Infectious Abomination
Everyone...everyone in the Omega Timeline has become overjoyed at what had just happened. Ten No Kami, she is finally vanquished. She is finally dead and is now no longer a threat to the multiverse itself. It is a permanent death that she can never be brought back from again. Dust smiled in relief, as Vivian did the same, as the both of them held their hands together, in pure joy.
"Thank goodness, it's all over."
Vivian said, as Dust nodded his head at this, but he looked down at the ground for a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, I know it is...but..."
He looks up, as a feeling of uncertainty is present inside of his mind. Vivian could see the uncertainty on his face, and before she can ask of what is wrong, Dust then spoke.
"I...I feel like I should be happy? But...why does it feel like it is not over? This...what I am feeling just does not feel right. It's strange."
Vivian then spoke out to him.
"Is it because of what happened with Error404, Error, and Fatal_Error?"
Dust shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"No, it's something else, and I do not know why."
He then turns to look and sees the other Alphatale people talking amongst one another, with Alpha!Frisk speaking out.
"There has to be something we can do."
He and Quenya then heard grunting as they turned around to see Muffet and Lucy, who is simply the Alphatale version of Red, both of them holding Astral close as they were ready to kill her. But Quenya shouted out at the 2, stopping them
Muffet, looking at Quenya with shock and rage in her voice, shouted out.
"What the hell do you mean wait?! We finally have this witch in our hands and you want to spare her?!"
Lucy nodded, as she spoke out in pure rage and hatred.
"Yea! She almost get Delios killed!! She keeps taking everything and everyone we love away from us, Quenya! It isn't right!"
Dust narrowed his eyes, as he went towards the Astral Mother, and spoke out.
"Killing her? Killing her is only going to do nothing more then let her off to easily. In other words, we're doing nothing more then give her a free pass. No...I have a much better idea."
This made Lucy spoke out.
"And what is that?"
Dust looks at Lucy, and spoke out.
"Give her a fate worse then death, and make her suffer for eternity."
Lucy clenched her fist and narrowed her eyes, as she looks at the Astral Mother, her stomach having been pierced by the Astral Mother, and she is ready to do as Dust said, as Frisk spoke out.
"But then what happens? Without William or Wendy's help we're sunk."
Dust then spoke out.
"Not that she'll be willing to do so."
Lucy clenched her fist, as she spoke out.
"Without William's mind, there isn't much hope we have. He was one of the smartest minds we had and I doubt Astral is going to lend us her aid."
Then, a voice spoke out to them.
"Still crying are we?"
The Alphatale cast turn to look over to see Loading floating towards them. Frisk only said one word to Loading, recognizing this entity before them.
Loading nodded his head, with Frisk walking up to Loading, as he then spoke out.
"Me, anyway After some much needed thinking I have a deal to make with you code fragments."
Frisk nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"We're listening."
Loading then spoke out to him.
"There is a possible solution to your problem, however its highly dangerous. Then again, you all don't seem to mind that. Remember the orb that Systematic went out of? They are called Eden Orbs, which make up your stories, your lives, everything. But that is simply putting it in a mild way. Eden orbs are more then stories or narratives you see, they act as whole other worlds. Ones with they're own realities and they're own rules. Each one is different, however they can also be very much alike."
Quenya, confused at what Loading is getting to, spoke out to him.
"What are you saying?"
Loading then spoke out to Quenya.
"What I'm saying is that in another world, there is another Alphatale. I've taken in all the possibilities and the possibility of Alphatale existing is a complete 0.1%, yet somehow existed anyway. Now with this said each other world is fresh beginning meaning this chance as multiple opportunities to happen again. Unfortunately, taking another William from another world would be damaging the world you took him from immensely."
Frisk and Dust, a little stunned at this, spoke out.
"This a lot to process, your talking about other versions of us?"
Loading then spoke out and explained a bit more then before
"Not just that, but other worlds much similar to your own, however these other worlds or better to call them "twins", don't exist together. No Alphatale does. So you'd need to somehow find a world where either someone like 404 exist or someone like him altogether."
Quenya then looked down, and smiled, as she spoke out.
"I think I have an idea. I'll be right back."
