
Sans, Charac and Asriel looked up at Hate, as they see it's grotesque form above them, a feeling of the need to stop it, it is in all of their minds, as now that it has Bete's powers, they are in trouble. However, Sans has most of her powers after killing her, due to absorbing them. And now that he has become stronger, as well as gaining a new Melee weapon, Bete's Scythe of Fear, they now have a much better chance against this monstrosity.

As much as Sans does not want to admit it...he will admit...that it is because if Frisk, that they are here. It is thanks to Frisk that they are able to reach this point. While Frisk is responsible for the appearance of Hate, due to making a glitch in reality, it is also thanks to Frisk that Sans became as powerful as he is, gaining Asriel with his new soul, and having Gaster return into reality. So there are more benefits than drawbacks. And now, he is going to avenge Frisk, for all that Bete Noire had done in the past, and make sure that Hate pays for what it has done to him, as well as for the people that he cared so deeply about.

The Hate, which took over Bete Noire's body, stared down at the 3 people in front of it, as it's claws are out, and ready to tear the group apart. Chara and Asriel also looked up with Sans, as Sans spoke out.

"Well. This is it. We've come this far in order to put an end to the madness, and yet, fittingly, we face against Hate, and for the final time, it seems we're doing."

Chara nodded, as Asriel stepped forward, Chaos Saber in hand, as Sans stepped forward, Scythe of Fear in hand.

"It tormented us for too long. So it is time to end this monstrosity, once and for all."

Snas and Asriel nodded, as Asriel spoke out.

"For everyone's Hopes and Dreams."

Hate than charged toward, and used a Perseverance Claw and nearly sliced Chara, if Sans did not use Blue Magic.

Asriel, not happy about that, made a fireball and condensed it in front of Hate's face.

Before Hate can react, the fireball exploded into its face, sending it flying back and damaging the entity badly, although it was able to regenerate.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The entity than made a Bravery Claw, and aimed it at Chara, but Chara than made a dome of Kindness with the True Knife. But the claw began to pierce the dome and detonated, before Chara sends it up into the air. Than, Hate stabbed the ground with a blade, and the ground began to glow red, as Sans looked down, before he than spoke out.

"Oh, I remember this part, except for one."

Sans than raised his Scythe of Fear into the air, before he than slammed it onto the ground, making a powerful explosion onto the floor, as Hate replicated Chara's Special Hell, and both attacks countered each other. And at the same time, Hate grew legs after splitting the lower part of the body into 2 halves.

Sans, Chara, and Asriel looked at each other, as Sans spoke out to the 2 kids.

"We need to lure Hate away from the city, and fast."

Chara and Asriel nodded, as Chara spoke out.

"Let's go."

Sans nodded, as all 3 of them began to flee from Hate, fast, for it can chase them.

The Hate than began to chase after Asriel, Sans, and Chara, as it landed into a wall and than resumed chasing, it's face cracked a little bit, as it than turned from Pink to Red, meaning that it is grown from having Fear to having Determination. It than opened the palm of its hand, as it than got ready to do something.

Hate than began to fire a yellow bullet of Justice, as it than shot the attack at Sans and Chara. But Sans managed to find a way to counter it.

Sans spun his scythe as fast as he can, as he built up energy, before he than swung the scythe with all of his might, sending a slash of fiery magenta energy at HATE, and the damage that the Scythe had done, it was far more damaging than the Trident. It was also able to cleave through the blast, as Sans looked annoyed and spoke out.

"Ah, great. Now the Hate has gained Determination."

Asriel than looked at Hate, and he saw that it is touching the ground, and than, dark blue pulse emerged from the fingers.

It didn't take long for Sans to realize what is about to happen, as Chara and Asriel were forced down. But Sans was not, due to the fact that he used it on himself and thus, Hate is unable to take over that part of Sans. But than, Hate did something else that is completely unexpected.

Hate made an Integrity Circle in front of it, and punched it, as it than began to made a dark blue blast. But Chara puts a dime around the 3 of them, as it exploded, sending it towards the cliff, and into an area. The very same area that Sans and Frisk had once again battled against Bete Noire. The Dome was put down, as Sans got out his Scythe again, along with Asriel getting out his Chaos Sabers. Chara then opened his eyes, his sclera turned black, as he than spoke out.

"Our turn."

Then, the Hate rushed forward towards then, and did another trick.

Hate then gained a Patience Whip through its own arm, using it like a tendril, as Asriel and Sans than began to prepare against that.

