Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Systematic found not believe what he is seeing before his very eyes right now. His eyes blinked, as he could not believe what it is that he is seeing before his very eyes. He wants to believe that he is simply imagining things, he wants to believe that this is simply an illusion that is playing inside of his mind. He wants to believe that it is simply a hallucination from his grief.
"No...no, no...it...it can't be...you...Adam...you're not here..."
Systematic...Error404...he feels immense distress at what he is seeing before his very eyes, almost to the point that he wants to deny the reality that he is in. Then, 100 charges at Adam, as Adam looks at 100, and prepares to attack him, when Infected leapt forward and swung his Axe, using God Breaker to send 100 back, and resumes his fight, as Omnipotent also attacks 100, with Error404 frozen...before he then spoke out.
"I...I'be finally lost it. Heheh...I've seen you dead...all by Infected's hands, countless years ago...and now...I...I'm losing my damn mind!!!"
He looks up and snarled out insanely, his eyes twitching, his 3 mouthed grinned, as he then spoke out.
He then began to use 2 of his hands and began to claw at his face, or at least, he tries to. But Alpha then summoned his Sun Blaster and fired at at Error404, as he then used it to absorb the damage that B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is about to give to himself, as he then spoke out.
"William...don't you remember...the promise that we had made together...in that...we would be together...with Muffet...Chara...all of the people that we have loved...back in Alphatale, our home."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic, wanting to keep on denying this reality, thinking that it is all in his head, shouted out.
He fired his Master Cables at Alpha, who then relocated the bones in front of them, which ensnared into the bones and crushed them, as Adam spoke out, in an attempt to get inside or Error404's head.
"I remember when we had escaped from our mother, with Quenya at our aide, I remember when you promised that you would protect me, that we would make sure that we would love happy lives."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systrmatic snarled and hissed our.
"And yet...it is never enough. She still caught up to the both of us, mother caught up to the both of us!!!"
He held the sides of his head, and Alpha, knowing that he needs a bit more of a talk, spoke out.
"I remember when another found us...I attacked her...and I sold myself to her. All so that I can protect you...so that I can make sure they you are safe...for you...for your lover...for Quenya, the mother that raised us. And I remember you...brother...when you rushed back to Snowdin to try and save me from Jacob, when he has killed me for the first time, when you called out my name and tried to made sure that I was safe.
For a second...B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic became so...confused, almost unfocused...as if he is now sure if what he is hearing is real or not. He looks and sees that Alpha has now touched one of his hands that are floating...and this made B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic stop, and he focused on his senses...as he began to realize...that the touch is real. His eyes widened...and he looks at Alpha, who smiled. He then spoke out.
"It is nice to finally be with you again...William, my brother."
Error404...who is in control of this body...was slow...as he wants to think that he is simply imagining things, and that it is not a real him. But when he slowly lifts up...he went into his knees...and he can still feel his touch. And that is when...Error404...he felt a big fat tear leak out of one of his eyes...as he finally realizes...it is real.
Then, hands wrapped around Alpha, as he and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic embraced one another.
Both brothers hugged each other, as Error404 smiled, so happy to see his own brother again after what must have been so long. Tears ran down his eyes, as he felt so much happiness in the fact that it is in fact truly his brother, after what must have been so long being with him. Alpha smiled, as he then spoke out.
"It's good to see you again...William."
Error404, hugging Alpha tightly...simply spoke out.
"I...I can't believe...it's...it's really you, bro."
Alpha smiled, as he hugged his brother around his cable neck, and they both separated, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic then spoke out.
"How...how did you come back from Death?"
Alpha looks at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic when they separated, as Alpha then spoke out.
"Well...let's just say that I had some entity resurrect me from death...and now I'm stronger then ever."
Then...a roar was heard, and a hit was also heard, as Infected is sent flying backwards and crashed down into the ground of the MainFrame.
"Damn it!! 100's grown to strong!!"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic and Alpha looked to see 100 glowing brighter. His body getting a bit redder than before, as he roared out in pure rage.
100 roared even louder than ever, destroying more Hyperverses than he is pushing them back, as a red-hot glow is even greater around his body then before. Alpha and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic stepped back, as Omnipotent is pushed back as well, with GlitchDust and Vivian doing their best to hold their ground against his DT Shout.