She grabs the Astral Mother by the neck, choking her, as she drags her away, with Frisk following Quenya, as the Astral Mother, who suffering from the immense agony, spoke.
"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Damn how far you gonna drag my ass around!?" Astral shouted when Quenya then threw her to the ground.
"AS MUCH AS NESSACARY! Now I want you answer some questions, cause either you like it or not this involves you too. Your god is dead and you don't have any more weapons to use against us. So either you-"
"QUENYA LOOK OUT!" Frisk shouted when suddenly a giant white blob wrapped around her head and lifted her up, Frisk turned around to see a human woman with white hair and a black strand of it.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Dust looked in utter shock at the sight that is before his very own eyes.
"You have got to be kidding me. An Alphatale Bete Noire?! I've already have enough people like her!
The Alpha!Betty was holding Core captive. Frisk unsheathed his DT blade and stared down the woman, however he then registered just then she was human. Frisk shows his DT Blade and spoke out.
"Put my friend down! NOW!"
Betty chuckled, as she spoke out
"Release the witch first."
Frisk looked back at Astral and then Betty. Then, Dust stabbed Alpha!Betty in the back, causing her agony and drop Core, who vanished and reappeared elsewhere in the Omega Timeline, as he fired a Red Blaster that damaged the Kumu wrapped around Quenya, dropping her, as Alpha!Betty looks at Dust, and anger is present in her eyes.
"I've already have enough Bete Noires in my life. Why do I need to exterminate them?!"
He fired a Red Blaster at Bete Noire, and caused her immense agony, but then...a green ray fired at Dust and knocked him aside, as a voice spoke out.
"That is enough, GlitchDust. She is needed."
This made Dust turn around to look at the source of the Voice, and what he saw confused and surprised him.
Coming and arriving on the scene, is someone that resembles the Astral Mother, but she has the color schemes of a traditional gaster with Black Hair and purple eyes, as well as possessing some holes in her hands.
"Void Empress."
Excalibur said in shock, as everyone's eyes opened with shock, Astral's mouth was open with disbelief. The Void!Empress walked forward and gave a motion of her hand to which them Kumu, Betty's pet then released Quenya dropping her on the grund. The Astral Mother, in pure disbelief, screamed out.
"I'm you, remember?"
The Void Empress, she then grabbed the shoulders of Frisk and looked at him, before she then spoke out to him.
"Frisk, you're a brilliant boy, but at this moment lays a crossroad. I can help you with what it is you need to solve your current problem. However, I need her in exchange. Do this for me and I'll help you."
Frisk's eyes darted around looking for faces, Lucy shook her head, Aurora was unsure and Muffet of course wasn't having any of what was happening. The Astral Mother then attempted to speak to Frisk.
"Listen Frisk-"
but before Astral could say anything the Void!Empress fired a green ray at her knocking her over and nearly blowing her face off. And then, the Void Empress has a change in tone.
"Make your choice! Your either with me or with her."
The Void Empress then sounded a bit mad, her patience was growing thinner. Then, Betty began to use her powers, as while she is different from the original, she still possesses the same ones that Betty has, as she made everyone hallucinate, and made Tint attack Dust+, who realized what is happening.
"Son of-"
D+ scowled at being snuck up on. Omni and Infected looked around at what was happening, with Infected speaking out.
"Can you use that lighting thingy you do?"
Omnipotent shook his head, as he spoke out.
"No, I'm drained, using anything more than 2% could kill me."
Infected could feel he had nothing left either. Everything was riding on Frisk. Frisk thought for a moment, he began to think about the Astral Mother, Wendy. What would she had told him.
"...If you don't trust me, then don't trust her."
Frisk thought to himself before pushing away from the Void!Empress.
"No deal! If your anything like her, then whatever motive you have isn't good. You can forget about it, Wendy."
Frisk's tone is laced with hate, The Void!Empress looked at Frisk enraged as she then moved her hand forward to which Betty then summoned a scythe to her hand and sprinted at Frisk who readied himself. The two clashed. King!Multiverse looked up and the fired a blaster at Tint, who wasn't expecting it and jumped back.
"Here, King."
Dust said, as he used the Green Blaster to expel green light from the mouth, which healed King Multiverse back to full condition, the wounds all over him gone, as he stood up, and spoke out.
