sleep and now became much more saner then ever before.

As Dust and Vivian kept on waking, a voice then spoke out.

"Hello, GlitchDust. Vivian."

GlitchDust and Vivian stopped, as they turn around and they see that Righteous!Error is here, hands in his pocket, as he looks at the 2 of them before him. Dust looks at Righteous, as he spoke out.

"Oh, Righteous. You decided you want to need me for something?"

Righteous nodded his head at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Yes, I do. And I think you will be needed in this, for it could be beneficial to win against Nightmare and Shattered."

Now this made Dust interested, as he stepped forward and spoke out to him.

"What is it?"

Righteous then let out an exhale after a deep breath, before he then spoke out to the murderer.

"You see, I have been looking through the different multiverses that exist out there, and o discovered that there is a Sans that has a weapon that is made of positivity, and it seems that he is strong enough to be able to use the weapon that he has. The weapon is powerful enough to cause a lot of harm to Nightmare and Shattered, from the design that it has. The only that the person who owns this weapon...he is kind of insane, as well as the fact that, like as asDream...his multiverse is gone, and is on the brink of being destroyed, should he ever leave. But we can give him a home, so that he can no longer act as insane as before. And perhaps he will be useful to us in the battle that is yet to come."

Dust looked down for a little bit, thinking about it, before he then felt Vivian's hand let go of him. He turns and he then looks to see what is wrong.

Vivian looked a little bit nervous, as she pokes her index fingers at each other, and her mouth quivered a little bit. Dust can tell, however, that Vivian appears to be scared of something. He then spoke out.

" know...if you don't want to come, you can stay in the Omega Timeline and not be involved in this thing."

But Vivian shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"No, no!! I-I'll come!! I know I'm scared...but I...I want to be with you!!"

Dust then spoke out to her, as he wants to make sure that she really means it.

"Are you sure you want to join in with me, Vivian?"

Vivian nodded, as she held onto Dust's hand, which are now gloved, like the original version of himself is. Dust looks at Vivian and nodded, as he turns around to Righteous, as he then spoke out.

" that all you need? Just from the 2 of us?"

Righteous then looked at them both, before he spoke out to them.

"You know what? You're right. I think I'll need some more help. I'll bring Dustbelief, Delta, and Dusttrust. They can be of some aid to you in order to fight against him, and that is a just in case thing."

But before Righteous could even start with that, a voice then spoke out to Righteous, one that they all know too well.

"Or perhaps I can come in their place."

Righteous, Dust, and Vivian turned to look and see that Purified Dream has decided to come to them. It appears that he'd come down and had heard their conversation, especially with the sort of where that there's another Sans with a positivity weapon. And Dream, it appears that he wants to join in. Righteous looks at Dream, as he then spoke out.

" I think it is best you stay here. Your strength is still needed in case the Omega Timeline is attacked."

Dream looks at Righteous, as he then spoke out to the Polothorn Destroyer.

"Perhaps...but Ink and the others are ready to fight back just in case Team Void decided to go and try to attack the Omega Timeline. So they will be fine without me. Besides...perhaps I can aid in helping this monster regain his senses and being able to help him sees reason."

Righteous looks at Dream in the eyes, and he can now tell that Dream really does not want to be left out. He wants to join in to aid in Righteous as well. He narrowed his eyes, almost as if to try and realize if he is genuine, before he then sighed.

"Fine, you can come. But if you decide to come back to the Omega Timeline...let me know, and I will bring you back."

Dream nodded his head, as he then extended his ri right arm, and summoned a spear into his hand, as Dream then spoke out.

"I won't run away from it all this easily. I will join in."

Righteous nodded his head, as he then turned around, and swiped his hand, and a glitchy portal is then able to appear. Dust and Vivian looked at each other, before Righteous then spoke out.

"This way."

He then goes inside don the portal, and then, Dream went inside next, before Dust and Vivian went inside as well. Vivian was shaking, but she tries to be brave, and she stays next to Dust, as they went to the other side of the portal. The portal closed, and both the skeleton and shadow siren looked around to see what the area that they are inside of now looks like. Oddly, the area appears to resemble Snowdin, but all glitched. And Dream, he then spoke out.

"The entire feels empty. What happened?"

