The next day, Sans has decided to rest back at home, as he looked at the conversation between Jessica and Gaster, as they began to speak out to Undyne about the results.
"I apologise for the interruption I need to ask you a few questions Undyne. If you feel recovered enough that is It's about your battle yesterday..."
Undyne than nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"It's okay... What is it?"
Gaster has a pen in his hand in order to write down the answers that Undyne has, so he can record them.
"Out of all of us. I figured you'd be the one with the higher chances to kill this creature. I don't know how, but somehow you're able to create your own Determination, which is this thing's weakness My question is... Why weren't you able to win?"
Undyne than looked down, as she than spoke out.
"She got a power boost from a weird substance. It looked like a vial, filled with a black liquid. I was about to deal the fatal blow, along with Sans, but that thing made her regenerate all the damage I did and then escaped."
This made Jessica nervous, and Sans a bit mad. It is obvious that Jessica had something to do wind the HATE, that one took over Chara, and now took over Chara.
Jessica than took the chance to look at Gaster, and sure enough, Gaster had the expression on his face that shows that he about to blow.
And blow he did, as both Papyrus, who is also in the room, Undyne also looked frightened at this display of anger.
He than readies his hand, as Jessica spoke out in fear.
Jessica said, as she felt frightened, but still had some bravery left to look at Gaster. Gaster was ready to fire...but he simply lowered his head with a blank expression on his face, as he than spoke out to her, very harshly, but in a calm manner.
"The AMD is the only place in this city that can handle and contain magical substances...You didn't even tell us you had that vial. We could've done something about it before she... Whether you gave it to her or it was taken from you... I don't care anymore... I don't want to hear your excuses either. Or your apologies. I just wish I had never met you"
This act made Jessica lose the blue in her hair, as it went back to grey. Gaster was about to leave, when Undyne spoke out.
"Gaster...there is one more thing you should know. It's about Sans, during the fight with Bete."
This made Gaster looked confused, as Undyne spoke out.
"Sans, during the end of the fight with Bete, he...he was able to overpower her briefly, but this is during when...something happened to him. His personality, he became more sadistic and cruel, and he...he had black liquid coming out of his eye sockets, and it looked like the same substance from the vial."
This made Gaster stunned, and Sans, not wanting to be questioned on this sort of thing, immediately teleported away from the house, as he than went into an area that looked like a desert. But when he did that, he was somehow next to Frisk, which surprised him.
"Sans...what are you doing here?"
Sans than spoke out.
"Trying to look for Bete, see if I can take a crack at her."
Frisk than spoke out.
"Well, lucky for you, I manage to find her. So you can come with me to face her."
Sans nodded, as he summoned the purple trident, and both Frisk and Sans moved to where Bete is. A red aura appears around Frisk, due to him activating the Armor of the Red.
They dropped down to the ground, and sure enough, she is here.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Kumu stood beside her, as Bete spoke out.
"What took you so long? And it seems you have arrived to, Sans. Did you need that much time to dry both of your tears?"
Sans and Frisk simply raised their weapons at her, as Bete smiled a little bit, before she spoke out.
"Now, that's more like it."
Frisk, Sans, and Bete looked at each other, as Sans and Frisk narrowed their eyes dangerously, as Bete's eyes glowed pink. And than, they charged at her. But Bete has a trick up her sleeve, as she than turned Kumu into a scythe, and raised it into the air, before slamming it down onto the ground.
A dark pink slash explosion appeared, as it is coming to Frisk and Sans. But Sans, not wanting her to have a shot, swung his trident and unleashed a purple slash towards Bete. She raised her scythe and defends against it, and Sans teleports out of the way, as Frisk tries to defend himself. But the explosion is powerful, and sends Frisk flying. But Sans caught him before Frisk could hit the wall of the canyon. Sans than moved Frisk out of the way, as Bete nearly tried to slice him, and then began to move fast. Not wanting to lose her, Sans and Frisk rode on top of a Gaster Blaster, as Sans and Frisk looked to see Bete, riding on top of Kumu, as Sans than fired his spears at Bete, but this time from his hand. Bete smiled, as Kumu blocked the attack, but than, was suddenly pulled along with Bete, which surprised her. Sans than slammed her down to the ground, as Sans tried to stab her in the head with the Trident, only for Bete to avoid that. Frisk than leapt next to Sans, and Bete than used Kumu to attach itself to Frisk's around, before sending her up. And than, Kumu went onto Bete's leg, before she goes up into the air, and kicks Frisk to the ground, hurting her. Bete smiled, as Frisk struggled to get up, and Bete then spoke out to Frisk.
"You got nice moves Frisk But I'm really curious about something... How well will you deal with you inner demons?"