"Thank you, Dust."
He then made Chains appear and wrap around Tint, as he drained him of his magic, weakening him severely, before he did the same to Rock, who is also affected by the power of Betty, who is also affected by Betty's power, and did the same to him, as he fell down, very exhausted from what had just happened.
The Void!Empress watched as Frisk and Betty fought, she then looked at Astral and began to walk towards her.
"Stole my children, had me imprisoned and bound to you for all those years and now I will finally be getting my revenge on you."
The Void!Empress, with sheer rage present in her eyes, raised her hand as she then got ready to fire a green like ray at Astral who looked worried and scared. Quenya was about to launch a spear, but Omnipotent stopped her.
Quenya looked at Omnipotent, and spoke out.
"Let this happen. Do not attack the Void Empress. She maybe a version of Wendy, but she is a good person."
This made Quenya a bit suspicious, as she spoke out.
"How do you know?"
Omnipotent looked, as he spoke out.
"She's mine and Infected's mother, and the Astral Mother stole us from her."
This made Quenya stop, and she looked, as she sees the Void Empress kill the Astral Mother with her Sigma Beam. The Astral Mother screamed in agony, as the Void Empress looked at her with cold, restrained fury. Frisk and Betty clashed with each other, Frisk ducked as Kumu came flying at him trying to take off his head. Frisk and Betty's weapons clashed. Betty smirked, as she spoke out.
" Its Too bad, Your rather cute for Alphatale scum."
Betty then swept her leg and tripped Frisk causing him to fall. Betty tried to cut Frisk's throat with her scythe only for him to back away it missing him by mere inches. Frisk kicked Betty in the chest causing he to back away in pain. Kumu flew at Frisk only for him to punch Kumu into the ground. Betty got a pale spear and fired it at Frisk, Frisk caught it mid air with his hand only for it to explode in his face sending him flying. Betty scoffed at him, as she spoke out.
Omnipotent narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Islothorn! Help Frisk."
Islothorn, doing as Omnipotent begged him to do, used his cosmic essence and imbued Frisk's DT blade with it. Frisk looked down as he saw lightening sparking from it. Frisk then used it to electrocute the ground electrifying Betty and causing Kumu to deform and turn to sludge. Betty fell on her back as Frisk got up quickly and pointed his blade at her throat. Frisk then spoke out.
"Don't try nothing funny. I'd hate to kill a pretty face."
Frisk smirked, Betty looked up at him smiling as she got up slowly, with Frisk spoke out.
"I want Wendy dead, probably as much as you do. I can't do that though if you keep trying to take off my damn head."
Betty looked at Frisk scanning his posture and how he held himself. She walked around him as Frisk continued to point his sword at him.
"I read what she had on you, hotheaded, Ill-mannered and really bad attitude. Thought you don't look to have any of those. Didn't mention that you looked good though."
Frisk looked back for a moment at all the fighting happening. He then heard Betty get closer and then turned back to her pointing his blade at her neck.
"...I should kill you, all you've done so far is prove that you're going to be in the way."
Frisk stared at Betty's figure and body. Betty noticed and took immediate advantage.
"You like? She didn't hold back a inch with making me, especially this good-looking."
Betty walked closer to Frisk who now was a bit conflicted on his feelings, letting urges take over his thinking as she pushed past his sword.
"The ideal order I think you want, is to kiss me and then kill me. Or I have a better solution-"
Betty, she then put her hands on Frisk chest and walked back with him moving his sword arm down to his hip. Her face mere inches away from his, they're lips close. Frisk got ready to close his eyes when he then felt Betty reached for his blade, he the grabbed her hand quickly coming to his senses. Betty then resummoned her scythe and slashed at Frisk's face leaving a nasty scare going across his mouth and nose. Frisk's face was painted with anger.
Betty, now in a furious frenzy, kicked Frisk's blade out of his hand, it flying past Omni and Infected's head and went flying and was plunged deep into the Anti-void as the MainFrame wasn't far beneath it. Frisk looked back at it as Betty pointed her scythe at him now. Frisk smirked, as he spoke out.
"Perhaps we can come up with another solution, KING!"