"If this keeps, then everything will be completely destroyed."
Alpha looks at 100 and smiled a little bit at this, as he then spoke out.
"Not if I can help it."
Alpha then whistled, and 100 turns to him, as he then began to charge. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic looked concerned, as he has no idea in what it is that Alpha is planning to do. But then, Alpha raised his right hand, and points it at 100, as he then spoke out.
"Determination Depletion."
Then, out of complete nowhere, the red glow from 100 began to dim and fade, as 100 felt his strength weakening. 100 began to slow down even more than before, as he feels his powers beginning to weaken, although Alpha also appears to be straining a bit, and his body even looks as though it is about to decay. 100 began to turn white, and his teeth began to get less sharp. Although when 100 finally reached Alpha, he tried to slam his hands down on top of him, only for 100 to be punched by B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic. 100 is sent backwards, as Alpha got tired and stop what it is that he is doing but had a bit of a smile on his face, due to what it is that he has done. He is now able to weaken 100, giving the group a far better chance to fight than ever before. GlitchDust and Vivian were shocked, as well as Dream and Nightmare, along with Reaper and Seraphim. But Last Breath smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Now that is what we are talking about."
Dream smiled, as he then spoke out as well.
"Now that 100 is weakened, we can now finally fight back against him!"
GlitchDust nodded, as he then spoke out while he is in his Nightmare Mode.
"Let's take him down!!!"
Everyone nodded, and they all got ready to fight, with Alpha even summoning his Sub Blasters, but with the Double Eyes in them, as his power became greater.
Alpha Sans raised his hands, and summoned his Sub Blasters and the bones thar were left from fight, as they are positioned to defend against 100. And when that happens, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic went beside his brother, and summoned his Dark Blasters into the fight as well. He then looks at his brother and spoke out to him.
"Thinking you were going to do this by yourself, Adam? No, there is no way you're doing all of this without me here."
This made Alpha look up at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic, who has a smile on his face, and pumped one of his fists at him. Alpha and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic looked at each other continuously, as they began to think of all the good times that they both had together when they were not under the influence of their mother, who had done nothing more than cause pure suffering to them.
Alpha and Error404, in control of Systematic's body, smiled and nodded at each other, as they both got ready to fight against their eldest brother.
"Just like old times, right?"
Alpha said, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic nodded his head, a smile on his face present, as he then spoke out.
"Right, just like the old times."
As Alpha and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic got ready to continue fighting against 100, a voice then shouts out at them.
"Hold on a sec!! You ain't doing this without us!!!"
This made everyone turn to see where the source of the voice came from, and they are relieved to see who it is that has arrived.
Righteous and Hollow returned, now far stronger than before. Their consumption of countless Universes and Multiverses has increased their power far beyond what they were like previously. And now, they are ready to go and take down 100 for his attack on the Multiverse.
"Righteous, Hollow, thank goodness you both came back. Are you ready?"
Righteous nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Ready as we will ever be."
Hollow smiled wickedly, as he then shouted out.
"Let's go and kick his ass!!!"
Systematic for his Dark Blaster out, he nodded his head, as he is then ready to fire it at 100, who is roaring in pure rage. But Systematic is not done yet.
He raised his right arm, and his Distortion Ray began to fire at one of his right hands. Alpha also got ready to fire his Sub Blaster at 100, Omnipotent ready to fire his Homing Blaster, Infected about to fire his Wisps, Last Breath getting ready to fire his Gaster Blasters, Nightmare Mode Dust ready to fire his Gaster Blastermination, with Holllow!Ink also ready to fire his new Ink Blasters.
Righteous then made his strings come out of his eyes, wrapping around 100, as the Error Blasters then appeared, ready to fire at 100's face, his own Glitch Ray also beginning to manifest from his right hand. But as he looked at 100...something unexpected happened. The right hand began to glow, as the eyes looked at the Error Blasters. And then...what happened next shocked Righteous. The Error Blasters began to change form, still keeping the draconic design, but now they are turning into a blue color, a single eye resembling Myriad becomes present on the face of the Blasters, the 2 normal eyes gone, and blue tendrils with red eyes appear out from the Blasters, with the attack now resembling a hybrid between the Error Blaster and Newborn Unnameables. This made Righteous and the others shocked, but he smiled, as he spoke out.
