Let's Rock

Dust silently sighed, as he looks around the area that he is at right now, and sees that the Omega Timeline is still trying to make repairs on the last bit of damage that the attack had done when Team Void had made their appearance. Clearly, the damage is taking a little bit longer than expected, and they are expected to be finished with the repairs by the next 24 hours. And this is not saying much in how Dust is feeling, as he has spent his entire time being awake having to help in trying to help in some way by bringing the supplies to the workers in order to help them manage and repair the entire thing faster.

"Man, this entire thing is a mess. Team Void has really made the entire Omega Timeline nearly go down to shit."

Dust spoke out, as he looked around the area that he is in. Honestly, he has no idea how to respond to the destruction that he is seeing or what to say. After all, that power that he has witnessed is unlike any power that he has seen before, and even with Gaster at his side, he cannot match the power of even Error404 or Righteous!Error, and they are far beyond what he is capable of. But there is some good that did some out of it, and it is when it involves the 2 other people that he has brought with him to the Omega Timeline, or rather, into his Multiverse.

And one of which is, obviously, Righteous!Error, who has been some great help by guarding it, and truly caring for the lives that are present inside of the Omega Timeline. He makes sure that nobody is entering the Omega Timeline without trying, but as he spoke out, the one named Bill!Sans, he is able to enter it because he copied the Book of Eyes power to do so. He hasn't attack, however, because he is waiting for the command and plan of Team Void's next move. And luckily, as Righteous is stronger than Error404 and even Bill!Sans, he is able to beat them down easily. And plus, Core seems to have taken a crush on him, and she likes to be with him at all times. This made Righteous embarrassed, but he does not seem to kind this one bit.

Alpha also has proved some use, due to the fact that he is just as strong as Error404 in a way, due to the fact that he had fully master on his powers of something called a Conduit. Apparently, the Conduits are extremely powerful, and are capable of utilizing power of something called, the Cycles. Alpha is the Conduit of Change, and Error404 is the Conduit of Balance. But while Alpha has much more degree of master of this power than Error404, even that changes very little, because even at Novice Level, he is still able to gain an upper hand on even Alpha. Seems like the Conduit of Balance is much more dangerous than the Conduit of Change.

And last but not least, is the alternate version of Dream that Dust and the others had found. The one that has eaten 998 Golden Apples, and gained an equal amount of power to Nightmare. Ever since he came to this Multiverse, he had been using his power to bring forth Positivity to the AUs. And because of this, it is actually able to give much more power than ever before. When he is present in an AU, he is able to not only get rid of the corruption that Nightmare and Shattered had done, but he can also use his power to also heal wounds of those that are affected a bit more quicker then before. And unlike Nightmare's aura, he can also induce pleasant and very good feelings to those caught in his aura. But like Nightmare, due to how large this aura is, he does not need to make. He can simply stay inside of an AU, and simply stay there, as the AUs caught in his aura are healed and cured. Needless to say, this is one huge upgrade for the entirety of Team Hope. And hopefully, Dream is able to gain enough strength to fight evenly against Nightmare and Shattered, as they are some of the most dangerous threats in the entire Multiverse, only outclassed by Error404, Bill, and Infected, and matched only by the original Error.

"Still, at least many of us are alive, and at least denizens of my AT are alive. If they had died, I would not know of what I had done."

Dust spoke out, as he looked down at the ground for a little bit, as a voice spoke out.


Sans looks and sees that Asriel is coming to him, and Dust is happy to see him.

Dust spoke out.

"Heya, kiddo. How're you doing?"

Asriel spoke out.

"Doing fine. But I was going to say the same thing about you, especially ever since your fight with Error404?"

Dust spoke back to him.

"I'm doing good. Although his punches make me feel like I had gotten myself hit by a truck. And I think he was using his full power at the time. But overall, I'm doing good."

Asriel sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Well, that's nice, at least. And luckily, everyone else is fine in the Omega Timeline. Even Chara had gotten only a bruise at what had happened from back there. When do you think that they will be coming back to attack, Sans?"

Dust than looks down, and he then spoke out.

"Unfortunately, even I have no idea when they will come back, and not to mention the fact that some of them are far more intelligent then eve. Me, and thus, will have better forethought and planning. The only thing that I can say, is that we need to prepare for the next attack, and this time, we need to be ready for it, just in case."

Asriel nodded, as he then spoke out.

"I understand. I just hope that we do become ready for it."

Dust sighed and nodded, and then, as he did, Abyss then suddenly dropped right beside him. Dust looked and sees that Abyss has a suspicious look on his face, and he looked a little bit nervous.

"Abyss, what's wrong?"

Abyss looks up at Dust and spoke out.

"I sense something. A magic that I have never seen before, nor felt before. And it appeared in the Omega Timeline."