Frisk shouted out to the King, as he set out one of his chains knocking Betty forward as Frisk grabbed her hand and kicked her scythe out of her hand. Frisk then swept his leg and ran to his sword. Betty got up and summoned Kumu and her scythe. Frisk jumped over his blade and then ran to grab it only for it to be stuck like it was stuck. Frisk jerked it around only for him to accidentally extend it causing it to go plunging deep within the mainframe. Betty charged at Frisk and tried to attack him, but King Multiverse appeared and shouted out.
"Scythe of Punishment!!"
Then, the Scythe from before, one that King Multiverse knew of since his creation, crafted and gifted to him by Error404, who used a combination of Alphatale and MainFrame code, in order to make it as strong as it is, as King Multiverse clashed and attacked her Scythe, with Dust taking on Kumu. Both King Multiverse and Betty clashed Scythes with one another, as sparks flied out. But then, Betty leapt over King Multiverse, as she then swung her Scythe at Frisk, ready to finish him off. Betty then swung her scythe. Suddenly in unit of time shorter than that of Planck time, the Cosmic essence within Frisk's blade gave off a reaction bringing forth the Cosmic Essence itself. This reaction then sparked another reaction within the mainframe bringing forth the Nexus, to which then combined with the Cosmic Essence and in those few moments everything stopped, everything that flowed halted, everything that any term of motion no longer did. The entire world was in a complete standstill as Frisk watched as Betty's scythe nearly reached his neck ready to behead him before it stopped too. Frisk then looked down at his blade as he watched as the Cosmic Essence crawled up his right arm giving him these strange markings and then as he looked to his other arm and saw as the Nexus crawled up his left arm and also gave him strange markings. they both crawled up his body until they entered his eye sockets to which then the back of Frisk's back began to crack like glass until it shattered open.
a strange entity came walking out of his back, this evolved version of Frisk. It saw the world much differently than how Frisk did, it was far outside of the reaches of the world itself, the Nexus or the Cosmic Essence's farthest reaches were nothing to it now. This combining of the two elements of the world itself. everything was flowing around it. It looked around as it could perceive every Cycle and every moment in time and beyond, however something was off about everything, it was all rewinding backwards. Events in something beyond the orb, events within the Books themselves, not just the book of eyes, and events so small that the creation of atoms could be viewed by it as well. This entity was doing it completely unknowingly. It was rewinding the Cycle itself. Eventually the strange entity looked back at itself to see the fight between it and Betty had rewound all the way to the moment when Betty grabbed for it's blade. It then made notice of the opening on Frisk's back as it was then sucked back into it, and everything went back to the way it was.
Frisk's eyes enlarged again as he then looked around and saw everything was back to normal, He looked to see Astral Mother was still being killed by the Void!Empress and that Betty was still flirting with him. Everything had rewinded. Dust...he sees that he is back in the previous position, along with King Multiverse...and they were shocked. They were confused.
"What the-"
Dust said, as King Multiverse also looked confused, as he spoke out.
"Did time just...rewind?"
Dust held his head, as Betty began to say the point in which she'd flirt with Frisk, although she does say that she'll kill, but took a different action. She kicked him hard in the jaw, which...was ripped off, and in a brutal way, as Dust looked revolted and Vivian also turned around, not wanting it look at it. Quenya and Aurora screamed in the horror at the sight, with King Multiverse also shouting out.
Betty screamed at Frisk, rage pressed in her focus.
Frisk, he felt pools of blood poured from Frisk's missing jaw. He then remembered in those few moments what had happened. He the summoned his blade which hadn't been knocked out of his hand yet and was still imbued with cosmic essence. Loading's eyes then widened as he knew exactly what was in Frisk's blade. Frisk then nearly fell to the ground before he caught himself and then looked down into the Anti-void's deepest depths and saw the mainframe. He then got his arm ready. Loading and the Astral Mother realize what was about to happen, as they shouted outZ
The Void Empress also turned around to see Frisk stab the ground with his DT blade, and even she realizes what will go down.
