Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.
One day, something's changed
A strange feeling of cold hard stone is felt on his back. The feeling was very stressful and painful, almost as if he has been lying on solid concrete for a week. A finger twitched, then another, and then, all of his fingers began to twitch and move of their own accord. And then, after a very long time...something happened. A fist...clenched tightly, as he then woke up. A grunt was heard, and then, an eye opened, as he then looked up to see that he is looking at a shining light above him, before he then stood up, and sees that he is at the beginning of Mount Ebott...where the human falls down into the flowers. But...what he is doing here?
"Oh, thank goodness, you're awake!!"
A panicked voice spoke out. Dust then turned around, and he looks to see Vivian.
Vivian looks a bit panicked, her hair looks a little messy and wild in some places, almost looking as though she had been running for her life for 4 days. Dust looked, and he sat up, and spoke out.
" that you?"
Vivian nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Yes, it's me!"
Then, coming to Dust are Braixen and Ninetales, and they both hugged him as well. Dust hugged the both of them back, as he looks at them, almost looking just Vivian in terms of state, in which they had fur sticking out all over the place, looking disheveled.
Braixen and Ninetales also looked scared, just as much as Vivian. Then, another voice spoke out.
Dust turns around to see that Dustbelief Papyrus is present, as he picks up Sans and spoke out.
This made Dust confused.
"Ummm...what? What do you mean changed?"
Ninetales then made used an ice beam to make a thick pillar of ice, and Dust then looks at it to see what Dustbelief Papyrus meant by that.
Staring back at Dust...was his face...but his eye lights have turned different, now resembling his normal eye lights before he got his LV. This made Dust alarmed, as he blinks his eyes, in order to see if his eye lights have changed. Surprisingly, they are able to still look the same as before...but how did this happen? Dust doesn't remember what happened, that lead to his eye lights becoming this way. In fact, he does not remember what lead Dust to go to this point either.
"Guys...what happened? did we get into this position in the first place? I don't remember us going into the beginning of Mount Ebott...and why aren't we in the Omega Timeline?"
Everyone looked a little bit uncomfortable talking about it, before Dustbelief spoke out.
Dust didn't know why...but he did...and he summoned his bones...and they are now a white color again!! This made Dust's eyes widened in alarm. He checked himself...and he saw what happened to his powers. The magic he absorbed...they are gone!!! They vanished like it is nothing!!! All he kept is the bones, blue magic, his Gaster Blasters, Gaster Blastermination...and his DT, LV, and Stats...but the Stats have changed. In fact, he has no idea what his full stats are now when involving his HP, ATK, and DEF, because now the stats involving those 3 are a jumble of numbers that constantly switch. But he can see that...most of the time, it clearly changes to 84 HP, 34 ATK, and 4 DEF. Dust is now confused, as he spoke out.
"Okay, this is wrong, what in the world is happening? My stats are not like this!"
Then, a voice spoke out.
"I think it is best if I can explain."
The group then turned around, and they saw that it is none other then Dream himself, who looks a little bit unhappy, but is not as afraid as the others, although Dust could tell that Dream is somewhat stressed.
"Dream, is that you?"
Dream nodded his head, his Golden Wings flapped a bit, but are now hanging from his back, almost as if they have given up, despite the fact that they are still strong.
" is me. And honestly...I am not surprised that you have no idea what had just happened, because of the fact that you had...changed...due to what has happened to the Multiverse itself, as well as everyone living in it."
Core!Frisk also appeared, and she looked distressed and unhappy, as she then spoke out.
"It was of the worst events that have happened in the entire Multiverse, and all because of the battle that had occurred inside of the Omega Timeline."
Dust now became concerned, as he sat up and spoke out.
"Battle? What battle? Core, Dream, what in the world happened?"
Dream sighed, as how spoke out, his tone tired and low.
"About that...Dust...the Omega Timeline has went into another battle against Team Void. They...they had decided to go and invade the Timeline again, just to try and stop us, but thankfully, Core saw it happen, and thus, we were barely able to prepare in time, and went into combat against them. They were stronger then last time...but so were we, and we were able to match the might of Team avoid, in order to hold them back."