"Heh, now that is cool! Unnameable Blaster!!!!!"
The Unnameable Blasters fired, as the other Blasters fired to, the Unnameable Blasters a slightly darker red color in the attacks, as all of the Blasters hit 100, who got struck by the attacks at their fullest might. 100 got launched by the attack, as he is sent backwards and far away onto the MainFrame, as the others began to chase after him. 100 stood up and roared, as Righteous roared out to him.
"Explosive Strings!!!"
Suddenly, his normal blue strings fired out, now glowing very brightly, as the strings fired and exploded onto 100 very rapidly and powerfully. 100 roared in agony, as Righteous then fired another Unnameable Blaster at 100, and hits him hard in the face, sending him far away from Righteous. But then, Hollow appeared and goes to attack 100 on his own terms. He extended his arms and enlarged his hands, as he grabbed 100 in the face, and slammed him into the ground, before punching at 100 repeatedly. But 100 grabbed onto the hands and ripped his arms off, but Hollow regenerated, as he then spoke out.
"Don't think that this is gonna work on me forever, 100!!"
100 roared, as he then tries to fire his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Hollow, but Hollow then did a trick of his own. He turned his head into the Inkmation form and fired a smaller version of the Orb of Utter Destruction at 100, sucking the attack, before the attack finally cancelled. Hollow then morphed his hand into an Ink Blaster Cannon Arm and fired. The attack hit 100 in the face, now far stronger than ever before, as well as somewhat larger than before, as Righteous also fired his Glitch Ray, which is also larger and stronger than before, as well as being a little bit faster than before. 100 stumbled backwards and roared.
King Multiverse then took the chance, as he wrapped his blue chains onto 100, in which he began to drain him off his Magic a little bit, in order to try and weaken him a little bit.
"Get out of my Multiverse!!"
King Multiverse then fired the King's Blasters, and they hit 100 pretty hard in the face, causing him a little bit of pain. Then, he got hit by the King's Blasters again, but this time, the King fired his own purple God Ray, and stunned 100 for a little bit, but 100 begann to move once again.
But Last Breath and Infected did not give him a chance to attack, as they then swung their weapons at him, Axe and Buzzsaw, slicing his face, which healed, as Omnipotent then ran to 100 fast, and physically assault him. He launches a powerful punch at 100, and sends him backwards, before also launching fireballs at 100, which then exploded onto him. 100 got hit with the fireballs but came back and began to try and attack Omnipotent, only for Omnipotent to use Hades' Presence and become like a ghost, as he then began to phase through the attacks like it is nothing to him. Unfortunately for him, that is all that he can do. Omnipotent then gets out of the way, becomes physical once again, as he then made his left eye glow, before it fired a bolt of electricity at 100, hitting 100 and damaging him, although not that much, admittedly. 100 then began to charge at Omnipotent once again, and fully intends to bite his head off, but Omnipotent then slowed down time, and Omnipotent, he dodged the attacks fast as he can, as 100 is able to miss him. Omnipotent snarled, as he then summons a sword made of light, due to his light-manipulation powers, and sliced at 100, making 100 hurt, but also madder, as he then began to grow even more greater in strength than ever before.
"What does it take to bring them down?"
Omnipotent said, as 100 charged at him, but Omnipotent jumped into the air, and launched Crimson Lightning down at 100, shocking him very badly and damaging him. He then landed onto the ground, as Infected fired Wisps at 100, dealing damage consistently, despite the fact that 100 is still stronger than his ow attacks. Infected also then began to extend his height, just so that he can grow tall enough to deal with 100, as he then swung his Axe at 100, and sliced at him badly, as he then kicked 100 back. When that happened, Dream launched his spears at 100, which then exploded, before he then changed it into a whip and wrapped it around 100, trying his best to hold him in place. Then, Nightmare also attacked, stabbing at 100 various times, before using his tentacles to hold him in place. Then, Omnipotent manipulated water and made ocean tendrils to also hold 100. 100 grew even more pissed than before, as he then tries to escape, only for B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic to wrap his Master Cables around 100 and hold him in place as well. 100, however, had gotten much stronger than before, and has begun to escape from the binds. But before he could do that...a pair of chains came out of nowhere and wrapped around 100, preventing him from escaping. This made everyone surprised, only too see that it is none other then Osiris himself, who has decided to appear.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic said, as Osiris then spoke out.