However, it was too late, Frisk stabbed his blade into the ground and then extended it deep down into the multiverse reaching the Mainframe and getting the same effect he got before. His eyes shrunk as everything stopped once again and the unknown evolved entity burst out of Frisk back once again. This time it was stronger than before. It turned around and saw the previous events rewind once again, it watched as Frisk's jaw reconnected itself to which it touched the lower part of it's face and as everyone went back to fighting again. However, that wasn't all. It saw other cycles pass by, one with a large serpent twisting itself around the world beyond the orb itself, one with a strange creature that looked like 404 sitting on a throne made of flesh and bones, another with 404 and Omni trapped in a white void for all eternity, one with Frisk and everyone at a Christmas party and another with 404 and Infected meeting a strange cube like entity in a white void. It then reentered Frisk's body once again at the point before Betty struck him, only for Excalibur to get in the way, and used his Swords to block her hand.
"...Did you see that?"
Betty, confused, spoke out.
"See what?"
Then, Excalibur spoke out.
"See this."
He then stabbed Betty in the stomach with his weird, causing her to scream in agony, as Excalibur narrowed his eyes. The Void Empress watched as Betty screamed in pure torment and suffering, as Excalibur then jumped back, and he changed back to normal. He looked down at his hands, before he spoke out, while also changing back to normal.
"I wonder...why is my powers still active. I should still stay normal and have none of Ten's Essence inside of me."
Then, Infected spoke out.
"Ares, Where is William? I'm looking forward to making him bleed as soon a possible."
Omnipotent looked at Infected like he was crazy, as he spoke out.
"What? Hes dead. You...You didn't know that? The one fighting 100 with me, that was him."
When he said that, Infected's face... it was something else to say the least. He then wondered off walking around sloppy like and looking ready to fall over. His head being filled with voices all around. How could he lose his purpose so quickly?! He just found him and now he was one again! His revenge now impossibly far. With William dead...what was the point in him living now? Infected's eyes then darted to Ten's corpse as he was thinking of ways he could still get his revenge. He smiled, as a sinister grin is present, as he prepares to do something while everyone else bickers.
Dust looked, and sees the Astral Mother is still alive, but she is so weak that she cannot stand. Delios then spoke out.
The Astral Mother felt more hurt then before, as this is basically karma for what she had done, for the destruction of Alphatale, for everything. As Dust looked, he sees Loading grab onto Quenya, before teleporting them to an area that lies beneath the MainFrame. Dust then spoke out.
"This is a fucking mess."
Dust shook his head, as his wings spread out a little bit, before Alpha!Frisk spoke out.
"Well thats one thing out of the way, now we can-WHAT THE HELL??!!!"
The moment that Frisk shouted, everyone then turned around in shock as they watched Infected devour the rest of Ten's head in one bite. Dust was shocked, as he spoke out.
"Wait, oh come on!! Of course Infected would double down like this!!"
Infected, after doing this, smiled, as he spoke out, blood of the Polothorn leaked out of his mouth as he then spoke out.
"Hhheheeh, you take something of mine, I take something of yours."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Infected, he could already feel the cosmic essence filling his body and mind. Frisk and the other alphatale inhabitants then, immediately without hesitation charged after him. Infected then looked to them and was like seeing them all in a light. They all just looked like words on a page book to Infected.
The instant that happened, everyone froze in their tracks, even Dust, as he tries to clench his fist. He then began to move, but he is having a hard time doing it. Aurora began feeling panic, as she then begs to him.
"ARGH! JACOB! YOU DONT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! With Ten's powers, you can change things! Make things how they were, make them better. Theres no reason for you to be the bad guy!"
Dust then spoke out.
"Aurora, get real! Since when is Infected willing to become a good person?! Are you that stupid?!"
But Infected, filled with so much cruelty, spoke out.
"Your right, I can change things. Like changing you all to dust-"
However, Omni would immediately go in for a strike against Infected however Infected would dodge casually and hug Omni. Omni stood frozen. Infected then spoke on a sickening sweet tone.
"I bet your little speed hacks work well on someone who hasn't ever fought a speedster. Unfortunately I've fought and killed many."
Infected as he then slashed at Omni's eyes blinding him. The Void Empress would go behind Infected and grab at him.
"Jacob! stop! We do-"
But Infected says otherwise, as he spoke out to her.
"Sorry mother, but I can't let anything stand in my way. Not even you."