Core then took the turn to speak.
"But then...something happened. The MainFrame, the realm that Error404 resided in...for some began to go to glitch and malfunction, which resulted in countless entities gathering into a single white mass...and causing all of the AUs in the Multiverse to suddenly become fused also."
This made Dust shocked, as he spoke out.
"What? Everyone...fused together..."
Dream then spoke out.
"Well...not in the way that you think. They fused with their respective counterparts. Sanses fusing together with other Sanses, Papyruses fusing together with other Papyruses, you get the idea."
Dust was even more shocked then before.
"Wait...but am I here?"
Vivian then spoke out to him.
"I did it. I saw you were about to join with the other Sanses, along with Papyrus. So I grabbed you both and sunk into the ground as quickly as possible, and I had to wait until it all passed."
Core then spoke out.
"Not without consequences, however. The MainFrame, because it malfunctioned, changed you to a body that resembles that of your original Murder self."
This made Dust confused, as he then spoke out.
"What do you mean by...original Murder self?"
Dream then decided to take the then to speak.
" you know...those that take the position of Dust!Sans...whenever a Dust!Sans kills a powerful monster, such as Toriel, Undyne, and Asgore, just to name a few, you would gain the magic of the ones that you had killed, as well as the soul modes of the magic that these monsters have. However...that is only in the case of these alternate versions of Dust, which are not the original. You see, the original Dust!Sans, called Murder, is the true version of him. This version of Murder, the original, he simply gains powerful stats and increases in power, but he does not gain the power of the monsters that he has killed. So, when the MainFrame malfunctioned..."
Dust then finished, realizing what must have happened.
"The MainFrame mistaken me as the original Murder, and 'corrected' my mistakes, the powers that I had absorbed."
Dream nodded, as Core then spoke out.
"That is right. And because of this, the MainFrame's coding changed you so much that it caused a lot of pain to you...and it knocked you out, as well as erase your memories of what happened at the battle. And now...the things outside...the fusion of all the alternate counterparts of the monsters that are more well known...they have fused into horrific and mutated monstrosities. We call these fused entities...IT."
Murder hugged his body, as he cannot believe what had just happened. The entire Multiverse has fused into a single Universe, and now everything has gone to shit. He then looks at Dream and Core, before speaking out.
"Are there anyone that has not became like these...IT beings?"
Dream then spoke.
"Only a bit. Shattered and Nightmare are okay, and Dream is also okay, along with me. Righteous and Alpha, they are still alive and well...with Righteous even taking TimeKid, Nightmare Mode Sans, Tint, Glitchtale, Flowerfell Sans and Frisk, and Abyss with him in order to escape this when it happened, with Error404 also being okay, obviously. Fresh is also okay himself. King Multiverse is okay, but he is hidden away, But both the normal Error and Ink...along with everybody else...they were caught in the crossfire."
Murder although he sounds a little bit relived that some of his allies are now unhappy and stressed at the fact that this happened to many of his other allies. A single battle took place, and all of a sudden, the MainFrame decided to malfunction and do all of this. And DustShift...she is likely caught in the crossfire as well. But what counterpart she fused with, Murder does not know. Murder then looked down at he then spoke out.
"Well that is just great...what are we supposed to do now? And I doubt that I can be of aid...considering how weakened I've become."
Core then spoke out.
"Not true, Murder."
This made Murder confused, as Dream spoke out.
"You see, you still kept your power to change into your Nightmare Mode. So you can still become as powerful as you were before, and you kept your abilities. And there is a way for you to somewhat fix your problem with the powers that you had lost."
Murder then looked interested and eager, as Dream continued.
"You see, even though Murder cannot absorb the power of those he gains...he can use his bones to copy the power of the ones he kills, although he has never ever used this power."
This made Murder stunned as he spoke out.
"I...I can do that? I can copy their power?"
Dream then spoke out.
"Well, not all of them, I don't think. The only powers that I know that he can copy is the Trident, Spear, and Bombs, although all of them will be made of bones, and that's it."
Murder then looked down at his hands, and he then stood up, before he spoke out.