But as she said that, and he made Frisk be forced to remember all that he had done, with his genocide, as Bete looked at those memories, along with Sans, who is also seeing it, as Bete than threw her spear at Frisk, stabbing him in the shoulder. She than made Kumu hit Frisk, who tried to defend himself, but failed, Sans, however, than used his Blue Magic to send Kumu away, as he than stepped forward, his left eye flared purple once more, as he than spoke out, calmly.
"Let's just get to the point."
Sans than made a bunch of vines appear out from the ground, and tried to wrap them around Bete, but Bete than than turned Kumu into her scythe, and sliced them vines, before she is then surrounded by Pellets, and than, the pellets struck her, causing a lot of painful damage. Bete went down, a little bit hurt, as she looked up at Sans, who than leapt up at her, and swung his trident. Bete blocked his trident with her scythe, as the 2 attacks clashed, and Bete was sent backwards by Sans' strength. Sans was also sent back by Bete's strength herself. He looked at Bete, as glared at Bete, before speaking out.
"You looked into Frisk's memories, I see. But tell me...what are mine like?"
He than charged at Bete, as Bete raised her scythe, as she looked into Sans' eyes, and she gets to see what he had done. The fact that he had to commit genocide on his own kind just to stop a single human, but Bete, did not enjoy the last part of it. Bete saw Sans' his face looking like he is insane, as he has his hand outstretched,
and he than began to grab her face, for real, as he detonated fire into his hands, and exploded onto her. Bete held her face, as the Hate regenerated it. She than looked at Sans, as she than spoke out loud.
" did more than betray your became a dangerous monster...perhaps the most dangerous of them all. In fact, only that Asriel boy can perhaps match your strength, perhaps even surpass it. I just need him with me."
Sans than smiled wider, as he spoke out.
"Too bad than, that you'll have to face against me."
Sans smiled, as Bete then swung her scythe at Sans, and Sans was ready to attack it, but than, all of a sudden, Asriel had came out of nowhere, and blocked the attack, which stunned Sans, as Frisk than spoke out to him.
"Asriel, what are you doing! Get out of here!"
Asriel glared, as he than spoke out.
"Not happening! Not again..."
Asriel said to himself, as he than goes to blade on blade combat with Bete, who actually waited for this opportunity to see Asriel, as she than launched her scythe at Asriel, who than blocked it. But than, Bete than made a spear, and made Asriel dodge it, as Sans barely intercepted it. But then, before Sans could react, Bete went behind Asriel, and Sans held his hand out, as Sans got Asriel out of the way, and Sans barley dodged her attack. Asriel than charges at Bete, but before Asriel realized it...he is then stabbed in the soul by Kumu...who eats it.
Both Sans and Frisk said, as Asriel's body began to crumble and turn to dust. Asriel realized the mistake of coming here, as he than spoke out to Frisk.
"I'm sorry Sans, Frisk...Guess I really am an idiot."
His body than disappeared, as Sans and Frisk watched in horror. And than, Frisk looked down at the ground, not forgetting the last thing that he said to Asriel.
'At least Flowey wasn't a coward.'
It was all his fault. He has struck a nerve, and now, now Asriel has been taken. This made Frisk feel so ashamed of himself, that he has no one but himself to blame. And he needs to fix it.
Sans' eyes were empty, as he saw what happened to Asriel. All that he had worked so hard to do, all the the had attempted to do, in order to protect the is all for nothing. Nothing. He had failed in the end, even though he had tried all the he could. He looks down, the HATE inside of him began to bubble and increase, as he felt the Hate come out of his eyes again, but not in the same way. fact, it is coming out of his body in a much different way.
Bete smiled, as she got what she had wanted, as she than spoke out.
"Good job Kumu. Now we just take care of-"
Before Bete could react to this, however, Sans suddenly went forward, and punched her in the face, sending he flying, as Phantom Papyrus also appeared, and struck Kumu, cutting the side of his body with a bunch of red bone, and sends him flying back, as Frisk then did a slash, and Bete tried to make a shield out of Kumu to lessen the blow, only for that to failed, as she is the sent flying, as Frisk spoke quietly to himself.
"Whatever the consequences are...For what I'm going to do... I'll take it."
Sans than looked down at himself, as he spoke out.
"No matter now painful it whatever it takes order to protect your kind...and defeat the ones that caused you suffering".
Bete then looks at Frisk and Frisk than began to speak out to Bete, angrily.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"LOVE, too, is an acronym..." "It stands for Level of Violence..." a way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt I promise you something, Bete Noire..."
As Frisk rose his head up, the LV 3 showing up behind him, as Sans felt a sudden power increase from Frisk, with a new desire inside of him.
"I will kill you."
Frisk said, as he than opened his eye for the first time, which turned red, and his LV went up to 19. Sans then checked his stats.