Dust looked frustrated, as he spoke out.

"Again? We already had a bunch of trouble with Loading, and now this? I...wait..."

Dust than looked up, as he too began to feel something. It seems to be the magic that Abyss is sensing, and it is powerful, but only on one of the parts of the magic. One of them is of magic that is very strong, although still not as powerful as an Out-Code...but the other one that is along with it...it is...different...he sensed it...and although by a small amount...it is immeasurably powerful, even more so than Loading. This is not good.

"Okay, now I also sense it. Let's go check it out. And Asriel...I think it is best you stay out of this one."

Asriel nodded, as Abyss and Dust teleported, and they arrived to an empty part of the Omega Timeline...and the entity that they are seeing...it really confused them.

Standing before them, and in such a very weird appearance in the way he thinks it, is a Sans that he has never seen before. This Sans wears a black somewhat leather sweater and has a long white sleeve shirt underneath with white shorts and black shoes. The shoelaces themselves are untied, and the Sans has Golden Teeth. He also has 3 spikes on top of his head, red, yellow, and green, and has glasses that has the word, Rock, on them, with the word colored red. In his hand is a crowbar.

Abyss and Dust stepped back, as he then spoke out.

"Okay, what kind of Sans are you?"

There Sans that appeared in the Omega Timeline let's put an arrogant smirk, as he then spoke out in what seems to be a British accent.

"The name's Rock, Arseholes!! And here...I'm just getting started with getting ready to kill you AU nuisance!!!"

Dust and Abyss liked unamused, as Dust then spoke out in a mocking, sarcastic tone.

"Ohhhh...I'm so scared of a punk that does not have indoor voice and does not know when to shut up."

This made Rock snarl in quick frustration, as he than shouted out.


He than leapt at the duo, as he has the PainBar in his hand, and he prepares to strike at them with it. Abyss than flies out of the way, as Dust than summoned his Scythe of Fear, and swung it, as the PainBar and Scythe collided and clash against each other, with Dust looking at Rock in the face, and he snarled a little bit at Dust. His strength also caught his attention a little bit. He is actually able to cause some degree of difficulty on him. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he than teleports out of the way, and sliced Rock's back from behind. Dust narrowed his eyes...and he sees that the damage is inflicted barley done anything. He only got slightly damaged, and that is it. Rock than swung his PainBar at him, and Dused raised his Scythe to block it, but he than got launched by the sheer increased might of the PainBar and Rock's strength, which caught Dust by shock, as he is not expecting this to happen to him.

Dust than landed onto the ground, but he than summoned the Magical Blast, and launched them at Rock, the Arrow Projectiles fired at his direction, as he hopes that it gets him hurt. But Rock than swung his PainBar and shattered the projectiles without issue. This made Dust narrow his eyes, as he than ran fast, in which his own speed made him vanish. This caught Rock by surprise, and before he knew it, he is than suddenly punched from behind and is launched in the air, before Dust than used the Spears to rain down on top of him. It pierced Rock multiple places, and needless to say, it is such a painful experience for Rock. But this made Rock even more enraged than ever before, as he shouted out.


He than rips himself from the Spears, as Dust rolled his eyes and spoke out.

"Great, now we have an Error wannabe."

This made Rock even more angrier, as he than roars out at him.


Rock than launched forward, and Dust launched Fireballs and Friendliness Pellets at him, only for Rock to ignore their pain, and continue charging forward. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he than ran forward, and swung his Scythe, only for Rock to catch it, which made Dust surprised, as Rock than threw Dust far, as Dust landed onto the ground, before he than struck the ground, creating an explosion that is going towards Rock, and caught him in it, and caused immense damage, launching him into the air, before all of a sudden, Abyss appeared and launched Abyss Shards down on top of Rock and get him damage very, very badly.

Rock snarled, as he looks up at Abyss, his eyes narrowed a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Geez, you're like a knockoff version of Fresh. Even he is far less annoying then this."

Rock snarled, as he spoke out.

"Too bad that Fresh does not have a sense of humor that I do!!"

Abyss raised a bony eyebrow, as he then spoke out.

"Sense of humor? Rock, if that is your name, you don't have a sense of humor, at all. In fact, nothing that you say is even funny. It is outright pathetic."

Abyss summoned his Abyss Blasters and Crystal Bones, as he fights against Rock harshly. Rock gets hit, and he took immense damage from these attacks, as he launched backwards, and his body has been pierced by the crystal attacks, and was burned and stabbed by the Abyss Blasters that have the Abyss Shards inside of it. Rock than stood up, and he snarled a little bit in a rage, as he than jumped up and tries to hit Abyss with his PainBar. But Abyss summoned some Crystal Bones, and raised them to make a wall, the PainBar hits it. But the PainBar did not damage it a single bit. It didn't even make a single crack, not even a dent. The Abyss Crystals are just extremely durable and insanely difficult to even cause a crack to. Error was able to crack it, but only after an hour of pulling onto an Abyss Pillar when he met him into the Anti-Void. And since Rock is not him, he is at a serious disadvantage.