"Well...if you are right about this, if you are truthful about this...then..."
Murder held his hand out, as he concentrated on his power to try and make a Trident with his own power. His sweated a little bit, as he concentrates with all that he can, but eventually, bone began to form, as 3 prongs began to float in the air above the bone that is forming the handle. And everyone watched, as the Trident made of bone is now able to form, and Murder opened his normal white eye lights, as he looked at the weapon that he has made. He observes it, and gets in front of the group, before he stabbed the ground, and more bone tridents erupted, the same way that Asgore is able to do it. Murder stepped back, as he then brings the Trident out from the ground, before he then spoke out.
"Okay...may not be as I can't use fire, but it'll work for now."
The other nodded, as Murder then raised his hands, and made the longer bones he uses, but it is sharper on one end, similar to Killer's own sharp bones, except that Murder's longer. He remembers how Undyne commands the spears, and after concentrating, he is able to fire the Sharp Bones, and do it in a similar way. Murder then spoke out.
"Prefect. And now...for the bomb..."
He then held his hand, and after a little bit of concentrating...a bomb was made, but the bomb is made entirely of bones. He then concentrated hard on the energy of the Gaster Blaster, so that the blast would be condensed inside of the bomb that he is making in using his own powers. He just hope that it will work. He looks up, and throws it at a wall, and then, the bomb exploded, firing energy blasts in 4 directions, and luckily, none of them hit or even got close to his allies, before Murder then spoke out.
"Okay, now that's very damaging."
Vivian nodded, as she then spoke out.
"Really i-i-is. Wow, I didn't know you can do that."
Murder nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, didn't know that I can do that as well. Really should have thought of that when I still had my usual powers, even though the fireballs are a bit more better then the bombs. Well, can't be helped now."
Murder then looks at Core, and spoke out to her
"That reminds me. Core, about the Omega it gone?"
Core then shook her head, as she then spoke out to him.
"No, it's not gone, the Omega Timeline is still intact, but it is now empty of the inhabitants that had once lived inside of it. All of the inhabitants, except for those that do not have a counterpart...are dead."
Murder clenched his fist, and nodded his head, understanding what Core means. After all, ever since what had happened before, it would have been very obvious that the Omega Timeline would be empty. As Murder looked at the group...all of a sudden, a glitchy portal opened, as Righteous!Error, Tint, Nightmare Mode Sans, TimeKid, Glitchtale, and Abyss are present, with Righteous!Error seemingly a little bit happy that Core is still here.
"Core, thank goodness that you are still here. Thought that you would have joined in with these fused beings."
Core shook her head, and smiled at Righteous!Error, before she then spoke out.
"No, I'm still here. I would not have been able to join the IT beings. I do not have a true physical body, so I am still fine."
Righteous!Error nodded, as he then spoke out.
"And Murder...I see you have changed as well."
Murder nodded.
"Yeah, because the MainFrame malfunctioned. Now I became something similar to what the normal Murder is like."
Righteous!Error spoke out.
"I see...well...I can bring one of my buddies in here to aid you guys in this...but that is if you are willing to allow them to be with you."
Murder looks at Righteous and nodded his head, as TimeKid then spoke out.
"I can go. After all, I haven't taken action yet, and I want to help in this as well. After all, this thing has became a mess."
Righteous!Error nodded, as he spoke out.
"Okay, sure. While me and the others will go and see what is wrong with the MainFrame, and hopefully, we are able to fix this."
TimeKid then went through the portal, and luckily, he is able to go through without becoming fused with...the IT beings, mainly because the effect has passed.
TimeKid is smiling, because he is still okay without consequences. He then spoke out to Murder.
"Hello, Murder. I'm TimeKid. We've never met before, but I am a part of Team Hope. It's nice to meet you."
Murder nodded, as he looks down at TimeKid.
"Yeah, nice to meet you as well."
Vivian smiled, as she looks down at the version of Sans that is before her very eyes, admitting that he looks so adorable, due to the fact that it is a kid version of Sans. Now she is beginning to wonder, what would a kid version of Murder look like in her eyes. This thought now gets her very curious to find out. As that happened, the sound of a footstep was heard, as everyone turned to see what it is. When they looked at the direction, they saw what it is that has made the footsteps before.