Infected, he then tries to kill Void Empress in one hit, only for Delios to swing his Hammer of Jealousy and knock the tentacle aside, before Alpha, having transformed back into his Excalibur form, swung his blades and attacks Infected, damaging him. Frisk enraged would break out of his frozen state and then blitz towards Infected slashing at his chest only for it to go straight though him. Frisk was shocked, as he thought at what he is seeing
'WHAT?! He's already adapted Being-Like philology?!'
And all of a sudden, a random black tendril would grab him by the throat and lift him into the sky. Dust looked, as he sees what is suddenly happening.
Infected laugh, as he then went into what seems to be a Polothorn-like state. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he fired a combined blast with his Chroma Blasters, and Dust+, he uses the Plus Blasters and siphoned DT from Dust, as they struck at Infected. But...he was still fine, as Dust narrowed his eyes. Then, black tentacles tried to grab onto Seraphim Dust, but he was able to get out of the way and teleported, while Dust+, he was not as lucky, as he got stabbed by a tentacle, and spat out blood. Rock then tried to attack Infected, only to get stabbed by a tentacle as well. He then tossed the two to the side as if they're trash.
"Look at that, sans-cabobs! Tossed to the side, like the side attraction you are."
Infected, after saying that, then got blasted by Loading, causing a massive dust cloud, as Loading spoke out
"I don't need a hint to know the trouble you'll cause monster."
Omni then began to get his eyes healed by Aurora while Frisk got up with his sword. One the dust cloud cleared, Loading would see Infected had put a shield that barley blocked his attack. Infected's wicked smile showing through the darkness. Loading then spoke out.
"Give it up, you're outnumbered and outmatched. You cannot beat all of us."
Infected, however, says otherwise, as he spoke out with a smile.
"You're right about that, Loading, which means I need MUCH more power than this."
Omni then regained his eyesight. With that, he recalled the power from Frisk's blade Islothorn had lent and immediately charged up to 25%. Aurora noticed something and spoke out.
"Watch out! Hes going to turn into that weird black creature again!"
But Infected smiled and spoke out mockingly.
"Oh thats where your wrong rust bucket. No more Black being Infected, no more darkness, no more."
Infected, he then began to use his powers to skip leaps and bounds over the entirety of reality 6, his new Polothorn-like state, now becoming similar to a young Unnameable from so long ago, one that would one day become the strongest of them all.
As Infected said that, at his command, he then split the void between reality 6 and the Transvoid in half and created a portal directly to it. And in the TransVoid, Dust saw a brief vision of something, and it made him turn away, as he does not want to look at it. As that happened, a voice spoke out.
"Maybe I can help with this."
This made Seraphim Dust look and sees that it is his old friend, Dusttrust, who is hurt from the Alphatale fight, due to getting hit by debris.
", you can't be serious. You'll get killed the moment you fight with them!"
This made Dusttrust smile, as he spoke out.
"That is where you are wrong, Dust."
He then held his hands out, and 7 Human Souls appeared. And it didn't take long for Dust to realize what is about to happen next.
Dusttrust smiled, as he then began to absorb the 7 Human Souls, and began to change into a form of his own. Then, a powerful explosion erupted, as it blinded everyone but Seraphim Dust and Infected.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Infected looked, as he sees that there is a smoke that appeared where Dusttrust was at, and the moment that happened, a glow of 7 Souls appeared, as the sounds of wings flapping was heard. Everyone looked, and they see that something is about to happen, but they have no idea what it is...until, the smoke cleared, and the appearance of Dusttrust, was revealed. And needless to say, it is a sight to behold.
Dusttrust then changed into a monstrous being with 7 Souls, becoming just as strong as Seraphim Dust. And before Infected can react, Dusttrust then flies to Infected, with Seraphim Dust following, as both Soul-Empowered Sanses tackled and sends Infected into the portal that leads into the TransVoid, as Omnipotent and Frisk, too followed suit.