Righteous looked around, as he then spoke out.

"I was inside of the Multiverse, outside of the AU, and i saw that it is all black, with fragments of AUs all over the place. My best guess is that like your Multiverse, it had a war of some sort that ended in the position that it is right now. And the denizen that had lived there...I think he may have gone mad from isolation."

Dream looked a little bit uneasy, as Dust felt a powerful magical being inside of the AU. Ian's it felt immensely powerful...with the LV being 20, meshing that this person is not gonna be easy to take down. As Dust stepped forward, he spoke out.

"I think I know where he is. I can sense him."

Dust then grabbed onto Vivian and Dream, with Error touching him, as he then teleported inside of the AU. But when he teleported, and appeared in front of the person that is making the pier magic that he is expelling, what he saw shocked him, especially the type of Sans that is the one that has the positivity weapons.

Standing before the group is what appears to be Cross Sans...except that there is a difference between this Cross Sans and the one back in the Omega Timeline. This Cross sans feels much more powerful, has a purple aura and has horns on top of his head, which made him look similar to a demon, as well as having tears coming out of his right eye, due to the power that he has. He also has a sun symbol at the front of his shirt collar, and in his right hand, there is a large blade, resembling the HACK knife, but Dream can sense that it is made of positivity, almost as if the knife had been infused with it, becoming one with Cross.

Dust was shocked, as was Dream, as the entity before him spoke out.

"Well, well, appears I have new monsters to feed my LV!!"

Cross spoke out, as he held his knife tightly in his hand, and Dream spoke out.


Dust then puts his head on Dream's shoulder, as he then spoke back.

"Dream...I don't think he recognizes you. Stay back."

He walks towards the Cross that has Lv20, which he will call Lv20 Cross, as he then spoke out.

"Easy, buddy...we ain't here to attack ya. We just want to talk to ya."

But then, bones are fired, and Vivian pulls Dust down into her shadow, as the bones missed him, and brings him back up, as Dust spoke out.

"What was that for? I was just here to talk to you, nothing more."

LV 20 Cross looked insanely at the group, as he puts his giant Positivity Knife on his back, before he then spoke out.

"Do you think that I care about that? No, you are all just LV for me to gain, to help me grows stronger, and I will stop at nothing to achieve if. And even if I don't gain LV, it'll at least be fun to make you all die!!!"

Dust Sans smiled, as he summoned Phantom Papyrus, before he then spoke out to him.

"Let's find out then, shall we?"

Dust then held his left hand out, and he then summoned the Scythe of Fear, before he raised it and points the scythe at Cross. Lv20 Cross smiled, seeing that Dust is not going down without a fight. And since Dust is also Lv20, that means that he is not gonna be easy for Cross to take down, not to mention the fact that he has absorbed the magic of the monsters he considered, special, as well as the magic of Bete Noire. So this will give him somewhat of an advantage over this version of Cross, who's simply far more stronger then normal Cross.

Vivian was nervous, as she moved back, and she looks to see Dust walking forward for a little bit, before he stares at Cross in the eyes, his eye lights flare red and purple, as Cross' eyes flare the same way, in addition to the demonic aura that surrounds the top half of his body. Dust and Cross were silent for a minute, but then, they charged in at each other, and their blades lock on the other, as Scythe and Knife clashed against each other. Cross and Dust liked and stared, madness in both of their eyes, although Dust is a bit more stable and rational then Cross' madness.

Dust and Cross pushed back against each other, as a shockwave forced each other back, before Dust raised his scythe, and looked at Cross, who raised his Knife, and points it at Dust, a smile filled his mouth, as Dust sighed. He then stepped back, before he ran as fast as he can at Cross, before he leapt at him, and clashed with him again, as Cross skidded back, before he then began to slice and swipe his knife at Dust, who did all that he could to block and dodge the attack from him. Dust then summoned a Trident on his Right Hand, and thrusted it at Cross, who then blocks with the knife.

The Trident forced him back a little bit more, but Cross then rushed back and swung his Knife at Dust, who raised his Scythe to block the attack, only to get launched off of his feet from the sheer overwhelming strength of the attack. Luckily, Dust has far more stronger physical strength then he had before, so he is able to land onto the ground unharmed.