Appearing from the entrance that leads a Frisk...and one that is without a face! The version of Frisk looks at the group, as Murder and the others looked disturbed.
" this one of the...IT...entities?"
Murder spoke out, as Core nodded her head.
"Yes...I think so. This IT entity appears to be a fusion of all of the Frisks from all of the Alternate Timelines and the Alternate Universes."
Murder looks a little bit alarmed at hearing this. Now he is a bit more worried then before. He knows that they said that the IT entities are a fusion of all of the other versions of himself and the others, but this...this looks horrible, having a Frisk without a face. He cannot imagine what else would happen, what the other IT entities would look like, and how powerful that they are. And Dream...he cannot tell what the IT Frisk is thinking, due to the fact that the emotions and feelings of the IT entities are scrambled and messed up. The Frisk IT then raised one of their fingers, and did a beckoning gesture, as if to tell them to come with them.
"You know what, I'll join in as well."
Glitch said, as he stepped out of the portal, his hands in his pocket, as his 2 blue eyes gleamed.
Then, another voice spoke out.
"I'll join in as well."
Flowerfell Sans and Frisk also appeared, having decided to go into this thing as well. After all, they can't stay cooped up in Righteous' place forever.
Righteous nodded, as he spoke out.
"Best follow this...IT...she'll lead you to where you'll all need to go."
Dust and the others looked skeptical, except for Dream and Core, as Rigtheous closed the glitchy portal quickly. Murder sighed, as he spoke out.
"So we do this..."
Core nodded, as Murder sighed, and Flowerfell spoke out.
"Feeling like we're gonna regret this."
Braixen and Ninetales also looked uncomfortable, as Murder then spoke out.
"Well, no use complaining now. Let's go and get out of this place. And follow that IT Frisk."
Everyone nodded, as Core spoke out.
"Good luck."
Core then vanished, as everyone followed the IT. And needless to say, it is such an uncomfortable experience to be with them, due to the fact that it is a being that lacks a face. Honestly, Murder and the others have no idea what to say in this situation, so they all decided that perhaps it is best that they simply have their mouths remain shut and not speak at all. He just hopes that the trip will go smoothly for him and the others...but Murder knows very should not jinx something such as this. After all, the moment that you jinx it, it is the moment that you will make a very big mistake, and actually make something bad happen to you.
They continued to walk for a minute, before they then are able to stumble into something into a green patch.
Before the group, is a Flowey...but it looks messed up. This Flowey has his peddles decaying and dropping down, with his mouth a mangled mess. Dust looked shocked, as Vivian spoke out.
"O-O-Oh my goodness."
Murder whistled, as he spoke out.
"Yikes. Flowey has sure seen better days."
Murder, Dustbelief, Vivian, and IT Frisk's souls flickered, as they entered the battle phase...but nothing happened...until IT Flowey fled the battle...before he spoke a single word out to the group.
The voice was echoing, almost as if millions upon millions of voices are speaking in perfect Union inside of Flowey's mouth. And unknown voice spoke out.
"But nobody came."
They battle ended, and Murder looked confused and weirded out at the even that had just happened all of a sudden, with Murder speaking out.
"Okay, this is seriously wrong."
Braixen and Ninetales nuzzled into Murder form comfort, as Glitch looked at then, before he then spoke out.
"Heh...poor little pals. They seem to be in a panic."
Murder then rubbed his hands onto them, with Vivian also seeming to be scared, and hugged Murder from behind to gain some form of comfort. Murder sighed, as IT Frisk then continued to go on forward. After a little while, they are then able to make it into the ruins.
They are at the steps, and Frisk pressed onto the stars, and Murder sees a dialogue.
You're filled with [SWAP ADJ]"
Murder looked weirded out, as he spoke out.
"Okay, now something is seriously wrong."