However, time is seems to be faster in the TransVoid then it is in the Multiverse, even when compared to the tiem the AUs fused into a single AU...because when both Dusttrust and Seraphim Dust arrived, they see Infected trying to bite and eat a TransVoid Being with long blonde hair and a blue dress, and Infected, it seems that he has eaten a bunch of TransVoid Beings just seconds before the 2 Dust skeletons got here. Taking the chance, Seraphim Dust charged and struck Infected in the head with his fists, his Bravery power enchanted his punches and sends him away, as Dusttrust used his Blue Magic to send Infected into the air.
"You okay?"
The TransVoid Being nodded, as Seraphim Dust helped her up. Then, Omnipotent spoke out, as he sounds unhappy
"Are you serious? Vendevras?"
This made Vendevras look and smiled, seeing Omnipotent.
"Oh, Ares. You came by to see me! How sweet!"
Omnipotent was repulsed, but then sensed Infected coming back.
"Not good. Vendevras, get out of her and hide. Infected's coming back!!"
Vendevras, hearing this, nodded her head, as she fled her section of the TransVoid, as Infected crashed down, and is holding a piece of a TransVoid Being in his hand, which he then ate, as his power grew. Dusttrust, Dust, Omnipotent, and Frisk stepped back, as his power increased, and Infected then smiled.
He then launched tentacles at the group, with Dust then using vines which are as large, and they wrapped around the tentacles, but unfortunately, they are not as strong as Ten No Kami's tentacles, as the vines are ripped from the ground. But as that happened, King Multiverse went into the portal and arrived, as he has his Scythe out, his eyes narrowed dangerously.
"You forgot one other, Infected. I'm joining in as well!"
This made Infected smile, as he spoke out.
"You may have defeated Ten, False King!! But against me, you're nothing!!"
King Multiverse smirked, as he spoke out.
"Then why don't you try your chance against me, False Polothorn?"
King Multiverse smiled, as he launched the Chaisn at the wisps, as both chains and wisps clashed together and countered one another. King Muktiverse then ran forward and swung his Scythe at Infected, who swung his tentacles at King Multiverse, who then sliced the tentacles, before Infected then swung his Axe, as both Axe and Scythe clashed and grinder against one another. But Infected then shouted out at King Multiverse.
But then, a King's Blaster fired at Infected and hurts him pretty badly, as blue bones are summoned and froze Infected, before King Multiverse then wrapped blue chains around Infected and began to siphon the magic that had been increased by Beings. But Infected broke out of the chains easily and the bones as well, as he then swung a tentacle at Infected, who then got out of the way with his Wormholes, and landed back fine, with Omnipotent and Frisk charging at Infected in order to fight him. Omnipotent fired his Homing Blasters, who hits Infected in the face, before Frisk sliced and cuts at Infected with his DT Katana, but all of this did nothing more then annoy him, as Infected began using his tentacles against him. Dusttrust then entered, using his twin swords to slice at Infected and fired the 7 Human Souls as blasts of energy, causing as much damage as he can, with Seraphim Dust doing the same, although he is having trouble within causing actual damage to him, and the same is said for everyone else.
King Multiverse narrowed his eyes, as he felt enraged.
"Damn it. I don't have enough power against Infected. I need more!"
But as that happened, Vendevras spoke out to him.
"Then perhaps I can fix that for you."
This made King Multiverse surprised, as he turned to see Vendevras, who has decided to come back, due to seeing his power. He stepped back, as he spoke out.
"And how are you going to do that? Infected, he has consumed some Beings, and he is way too-"
But Vendevras than stroked his face, and spoke out in a soothing tone.
"Hush. Relax, I have the power that I might aid you...and it fits your Chains very well."
All of a sudden, Cosmic Essence is now filling King Multiverse's body, as he felt a change inside of him, one that he did not expect. His eye sockets, they are now glowing blue, with white eye lights present, the right side of his face is now golden, as well as the black parts of his clothing, and the chains, they now have spikes on them that are as sharp as razor blades, and are now much stronger then before, as Vendevras spoke out.
"Now, go get this monstrosity that's eating Beings. Do not let my Ares die."