"Goddamnit. He is a lot tougher then I thought. Papyrus, your turn."

Dust was shaken a little bit, as Phantom Papyrus then came in and began to fight back against Cross by launching red bones at him, and Cross swung his knife as fast as he can in order to slice through the attacks coming to him.

"Knock the fuck off!!!"

Lv20 Cross shouted, as he continues to slice through the red bones. Phantom Papyrus then launched his own head at Lv20 Cross, which does bit him a little bit, but it didn't do much to damage him, despite the fact that he got hit a little bit. Cross then swung his knife fast, making the phantom dissipate.

Dust Sans clearly is not happy, as he then launched Fireballs at Lv20 Cross, but Cross cuts through the attack like nothing, before he rushes at Dust. But Dust then rushes at Lv20 Cross, the Scythe in hand, as he clashed with the Knife that Cross has in his possession. But Cross kicks Dust back, and sliced his chest, taking a chunk of health from Dust, and Cross smiled, thinking he killed him.

But Dust used his HP to heal the wound, as Dust then sliced at Cross, returning the favor, and taking away his chunk of HP. Cross was shocked at this, even as he regenerated the wound with his HP. He looks at Dust, who then smiled, before he then used his blue magic and sends him into a tree.

But Cross then fired a Cross Blaster at Dust, which is far stronger then before, having the same purple aura and horns on the top of their heads, as it fired at the group, but Dust Sans then fired his Gaster Blaster, and clashed it with the Cross Blaster, as the 2 Blasters are evenly matched and clashing against each other, with both sides trying to overpower the other. But neither side is able to do it, as the center then exploded in a very unexpected way, before either side knew of what was going to happen.

Dust and Cross held their hands up, as they tried to brave through the shockwave, as Dust then raised his hand, and teleported next to Cross, before he then swung his scythe at him. But Cross made a bone wall, that also appears to be made out of positivity, and while this did protect Cross, Dust is still able to slice through the attack, before Dust then summoned Undyne's Spears to aid in being able to cause agony to him. But now, the spears have become different. They are now a red color, and seemed to feel more stronger then the original blue it once was, although it is still weaker then the Trident and Scythe. The spears launched at Cross, who then leapt back, before Dust then appeared in front of Cross, and tried to swing his Scythe at him, but Cross teleported out of the way, as Dust simply sliced the tree, and knocked it down. Dust turned around, as he than raised his Scythe, and blocked Cross' knife attack, which pushed back Dust a little bit, but he still kept on holding his ground. After a little bit of struggle, Dust kicked Cross back, before he charged in to try and punch him, but Cross moved out of the way, as Dust punched a tree, breaking the trunk, and knocking it down, as Dust then summoned his Trident, in which he then turns around and stabbed the ground with the Trident, as more purple Tridents then came out of the ground to try and skewer him. But Cross leapt away from the Tridents that are about to piece him, only to get hit by an Arrow Blast, courtesy of Dust, who had been able to summon it while in the air, which damaged Cross a little bit.

But Cross returns the favor by stabbing Dust a bunch of times with his sharp bones, which made Dust hurt a lot from the attack. Cross smirked, as he then spoke out.

"Not gonna lie, you're very tough. But you're fucking dead!!"

As He raised his knife, and charged at Dust, who than was about to raise his Scythe to defend against the attack.

But Vivian, who is watching at the sidelines...she felt conflicted on what to do next. On one hand, she is afraid to fight...but to see that Dust is willing to fight still even when he is severely damaged...she made her choice.

She sunk to the ground, and went behind Dusy, before pulling him into the shadow, as Cross had missed Dust, and hits only a tree. This made Cross confused, as Vivian reappears back up, and decides to fight back against Cross by herself. She looks at Cross, as she spoke out.

"Sans...I'll handle this one. You're not getting killed because of him!!"

This made Dust surprised, but he nods, and smiled, before he spoke out to her.

"You go and get her, Vi."

Vivian smiled, as Dust teleported out of the way, and Cross reappeared, before he then spoke out.

"'re deciding to fight against me, huh? Then you'll die with your friends!!"