"Did you really think I would be letting you fight without me, William? No, I am not staying out of this one. "
William, smiling, nodded his head, Last Breath then used his hands to summon Ropes of Patience from the palms of the hands, and wrapped them around 100 in order to try and hold him in place. GlitchDust and Vivian, seeing this, decides to make their move. As soon as 100 is held back, they then began to attack, as Nightmare Mode Dust then summoned a Sword, resembling that of his Frisk's, as he swung it, red slashes hit and struck at 100, before making a powerful explosion with it, along with his Scythe, as he shouted out at everyone that is not pinning 100.
Dust then fired his Gaster Blasters, as well as launch stars and spears, fireballs, tridents, Arrow Blasts, Pellets, and bones, with Vivian launching fireballs at 100, and attack with her Fiery Jinx. Infected also attacked using larger Wisps, these ones enough to destroy a mountain. They fired at 100, and they exploded onto him with immense force, hurting 100, but also make him much stronger then before, as GlitchDust also began to hold onto 100 with his webbing. Alpha then stepped forward, and he took a deep breath, before he then held his hand out and spoke out.
100 began to glow red, as he is then sent somewhere else, with GlitchDust collapsing to the ground. Cracks appeared all over, as he is then forcefully changed back into hid normal form. He snarled and grimaced a little bit, as he then punched the ground, and spoke out.
"Damnit. I overheated! I won't now be able to use this form, possibly for the rest of the day. Sorry, guys. I don't think I'll be able to be of any use here."
Vivian then held onto his shoulders, as she spoke out to him.
"It's okay, Sans. Just rest, you need it."
Dust nodded his head and does what Vivian says, as the Alphatale Brothers, as well as King Multiverse and Osiris began to gather around and think of a plan to try and stop 100 once and for all.
"Gotta say, Osiris, I didn't expect for you to suddenly aid us in this fight. Kinda thought that you would be doing your own thing."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic said, as Osiris smirked a little bit and spoke out to him.
"Did you think that I would be letting you have all the fun, William? No, I was not planning on it. And I was coming to where you were...but your brother's battles shook the MainFrame and made it difficult for me to arrive."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic nodded his head, as he then looked at what the others are around for.
"Alpha, what was it that you did from before?"
Alpha then spoke out to his brother.
"It is a technique that I am able to use, simply called Banishement. It allows me to send him to a realm that is akin to hell itself, wear the opponents are forced carry the weight of their guilt. Although knowing 100, he does not have any. And if I were to believe, 100 is going to try and break out of the dimension that I had put him inside of."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic did not sound happy, as he then spoke out.
"That is not good at all. Right now, we need to get ready for our next fight against him. And since we now have someone else in the fight, it will give us so what of an advantage, but even that is not enough. We need some other one that will help us against 100."
Omnipotent looks down, as he then spoke out to him.
"Actually, William. There is one more that we are able to lure to fight 100."
This made B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic look at Omnipotent and spoke out.
"What do you mean?"
Omnipotent narrowed his eyes as he then spoke to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic.
"You are not the only one to have an older brother in to life, as well as a firstborn son of the mother. My mother also has a firstborn son of her own, and if I were to believe, he is strong enough to handle against 100 all on his own, without any aid from us."
This made B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic stunned, as he then spoke out
"So...then where is he?!"
Omnipotent then spoke out.
"Well...the only way for him to notice and come to us...is if we prolong our fight against 100 just long enough for him to come and notice 100, so that he can be able to fight him. It's a risky plan for us to do...but if we okay out cards right and wait long enough, he will arrive to our location."
Infected seems to hate this, as he then spoke out.
"Goddamnit...we are playing the waiting game. I hate such games like these."
Alpha seems to tense at something, as Dream began to passively heal the injuries of everyone that is present inside of his aura, and King Multiverse then spoke out.