Vendevras then vanished, as King Multiverse clenched his fist, as he felt the power of the blue, green, and red chains meld into one, now becoming Golden Chains. King Multiverse now has changed, now going into a new form, that is called Tyrant Multiverse. He clenched his fist and smiled, as he then looks at the sight of Infected, before stepping forward, the sheer step shook the ground, which made Infected look at Tyrant Multiverse, his tentacles breaking a bit of the planets of Vendevras' section, Omnipotent and the others are on their knees, holding their shoulders, with some having their eyes clothes, as Infected then reels in another TransVoid Being, which is Orolon and Cellemon, and began to eat them both. As that happened, Quenya arrived, as she sees the state that everyone is in, and witnesses Infected eating the other 2 TransVoid Beings.
"This is bad, isn't it?"
Quenya said, as Tyrant Multiverse nodded his head, before speaking out.
"Yes...but a TransVoid Being...she gave me a power up that will hopefully stand a chance against him."
Quenya nodded, and looked at the sight before both her and Tyrant's eyes, as Infected spoke out.
"Now this is what I'm talking about. Nothing but pure CHAOS! The more power I get the more I'll be able to wipe those punks off the map!"
Infected, taking in and consuming Orolon, after Cellemon was eaten, and now having adding them both to his collection of beings. Infected then looked up to see Quenya and Omni again arrive to stop him.
"Now this is unexpected...your going to be spectacular."
The is from the past conduit of destruction within Infected's head. Infected smiled, as he spoke out.
"So, who's first?"
Tyrant Multiverse stepped forward, before speaking out.
"I am. Chains of Submission!"
He then summoned the Golden Chains, fused with the combined power of all 3 of the original Chains, as they wrapped around Infected, and then, something unexpected happened. The chains began to drain Infected of his power, weakening him and his HP, while at the same time, absorbing it into himself, but only to sustain the Tyrant Multiverse form so that it can last longer. Infected, not happy with this, broke the chains with his tentacles, although it took more then before, Dust and Dusttrust teleports both Omnipotent and Alpha!Frisk, as they both also teleported with them as well.
"Scythe of Domination."
He then summoned his Scythe, which is now gold, with blue sharp edges, matching Vendevras' color, as he rushes forward and slices at Infected, causing severe damage to him unlike any other, as Infected roared in pain, with his powers being weakened temporarily. But Tyrant Multiverse is not done yet, as he shouted out 2 more attacks
"Tyrant Blaster!! Tyrant Ray!!"
Then, Tyrant Blasters, now reflecting on the golden half of King Multiverse's face, as it fired a white beam of energy, causing immense agony to Infected. Then, a laser fired from his fingers, and hits Infected, who now has had enough, and launched his tentacles at King Multiverse, who then wrapped the Chains of Submission around Infected's tentacles. But Infected summoned more tentacles, as he broke the chains and resisted it draining him.
He then fired a blast of energy, similar to what Ten had done, as Tyrant Multiverse prepares to attack, when all of a sudden...another blast appeared, and stopped Infected's attack, as a voice spoke out, one that is too familiar to the group and to Infected.
"It is a shame that it will stay denied, no matter what you say."
This made everyone stunned, as they looked up and see that someone had arrived, and needless to say, everyone is shocked at the sight that is shown before them, for they did not expect to see an entity such as her come into the play, who they least expect.
Everyone looked incredibly stunned at the sight before their very eyes. Having now suddenly another Ten No Kami. But this Ten No Kami, she looks a little bit more different compared to the one that they had fought against. She is wearing a different outfit of sorts, looks a bit more mature, and she feels a bit stronger. But strangely...her voice sounds...calmer. Infected was shocked, as he spoke out.
"NO!!! This can't be!! You died!!! I saw King Multiverse kill you!! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE???!!!!"
But the Ten No Kami that appeared looked unamused, as she spoke out.
"You fool. Do you think that there is only one Ten No Kami to exist inside of this orb? No...there isn't just one. Just as there is another Righteous!Error with a different...and it is the one that I came from."
This made Seraphim Dust shocked, as he spoke out.
" you're from..."
This Ten No Kami nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"That is correct, Dust. I am the Ten No Kami of Righteous!Error's Multiverse. And I am on his side. As well as the reason that my dead self was unable to control you...just as I...allowed Alpha to keep his Excalibur form."
Everyone was stunned, with Infected enraged, as he launched his tentacles at Ten, who used her own tentacles to block Infected, as he spoke out.
"And will pay for what you have done. This time...your Judgement is at my hand."
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