Sans stepped forward, the Hate than tried to hit Sans, only for Sans to make a vine and wrap it around the whip, as Asriel than rushed in and sliced the tendril. He than tried to use Shocker Breaker on Hate, but Hate then made a dome of kindness around itself, in order to defend against that attack. But Chara than used Animosity, and half of his face is than covered in the Hate. Hate shrieked in pure animistic rage, as it than true to stab Chara, only for Chara to stab it first, and he built up energy to explode it, the explosion being as strong as a miniature nuke. The explosion than needed, as Sans, Asriel, and Chara looked down at the crater, with Chara a little relieved, and went onto his kneee, but that relief was short-lived, as Sans than spoke out.

"Chara...it is not over. It seems a little too easy to make this over.

And right on cue, something began to crawl out of the hole. The entity came out of the hole, and it is none other than Hate itself, now having a much more different appearance. It now links more like a humanoid, and is muscular in appearance, the build resembling that of a male.

It now has red eyes with pupils, and in its hand, is a Greatsword of some kind, as Sans than spoke out.

"Oh no. Chara, you did not destroy it. I think that you made it a lot more powerful than before. Now it is now a being of DETERMINATION."

Chara, Sans, and Asriel stepped back, as Hate stepped forward the Greatsword ready, as it is about to attack.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then, the Hate charged forward, in an attempt to kill then, as it swung the Greatsword at the group. But Sans instantly got in the way, as Sans than swung his Scythe of Fear at the Greatsword, as Sans struggles against the newfound Strength of Hate, due to becoming the most powerful it's ever been, and yet, so is Sans. But Sans is still a little bit behind, as he is than kicked very hard into the stomach and sent backwards into the wall of the cliff, crashing into it, and taking damage. Chara looked at Sans, before he than turns back to Hate, before he then swung his blade, and clashed with the Greatsword that is so much bigger than compared to Chara's blade. But than, Chara was able to swing his knife fast enough to slice the face of Hate, making a very small wound, but a still very noticeable cut. But this did very little to make Hate stop, as it than grabbed onto Chara's blade before crushing it with its barehands, sweep-kicking underneath Chara, before trying to sliced him in half. But Chara was able to make a shield of Determination and block the attack, as Chara is simply sent flying backwards. But thankfully for Chara, Asriel, who had not fought yet, was able to catch him, as both Chara and Asriel smiled at each other. Sans than teleported as well, as he than glared at Hate, his eyes empty and black, as if the eye-lights are no longer there inside of his sockets. He than held out his hand, and summoned the Scythe of Fear into his hand again, while Asriel and Chara gripped their swords, as all 3 of them attacked Hate while in the air itself. However, Hate was looking at one of them, Asriel, as well as at Sans, due to the fact that even when compared to Chara, these 2 monsters are more dangerous than Chara himself, because of their unique magical abilities, Asriel with the Rainbow Soul, and Sans with his ability to absorb magic and use it as his own, while also keeping it. Which is why he is going to make it too priority to try and kill the both of them first. He fights off against all 3 of them with its sword, as he knocked Asriel to the ground and knocked Asriel a little, while Sans also began to clash with Hate a little bit more longer, due to his immense power. But Hate was slightly more immense, as it is physically more powerful than Sans, with Sans launching backward and going onto the ground for a little bit, as Sans than stood up from the attack. Hate than turned to Chara, and tries to cleave him in half from underneath him, but Sans than got in the way, as he than made a wall of purple bones. But Chara and Sans were launched into the air, as Sans and Chara looked to see that Hate has also went into the air itself, ready to come and attack them. Chara puts up another shield, which is cracked, but Sans decided to take a different approach. He than summoned a Trident in his other hand, and began to dual wield it against Hate. Luckily, his training with the King of Monsterkind has really paid off, as he clashed and grind their blades against each other. But Sans was than forced down to the ground, while Chara's shield had been broken, and Chara had also crashed into the ground, but more faster and harder than Sans, almost like he had turned into a very destructive meteorite.

Asriel than woke up, as Sans began to stand up and both looked to see Chara on the ground, injured and bloodied up. Hate than tried to stab Chara from above, but before it can do that, Asriel and As got Chara out of there fast, as Hate than stabbed the ground, and was a unable to stab Chara in the torso, like it had wanted to do so. But that did not stop Hate from doing its other trick next. The ground began to glow red, as Sans recognized the Special Hell move, except that it is far more potent and powerful than Chara's own version. Asriel, not knowing what to do, then summoned a Star Blazing beneath himself, while Sans simply went into the air with a Gaster Blaster. The attack detonated, and Asriel and Chara were both sent into the air, as Asriel shouted out Chara's name.


Chara opened his eyes, before widening in fear, as he shouted out.

"Look out!!"