"What is wrong, Alpha?"
Alpha spoke out to King Multiverse.
"I...I can feel 100 breaking out of the Banishment Prison that he is in. He will break out at any moment."
This made B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic narrow his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"Then we need to get ready. Everyone, get into position. And Omnipotent, if what you said is true, then we will need to wait and fight long enough for your older brother to come. I just hope you know what you are doing."
Omnipotent nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"Don't worry, 404. I know what I am doing. I'll let you know when I am able to sense him."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic nodded, as Error and Fatal, inside of the mind of the fused form, so no look that happy that they are going on with this still.
"You've gotta be kidding me."
"This is going to be one hell of a fight."
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic ignored them, however, as Dream and Nightmare stood up, and Dust and Vivian also began to stand up, and held his ground. He can feel his DT...for some reason, he is getting stronger...but he is not gaining LV. He is not killing anyone. So why is his DT starting to go up for some reason.
"What is going on? Did the code suddenly become flawed or something?"
As he thought this to himself...he felt the ground beginning to shake, as he felt like he is about to fall down from it all. But Vivian held him, so that she does not let him fall by himself. GlitchDust narrowed his eyes, as his right eye flared red and the left eye purple...but the left eye then turned red itself, and the right eye enlarged for some reason, at the same size as the left eye, and even Dust seems to realize that. But then...
"Here he comes!!!"
Then, the fabric of reality broke, as a red fist came out...and then...
100 roared, as he came out of the prison that Alpha had tried to put him in, and this time, 100 he going to make sure they Alpha pays for what he tried to do. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic narrowed his eyes, and shouted out at everyone.
"Here he comes!!! Ultinova Beams!!!!"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic then fired a Ultinova Beam, as it struck at 100, causing tremendous damage. 100 is launched back, but this made 100 madder, as he charged forward at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic and tries to attack him. However, Osiris then shouted out at him.
"MainFrame Calling!!!"
A large hand the size of the underground of Undertale came out of complete nowhere and struck at 100, causing colossal damage to him and sends him backwards. But as 100 stood up, Osiris came in front of him and punched him, having transferred the strength his legs into his arms to punch extremely hard. And it doesn't help that Osiris is taller then 100, as Osiris then picks up 100, and throws him, as Omnipotent fired a Homing Blaster that hits 100 hard, and sends him crashing down to the ground. He then fired an Omni Beam at 100, coming from his third eye which struck at 100 and smashed him, with Infected punching at 100 using God Breaker.
And as that happened, Nightmare then wrapped his tentacles around 100 and slammed him down to the ground, and he tries to hit him. But 109 then reeled his fist and punched Nightmare hard, and this hurts even worse then Dream's arrows condensed by Positivity. He stood up, and only got on one knee, as 100 then fired a Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Nightmare.
Dream shouted, as he grabbed onto Nigntmare, his hands felt burned by the acidic body he has, but pulled him away with all of his might, and the attack missed barely. Nightmare was stunned that Dream would save him, but did not appreciate it. Why save someone such as him, after all that he has done?
As that happened, Dust fired his Gaster Blasters, now getting a little bit stronger then before, due to the growing DT inside of him. He still does not know why this is happening. He is getting stronger due to the DT growing within him, almost like...the DT has an LV System of its own. He does not feel empathy, he is seeing the numerical system as flawed, he does not know what is going on. He has never felt his way before. He summoned his Trident and stabbed the ground, as other brown tridents erupted, and hit 100, causing massive damage. 100 then tries to hit Dust, but Vivian then grabbed Dust and sunk him into the ground, as Vivian used her Fiery Jinx at 100 and burned him a little bit badly.
"He's getting even tougher. How do we even stand. A chance against someone such as him!!"
Righteous then ran forward, as he then punched 100, and sends him far away, as Hollow then swung his Paintbrush and sends him into the air as well, before 100 then began to go down to the ground. But 100, not watching what was about to happen, for reality to warp, as Orange Dots surrounded him and exploded, and Last Breath fired Blasters that spat out yellow bullets, and hit 100 repeatedly. 100 roared in pain, as King Multiverse then fired the King's Blasters at 100, and caused him even greater pain then before. 100 fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at King Multiverse. But the King then summoned a Wormhole before his very eyes, and made the blast go inside of it. He then fired his Chains of Judgement at 100, the Red one, which began to drain his Health. But 100 broke the chain, and tried to punch at King Multiverse, who then got out of the way as fast as possible. King Multiverse clenched his fist, as he then summoned his Game Over button onto 100...only for that to not work.