"Frisk LV-19 HP-92
ATK-36 DEF-4
Now he is going to kill Bete."
Bete noticed something, as she than spoke out.
"His Determination...suddenly feels different."
Frisk thanks starts the new round off with a few slashes, and Bete tried to defend against the slabs with Kumu, only for that to fail, as she is sent to the wall and got hit by one. She is than hit by a few more, before regenerated thanks to the HATE. She had than charged up at Frisk, as she than tried to attack him with her spear, only for Frisk to amputate her right arm with his sword, which stunned her.
She than tried to fire a black tendrils from her stump, only for Frisk to slice it, as Bete looks horrified at this. Frisk than vanished in front of her, before she realize that Frisk is behind her, as she dodged the attack by moving somewhere near, and a powerful explosion took place.
When the explosion was over, the entire place was scorched, as Sans looked down at himself, and into his reflection, as the reflection also has a change in it.
Before Frisk had to fight against Bete, he knew that he is going to need a lot more power than before. So in order to stop her, in order to grow strong enough to overpower her, he needed to take a drop of HATE, the same substance that had corrupted Chara back then, which lead to a whole bunch of problems from before. However, as Frisk took only a small drop, he is in control of himself. He only acted a bit more aggressive and angry than before.
Bete was able to get out of the blast unscathed, as he arm was regenerating with the Hate, as she than spoke out
"His determination is way stronger.... and I can't keep abusing this power... or it might take over again... I can't win like this..."
As she thought of this, Sans than went behind her, and he spoke out to Bete.
"Kiddo...I hope you did not forget about me."
This made Bete horrified, as she than turns around and saw Sans, as he has a trident in his hand, before he than swung it with all of his might, as he sends her crashing into a mountain, all by himself, and without Phantom Papyrus' aid. This stunned Bete, as she than looked at Sans, as she than spoke out.
"Oh, what is the matter, Sans? Aren't you supposed to be a judge of some sort?! I thought you only watch over before you decided what to do and kill your witnesses."
But Sans than began to laugh and smile, as he than spoke out.
"Heheheheheheheheheheh...I 'Was' a judge, Bete. I used to be so back then. But I have lost that position a long time ago when I decided to go out of the path I was supposed to go. So is time to be something else. Instead of being the Judge...I shall be..."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He raised his head, and he then opened his eye sockets, and then, something very shocking took place. Both of his eye sockets, are now filled with something else. Instead of his eye lights, now, both of his eyes are now filled with a purple flame-like aura, and the flames themselves had a red outline, and a black shape similar to his eye light appeared, almost resembling a human's pupil, as he than finished his sentence.
He than raised his Trident into the air, as he than spoke out.
"Burn In Hell."
He than stabbed the ground, as it began to glow purple. Not wanting to know what happens next, Kumu grabs into Bete and she flies with her as fast as it can, as the ground then exploded with purple flames, spears, tridents, vines, and bones, Kumu tried to protect Bete Noire. But unfortunately, a vine wrapped around Bete, as she is than taken out into the open, and was repeated hit, until she is the. Sent down to the ground, before the purple webbing then wrapped around her neck, as she is than strangled, before she than is sent to a wall of a hill, and crashed into, as Kumu then stepped into the area near aids Bete again this time. Sans than fired bones, but when Bete dodged them, they began to glow black, before exploding, the flames becoming black and purple, as Bete got hit by the explosion, and was sent backwards. She than stood up, as she held her arm, before Sans appeared before her, and she tries to stab her in the head, a twisted smile on his face, as he than thrusted downwards. But Bete dodged the attack, as the Hate within her began to empower her, and struggled to remain in control of herself. She than slammed her scythe into the ground, and did the explosion slash at Sans, just like she did it on Frisk, however, this time it changed, as Sans not only slammed his own trident into the ground, which stopped it, but than, Sans slammed the Trident into the ground, as he than made vines erupt from the ground, as Bete than began to dodged and slice at the vines. She than tried to run from the battle, but Frisk appeared, as she then swung his sword and sends her crashing back into the battlefield again. Sans than spoke out.
"And where do you think you're going. The fun is not over yet."
He than used his blue magic, and sends her flying back to Sans, as Sans then thrusters his Trident at Bete, before Bete then used her Scythe and blocks the attack, before she is then sent crashing into the wall, and pierced her with bones. She felt herself losing control, as she than did a large slash at Sans. But Sans did his own large slash, and the 2 clashed together. Like Bete, Sans is influenced by HATE. However, unlike Bete, Sans, while his personality is influenced, he is still in control of himself to an extent.
Bete than used Kumu and made it into a tentacle, and tried to wrap it around Sans. But Sans than wrapped a vine around Kumu, before stabbing him with more vines, making Kumu shriek in agony, is this snapped Bete out of her Hate. She looked, and she saw Sans' smile, as he felt insane. Bete than looked at Sans, and she spoke out.