Asriel and Sans looked and saw that Hate was coming! Asriel, not wanting to see his Best Friend die, then let's go of him, as Sans and Asriel began to try and fight it. But Hate knocked out one of Asriel's Chaos Sabers and Sans' Scythe of Fear, and before the both of them knew of what is about to happen, Asriel was suddenly stabbed in the stomach by the Greatsword, while Sans' chest had been pierced by one of Hate's hands, causing their souls to appear, Asriel's Rainbow Soul, and Sans' Determination Soul. Both Souls shattered, and Chara, his face in despair and agony, has most of his face covered in Animosity, as if he is about to be take. Over by Hate again. But than, Asriel grabbed onto the sword and shattered it, while Sans held onto the arm of Hate with one of his hands used the other to Karate-Chop it in half, as Asriel became taller and grew horns, and wore purple clothing, while Sans' eyes turned purple and red, as both Sans and Asriel pushed Hate away, with Sans firing Gaster Blasters at Hate.

Asriel has returned into his God of Hyperdeath form, after he had refused Death, and Sans went back to the Executioner form, although Sans teleported back down quickly. And needless to say, he is now ready to fight Hate more easily this time, due to his immense power, and since 1/7th of Determination is inside of Asriel, just as there is 1/7th of all of the other traits inside of him, he is as powerful as he once has been, with all 7 of the Human Souls within him. And Sans aided in making the 1/7th Determination appear.

Hate crashed into the ground, as a powerful explosion happened, but Hate then sprung back, as Asriel than locked hands with hate, and tried to overpower one another.

Asriel snarled and bared his teeth, as he than pushed Hate back. Hate than reeled his fist back in order to punch Asriel, but then, a slash appeared and sliced his shoulder, later revealing to be none other than, Chara, who had used the True Knife against it. Hate landed onto the ground, with both Sans and Asriel appearing beside Chara. Hate than made a Greatsword and tried to overpower the group, but Chara, Asriel, and Sans, using the Chais Sabers, True Knife, and Scythe of Fear, blocked the attack, and it is with less issue than expected, although this is likely because Sans is aiding them in this fight. They than made a powerful slash of rainbow energy, as Sans than launched a few Magic Blasts at Hate, causing the arrow-shaped objects to explode upon impact with its body. Asriel than threw his Chaos Saber at Hate, but Hate than moved out of the way. However, Chara than moved behind Hate and grabbed onto it, as Asriel than used a Star Blazing to hold his left shoulder in place. However, Phantom Papyrus appeared and held the right shoulder in place, and Sans appearing behind Hate as well, and before Hate knew of it, both Sans and Chara sliced both of Hate's shoulders with Scythe and Knife. However, Hate regenerates his arms, and summoned his Greatsword again, as he than swung it at Chara, who blocked the attack, and Sans than swung his Scythe as well, as both Hate and Sans looked at each tiger, Greatsword and Scythe grinding against each other, with Sans' left eye than turning from cyan an Pink, as Sans than used his Hallucinations, and made multiple hits, which charged at Hate. It tried to defend against them, but all of them were fakes, except for one, as Sans sliced the Scythe across the chest if Hate itself. As that happened, Asriel rushed forward, and held something in his hand, and Hate prepared to use his Greatsword to strike him down.

Asriel had aimed his Chaos Buster, having already charged a rainbow beam, and before HATE can strike, the Rainbow Beam was fired, and hits Hatw square in the chest. This sends it flying backwards, before falling down to the ground. The hole in its chest, however, regenerated, and he than stood up, only to see Asriel doing something that is very strange.

When Asriel raised his hands up into the sky, rainbow electricity sparked around his body, as Hare looked up, only to see a large Star Blazing appear above the sky, and it is coming down to strike at Hate. But Hate did not take the chance and leapt up, a it than destroyed it. But this was a trick, as Chars behind it, the True Knife in reverse grip, and it glowed purple, with Sans holding a trident, as Hate than used its hand and weapon to stop both attacks. But the Trident began to generate fire and the True Knife began to charge up, and before Hate knew what was going to happen, the 2 weapon exploded, sending it back to the ground. It than stood up, and it is than yanked to the side, as Hate turned to see that this is because of Asriel's special attack.

Asriel had summoned the Hyper Goner, as Hate is than pulled into it. But Hate than grabbed onto the top and bottom part of the mouth, as to not get inside. However, Sans and Chara are not going to allow this happen, as Chara than made a few dozen red slashes, and Sans summoned a lot of Gaster Blasters, and then, they both fired the attacks they have, with Sans also making a pink slash from the Scythe. And because Hate is already using his hands, it cannot defend itself, and instead, got hit by the power of the Gaster Blasters, and the red and pink slashes, resulting in it getting inside of the Hyper Goner. The Hyper Goner than closed it's mouth, and within seconds, the Huoer Goner exploded in a large variety of colors.