100 then rushes at King Multiverse in order to kill him, only for Reality to warp far more then before, as Alpha then appeared out of nowhere and slammed a bone into 100. Alpha looks at 100, as he then goes to punch and attack him, in which he spoke out.
'I spent so much of my time...doing nothing more then watch the Multiverse, training Ink for my home to return in its corrupted state, and now...now I have been given a second chance to live, I am getting a chance to see William again.'
100 began to win against 100...as he began to hurt and crack at Alpha's body, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic tries to step in to save his brother again, only for 100 to backhand him away, and he continues to speak out.
'I have been separated from my brother once before...'
He is kicked, his ribs began to crack.
'I won't let that happen to me again...'
Then, a punch, and the side of his skull also began to crack, as Alpha kept on thinking to himself on what it is to at is happening to him.
'Not again...'
A killing blow is about to come to Alpha.
Alpha opened his eyes, and the eye sockets are now glowing blue, a cyan shockwave erupted from Alpha, as 100 is pushed back. And then...Righteous, who realizes this, sends Dust and Vivian away temporarily...as in the Omega Timeline, all across the Multiverse, all of the souls of the humans and monsters present, all of the traits and Determination...they began to leave their bodies, their souls now gone, emotionless husks standing in their places, as Core was shocked at what is happening...with only Gradient and his half-brothers still okay.
Alpha then has something surround him, as 5 out of the 6, orange to purple souls, begins to gather at the back, almost like a pair of wings, like it is Alpha's own version of the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form. The wings grew so much that it is rather bigger then Mars, in 10 pairs. His own eye sockets began to cry out tears, and 2 large pairs of arms came out from his back. And then, the Souls of Determination, even the Sanses that have Determination Souls, minus Dust, who is sent somewhere else...they all begs to gather near Alpha's left hand, as a sword made of bone began to form and encase the DT Souls inside of it, 30 of them in total, including Killer Sans and Glitchtale Sans, as well as GlitchDust Chara and Frisk, and the Glitchtale and Endertale versions of Frisk and Chara, for they have strong DT Souls of their own. And unfortunately, Last Breath Sans has a DT soul of his own, which makes Last Breath emotionless. The same is said for VHS, who has his soul removed from his own body.
Alpha Sans then turned onto his Judge Form, as all of the souls within the Multiverse, except for Dust and Vivian, who escaped, empowered his very being. He is melting, but healing at the same time, due to the Kindness Souls helping him. And the ones from Glitchtale and GlitchDust are also aiding Alpha in this. Alpha is now going to have a far greater chance against Alpha then ever before. And this time, not even 100 will be able to kill him this easily.
Everyone looked in stunned silence, except Righteous, who brings back Dust and Vivian, and even they are shocked. Righteous sends Last Breath to the Omega Timeline, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic came back, and he looked stunned at what it is that Alpha has become.
"Brother? Is that you?"
Judge then nodded his head, as he then spoke out to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic.
"Yes, William. It is me. I'm still myself...and now I finally am going to stop 100. I am now Judge, and I will enact my sentence to 100."
A slight echo appeared inside of Alpha's voice, but B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic, who looked at this, smiled, as he spoke out.
"Then let's go and take him down."
Judge nodded, as 100 then decided to make his attack on the Alphatale Brothers. And unlike last time, Alpha is not going to be held back on what he will do to 100. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic looks at Judge, and smiled at him, before he then spoke out.
"Actually...how about you go and take the jab at 100, Adam? After all, it is fair that you get to go at him, a younger brother rakes over first after all."
Judge nodded, as he gripped his Determination Blade, and spoke out to him.
"With pleasure."
Alpha smiled, as he spoke out to him.
"Do not worry, brother. I'll finish fight him, on my terms.
Alpha then goes on the offensive, as he fights against his eldest brother, who is loyal to the one that destroyed Alphatale.