But even so...there is still one thing that bothers him. He has a magic that he has not seen before, and is immensely powerful. So what is it that he is sensing inside of Rock? He looks at Rock...and both of his eyes turned Turquouse with vein-like markings coming out from the iris. And it is there that...he sees something. A red light, coming from the left eye, and it is empowering Rock. It is made him physically stronger. This is not good. Whatever it is, it has a powerful that is immense. And Abyss can tell that this is a small fraction of the might that it has. It is far stronger then this.

Abyss clenched his fist, as Rock than began to sing so loud, it caused the ground to shake and launched weaponized sound. In fact, this caught the attention of the Omega Timeline...as well as a certain Glitchy Polothorn, who notices it, and remembers it all.

Abyss and Dust cover their ears, as Dust than launched Purple Webs at him, and pulled him into the air, before he then sends him down to the ground, and slammed him down, as he felt a lot of agony from the hearing. He may not have ears, but he still can use his senses the same thing that a human would, minus his magic sensing. Dust looks at Rock, and spoke out.

"Okay, I think I have had enough tantrums and music to last an entire life from here on."

Rock than stood up, and he looks at Abyss, who than switches to his Abyss Chains, and Dust switches to his Trident, as Rock then spoke out.

"Tch, you think your short chains and 3 pronged twig is gonna take me down?!"

Dust than spoke out.

"Better than the tiny club that you are holding in your hands."

Rock than got angry.


Abyss than launched the Abyss Chains, but Rock swatted them out of the way, as they pierced the ground, before Dust ran, and both Trident and PainBar clashed, as Dust and Rock looked at each other with pure anger in their socket. Dust kicked Rock in the Sacrum, before he than tried to stab him. But Rock leapt back, and he tries to hit him in the head with the PainBar, only for Dust to block it. Rock and Dust leapt in the air, before Dust kicked him down. Rock looked up, and Dust points the Trident downwards, as Rock jumped back a little bit, as Dust pierced the ground. But then, a large Twister of Fire suddenly erupted, as Rock got caught in it.


Rock jumped out, in pain due to the immense heat, as he then began to roll on the ground to put out the fire that is on his clothes. Rock looks at Dust, and he snarled, as he than ran up to him. But Dust looks up, the fire gone, as he than summoned Tridents from the ground, piercing up, and threatening to skewer Rock. But Rock leapt up, and tried to slam the PainBar on top of Dust's head, so that he can beat him to death with it. But before he could...white strings appeared out of nowhere, and wrapped around Rock's arm holding it. Before Rock realizes what is about to happen, he is then suddenly pulled, and is sent down to the ground, as Dust and Abyss looked to see that someone finally came.

Righteous finally appeared, as he smiled a little at Rock, seeing that even in this Multiverse, his old enemy is stupid. He sighed, as he than spoke out to him.

"It appears that even in this Multiverse, there is a Rock Sans, huh? It amazes me that he can still exist here, in spite of how much of a dumbass he can be."

Rock than looks at Error in anger and shouted out.

"Who are you to call me a dumbass, you twat?!"

Error than looks at Rock, and spoke out in a blunt matter-of-fact way.

"Someone that has much more better common sense then you could ever have, you pathetic fresh wannabe."

This made Rock angry, as he leapt at Error in an attempt to take him down. And when Error got hit, to the shock of Abyss and Dust, the attack was tripled, and Error actually got hurt. But Error does not show the pain on his face, as he then grabbed Rock by the neck, right-handed and tightens his grip, before he than used Black Electricity to shock him.

This made Rock cry out in pain, as his bones began to crack and break from the black electricity that Error is making out of his right arm, as Error than spoke out.

"I know he is here, inside of your left eye socket. If you can hear me, I know you are in there. Come on out and show yourself to me. If you won't, I will pull you out, and I will make sure that you die by my hands. So show yourself, right here, right now."

And then, something happened, Black Tentacle began to move from the left side of his face, from the eye socket, as a red glow than began to appear form the left eye. Error narrowed his eyes, as he than jumped back, and a Red Beam of energy erupted from the Left Eye, as the glasses broke, catching Abyss and Dust by surprise. They looked, and after the Red Beam is gone, they get to finally see what is behind Rock's Eyes.

Rock smiled, as a black mass than appeared behind his left eye socket. The mass resembles a small squid, but with a red eye, and the squid, almost seems to act similar to the parasite that Fresh has.

Dust and Abyss stepped back, but Error looked mainly unamused at the sight that he is seeing before his very eyes.

"So you finally appeared. Hello, MalesGrow. I see that you are here, inside of this Multiverse."