The explosion is so powerful, even Sans was a little bit moved by its power.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once the explosion happened, the sky, which had turned into a Blood-Red color, now became back to normal, as Chara and Asriel were both in unconscious briefly, but not Sans, as Sans stood up, and looked around, the sky is back to a beautiful Night color, but as Chara woke up, both Sans and Chara looked to see that Hate, it is still alive, in a way, but is slowly dying and breaking down. Hate than looks at Asriel, and stood up, before rushing to him in a last-ditch effort to kill him. Sans, refusing to fail Asriel again and let him die, goes in front of Hate in order to try and stop it, but then, before Sans could fight hate, Chara went in front of Hate, and stopped its assault on Sans and Asriel, and to the shock of the 2, Hate stopped, as it no longer decided to keep on going. It than stepped back, as it looked at Chara, before lowering its head, closing its eyes in defeat, before opening them, with an...odd body gesture that it has.

The Hate...it looked...Sad. Even though Hate has done a bunch of evil stuff, too many to count, Sans cannot help by feel pity for the entity. The Hate, after a couple of more minutes, it had than disappeared, as it than disintegrated, a solemn aura is all that remained of the only proof that Hate was once there.

Sans than sighed, as he than sat down to the ground, seeing that, it is finally over. HATE is gone, with the only ones that have it are Chara and Sans, who had tamed it.

Sans than looked up into the air, the Night Sky, that he had always wanted to look up at for a month, he gets to finally see it. He lays down onto his back, and while unable to hear Chara and Asriel speaking, he than spoke out.

"It's finally over. Frisk...you have been avenged. And so did everyone else that had been killed by both Bete and Hate. No longer...will it terrorize us all again."

He looks up at the stars, and he cannot imagine seeing the moon of Bete Noire's creator, screaming in rage and despair at the face that her own creation had fallen, and instead of separating the monsters, she instead united them far more than expected. Basically, Bete ended up doing the absolute opposite. The opposite of what she and her creator had intended. Sans smiled widely, as he than wished that he could at least see the creator of Bete's face, and even gloat at her in the fact that, she did not split the monsters and the humans apart as she wanted, and that all she accomplished,  was making them together, stronger. But for now..he can enjoy the victory that he, Chara, and Asriel had gained, as they face up at the starry night sky, Sans smiling like usual, as he then hopes that he can recover in time to see both Papyrus and his father.

1 day later...

Sans is now inside of a hospital, as he is waking down the hallway, before he than reached a female nurse, and luckily, he was noticeable by the nurse, as he spoke out.

"Identity and purpose."

Sans looked up at the Nurse as he than spoke out.

"My name is Sans. I would please like to see Gaster."

The nurse typed into her computer, and seeing that there is Gaster's name on the records, he nodded and spoke out.

"You may go."

Sans nodded, as he than walked to where Gaster is, after the Nurse gave Sans a slip of paper. Sans sighed, as he walked to where Gaster is. He could have teleported, but he is so very exhausted from what happened back there. And he wants to recover from what had happened back there. He than went to the door, and he than knocked onto the door, and Papyrus' voice spoke out.


Sans than opened the door, as he than looked to see Gaster on a bed. Papyrus is sitting next to him, as both Gaster and Papyrus look to see that Sans is still alive, and he is very well.

"Oh, Sans. I...I didn't expect to see you. What...what happened, while I was out?"

Sans looked at Gaster, a little bit silent for a few moments, before he than spoke out.

"We won."

This made Gaster confused, as he than spoke out.

"We won the fight. Bete, she is dead, and will no longer be a threat to humankind and monsterkind anymore. We're now okay."

This made Gaster stunned, as he than spoke out.

"And besides..."

He than opened his hand, and revealed his New Scythe, which manifested into his hand, as Sans spoke out.

"I got some new stuff that I can use."

This made Papyrus stunned, as he spoke out.


Sans than spoke out.

"By killing her, that's how. And since I killed her, I was able to gain most of her magic. I didn't get all of it, but this is still enough."

This made Gaster stunned, before tears of relief fell down from his face, as he than held his face with one hand and spoke out.

"I am...so happy. We can all finally live the lives that we all wanted to live for. We can now...go home again."

Sans nodded, as he smiled, his left eye flashed purple and pink for a little bit, before he than spoke out.

"Yeah, home, and, hehehe, ironically, because of what Bete had done, instead of separating the humans, like she wanted, she instead United them, far more than expected. And now, all of us are truly together and able to coexist with them. How funny is that?"

Sans chuckled a little bit, and Papyrus did as well, along with Gaster, as they laughed together. Finally, after what must have been such a very long time, the entire Monsterkind and Humankind are all together again. But as Sans laughed, unbeknownst to Sans, within the Save Screen, a file had been uploaded inside of it. At first, the file began to glitch, and became unreadable. But in time, it stopped glitching and became more clearer to read by the second. The file then read as:

Sans                           LV: 20                         HP: 660,950

ATK: 9999              DEF:9999


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