He then ran fast towards 100, who then extends his hands to grab at Judge, but Alpha made the 2 arms grab at 100's own hands, as Alpha sliced at 100, and cut his face pretty badly. And needless to say, the slice was very painful for 100, as Alpha then punched 100 in the back of the head. The punch is now far more greater then before, as it caused the back of 100's skull to crack, and Judge is not affected by the heat that 100 is giving off, almost like it means nothing to him, or that it doesn't exist at all. 100 tries to attack Judge, but Judge was shot to dodge the attack, and punched back at 100, as the Yellow Souls then fired their attacks and blasted at 100, sending him far away and stunning him. But Judge was not done yet. The arms on his back then extend very fast towards 100, and grabbed him at the limit of 30 miles, before slamming him down to the ground hard, as 100 then began to try and stand up. And Dust...although he does not like to ask it, but Judge, for some reason, seems to be intimidating. 100 then charges at Alpha, who jumps back, and he then kicks 100 in the face, before firing more Yellow Blasts, the Conduit Soul of Change within 100 made reality shift a little bit at this, as Alpha walks forward, making 100 closer within his own power.
Then, Judge spoke out.
"Do you want to have a turn of your own, brother?"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Systematic smirked, as he spoke out.
"With pleasure."
He charged forward and punched at 100 in the face, before using the Master Cables and slammed him down to the ground, and summoned his Dark Nova power once again, sucking 100 into a sphere once again, and exploding him, as 100 got up, and got madder then before.
At least this is far more controlled then Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, for all that is worth. And normally, most people would be scared at this, and even Alpha would be as well. But Judge's perseverance molded his willpower greatly, allowing him to keep on going, no matter what, a willpower that is seemingly endless.
As Omnipotent looked, he clenched his fist as he stared at the fight before his very eyes, as he then spoke out.
The TransVoid Being, who Omnipotent bonded too, spoke out.
He looks down at his soul...and spoke out.
"Do you think that my soul can aid me in this circumstance...in using all of your power."
This made Islothorn confused...until he realized what he plans to do.
"Omnipotent...are you sure you want to do this? You do know what will happen if you use all of my power, right? It will make you erased from existence!"
Omnipotent looked down, and spoke out.
"Maybe...but what if I can use my Conduit Soul to aid me in this...drawing on the Will of others...so that I can increase my own power, to prevent myself from being erased? Will that help?"
Islothorn thought for a bit...as he spoke out.
"Well...if you are at either Advanced Beginner or Competent level...yes...but you will still suffer from its consequences if you lose your focus and not channel your Conduit Soul all of the time."
Omnipotent stood up, and smiled.
"Then it is good enough for me."
Omnipotent smiled, as he activated his Conduit Soul of Will, a golden glow appears around Omnipotent, as he felt his physical body increase. He can fell his own willpower becoming Indomitable, unable to be shook or agonized, as he draws on the Willpower of others and increases his own power, as well as his own. It is far more stronger then expected...and this is what Omnipotent needs. Omnipotent took a deep breath, as he closed his eyes, before he then shouted out.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Then...suddenly, a thunderstorm began to erupt out of nowhere, from the sky...as lighting comes crashing down all over, some of which even hit 100, as Omnithorn then arrived as a massive explosion, destroying countless Hyperverses along the way, as Vivian and Dust avoided them by sinking underground.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A yellow shine erupted, as everyone closed their eyes and raised their arms, due to the power of Omnithorn returning. Everyone around did not expect for that to happen, as they turned around and looked to see what it is that Omnithorn now looks like. And needless to say, it is a shocking sight to behold, literally.
Omnithorn appeared, this time at full percentage, as he got ready to fight back against 100. He can fell all of the powers as Omnithorn, from weakest to strongest, all appear within him, now far more stronger then ever before, as the full power of Omnithorn amplified all of it. Omnithorn clenched his fist and channels his Conduit Soul to keep on using all of Omnithorn's full strength, as he then spoke out.
"Let's go."
He then moved...but the instant he did, he appeared behind 100, and shouted out.
"Zeus' Rocket!!!"