Vivian looked confused at what he meant, due to not being able to see what Murder sees, but does not question any further. They kept on moving, and they then go to a hallway, with 2 doorways, one that they went through, and one that is in front of them, with a lot of red petals all over, and there is something in the middle of the red petals.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Before the group, is a the appearance of Napstablook's face. seems...distressed. Murder looked disturbed, along with everyone else, but Murder kept his head cool, with Vivian hugging Murder more tightly then ever before. It is obviously an IT Napstablook. The battle starts, and IT Frisk checks on the puddle.
"Puddle - ATK 0 DEF 0
It has some scrap metal floating inside."
Wow, and Murder thought that he was the weakest monster from before, but his is even worse. IT Frisk then uses the flirt potion, which made Murder and Glitch weirded out, because how can you flirt with a puddle. IT Frisk speaks...but when they was not normal sentences. It was a jumble of sentences and letters, almost like the words have been assembled to make failed attempts at speaking, having only gibberish being the language. The Puddle begins to foam a little. Murder then spoke out.
"Can it hear us?"
IT Frisk doesn't speak, but she, the puddle, which is weird. Then, the puddle began to expel some sort of white liquid of sort into the air. And that is when Murder spoke out to the puddle
"Hey, you able to speak?"
Then, the puddle began to son uncontrollably,
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No."
IT Frisk then took the turn to speak, and it began to sob less, almost as of IT Frisk began to try and comfort it, as it then spoke out.
"No more. No more. No more. No more."
It sound a little bit heartbreaking, almost sounding like a truly mentally scarred monster that experienced something so traumatizing. But Frisk continued to try and talk to it, and eventually, it stopped crying. Then, a frightening music filled the room, before the puddle vanished.
Frisk picked something up, as they then wandered forward, with the group following them. This is gonna be a long day.
Omega Timeline...
Core looks at the empty part of the Omega Timeline, near a battle sight of some sort. This one is where Ink and Error fought, as the puddle is filled with red bones, ink, and strings, and needless to say, to see the Omega Timeline in such a state is so disheartening. But there was this one funny scene that Core had seen Ink do to Error.
Error is seen firing strings at Ink, who then made a wall of paint to block the attack and moved to the side, and Error shouted out.
"Ink, do not try and dodge me continuously!!! It is not fun!! Come at me, so I can come at you!!! Let's throw hands!!!!"
Then, a small black shape hits Error in the face, which made Error confused, because he has no idea where in the world that came from, before he is then hit by hundreds more with Ink using his small brushes to fire his attacks faster. Error was not in a pile of black masses, before Error dug himself out of it, before he then grabbed onto one of them, and he saw that the black things are shaped like skeleton hands, and Error shouted out.
"Ink, what the hell?!"
Ink then spoke out.
"What's the matter? You said to throw hands at each other, so I am throwing them at you. Come on, you do the same!"
Needless to say, Error did not like this, as he stood up and charged at Ink for this humiliating moment that he had made for him to have.
Core chuckled weakly at that moment, as she cannot help but think of it. It was needlessly one of the funniest moments she had seen, especially in a battle. But even did very little to make her feel better. But as Core looked down at the puddle...something began to happen. Suddenly, the bones and the puddle began to shift and gather around, as they began to draw more and more closer the center of the ink puddle, which made Core confused.
"Huh? What is this?"
Core said, as she sees that all of the bones and strings grew closer and closer...until all of a sudden...they were then submerged into the puddle, and it made Core confused at first...but then...Error signs began to form around the puddle...and then...something else happened, that Core did not expect to see. Unexpectedly, a hand rose out from the puddle slowly, the hand resembles and even looks like that of Error's hands. And then, another hand came out, and the 2 hands touched the ground, as something began to rise up. The top half skull of a skull, the face resembles that of Error Sans' face, but with some differences. The face, instead of having tear-like markings, has blue square-like markings on the cheeks, and the mouth, it has teeth that are green instead of yellow. And then, the eye opens, with the eyes showing that they are a yellow-colors socket, with 2 red eye lights, with the left eye having a plus-shaped pupil. This made Core stunned. Something, or rather...someone is being made, inside of the Omega Timeline, from the residue of Ink and Error's battle. It appears that today is going to be interesting.
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