" have HATE of your own..."
Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.
"The same one that you friend ate to save you. But unlike you...I can never be truly taken over. While are already dead."
Bete was horrified, as Sans than summoned a blaster above his head, and he than fired it, as a black beam of purple outlines was fired out of it. Bete then dodged the attack, as she than looked at Sans, who had a sinister look on his face, his eyes flaring like flames. And then, Bete tried to charge at Sans, as she swung her scythe at him, and at first, she looked like she had succeeded in decapitating him, and she smiled. But than, a hand grabbed her by the neck and began to strangle her. She looked to the hand's owner, and too her shock, she saw that it was Sans, and his pupils are glowing pink, as the other Sans disappeared. She is then sent into the air, as Sans summoned a spear into his hand. Undyne's spear now has a bit of a different appearance, not the blade is tipped with pink, and there is a rope at the handle, the same one that Bete can use. She is than stabbed in the stomach by Sans, who than reeled her in, while also speaking out to her.
"Get over here."
She is then sent to the ground and she crashed into it, as she is given so much pain and agony. She than stood up, as Sans appeared before her, before he than tried to grab her. Bete stepped back, as she than spoke out to herself.
"How did Sans use my power of Hallucinations and made his spear like mine?! He needed to kill monsters in order to do that. Unless...unles the Hate amplified his power and stole it when I was slowly dying."
Sans than reappeared behind her, as she is then stabbed in the back, as Sans smiled sinisterly. But than, Bete used Kumu to smack him away, and let go, as the Trident vanished, and Bete stood up. And than, Frisk appeared from behind her, and swung his sword, only for Kumu to come to her again and then into a scythe, which Bete used and blocked the attack, and then used her scythe to block Sanskrit trident, as Bete then stepped back, before she realizes that she is outmatched, and she than spoke into to her only companion, scared.
"Kumu, we need to go."
She than vanished, as Frisk looked angry that they got away, but then, noticed something. Sans is holding his head, as he spoke out.
" grown to strong...I can..cannot hold or any...longer."
Frisk stepped back, as she readies his sword at Sans, in case he is controlled by Hate, but then, Sans heard a voice spoke out.
Sans than looked up to see who it is, and he saw that it was Papyrus, along with Gaster and the others. Sans was struggling to stand up, as he spoke out.
" need to get...away..."
Than, Gaster spoke out.
"Sans...we know what is happening to you. We know of the HATE that is inside of can fight it! You have to fight it!!"
Sans than spoke out.
"The is growing...uncontrollable...I...I can't control it!"
But than, Papyrus spoke out to Sans.
This made Sans stunned, as he never thought that he would hear this from Papyrus. He than looked he looked at his hand. He than remembered...all the times he had spent with Papyrus, all the times he had walked with him, all the times he had read stories to him, all the times he had been there for him when he really needed it. He looks at Phantom Papyrus, who smiled at him, and than, in a motivation to do this for Papyrus, Sans, he had clenched his fist, and he than calmed his mind, as he than forced the Hate to stop controlling him. He focused and kept himself in as much control as he can, before he finally was able to be back in control. The struggle was hard, and the wrestle for control was immense and insane...but than, Sans..he felt calm again. He felt like he is himself again, and is no longer controlled by the HATE anymore, almost like...he tamed it. He than opened his eyes, as he collapsed down to his knees, as Frisk was stunned.
Papyrus than ran to his brother, and checked on him, as he saw that he is conscious, and his eyes are back to normal. Sans looked at Papyrus, and he smiled out.
"Papyrus...thank you. You are the coolest brother I know of."
Papyrus smiled, as Gaster checked in the hate inside of his body, and he is stunned to see what he had found.
"Incredible, the HATE inside of is not trying to wrestle control over Sans anymore! It stopped doing it! Sans had somehow tamed it!"
Toriel than spoke out.
"But can Sans truly control it?"
And than, Papyrus spoke out.
Sans smiled, as he hears his brother say that to him. But then, Frisk spoke out.
" do you make the decision not to fight back knowing you'll probably die in the process?"
Papyrus did not answer at first...but he than spoke out to Frisk.
Frisk was stunned...but he than understood what he meant, as Toriel spoke out.
"Frisk dear...if you don't mind me asking..Have you seen Asriel?"
Frisk looked down, as he knew what to say, as he than spoke out.
"That thing took his soul...But... Thanks to Papyrus I think I know how to bring him back."
Toriel looked in confusion, as he than spoke out to Frisk.
Frisk than chuckled a little bit, as she than spoke out.
"As silly as it sounds...We'll use what would be the opposite of HATE... Love."
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