MalesGrow looks at Righteous, as he then spoke out to the Polothorn of Destruction.

"I recognize you...you are the future version of that forced god Error."

MalesGrow's voice sounds deep and menacing, all from something so small. Error looked unimpressed, as he then spoke out.

"That I am. Even in this Multiverse, your Eye Bugs never seem to find a host that is not like the dumbass that you have with you."

This made Rock angry, as he spoke out.


Error than scoffed at him, as he turns to look at him and spoke out in an unamused tone, and even in fact sounded a little bit bored.

"Rock, you try to make yourself look like you are the highest man of the entire Multiverse, and yet, you constantly fail to win against even my boss, Error404, in spite of how sure you are of yourself in being able to take the win against him. The way I see it, all I see in you as a skeleton that is all talk, yet has a very weak bite to those bigger then him, and does not know when to shut up to those that are even stronger than you. So as far as I am concerned, you are not even worth my time. Dust and Abyss may see you as such...but it is as shake that they are not me. And so...at the end of it all...forever you are a pathetic, weak skeleton, that will stay weak, no matter how much big talk you make of yourself. and not even having MalesGrow with you can change that."

This finally made Rock so enraged that he shouted out.


He than leapt and raised his PainBar at Error, as Error raised his fist, and punched the PainBar, making a powerful shockwave, and it made even Dust and Abyss pushed a little bit, as Error was able to push Rock a little bit. Rock hits Error in the head, which made his skull crack. But Error than launched Green Strings at Rock, and siphoned his HP, and healed the wound. Needless to say, Rock is not happy, as he sliced the strings and charged at Error, before Error than made Tentacles from his right arm, and slammed him down onto the ground, which made Rock even more hurt then ever before. He looks up, and he gets punched by Error, making his skull fracture a little bit. Rock than looks at Error and fired an Eye Beam at him, but Error than aimed his Right Finger, and spoke out.

"Glitch Ray."

Than, a Black Sphere with a red outline formed, and than, fired a Ray that is larger than the God Ray, as the Glitch Ray easily overpowered the Eye Beam, and then, Rock got hit, making feel so much agony from the Glitch Ray, which hurts even worse than the God Ray itself can do.

As Rock began to stand back up from the ground, Error than flies and grabs him by the jacket, before throwing him up, and began to unleash his punches at him, and he punches so fast, it is as though he is doing multiple punches at once. Rock continues to get hurt, as Righteous then grabs him by the head, and head butts him, causing his face to break, before he then slammed him down onto the ground, and caused a powerful shockwave. Rock than stood up, his body weakened, and he tries to keep on fighting. But Error does not give him the time, as he than walks up to him, and as Rock tries to punch him, Error grabbed his fist with his left hand, puts one of his his knees underneath said arm, and elbowed him, causing the arm to snap.


Rock cried out, as he held his arm, and Error spoke out.

"And this is merely at 4% of my strength."

Rock gasped, as he then spoke out in a weak, yet angry tone

"You..Wanker. I'll kill you...I'll make you pay..."

Then, MalesGrow spoke out to Error.

"Impressive. You are as strong as I had seen you become. You have practiced with your powers, even if it is at a low level of mastery. I am impressed."

Error than scoffed, as he then spoke out.

"Flattery does not get you anywhere. And now..."

He picks Rock up, his half-attached arm dangling, as Error than spoke out.

"It is time that you both leave."

Righteous then threw Rock and MalesGrow into the portal, which leads to an empty Genocide Timeline of Outertale, before he closed the portal onto him, and he sighed, as Dust and Abyss spoke out.

"You know of these 2 guys, Error?"

Error nodded at the both of them, as he then spoke out to them both.

"I do. The skeleton that you had seen is Rock. He is a nuisance that me and the Error404 of my Multiverse had to deal with, countless times. He talks big about himself and never shuts up, thinking that he's higher than anybody else, when he really is not that impressive, although since his weak triples in damage when it comes to godlike beings and Errors such as me...that is something impressive, but only this one...and the other entity, the one inside of the left eye, that is MalesGrow, a TransVoid Being."

This made Dust stunned, as he spoke out.

"A TransVoid Being? What is a TransVoid Being doing inside of a skeleton's eye socket?"

Then, Error spoke out.

"That is because the TransVoid Being that you are seeing is merely a weaker piece of it, and not the real body. The real MalesGrow is somewhere else, and unfortunate, it seems that based on this sort of incident...we might have to deal with TransVoid Beings in the future."

Dust and Abyss looked very uneasy about hearing this, as Error than spoke out.

"For now, though...let's go back."

Dust and Abyss nodded, as all 3 of them teleported out of the empty part of the Omega Timeline. And tomorrow...tomorrow is gonna be another day for all of the Timeline's residents.

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