Vivian then clenched her fist, as she raised her fist into the air, before Cross then launched his positivity bones at Vivian, as the bones came firing to her. But Vivian than used her punches, which made small detonations from the impact, as she is able to desires the bones that Cross is firing at her. But Cross is not done, as he then fired a lot of bones at Vivian, and there are too many too count. So Vivian, rather then get hit by the bones, sunk into her shadow, and is able to avoid getting hit, as the bones are able to fly over her. Needless to say, Cross is not happy, as Vivian rose up from the ground, and she then waved her right index finger. Then, fire combusted onto Cross, as he took immense damage, which surprised Cross, as he did not expect to get damaged from an attack as insane as this before, especially from Vivian of all the opponents.

Vivian smiled, as he summoned fireballs around her, as she prepares to attack Cross. And luckily, her magic is immensely strong, the damage actually being a bit more then even Dust's fireballs or Arrow Blasts, despite the fact that Dust has determination and high LV.

Cross raised his bones to make a wall, and the fireball hits the wall, but it broke, and needless to say, Cross got a little bit mad at that, as he then charge at Vivian, as she then sunk into the shadow beneath her. And this time, Cross decided to try and kill her while she is in the shadow. She than stabbed a bone into the place where she had sunk into, before firing Gaster Blasters at the ground, which destroyed the area that Vivian is in. This made Cross leap back, as he smiled sinisterly...but he realizes that he does not feel any LV. This made across confused, as he spoke out.

"Huh? Why don't I feel myself getting stronger? What the fuck is going on?"

As Cross said that, Vivian then appeared from behind Cross, before she launched a punch, and burned him badly, as this made Cross be launched forward to the ground, and he hissed in agony, as he feels a continuous burn that is affecting the entirety of his physical form. This made Cross look at Vivian in pure anger, as he then stands up, and tries to grab her.


But Vivian sunk into the ground, as Cross missed the Shadow Siren, and he goes onto the ground, a lights bit hurt from missing his target. Vivian then rises back up, as she looks to see that Lv20 Cross is standing up again. Needless to say, Vivian is not happy, as Cross turned to look at her, and fired a Blaster at Vivian. Vivian then launched fire at the Blaster, and although she is able to stop it for a little bit, she is slowly getting overpowered. Knowing this, Vivian immediately sunk into her shadow again, as Vivian than rose behind Cross. But this time, Cross knows of what is about to happen, as he then jumped back, and kicked her in the stomach. This made Vivian feel hurt, as she lost some HP, and she than crashed into a tree. It was pain she never felt before. Yes, she had been hurt, but not by a kick as powerful as that. But Vivian is not giving up just yet. She is fully back up, and Cross then fired bones at her. But Vivian then raised her hand and summoned a wall of flames, which is able to defend against the bones. But Cross then came out from the other side, as he then tried to decapitate Vivian, but Vivian sunk into the shadow, which Cross is clearly getting annoyed with. Vivian then reappeared back up and decides to move backwards, and she then formed fire above the palm of her hand, as Vivian looks to see across then around, and Vivian looked worried. But then...she she realizes something else she can do. As Cross charged, she blew a kiss, and a heart then struck Cross in the head. The moment that happened, Cross got seriously confused, as he held his head, and Vivian moved away. But now, now it is Dream's turn. He flapped his wings, and moved into the battle, as he looks at Cross, his Spear in his hand, as Cross spoke out.

"I don't know what you may look like Dream, but you are-"

But Dream, taking advantage of Cross' rambling, leapt forward and swung his Spear, hitting Cross, as he is sent backwards. Cross, now even more madder, charge and swung his Knife, only for Dream to grab onto the blade, and he felt the positivity inside of the knife. It is as though the Positive Energy is condensed in such a way with this much power, that it can cause serious damage to anyone with the powers of Nightmare. How his other self had made this, he does not know. He than stepped back, and swung his Spear, which became a whip, and struck Cross badly, before he then gathered Positivity into the Spearhead, and it spins around like a drill. Dream than rushed forward and thrusts the spear, and Cross then raided his Knife to block the attack, and Cross struggles to keep Dream's strength in life, as Cross is being pushed back. He is then skidded back by a more powerful push, due to Dream using the spear to stab a thousand times at an extremely fast speed, and Dream then turned the Spear into a wand, and he than points his arm at Cross. Star projectiles came firing at Cross, as he got hit by the stars, and it exploded onto him like grenades, which made Cross stumble backwards a little bit. Then, Dream made his daggers, both of which are attached by a glowing golden cable, and Dream then swung with both blades at Cross, who tries to block and defend against them. Dream looks at Cross, as he then felt sad that this version of him clearly has lost himself. Now it is time to make him see the truth.