A blaster made of electricity then is fired at 100, and it detonated like a middle, as 100 roared in agony, and 100 is sent backwards. 100 looked, but Omnipotent appeared in front of 100, and shouted out,
"God Presence!!!"
Omnipotent unleashed a powerful shockwave that liquifies 100's bones, but is not able to kill him, as Omnipotent then shouted out.
Omnipotent summoned a lighting bolt out of complete nowhere, and struck 100, almost destroying him. But Omnipotent was not going to stop, as he continue to assault 100.
Infected Sans smiled, as he realizes what he needs to do. But there is one other thing that he needs to do first in order to go out at 100.
"Well...since everyone else is joining in...why can't I?"
Infected ran forward, as he felt a thrill of bloodlust coming inside of him, wanting to see 100 suffer, his madness goes down deeper, when he recalls the moment that experiment that he made Infected be born, all from the pain of the body that he is using. Black Matter began to cover Infected's body, as he began to fly, and he felt his body being covered. But when that happened, in that moment...Infected finally transformed as well.
Infected smiled, as he transformed into his Black Being form. The instant that he do, he charged at 100, and attacked him, causing one another to crash to the ground. 100 roared, as he punches at the Black Being, only for the Black Being to avoid his punch, and fire a Wisp that explodes onto 100, with far greater destructive force then before. 100 landed down onto the ground, as the Black Being rammed into 100, and 100 crashed down. He can feel the madness aura affecting 100...although this doing the opposite of making 100 scared. Quite the opposite, it is making him madder and stronger. But then, a King Blaster appeared, attacked 100, this time much more greater then before. 100 turns, and they see that King Multiverse has changed as well.
Emperor Multiverse has made a return yet again. And this time, he is not going to let 100 get away worn this. He charges at 100, and punches him, as he then summoned a chain that sends 100 away, with Osiris making his own chain and sending 100 down. Osiris then fired his Anti-God Ray, and Emperor Multiverse fired his own God Ray, but 100 ate the 2 Lasers. But this gave Emperor Multiverse enough time to kick 100 into the air, and Osiris used his Determination Swipe and hits 100, causing massive damage to the Beast of Rage.
Needless to say, though...100 did not like it a single bit.
Dust and Vivian looked, as he shouted out.
"This is insane."
"Are they really this strong?!"
As that happened, Dream then grabs Nigntmare, and spoke out.
"We need to get out of here, now!!"
But Nightmare spoke back.
"I do not need help from the likes of you, Dream!"
Dream shouted back.
"You do!! You'll get killed at this rate!!!"
Nightmare snarled and shouted back.
"I will not die that easily, not from this brainless rage beats of all things!!!"
"Did you forget what happened to Shattered?!! He got killed when there is nothing left of him!!"
This made Dream froze in place, as if he is unable to comprehend why Nightmare had said that to him, as he then shouted out to him.
This made Nightmare jump, as Dream's face contorted into a look of sheer anger and distress, but not at Nightmare, but rather at himself, as he shouted out, tears coming out of his eyes.
More tears came running out of his eyes, like a waterfall of pure sadness and self-loathing, remorse and guilt, grief and distress, as he continues to shout out to Nigntmare.
He then gripped onto his hoodie and face, as his face morphed into pure sadness, as he continues his tirade.
This made Nightmares stop, as Dream continues to cry, but his voice now much more lower and more restrained, as he continues to cry out, now on his knees and gripping the bottom part of his coat, but the other hand is still onto his face.
"You meant everything...(hic)...to me."
At that moment...Nightmare sees his former self, crying at the amount of pain and suffering that he had to go through, all by the villagers that had done nothing but abused him for no reason.
All by the villagers that had wanted to make him suffer all because they wanted to do it. Nothing else, nothing more.
Then, all of a sudden...the original consciousness of the victim began to resonate within the mind of the corrupted, who held his head, as he spoke out.
But as he began to speak out, a cry of agony and suffering erupted, a voice that is far more familiar in the long distant past, that Dream recognizes...the one that he has failed to save. He looks up, and sees a purple tear coming out of the left eye, as the corrupted seems to be speaking to someone that only he's able to speak with. Dream's eyes did end in shock as the corrupted continued.
But a cry was still heard, as a black field consumed both Nightmare and Dream...as another battle began to now rage within.
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