"Other Cross...I will make you see reason, no matter how insane you have become."

Dream flaps into the air, as he then summoned a Bow, before he held his hand out at the glowing golden cable. Then, a golden arrow appeared onto the string, as soon as Dream grabbed it, and pulled it with all of his might, and Cross watched, as Dream is about to get ready to fire. Lv20 Cross then fired his Cross Blaster to try and bring down Dream, but Dream released the string, and the arrow fired, which struck onto the blast, and overpowered it, before the arrow exploded onto Cross' face, which hit him full force. Cross gets sent back, and he felt the light blind him, as he held onto his face. Clearly, that hurt him a lot.

But as that happened...Cross...he felt...strange. He felt like he is seeing more clearly, as he feels a strange fog being lifted. He held his head...and he felt a golden light appeared. And Cross...he is beginning to feel...

"Hello, Cross...are you now back to your normal self now?"

That voice...Cross looked up, and he sees a familiar Positivity Guardian, except he has wings, a sun-like eye light on the right eye, and a star-like shape between 2 ends of the crown, which is floating above his head like a halo. But the clothes are the ones that he recognize very well.

" that you, Dream?"

Dream then spoke out.

"Sort of. I am Dream...sure...but not the one that you know of. I am a different Dream."

Cross then looks behind him, and sees Dust Sans, Vivian, and Righteous!Error, who had been watching the battle and didn't do anything. Cross' eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Wh...What? If you...if you are not my Dream...what do you even mean by that?"

Dream then smiled, as he spoke out.

"I'll tell you everything...but that is if you are willing to come with me."

LV 20 Cross is now looking confused, as well as seemingly much more saner then ever before, as if he had not been his normal self in a very long time. He then looks down, thinking about what to say to Dream...the Dream that is now standing before his eyes. After a little while, he clenched his fist and nodded his head.

"Okay...I...I'll come."

Vivian now appears to be happy with this, to see that Lv20 Cross has now regained his senses, and now they have another powerful member that has decided to join in with them. Righteous!Error also smiled, as he then spoke out.

"Now that is perfect. Another strong member for join us in aid."

He then held his hand out, as a glitchy portal formed behind him, as he then spoke out.

"Now let's go, before Hollow might show up at a bad time."

Dust looked at Error and nodded his head, agreeing with him. The last thing that he need is to face off against that corrupted version of Ink, who is far too strong for him.

Dust, Vivian, Dream, and Lv20 Cross entered into the portal, as Lv20 Cross looked around the realm that he is inside of right now. Dream then spoke out.

"Come with me. I'll tell you all that you need to know."

Dream and Cross walked away, as Dust looks at Cross.

LV 20 Cross then made a genuine smile, the first one in such a long time in his life. It is as if he has not been able to smile on a long time, as he and Dream left. Dust sighed, as he held his head, clearly stunned at what he had just fought against. Clearly, this version of Cross is a lot more stronger then the one that he knows of, and he is able to rival even Dust's Physical Strength. And needless to say, he packs serious damage behind his power.

"Sans...are you, alright?"

Dust turns to look at Vivian, who looks concerned for him, yet is smiling. Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. you did back there, fighting against that other version of Cross...that is very impressive what you did there."

This made Vivian surprised, as she spoke out.


Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out to her.

"Yeah. If it weren't for you, I'd likely have been a literal dead man, and Dream would not have likely gained the opening to finish off Cross, in order to bring back his senses. So what you did...what you did was amazing back there, especially against a Lv20 monster."

Dust smiled wider, before he then spoke out.

"I'm price of you, Vivian...for being brave as you were before."

Vivian smiled, as she looks at Dust, who is proud that she had decided to fight back. Then, Vivian decide for do something unexpected. She grabs Dust by the shoulders, kisses him in the mouth, which Dust can now open, somehow, before she pulls him into her shadow to keep on doing this. Looks like things are getting very well for Dust, especially since now she has become a bit more bolder and braver then ever before.

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